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533.33 Р
folk rock, FONO ltd
LETZTE INSTANZ - немецкая метал-группа, использующая виолончель и скрипку для придания звучанию средневековых мотивов, основанная в 1996-ом году в Дрездене. В дискографии группы числятся двенадцать полноформатных альбомов, пара концертных и DVD релизов а количество живых выступлений, затрагивающих Западную Европу, Россию и Китай перевалило за шесть сотен. "Morgenland" - новый полноформатный альбом LETZTE INSTANZ, релиз которого состоялся 16-го февраля на AFM Records. Данное издание включает двенадцать треков и 16-страничный буклет. Packaged in a jewel case, a 16-page booklet
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400.00 Р
stoner rock
Tracklist: 1 With A Little Help From Lucifer 2 Bitter Redeemer 3 Crucify The Bitch 4 As The Devil Is My Witness 5 Even If You Live Forever 6 We Came...
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400.00 Р
viking / folk / heavy metal
Tracklist: 1 Origin (Introduction) 3:10 2 The Kingdom Of The Forgotten 2:57 3 Blood & Mead 2:29 4 The Battle Of The Souls 4:53 5 Ode To A Fallen Warrior...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
melodic death / metalcore
Tracklist: 1 Ответ 2 Песочные часы 3 Враг внутри 4 Дотла 5 Так говорил Заратустра 6 Грех 7 Он рисовал 8 Дай мне покой 9 Путь 10 Отражая тени
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600.00 Р 333.33 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro - Into The Darkness Of My Soul 1:22 2 Fog 7:50 3 As Blackness Fell Over My Eyes 10:57 4 Förevig Smärta 7:00 5 I Mitt Mörker 5:27 6 Tear...
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800.00 Р
depressive black / doom metal, Weird Truth Productions
1st album of Japanese depressive black/doom trio, who started their activities in 2013 to create slow and depressive music. Their music combines depressive black metal, doom metal and some progressive elements. Having performed a number of gigs in Tokyo, they established their own style and recorded these 8 tracks of melancholy and depression.
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533.33 Р 266.67 Р
black doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 1:40 2 Halls Of Transcendance 6:40 3 El Pesar Del Alma 5:12 4 From Grey To Black 5:49
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600.00 Р
depressive black metal
Tracklist: 1 The Lost 7:01 2 Let The Cosmos Invert 4:27 3 Nothingness 6:59 4 Negation 7:32 5 Laetus 12:16 6 Patru Noapti 12:16
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333.33 Р
ambient drone doom
Tracklist: 1 I Rode And Am Riding On An Ocean Of Violent Lights 12:14 2 I Watched And Am Watching A Cold Dead Sun Rise Then Explode 18:29 3 I Swallowed And...
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466.67 Р
progressive doom / death metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Tracklist: 1 ...Looking Through A Prism Inevitability 3:31 2 Trying To Leave From Reality 4:13 3 Felling The Pain Of Loss 12:06 4 I Hear The Voices Of The...
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413.33 Р
progressive metal, More Hate Productions
The second to last album of an instrumental one-man project was composed and recorded Evgeny Churkin in the middle of 2017. However for a number of reasons it is released only in the beginning of 2019. This album is a creative reflection of profound tragedy of patients with different neurological and mental conditions. Their storiesformed the basis for 9 album tracks. Each track is a separate story of search and comprehension of a self, as well as emotions and feelings – from tragedy to absurd – conveyed using eclectic musical instruments. Musically it is a combination of progressive doom, post-rock, trip-hop, psychedelic rock, ambient and avant-garde. At the end of the day it can be described as atmospheric-melancholic instrumental progressive doom with moods resembling such bands like In the Woods, Pink Floyd, Anathema, Portishead, Ulver...
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306.67 Р
black metal, FONO ltd
LIGHTNING SWORDS OF DEATH (LSOD) - блэк-метал команда из солнечного Лос-Анджелеса. Новый альбом "Baphometic Chaosium" стал третьим полноформатником американцев за 10 лет существования. Добавив пятого участника (второго гитариста Криса Велеза) и завершив таким образом пентаграмму, LSOD продемонстрировали слушателю мрачную, практически ритуальную картинку слияния эры норвежского блэка 90-ых годов с эпохой трэш-метала 80-ых, подавая всё со своейственной американцам мощью и качественностью звучания. Лирика альбома также не остает от заданного направления и заимствует тематику со страниц Некрономикона и прочей оккультной литературы.
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
black metal, FONO ltd
LIGHTNING SWORDS OF DEATH (LSOD) - black metal группа из L.A. - солнечного города ангелов, блеска и красоты. Но 8 цепляющих сурово-мрачных треков в лучших традициях оккультного black metal заставляют задуматься - с тем же успехом LSOD могли быть образованы в холодных скандинавских странах, т.к. альбом "The Extra Dimensional Wound" звучит именно так. Сырые гитарные риффы и молотящая ритм-секция в лучших традициях жанра злы и беспощадны - плотные стены жужжания сменяющих друг друга аккордов разбавлены грувовыми thrash metal элементами, а устрашающий вокал звучит читаемо и свежо.
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466.67 Р
Tracklist: 1 Северная Весна / North Spring 7:26 2 На Бескрайних Просторах Руси / In The Boundless Expanses Of Russia 5:31 3 Ранние Грозы / Early Storms 3:56...
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400.00 Р
drone doom ambient
Tracklist: 1 I Invoke... 32:36 2 Lifeless... (A Journey Towards The Inner Death) 8:40 3 Forgotten Depths Of Nowhere 4:38 4 Dreams Of Cosmic Failure 12:05 5...
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400.00 Р
drone doom ambient
Tracklist: 1 Untitled 2 Untitled 3 Untitled 4 Hoste 5 Execro 6 Ganglio 7 TMPT 8 Aurum Nostrum Non Est Aurum Vulgi
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306.67 Р
glam rock, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Babylon 2 Death Comes Tomorrow 3 Gather Up The Snow 4 The Great Divide 5 Take The Bullet 6 Bow Your Head 7 Caged In 8 Soul Disease 9...
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600.00 Р
war black metal, Dusktone
Active since 2002, having already put out a long list of CDr and tape/demo only releases, this is Lilyum’ first pro-CD release. Although it is inspired by modern War Black Metal style, Lilyum create music that is intensely original in it’s orientation : thumping violent drum-war-machine, hyperblasting guitar riffs, brutally abrasive voice from beyond create a demonic wall-noise and blasted atmosphere perfectly orchestrated by multi-instrumentalist Kosmos Reversum. The nine-song “Nothing is mine” will bring you in a magisterial earth-shaking journey of your most wildly mind abandonment.
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1 000.00 Р
black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Liminal Shroud is a black metal band based in Victoria, BC. Formed in late 2017, the band takes inspiration from the surging oceans and mist-strewn coast as they explore themes of futility, passage, and individual and metaphysical transformation. With a three-piece format, Liminal Shroud’s sound is stripped-back yet immersive, with expansive guitars underpinned by a driving and dynamic rhythm section; kindling a form of black metal surging with atmosphere and anguish, melancholy and rage. As the skies turn grey and dense fogs hang above the shoreline, Liminal Shroud will expel a swirl of melancholia and torment over its moss-strewn forests and perilous waves.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
experimental ambient noise
Tracklist: 1 Clodii 6:11 2 Buxetum 2:52 3 Admurmurationis 3:58 4 Contemptrix 3:16 5 Evulsio 3:35 6 Amurcae 3:48 7 Accerba 3:19 8 Bona Pace 3:04 9 Polli 4:47...
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400.00 Р
black metal
Tracklist: I Introduction 1:23 II A Journey Through Pain 3:56 III Destroyer Of Illusion 2:59 IV Blind Immortality 6:01 V I Burn For You 4:40 VI...
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333.33 Р
indie / kraut rock
Tracklist: 1 Egg Shaped Pit 2 Jenny Its Your Birthday 3 Of Course I'll Be Your Dad 4 All Unnecessary Video 5 Two Coats Colder 6 Love In The Trenches
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466.67 Р
melodic death doom
Tracklist: 1 Rumours Are Black Like Machine Guns 2 Criministers 3 On Evil Days 4 Them Greeds 5 Their Words Grow Thin 6 From The Tower 7 1760 8 The...
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666.67 Р
post rock
Tracklist: 1 Nera 2 Schmetterling 3 Fragile 4 Etruria 5 Jonium 6 Cloe 7 Sam
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733.33 Р
melodic black / death metal, Sound Age Productions
Ltd. edition digi-pack
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400.00 Р
melodic death metal, More Hate Productions
the reissue of the 5th studio album of one of the oldest Russian metal bands. The original release dated 2010 contained 12 tracks of symphonic melodic death metal inclusive of "The Ocean" - a cover version of a song originally performed by the Russian gothic metal legends Forgive-Me-Not. The re-issue contains additional bonus tracks: one previously unreleased recording and several songs from the bands early albums specially re-arranged and re-recorded for this release. According to the musicians, their music is a combination of melodic death, black and symphonic gothic metal.
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533.33 Р
gothic doom metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Recorded and mixed at Other Side Studio (Voronezh, Russia) on Dec.'96-Feb.'97. Originally released in 1998 as an audio cassette by Hobgoblin Records.
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533.33 Р
gothic doom metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Fully digitally record & mixed in "D.S. studio" on 25 July 1998 - 3 July 1999. Originally released in 1999 as an audio cassette
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1 200.00 Р
folk / gothic rock
Tracklist: 1 Interlude 2:23 2 Solve Me 3:46 3 Silence 3:49 4 Vanilla Skin Delight 4:09 5 Panic 3:31 6 Paris Paris 3:40 7 Wait For Rain 3:32 8 Love Crime...
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1 200.00 Р
folk / gothic rock
Tracklist: 1 Skintight 3:18 2 Twofold 3:07 3 Train To Somewhere 3:33 4 Love In Grey 4:10 5 Emotional Catastrophes 2:44 6 Life Line 3:05 7 Boy At The Window...
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