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Kamlath - Stronger Than Frost (CD)

dark metal, BadMoodMan Music, BadMoodMan Music
List price: 466.67 Р
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Price in points: 500 points
BMM. 041-11 x
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A new discovery in the world of heavy music: unique international project Kamlath performing music featuring different genres which can be characterized as dark metal while the band members call it Siberian Metal. They try to tell with their music about Siberia, its inhabitants, the pride of this great people, their destiny full of heroism and tragedy through thousands of years. The band founded by two Siberian musicians recorded their debut album "Stronger Than Frost" with the help of famous musicians from Sweden, USA and Italy. The record features virtuosic guitarist and Grammy nominee Mike Wead (King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, Memento Mori, Firegod, Candlemass+), drummer and successful drumming teacher Dennis Leeflang (Bumblefoot, Within Temptation, Sun Caged, Epica, The Saturnine, Lita Ford) and unique vocalist and frontman of The Foreshadowing Marco Benevento!

1 Isgher
2 Seven Thousand Winters
3 Thy Revelation
4 Stronger Than Frost
5 One Tired Wise
6 Dawn Of Credence
7 From Siberian Deeps

Artist Country:
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Stronger Than Frost
dark metal
CD Album
Jewel Case
BadMoodMan Music
Cat Num:
BMM. 041-11
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Pest Webzine

From my point of view this is BMM's best release so far and most probably the most commercial they have released, although I don't know if the "commercial" therm is the best used here. Anyway, Kamlath, although presented as being from Russia is actually an international band featuring Russian, Swedish, Dutch and Italian members, and amongst them, Mike wead known for his work with King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, Candlemass, Memento Mori or Candlemass. the 7 tracks featured here have a total playing time of 42 minutes and present us a very melodic, emotional Dark Metal band that doesn't refrain from using metallic, powerful guitar riffs or fast, aggressive drumming, and still manages to create a heavy melodic atmosphere. Marco benevento from teh Italian The Forwshadowing does a very good job on vocals, using only clean vox and whispers here and there he manages to capture your attention from the start and keeps it steady till the end, but this only in case you like it from the beginning because if not, it may proove to be extremely boring and monotonous (I was lucky, I liked it). The compositions are complex, none resembling another but the album still emanates a conceptual feeling. I guess fans of Katatonia will enjoy this release.

Author: Adrian
Metal Integral

KAMLATH is escaped rigours of Siberia to propose a first album of Dark MetalGothic (the duet prefers speech of Siberian Metal) obviously rich in sorry and icy environments. Among the assets, one will note interventions with guitar solo ofMike WEAD( MEMENTO MORI, MERCYFUL FATE, CANDLEMASS,KING DIAMOND), the illustration of Seth Siro Anton (SEPTIC FLESH) and especially a certain reserve in the explanatory memorandum.

Explanation: as well per choice as by economy means (the production is not luxurious, without being ridiculous for as much), KAMLATH turns the back on excesses of the Rock and the Metal current Gothics. No grandiloquent choruses, not of synthetizers foils, not of ram recoveries. The song of Marco BENEVENTO(ofTHE FORESHADOWING) is serious and concise, like of course, but would gain with being more worked and reinforced. The guitars distil fronts dry, austere, which one would have liked more incisive.

the absence of emphase confers on a whole severe aspect, almost désincarné, hardly maltreated by very controlled incursions Black Metaland finally not very malicious. This made dry and direct can per moments to evoke the spirit specific to the first recordings of theSISTERS OF MERCY, when well even stylistic filiation is not clearly established.

the problem is that these welcome specificities end up smoothing the effectiveness of the album as a whole. By looking after the compositions and the sound,KAMLATH should without any doubt return to haunt us with even more effectiveness.

Author: Alain
Lords of Metal

Dit internationale gezelschap speelt Siberische metal, aldus de band. Ik denk dat gothic / dark metal nauwkeuriger is. Naast ex-Within Temptation drummer Dennis Leeflang hebben ze Mike Wead (King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, ex-Candlemass) en Marco Benevento (The Foreshadowing) binnen hun gelederen en dan verwacht men iets werkelijk uitstekends. De muziek is meestal vrij traag en ademt eerder een mediterrane sfeer uit dan een koude stemming die ik meestal associeer met Siberië. Op deze manier lijken ze op Moonspell (eigenlijk Atlantisch, niet Mediterraan) of mid-era Rotting Christ, zonder het geschreeuw. Al de nummers ploeteren comfortabel door en zijn redelijk plezierig maar missen grote impact en intensiteit. 'Stronger Than Frost' is een fatsoenlijk, gothisch getinte dark metalalbum, niet meer en niet minder.

Author: Roel de Haan

Крайне интересный проект из города Красноярска, основанный двумя нашими соотечественниками - гитаристом Максом Константиновым и Петром Шалминым. Помимо них, в работе над дебютным альбомом Kamlath “Stronger Than Frost” принимали участие такие именитые музыканты, как гитарист Майк Вид (King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, Candlemass, Memento Mori etc.), барабанщик Деннис Лифленг (Sun Caged, Within Temptation) и вокалист Марко Беневенто (The Foreshadowing). Каким образом удалось их заполучить – можно только догадываться, - но все они сделали свою работу на твердые пять баллов.
Поскольку встречают обычно по одёжке (читай – по обложке), то в нашем случае «одёжка» получилась какая-то невнятная – даром, что сотворил ее Сет Сиро Антон из SepticFlesh. Она, возможно, вполне себе концептуальная и глубокомысленная, но вот взгляд за нее точно не цепляется. Слава Богу, с музыкой дело обстоит совершенно иначе. Лично у меня творчество Kamlath вызвало стойкие ассоциации с The Vision Bleak, The Bronx Casket Co. и, наверное, отчасти Moonspell – с поправкой на большую атмосферность и отстраненность. “Stronger Than Frost” – это словно замкнутый в себе, закольцованный дарк-дум-метал с эмоциональным чистым мужским вокалом и англоязычной лирикой, с мечтательными, будто парящими гитарными соляками, неяркой, но глубокой мелодикой и чистым, упругим саундом (материал сводился в Италии, в Temple Of Noise Studio).
Альбом получился достаточно ровным, без каких-либо особенно сильных хитов (семь песен на 41 минуту) – крепкая и качественная работа, исполненная настоящими профессионалами, - однако я рискнул бы выделить для себя пару треков, запомнившихся больше других. Во-первых, это “Seven Thousand Winters” - с нервными, неожиданно агрессивными на общем фоне барабанными партиями, во-вторых - заключительная композиция “From Siberian Deeps”, наполненная какой-то особо гнетущей атмосферой и трагизмом. Сами музыканты именуют свой стиль Siberian metal, но в чем заключается его «сибирскость» - за исключением места основания группы – неясно. Может быть, разве что в какой-то шаманской, гипнотизирующей, вгоняющей в транс ритмике? Как бы то ни было, музыка Kamlath определенно заслуживает внимания и добрых слов.

Author: Алексей "Panzer" Арбузов

“Stronger than Frost” is an album that’s drenched with woefully melodic vocals that weave in and out and also combined with somber harmonies. The members are no strangers when it comes to delivering this type of power to the masses seeing as the majority has played with the likes of bands such as Within Temptation, Candlemass, Mercyful Fate and King Diamond. Although they are labeled as “dark metal” they preferred to be called Siberian metal and I fully agree with that as I am completely fascinated with the idea of metal coming out of Siberia.

The album begins with “Isgher” that has Marco Benevento bringing his sorrowful vocals before that is meshed with beautiful harmonies and distorted guitars that are held back as not to overpower. Mike Wead gives us a solo on this track that holds a very mature rhythm that shows the soul of their music. “Thy Revelation” is a haunting track with Marco’s eerie vocals with an elegant bass line that makes it even darker. The title track delivers some excellent riffs and solid drum work with Marco’s vocals once again leaving you with goose bumps. “From Siberian Deeps” is a powerful closer that carries a fierce rhythm that is slowly carried out by a howling wind and quiet whispers that say “take a breath of cold day and blood, pulsing through our veins, our tribe still strong”.

“Stronger than Frost” shows that Kamlath has great pride for Siberia and the people who reside there and I believe they did them a great honor. They delivered this album with expertise, talent and soul. You will not want to miss out on this fantastic album.

Author: Kate
Heaven is not so Far

Oriundos dos frios confins siberianos, o projecto denominado Kamlath conta com dois membros nativos, mas são os restantes três elementos, de origem estrangeira, cujo nome se destaca. São eles o vocalista italiano Marco Benevento, conhecido pelo seu trabalho nos The Foreshadowing, o holandês Dennis Leeflang, dono da bateria, famoso por integrar os Bumblefoot e por já ter tocado com Lita Ford, Within Temptation, Sun Caged, Epica e The Saturnine e, por último, o talentoso sueco Mike Wead, actualmente guitarrista de Mercyful Fate, King Diamond e Bibleblack, que já trabalhou com outros nomes sonantes tais como Candlemass, Edge Of Sanity e The Project Hate MCMXCIX, entre muitas outras bandas.

Aliados ao produtor e compositor siberiano Peter Shallmin no baixo e a Max Konstantinov na guitarra rítmica, a banda propõe-se a criar algo único, que apelidam de Siberian Metal. Este Siberian Metal, mais correctamente catalogado como Dark Metal, junta influências sobretudo de Doom e Progressive Metal, ocasionalmente com um toque de Death Metal, a lembrar por vezes Novembers Doom. As letras das músicas falam da Sibéria, da sua mitologia, das suas inigualáveis paisagens e do místico shamanismo, tão presente naquela região. Tanta frieza, aliada à beleza e misticismo, tocada por músicos experientes, seria à partida um sucesso imediato, mas tal não se verifica. Porquê?

O tema de abertura, Isgher, promete muito. É calmo e profundo, com a voz do Marco Benevento a encaixar perfeitamente no prometido ambiente siberiano que o instrumental progressivo consegue transmitir. A melodia fica gravada na memória, ao mesmo tempo que se confirma a enorme qualidade dos músicos integrantes dos Kamlath. Seven Thousand Winters tem um início agressivo, que quebra de certa forma o transe de doom progressivo da faixa anterior, com destaque para o trabalho na bateria de Dennis Leeflang. Mas se é a bateria que se destaca nesta música, na seguinte, Thy Revelation, é a guitarra solo de Mike Wead que dá um toque de magia. É a partir da faixa seguinte, homónima do álbum, que se começa a perceber o porquê do pouco sucesso que este álbum terá no mercado.

Não é que o resto do álbum seja mau. De facto, é muito bom, com passagens bastante agradáveis nas três faixas finais. O problema centra-se em dois pontos fundamentais para o sucesso de um álbum. O primeiro diz respeito à excessiva homogeneidade patente em Stronger Than Frost. Apesar da alternância entre momentos mais calmos e progressivos com passagens mais rápidas, não existe nenhum momento de verdadeira ruptura que delicie o ouvinte. Antes de chegarmos a meio do álbum já se conseguem adivinhar as mudanças de ritmo, que a partir de certo ponto deixam um pouco a desejar. Pedia-se mais espontaneidade e menos trabalho de laboratório. O outro ponto diz respeito à falta de criatividade. Apesar da fusão de géneros, de músicos experientes de varias nações e de uma temática à partida original, a verdade é que os Kamlath nada de novo trazem ao panorama do Metal. É apenas mais um bom álbum, agradável de ouvir, mas que facilmente se esquece e que não deixa marcas.

Em suma, a banda tem um grande potencial que foi apenas parcialmente aproveitado neste álbum de estreia. Foi uma desilusão um início tão prometedor transformar-se em algo tão previsível no final. Espero que no futuro a banda aposte mais numa composição natural e não se preocupe tanto com a produção e os pormenores técnicos. Têm tudo para criar um álbum memorável, basta libertarem as mentes!

Author: David Matos

New project by guitarist Mike Wead (King Diamond, Mercyful Fate), drummer Dennis Leeflang (Within Temptation, Epica) and vocalist and frontman of The Foreshadowing Marco Benevento, Kamlath's purpose in music is, as accurately described in the infos, to tell about people and tale of cold Siberia region.
Just in between dark and gothic metal, Kamlath are able to deliver sad and mellow tunes all driven and surrounded by the lamented vocals of Marco Benevento.
Musically nothing particularly exciting at first listening sessions, and the general mid-tempos of the songs sure do not help, while lyrically it's interesting to know about a region of the world normally neglected and forgotten by heavy metal lyricists (besides Dark Lunacy, of course).
This is a kind of music which can fit the like of whoever liked Katatonia late 90's albums, meditative and utterly, in some way, reflective. This is a debut album, so although the musicians involved are quite skilled and experienced, I guess there is still a lot to do, especially dealing with the general direction of the song-writing, I mean "to give a proper soul to this body", because right now there is really a little which could you drive to purchase this album, more than any other on the same musical coordinates.
Let's wait and see what future bring out from the snowy forests of Siberia.

Author: Gabriele Frontini

Kamlath are a "Dark-Metal" (Solitude Productions tag) band that hail from Russia. Several band members have impressive CVs, including vocalist Marco Benevento from Foreshadowing, Dennis Leeflang, formerly of Within Temptation, and Mike Wead, who has done guitar work for Candlemass, Mercyful Fate, and King Diamond. So while they aren't an "All-Star" band, Kamlath still possess a line-up of respectable, established musicians.

The band delivers a professional album. Kamlath set out to capture a "dark" mood - with melodic, primarily mid-paced tunes. Wead manages to show off some chops with the occasional flashy solos.

They succeed in casting about a slightly ominous vibe, but one that is far more dusk than midnight. It is a "rub your hands together" slight chill, not enough to worry the listener about hypothermia, let alone freezing to death.

Marco's vocals are probably the single greatest contributor to the even slight chill. I found his style more reminiscent of Sisters Of Mercy or other darkwave/gothic rock stuff more than most metal… His approach was perhaps the stand out element of the album.

The biggest issue I have is that while the songs are decently crafted, the album feels a bit too slick, polished, and sterile. The chill is perhaps the combination of the vocals and rather clinical production.

So while the musicians are skilled and capable of crafting structurally sound songs, they just lack any form of edge with which to really grab my attention. Well crafted doesn't necessarily mean entertaining… and that's the biggest flaw of the album.

Author: BitterCOLD
Mtuk Metal Zine

Kamlath are billed as Siberian Metal, though they are a pretty multinational group in their members, and this is their first outing. With Michael Wead (King Diamond, Candlemass, Momento Mori, Abstrakt Algebra amongst many) in the ranks and a little flutter of namedropping on the internet I was kind of expecting some epic, dark Doom with proggy flourishes from these newcomers. But there again there's an ex-Within Temptation drummer too. However the bulk of the songwriting is done by guitarist Max Konstantinov and Bassist Peter Shallmin, with a helping hand in the lyric department from vocalist Marco Benevento about all of whom I know nothing and I suspect that is the key to this weirdly unexpected album.

When the opener 'Isgher' opens up with some deep, unaccompanied harmony vocals it's clear I'm in an altogether different and colder place than Doom. This melts into a lonely, single clear guitar line pushed up into a full blown riff by the drums.

When the riffs come they are not the dense, packed sound of Doom or Heavy Metal, rather a simple, edgy and open sound but no less mournful for that. Floundering for reference points I'm actually shocked when the much missed gloom rock bastards Jack Frost come whispering round my ear. There is an insular, relentlessy gloom-ridden melancholy permeating the song but it is also so very enticing. Add a dash of the quieter parts of Discouraged Ones era Katatonia and a more frozen, more streamlined and less pastoral Opeth and you at least have a starting point. The character though is firmly within those vocals; deep and dry and with the constant rich harmonies accentuating the plaintive, crisp style. Imagine Jar Of Flies style Alice In Chains, just deeper and more resonant, dueting with Jack Frost.

The lead work is exemplary throughout; growing from the riff not tacked on as an afterthought. On Seven Thousand Winters there's initially a squealing discordant feel all thrashy early Celtic Frost that is slowly rolled away by the sparse, cold song breaking out. 'Thy Revelation' brings a quieter note and the title track has it playing a distant bleak melody over the cascading riff to beautiful and haunting effect so redolent of Katatonia back in their Discouraged days.

Lyrically this is dark, landscape conjuring stuff: nights that last months and a freezing cold that turns words to ice in your mouth. But so much is about beauty not simply the harsh, deathly quiet place. It is a truly haunting and quite beautifully rich sound they have created and one which will stalk you for months. It is such a distinctive ambience, weirdly removed from a world I know. Lyrically there appears to be deep veins delving into the notion of cultural and spiritual roots but not a trace of folk enters this world. It is the sound of a band in a modern world but incapable and unwilling to lose sight of where they have come from.

The title track is a hymn to the Siberian spirit, it's strength and indomitable nature; concepts we hear from Scandinavians so often when singing of the Viking past but here it is delivered in such an unearthly, solemn manner. This is sadness rather than rejoicing, resignation even but still that last refusal to give in. It really begins to sound like a land speaking to you rather than a person.

I suspect it will be too light on the riff for some, and the mood so unwaveringly bleak that it will deter others but really they will be missing out on something rather special here.

This is not death heavy metal but undoubtedly it is darker and more metal than rock. It is often quiet but never weak. Prog flourishes are embroidered throughout but never drifting pointless noodling. Masterful lead work that stretches the melody and introspection over the hazy riff. Superb harmony vocals throughout that just bleed ice and emotion. It is dark and bleak but truly gorgeous; hoar frost on black velvet. I have no idea where they can take this but I am just glad they began.

A surprise, and one well worth exploring.

Author: Gizmo

Парадокс, но «сибирский метал» (а именно так характеризуют стиль своей музыки создатели Kamlath) в случае «Stronger than Frost» исполняют люди, имеющие весьма посредственное отношение не только к Сибири, но и к России вообще. Интернациональный проект, зародившийся все же в умах наших соотечественников, что не может не радовать, собрал в свои ряды не абы кого, а людей известных и уважаемых – за гитары вместе с Максом Константиновым отвечает Майк Вид (King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, Candlemass, etc), барабанит Деннис Лифлэнг (Within Temptation, Epica, Lita Ford, etc), а «вокальное бремя» несет Марко Беневенто из The Foreshadowing. К тому же, сводилось все не «во глубине сибирских руд», а совсем даже в Италии. Команда профессионалов подошла к процессу создания ответственно, результатом чего стал очень качественный, отлично звучащий, профессиональный релиз, способный надолго задержаться в проигрывателях слушателей и претендовать на интерес со стороны составителей разного рода чартов. Правда, что-то исконно сибирское, пресловутый «русский дух» найти здесь сложно (недавний дебютник «Вitterness of the Years That Are Lost» коллектива Who Dies in Siberian Slush тему раскрывает гораздо нагляднее, так что интересующимся рекомендую обратиться к нему) – из «доступных» атрибутов только проливной ливень, открывающий диск, да порывистый ветер, сметающий мелодии и голоса в финале «From Siberian Deeps». Между буйствами стихии – выполненная по канонам dark metal (то есть на стыке жанров, от атмосферного дума до дэта) техничная и эмоциональная, не слишком сложная, брутальная или «грузящая» музыка, в которой все крутится не столько вокруг громыхающих ударных, жестких плотных риффов низко настроенных гитар или меланхоличных «соляков», сколько вокруг вокальной части. Неплохие тексты Марко поет сильным и красивым голосом, опять же, довольно эмоционально, с чувством, отчего создается впечатление, что дебютник Kamlath должен прийтись по вкусу даже романтичным девочкам, не способным «переварить» ничего, кроме love metal`а – это, однако, не оскорбление, а просто констатация универсальности музыки, ее ориентации на более массового слушателя, при этом сложно обвинить коллектив в усредненности и потакании вкусам аудитории, они просто нашли возможность сделать свою музыку интересной для большого количества людей. Как и положено, альбом слушается на одном дыхании и производит впечатление, будто также, единым порывом и был записан, но за этим кроется большая и упорная работа музыкантов, которые вложили души и время в запись «Stronger than Frost». Очень сильный и качественный релиз, заслуживший звания одного из главных открытий нынешнего сезона.

Author: Maeror3
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