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My Lament - Broken Leaf (CD)

doom death, Solitude Productions, Solitude Productions
List price: 466.67 Р
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Price in points: 500 points
SP. 028-09 xn
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Revelation from this Belgian band with their debut album “Broken Leaf”! The first album of MY LAMENT consists of eight powerful, perfectly recorded songs, which have a balance between cruelty of ATARAXIE and melodic lines of OFFICIUM TRISTE and SATURNUS. Brilliant playing skills of the musicians with great sound separate MY LAMENT from a lot of modern bands in this style, and put their music on same line with the famous bands of doom death metal scene!

1 Broken Leaf (Intro)
2 Shepherd Of Sorrow
3 Silent Nights
4 My Damnation Deep
5 The Soilseeker
6 Her Dark Smile
7 The Burden Of Doubt
8 Vilest Of Men

My Lament
Artist Country:
Album Year:
Broken Leaf
doom death
CD Album
Jewel Case
Solitude Productions
Cat Num:
SP. 028-09
Release Year:
Country Of Manufacture:
Diabolical Conquest

Having heard of this band before but dismissing them as overtly melodic and fruity Euro-doom (with a name like My Lament such conclusions are unavoidable), I was pleasantly surprised to find that my expectations of Eastern European gothic monotone were completely absent. In its stead, the Belgian group's debut full length is a dark and brooding death/doom album reminiscent of material from the burgeoning French scene. While the record has enough brute force to keep even me happy throughout its length, it still suffers at the hands of its creators – what is the obsession with nauseating melody? Why do these bands with so much potential feel the need to have ridiculous spoken word sections? Not only can you hear the silly accents but in several sections of Broken Leaf you can make out the lyrics, and believe me when I say that they are not good. Much like their French neighbours, My Lament fall into these cliché doom metal traps, and it severely hampers the album's effectiveness and longevity. But why these faults are so irritating is telling of the band's actual potential – it pains me to hear these flaws because in essence the band have done everything right, and it is said flaws which shave off points that My Lament need to distinguish themselves from the norm.

Though being a hot spot for all styles of metal, France has been churning out excellent doom for a number of years. Ataraxie's Slow Transcending Agony is arguably its pinnacle, but it is their derivative Inborn Suffering that is a better comparison. My Lament fit perfectly alongside the likes of Inborn Suffering or other European death/doom such as Saturnus, Black Wreath, Officium Triste and Mourning Beloveth. What it is distinctive about them however (at least in relation to bands like Saturnus and Black Wreath), is that My Lament retain a certain edge in their composition; slower, melancholic passages notwithstanding, Broken Leaf can at times be an immensely heavy album, replicating the Ataraxie/Inborn Suffering death metal aesthetic .

If anything, Broken Leaf is a step forward. What I disliked most about Inborn Suffering was the band's attempt to incorporate some terrible singing into the overall atmosphere of their music – this did nothing but raise the cringe factor, ruining what would have otherwise been good songs. To my great relief, there is no clean singing to be found on Broken Leaf. While not having shed the spoken word which also plagued Inborn Suffering, the lack of singing puts greater emphasis on Bert De Visscher's exemplary gutturals. But then there are the lyrics. Expect only the usual clichéd Euro-doom drivel – lines like ‘she is a terrified little girl' sound ridiculous no matter how they're put, so I just do my best to ignore them. The song itself ("Her Dark Smile") is in fact very good; much like the rest of the album, it's cohesive and certainly not dull, with a very genuine dark and depressing atmosphere. With that in mind, it's just disappointing to read the lyrics and see the song in a lesser light.

What drives Broken Leaf, as mentioned above, is its cohesion. The album flows from furious riffage to slower melodic moments with ease and fluidity, and in general the instrumentation of the Belgian group is outstanding. The drumming is very well done, something which is rare in doom; much like with Inborn Suffering, My Lament drummer Vincent Jacobs' performance is ear-catching and definitely impressive. The slick production adds notable levels of smoothness to the sound, and to put it bluntly the album as a whole sounds good. Anyone who has heard any European death/doom before will know exactly what to expect - My Lament do not go out of their way to provide anything different, merely offering a slight variant on a very common sound. In the context of originality, they receive no points. However, the record's aforementioned shortcomings aside, execution is Broken Leaf's strong point, and thus for any fan of death/doom there is value to be found here. It's derivative and at times cliché, but Broken Leaf sits to the right of average on the death/doom spectrum, and represents the continuation of this particular European style.

Author: Berkay Erkan
Metal Daze

Desde lo mas sentido y sórdido del ser humano MY LAMENT se ha servido para crear y procrear una obra singular, efectiva y por sobre todas las cosas honesta. Por ser el primer trabajo discográfico del grupo, no menos que excelentes augurios de cara al futuro inmediato le cabe a la banda oriunda de Bélgica.
“Broken Leaf” es un disco donde el Doom Metal se mixtura con el Death Metal en más que buena forma, logrando que los pasajes de honda depresión se transformen paulatinamente en contenidas detonaciones de violencia “deathmetalera”.
Ocho canciones son de la partida y da la sensación que no fueron “puestas” en el CD de manera aleatoria sino que cada una viene “atada” a la otra, a la siguiente y a cada una del resto.
La canción homónima abre el disco dando la bienvenida a un mundo catártico, algo experimental (hasta pasados los cuatro minutos todo es teclado, batería y guitarra pero casi zapando) con encontradas sensaciones (el Death y el Doom conviven armónicamente pese a ello) y la firme convicción de hacer música extrema sin concesión alguna.
“The Shepherd Of Sorrow” le sigue con un andar decididamente a media maquina entre My Dying Bride y los momentos más solemnes de Benediction o Death; que sabemos de sobra, son pocos.
“Silent Nights” y “My Damnation Deep” entregan de manera más expresiva su raíz Doom, puesto que la excelente interpretación de Bert De Visscher (voz) posiciona a la banda en un sitial recostada con mayor énfasis hacia dicho sub género y no tanto hacia el Death Metal más visceral que aflora en muchos pasajes del álbum.
EL quinteto no da puntada sin hilo y sus composiciones poseen un vuelo tan particular como la marcha de las mismas: firme y sin titubeo alguno.
“Broken Leaf” es un disco brillante, un debut para destacar tanto por su luminosidad como por su oscuridad, su furia como su sosiego, su violencia como su cansina melancolía.
Otro logro y descubrimiento del sello ruso Solitude Productions.

Author: Gustavo Piccini
Kronos Mortus

A belga My Lament második kiadványa a "Broken Leaf" című debütáló lemez. Korábban csupán egy demó jelent meg, mégpedig a 2006-os keltezésű "Beneath The Hidden" demó, amely szerzői kiadásban került nyilvánosságra. 2003-as megalakulásukat több tagcsere kísérte, míg a jelenkori tagság kialakult, talán részben ennek köszönhető, hogy hosszú három év kellett a nagylemez elkészítéséhez.
A banda a doom/death metal skatulyába préselhető, bár nem ennyire egzakt módon. Zenéjük egyszerre idézi a régi klasszikusokat (Paradise Lost, Tiamat, My Dying Bride), és hoz modern megoldásokat, aminek eredménye lett a "Broken Leaf". Kezdésként a címadó tétel csendül fel, amely intróként is funkcionál. A lassú, sodró tempók, dallamos gitártémák méltóképpen vezetik fel az albumot. Itt számomra kicsit a korábban már említett My Dying Bride párhuzam domborodik ki, de ahogy a lemez hallgatása során többször is, ebben az esetben is inkább hangulati jegyek azok, amelyekben a párhuzam megnyilvánul. Az énekes Bert De Visscher hangja mély és súlyos, leginkább a legelső két Paradise Lost albumon hallható vokálokra emlékeztet. Bert itt-ott szavalásokba hajló vokálja nagyon sok erőt visz a zenébe. Ennek ékes bizonyítéka a másodikként elhangzó "Shepherd Of Sorrow" vagy a "Silent Nights".
Főképp a középtempók dominálnak a lemezen, a ritmusszekció változatosan, színesen adja a gitárosok alá a gördülékeny szőnyeget. A dalok kellemesen hatnak, a visszafogottabb részek remek párost alkotnak a nyersebb, agresszívabb témákkal is. Ez utóbbiból is bőven akad a lemezen, például a "My Damnation Deep" nyitóriffjét tudnám említeni, ami már majdhogynem a lassabb death metal klasszikusok hangulatát idézik. Megtört ritmusok is akadnak bőven, amik ugyan nem könnyítik meg a befogadhatóságot, azonban remekül kivitelezettek. A billentyűs hangszerekért felelős ugyan nincsen feltűntetve sehol, viszont ennek a hangszernek is óriási szerep jut, a játékidő nagy részében aláfestő szerepet tölt be, itt-ott azonban előtérbe kerül. A lemez vége felé tempósabb részek is felütik a fejüket, a "The Burden Of Doubt" című szerzeményben már-már korai Dark Tranquility-szintű tempó is található. Remek váltásokkal megkomponált dal ez, személyes kedvencem lett az albumról.
A lemez hangzása sem hagy kívánni valót maga után. Testes, erős, dinamikus megszólalása igaz, hogy elvárás is a stílusban tevékenykedő bandáktól, de ebben az esetben ez is remekül sikerült. A külcsín szintén remekül passzol a koncepcióhoz: a domináns színe a bookletnek a fehér, egyszerű elrendezése viszont nagyon hatásos. Magabiztos produkció tehát a "Broken Leaf" című album, korai Tiamat, MDB, Paradise Lost fanatikusoknak minden bizonnyal tetszeni fog.
The second release of the Belgian My Lament is the debut album “Broken Leaf”. There was only one demo release, the “Beneath The Hidden” in 2006, which was come by the author. There were many changes in their line-up since their establishment in 2003 which perhaps caused that we had to wait three long years for the new album.
We can say that they play doom/death metal, but not that exactly. Their music represents old classics (Paradise Lost, Tiamat, My Dying Bride), and brings modern things which resulted “Broken Leaf”. They begin with the track broken leaf which also functions as an intro. The slow and sweep along tempo and melodic guitar themes are worthily introduce the album. I feel a bit My Dying Bride in it, but only the atmospheric signs are the cause of these feelings. The voice of the vocalist, Bert de Visscher is deep and heavy which remembers me of the first two albums of Paradise Lost. Bert’s vocal, which sometimes bends to recitation, makes the music stronger. The second track “Shepherd of Sorrow” or the “Silent Nights” are a nice proof for that.
Moderate tempos dominate on the album; the rhythmic section provides varied and colorful carpet under the guitarists. The tracks are impressive; the low-key parts are in a nice harmony with the raw, aggressive themes. There is a plentiful of these on the album, like the opening riffs of “My Damnation Deep”, which almost cites the atmosphere of the slow death metal classics. There are broken rhythms as well, which doesn’t ease the acceptance, but carried out perfectly. The man behind the keyboard isn’t named, however he plays actively at the background and sometimes has a foreground role as well. Faster tracks raise their heads as well at the end of the album; we can find early Dark Tranquility-like tempo in the track “The Burden of Doubt”. It is a track composed with great changes, which made itself my favorite track from the album.
The sound doesn’t leave much to be desired. Its strong and dynamic sound is a must from the bands in this genre; they did a great job with it. The design fits the conception just perfectly: the dominant color of the booklet and the white simple arrangement is very effective. “Broken Leaf” is a confident production which will surely appeal to the fans of early Tiamat, MDB, Paradise Lost.

Mine de rien, cela fait plaisir un vrai, ‘simple’ groupe de death/doom. Quand je dis ‘simple’, c’est sous-entendu sans chant féminin, ni plans prog’, ni claviers envahissants, ni parties limite ambiant. Non, en gros, les Belges de MY LAMENT sont fiers d’œuvrer dans un style assez aéré, limite plus proche d’un death-metal mélodique légèrement ralenti, et ne se sont pas laissés tenter comme des bleus d’essayer d’être les plus morbides ou les plus lents de la Terre. En plus des inévitables influences ANATHEMA (période clair-obscur, ‘The Silent Enigma’), leur premier album fait donc un peu penser à SWALLOW THE SUN en plus brutal, notamment dans cette façon de conglomérer ces influences dans un ensemble prêt à l'emploi et facile d'approche, OFFICIUM TRISTE ou au MY DYING BRIDE des débuts, lorsque ces derniers étaient encore un peu englués dans les douves du méchant métal-de-la-mort.

D’ailleurs, même si ‘Broken Leaf’ est leur premier album, on sent bien derrière l’expérience acquise par ces forçats de la scène underground (leur nouveau chanteur Bert par exemple y traîne ses basques depuis 1991), une impression entérinée par la production très propre du studio CCR (ABORTED, NO RETURN, etc.) et la sobriété et surtout le blanc immaculé du livret. Par contre, cette volonté louable de flirter autant avec les fans de doom que de death se traduit aussi par un disque un peu trop poli, du moins pour ceux qui aiment se passer la corde du cou en s’annihilant de ‘funeral doom’. En gros, en donnant l’impression d’être plus un groupe de death s’essayant au doom qu'autre chose, qui plus est avec un goût certain pour des titres dépassant facilement les six minutes, MY LAMENT nous fait certes gentiment headbanger mais en contrepartie n’arrive pas vraiment à nous saisir par les cheveux et à nous plonger la tête dans la mélasse noire de notre propre dépression. Allez hop, régime au charbon strict et séjour de six mois dans une cave finlandaise pour tout le monde !

Author: Olivier 'Zoltar' Badin

Formatisi nel 2003, giungono, con un solo demo alle spalle, al debut album i belgi My Lament. E lo fanno nel migliore dei modi, recuperando le sonorità death/doom dal mood malinconico che impregnavano i primi lavori di Anathema e My Dying Bride.

“Broken Leaf” si fa strada in maniera lenta e decadente attraverso otto tracce che riescono a combinare senza forzature: cascate di riffs plumbei, estatici passaggi guidati da eterei arpeggi e compatti down-tempos dal feeling morboso e sofferto, il tutto eseguito con buona varietà strutturale. Tale varietà di fondo, oltre a preservare l’ascoltatore da sensazioni tediose, regala brani dal mood similare (la tristezza e la rassegnazione, sono le componenti primarie che la band esprime) ma sempre dotati di una articolazione che trova nella diversità il proprio modo d’essere.

Si va dalle ballate dolorose di “Silent Nights” e “The Soilseeker” alla compattezza drammatica ed evocativa di “My Damnation Deep” e “Her Dark Smile”, in una manciata di brani dove viene messo in eccellenza il senso poetico di quel vivere velato di romantici impeti malinconici, che nell’800 era atto a cogliere l’assoluto ed il sublime.

Un debut album che ci regala una band matura, una band capace di trasmettere crepuscolari e forti emozioni autunnali, in una rincorsa death/doom diretta all’appassire ed alla caducità dell’esistere.

Author: Andrea Angelino

Uç tarzlarda çok sayıda topluluğu bulunmayan ama müzik icra ettiklerinde orijinallikleriyle kendilerini dinlettirmeyi iyi başaran Belçika’dan yeni bir isim daha ağırlıyoruz: My Lament. 2002 yılının sonlarında kurulan ve ilk dönemlerini gothic/doom metal ile geçiren My Lament’in kısa bir süre sonra şu an çaldıkları doom/death metal tarzına döndükleri biliniyor. Üzerinde bahsettiğimiz Broken Leaf” adlı ilk albümleri ise sadece birkaç ay önce Solitude Productions etiketiyle piyasaya sürüldü.

Tılsımlı müzikleri çoğunlukla Ataraxie, Officium Triste, Mourning Beloveth, My Dying Bride ve Saturnus gibilerin yanına iliştirilse de onlar başkalarını taklit eden topluluklardan biri olmadıklarını çoktan ispat etmiş görünüyorlar. Genel olarak hayal kırıklığına uğratmayan bu duygulu çalışmanın death metal tarafında kulaklara gelen başarılı vokaller Bert De Visscher’e ait görünüyor. Vokaliste eşlik eden diğer üyelerin yaptıkları işleri bir araya getirdiğimizde My Lament kendi vatan sınırlarını aşmayı hak ediyor.

Sade sunum ve kayıt kalitesi aşısından uğraşılmış, parça sözleri açısından hayli karanlık bir iş çıkarıldığı fark ediliyor. Daha “Broken Leaf” adlı ilk parçalarıyla My Lament dinleyici etkilemeyi başarıyor. Lafla değil; kendilerine zaman ayrıldığında büyüleyici tarafları fark edilecektir. İçinde bulunduğunuz sıkıntıyı aşmak için değil de, her şeyin yolunda gittiği bir zamanda eski endişe verici günlerinizi sorgulamak için ideal görünen bu çalışmayı yüzeyde hazine aramayan her müziksevere öneriyoruz!

Author: Özgür Özçınar

"Valóban jelenné vált számukra minden. Meg kell bizony mondanunk, a pestis mindenkit megfosztott a szerelem, sőt a barátság képességétől is. A szerelem ugyanis egy csepp jövőt kíván, de a mi számunkra már csak a pillanat volt."
/Albert Camus - A pestis/

A belga My Lament 2003-ban alakult Ghent-ben. Tavaly volt egy demójuk idén pedig a debüttel boldogítják a komor zenék szerelmeseit. Érdekes, hogy a tagok többségének egykori vagy ma is aktív projectjei egytől egyig black és death metal, ennek ellenére klasszikus doom-death-et kapunk némi old school pátosszal és egy minimális folk jelleggel.

Vegetatív zenéjük mély hangzással, szép gót jellegű őszi külsőségekkel és közel egy órás muzsikával merül a kesergés avarja alá a Solitude Productions-nek köszönhetően. Lényegében a leginkább érzékelhető hatás az ősrégi Paradise Lost és My Dying Bride, de megemlíthetném a korai End Of Green-t vagy a Fatum Elisum illetve Mourning Beloveth halmazát. Szép mimézis és szintakszis feszül a doom és death metal gótikus folk kohéziója között, destruktív s ennek ellenére mégis csak építő zene. Nagy témák nem kerülnek elő, a világmegváltás is a távolban marad, ahogy az élet pislákoló gyertyafényét is igyekszik kioltani a lassan szemerkélő eső. A távolban a lélekharang kong, és megindul a gyászmenet vonagló építkezése a maga 54 percén keresztül, szomorkodva, hörögve, szaggatva és a semmibe süppedve – árnyékokat keresve és álmokat dédelgetve…

Valahol legmélye ez is Paradise Lost és korai Asphyx / Dismember konstelláció, amely képes a Bolt Thrower és az Obituary súlyosságával lecsapni és váltakozni - avagy;kvantitatív halál és elmúlás halmaz, amiben az erő és a haldoklás egyaránt lételeme a lassú merülésnek. Mivel az egésznek van némi igencsak régi zenékre emlékeztető húzása (gondolok itt a Black Sabbath-ra vagy a Carhedral-ra), így kiverhetetlenül emlékeztet néhol a svéd Serpent - In the Garden of Serpent korongjára. Búvárszemüveg (használata) nem kötelező, de esetenként érdemes, a mélység legeslegalja, pedig a nagy sötétségben és elzártságban túl sok kincset nem fog tartogatni, de egyeseknek fényesebbek lesznek ezek, mint oly sok minden…

Author: haragSICK

België en doom metal? Zeldzame combinatie. En toch. Soms valt er een zeldzaam schijfje uit de treurwilg. Het Russische Solitude Productions, sinds jaar en dag vaandeldrager in het underground doom-milieu en voorziener van menig obscuur en oorgasmisch doom-album (Ea, Comatose Vigil, ...), eigende zich de rol van label toe om dit werk naar buiten te brengen.

Haast obligatoir krijg je de ontsmettende en onstemmende intro mee. Hangende gitaaraanhalen halen je naar beneden als een slepende ziekte. Als een Shroud of False (Anathema) wordt je voorbereid op een fragiele droom. Galmend in melancholie vloeit Shepherd Of Sorrow voort uit deze neerwaartse vicieuze spiraal van zwart magnetisme. Met een sobere spirit van een Pentacost III en de beladen palliatieve romantiek van een Like Gods of the Sun verteert My Lament je lach als een sigaret in zijn ivoren sterfbed. De asbak nabij kantel je steeds verder weg met het meeslepende Silent Nights. Vervolgens een doodssmak met de death metal aangedreven doom van My Damnation Deep. Sfeervol beneveld met een onderhuids kruipend laagje keys beneemt zich de gedachte tot lachen al snel het leven. De mistige gitaren, zowel akoestisch als elektrisch. De doeltreffende druilerige drumtaferelen, de grijsgeblakerde vocalen. Het plaatje is af, het blad gevallen.

Ook inhoudelijk is het de moeite waard. Niet alleen slome loomheid, zwartgallige schizofrenie of zelfverloochening komen aan bod. Het individueel schuldmodel, de verantwoordelijkheid van het zelf, de onmacht, onwil en weerstand worden beschimpt en tegelijkertijd bewust naar boven gebracht. Doom metal als bewustwording, kom dat tegen!

Ik was niet kapot van de demo. Van dit album lig ik in stukjes. Voor fans van oudere Anathema, My Dying Bride, Katatonia en volgens het label ook van Ataraxie, Officium Triste en Saturnus. Doom-fans, u weet wat u te wachten staat...

Author: Bart Alfvoet

New releases from Russian Solitude prods are coming in time before this issue deadline. As always I'm waiting for some good doom metal from them, and… and MY LAMENT has not disappoint me at all! The band is coming from Belgium , the country with pretty intelligent metal scene. As you should decide here's doom metal. I don't know if this band old or young, but their music sounds really mature! Old-schooled doom/death metal; with great keyboards and as a whole pretty good atmosphere or sadness. “Broken Leaf” is made on one breath, music have good structure, with massive death metal rhythmical structure, mixed with melancholic and pressing doom metal carcass, with gothic moods and with growls. Various tempos, both slow and mid ones (with such obscure slow parts!), with some fast ones, which mostly familiar with Swedish death metal of early years… Don't wait something extraordinary, as here's regular doom/death metal, slightly similar to early MDB and etc… All in all, pretty good band, with no any weak or boring tunes in its music. If you are into good metal of doom – MY LAMENT will NOT disappoint you!

My Lament... Ok, this band reminds me something... Let's see... My Dying Bride, My Shameful, My Silent Wake, My Life Despair, and, yes, even My Souls Lament! At first glance, it starts bad for the Belgian band. My Lament does not seem to value originality. Like many other Doom bands, they resort to the first person. My, my, my, all this is mine, it's all me. Oh, all right. Let's admit that Doom is also an introspective genre, a intimate vehicle to navigate by sight in one's own psyche, a personal genre, egotistical. My Lament has its reasons, to which I subscribe. The hackneyed name is justified but, what about the music?

Hackneyed as well, I'm afraid... My Lament sails in well known waters, even a bit polluted by a long tradition. My Dying Bride, Paradise Lost, Mourning Beloveth, and Saturnus feed the sound of the Belgians to the point of phagocytosing their inspiration. More than once, you meditatively scratch your chin, murmuring "I heard that somewhere". Often, you hear resurgences, too familiar reminiscences of other discs, other bands, big or small.

My Lament, however, write good songs, plays them well, with the right tone, with the right sense of rhythm; it's overwhelming and light, fluid and thoughtful, solemn and melancholic. Well, all right, you can't escape these qualificatives, they are useful whenever you have to compose the indenti-kit of the typical Death Doom band. That's what My Lament is. Simply bend down, you can pick them up easily. But! The less interesting ones run down between your fingers. And in the middle of the palm remain just a few who make noise and tickle your ear. That is where My Lament lie, their music beating with a sincere vibrating pulse you can't deny.

The production is fat, the sound very meaty, perhaps too much, it lacks a little subtlety. The accelerations are well led by the drums that run like a wild horse through the open plains of Central Asia (or elsewhere). A dry wind blows on the Death Doom of My Lament, the warm breath of painful memories: it is heavy and nostalgic, the bass-deep echoes enrich the spleen of the band's music. The guitars' peculiar sound helps to give the band its most personal features: their acid and moving tessitura that brings a sad and epic touch. The growls are excellent, very deep, but the singer shows a maddening habit: he more than once speak to us! Whenever this happens, I always find it quite ridiculous and cheap. These recitations are unnecessary and don't help the tragic perspectives the band takes the time to carefully build.

Overall, I think the album lacks darkness, they have to make choices: it isn't really sad / melodic nor sufficiently abrasive / aggressive / black. The last track, 'Vilest Of Men', exudes the kind of atmosphere that I would have wished to hear more often on this disc: It begins with a furious and glorious tone and goes on through more interesting light changes before going back to the former apocalyptic pattern, this is excellent!

'Broken Leaf' is a good album, and it is a very good summary. An clever outline of the intentions of the genre. My Lament has talent, that's for sure , they just have to throw the map overboard and sail their own route. I wish them good wind!

Author: Bertrand Marchal
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