1 Cerebral Torture 3:09
2 Death By Infestation Of Grubs 4:04
3 Repugnant Desire 3:07
4 Embryonized 2:51
5 The Edge Of My Perversion 3:23
6 Putrefact Agony 3:26
7 Son Of Decay 3:01
8 Cannibal Resurrection 4:03
9 Filth's Creator 3:06
+ Remastered Bonus Tracks!
Grotesque Visceral Extraction Demo 1999
10 Grotesque Visceral Extraction 4:08
11 Necrophilia In Christ's Cemetery 2:53
12 I Am The Way 4:19
13 Degenerated Apostle By The Grace Of God 3:52
Putrefying Your Agony EP 2001
14 Filth Creator 2:59
15 Putrefact Agony 3:29
16 Cannibal Ressurection 4:05