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Benighted In Sodom - Hybrid Parasite Evangelistica (CD)

depressive black metal, BadMoodMan Music, BadMoodMan Music
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BMM. 038-10 xn
В наличии
Абсолютно новая работа от музыканта, уже успевшего принять участие в таких известных группах, как Bethlehem и Leviathan. Последовательно отражая в своём творчестве темы боли, страданий и суицида, Benighted In Sodom объединяет этой нуаровой тематикой свои разнообразные в своём исполнении музыкальные полотна, которые можно в целом охарактеризовать, как depressive black metal. Отчаянный атмосферный black metal, поддерживаемый активными клавишами рисует этот мир без прикрас - таким, какой он живёт в самых тёмных и пугающих глубинах человеческой души.

1 An Angel Circles the Drain 10:54
2 Dreamscape Overdose 2:17
3 Liquid Flowing From a Slashed Wrist 9:27
4 Nightshade & Arsenic 7:21
5 Solarium 11:49
6 The Surrogate 7:23

Benighted In Sodom
Страна артиста:
United States
Год альбома:
Hybrid Parasite Evangelistica
depressive black metal
Compact Disk
Jewel Case
BadMoodMan Music
Кат. номер:
BMM. 038-10
Год издания:
Mtuk Metal Zine

Well no-one could accuse Matron Thorn of being lazy, that’s for sure. He is probably one of the few musicians on the planet who could get away with telling Sin Nanna to pull his finger out, and that’s no mean feat. The guy must literally spend every minute of every day either writing and composing or else rehearsing and recording new material and the mind really does boggle at how fast this band appear to be churning out albums. ‘Hybrid…’ is album number three of 2010, and already there are two more albums scheduled before the year is out with a best-of due in 2011…and that’s omitting the 5 EPs they have put out as well. This would appear to be the most high profile release this Floridian outfit have put out, I’m not sure why this has ended up on the Solitude/BadMoodMan label but the rest of the albums including those that haven’t been released yet are all down as being on Obscure Abhorrence Productions which would explain their comparative obscurity.

This is my first encounter with the band, and while I often have my apprehensions over any artist that rushes out albums as though they were going out of fashion this has me intrigued to delve into their overly-extensive back catalogue and see what else they’ve done. ‘An Angel Circles The Drain’ comes sweeping in with a hypnotising guitar tone that is filled with desolation and despair. While wondering what on earth the title could possibly be all about, it’s clear that musically we’re in for a pretty grey and joyless ride. There’s something about the minimal tone of this that seems like a metaphor for the hollow soul, drums rattling around within an empty void while the overlying constant guitar tones sound incredibly jarring throughout this whole album.

There’s almost a dreaminess to ‘Dreamscape Overdose’ with its transcendental beauty and you can see heavy clouds drifting above and passing through into the next track. ‘Liquid Flowing From A Slashed Wrist’ continues that same misery-soaked tone and comes in with a rather ethereal intro passage before a pained scream opens up with some callous sounding guitars and drums that clatter away. At times the liquid ceases to flow and simply bubbles on the surface creating a total sense of unease, gradually working back to full speed. At over 8 minutes this is the longest track on the album, and near the end things really intensify with guitars that cut like a rusty razorblade and suicidal screams that seem to transcend to another world as ‘Nightshade And Arsenic’ sneaks in with its incredibly ethereal melody that drifts like a lost spirit until the harsh blackness of ‘Solarium’ crushes it beneath it’s presence.

The vocals are filled with anguish and Thorn really translates his desperation beautifully. There are times when this makes me feel a complete nothingness and the bleak reality becomes very apparent which I’m sure is their aim here. This is especially true with the cavernous screams of agony that are unleashed on ‘Solarium’ and even more so on ‘The Surrogate.’ Overall it goes without saying that this is a rather depressive listening experience and one that fans of Nortt, Xasthur and Bethlehem should really check out.

Author: Luci Herbert

Il est parfois bon, au milieu d'écoutes musicales arborant une violence semblant inépuisable et qui parfois atteint des sommets, de s'attarder sur certaines formations musicales adoptant un style contraires à nos goûts habituels afin de s'attribuer un souffle d'air frais et de nouvelles émotions. Bien que certains de ces groupes ne proposent pas d'oeuvres majeures ou ne révolutionnent pas le genre, s'appuyant sur ce que d'autres ont fait précédemment, on se surprendra à se laisser entraîner dans l'univers que ceux-ci développent sans rechigner et même avec une certaine aisance.
Benighted In Sodom entamera bientôt sa septième année d'existence et fait partie de ces groupes dont je vous parlais. Ces américains se sont avérés assez prolifiques depuis 2006, bombardant la scène de demos, splits, EP, Full-length se faisant par conséquent une relative renommée à force de travail. "Hybrid Parasite Evangelistica" est donc le sixième album de Matron Thorn qui se charge de tous les instruments, sauf la batterie tenue par son compagnon S.Blackburn et continue toujours dans cette voie musicale, mélancolique et déprimante où les couleurs chaudes et à la fois fades de la pochette prennent tout leur sens.

"An Angel Circles the Drain" débutera l'album en montrant l'un des deux visages que prend cet album. Cette face-ci adopte un mélange classique entre un riff mélodique morose et un chant désespéré que l'on peut retrouver dans tant d'autres combos de tous horizons, mais cela n'est pas un défaut car la recette est ici bien adaptée et a le mérite d'installer l'auditeur sur les bords de la jetée représentée sur l'artwork.
Il apparaîtra bien vite par la suite que cette forme de composition habituelle ne sera pas récurrente et que les différentes pistes arboreront un autre schéma de composition, l'homme à la tête du projet ne s'encombrant pas de morceaux tout fait et préfère laisser libre cour à ses sentiments et son imagination.

En ce point réside le second visage de l'album qui s'avère composé de plusieurs titres exclusivement instrumentaux et ce dès la deuxième piste "Dreamscape Overdose". Un riff distordu et entêtant sors du néant, pas de chant, pas de batterie, juste des sonorités ténébreuses qui le soutiennent, le seul but semble être de renforcer l'atmosphère déjà oppressante. Ceci dit, cette formule peut également être utilisée à bien des fins et cela M.T. l'a bien compris en offrant des interludes tels que "Nightshade & Arsenic" où l'atmosphère glauque laisse place à une belle mélancolie.
Là où cet opus prend tout son sens dans sa forme est qu'il est construit de manière très logique tant dans l'enchaînement des titres que dans leur composition en elle-même et ce en dépit du fait que le tout reste du déjà vu maintes et maintes fois.
"Solarium" la pénultième piste est un bon résumé de l'album en lui-même, ce titre à tiroir reprenant chaque élément déjà visité, de sa tristesse initiale à sa douleur centrale jusqu'à sa folie furieuse finale, parachèvement de l'album et mise en abîme idéale de toute l'intensité dont cette nouvelle sortie pouvait faire part.

Vous l'aurez compris, il n'y a rien de nouveau. Vous l'aurez également compris, ce n'est pas le genre d'album que l'on écoute pour passer un bon moment sous la force des headbangs provoqués par une jouissive brutalité. Non, cet album est un classique dans le genre et sa force réside dans le fait que les compositions tapent juste là où il le faut avec les éléments requis, le tout dans une logique certaine, permettant aux pistes même les plus longues de ne pas susciter l'ennui pour peu que l'on se prenne au jeu.
Ajoutons à cela quelques réminiscences de la formation de Kvarforth (Shining) dans sa période "The Eerie Cold" notables sur le troisième morceau "Liquid Flowing From a Slashed Wrist" et les amateurs du genre se verront contentés de leur achat.

"Hybrid Parasite Evangelistica" est donc un album solide pour Benighted In Sodom, bien que selon ce qu'il semble le groupe ne sera prochainement pas en manque de sorties. Une oeuvre à écouter avec le moment et l'humeur qui s'impose, pour s'en délecter de façon optimale et avoir le plus de chance de l'apprécier si vous n'êtes pas grand amateur du style.

Author: Valentheris

An Angel Circles The Drain begint en het voelt zwaar en log. Ik voel wel aan dat Matron iets probeert te vertellen met zijn muziek, maar ik voel niet wat. In het ruim tien minuten durende nummer kom ik niet lekker in de muziek. Het voelt voornamelijk hetzelfde aan met weinig variatie. Na het zware logge, kan er met Nightshade And Arsenic op adem gekomen worden. Het is een akoestische instrumentaal nummer, dat echt meer op het gevoel speelt dan de voorgaande nummers, maar het duurt wel wat lang. Of dat positief is, zal voornamelijk aan de bui liggen waarin de luisteraar zich op dat moment bevind. Met Solarium duikt Matron weer in het logge en zware als de voorgaande nummers. Het is duidelijk dat Benighted In Sodom muziek maakt dat niet toegankelijk is voor iedereen. Dat Matron het een vorm van kunst noemt kan ik begrijpen, maar net als alle moderne kunste is het gewoon niet voor iedereen te bevatten. Hybrid Parasite Evangelistica is daarmee een eigenaardig album dat hier en daar wel iets teweeg weet te brengen.

Door de hier en daar verrassende intervallen wordt het album gered. Het klinkt cru, maar niet alles kan fantastisch zijn. Toch weet Matron duidelijk zijn verhaal kwijt te kunnen. Of iedereen dat begrijpt is nog maar de vraag, maar Hybrid Parasite Evangelistica heeft duidelijk een speciale doelgroep die deze donkere kunst zeker weten te waarderen.

Author: Tim van der Weyden
Hymnes Funeraires

“Hybrid Parasite Evangelistica” is more an atmospheric black metal album rather than a DSBM one, even if the vocals used here would find their place in a depressive black metal band. The album seems to be quite emotional, but largely because of the vocals used. The vocals are full of desperation and frustration and there is no intention of hiding it.

The songs are pretty ordinary, simplistic (even minimalist at times) and monotonous. The songs never managed to awake a sense of “despair” in me, and in this kind of albums / genre of black metal (if we refer to DSBM) the vocals are not enough if the melody does not help.

The riffs used sound the same from one end to another, no variation in rhythm, nothing that would wake you out of this trance. If I had to find an action that would describe the album, I would say it might be “brainwashing” . “Hybrid Parasite Evangelistica” seems to induce you in a trance state, where you lose yourself completely.

The album has some big minuses over which I can not pass: songs are a little bit too long, no variations of sound, monotonous riffs … it makes you lose your interest at a time (or maybe I’m too anchored in different depressive black metal style ).
However, two songs did the trick and are worth a listen: “Night Shade & Arsenic” and the last song “The Surrogate”, which shows that different riffs and a different pace can sometimes do wonders.

The best way to find out if the album suits you and if its the one that you’re looking for, you can take a listen at their myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/benightedinsodom

Author: Zamo
Minacious Webzine

This is the latest Benighted in Sodom, oh no, wait, I just got word that Matron Thorn have recorded and released two new albums. Excuse my attempt at humour but Benighted in Sodom is a very prolific band, and a band that has upheld a level of quality throughout their career which is, quite frankly, impressive. Benighted in Sodom continues its mission to rape your mind and ears with slow, droning riffing, tortured vocals and negative lyrics and atmosphere. Musically this is noting new, but it is done with great skill and conviction and Benighted in Sodom manages to create a sonic landscape, a bleak and desolate landscape where your own despair and pain can roam free.

Author: Mordant

In Zeiten, in denen der kalte Krieg längst beendet ist, ist eine Zusammenarbeit der US-amerikanischen DepriBM-Band BENIGHTED IN SODOM mit dem russischen Label BadMoodMan Music (eng verquickt mit Solitude Productions) nicht wirklich spektakulär.

Das trifft es sogar ohne die Bemerkungen zum kalten Krieg. "Hybrid Parasite Evangelistica" (den Titel haben sie doch von Silenoz' 'DIMMU BORGIR-Albentitel Generator(TM)' erfinden lassen, oder!?) bietet nämlich typisch depressives Schwarzmetall: Ideen, die anderen Bands vielleicht für ein bis zwei Songs reichen oder gleich in die Tonne wandern, werden hier auf fast fünfzig Minuten ausgewalzt: Es gibt monotones Riffing, weitgehend unspektakuläre Lead-Gitarren, ein unsäglich rumpelndes Schlagzeug und viel zu weit im Vordergrund stehenden Gesang, der leider auch nicht besonders gekonnt wirkt.

Damit ist eigentlich schon alles gesagt. Es lässt sich zwar nicht verleugnen, dass ab und zu tatsächlich so etwas wie ganz ordentliche Melodien auftauchen - die harmonische Unterfütterung bleibt aber blass, abstrus, teils kontraproduktiv. Positiv heraus sticht das Stück "Nightshade & Arsenic" (wobei mir der Zusammenhang zwischen beiden Giften nicht ganz klar ist...), aber auch nur, weil es ohne metallische Anteile auskommt, mich an die Meeres-Level von 'Super Mario 64(TM)' erinnert und dementsprechend Nostalgie-Punkte einfährt. Kann man das denn als depressive Schwarzwurzel mit seinem Gewissen vereinbaren? Ach ja, zu lang ist das Stück natürlich auch.

Zusammenfassend bieten BENIGHTED IN SODOM auf "Hybrid Parasite Evangelistica" keine DSBM-Überraschungen - im Gegenteil, die fünf Songs (plus Interludium) liefern eher ein weiteres Beispiel, wie unglaublich öde (und zwar im negativen Sinn) Black Metal aus der schlecht gelaunten Ecke klingen kann.

Author: Falk

Benighted in Sodom isimli projeyi daha önceleri duymuştum. Meşhur kişilerin oluşturduğu bir depressive dark/black metal projesi olarak özetleyebilirim. Bethlehem'den tanıdığımız Reuben Jordan'ın önderliğini yaptığı ve bir çok black metal grubunda çalan G. (Ad Hominem, Tundra, Macabre Omen, Glorior Belli gibi) ile grubun asıl kadrosu şekillenmiş. Konserler veren bir proje olduğu için session eleman bolluğu bulunuyor.

Şu an dinlediğim albümün parçaları 3 sene kadar önce kayıt edilmiş. Zaten grubun diskografisine baktığınızda 2010 yılı içinde release bolluğu dikkat çekiyor. Bir çok kayıtlı parçayı değişik albümler ile değişik firmalardan çıkarmışlar. Merchandise bolluğu işte budur buda grubun yaratıcı yönünü ve ne kadar çok çalıştığını gösteriyor.

Tarz olarak Bethlehem'i andıran bir hava var. Doğal bir sonuç bu tabi ki ama vokal olarak o kadar yırtık ve acı çeken bir yapıyı tercih etmemişler. Klasik scream vokal ve yer yer temiz vokaller ile süslemeler yapılmış. Kayıt tarzlarına göre oldukça parlak ve her şey yerli yerinde düzenlenmiş. Oldukça profesyonel gözüküyor.

Albüm kapağı ve kitapçıkları kan kırmızı tonlarda tasarlanmış. Jiletler dikkat çekiyor. Front cover olarak manzara resmini kırmızı tonlara bulamış şekilde kullanmayı tercih etmişler. Uzun lafın kısası, Depresif ve doomy işlerden hoşlanıyorsanız ne mutlu sizlere "Benighted in Sodom" u dinleyip kendinize zarar verebilirsiniz, albümü alana jiletler şirkettenmiş !!!

Author: Cenk A.
Gitarzysta Magazyn

Co powiecie na zespół, który działając na scenie od sześciu lat, zdołał już wydać 7 pełnowymiarowych albumów oraz dwa razy tyle epek i splitów? Co więcej, choć oficjalna premiera "Hybrid Parasite Evangelistica" miała miejsce w maju, od tego czasu ukazały się lub ukażą się jeszcze przed upływem roku 2010 ich trzy kolejne płyty.

Tym sposobem, na koniec tego roku dyskografia kapeli będzie liczyć dziewięć krążków, z czego sześć przypadnie na rok bieżący. Taka ilość długometrażowych materiałów w ciągu dwunastu miesięcy to podziwu godna pracowitość. Tym bardziej, że o ile mi wiadomo, Matron Thorn ukrywający się za tym projektem, to nie pseudonim Klausa Schulze, giganta hurtowej działalności wydawniczej.

W muzyce ilość częstokroć nie przeradza się w jakość, a tak niecodzienna płodność twórcy (bo przecież nie artysty) niemal zawsze oznacza kłopoty dla słuchacza. Ten jest jednak w o tyle komfortowej sytuacji, że w każdej chwili może użyć przycisku 'stop' i na zawsze zapomnieć o tym, co, chcąc nie chcąc, usłyszał. Żywot recenzenta już tak prosty nie jest - musi potaplać się w błocie przynajmniej raz, a mnie sztuka ta udała się nawet trzykrotnie! Wyrazy współczucia mile widziane.

Thorn przewinął się przez tuzin zespołów, z czego nazwy najbardziej przyciągające uwagę to Bethlehem i Leviathan. Tu wytwórnia zagrywa nieco pod publikę, bowiem przemknął on przez te składy jak meteor, nie zostawiając po sobie żadnego trwalszego śladu. Nadmiar wolnego czasu spożytkował pan Thorn na klepanie nowych albumów.

Nie jest mi znane obecne oblicze Benighted In Sodom; materiał, który znalazł się na "Hybrid Parasite Evangelistica" pochodzi bowiem z lat 2008 i 2009. Wiem natomiast, że to czołówka najnudniejszego black metalu jaki dane mi było słyszeć od bardzo dawna. Dzieje się tu tyle, że pierwszy z brzegu funeral doommetalowy krążek wydaje się być naładowany akcją niczym "Szklana pułapka".

Celowo odwołuję się tu do pogrzebowego metalu, bo Thorn wyraźnie nawiązuje do tej właśnie stylistyki. Nie tyle, jeśli chodzi o ciężar, co raczej o ponury klimat i monotonne powtarzanie motywów. Efekt mógłby być ciekawy, ale niestety nie jest. Mam wrażenie, że ubogie partie gitary są niemal identyczne przez cały krążek. Muzykowi tak bardzo brakuje inwencji, że słychać to nawet w "Nightshade & Arsenic", kawałku najbardziej odstającym od reszty, w którym wykorzystano jedynie gitarę akustyczną i klawisze. Problem w tym, że trwająca ponad siedem minut całość opiera się na dosłownie dwu dźwiękach parapetu i czterech akordach gitary. Tak dalece zaawansowany minimalizm zdawał egzamin w Burzum, tutaj jednak wywołuje jedynie znużenie. W ostatnim czasie w blacku dzieje się tak wiele ciekawego, że po prostu szkoda czasu na płyty w rodzaju recenzowanej "Hybrid Parasite Evangelistica". Album męczy okrutnie, potraktujcie więc tę recenzję jako ostrzeżenie.

Author: Szymon Kubicki

When it comes to hard working musicians Matron Thorn (Reuben Jordan) from Benighted in Sodom has to be one of the most prolific artists around today. Since 2006 there is no less than 24 different recordings that I know of and there could be more, this includes 9 full length albums including 3 this year alone. This workaholic has played in bands such as Bethlehem (Deu), Leviathan (Swe), Cathaaria, Andacht, Vagrant Starscape, Palindrome, Carrion Blues, Chaos Moon and Blight but Benighted In Sodom (great name for a band) is his main deal. Although there is 2 other albums released this year, this one title "Hybrid Parasite Evangelistica" is creating the biggest waves in the underground due to its release on the Solitude Productions label. The music here is depressive, atmospheric Black Metal mixed with ambient Doom and is the kind of suicidal music to make your skin crawl. Its the kind of album to make you think, "You know my life really is shit" even if you life is actually quite good. This is an powerful emotive soundtrack for your very worst days but rather than it being a thoroughly depressing album, most of it is very moving in a disturbing kind of way.

The opener, "An Angel Circles the Drain" begins this thick, dense album with distorted, swirling ambient guitar that circulates around your brain and rips apart your very soul. The vocals are filled with pain but are delivered with pure anger rather than being melancholic, the end effect is one of pure hatred. This lasts for over 10 minutes just to drill the atmospheric bleakness into you even more. The short "Dreamscape Overdose" blends into another monster of an track titled "Liquid Flowing From a Slashed Wrist". It begins in an cinematic style with the overall atmosphere of a very dark tension-filled horror film, this gives way to chainsaw guitar and demonic vocal strangulation's and again for over 9 minutes the end effect is of suicidal bleakness and despair. Musically there is not a hell of a lot to listen to really but the overall atmosphere is what drags you in to this engaging album and this song is a major highlight of the disc. "Nightshade & Arsenic" is a instrumental track that is much more light on the depressive mood, it serves as a much needed break but the 7 minute playing time I found to be somewhat overblown. However musically it is a great piece of ambient music that gets you prepare for whats in-store next.

What is next is "Solarium", the longest and perhaps the most interesting track overall, led by synths that create a floating vibe it is again very cinematic especially with the spoken word vocal passages but after 11 minutes of this, most listeners might it a little too much to take as the magic of the atmosphere gets a tad stale towards the end. The album ends on "The Surrogate", an bleak but melodic Black Metal meets Funeral Doom piece with raw, chainsaw guitar riffs. Black Metal fans will appreciate the blackened vibes while Doom fans with any sort of passion for the extreme will admire the intensity and the passion to which this is played. Without researching anything, I am sure this has been mentioned, if not it will be again but some Doom Metal fans will avoid this because of the Black Metal tag, that will be a monumental mistake on your part. This album is one hell of a devastating example of making atmospheric doomy music without having to follow any trends or musical cliches, the album is devastating and almost surreal. Fans of Bethlehem and Xasthur need to hear this and for the Doom-Heads out there, have a open-mind and check this album out
Metal Maniacs

Benighted in Sodom is “Desperate atmospheric black metal”, and from first listen this album jumped to the head of the pile of new releases and I’ve been deeply focused on it for the last week or so that I’ve had it. It could be considered suicidal black metal in sound, but when listening to it in entirety it’s actually more of a narrative of being driven to suicide through pain inflicted and ending with the realization that your life was in fact worthless to those around you. This is some intense and driven creation that will captivate and disturb you as you can feel each word spoken and each painful gash made, it just aches with heaviness and burden.

This album is dense and very emotive, you can actually understand their frustrations tribulations and they don’t try to mask them or muffle them either. The overall feel is supernatural and cerebral, but still very human. The opener, ”An Angel Circles the Drain” instantly slits your ephemeral artery with it’s jagged riff lash to open you and the album up. The way the layers of distorted and abstract guitar melodies swirl about as you listen, you can actually imagine the blood pouring out and flowing down a drain in much the same way. The vocals are furious expressive of pain, but this is not suicidal black metal….it’s vengeful and bitter instead.

“Liquid Flowing from a Slashed Wrist” starts out with a great almost horror film feel in the “unplugged” sounding strumming of the guitar over atmospheric effects. The vocals kick in with a frustrated yell and then speak in a demonic tone over classic buzzsaw guitar chords followed by a sudden pause to symphonic loomings and then the demon resumes his reciting. It’s almost like listening to the sound of some spirit torturing someone to the point of suicide as it chants out and bellows for one to kill themselves. This song reeks of torture and agony and definitely brings to mind some
sort of lunatics hallucination as he/she fights to avoid the inevitable self-demise to come.

“Nightshade and Arsenic” is a lighter guitar led instrumental piece that almost sounds like the final mortal resolution as the death has finally occurred and the soul is temporarily at rest.

“Solarium” comes in as a drifting wind with the synth and percussion, sort of like a soul moving on to its afterlife existence in some form or other. This track begins to feel more celestial and floating debris after a massive storm and then the theatrical spoken vocals burst out from beneath the debris almost as if they are the words of that soul condemning and cursing those from its former existence who caused the pain and suffering: “…Abuse yourselves and the ones you love…all I ever wanted to be was truly alive, and now before your eyes I will truly die!”

The final chapter of this saga is “The Surrogate”, comes out as a very bleak and melodic black metal soundtrack to a sort of psychological battle within oneself. The howling and raspy vocal line of “I was never there” repeated over a raw, churning and buzzing guitar riff makes one think of eternal pain and suffering, perhaps even irritation at the realization that no one cared that they were gone or were affected by their passing.

Again…this is some seriously intense listening, if it doesn’t make you feel something than you’re high or in denial. This was recently released this month and is monumental in my opinion, devastating, provocative and honest!!!!!

Fans of: Leviathan and Bethlehem, Krohm, Krieg, Xasthur, Carrion Wraith, and Benighted Leams take note.

Author: Janet Willis
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