Solitude Productions

Solitude Productions
8 7
gothic doom death, Solitude Productions
The third full-length album by the Portuguese doom metal band A Dream Of Poe completes the trilogy that began with the acclaimed album «The Mirror Of Deliverance». «A Waltz For Apophenia» serves as the final of the journey of self-discovery of the main lyrical character started at the debut full-length album. While in the two previous albums the character was facing mostly his inner fears, this time he is facing the real world he has to overcome. «A Waltz For Apophenia» is a mature doom-album that absorbed all the best from previous works of the band organically combining melodic clean vocals with growls. The dark heavy riffs, mournful melodies and furious guitar solos personify the loneliness of the Azores, the pain and suffering of their inhabitants living among the violence of volcanoes and other forces of nature. The most of musicians previously participated in the recording of the first two full-length albums by A Dream Of Poe appear among the guests at the «A Waltz For Apophenia»: Joao Melo (The Quiet Bottom), Antonio Neves (In Peccatum), Nelson Felix (Spank Lord, Sanctus Nosferatu ), Paulo Bettencourt (Morbid Death) and Kostas Panagiotou (Pantheist). The 12-page booklet and the album cover crafted by Augusto Peixoto (Irondoomdesign) complement «A Waltz For Apophenia» to perfection.
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gothic doom death, Solitude Productions
The new album by Portuguese band A Dream of Poe presents the evolution of the band musical style from gothic doom metal through melodic doom death to traditional form of doom metal, with its solemn riffs, tragic clean vocals and epic guitar solos. «An Infinity Emerged» is a continuation of the previous album «The Mirror of Deliverance». The sound of the album became more dense as compared to the previous work and reached a new level of the recording quality, which allows to better feel for the work of the musicians and plunge into the atmosphere of the album. Five long tracks, with an average duration of 11 minutes, reflect the evolution of a character, defeated just after gaining consciousness that the practical side of things is always harder than the theoretical side and that all is knowledge of the world didn't prepare him for the experience. Symbolically, the album is a process of destruction, as the initial stage of the renovation process (which corresponds to the symbolism of the card "Tower" from the Tarot deck), so the themes of death, murder, and the constant reference to water as a symbol of change are essential for «An Infinity Emerged». The album features Kostas Panagiotou (Pantheist, Clouds, Wijlen Wij) who performed keyboards.
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gothic doom death, Solitude Productions
The new album by Portuguese band A Dream of Poe presents the evolution of the band musical style from gothic doom metal through melodic doom death to traditional form of doom metal, with its solemn riffs, tragic clean vocals and epic guitar solos. «An Infinity Emerged» is a continuation of the previous album «The Mirror of Deliverance». The sound of the album became more dense as compared to the previous work and reached a new level of the recording quality, which allows to better feel for the work of the musicians and plunge into the atmosphere of the album. Five long tracks, with an average duration of 11 minutes, reflect the evolution of a character, defeated just after gaining consciousness that the practical side of things is always harder than the theoretical side and that all is knowledge of the world didn't prepare him for the experience. Symbolically, the album is a process of destruction, as the initial stage of the renovation process (which corresponds to the symbolism of the card "Tower" from the Tarot deck), so the themes of death, murder, and the constant reference to water as a symbol of change are essential for «An Infinity Emerged». The album features Kostas Panagiotou (Pantheist, Clouds, Wijlen Wij) who performed keyboards. The first 100 copies of the album are issued as a strictly limited digipack!
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dark doom death, Solitude Productions
Long-awaited full-length album from Brazilian band Abske Fides develops ideas of previous mini-albums at higher qualitative level. Perfect performance of keyboards, vocals and violin solos in composition with arrangements makes this album more diverse and balanced. Gloomy doom death metal from Abske Fides opens the world of human estrangement and despair which is ready to absorb the listeners.
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funeral doom, Solitude Productions
The new creation of the funeral doom metal masters Abstract Spirit, the album «Horror Vacui» combines ideas of two previous band albums. Epic compositions are filled with the black atmosphere of insanity and despair expressed by performance of live choirs, wind funeral orchestra, keyboard passages and powerful guitar riffs. Another feature of all compositions is represented by unique growl by A.K. iEzor (also appearing in Comatose Vigil). «Horror Vacui» confirms the status of Abstract Spirit as one of the leading Russian funeral doom metal bands.
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funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
This is a side project of a black metal band Twilight is Mine from the suburbs of Moscow. Several musicians have been heard in a well known Moscowian funeral doom band Comatose Vigil. Those guys - Stellarghost (keys) and Hater (bass/guitars) began this project. Present Comatose Vigil vocalist took the vocal duties together with the drums in this project. The first full length album “Liquid Dimensions Change” brings you six tracks with the total length of 60 minutes. This is classic funeral – doom like it was meant to be. Thin of the bands as: Shape of Despair, Coliseum and of course the main band of the participating musicians – Comatose Vigil. At the same time the music is very versatile. You will find very sludgy and muddy parts combined with some beautiful melodies.
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funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
The fourth album of one of the best Russian funeral doom metal bands Abstract Spirit «Theomorphic Defectiveness» continues to present composer talent and performance skills of musicians. The music which can be recognized from the very first chords is still gloomy majestic and insane, memorable for its unique demented atmosphere. Indeed, this is a funeral orchestra performing the soundtrack to apocalypse. At the same time the musicians add new fresh ideas to their music, such as extensive choirs, which differs «Theomorphic Defectiveness» from previous works, however, continues the search for perfect expressive sound. The insanity goes on!
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funeral doom death, Solitude Productions
Album “Tragedy And Weeds” has become a new era in the bands work, denoting the transition to a new, high quality sound, more thoughtful material, and the desire to mature. The team once again became a trio, but the Abstract Spirit has ceased from a side project of famous musicians to a full band, performing live shows. “Tragedy And Weeds” is the same sludgy funeral doom, full of fleeting touches of depressive black. Melodies, filled with despair, and if is filled with schizophrenic delusions, evokes feelings of anxiety and fear, casting the listeners down into the abyss of despair. The sound of wind instruments resemble the old, sad, funeral orchestra, accompanying the low belly growl, hysterical cries and sepulchral recitative. All this gives birth to a unique atmosphere Abstract Spirit!
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funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
The third album by the Russian funeral doom metal band Abysskvlt continues the exploration of Tibetan spiritual culture. The musicians’ experiments resulted in the lyrics written and performed in Tibetan and Shangshung languages, moreover, twenty traditional Tibetan musical instruments were used in the recording. The album is dedicated to the theme of Leaving and describes the rituals of heavenly funeral and further spirit wandering through the abyss beyond Samsara borders. This is the most unusual funeral doom metal by Abysskvlt, with an even greater tendency towards the music of the ancient Bon tradition. This is the release for the initiated. The edition comes as a noble six-panel digipack.
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gothic doom death metal, Solitude Productions
Another brilliant debut from a young Ukrainian band suiting tastes of fans of various doom metal substyles. Amily mix harmoniously doom death metal, gothic doom metal, and funeral doom metal adding a part of theirs souls into the music. «To All in Graves» is, first of all, melody framed with darkness, and sublime orchestral keyboards referring to neoclassical music. It is worth to mention that basing of the genre traditions the musicians created their own harmonic world which is ready to accept anyone who is able to open his heart and feel it.
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doom death, Solitude Productions
'Timewrought Kings' is the debut album of the Dutch doom band formerly known as Monuments, and the result of many hours of arduous, passionate, and sometimes frustrating work. Following the EP, 'The December Sessions', 'Timewrought Kings' chronicles one's apprehension at the transience of time and a growing disgust at the weakness in man, yet clinging on to some measure of hope and pride rooted in a sort of staunch steadfastness, and eventually abandoning society altogether. In a sense, one is wrought, or made into that which one is, by the inescapable arrow of time, constantly pushing one into a ceaseless industriousness celebrated by modern society.
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doom death, Solitude Productions
A novel work from Finnish band. EP “Angel” consists of three parts featuring more traditional doom-death metal style compared to their debut album. This makes their composition more monolithic both conception-wise and music-wise. Nevertheless, the band keeps their gloom and heaviness according to the genre requirements: the exceptional work for true lovers of the doom-death metal.
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avantgarde doom death, Solitude Productions
The first LP album of this young Finnish doom death band, with a line-up consisting of musicians who have played in lot of projects and bands, performing music from heavy and power metal to black and death! This work of Astral Sleep draw apart the frames of doom and death metal, in the tradition of Unholy and Umbra Nihil. "Unawakening" is addressed not only to the listeners of the genre, but also to people who search for new music and fresh sensations.
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doom death, Solitude Productions
The new album from Finnish doom death metal band Astral Sleep demonstrates brilliant skills of musicians which have reached higher level. Four tracks, almost an hour in length, create magnificent visions featuring rich color palette. The group operates with epic riffs, graceful acoustic interludes, harsh guitar strokes pierced with excellent melodies and diverse vocals. Preserving their original style familiar by the previous albums the musicians succeed to combine doom death metal with traditional epic doom metal in a single perfect works with carefully mastered sound. «Visions» is the album for thoughtful listening, the music for those who is able to perceive.
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funeral doom death metal, Solitude Productions
New album by the leading Ukrainian doom death band AUTUMNIA! Including in five majestic hymns "O"Funeralia" absorbed all the best traits characteristic of previous work of this group: excellent sound, beautiful melodies, perfect skill and mighty voice by Vladislav Shahin (also voice in Mournful Gust). What"s more for recording of the album extra musicians were invited who performed the parts of bass, piano and violin that introduced new mood and shades into the sound. Disc with gold evaporation and pit art.
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melodic doom death, Solitude Productions
Re-issue of the first two albums of the legendary Ukrainian doom death metal band Autumnia. «In Loneliness of Two Souls» and «By the Candles Obsequial» released in 2004 and 2006, respectively, gained a lot of positive responses both from critics and heavy music fans. These first releases were quickly sold out and became a rarity. Now the fans of doom-metal and Autumnia in particular can add these two brilliants of the genre to their collections as a double six-panel digipack in CD-audio quality.
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death doom metal, Solitude Productions
"Where My Demise Dwells", an album by the Moscow duo Bewailer, contains seven pieces for the survival of human soul within the depths of its own darkness. The key theme of the tracks is how the lyrical hero slowly goes from fierce antagonism against the hopelessness of his destiny to cold numbness, in which he can only contemplate of own decay and indifference of the whole creation. Nevertheless, a bleak glimmer of hope appears near the end of the album, a subtle glow leading to regeneration (or final demise). Musically this album combines traditional Death-Doom melodies and vocal techniques with dismal atmosphere of the bottomless gloom, more common for the Funeral Doom sub-genre. Besides the usual rhythm, bass and lead guitars and drums, one may expect steady use of piano, synth pads and acoustic guitars. The vocal techniques include shrieks and low-pitched growls, with some addition of female clean vocals. Some of the bands that inspired Bewailer are Saturnus, My Dying Bride, Mourning Beloveth, Evoken, Voidhaven and Dolorian.
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death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The German band Calliophis presents the second album, which comes after a long break. Between the debut album "Doomsday" released in 2008, that received well-deserved positive response, and the new release many concerts in Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Czech Republic and Austria were played, the band took part in the legendary Doom Shall Rise Festival, and appeared in a number of thematic compilations. And now, after returning to studio activity, the band brings down to the listener its second album, "Cor Serpentis", proving high skills and creativity of the musicians who not only managed to consolidate their style found at the debut album, but also to master it in the studio, achieving a dense sound and musical perfection of all compositions. Powerful guitars, deep growl, and a combination of atmosphere and stiffness is what should all fans of high-quality doom death metal expect from this release.
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death doom metal, Solitude Productions

The third album by the German band refines the finding of the previous full-length work, in the best way demonstrating the professionalism and ability of the musicians to combine a dense clean sound with a technically perfect performance. This is doom death metal of the highest standard, cruel and loud, but not devoid of a share of atmosphere, and, most important, individuality and unique mood. Music for thoughtful listening, for a new experience of inner feelings complemented by a beautifully designed 16-page booklet for better dissolution within the majestic depths of "Liquid Darkness".

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extreme doom death, Solitude Productions
The brand new full-length album by the British experimentalists. Starting with psychedelic stoner doom metal, Camel of Doom have come to make sophisticated music mixing doom death metal and sludge doom metal, with a tendency towards psychedelic effects and energetic riffs. Combining groovy moments with lengthy atmospheric riffs, adding industrial motifs to their masterpiece, the musicians paint a wide scale picture of cosmic chaos and, at the same time, harmony expressed with a share of melody. Also noteworthy is the breakthrough the band have made in forming a dense sound, fully disclosed in ‘Terrestrial’.
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