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Narrow House - A Key To Panngrieb (CD)

atmospheric funeral doom, Solitude Productions, Solitude Productions
List price: 533.33 Р
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Price in points: 700 points
SP. 064-12 x
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Debut album by a young Ukrainian band Narrow House who was featured at a number of gigs and festivals. «A Key To Panngrieb» album is a 45-minutes-long journey to your subconsciousness accompanied by funeral guitars, atmospheric keyboards and live cello. Another approach to funeral doom metal, another key to eternal secrets of life and death.

1 Последнее Пристанище 14:33
2 Псевдорятунок 6:45
3 Стеклянный Бог 13:00
4 Под Маской Этой 11:10

Narrow House
Artist Country:
Album Year:
A Key To Panngrieb
atmospheric funeral doom
CD Album
Jewel Case
Solitude Productions
Cat Num:
SP. 064-12
Release Year:
Country Of Manufacture:

Осень... Пожалуй, нет наиболее подходящей поры для прослушивания фьюнеральщины. Ведь это как раз та пора, когда буквально всё "живое" умирает, медленно, но верно рассыпается в прах, почти что прямо на глазах. Настроение постепенно окрашивается в состояние, близкое к тоске, унынию и меланхолии. Осень рисует пёстрые, но парадоксально мрачные картины, вызывающие исключительно депрессивные оттенки. Дебютная работа украинцев "A Key To Panngrieb" именно из этой оперы, состоящая из 4-х полномасштабных пьес: монументальных, атмосферных, умирающих, неспешно готовящихся к собственному забвению.
С точки зрения музыкантов, группа движется в несколько ином для funeral направлении, а именно – развивается вкупе со вспомогательным эмбиентным элементом, отчего опус приобретает некий медитативно-эзотерический характер.
Консистенция квантовых гитар отдаёт примитивизмом, который прикрывается маской заднего плана, словом, вокал, находящийся на границе между гортанным рычанием и мучительным шёпотом, в этой постановке также играет, скорее, вторую роль и выполняет функции дополнительного инструмента, после клавиш и виолончели, разумеется. Но хотелось бы большего развития партий виолончели, её эпизодичность, в основном, оправдывается отсутствием гитары. Бас звучит как последний импульс угасающего сердца. Устойчивый ритм, аккорды без технически и структурно сложных схем, кульминационный пик зачастую приходится на вторую половину треков, что поближе к финалу. Хотелось бы услышать что-нибудь выходящее за рамки столь предсказуемых параметров. Почему-то мне кажется, что это далеко не выложенный на полную силу альбом, поэтому хочется верить, что следующее произведение Narrow House будет заметно отличаться и, несомненно, в лучшую сторону, учитывая вышеизложенные факторы.
Творческий подход к оформлению буклета, выполненному в сюрреалистическом жанре, впечатляет. В нём имеется не только информация о коллективе, но и объясняется суть альбома в целом, а помимо напечатанных текстов к композициям – прилагается также и концептуальное содержание каждого трека. Так что какие-либо вопросы должны отпасть сами собой ещё на изначальном этапе знакомства с "A Key To Panngrieb". Извечный поиск смысла жизни, таинственный переход из физического мира во что-то непознанное - этим и связанными с ними явлениям посвящён релиз. При условии, что если найдёте подходящий ключ, то сможете отворить нужную вам дверь. Релиз предоставлен Solitude Prod.

Присутствует: эмоциональная глубина, уверенность, целостность
Отсутствует: разнообразие, оригинальность, очарование

Атмосфера – 4/5
Техника – 4/5
Материал – 3/5
Реализация – 3/5

Narrow House tervehtii meitä Ukrainasta tunnelmallisella latauksella doom metalia. Yhtye on ilmeisesti rakennettu aiemman Funestum yhtyeen päälle ja alkuaikoina Narrow Housen musiikkityylinä on ollut ambient funeral doom. Aiempi ambient-historia onkin kuultavissa musiikista hyvin, sillä taustalla tuntuu kokoajan olevan jos jonkinlaista ääntä ja koskettimilla tuotettua melodiantynkää.

Kappaleet ovat melko hidasta laahausta ja tavallaan ihan pätevää sellaista. Yllämainitut koskettimet tuovat hyvän ulottuvuuden lisää musiikkiin, mutta samalla koko ajan taustalla kummittelee vaikutelma, että kappaleet ovat vain alkusoittoa ja kohta lähdetään vauhtiin. Vaikka yhtye ammentaa musiikkinsa tuolta funeral doomin saralta, olisin silti kaivannut välillä pientä tempon nostamista ihan jo vaihtelun vuoksi. Tällaista kyllä viimeisessä kappaleessa jo muutamaan otteeseen hieman yritetään, mutta ne jäävät niin lyhyiksi kokeiluiksi, vaikka niiden varaan olisi voinut rakentaa paljon enemmänkin. Siis mussutukseni summa summarum: tämän levyn kohdalla alkoi laahaus vaan lopulta jo hieman liikaa kyllästyttää.

En nyt menisi sanomaan, että levy on huono, mutta kappaleissa ei ole lopulta kovin paljon vaihtelua, mitä jäin kovasti kaipaamaan. Pieni vaihtelu rakenteissa olisi voinut piristää kappaleita niin paljon. Yhtyeen musiikin ehdottomasti mieleenpainuvin piirre on taustalla tunnelmoivat koskettimet ja niitä onkin käytetty oikein hyvin. Nyt vain valitettavasti tuntuu siltä, että muiden soittimien suoritukset jäävät monotonisuudessaan hyvin pahasti koskettimien jalkoihin.

Author: Aleksi Vaittinen

Il fiuto della Solitude Prod. è sempre più fine e raffinato, ed estende il suo raggio d'azione fino alla vicina Ucraina, paese in cui scova questo quintetto ancora in erba e lo scrittura immediatamente.
I Narrow House ci propongono un funeral doom molto atmosferico - sulla scia di band come Colosseum e Longing for Dawn - ma con maggiori influenze di scuola EA, per un risultato abbastanza buono e appetibile. Inutile dire che, oggigiorno, vale l'equazione per cui il funeral doom sta alla Russia come il black metal alla Norvegia, e si palesa in me una convinzione che una decina di anni fa sarebbe stata semplicemente un paradosso: il funeral doom è di moda!
Questa lapidaria affermazione potrà suonare come una provocazione alle orecchie di qualcuno, ma per chi segue con costanza la scena funeral - e in particolare le uscite della Solitude Prod. - è impossibile non notare come ci sia una certa tendenza a produrre band che cavalcano i cliché più appetibili del genere in modo sistematico; è dunque facile riscontrare un affollamento di band che - partendo da una base atmosferica - si spingono su tempi funeral, quasi sempre contraddistinte da inserti in clean vocals e da qualche parte di chitarra arpeggiata.

Queste considerazioni potrebbero indurre a pensare che la Solitude Prod. sia diventata una sorta di fotocopiatrice impazzita che sforna album tutti uguali, mentre invece non è assolutamente questo il punto. Piuttosto, è evidente come, se da un lato le si deve riconoscere il merito di aver sdoganato uno stile che era quanto di più elitario possibile, le sia imputabile di aver contribuito a inflazionare il genere, con la conseguente massificazione del funeral doom e un appiattimento stilistico a tratti preoccupante.
La prima conseguenza diretta delle considerazioni appena fatte è facilmente riscontrabile a caldo, dovendo giudicare il debutto di questi Narrow House : se quest'album fosse uscito in altri tempi forse sarei sobbalzato sulla sedia, perché è ottima la produzione, i tempi ultra slow e i tappeti tastieristici molto atmosferici; in poche parole, un must per gli amanti del genere. Purtroppo i tempi sono cambiati, e non basta più suonare lentamente per risultare interessanti, non basta aggiungere un synth per definirsi atmosferici e - in generale - ormai bisogna fare i conti con la concorrenza che è sempre più agguerrita.

Fortunatamente i nostri hanno le carte in regola per fare un debutto in società con una certa soddisfazione: i brani di questo A key to Panngrieb sono tutti abbastanza piacevoli e, pur non aggiungendo nulla di personale al genere, si lasciano ascoltare con una certa fluidità. Non mancano i momenti interessanti, specialmente quando la band rallenta su tempi funeral, dove le atmosfere si fanno più avvolgenti e ammalianti, lasciando affiorare anche una certa propensione per il gothic doom più oscuro - anzi, mi azzarderei quasi a dire che si tratta più di un gothic ultra lento più che di vero e proprio funeral doom -.
Piccola nota di demerito è attribuibile alle vocals, le quali fanno spesso ricorso alla lingua madre che, notoriamente, non è certo tra le più morbide e adatte al canto, ancor meno per quel che riguarda le clean vocals. Lo stesso discorso è estendibile anche ai titoli delle varie track - tutte rigorosamente scritte in cirillico – che potranno far breccia nei paesi dell'est, ma difficilmente troveranno spazio al di fuori di questi confini.
Ultima nota negativa, per questo seppur valido lavoro, è da attribuire a una presentazione grafica decisamente discutibile. Si tratta di un artwork, presumibilmente realizzato a mano, che raffigura degli occhi che scrutano dentro delle serrature, forse proprio intenti a osservare questo fantomatico Panngrieb, del quale non ci è dato sapere di più, dato che anche l'intero booklet è scritto in cirillico. Lo stile grafico, i caratteri utilizzati e in generale l’intero artwork trovo che siano molto distanti dal contenuto sonoro dell'opera, lasciando trasparire una certa inespressività e incomunicabilità tra immagini e musica.

Le conclusioni non sono del tutto negative: la band ha confezionato - come dicevo sopra - un buon lavoro, che gode della capacità di non annoiare, nonostante la lunghezza media di brani che si assestano intorno ai 10 minuti. Si tratta solamente di tirar fuori un po' di personalità e i frutti verranno sicuramente fuori; per il momento rimane un piacevole ascolto senza troppe pretese.

Author: Gabriele Fagnani "Furio"
Contaminated Tones

When it comes to slow, doomy music very few bands outright sound like Skepticism but Narrow House is one band that is obviously influenced and enamored by that full-on wall of synthesized weight expelled at the speed of flowing mud which still manage to take a somewhat left-field inspiration and tweak it to be still unique. Though slightly more guitar driven than the past several Skepticism releases, A Key To Panngrieb is still a load of mass crawling through the murk towards an unsuspecting child. Ukraine's Narrow House prove that no one is able to escape the influence which Funeral Doom, Drone and other Doom offshoots have had on the metal sound scape in the past decade. More and more bands are opting for this style and, consequently, more and more bands make it harder to stand out and impress.

Opening track "Poslednee Pristanishe" is a looming figure over a helpless animal. Like the other four tracks on Narrow House's debut, it is slow and persistent. There is no way you could jog to any of these tracks - unless you have incredibly long strides - even if the length of them would be perfect for a long period away from civilization. It's in "Poldsednee..." which we are introduced to the patience of the band. The album opens with a long three minute introductory segment and then climbs through an undulating series of melodies. The rhythms remain very singular and simple across the whole album but that doesn't prevent other tracks from not standing out or being tedious. "Psevdoratunok" contains some dynamic volume shifts coupled with prominent drumming and vocals over a slick flowing guitar that still is texturally frictional while in "Steklianniu Bog," the third track, cello is prominent in summoning howling vistas and atmospherics and is accompanied with an excellent final four minutes of sound scape imagery and piano layers.

One of the definitive aspects of the band that really intrigues me is the arrangement of the tracks. In many ways it is very traditional in it's structure in terms of Funeral Doom and in other ways the band have tried some different things. The guitar playing of Oleg Merethir is mixed below Petro Arhe's drums and Atya's Keyboards. They itch often and you never forget they are there under what is really the music's more prominent instruments. Vocals are most prominent, as is expected but the bass is also very audible and where you really encounter the twist is with cellist Alexander. With the addition of another low-register string instrument the arrangement of the other instruments becomes important. A bowed cello would be masked by loudly mixed guitars and is emphasized here because there is room between the instruments to place another component. When you hear the cello play many of the melodic parts of the music such as in "Steklianniy Bog," there is a ghostly hum emanating from beneath the common instruments. It's a different look and they score here because of it. In many places I am listening solely to hear what the cello is doing or will do.

Narrow House do a great job at building up to great moments in the compositions and the thirteen minute long Steklianniy Bog is, once again, a highlight in this regard where nine minutes after the initial dirge chimes, bellowing and windy scenes are coaxed from layers of keyboards and cello to, at least for me, send shivers down the spine. This strong standard of songwriting is also evidenced in second track, "Psevdoriatunok," with it's sense of vacancy in comparison to the rest of the album. It clears a hurdle that most albums never do in this style - remaining interesting past the first track. While the cello certainly helps, the six minute track breaks up an album which has already been running for over fourteen minutes and allows the listener to 'reboot' for the following two tracks.

The final track is a cover of Esoteric's "Beneath This Face," which is well done but at the same time emphasizes the deficiencies of what Narrow House have done on other parts of the album such as the lack of faster parts and more typical riff based moments to create intensity. Even so, they do a great job with this track and without knowing that this was a cover, the song ends the album on a massive high note. It being a cover though is a bit of a let-down though as I would much rather have heard another of their own original songs round out the final parts of the album. To end the album with a cover like this seems like it's a cop out. They picked an awesome track to end the release but it wasn't their own track.

Author: ORION M.
Forbidden Magazine

Narrow House are one of those rare breeds that release an album that defies review. I’ve been actively listening to A Key to Pangrieb for weeks on end and STILL cannot reach a point of satisfaction with describing it adequately for the following reasons:

It’s virtually flawless in structure, flow, composition, delivery, and production.
Narrow House create such a gravitational force with their combination of suffocating heaviness, dreary phantom atmosphere, and solemn melodies that it’s damn near impossible to escape it’s pull into the abyss.
They avoid the glacial meandering drone where the “suffocating” nature goes from simply heavy and intense to a burden of boredom that is generally associated with the extreme doom genres, thus carving out their own path that is “apocalyptic doom metal”.
The content in terms of both sound and mood is extremely dense and heavy but yet there’s so much movement and space throughout each song that it actually breathes and feels more Lovecraft-ian than an cumbersome drone of sadness.
The album opens with the 14 and-a-half minute horror infused symphonic saga of “The Last Refuge”, whose title is fitting given the sensations one feels while listening to it. During the first few minutes of the intro there’s a supernatural spoken word portion that’s hard to make out, sort of like an EVP during a haunting investigation, where the spirit communicates its will. After the spirit voice dissipates the ominous siren like guitar intro starts in leading us into the labyrinth of insanity that will inevitably take us to the point of no return mentally, spiritually and physically. In fact the album as a whole reminds me of the Lovecraft tale At the Mountains of Madness where “The Last Refuge” represents the venture into the mountain as the cryptic secrets contained within begin to unravel and consume you.

Although intense and seemingly impenetrable in sound the symphonic elements of keyboard and cello the songs also cycle through moments of clarity resulting in implanting an eternal scene of post apocalypse desolation and gloom in ones mind but with a sense of mystery and supernatural forces at work. The vocals at times are almost the main driving force at the forefront of the songs with a very lost and miserable soul growl of emotional turmoil in them that resonates in the gut like chugging a pint of mercury would.

Definitely DO NOT expect the usual funeral/death doom dirge and drawn out neural battering with Narrow House. I’d say that if you like Evoken, Officum Triste, Helllight, Swallow the Sun,etc. then you’ll surely be surprised and rewarded with Narrow House. I cannot recommend this album and Inborn Suffering enough alongside labelmates Amber Tears, Helllight, and the Sullen Route enough. All of these bands write from the soul and as a result they have a hypnotic and otherworldly vibe to them that is scarce and much needed in this genre and in many others.

Author: Janet Willis
Heavy Music

Музыка этой отечественной команды представляет собой фьюнерал дум, оранжировки которого включают в себя, помимо набора стандартных инструментов, ещё и скрипку, что довольно необычно для данного жанра. Вместе с её трагичным звучание клавиши помогают создать нужную атмосферу, сопровождая треки не менее мрачными,угрюмыми пассажами.

Однако, не смотря на всё выше описанное, музыка группы оставляет ощущение некой пустоты, недосказанности, не завершённости. Ей не хватает мощи и плотности, как это иной раз бывает у подобных групп. Вокал также звучит суховато и пресно, он задвинут на задний план, что с одной стороны не мешает воспринимать музыку цельно (при прослушивании которой он вполне хорошо её дополняет), но в целом звучит как отдельный, несколько не вписывающийся в рамки инструмент.

Подводя итог: вполне неплохо для дебюта команды из СНГ. Стоит послушать хотя бы для ознкомления

Author: Grimmsberg

Vreselijk artwork, maar ja, daar mag je je niet door laten beïnvloeden. Toch doe je dat, maar al snel raakt de wereld om je heen zo kleurloos dat je mooi en lelijk al niet meer van elkaar kunt onderscheiden. Het gebeurt allemaal wanneer je A Key to Panngrieb in de gulzige gleuf van je cd-speler slingert. Funeral doom.

Deze Oekraïners trekken direct serieus van leer op hun debuutplaat via Solitude Productions. Met een gemiddelde speelduur van zo’n twaalf minuten per track krijg je tergend trage funeral doom in je maag gesplitst die logischerwijs klinkt alsof de tijd stilstaat. Het leven is magistraal ruk en Narrow House bevestigt dat op muzikale en sfeervolle wijze. Vocalen die in de muziek zijn gezet zoals dat ook is gebeurd tijdens de gloriedagen van Paradise Lost (ook de riffs doen hier soms aan denken) zijn voorzien van een rillende galm. Daar waar de band “versnelt” doet men dat meestal om vervolgens terug te vallen in een tragere compositie als enkele ogenblikken daarvoor. Geen nieuws voor de liefhebber van het genre en daardoor wellicht ook niet essentieel. Desondanks wél geschikt luistervoer en voor diezelfde liefhebber ook zeker geen straf om dit in te nemen. Kritiek? Mwoah, met keys die wat meer lading hadden gehad, was A Key to Panngrieb waarschijnlijk nog een tikkeltje indrukwekkender geweest. Verder een heerlijke plaat om de nevelige najaarsdagen mee door te komen, zeker voor een debuut.

Author: Martijn van den Beukel
Destructive Music

Funeral Doom is a weird one. On paper it’s one of the most conservatively defined Metal sub-genres, essentially a very specific form of Death-Doom, but in reality many of the bands who play it have managed to define their own recognisable sound within those very narrow boundaries. Esoteric’s psychedelic horror is clearly distinguishable from Tyranny’s slow-motion epic bombast or genre-godfathers Skepticism’s suicidal nightmares, even though all three bands use pretty much the same musical elements.

Russian newcomers Narrow House are still defining their own style, but on the basis of this debut they’re well on their way to doing so. The first thing you notice about A Key To Panngrieb is how lush and professional it sounds – big strings, clear, unmuddied production and perfectly crisp drums give the music a depth and space that you don’t often hear in underground Metal. It sounds MASSIVE, and that sound really supports the feel that Narrow House are going for, which is one of utter melancholy and despair.

The final track on the album is a Russian-language reinterpretation of Estoric’s Beneath This Face, which is interesting and well-played, but also quite different to the three original songs which constitute the rest of the album’s running time. In contrast to Esoteric’s busier, more twisting song-structure, Narrow House’s own material is spacious, languid and oddly withdrawn. There’s an ethereal, almost passive quality here that reminds me of Blut Aus Nord’s controversial MoRT (though the music is not at all similar) – it seems devoid of the aggression and overstatement that’s typical of Metal, even the slower genres. This is music that isn’t going to make it easy for you or meet you half-way – you need to come to it, and if you’re not prepared to do so A Key To Panngrieb could be an extremely frustrating experience. For those with the patience, though, these three songs open up slowly, revealing a genuine depth of emotion.

A Key To Panngrieb, then is an extremely promising start from a band who haven’t quite developed their own recognisable sound within a restrictive sub-genre yet, but are a lot closer to it than you might reasonably expect. Certainly a name to keep an eye on for anyone with an appreciation for Funeral Doom.

Funeral Wedding

Debut álbum dessa banda ucraniana de funeral doom metal, ou como eles se intitulam Apocalyptic Doom Metal.

Com guitarras funestas, teclados atmosféricos, bateria ultra-lenta, esse álbum inicia sua viagem com Poslednee Pristaniwe. Ao decorrer de seus 14 minutos podemos vivenciar inúmeras sensações e quando entra a linha de cello é que a coisa fica “pior”. Todo sentimento de angústia e rejeição nos vem a mente e aquela sensação de vazio impera em nosso corpo cansado.

Seguindo por essa mesma linha Psevdorjatunok continua dando o clima funesto ao álbum.

Assim como todas as faixas do álbum, são cantados em ucranianos e por muitas vezes os grunhidos de Yegor Bewitched se fazem ininteligíveis (para nós), mas aliada as melodias tristes e o andamento lento, conseguimos compreender a mensagem que tenta nos transmitir através dela.

Stekljannyj Bog é a faixa mais curta mas também muito bela e apesar de seus 6 minutos, a lentidão é tanta que parece que ela é tão extensa quanto as outras do álbum. Detalhe para a faixa fica por volta dos 2:40, com uma atmosfera criada pelo cello e bateria aliados aos vocais falados de Yegor dão um clima sinistro para ela.

Para encerrar Pod Maskoj Jetoj, seguindo na atmosfera das outras faixas, mas com uma pequena mudança de andamento, onde podemos presenciar um esboço de “blast beat”. Passado o momento de fúria voltamos à calmaria para seguir assim até o final onde morremos em paz.

Recomendado para fãs de funeral doom, principalmente para fãs das bandas como: Comatose Vigil, Ea, Abstract Spirit.
Pavillon 666

Venu tout droit d’Ukraine, se revendiquant de l’héritage d’Esoteric, Narrow House débarque avec son premier album « A Key to Panngrieb » et nous présente, par la même occasion son funeral doom.

Une chose est sûre, Narrow House n’est pas là pour plaisanter. Dès l’introduction du premier titre, on est plongés dans une ambiance sombre et pesante ; des nappes de claviers par-ci, des samples de voix par-là et d’un coup la sentence tombe : un accord lourd accompagné d’un cri d’introduction respirant le désespoir et le mal-être ; l’album est lancé.
Riffs lourds et hypnotiques, chant guttural, tempo très lent, tous les classiques du genre y passent. Le groupe n’a pas la prétention de révolutionner le funeral doom, certes, mais il a toutefois le mérite d’avoir de la créativité, de savoir poser une ambiance lugubre et surtout, de ne pas avoir à se cacher derrière un son baveux. En effet, l’atmosphère noire est due en partie aux claviers mais également au violoncelliste du groupe qui apporte une touche tranchante aux nappes de synthé. Ajouter à cela des rythmiques lentes et hypnotiques de la batterie sur lesquelles vont aller se caler des accords lourds de guitare : simple, classique mais efficace.
Côté production, comme je le disais plus haut, on est très loin de la bouillie sonore que certains groupes, majeurs ou non, nous proposent. Le son est net, aucun instrument n’empiète sur l’autre et il y a juste ce qu’il faut en effets, ce qui nous permet d’apprécier encore plus les lignes instrumentales du groupe.
A noter également la reprise, plus que réussie, du titre « Beneath This Face » du groupe Esoteric, dont on pourrait croire qu’il s’agit d’une composition de Narrow House tellement le groupe a réussi à se l’approprier et y poser sa touche perso.

Loin d’être un groupe révolutionnaire du funeral doom, Narrow House est un groupe créatif et prometteur qui montre que la relève du genre est là, présente et prête à servir.
Un album très réussi qui ravira les fans du genre et peut être une bonne approche pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas encore ce genre si particulier.

Author: Lemniscate
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