‘Timewrought Kings’ is the debut album of the Dutch doom band formerly known as Monuments, and the result of many hours of arduous, passionate, and sometimes frustrating work. Following the EP, ‘The December Sessions’, ‘Timewrought Kings’ chronicles one’s apprehension at the transience of time and a growing disgust at the weakness in man, yet clinging on to some measure of hope and pride rooted in a sort of staunch steadfastness, and eventually abandoning society altogether. In a sense, one is wrought, or made into that which one is, by the inescapable arrow of time, constantly pushing one into a ceaseless industriousness celebrated by modern society.
Odradek Room, a progressive metal band with doom elements returns this autumn with their follow-up to their mature and intelligent debut album “Bardo. Relative Reality.” released in 2013. A four piece located in Mariupol, Ukraine, Odradek Room (named after Franz Kafka’s short story The Cares of a Family Man [1919]) uses doom metal as a base, but explores other musical genres to paint a rich palette of texture and atmosphere. Lyrically rooted in spiritual and philosophical themes, this is music that should appeal to introspective souls and deep thinkers.
The “Man of Silt” album explores the nature of personality, and is based on approaches and conceptual understanding of buddhism, but utilizes a system of european symbolism This is a story about an abstract travel of a human from nothingness to nonexistence, during which he tries to see and understand himself. He sees his personality melting and rising, splitting and merging. He sees that his personality is nothing more than a combination of figures like on a chessboard in Herman Hesse’s magic theatre. His personality is conditioned as everything else is in the world of forms. The human sinks in his own scaring, sick illusions and consciousness projections, and sees clear light and clear nature of reality. This story has neither a beginning nor an end, everyone who is born, who considers himself an individual, walks through this cycle…but in a new way each time. Everything is constantly changing…But in some way stays the same. Until one realizes this cycle.
“A Man of Silt” will be co-released between Hypnotic Dirge Records and BadMoodMan Music in an edition of 500 copies. A limited edition 6 panel digipack will also be available from each label in a limitation of 100 copies each. The album should appeal to fans of doom metal in general, but also listeners of prog metal bands such as late-Katatonia, mid-Opeth, Ihsahn, and Devin Townsend.
The silent infinity that rushes upwards, completely absorbs and calms. Is this the beginning of the end or the rebirth from the ashes?
One starts to understand that the existence is cyclic, it is like an autumn leaf moldering from a tired wind and giving life to timid plants with transparent souls in the spring. The noise of life is completely voiceless in comparison with the silent abyss, whose cry causes every cell of the body to dry out, sink and drown in helplessness. The subtle threads of existence that unite, explode, forming emptiness that is the flesh that can think. Life is infinite … however, it will continue only in the eyes of the beholder, in the mind of the thinker, in the heart of the lover. This delicate border lies between two CD’s of the Woe Unto Me’s new album, “Among The Lightened Skies The Voidness Flashed”.
Musically, conceptually and artistically, two album parts radically differ from each other: the first part immerses the listener in a gloomy and depressive atmosphere of versatile doom death metal, while the second part consists of acoustic melancholy, which envelops with the veil of autumn spleen and sad beauty.
The album features several famous representatives of the world doom scene: Thomas A.G. Jensen (SATURNUS), Daniel Neagoe (CLOUDS, EYE OF SOLITUDE, SHAPE OF DESPAIR), Jon Aldara (HAMFERD, BARREN EARTH, CLOUDS), Patryk Zwoliński (PROGHMA-C, ex-BLINDEAD, ex-NEOLITHIC, ex-ANTIGAMA).
The followup to Mesmur’s crushing eponymous debut, “S” is an apocalyptic funeral doom exploration of the madness of the cosmos. Combining plodding and malicious riffs with icy abyssal atmospheres, “S” creates a disturbing yet often beautiful representation of the chaotic void that is our universe.
An echoing thud in the chamber of human suffering, Mesmur aims to capture the sounds of a world that was doomed from the beginning. Led by the mastermind that brought to life the progressive black metal band Dalla Nebbia, Mesmur is funeral doom with a little bit extra. Blending influences ranging from the funerary dirges of Evoken to the mesmerizing atmosphere of Neurosis, Mesmur shows versatility in a genre where simplicity usually reigns.
For 12 years Solitude Productions has been pleasing the fans of the dark scene with various releases, and now keep tracking for modern bands all over the world. We just do what people who really love their work and doom should do.
To celebrate this birthday, we decided to make something special and we present first Doom:VS album “Aeternum Vale” on Vinyl!
Also we re-released some gems from early days Tears Of Mankind – To Solitude (with bonus tracks) and Comatose Vigil – Narcosis EP in digipak format
Looking back, we see how many excellent releases have been issued. However, we, as well, always look and forward, into the future.
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