Mournful Gust - For All The Sins (CD)

gothic doom death, BadMoodMan Music, BadMoodMan Music
533.33 Р
Price in points: 800 points
BMM. 064-13 x
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The long-awaited third album from the most famous Ukranian gothic doom death metal band Mournful Gust. Despite changes in the line-up since the last album, music-wise «For All The Sins» appeared to be the continuation of its predecessor «The Frankness Eve». Charismatic vocals of Vladislav Shakhin (clean and growl) remains the main feature of the band while guest musicians (flute and violin) add elegance to the epic compositions crafted with perfect taste. This is beautiful, melodic music filled with melancholy and emotional experience. The album features a splendid bonus, a cover-version of Rainbow song "Rainbow Eyes" by James Dio. Additional feature is 16-page booklet with traditionally excellent artwork.

1 Sleeping With My Name
2 Keep Me Safe From The Emptiness
3 Falling In Hope
4 Until I’m Bright
5 Let The Music Cry
6 This Drama Will Be The Last
7 Your White Dress
8 Words Of Farewell
9 Let The Music Cry (Silver Strings Version)
10 Rainbow Eyes (…In Loving Memory Of Dio)

Mournful Gust
Artist Country:
Album Year:
For All The Sins
gothic doom death
CD Album
Jewel Case
BadMoodMan Music
Cat Num:
BMM. 064-13
Release Year:
4 627080 610392
Country Of Manufacture:
Spirit of Metal

Un peu moins de 15 ans après sa formation, le groupe ukrainien Mournful Gust nous propose avec son troisième album plus d'une heure dix d'un Doom Death moderne et assez accessible, mais qui ressort de la masse de groupes similaires de part son inventivité et sa fraîcheur.

En effet si dans ce registre les groupes signés par le label russe Solitude Productions ont tendance à souffrir d'un certain manque de personnalité et d'originalité, bien qu'étant généralement suffisamment bons pour contenter l'amateur du genre, Mournful Gust nous montre que forte de son expérience la formation slave est capable de faire preuve d'assez d'audace pour attirer l'attention sur elle.
Car si sur le fond les passages purement Doom que nous offre ce For All the Sins sont assez classiques (et d'ailleurs plutôt réussis), ils bénéficient fortement de leur métissage avec des parties plus légères et moins noires. Un bon exemple en serait le contraste entre des titres comme "Keep Me Safe From The Emptiness" et "Let the Music Cry", le premier, lent et léthargique, étant clairement la chanson la plus sombre de l'album tandis que le second explore des territoires bien moins suffocants (qui risquent soit dit en passant de ne pas convenir aux puristes), les deux morceaux étant néanmoins réunis par une identité commune, permettant à l'album d'être à la fois varié et cohérent.

Un des points les plus intéressants de l'album est clairement le soin accordé aux arrangements, ceux-ci étant en effet intelligemment utilisés et très variés. Les orchestrations sont en effet tout à tour assez grandiloquentes ("This Drama Will be the Last"), sombres et mystérieuses ( les notes de piano sur "Keep Me Safe From The Emptiness"), ou au contraire plus douces et romantiques (l'introduction de "Until I'm Bright"). En outre, on retrouve régulièrement au sein de l'album quelques bruitages plus modernes et industriels, bien que ceux-ci soient peu mis en avant, ainsi que de la flûte sur le titre ouvrant l'album et sur l'assez réussie reprise de "Rainbow Eyes" de Rainbow qui le termine (ce qui n'est pas surprenant, cet instrument étant après tout déjà présent dans le morceau original).
Mais le morceau où s'expriment le mieux les arrangements est clairement "Let The Music Cry (Silver Strings Version)", version alternative d'un autre morceau présent dans l'album et qui abandonne les guitares au profit d'une plus grande place accordée aux orchestrations. Le résultat est vraiment très réussi, le groupe parvenant à alterner les émotions inspirées et à créer une belle montée en intensité (on notera tout particulièrement l'utilisation du violon), bien qu'on franchisse ici ce que certains risquent de considérer comme la limite du supportable en terme de niaiserie.

Le travail au poste de vocaliste de Vladislav Chaxin est également fortement appréciable. Celui-ci maîtrise aussi bien growl que chant clair, et nous offre une prestation de qualité dans ces deux registres, le second étant cela dit le plus mémorable. En effet si les parties growlées sont très efficaces et remplissent amplement leur fonction, c'est comme assez souvent le chant clair qui s'avère être doté du plus de personnalité, et ce tant de part le timbre du chanteur ukrainien que du fait de ses intonations très théâtrale, dans une veine plus romantico-sensuelle légèrement mélancolique qu'épique ou véritablement dépressive. Notons aussi que la claviériste Valeria Finikopulo intervient également à intervalle régulier au sein de l'album, mais que ses parties chantées ne sont pas mises en avant et sont de fait généralement cantonnées aux chœurs, dans un style assez moderne qui correspond très bien à celui pratiqué par son collègue masculin.

Pour conclure, ce For All the Sins est un album inspiré et inventif, doté de nombreuses bonnes idées. Si sa personnalité risque de faire fuir certains, elle est en revanche parfaitement adaptée aux amateurs de Doom "grand public", à qui cet album est fortement conseillé.

Author: Peacewalker

I Mournful Gust sono giunti alla pubblicazione del terzo album, solitamente uscita spartiacque destinata a far intravedere le reali potenziali di una band, quindi la domanda da porsi è se gli ucraini siano riusciti o meno a entrare a far parte del giro che conta. Fortunatamente ce l'hanno fatta.

La compagine guidata dal cantante Vladislav Shahin, unico membro originale rimasto in formazione, pur non facendo trapelare particolari novità né alternative a quanto esposto in questi ultimi anni dal panorama Doom-Death melodico, è sicuramente fra le migliori interpreti di un genere che vede gli Swallow Of The Sun e gli ingiustamente mai troppo osannati Saturnus come leader, i Tristania una promessa non mantenuta nel tempo, e che si nutre da sempre dell'onnipresente influenza britannica dei My Dying Bride quale fonte d'ispirazione.

Questo nuovo parto contenente oltre settanta minuti di musica ci permette di constatare un ulteriore progresso fatto dal sestesso, già presentatovi su Aristocrazia nel 2010 con la ristampa celebrativa del debutto "She's My Grief", originariamente rilasciato nel 2000. Si ha infatti la percezione di avere a che fare con un gruppo ancor più capace di far convivere all'interno dei brani l'animo cupo e decadente con quello che emette a profusione onde malinconiche dalla considerevole fruibilità. Gran parte del merito della riuscita di ciò va dato ai due chitarristi (Vasiliy Morozov e Evgeniy Rusetskiy) e al tastierista Stanislav Mischenko, abili nel creare tappeti melodici e adornare le canzoni in maniera tale da ricreare scenari affascinanti, quanto al bassista Saho Maljovanij e al batterista Nikolay Kostetskiy, capaci d'infondere dinamismo a profusione anche nei frangenti in cui la necessità primaria è supportare l'impianto atmosferico. La ciliegina sulla torta viene posta dalla stupenda prestazione dietro al microfono di Vadislav: la sua prova è a dir poco splendida per la maniera in cui si diletta nell'alternare growl e voce pulita, contrassegnando ogni comparsa della sua ugola con un aumento dell'espressività o dell'evocatività presenti internamente alla traccia, riuscendo quasi a far venire i brividi nella versione ancestrale spogliata delle sonorità metal di "Let The Music Music Cry", che già nell'originale non era di certo brutta. Come dono conclusivo il lavoro ci regala l'apprezzabile cover dei Rainbow di "Rainbow Eyes", omaggiando così sia la stupenda band di Ritchie Blackmore che l'immensa figura di Ronnie James Dio.

Non starò qui a dilungarmi ulteriormente elencandovi i pregi di un episodio o dell'altro, posso assicurarvi però che "For All The Sins" è il classico disco del quale un appassionato del genere s'innamorerà con estrema semplicità, un ascolto il cui unico difetto riscontrato dal sottoscritto è la durata probabilmente troppo estesa, ma che comunque non lo danneggia. I Mournful Gust vedono schiudersi le porte che conducono a una notorietà estera con questo album ed era ora che accadesse. Alle volte il duro lavoro paga e con i giusti dividendi.

Author: Mourning
Pest Webzine

The long awaited third album from Mournful Gust was finally released through BadMoodMan with a best off... compilation in 2010 and a single in 2012 preceeding it. The new album is made of 10 long tracks totaling more than 70 minutes of music, so probably M.G.'s fans will get what they have expected for so long. The music on this new disc could be labelled as Doom Death Metal, traditional and UK-fashioned, but with less exciting elements that I would have expected; there are some parts where I found myself being bored and even if I know there's a very thin line between depressive, melancholic or meditative state of mind and boredom during a Doom Death audition, I'd say Mournful Gust should have released a better album. For example there are some very tasty guitar leads and melodic ('90's like Hard Rock) guitar solos and keyboard passages here and there, passages that could have been better developed. The clean vocals are also top-notch but somehow the guy is overusing them. Don't get me wrong, this is a hard worked release, professional and quite emotional, but I'd expect a bit more from a 15 years old band, that's it. Try it yourselves.

Author: Adrian
Chronicles of Chaos

If anyone would be at all interested in my stance on this album, please go read my review of Wine From Tears' _Glad to Be Dead', and just switch band origins from Russia to Ukraine. Other than that, this line of inconsequential, dual vocal, melodic, romantic, jolly and sweetly unbearable albums seems to be mass-produced in the same factory, on the very same production line, one after the other ad nauseam, otherwise I can't figure out why they all sound the exact same -- and not in a good way, either.
Again, the same bubble gum tunes of false melancholy and forced heaviness that sounds goofy at best, struggling to float upon the surface of its own mediocre inoffensiveness, with some misplaced electronic gadgets and endlessly boring powerless riffs that drag from now to eternity, the listener is left unscathed, if not totally untouched by these slow-to-mid tempo guitar masturbations that produce no climax in their lack of direction and clarity.

_For All the Sins_ is one of those conformist, 'safe-zone' albums you just swallow in one gulp, leaving no mark and having no added value whatsoever, not to mention anything like a challenging listening experience or a sense of mystery, god forbid.

Not a single box on the roadmap to failure was left unchecked with the writing and recording of _For All the Sins_: uninspired melodies, check; lack of power and dynamics, check; weak song writing capabilities, check; lack of originality, double check; and so on and so forth.

As harshly critical as this review may be, I do see a definite potential in there and I genuinely wish Mournful Gust the best of luck with their future efforts, however this album is one I won't be returning to -- ever again.

Author: Chaim Drishner
Lords of Metal

Het sterk door Anathema, My Dying Bride en Officium Triste beinvloede karakter van het uit 2009 stammende compilatie CDtje Shes My GriefDecade wakkerde bij niet het heilige vuur aan om me nog langer te verdiepen in deze band. Wel is het meer dan vijf jaar geleden dat er weer eens een volledig album van deze heren verschijnt. Men verhult nog steeds niet waar men voor dit All Of The Sins hun mosterd vandaag haalt, maar het ademt in elk geval in nummers als Keep Me Safe From The Emptiness en Falling In Hope het nastreven van een eigen geluid, met veel ruimte voor klassieke elementen als vrouwenzang, violen en pianostukken en af en toe een kleine verrassing in arrangementen, die dit maal vele malen eenvoudiger van aard zijn maar des te treffender zijn! Een lange zit, dit All For The Sins, welgeteld tweenzeventig minuten, maar voor fans van eerder genoemde bands n voor mensen die met de tenenkrommende cleane zang om kunnen gaan. een aanrader.

Author: Erik
Atmosfear Magazine №13

Третий альбом обычно является самым главным в дискографии любой группы. По нему можно судить есть ли у группы светлое будущее или их ждет вскоре неминуемая смерть. В случае с некогда ведущей doom metal группой Украины сложно что-либо спрогнозировать. Их третий релиз - это результат долгих и мучительных трудов, которые растянулись на целых 5 лет, именно столько лет замаливали музыканты свои грехи. Кстати о музыкантах. Как это не прискорбно говорить, но с оригинального состава остался только лишь бессменный вокалист Влад Шахин, а это значит, что в этот раз сочинять материал пришлось абсолютно новым людям в группе, не считая, конечно же, самого господина Шахина, который также приложил свою руку к сочинению музыки для данного опуса. Ещё задолго до выхода оного в свет, я слышал громкие заявления о том, что новый альбом MOURNFUL GUST будет разительно отличаться от их предыдущих работ и даже не факт, что его согласятся издать Solitude Productions, мотивируя тем, что от doom metal'a там остались рожки да ножки. Заинтригованный таким поворотом событий я ожидал, я ожидал чего-то нового и революционного, однако на деле всё оказалось, куда всё проще и банальнее. Это всё тот же печальный и унылый gothic/doom/death metal в свойственной манере MOURNFUL GUST. Чем тут нас пытались удивить криворожцы, непонятно... Конечно, с прошлыми двумя альбомами этот релиз сравнивать глупо, ибо те будут на порядок круче, чем это недоразумение под пафосным названием "For All the Sins". Единственный трек, который меня по-настоящему зацепил - это "This Drama Will be the Last", ведь тут присутствует такое шикарное соло. Если бы все песни были тут такие, то, наверное, цены бы этому альбому не было, а так сплошная грусть и тоска. Ещё стоит отметить прекрасный вокал Валерии Финикопуло (XES DREAMS) в нескольких треках. Пожалуй, это лучший женский вокал, который был в истории MOURNFUL GUST, но как это часто бывает - его тут до обидного мало. Думаю если бы Валерии дали больше спеть на этом альбоме, то релиз бы только выиграл бы от этого. Да и последних 2 трека стоило вообще сделать скрытыми, либо поместить их на второй диск, ибо они портят всю атмосферу после последней композиции "Words of Farewell". Но как бы там ни было, этот диск стоить оставить в коллекции хотя бы из-за красивого оформления над которым как обычно потел маэстро Nurgeslag (ROTTING CHRIST, AUTUMNIA, FLYING). И всё-таки, с этим диском я вряд ли буду часто проводить свои одинокие вечера. Как говориться, не тот случай.

Author: CS
Scream Magazine

I floraen av nye skiver fra Solitude og BadMoodMan denne måneden har vi nå kommet frem til doom/death metal-bandet Mournful Gust. Bandet fra Ukraina har brukt god til på dette albumet, det er fem år siden sist, men «For All The Sins» har blitt en veldig behagelig lytteropplevelse. Bandet er ikke blant de helt tristeste og seige, men varier med forskjellige vokalformer og rytmer. Det er ikke noe nytt i det de driver med, men fans av den mer gotiske doomen vil finne mye fint her. En tilbakelent og flott utgave av «Rainbow Eyes» er heller ikke å forakte, med strykere og det hele. Vel bekomme.

Author: Bjørn Nørsterud
Pure Nothing Woship

Mournful Gust are an atmospheric death/doom metal band from Ukraine. I remember the long past year 2000 when I stumbled on their debut. I must admit I was not amazed but the name remained in my memory. Eight years later they published their second album named “The Frankness Eve”. It was a really interesting album with a stupid cover art. And before us is the third album named "For All The Sins" and it offers 9 compositions and one cover song. It is "Catch The Rainbow" from the legendary group Rainbow and is dedicated to Dio who passed away. “For All the Sins” will in 71 minutes lead us through melancholic passages of dreams, rain, hope, love and sorrow… The production is lead to perfection as is the vocal and instrumental mastery of these Ukrainians. A great dose of progression fits greatly into the whole story. I was not a fan of anything progressive but these guys did it fantastically. The clean vocal entwined with depressive growls is something truly special. The sad atmosphere running through the album will throw you in tears or deep thinking. The beautiful artwork perfectly paints the emotion of this somber and dreamy album. Mournful Gust finally recorded a great album. A honest recommendation for fans of melodic and atmospheric doom.
Convivial Hermit #7

Discovering this album had much the effect of a youth therapy, or at least that's how I envision a youth therapy to feel like. My positive and even "affectionate" reaction to the third album by Ukraine's Mournful Gust was rather unexpected given a very stubborn prejudice against bands like Draconian or Swallow the Sun, in a word upholders of so-called gothic (doom) metal who usually plaster several layers of pathos-laden keyboards and an unnecessary amount of interlaced guitars to cover up poor songwriting skills. Mournful Gust are advertised in a breath with these "high-profile" acts, they share the same bills, and I was afraid there was going to be some tedious fishing for mitigating points in order to sprinkle at least some sugar on a bitter toast. Against all odds though, For all the Sins, while not escaping a few irritating snags (or "gothic" clichés if you will), is essentially a pretty damn good album that throws me back at least 15 years, when the genre was all new and exciting, and still more or less the preserve of creative guitarists. We're talking of the scene that bloomed in the wake of Anathema's and Tiamat's mid-90's albums, and produced some remarkable semi-gems like Tristania's first two albums or Lacrimas Profundere's Memorandum, before Napalm Records proceeded to cash in and started a dreadful line of ever-duller female-fronted bands that knocked all the originality out of that scene's sails. What "seduces" me about For all the Sins is that, like with the afore-mentioned bands, musicianship only, and especially guitar musicianship, takes center stage. The songs are varied enough and follow carefully constructed sequences of musical and vocal phrases, none of them outstaying their welcome, which is really the big bonus point: progression within a song is a key attribute and obviously a conscious goal of these guys, and they make it work! In no small part thanks to an excellent male vocalist, whose clean accentuations sometimes remind me of the great Dax Riggs (Acid Bath) in a more "70's heavy metal" way. The female vocals, also of quality, are interestingly scarce, and the equally scarce use of orchestral instruments, like a violin and a flute, efficiently enriches the band's palette whenever a little more "magic" is called for. The overall mood also reminds me in places of Planeshift, the debut album by Rakoth from Russia (the first album ever released on Code666 Records, back in... ages), so maybe there is something conspicuously "Slavonic" at work in the music, but maybe it's just me… I also truly enjoy how Mournful Gust don't hesitate to let themselves go on occasions, like on the ending of "Words of Farewell", which totally bursts the frame for a minute with high-pitched vocals and a solo/keyboard part smearing rainbow cream all over the place. Unexpected but well-made and quite epic. Anything left to bemoan? Not really, just maybe next time consider not printing the song titles and lyrics. A slice of mystery can be a huge asset, sometimes…

Author: BG

De Russische groothandelaar in kwalitatief hoogstaande doom brengt een nieuw album uit van Mournful Gust. Mournful Gust gooide na zijn sterke album The Frankness Eve nog maar eens het roer om en gooide daarbij eveneens de helft van de band overboord. Het resultaat is duidelijk.

Qua nummers schrijven zit het alleszins nog altijd heel goed. Sterke verhaallijnen met verschillende instrumenten die een eigen leven lijden en toch perfect in de mix geïntegreerd staan. Technisch is het bijzonder goed gedaan. De solo's, de klassieke elementen, de symfonische klanken, het droeve en melancholische element, dik in orde. Het gaat jammer genoeg mis bij de uitvoering, bij de overtuigingskracht. Het is allemaal te netjes, te uitgekiend en uitgedokterd, het mist passie en emotie. Dat is behoorlijk dodelijk wanneer je doommetal speelt, muziek speelt in het algemeen eigenlijk. Daarbij staat de theatrale cleane zang (soms zelfs vals slomo powermetal-gekweel) mij totaal niet aan, ook al wordt dat gecompenseerd door een sterke grunt, ook hier weer net iets te gecontroleerd echter. Die heavy cleane zang heeft een vrij grote invloed op dit album, niet in het minst in de wél overtuigende Rainbow-cover Rainbow Eyes.

Een soort van eigenaardig heavy doommetalalbum eigenlijk, als je het zo kunt benoemen. Het vraagt veel van de luisteraar, maar ik kan me best wel inbeelden dat hier grote fans voor te vinden zijn.

Author: Bart Alfvoet
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