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Р  –  Р

  • 133.3Р
  • 3333.4Р
Год альбома
Год издания
Производитель / Лейбл
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800.00 Р
dark ambient
Kuggur is a new musical entity and it's sole member Guðmundur Óli Pálmason is no newcomer to music, being currently active in Icelandic post-doom/black metal band Katla, as well as having been a founding member and drummer for twenty years in Sólstafir. Kuggur's music is of a new ilk though, being mostly electronic and ambient in nature, Guðmundur uses Kuggur to explore previously unvisited musical landscapes without any pre-set limitations. حصاد ضَوْءٌ النُّجُومِ (which translates to Harvesting the light of the stars) was inspired by conversations Guðmundur had with his Lebanese wife about the maybe not-so-obvious musical similarities between Middle Eastern folk music and Icelandic folk music. Both styles relay heavily on minor scales, which tend to sound melancholic. For reasons he can't explain, Guðmundur says he's always been drawn to melancholic music. With حصاد ضَوْءٌ النُّجُومِ Guðmundur tries to visualize his connection to both countries. All music and artwork by Guðmundur Óli Pálmason Mixed and mastered by Henry Barboza Translations and Arabic handwriting by Yara Zein
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466.67 Р
progressive folk rock, FONO ltd
"Благодать" - пятый студийный альбом группы KULAK, родившейся на основе сольного творчества Александра Кулака – лидера арт-металлического коллектива AZAZELLO (Тында). Музыка – удивительный сплав прогрессива с фолком и балладным роком, в арсенале команды не только тяжелые гитары и барабаны, но невесомая акустика, космические клавиши и духовые инструменты. Замечательная лирика Александра, которую так любят поклонники AZAZELLO, о дружбе, любви, поиски себя и размышления о смысле бытия. Красивые мелодии, отличные вокальные партии, профессионализм инструменталистов – всё это здесь. CD, 6-panel digipack
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333.33 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Vyšší Smysl 6:09 2 Ohni Za Potravu 3:50 3 Nepoddajným 2:56 4 Právem Naším 4:40 5 Svědectví 3:51 6 Symfonie Oceli 3:45 7 Instrumental 3:41
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
pagan black metal
Треклист: 1 И Прыйшла На Землю Погань… 3:29 2 Зимерзла 2:43 3 Волотова Битва 3:12 4 Бог Непогод И Бурь 2:42 5 Дождь Из Сварги 4:16 6 Сказания Миробога 3:12...
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733.33 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The highly anticipated debut full-length by this U.S. band. Hailing from the rustbelt Metal hotbed of Cleveland, Kurnugia was founded by ex-members of Decrepit, Nunslaughter, Embalmer, December Wolves and Delusion. Not surprisingly, this assembly of seasoned underground veterans is heavily influenced by the classic Death Metal of the early 90's, and that's exactly what Kurnugia aim for: to go back right to the roots of the genre and pay homage to the deeds of old, unaware of gimmicks, trends and mindless experimentation. No more, and definitely no less! Kurnugia delivered their debut EP, "Tribulations of the Abyss", in 2013 and then followed it with another EP, "Condemned to Obscurity", in 2016. All too teasing have been these short-length assaults, but at last arrives Kurnugia's debut album! Aptly titled, "Forlorn and Forsaken" is ancient aural debauchery, delivered with evil intent, rotting and heinous. Fittingly, this full-length encapsulates everything Kurnugia have stood for to date: crushing riffery, divebombing solos and tight tank-treads of rhythm, all delivered with swift simplicity of design, but upratcheting the production to a clear and cutting devastation. Well-produced but not "too well-produced", "Forlorn and Forsaken" still seeps with a primordial heaviness rooted in classic Death Metal songcraft, nodding to (but not ripping off) the seminal works of Immolation, Grave, Incantation, Autopsy, Entombed, Cianide, Morbid Angel, Dismember, Death, Unleashed, Deicide and Benediction. And of course, this classicism is reflected in Mark Cooper's attention-grabbing cover art as well! You can't teach old dogs new tricks, the cliche goes, but you can let those dogs do what they do best: proudly stick to the early 90's traditions of Death Metal. That's been Memento Mori's modus operandi since day one, and we hereby welcome you into Kurnugia's netherworld with "Forlorn and Forsaken"!
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533.33 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Welcome To The Land Of Death (Intro) 01:44 2 Sorrow 05:23 3 High Price Of Treason 04:04 4 Mourners Lament 03:09 5 Hopeless 04:14 6 Whispers...
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666.67 Р
experimentat electronics
Kuu is the name that Finnish people gives to the moon. The action: the battle with yourself. The scene: the flat and snowy lands of Finland under the northern lights. This is the context where take place the drama of Kuu. A collection of poems that focus the problem of self conscience, the misunderstanding of feelings, the internal chaos. To be completely alone in a foreign land with an internal conflict, only being able to talk with the moon, with Kuu. She is the one who can hear your laments and hug you when everything is lost. There exists always an exit.Based in his experiences in Finland in 1999, Kuu wrote these poems. Later he decided to transform them into music in 2001. He talked with Bitxo, a friend from Barcelona, gave him the poems and explained him his experiences. So, Bitxo recorded electro-acoustic basis and Kuu went to Barcelona to record the voices. Finally the tracks were sent to Sheffield where Matt Howden includes a violin line to some of them. An amazing trip trought different geographies .. you can say its dark folk, ambient, electronic, its just KUU !!
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800.00 Р
ambient black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
6-panel digipak limited to 300 copies.
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Vettenatt 5:35 2 Noema 5:08 3 Dystopia Naa 8:37 4 Nibiru 3:56 5 Naar Aske Farger Himmelen Graa 5:24 6 Kingdom Comes (Mysticum Cover) 5:01 7...
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800.00 Р
black metal, Dusktone
“Seid” is the third studio album of norwegian black metallers KVALVAAG. It`s more aggressive but at the same time more diverse and unpredictable than our previous albums The unmistakable style of the Norwegian duo will take you in very cold atmospheres, impetuous rides and clearly epic parts. The atmosphere reminds the previous Malum album, but there is a lot more going on at all times. Haunting atmospheric touches and violent rhythmic elements produce something far bleaker and more unsettling than anything else. Kvalvaag has this to say about the new album: “When I started working on the new material, I wanted to surpass our previous work in every way possible. Much more time, effort and better equipment were used compared to our earlier works this time. We also received financial support from “Norsk fond for utøvende kunstnere” who gave us the ability to give the album the production it deserved. It was awesome working with Tom Kvalsonic as he is the man behind the sound of many of the albums we grew up with. He completely understood our vision and significantly raised the quality of the album. I feel we have successfully raised the bar as high as possible this time. We had to evolve a lot as musicians to be able to perform our parts during the recording. It has been a educational journey with a lot of hard work and technical challenges in the studio, but I am really satisfied with the end result and our musical progression”. Digipak CD.
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600.00 Р
viking folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Треклист: 1 Бальдр 2 Лодур 3 Пусть Оборвется Нить 4 Асгард Падет 5 Хель 6 Час Расплаты 7 Фенрир 8 Сумерки Богов (Bonus Song)
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Slay Or Be Slayed 3:28 2 Forge My Hatred 4:09 3 Trembling With Fear 3:22 4 Ruling With Iron Hand 3:43 5 Impaler 3:58 6 Legacy 4:29
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: I Necroheal 3:55 II ...Of Cold Mist And Sorrow 3:47 III Command Of The Fallen 5:26 IV When Heavens Will Split Wide Open 6:38 V Raise Your Lord...
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600.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Untitled 1:28 2 Untitled 5:59 3 Untitled 9:18 4 Untitled 3:04 5 Untitled 5:41 6 Untitled 2:53 7 Untitled 1:09 8 Untitled 5:40 9 Untitled 6:38 10...
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933.33 Р
sludge metal
Треклист: 1 Intro 0:57 2 Inverse 2:59 3 111 Degree Heat Index 4:15 4 Between Silence And Sound II 4:44 5 Paranoid Tempo 2:26 6 End Truth 4:44 7 Bottom Line...
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933.33 Р
sludge metal
Треклист: 1 Tired Climb 3:31 2 Cheating Synergy 2:52 3 Drop Out 4:29 4 Crowded Road 3:30 5 Don't Look Back 3:21 6 Distance Closing In 3:51 7 To Forget 3:33...
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Thanatos Vortex (Intro) 0:51 2 Churchburner 6:37 3 Pompeya Fires ("The Blackflamme Ministerium") 5:55 4 Waiting For Thy Holocaust 5:21 5 Destroy...
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Thanatos Vortex (Intro) 2 Churchburner 3 Pompeya Fires (TheBlackFlamme Ministerium) 4 Waiting For Thy Holocaust 5 Destroy The Insipid Nation...
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600.00 Р
post black metal, Sound Age Productions
Packaged in a jewel case.
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306.67 Р
post-black metal, FONO ltd
Post-black metal коллектив L"HOMME ABSURDE задумывался как студийный проект двумя музыкантами известной московской doom metal группы MARE INFINITUM Алексеем (ex-A YOUNG MAN’S FUNERAL) и Георгием. Однако в процессе записи дебютного альбома "Monsters", которая проходила летом в собственной студии MARE INFINITUM, дуэт вырос до полноценной группы и в настоящий момент готовится к активной концертной деятельности.
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533.33 Р
post black metal, Sound Age Productions
L'Homme Absurde presents to the listeners second full-length album "Sleepless" which can be considered as a logical follow-up of the band's creativity, the working formula of first album "Monsters", but with more influence of hardcore/metalcore music. Recorded at MI Studio and Skylark Studio, Moscow
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666.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 While The Silence Of The Night... 2:17 2 Nothingness 7:32 3 Distress Supernova 9:14 4 Your Reflection 8:46 5 Stains 9:39 6 The Fragile 9:11 7...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
death metal, More Hate Productions
Дебютный альбом инновационного и жутко-прогрессивного death metal из Краснодара! Концептуальная научная лирика и отменное владение инструментами, «неправильные» и ломанные размеры и четко выверенная авторский линия к написанию материала. Первое демо “Singularity” этого коллектива получило 5 из 5 в журнале DARK CITY, что же тогда говорить о самом альбоме? С момента реализации прошло 5 лет, но альбом не утратил своей актуальности, подобной группы как L.I.G.O. В России просто нет!
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400.00 Р
death metal
Треклист: 1 Intro - Rebellion In The Ocean 2 War - Attack To The Sky 3 Gods Of The Well 4 Legions Of Beelzebub 5 Culebra - Work Malicious 6 The...
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400.00 Р
post rock / post metal
Треклист: 1 Anchors 2 There Goes Life 3 Voyage 4 I Will 5 Under The Weather 6 Releash 7 Victory! 8 Mirage 9 Tides
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666.67 Р
avantgarde / folk rock / prog rock, Avantgarde Music
Треклист: 1 The Great Brothel Of Mankind 9:08 2 Crucified Among My Lovers 7:23 3 The Emotion Of Stone As Hidden In Divine Sigh 3:53 4 Jesus Or Christ 5:25 5...
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 The Curse Of Impaler 2 Shadows Of Time Over The Balvanyos Ruins 3 The Cult Of Turul Pride 4 Siculicidium 1764 5 From The Abyss We Have...
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533.33 Р
atmospheric funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
К 15-тилетию бразильской группы Solitude Productions издаёт официально единственный на данный момент полноформатный альбом группы. Напечатанный в 2011 году силами группы на CD-R, тираж «Transient» быстро разошёлся, получив массу положительных и восторженных отзывов, и был труднодоступен к настоящему моменту. Теперь, этот шедевр доступен для всех любителей тяжёлой музыки в виде полноценного CD с заводской печатью и качественной полиграфией, в точности повторяющей оформление первого издания, выполненного группой. Потрясающей по своей красоте мелодичный doom death metal, с глубокой сумрачной атмосферой, объёмным звучанием клавиш и гитар, партиями живой виолончели, делают этот альбом уникальным и обязательным к прослушиванию и приобретению в коллекцию!
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733.33 Р
progressive death metal / ambient, GS Productions
Треклист: 1 Brief Light-Climbing The Clouds 2 ...of The Mind 3 In Times Of Dark Days 4 When 5 In Silence 6 Despair-Circles Of Oblivion 7 Destroy The...
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400.00 Р
melodic black metal, American Line Productions
Треклист: 1 Black Euphoria 6:37 2 Entropic Rush 7:43 3 Zerpente 6:18 4 Luciferina 4:45 5 Casus Luciferi 6:12 6 Gates To Perdition 5:17 7 Course To Arsoning...
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600.00 Р
gothic metal
Треклист: 1 Again It's Over (Single Version) 3:18 2 Gallowsong (Non-Albumtrack) 3:06 3 Supreme Surrender (Non-Albumtrack) 3:34 4 Again It's Over (Album...
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1 066.67 Р
goth rock
Треклист: 1 The Last View 0:56 2 A Pearl 3:00 3 The Shadow I Once Kissed 3:22 4 Veins 2:47 5 We Shouldn't Be Here 3:32 6 And God's Ocean 5:37 7 Suicide Sun...
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733.33 Р
funeral doom metal, GS Productions
After a decade finally the new album is here, soon to be released by GS Productions. Inspired by the short story: "Las Moscas: Répilica del Hombre Muerto" by Horacio Quiroga The full album will be uploaded in the official release date
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866.67 Р
gothic metal
Треклист: 1 Trip The Darkness 3:14 2 Against You 3:51 3 Kill The Light 3:35 4 Give Me Something More 3:56 5 Upsidedown 3:03 6 End Of Time 3:52 7 I Don't...
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306.67 Р
gothic metal, FONO ltd
Recorded at Woodhouse Studios Oct-Nov 1997
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373.33 Р
gothic metal, FONO ltd
Треклист: 1 Heir Of A Dying Day 4:59 2 To Live Is To Hide 4:34 3 Purify 4:36 4 Senzafine 3:53 5 When A Dead Man Walks 5:54 6 1.19 4:58 7 Cold Heritage 5:23...
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533.33 Р
death metal
Second album from this fantastic Swedish death metal horde featuring members of Dark Tranquillity and The Provenance!
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933.33 Р
thrash doom metal
Треклист: 1 Cannibal Massacre (Extended Skin Reaping Mix) 9:17 2 Horns Of The Witch 1:05 Video The Wolf 5:03
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933.33 Р
thrash doom metal
Треклист: 1 Horde Of Undead Vengeance 4:42 2 War Metal Battle Master 3:28 3 When The Ice Giants Slayed All 3:08 4 Slaughter The Bestial Legion 5:04 5 Black...
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666.67 Р
great synth pop
Треклист: 1 It's Still Me 5:22 2 Looking For You 4:58 3 Dark Land 4:25 4 Follow Me 3:40 5 Forest 5:42 6 Guns And Bells 4:51 7 Cold 5:12 8 Julia Set 4:51 9...
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466.67 Р
avantgarde death metal
Треклист: 1 Restart Your Mind 2 Sentenced 3 Paper Dolls 4 Homeless On The World Of Solus 5 Doomed 6 Scream In The Darkness 7 Solitude 8 Within My...
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733.33 Р
electro gothic
Треклист: 1 Dark Angel (Piano Version) 4:14 2 Dark Angel (Alien Produkt Remix) 5:38 3 Peccator (Cámara Version) 3:53 4 Dunkel Leben (Kutna Hora Ritual...
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666.67 Р
electro gothic
Evolution, force and misticism. The purity of the sacred music with a background of electronic and base sounds melt in the LAMIA?s first album ?Dark Angel? in an absolutely beautiful climax. This electro-gothic project was carried out by Juan Andr?s Celasco (keyboards and composition) and Claudia Rolando (soprano).They recreate an ancient atmosphere (rennaissance and baroque) with the latest and modern synthetic sound without distorting the aesthetic of the represented time...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Amado Ódio Retroativo 2 Me Afogando Em Lâminas E Comprimidos 3 O Fantasma De Um Rancoroso Passado 4 Lamúria Abissal 5 ...De Uma Profunda E...
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400.00 Р
thrash death metal
Треклист: 1 Claustrophobic 4:06 2 The Torment 4:34 3 Murderous State 3:46 4 Minds Devourer 4:06 5 Neutralized Existence 2:27 6 From The Street 3:26 7 In The...
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466.67 Р
atmospheric doom metal
Released as Jewel CD-box, limited to 500 copies.
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400.00 Р 280.00 Р
melodic death doom metal, Endless Winter
Треклист: 1 Intro 0:41 2 Bones Dissolved 7:14 3 Eternal Places 6:09 4 Bio-lence 6:41 5 Reborn 6:34 6 Outro 1:13
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466.67 Р
industrial / dark ambient
Like the Silken Shrouds of Loneliness will be the folower of one year old debut album Now Will You Believe ? (Steinklang Records) and it will be released in elegant digipack on the 31st of May. You can find there eight apocalyptic neo-folk compositions with industrial and dark ambient elements, sung in English and Hungarian. 500 pcs limited edition.
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
Треклист: 1 Possessed By Food 1:37 2 Не Умеешь Сам - Не Мешай Мне 0:30 3 Dreamworks 2:16 4 О.М.О.Н. 2:05 5 Drunk, Fought & Fucked 0:42 6 Subliminal 3:02
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466.67 Р
experimentl ambient
“99.09 Inside the stones” is a collection of the most significant tracks made by LARVA 108 during the first 10 years. 12 songs for 60 minutes. A sountrack for walking alone through a winter snowstorm or between the trees during a grey day of november. Experimental, electronica, drones creates organic gloomy atmospheres.
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533.33 Р
folk melodic death metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Recorded at USSR studio in Omsk 2016-2017. Mixed by Deviant Nation Mixing Studio.
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466.67 Р
viking folk metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Треклист: 1 Battleforce 4:54 2 Last Wail 3:59 3 The Divide Amulet 4:21 4 Blood Rivers For The Countess 4:15 5 The Saviour 4:22 6 Northern Shores 4:24 7...
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466.67 Р
viking folk metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Треклист: 1 Intro (Instrumental) 2 Warrior Of Justice 3 Revenge 4 Fighting The Dark 5 Mystery (Instrumental) 6 Merciless 7 The Tale Of Endless Night...
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466.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 In Levenskolken, In Dadenstorm 5:48 2 Tot Eenheid Verweven 5:41 3 Wijsgeer Ende Narrema 7:36
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666.67 Р
future pop
Треклист: 1 Devil's World 3:44 2 The Limit 3:48 3 Revolution Day 4:40 4 Snake 4:04 5 Dark Virtuality 3:03 6 Six Days A Week 4:28 7 Can't Get Away 4:17 8...
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306.67 Р
death metal, FONO ltd
Треклист: 1 Death-Chain 2 A Darker Shade Of Hatred 3 Nightfall 4 Mask Of Malice 5 ...And Out Come The Wolves 6 Swallow The Bitterness 7 Hades...
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800.00 Р
avant-garde black metal
PERSONAL RECORDS is proud to present LE CHANT NOIR's highly anticipated second album, La Société Satanique des Poètes Morts, on CD format. Digital distribution will be handled by Blood Blast. Formed in 2016, LE CHANT NOIR arrived on the international metal map with single-minded purpose: deliver a grandiose statement of the majestic and macabre. And that's exactly what they did with their debut album, Ars Arcanvm Vodvm, in 2017. Then again, LE CHANT NOIR was hardly a "new" band, comprising as they do a veritable "supergroup" of the Brazilian underground: vocalist Lord Kaiaphas, well known for the classic albums of Norway's Ancient, Mad Grandiose Bloodfiends and The Cainian Chronicles, as well as Thokkian Vortex among others; guitarist Mantus AKA Marcelo Vasco, known for such bands as The Troops of Doom, Patria, and Mysteriis as well as being an acclaimed graphic artist for the likes of Slayer, Kreator, Machine Head, Soulfly, and Hatebreed; and the drummer Malphas, who's a bandmate of Vasco's in Mysteriis. At long last, LE CHANT NOIR deliver their second statement of the majestic and macabre: La Société Satanique des Poètes Morts. Building upon the firm foundation of its acclaimed predecessor, LE CHANT NOIR's second album threads together the darkest fibers of archaic black metal, doom metal, and even dark metal, arriving at a sort of avant-garde symphonic black metal that's simultaneously authentic throwback and refreshingly modern. Taken another way, immerse thyself in the chilling waters of La Société Satanique des Poètes Morts and one can imagine this sort of high drama slotting well alongside Rotting Christ, Bethlehem, and Arcturus during the late '90s - indeed, the very era where DARK METAL was in legitimate parlance. References or none, however, there's no disputing the spindly, spellbinding power of LE CHANT NOIR here, as their unsettlingly odd textures and vampiric, olde-worlde atmospheres easily transport the listener to centuries long ago and perhaps long forgotten, of French cabarets populated by aristocratic Satanists and those practicing medieval witchcraft. Simply, it's an entire sonic/psychic landscape unto itself, and one you'd be hard pressed to locate in today's metal scene. Bells toll, and fog rolls in. The symphony of the damned strikes its first chord. Casks of bloodiest vintage are cracked open. Tread warily into LE CHANT NOIR's La Société Satanique des Poètes Morts! credits
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733.33 Р
martial / industrial
Треклист: 1 Naitre 4:33 2 Du sang sur les mains 4:06 3 Le sang est la vie 4:06 4 Le sang versé 5:10 5 Combattre 4:56 6 Le pacte 3:46 7 Syphilis 4:27 8...
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733.33 Р
martial / industrial
Треклист: 1 Un Combat 2 Jeunes Combattants 3 Alcool 4 Ciel D'Orage 5 (...) 6 Coeurs Serrés 7 Mort De Chagrin 8 Retour De Guerre 9 Perdu D'Avance
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466.67 Р
dark black metal
Треклист: 1 Black Water Path 2 Smog Of Their Souls 3 To Surmount The Fire 4 Lead Haze 5 Roots Of My Clay
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666.67 Р
traditional doom
Brand new ass heavy doom rock of this power trio from California! Their new songs are potent and full of veritable grooves. Comprised of solid tracks of beefy girth, rotund melodies, confident playing, glutonic volume, swift dynamics, majestic vocals, a lot of this material is directly derived and even somewhat lifted from seminal bands like Pentagram, Saint Vitus and The Obsessed.
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666.67 Р
traditional doom
Brilliant traditional doom rock from the US with influences of Pentagram, Trouble, and Wino"s previous bands. The music is in the vein of The Obsessed, Voodoo Shock, Starchild, and Dreaming. Highly recommended for riff rock maniacs!
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666.67 Р
traditional doom
Треклист: 1 Murderkkult 5:41 2 Indra 4:51 3 Lasting Dose 3:34 4 White Horse 3:29 5 Anointed With Blood Of The Snake 4:23 6 Sacrosanct 1:03 7 Born Cold 5:17...
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546.67 Р
gothic metal, FONO ltd
LEAVES' EYES - немецко-норвежская группа, сформированная в 2003 году, объединившая музыкантов из ATROCITY и колоритную вокалистку и значимую фигуру в мире готик-метала Лив Кристин, покинувшую на тот момент THEATRE OF TRAGEDY. Большинство лирики LEAVES' EYES отсылает к скандинавским сагам о богах и викингах. В середине 2016-го после череды скандалов пути Лив Кристин и LEAVES' EYES разошлись, а место за микрофонной стойкой заняла финская вокалистка и родственница Tuomas Holopainen'a (основателя группы NIGHTWISH)Elina Siirala (ANGEL NATION). "The Last Viking" - восьмой полноформатный альбом LEAVES' EYES, вышедший 23-го октября 2020-го на AFM Records. Концепт альбома посвящен битве при Стамфорд-Бридже, которая произошла в 1066 году и положила конец эры викингов. В записи одной из песен приняла участие Clémentine Delauney (вокалистка VISIONS OF ATLANTIS). Оформлением "The Last Viking" занимался Stefan Heilemann, работавший с LINDEMANN, EPICA, KAMELOT и другими.
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333.33 Р
industrial dark ambient
Треклист: 1 Filth 7:23 2 Post March Of Radiance 6:28 3 Spectral Illusion 6:15 4 The Way Of All Elevation 5:42 5 Eternity 6:49 6 No Links With... 5:59
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Blood Is Always Nameless (In Flanders Fields) 2 Sun Of The Sleepless 3 Charge Of The Light Brigade 4 Skeleton In Armor (Part I) 5 Skeleton...
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466.67 Р
dark ambient / experimental electronics
“Lebenswelt” is inspired by ambiguous and prophetic writings by Stefan George (1868-1933), German poet, editor and translator. It collects trio’s recordings from 2004-2005 depicting morose and apocalyptic visions of modern civilization. With certain references to German, French and Russian philosophy and symbolism, the album sounds massive, dark and retired. (13 tracks - 64 min.)
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466.67 Р
thrash speed
Треклист: 1 Machrochelys Temminckii 2 I Am The Raptor 3 Cenozoic Death Waltz 4 Pig Scrapings 5 Black Cognac 6 Cougar Vs. Bear 7 Leeches Of Lore 8 The...
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333.33 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Bringers Of Apocalypse 2 Voices Of Destruction 3 Infernal Cult Of Blood 4 Dreams About End Of World 5 Blasphemy Hate Genocide 6 Ancient...
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400.00 Р
thrash metal
Треклист: 1 Vaporized 4:10 2 Deathpidemic 3:17 3 Midnight Meat Train 6:43 4 Adan’s Children 6:24 5 Suicide 4:09 6 Church Burning 4:47 7 Death Control 4:43 8...
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600.00 Р
death metal
Треклист: 1 Transuranic Ejaculation 05:42 2 Cosmo Hammer 06:20 3 Overlord Of Thunder 06:01 4 Scourge Of Pestilence 04:03 5 Sociopathic Infestation...
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600.00 Р
death metal, Metal Scrap Records
The debut full-length album by the Irish / Polish Death Metal band. Legion Of Wolves delivers old school Death Metal with a modern touch. Following by their first two releases, the album contains 10 pounding and devastating tracks delivered with furious intent and spiteful melody in equal bloody measure. Combining the finest elements of old school Death Metal fused influence with a grandiose crushingly heavy production, this album more than delivers the goods. The theme of the album is war, violence and the nature of death peppered with lyrics dealing in mythology, misanthropy and war. From the opening track straight through to the last canon salvo, "Bringers Of The Dark Sleep" is characterized by extreme auditory aggression, making it a true epidemic of violence. This is the album for war, a soundtrack for Ares and a mandatory part of any true Death Metal fans' collection! Recommended for fans of Bolt Thrower, Unleashed, Vomitory, Pestilence, At the Gates, Asphyx, and fans of true pounding Death Metal violence!!
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
modern heavy metal, FONO ltd
"Lehmanized" - дебютный альбом итальянского проекта LEHMANN, основанного басистом групп BLAZE BAYLEY (Ex-IRON MAIDEN) и NEURASTHENIA Маттео Леманном. Сведенный, отмастерингованный и полностью спродюсированный самим Маттео, дебютный альбом представляет из себя эпичный heavy metal, приправленный элементами thrash и death metal, и звучит так, как если бы U.D.O. и HALFORD встретились с NEVERMORE и STRAPPING YOUNG LAD. Артворк (включающий буклет-плакат) сделал Владимир "SMERDULAK" Чебаков, работавший над оформлением альбомов STALWART, MELANCHOLY и ICON IN ME. Помимо кавера на песню британской группы TEARS FOR TEARS, на "Lehmanized" также можно услышать голос Блейза Бейли ("Laid so Low").
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400.00 Р 213.33 Р
power-pop, FONO ltd
Треклист: 1 84 Seconds In The West 1:20 2 The Killer I 3:31 3 Glass Boy 2:42 4 Broken Record 3:38 5 We'll Be The Flowers On Our Grave 3:38 6 Yearbook 2001...
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733.33 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Verwesung. Прокаженный Бог 9:46 2 Плевок 10:16 3 Казнь 8:17 4 Абсурд 5:56 5 Засуха 9:09 6 Оскопленное Солнце 10:31 7 Истощение 11:07
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400.00 Р
black metal / ambient
Треклист: 1 I 13:16 2 II 20:44 3 III 10:57 4 IV 13:55
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466.67 Р
Треклист: 1. На Заре (Intro) 0:59 2. Еловая Кора 2:36 3. Лешачьими Тропами 6:45 4. Чертоворот 4:05 5. Шуликуньи Пляски 3:26 6. ''Cтоят Леса Тёмные От Земли...
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466.67 Р
sludge doom
Треклист: 1 All Costs 5:59 2 Holy War 4:10 3 Sleep 4:01 4 Kill Yourself 5:06 5 Bow 4:28 6 Blood For Blood 2:51 7 Almighty 5:07 8 Let The Night Roar 3:56
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
doom death / dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
Новая работа проекта Letargy Dream, расширившего состав до полноценной группы, куда помимо самого Леарга (таке бас-гитариста группы Откровения Дождя) вошли музыканты групп Beheaded Zombie и Nabaath. льбом, в который вошли три трека, общей продолжительностью в 50 минут, открывает слушателям Letargy Dream с новой стороны, обозначив дальнейшее творческое развитие группы, соединившей в своей музыке dark metal, doom/death metal и death metal с активным использованием рифов, характерных для traditional doom metal!
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
progressive metal, BadMoodMan Music
Третья по счету работа группы, сюжетная линия которой основана на антиутопической литературе XX столетия, открывает Letargy Dream с новой стороны. Расширив состав до четырех человек коллектив раздвигает привычные рамки своей стилистики, используя элементы истерического женского скриминга, который дополняют чистые мужские двух и трехголосия. В музыкальном отношении альбом являет собой компиляцию таких жанров как progressive metal и neo progressive rock, stoner и traditional doom metal. Плотный и тягучий, немного грязноватый гитарный звук, техничные барабанные пассажи, периодически срывающиеся на бластбиты, активное использование акустической гитары, атмосферные клавишные партии - все это "Гелиополис".
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