Fangtooth - Fangtooth (CD)

traditional doom metal, Solitude Productions, Solitude Productions
Price in points: 700 points
SP. 044-11 xn
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The debut album of young Italian band Fangtooth follows the canons of traditional doom metal genre. Inspired by the debut Candlemass album as well as by works of Trouble, Saint Vitus, Pagan Altar the musicians of Fangtooth demonstrate their own interpretation of the genre traditions and add their own strokes to the general canvas created by the legendary bands.

1 The Eye Of God
2 Rise Again
3 Father
4 In Depths We Lie
5 Martyr
6 Cry Of The Nephilim

Artist Country:
Album Year:
traditional doom metal
CD Album
Jewel Case
Solitude Productions
Cat Num:
SP. 044-11
Release Year:
Country Of Manufacture:
Forgotten Path

There are more and more traditional Doom bands nowadays. Not a long time ago we were wondering about the rendition of the mood presented by the bands of 80s and 90s in The Wounded Kings music. Now it seems to be a customary thing - there are a couple of presented solid albums of this recovered genre every year (for instance, here should be mentioned the works of Orchid and Uncle Acid and Deadbeats from 2011). The latest part of this new trend is Fangtooth. This band was formed in 2007 but they debuted in 2011, exactly on the wave. It was one of the reasons why the band was completely unnoticed - the publishing of albums of this genre became so great that a purely unheard band from Italy could hardly become close to inveterate fans of Doom hearts. Perhaps they could have been made famous by the record company but it didn’t happen; there are just a few reviews on the internet and just a few listeners on the sites of music registration or evaluation.
Maybe it wasn’t the only reason for that fact of abundance? Indeed it becomes clear by the moment you turn on the CD - though the band manipulates the techniques and forms of Traditional Doom, they don’t manage to convey the atmosphere and leave a bigger impression than any album of this genre and it also has a few annoying things about performance - for example, clear but frequently unpleasant and weak vocals, too outstretched and compositions where everything is repeated until it really pisses you off (if we compare them with some Reverend Bizarre we will feel a delicate difference because these outstretched places are the main hook and they cover the real cordiality and atmosphere - it seems that they play something similar, just the riffs of Fangtooth don’t persuade and the tempo is just something like a failed duplicate). One more significant problem of Fangtooth is that they don’t avoid incorporating accent characteristic to Stoner Rock/Metal and that everything creates the impression of mash. The tempo is sometimes changed but there isn’t a clear accelerant so there is an obvious problem of moderation and integrity.
On the other hand everything has two sides: if on one hand it seems that the mixing of genres and outstretching the compositions are unmotivated things, on the other hand they uncover a not too bad technique of performance, ignoring that the showing of this ability is boring...
So the debut of Fangtooth is one of the less valuable music examples - perhaps if the band had released their production in 2008, they’d have thrilled the ear of some music lover who misses the good old days, but nowadays such a band is just a mediocrity.

Author: Bloodie

Nel 2010 i messinesi Fangtooth esordiscono sulla lunga distanza con un lavoro omonimo ed autoprodotto che oggi viene ristampato e distribuito dalla label russa Solitude Productions. Le lunghe antenne dell’etichetta si saranno subito drizzate all’ascolto di “Fangtooth”, vero e proprio concentrato di doom ultra classico che miscela insieme Black Sabbath e Candlemass, Saint Vitus e Reverend Bizarre, Witchfinder General e Thunderstorm. Proprio al disciolto combo bergamasco i nostri debbono più di una intuizione, soprattutto a livello di riffing: se infatti i ragazzi riusciranno a limare qualche asperità di troppo potrebbero davvero raccogliere il testimone lasciato cadere da Fabio Thunder e soci. Per analizzare l’esordio dei siciliani ci piace partire dalla fine, dal brano migliore del lotto, che mette chiaramente in evidenza il talento compositivo di Sfack e compagnia. “Cry Of The Nephilim” è un brano sicuramente derivativo, o, per meglio dire, rispettoso dei canoni e dei confini che il classic doom si è imposto sin da subito; nonostante ciò (o per alcuni proprio grazie a questo) la canzone riesce a decollare ed a mettere in mostra un songwriting sopraffino che si traduce in un incedere estremamente pesante e plumbeo, memore delle lezioni di primi Candlemass e Reverend Bizarre. Molto bene anche il dittico iniziale composto da “The Eye Of God” e “Rise Again”: la prima che si apre con un clamoroso riffone sabbathiano e viene innerbata con robuste dosi di Thunderstorm, mentre la seconda si segnala per delle accelerazioni notevoli che rimandano alla NWOBHM più sulfurea e cupa. I tre rimanenti episodi, lungi dall’essere brutti, mettono in mostra un certo manierismo, che unito ad una vaga insicurezza esecutiva fa sì che non riescano a colpire come dovrebbero. Soprattutto la voce di Sfack e la batteria di Grendel “The Animal” sono da rivedere, probabilmente anche a causa di una produzione decisamente scadente che non rende loro giustizia. Tutto sommato, “Fangtooth” rappresenta un buon esordio, forse un po’ troppo acerbo, ma che lascia intravedere enormi margini di miglioramento ed un talento compositivo sopra la media. Attenderemo quindi con ansia un eventuale secondo album, certi che – se i ragazzi continueranno a lavorare con costanza e dedizione – i risultati non tarderanno ad arrivare.

Author: Luca Filisetti
Friedhof Magazine

El Fangtooth (Anoplogaster cornuta), además de ser un tipo de pez bastante singular por su extrema “belleza” y “delicada” mandíbula, vive en las profundidades más recónditas y oscuras del océano, siendo fuente inagotable de fantasías literarias. ¿Y a qué viene este estudio ictiológico? Pues a lo acertado en hacer uso de la nominación del pezqueñín para darle también nombre a este proyecto italiano una vez conocemos su lírica y las imágenes incluidas. Más o menos. Echadle imaginación.
El cuarteto siciliano, formado en 2007, navega por el ancho mar del Doom Metal (esta ocurrencia tiene poco mérito), bajo la tutela de uno de los sellos más especializados en el género. Título homónimo para su debut, temática relacionada con el mar, dioses, mitos y leyendas, siguiendo la imaginería por ejemplo, de unos Ahab (coincidencias en el uso pictórico entre “La Balsa de la Medusa” de Delacroix de los primeros y el “Ulises y las Sirenas” de Herbert James Draper por Fangtooth, todos con el mar como trasfondo). Tradicionales y con sonido “vintage” o lo que hoy se viene conociendo como Retro Doom, Fangtooth, pues eso…, no nos revela nada nuevo. Sin embargo aprovechan bien este “revival” tomando influencias de Black Sabbath, Candlemass o incluso unos Electric Wizard, con muy buenos y pegadizos riffs, ya sean originales o no, y desarrollando un Doom con mucho sonido Groove o rockero. Y es que, la base de todos es esta. Rock oscuro y pesado que da lugar a nuestro clásico género de hoy. Nada nuevo bajo el sol si miramos unos Ghost o The Sword, aunque con diferencias obvias, entre ellas, mayor cadencia y pesadez rítmica, diferencias melódicas (nada épico o bizarro) o líricas. Todo muy correcto, salvo las voces. Algunos coros de relleno son bien oportunos y otros, me sobran, eso sí, dan mayor carga emocional. Sin embargo la voz clara principal denota poca fuerza y una calidad cuestionable, rematada por un esporádico tono operístico amateur que empaña el resultado final. Admisible para un debut dentro de un género, como todos, saturado en el que ser centro de atención es muy complicado pese a que merecen una oportunidad.

Author: Kramthal

Первая работа итальянцев Fangtooth адресуется их лейблом поклонникам традиционного дум-метала. Я бы даже сузил круг потенциальной аудитории этого релиза до отчаянно фанатеющих от всего, что так или иначе связано с данным жанром. То есть, если вы просто не прочь время от времени крутануть какой-нибудь альбом Candlemass конца 80-х или что-нибудь из Saint Vitus, то, скорее всего, будете неприятно удивлены тем, насколько жидко и неказисто звучат их апеннинские вроде как последователи. Дебют Fangtooth пестрит всеми вообразимыми ужасами неумелого селф-продакшена, и в данном случае, когда вопрос креативности по сути снимается в угоду традиционализму, подача материала и определяет по большей части его ценность. Аляповатая подвальная звуковая грязюка, как и сведение "на коленке", этой самой ценности диску Fangtooth отнюдь не добавляют. Такое чувство, будто группа репетирует в полузатопленном подвале, снимая то, что выходит, микрофоном для домашнего караоке. Если это попытка прозвучать настолько "сыро", чтобы после прослушивания результата требовалось слить из ушей воду, то она засчитана. Ура? "Урал"! Сложно поверить в то, что этот мутный булькающий поток отходов колебания струн может исторгать какой-либо другой гитарный инструмент. И всё же больше всего здесь разъедают слуховые органы даже не струнные-ударные, а экзерсисы экзорциста-вокалиста. Характерные для классических форм дума головокружительные вплоть до псевдо-оперных завывания в данном случае обращаются воплями бесноватыми до такой степени, что от них обратится в бегство и сама нечисть. Хотя бы из бережного отношения к своему психическому здоровью. Самый сок - комичные подвывания в стиле мультяшного привидения где-то на втором музыкальном плане ("Father") - даже самому суровому фанату медленных металлов будет неимоверно сложно сохранить серьёзную мину при прослушивании этого голосового буйства.
Качество реализации превращает довольно стандартный материал группы в некую стилизацию под прошлое, которого на самом деле не было, в настоящем звучащую и вовсе несерьёзно. Такова реальность думового "сегодня" - на одну интересную группу вроде Talbot приходится с десяток таких вот хранителей истинного духа непонятно чего.

Author: Павел Медведев
Metal Hammer 2011

A doom metal egyre sürübben hajö-zott vizein evez a 2007-ben alakult olasz Fangtooth, s ez a hetekkel ezelött megjelent album az elsö kiadvânyuk.

Alapvetöen hagyomänyos doom zenét jâtszik a fiatal négyes, s a lemez alap-jân könnyen megâllapîthatô, hogy tanultak az elödök müveiböl. A Candlemass hatâ-sa éppûgy kimutathatâ, mint a Trouble-é, a Cathedralé vagy a régi Anathemâé, de az egykori Hellhound kiadô csapatai (Saint Vitus, Revelation stb.) szintén ismeretesek az itâliai doomsterek szâmâra.

A riffek, témâk között fel-felbukkannak erôsebbek, de olyan, ami igazân kiugrônak lenne nevezhetô, ritkân. Sfack énekes/gitâ-ros hangja tipikus „hanyag" doom-orgânum, a Saint Vitus/Revelation/Unorthodox-vonalra illeszthetô.

Egyelôre egy arctalan zenekar képe rajzo-lödik ki e debüt alapjân, de a vészjôslo han-gulatû Cry Of The Nephilim nem rossz dal.

Author: M. P.
The Streets

Fangtooth er en italiensk Doom-kvartett med følgende forbilder: Candlemass, Saint Vitus, Trouble og Pagan Altar (for å nevne noen få). Lyd, produksjon, vokalprestasjon og riffene er deretter. Det er røft, upolert og med et umiskjennelig hint av demo over seg. Mastringen (eller mangel på sådan) skrur klokka tilbake til sent åttitall/tidlig nittitall. Vokalen er klar og dramatisk, med nasale kvaliteter og det som jeg så fint kaller for musikalitet. Som betyr at sjøl om det er noen sure toner her og der er det likevel melodiøsitet og sjel i stemmen. Styrken til bandet ligger på det fundamentale plan og det er her det blir tydelig at de har latt seg inspirere av Black Sabbath og Candlemass. Vi snakker selvfølgelig om variasjon. Fangtooth har stor bredde i materialet sitt og sjøl om de aldri viker langt vekk fra Doomens irrganger, er de heller aldri redd for å bytte toneart, bruke ulike vokalteknikker, kjøre på med noen kjappere heavy-riff eller litt spansk-inspirerte toner på akustisk gitar etc... og de skrur det sammen på en fin måte.

I utgangspunktet er jeg positiv til skiva og den har vokst langt mer enn det elendige førsteinntrykket skulle tilsi at den gjorde. Det er likevel i overkant skralt for min del og jeg legger ikke skjul på at jeg gjerne hadde hørt materialet i reinnspilt form med dyktigere musikere og en vokalist på høyde med han som Griftegård er velsignet med. For låtene er faktisk bra og hadde fortjent bedre.

Author: Rune
Zero Tolerance

Italy’s Fangtooth take things waaaay back to the traditional doom end of the spectrum, following much in the fashion of their countrymen in Doomsword…only without the songwriting. Off-key vocals and ho-hum composition make their self-titled debut a comparative snoozer.

I am not a huge fan of Doom Metal, but every now and then I like a bit of down-tuned guitars playing riffs so low you feel them as much as hear them. That was my frame of mind when Fangtooth's self-titled debut came along (the cool cover art didn't hurt, either.)

Basically, Fangtooth reminds me of Briton Rites. The same pounding, distorted guitar and bass sound, as well as a penchant for speeding up the tempo within songs, can be heard from both bands. Musically, Fangtooth don't blaze any new trails, but stick to the ones well worn by Black Sabbath, Candlemass and, of course, Briton Rites. They do a fine job with songs well within the boundaries of Doom Metal. Where they lose me are the vocals of singer Sfack. While his off-key warbles give him a tortured sound that actually enhances the songs, in spots, the sour notes start to pile up and quickly become a distraction.

If you can look past the rough vocals, which really need work, you'll find some decent Doom Metal on Fangtooth.

Author: MetalMike

Nuova uscita discografica per i Fangtooth, combo siciliano sorto dalle ceneri dei Karnstein. Grazie al fondamentale innesto del nuovo bassista Joseph Roginson i nostri, dopo aver sperimentato altri generi e aver acquisito esperienze in altre band, hanno deciso di dedicarsi nuovamente al doom. E la loro fatica è stata premiata con questo cd che rappresenta il loro esordio. Siamo di fronte ad un lavoro di doom classico e tradizionale di matrice ottantiana che fa tornare subito alla mente dei mostri sacri del calibro di Candlemass, SaintVitus e Witchfinder General. Ciò che sorprende in maniera molto positiva è che la band non si limita semplicemente a riciclare gli stili e le ritmiche dei succitati gruppi, ma riesce a fonderli e a miscelarli ad ottime ritmiche sludge dando la tutto un'aurea molto personale ed affascinante. Altra caratteristica che non potrà non essere notata è la bassa qualità della produzione che, mentre per ciò che riguarda e chitarre potrebbe anche essere accettata, non rende giustizia alle sonorità della batteria che sono molto confusie e che, in alcuni punti, sembrano quasi ronzare. Questo mentre il lavoro vocale finisce per non essere mai incisivo, anzi, a essere troppo scolastico e accademico. Citazione a parte merita sicuramente "Martyr", il brano che riesce a spiccare in maniera più netta dal calderone musicale grazie a riff trascinati in cui si alternano delle ritmiche di chitarra classica che sfiorano i lidi del flamenco, e che s'innestano perfettamente con i ritmi sulfurei generati dalla band. Quindi i Fangtooth devono provare a smussare quegli spigoli che ancora inficiano la loro produzione in modo tale da riuscire, finalmente, a ritagliarsi un posto di sicuro rispetto nel panorama metal tricolore e non solo.

Author: Donato Tripoli
Metal Revolution

Born in 2007, Italian doomsters Fangtooth was formed on the remains of their former doom band called Karnstein. Now, a self-titled six-song album is out and the band is working hard to unleash a new devastating doom blast.

On Fangtooth the group is playing what I would describe as typical and classic style doom metal. It is plain and simple, and without any unnecessary bullshit and mixture of annoying sub-genres. However, it is also very hard to find anything that would bring this band a step further, away from traditional and common doom scene. There’s a very little originality and that’s a huge shame. I feel like I’ve heard it all before, and that’s probably true.

In other words; despite of the obvious musical quality, down-tempo tunes and interesting cover artwork – the rest is just bleak and hardly average. Production is not satisfying either and the vocals are too low and unclean. However if you’re into bands such Black Sabbath, Candlemass, Warlord, Solitude Aeturnus, Death SS, Dark Quarterer, Crowbar, Entombed, Manilla Road, Down and such then I suggest you to give them a fair chance.

Author: bato
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