Elusive God - The Darkest Flame (MCD) Digipak

doom metal, Solitude Productions, Doom Metal Rebirth
Digi CD
Цена в баллах: 900 баллов
DMR 001 xs
В наличии

Дебютный EP хорватской epic doom metal команды Elusive God готов обрушится на слушателя ураганом звука, равному жестокому космическому удару в лицо древнего отвратительного мифологического гиганта, пробудившегося от вечного сна. «The Darkest Flame» выражен на самом пределе страдания, гнева, горечи и эйфории в переплетении с воплощением мрачных мыслей из самых глубоких уголков души и сознания.

Мистика возвращается в музыку! И смысл воссоединяется с тем, что важнее всего – выражением, искусством и историей, которые он несёт.

Это и возвращение самого doom metal. Потому что музыка, которая раньше поражала нас энергией, честностью, смыслом и несоответствием, находится на грани исчезновения. В нём преобладает полное отсутствие творческого видения и игры по сложившимся образцам с полным игнорированием тайны и визуальной составляющей. Тем не менее, возможно, самый неудачный факт - это полная потеря мистической и темной ауры, которая охватила весь жанр всеми его исполнителями.

released as a 6-panel digipak

1 Silence Is Our Doom 4:53
2 The Truth Untold 5:59
3 Dream Within a Dream 5:26
4 To Whom Do You Pray? 7:28

Elusive God
Страна артиста:
Год альбома:
The Darkest Flame
doom metal
Compact Disk
Solitude Productions
Кат. номер:
DMR 001
Год издания:
Antichrist Magazine

Croatian doom troupe, Elusive God, present their take on a very traditional sound with their EP, The Darkest Flame. A retro tinged romp through the dark reaches of the doom genre, this is most certainly one for those who are seeking out a taste of the sound that dominated heavy music in the days of yesteryear.

Our first taste of Elusive God comes in the form of the heavy as hell sludged out introduction of Silence is Our Doom. Musically, all of these songs crush, but the opening track is a real standout. The sludgy sound of the track maintains clarity throughout its run, never muddying itself into the territory of noise pollution. As the EP continues, the music settles into a nice classical doom sound. It’s cold and mournful, and beautifully gut wrenching sound that instills emotion deeply enough to stick around once the music has ceased.

The percussion on the EP is mixed very well, with a minimalist style that allows exciting and intricate patterns to convey the same feel of the static drums found in the more extreme forms of the doom genre.

Many of the sounds seem a bit muted, but they are still very present in the mix, creating an eerie effect, like an ever present ghost hovering about the EP’s run time.

Vocals on the EP, while not exactly this reviewers cup of tea, maintain the retro feel of the album. They are very theatrical in nature, existing somewhere in the space between Bruce Dickinson and King Diamond. They are very clean, with dramatic flourishes abundant. Fans of Ghost and early Sabbath will most certainly find themselves right at home.

Aside from the aforementioned Silence is Our Doom, To Whom Do You Pray is another standout track on the EP. An epic track that undergoes multiple stylistic and thematic changes, there is a heavy cinematic quality to the song that keeps the listener gripped. There is also a very quiet section that really lets the bass guitar shine at long last, which is always going to be a huge plus for this reviewer.

All in all, I give this one a thumbs up. While it might seem a bit tame for modern listeners, it achieves the sound that it strives for and that intention is clearly audible throughout the release. Give it a listen with open ears, try to appreciate the journey that Elusive God is taking you on. It’ll be worth it.

Author: Peter Morsellino

Desde Croacia y a través de Solitude Productions, nos llega el nuevo Ep de ELUSIVE GOD, “The Darkest Flame”, una pequeña joyita dentro del doom, donde su música es pesada, heavy y oscura bebiendo de bandas como CANDLEMASS o SABBATH.

Con una formación desconocida, a través de cuatro canciones nos dan una lección de doom metal, alejada de los guturales predominantes hoy en día, donde la limpieza tanto musical como vocal, emergen de las tinieblas de una forma elegante y misteriosa creando un doom metal moderno pero con matices clásicos, tan solo escuchar el combo inicial con “Silence Is Our Doom” o “The Truth Untold”, para darnos cuenta que se oculta algo grande en su interior, ritmos pegadizos y densos, unos riffs pletóricos de sensaciones, una voz que te recordara a Bruce Dickinson en determinados momentos, pero envilecida por una atmosfera pesada que solo con unas melodías malévolas resurgen del heavy metal. Vaya dos temazos para empezar.

“Dream Within A Dream”, mantiene el pulso mientras baja el tempo, con una primera parte muy heavy y agresiva, abriéndose en una segunda parte con un solo embriagador y rockero, donde el silencio y la guitarra toman protagonismo antes del apocalipsis final, nivelazo. El cierre lo pone “To Whom Do You Pray”, el corte más largo del EP, que nos adentra en una espesa pesadilla de doom/heavy metal, donde los pasos con pies de plomo desolan las emociones internas, embellecidas por sendos pasajes instrumentales de gran belleza, primando la energía y los sonidos eléctricos en el primero y la elegancia y el silencio en el segundo. Un gran Ep que todo amante al doom debería escuchar.

Author: Juan Angel Martos
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