Abstract Spirit - Tragedy And Weeds (CD)

funeral doom death, Solitude Productions, Solitude Productions
466.67 Р
Цена в баллах: 700 баллов
SP. 031-09 x
В наличии
Альбом "Tragedy And Weeds" стал новым этапом в творчестве группы, обозначив переход к новому, высокому качеству звучания, и стремление к зрелому, более продуманному материалу. Коллектив опять предстал в составе трио, однако Abstract Spirit уже перестал является сайд-проектом известных музыкантов, - теперь это полноценная группа с постоянным ссавом, начавшим выступать вживую на концертах. "Tragedy And Weeds" - это всё тот же вязкий funeral doom, но с мимолетными прикосновениями depressive black. Мелодии, пронизанные отчаянием, и, словно наполненные шизофреническим бредом, рождают чувства беспокойства и страха, повергая слушателя в пучину безысходности. Звучание духовых инструментов напоминают старый, расстроенный, похоронный оркестр, аккомпанирующий низкому утробному гроулу, истеричным выкрикам и замогильным речитативам. Всё это рождает неповторимую атмосферу Abstract Spirit!

1 Tragedy And Weeds 12:16
2 Funeral Waltz 9:11
3 Crucifixion Without Regret 11:17
4 Face The Nightmare 11:35
5 Wrapped In Solitude 10:26
6 Sepulchral Winter 13:19

Abstract Spirit
Страна артиста:
Год альбома:
Tragedy And Weeds
funeral doom death
Compact Disk
Jewel Case
Solitude Productions
Кат. номер:
SP. 031-09
Год издания:
Metal Review

I am man enough to admit defeat. I tried to give Abstract Spirit’s Tragedy and Weeds a fair shake, but it proved too much for me. During my first listen to the album I fell asleep less than halfway through, although, in Abstract Spirit’s defense, it was bedtime. Attempt number two suffered a similar fate. For my third attempt I started the album halfway through, in hopes of making it to the end. After the longest half-hour lunch break of my life, the closing strains of “Sepulchral Winter” finally hit my ears. In the past few days I have contemplated giving Tragedy and Weeds another listen, as I generally like to give a record, at the very least, three full listens before I attempt to write about it. However, the prospect of another spin of this album filled me with such a sense of dread that I threw in the proverbial towel. Life is too short and this record is too damn long.

On paper Abstract Spirit’s style of funeral doom would be, if not up my particular alley, up one nearby. I am not ordinarily one to shrink at the prospect of long, slow and heavy: I spin Sleep’s Dopesmoker with some regularity; I count Winter’s Into Darkness among my personal favorites; I have even listened to Warning’s Watching from a Distance without slitting my wrists. (It was a near thing, though.) Tragedy and Weeds, however, has proven too minimalist, even for me. The album consists of six tracks, the briefest of which is over nine minutes long. There is little to differentiate one bloated song from the next; the music consists entirely of slow trudging chords that fail to rise to the level of anything recognizable as a riff, over which keyboards and synthesized horns sketch skeletal melodies, while deep growls drone out indecipherable lyrics. There are of course moments where some semblance of a tune emerges, but they are few and fleeting, and I will be damned if I am going to plow through this record again to pinpoint them. You will just have to take my word for it. The lone standout track is “Sepulchral Winter” which is born aloft by denser orchestration and some elegant, piano melodies, creating an atmosphere both melancholy and majestic. But even that bit of tunefulness only lasts until the vocals enter.

The shame of it all is that Tragedy and Weeds is probably an artistic triumph for Abstract Spirit. This sprawling opus is likely the product of countless hours of painstaking recording. I suspect that the band agonized over the placement of each and every dolorous chord and mournful note. Unfortunately, I just don’t give a shit. One more listen to Tragedy and Weeds and the funeral in this funeral doom would be mine.

Author: Jeremy Morse
Inwë[B]zine (extreme-metal.com)

Attention, âmes sensibles, s'abstenir !! On pénètre dans un monde musical et artistique qui ne fait pas de concessions, un monde dans lequel toute mon expérience dans le Funeral Doom est nécessaire.

Le Doom Funéraire n'a jamais aussi bien porté son nom avec Abstract Spirit. Un mot pour qualifier l'artwork : mortuaire. Les photos des trois protagonistes autour de cercueils, des photos d'enterrements, l'odeur de la mort nous entoure et l'appréhension me gagne...

La musique commence, la guitare claire pose le décor avec des accords assez dissonants, le clavier vient accentuer le sentiment de mal être qui s'empare de moi. On est loin des mélodies conventionnelles, chaque note est une surprise, chaque choix est périlleux, mais qu'est ce que c'est bon !! Je me retrouve face à un véritable mur de guitares saturées, la voix féminine me glace le sang et la voix gutturale est abyssale.

Le clavier apporte une véritable dimension à la musique d'Abstract Spirit, une dimension oppressante. Les passages atmosphériques sont très rares et très courts, peu de temps pour reprendre sa respiration, on est vite asphyxié !! Chaque chanson a sa petite originalité : des sons de cuivres au milieu de Funeral Watz, des sons d'orgues dans Crucifixion Without Regret, du vent dans Sepulchral Winter. C'est extrêmement bien pensé et j'irais même jusqu'à dire que c'est vicieux car malgré une musique difficile à aborder, on adhère complètement !

On finit épuisé à l'écoute de Sepulchral Winter qui est pour moi le meilleur morceau : le groupe laisse les instruments s'exprimer, l'ambiance est exceptionnelle, le mal être est toujours aussi présent. La mélodie entêtante pénètre notre cerveau pour ne jamais en ressortir. On devient vite accro à cette atmosphère lugubre, incroyablement sombre et perverse.

Je n'en dirai pas plus pour ne pas casser la découverte, car pour moi, Abstract Spirit est une véritable surprise. Comme dit précédemment, les novices se doivent de passer leur chemin car Abstract Spirit demande une grande maîtrise de la musique funéraire. Je recommande donc cet album aux personnes expérimentées car l'aventure proposée par ce groupe est tout simplement unique !

Author: dark.pimousse, aujourd'hui

Tragedy and Weeds is a doom metal album that reminds mostly of Shape of Despair... something in the tempo, use of melodic accents, and the vocal style and how it’s implemented. However, Russian Abstract Spirit is a substantially more retarded — and also in this case, lesser — version of the essential Finnish doom unit... but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t listen to Tragedy and Weeds.

Tragedy and Weeds is a long album, with lots of material, whose intricacies will reveal themselves with repeated listens... the only issue in question is whether the album is quite good enough to warrant taking time out from listening to a lot of other music to really get into what’s going on during Tragedy and Weeds.

For example, the way the record winds down in a way that makes it sound like a stereo running out of batteries is interesting. Abstract Spirit also likes to use a lot of "horns," which can sound like the theme to a Mafia funeral procession in which everyone is drunk, makes for some amusing remarkability.

But on the flip side, there’s something about the production that, while well done and heavy, doesn’t invite the listener to turn up and enjoy at louder volumes. Still, if you’re a big fan of Shape of Despair, and could stand to have more of that kind of thing, albeit a 2nd rate version of it, Tragedy and Weeds is recommended.

Author: Roberto Martinelli

Now here's a band that was the reason for a heated argument recently between fellow reviewer Bertrand Marchal and yours truly. The reason is quite simple: Are Russian Abstract Spirit a good band, and is their album 'Tragedy And Weeds' worth purchasing?

Let's start simply : the band is formed by an ex-Comatose Vigil and two ex-Twilight Is Mine (a BM band, for those unfamiliar with them) and they display a rather weird kind of Funeral Doom that can be best summarized as a cross between late era Shape Of Despair and Pan-Thy-Monium. So, really nothing in common with the black depths that Comatose Vigil has accustomed us to. The music, as I said, is weird. This is due mostly to the use of some very curious change in rythmics, not unlike some stuff you can find in Mathcore or the most technical Death Metal bands, and there's horns on top of all that! Albeit used with the help of a keyboard (as no mention is done of the use of a trombone or a saxophone in the booklet), these horns do nicely complement a music that was already rather...well, I've said it twice already : weird.

Curiously, nowhere you can't find anything really new when listening to this album. While the lyrics are as abstract as the name of the band could hint, the music manage to be weird (did I said it before?) yet easy to grasp. Which makes this album an enjoyable listening while being a complete mess sometimes, to the point where you start to ask yourself 'but what had they in mind when composing their songs?'

I've enjoyed this album, but couldn't point out really the reason why. It's well done, I was never bored and yet it's pretty much nothing but decent, with chaotic structures and a lot of keyboards (which I don't find flooding the music, but Bertrand has a different opinion on this matter).

This will be a strictly 'love it or hate it' affair here. While completely non-surprising, despite the weirdness of the music, the album never manage to expand the mind and make you think abstract thoughts. A failure? I think not, just one more decent Russian Doom album.

Author: Laurent Lignon

Помню, получив на рецензию дебютный диск ABSTRACT SPIRIT под названием Liguid Dimensions Change, я оценил его достаточно низко, потому что, несмотря на все ожидания, услышал совершенно пустой и бездушный материал, пусть и качественно реализованный в плане звука. Теперь же до меня доехал уже второй альбом российских похоронщиков, посмотрим, что получилось на этот раз.
В первую очередь я обратил внимание на оформление, которое меня, действительно, порадовало. Фото музыкантов в строгой одежде на фоне лакированных гробов смотрятся очень даже стильно, явно под стать музыке. Немного пафоса еще никому не помешало. Что ж, с обложкой все в порядке, уже хорошо. Музыка – похоронный метал, кто бы сомневался. Слушаю, слушаю внимательно… Достаточно качественный звук упрощает восприятие материала (хотя и предыдущий диск тоже был записан неплохо). В каждой композиции очень много диссонансов, что вместе с низким и мощным гроулом создает болезненную, зловещую атмосферу. Ультрамедленные гитарные риффы обильно пропитаны атмосферными клавишными подложками. При этом в композиционных структурах присутствует намек на авангард, не безосновательный, надо сказать. Признаться, сидя в полумраке, мне даже стало немного не по себе от музыки ABSTRACT SPIRIT, появилось неприятное ощущение озноба, от которого меня спасла только чашка горячего чая, напомнившая о том, что есть тепло, а значит, есть и жизнь. А это, из колонок… это не смерть, это просто музыкальная имитация смерти, но насколько эффектная же, черт возьми. Да, это набор похоронных маршей сам создает настроение, он действует на психику, так что будьте осторожны!
Должен признать, что этот альбом я воспринял с большим интересом, чем Liguid Dimensions Change. Но часто возвращаться к нему не стану, уж слишком эта музыка специфична в своей безжизненности. Хороший релиз, но весьма немногие его поймут.

Author: Esoteric
The Streets

Nok en gang leverer denne russiske trioen slepende, majestetisk og symfonisk Funeral Doom. De spinner videre på grunnideene som debuten også ble tuftet på og det gjør ingen verdens ting. De maler dommedagsstemning med tjukk og stødig pensel og en instrumentpalett som både er kontrastrik og veloverveid. Det hadde vært råkult om det faktisk var ekte instrumenter over hele linja, men enn så lenge gjør synth-versjonene av messingblåserne en godkjent jobb. Som på debuten er vokalen totalt umulig å dechiffrere, men du permafrosne tundra hvor effektivt den sprer kuldegysninger i bein og marg. De har også gjort rom for subtile variasjoner, slik at den ikke alltid fremstår som en drønnende ulyd som kommer eimende opp fra dødsriket. Funeral Doom er kanskje ikke en sjanger hvor det er mulig å eksperimentere for mye, men bare det at de har snekret sammen ei låt på ni minutter i vals-takt (tre firedeltakt for musikkteoretikere der ute) er jævlig forfriskende. At låta i tillegg bærer den megetsigende tittelen «Funeral Waltz» er et stort pluss og gir en solid pekepinn på hva du kan forvente av lystigheter, eller mangel på sådanne. Underveis dukker det opp noen dramatiske horror-aktige partier som bryter opp den monotone gravferdsstemningen og akkurat det gir sårt tiltrengt variasjon. For sjøl om «Tragedy and Weeds» er aldri så fascinerende melder behovet seg innimellom for litt luft og lys. Balansen deres er nært opptil det optimale og det er ikke mange prosentene de skulle ha dreid i retning av positivisme før karakteren kunne blitt enda et hakk høyere. Sist gang trakk jeg frem Evoken og Esoteric som sammenligningsgrunnlag. Denne gangen beholdes sistnevnte, mens finske Colosseum og tyske Ahab legges til. Abstract Spirit er allerede i verdensklasse innen sin genre.
Heavy Music

Уже в прошлом году эта новая московская фьюнерал-дум команда с вокалистом из Comatose Vigil зарекомендовала себе хорошее имя на фьюнеральной сцене своим дебютником «Liquid Dimensions Change». Но там был довольно обычный, хоть и очень качественный материал. Теперь же, на втором альбоме, ребята сумели сочинить один из самых интереснейших альбомов за всю историю фьюнерал-дум метала! Начиная с фотосессии в истинно похоронном виде (что хочется даже воскликнуть – наконец-то, кто-то догадался до очевидного!) альбом всё больше и больше удивляет по ходу проигрывания музыки. Мощнейшее звучащий «убивающий» фьюнерал с жирнейшим гроулом Иезера, а также… медными духовыми инструментами и хором плакальщиков. Иногда, фьюнерал разгоняется до депрессив-блэка и истеричного скриминга, чем ещё больше нагоняет атмосферу безумия похорон и отчаяния! Конечно, сложно выделить какие-то отдельные песни (везде есть интересные моменты, красивейшие клавишные мелодии и ли полный мрак) – это один большой поток слёз и печали. Шикарнейший альбом!

Author: Demether
Heavy Impact

È nella predilezione di tematiche cupe e sconfortanti del XVIII secolo, in Europa, che va sotto il nome di poesia cimiteriale o poesia ossianica, che vanno ricercate le radici tematiche di un genere come il funeral doom metal. Un genere che lentamente sta riscuotendo consensi per la propria drammatica intensità. Tra le fila di coloro che vanno annoverati tra i potenziali nomi di spicco vi sono sicuramente i russi Abstract Spirit, una band fautrice di un sound profondamente buio, ricco di odori pungenti ma anche rassegnato ed elegante come il palesarsi di una parata funebre d’alto rango.

Rispetto alla stragrande maggioranza di bands, con cui i russi condividono la proposta sonora, qui vi è un distacco da quelle che possono essere definite le tematiche “classiche” del genere, gli Abstract Spirit, a dispetto del moniker, pongono l’accento, più che su un aldilà distaccato dal reale, su quella che è la celebrazione dell’ultimo atto reale, quello che precede il distacco, ovvero il funerale visto come compimento ultimo. In merito a ciò la band ci presenta sei lunghi brani perfetti nel proprio essere strutturati a metà strada tra i più classici standard funeral doom e l’accompagnamento morboso da macabra orchestrina, in particolare per l’uso delle tastiere (sempre su note basse) che aggiungono nero sfarzo alla proposta tutta.

Sei brani che in realtà sono sei manifestazioni d’addio ultimo, guidati da vocals cavernose, riffing denso e fangoso e ritmiche strozzate come rantoli. Una gemma colma di mortiferi rimandi, da seguire con abito rigorosamente scuro e capo chino. “Tragedy and Weeds” è un piccolo necrologio di sfavillanti marce funeree, un vera e propria danza macabra fatta da una piccola orchestrina sistemata su un sepolcro tra suppellettili e fiori rinsecchiti.

Author: Andrea Angelino
Diabolical Conquest

The influence of glacially slow funeral doom bands such as Shape of Despair and Colosseum are evident in Abstract Spirit's sound, but what really defines the band, the element which gives it that extra special edge, is the way in which they can take a synth-based style of composition and almost entirely remake it with the emphasis on guitar work. I am in no way making grandiose claims that Abstract Spirit are the be all and end all of funeral doom innovation, but I was duly impressed with how Tragedy and Weeds was presented. Unfortunately this is all that I can say that's positive about the record – while the balancing between the various atmospheric elements is pitched ever so centrally, the Russian trio's song-writing leaves much to be desired.

Tragedy and Weeds offers six lengthy songs, just over an hour divided almost equally between each track. Believe me, it feels much longer than it is. Despite the fact that there are whole songs which are quite gripping ("Face the Nightmare") or uncharacteristically good ("Sepulchral Winter"), Tragedy and Weeds for the most part chugs and churns with little life and little emotion. As mentioned before, the way that lead and rhythm guitars coincide with the synth work is mostly well done– only a tiny group of bands (Shape of Despair etc.) can get away with synth saturation, and so credit must be given to Abstract Spirit for not taking the risk and finding a good balance between the two styles.

Another point towards the balancing of styles on Tragedy and Weeds is its production – sounding very clear, all of the little elements that make up any of the soundscapes presented on the record are easily distinguishable. One negative is that the drums sound loud and hollow, almost echoed, and this gives them and certain sections where the drums are prevalent an artificial and synthetic sound. If there's anything I hate in funeral doom, it's a lifeless atmosphere, and though Abstract Spirit have merely toyed with this forbidden element, they still cause some annoyance. Vocal work also seems to be a little too loud in the mix – while the vocals are rather good, ranging from thick gutturals to raspy shrieks a la Consummatum Est, they outdraw everything else and disrupt continuity.

As much as I may tout certain elements that the group have succeeded in, mediocrity still has a firm grip around Abstract Spirit, and Tragedy and Weeds is not enough to rid the band of it. As insipid as some tracks can be ("Wrapped in Solitude"), certain choices the band make are simply not good – the horn work in the third track is laughably bad, and the main melody of the second too closely resembles the Harry Potter theme for my liking. Still, it may not be completely balanced out but things like the over-arching piano melodies on the final track somewhat restore my confidence in the band's compositional abilities. But then they choose to finish it off with out of tune horns. Ugh. It's as if they can't make up their minds about being good or bad, so they've settled for both.

While I've praised Abstract Spirit for the initiative they've taken, Tragedy and Weeds still doesn't quite make the cut. It's an enjoyable record, and can be somewhat interesting if one is able get past all the mundane and unexciting passages littered across its hour length. To put it bluntly, this is one of the better doom records I've heard out of Russia, but that's not saying much. Fans of anything from the Russian scene will undoubtedly enjoy the band's sophomore effort, and it's worth a listen to funeral doom fanatics. Other than that, feel free to file this away under the already overflowing folder of funeral doom to forget.

Author: Berkay Erkan

Esistono effetti positivi nel vivere all’interno di un mondo interamente globalizzato? Ad essere sincero non ne trovo molti a livello politico-economico, mentre per quanto riguarda la sfera culturale devo ammettere che non esiste situazione più stimolante di questa.
Se non fosse per la globalizzazione non conosceremmo artisti e tendenze lontane da noi, che in condizioni diverse resterebbero difficilmente avvicinabili. Anche nella musica, grazie sopratutto alla forza centripeta di internet, possiamo venire a conoscenza di realtà provenienti dai più remoti anfratti del nostro pianeta, spesso con esiti davvero interessanti.
Gli Abstract Spirit non provengono certo da paesi esotici, ma da Mosca; ad ogni modo penso che difficilmente avremmo potuto ascoltare la loro musica in condizioni diverse da quelle vigenti. Sarebbe stato un vero peccato, poiché la band fa parte di quella sempre più nutrita schiera di formazioni provenienti dall’est europa che, tra altri e bassi, sta regalando interessanti prospettive agli appassionati del genere.

Tragedy And Weeds è il secondo full-lenght del lugubre trio moscovita, dopo l’apprezzatissimo Liquid Dimension Change uscito nel 2008. La formula ormai ben collaudata è quella di un pesantissimo doom metal dall’incedere maestoso e decisamente funebre, impreziosito da atmosfere horrorifiche ottenute da un oculato lavoro di tastiera. Potremmo parlare di funeral, o di doom death; ma gli Abstract Spirit sembrano più interessati al contenuto che alla forma della loro musica.
Pathos, senso della perdita, della dannazione, del riscatto e della redenzione: solo una band come i Paramaecium sembra fungere da appropriato termine di paragone per i musicisti russi; ma a differenza della band australiana qui la teatralità, nel suo freddo e magnifico rapporto con lo spleen esistenziale, sembra essere la nota dominante. Come già accennato sono le trame tastieristiche di I.Stellarghost a donare ai brani quel senso di esterrefatta estati negativa, volgente alla purificazione totale di ogni pulsione turpe e avvilente; decisamente è questa la marcia in più del loro sound.

Tragedy and Weeds vi seppellirà con il suo lentissimo incedere e con la sua durata di oltre un’ora, ma lo farà facendovi vivere la più grande tragedia della storia: la storia dell'uomo e il suo rapporto con l’esistenza.
La title track ci accoglie con malinconiche note arpeggiate, le quali accompagneranno il motivo del brano fatto di inquietanti cori tastieristici e assoli di chitarra dilatati quanto inquietanti, mentre la ritmica sottolinea ogni passaggio con fare impassibile. Da segnalare l’ottima prova in fase di growling di A.K. Iezor, il quale svolge un lavoro di profondità e evocativa irruenza vocale nel corso di tutto l’album. Il lungo brano si chiude con una trama chitarristica ben congegnata e che trasmette pienamente il senso di tragedia imminente, ma con una leggera nota di malinconia a caratterizzare il tutto. Notevole, in Tragedy And Weeds, è il ricorso a strutture complesse e quasi a spirale che donano dinamicità e coinvolgimento all’ascolto. Anche la successiva Funeal Waltz si assesta su questa linea compositiva, seppur qui a prevalere è l’epicità data dalle pennellate chitarristiche che costituiscono l’intelaiatura del brano, e che fanno dello stesso un vero e proprio valzer funebre retto da una ritmica sempre puntuale. Ancora una volta la tastiera regala preziosi attimi di visionaria immaginazione horrorifica specialmente nei moduli d’intermezzo al tema principale e nel finale.
Crucifixion Without Regret è forse la canzone meno sensazionale dell’intero lotto; seppur la qualità globale rimane decisamente alta, a mancare è quella dose di dinamicità espressiva che permea in profondità tutti gli altri brani del platter.

Face The Nightmare terrorizza letteralmente nell’alternanza tra pieni e vuoti, fatta di vibranti chitarre e catacombali silenzi; l’atmosfera poi si surriscalda in un crescendo raggelante, dove la tastiera fa da inquietante tappeto sonoro in tempi fortemente cadenzati. Nel finale cambiano i motivi musicali ma intatta rimane la forte carica emotiva sottolineata da ficcanti note dilatate. Wrapped In Solitude è il brano che più da vicino ricorda gli immensi Paramaecium, specialmente nell’avvio con chitarre serratissime e pachidermiche nel loro incedere, accompagnate da un solismo chitarristico davvero ispirato. E’ un pezzo senza scampo, senza possibilità d’appello, vi seppellirà senza che ve ne renderete conto. Ammaliante, tremendo e malinconico allo stesso tempo; in una parola perfetto.
Il lunghissimo lavoro dei russi si chiude con Sepulchral Winter, dove il piano ha un ruolo guida nel delineare l’andamento generale, creando così una interessanti varianti melodiche al sound dei nostri. Punto focale di questo brano è infatti una lenta nenia che nel corso degli oltre tredici minuti rapisce i nostri sensi con leggere divagazioni timbriche sullo stesso tema melodico; un lavoro di fino, non c’è che dire.

Per concludere Tragedy And Weeds è un lavoro davvero maestoso, profondo e inquietante, che smuoverà sensazioni profonde in tutti gli appassionati di queste sonorità. Quello che più chiaramente è emerso dalla mia analisi è che non si tratta proprio di un lavoro di facile lettura ed accessibilità; tuttavia sono certo che proprio in virtù di questo vi regalerà soddisfazioni a lungo termine.
Scopriteli, per fortuna almeno questo oggi potete farlo…

Author: Daniele Salvatelli "Born Too Late"
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