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6 3
sympho death black
Tracklist: 1 Multilayered Chaos (A Divinity For The Worthless) 3:53 2 Crescent Moon (The Final Celebration) 4:14 3 Praising The Departure Of Spiritual...
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6 3
blasting superb death / black, More Hate Productions
The name of band based on Slavonic mythology describes Slav goddess of earth, fertility, fatum.The winged dog is SEMARGL, the defender of crops (like Senmurv of Persian mythology). Band perform monolith antichristian black/death metal on high speed of playing with various styled vocals from brutal and guttural to screaming and very harsh black metal vokills. Music parts of SEMARGL are very different too. It"s varied from fast but melodic and atmospheric black metal to very massive brutal death metal. Also absolutely tremendous crystal sound recorded by Slawek & Woitek Wieslawski from famous and well known Hertz Studio (Hell Born, Decapitated etc).
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6 3
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Graceful Infection By Evil 4:04 2 Cult Of The Crucified 3:47 3 Blessing Of Insanity 5:05 4 Protonic Zone Of Hell 1:30 5 The Funeral Of A Beast...
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6 3
sympho black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 1:49 2 Омут 8:48 3 Свет Бездны 5:26 4 Волчья Пасть 4:21 5 Вампир 4:59 6 Холод Манящей Могилы 3:45 7 Полночная Смерть 6:46 8 Outro 2:04
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6 3
death metal / grindcore, More Hate Productions
Third CD in discography after 2 years of a silence! New album of death grind band from Germany! The music of Smirnoff is a great combination of brutal and powerful death metal, catchy crust core parts, and blasting grind core fragments! May be slightly similar to another great band ? Macabre! Smirnoff is more than Vodka!!! Great sound of "Rape of Harmonies" Studio in Triptis, sound engineered by Ralf Muller and P.W.Engel.
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6 3
melodic black metal, More Hate Productions
Debut album of Belorussian band. Aggressive black metal with strong doze of thrash metal riffing.
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6 3
sympho black metal
Tracklist: 1 Чудовищное Прекрасно 2 Нострадамус (Третий грех) 3 Инцест (Четвёртый Грех) 4 Клонирование (Совершенство) 5 Отражение "Каина" 6 Без...
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6 3
doom death metal
Tracklist: 1 4000 Years Ago 1:49 2 Notre-Dame De Paris 5:56 3 In Hell 5:02 4 Blind Pain 9:55 5 Town Of Silence/Voice From The Past 10:42 6 Emily 6:12 7...
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6 3
brutal death
Tracklist: 1 Self Interment 3:36 2 The Pinocchio Syndrome 3:15 3 Vicious Circle 3:02 4 The Doomed To The Suffering 2:46 5 Dead Paradise 4:35 6 Autodafe 4:13...
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6 3
progressive death metal, More Hate Productions
Without comments, last album of Russian progressive death metal machine!
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6 3
death black metal
Tracklist: 1 Northwind 2 Dark Ride 3 Tamplier's Curse 4 Flash Denide 5 Damned Temple 6 Eternal Punishment 7 Baptizing 8 Mortalized 9 In My Soul 10...
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6 3
old school black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 1:08 2 Ветер (The Wind) 4:24 3 Святая Вода (Holy Water) 4:51 4 Ave Satanas! 2:21 5 Твой Идол Мёртв (Your Idol Is Dead) 4:44 6 Плеть...
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6 3
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Damnation Of Northern Lands 2 For Cold 3 Forest Legion 4 Our Dark Fears 5 Fight In Darkness Sky 6 Гөнаһале... 7 Кыяфатсыз 8 Ѳзылеп 9...
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6 3
progressive black metal, More Hate Productions
Modernized Black Metal is a change of classical themes, conceptions and sound of Black Metal. It's a musical platform consisting of dominating part of pure black metal with micro & macro sprincles in the bulk of Industrial, Ambient, Noise and their products.
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6 3
progressive black metal, More Hate Productions
What does T.E.F. mean: A man loves and hates by eyes and the word EYE in this title means hate. The word combination EYE.FLAME in title means FLAME OF HATE, and THERM stands for ENERGY. In the beginning of the year 2005 on MORE HATE Productions under the release number 04-032, a fresh and already the third in succession, ten singed piece of POST BLACKNESS by southern MODERNIZED BLACK METAL formation T.E.F. in a CD format will leave the conveyor. It's a musical platform consisting of dominating part of pure B.M. with micro & macro sprinkles in the bulk of Industrial, Ambient, Noise and their products. Our music is soaked with the spirit of futurism. Urbanism, the cosmos, pain, paranoia... that is the meaning of M.B.M. by eyes of T.E.F.
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6 3
depressive black metal
Tracklist: 1 Spiegel Der Urängste 10:34 2 Blutmeer 12:14 3 Sehnsucht 15:46
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6 3
power metal
Tracklist: 1 Мир в огне 6:10 2 Звезда надежды 4:35 3 После нас 5:25 4 Империя 5:10 5 Пизрак в пустоте 3:15 6 Кривое озеро 2:36 7 Против гордых богов 5:31 8...
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6 3
dark ambient
Tracklist: 1 Человек И Дьявол 8:42 2 Люди С Синей Кармой 4:26 3 Ленин 6:37 4 Шепот Зарытых Сердец 11:51 5 Ледяные Цветы 8:47 6 Как Млечный Путь... 4:35 7...
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6 3
folk metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2 Коло Оплетая 3 Внегда 4 Tower Of Birds 5 Средокресiе 6 Во Лузех (Омутково Ляды) 7 Наговор На Завет 8 Gods Of Thunder Of Wind And...
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6 3
glorious symphonic black
Tracklist: 1 Initiation 2 Devil's Pact 3 Fallen Angel Of Plague 4 Bell, Book And Candle 5 Rebellion, Part I 6 Riding The Breeze 7 Rebellion, Part II...
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6 3
brutal death / grindcore
Tracklist: 1 Human 1:31 2 Deaths Birth 0:55 3 ...And You're No More 3:11 4 P.N.M. 3:01 5 Whore 2:39 6 Drink Until I Die 0:12 7 Progression - Suppression...
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6 3
brutal death metal, More Hate Productions
Debut album from Unlucky Buried (Vitebsk/Belarus). Half-hour of good brutal Esthetic death metal in the best traditions of both European headliners such as Vader, Decapitated and also with a tinge of Kataklysm! The instrumentation is basically American, except that Unlucky Buried did their best to tear it to pieces and stitch together a new adding their own proprietary ingredients. Unlucky Buried's music is marked by multiple complex meaty etudes, diverse vocalic exercises (ranging from thick growls to hysteric screams) and abrupt high-speed guitar licks transitioning into gore-ish low-tempo lyrical digressions.
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6 3
ambient / industrial
Tracklist: 1 Wund Fressen Mich Die Naß-Gefühle 6:38 2 Träume Eines Tiefseeprinzen 6:52 3 Herzschlag Des Endzeit-Architekten 19:34 4 Distanz: Hautnah 7:29 5...
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6 3
black metal, More Hate Productions
Dark dreary and venomous black metal band from Ukraine!
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6 3
Tracklist: 1 Коломыйка 2:20 2 As Covas Do Rei Cintolo / En Dro Mod Koh 3:16 3 Bobbing Joe / Den Hobocken Danse 2:42 4 Bourree Blowzabella / Carree De...
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6 3
viking pagan metal, More Hate Productions
Great Epic Slavonic pagan metal in vein of early Butterfly Temple / Russia
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6 3
depressive metal
Tracklist: 1 То, Что Принёс Северный Ветер 1:33 2 Вакханалия 5:11 3 Путь В Никуда 4:01 4 Одиночество, Ненависть, Злоба 3:16 5 Ненависть К Бытию 2:40 6 По...
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6 3
atmospheric black metal
Tracklist: 1 Чернее Чем Ночь 2:41 2 Дорога, Что Не Ведёт Обратно 2:36 3 Свет, Леденящий Душу 3:48 4 Во Тьме 2:04 5 Путь В Никуда (Часть 2) 4:34 6 Очищение...
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6 3
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Lunar Cult 3:02 2 Гибель Светлой Эпохи (The Loss Of The Age Of Light) 3:35 3 Sunset And Sunrise At The Back Of Beyond 3:46 4 Север (North) 4:27...
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6 3
dark noise
Tracklist: 1 Theme From Requiem 0:46 2 Bayou 3:48 3 The Road Of Pain 3:40 4 Towards The Temple 1:18 5 A Ritual Of Captive Bone 5:58 6 Requiem (End Theme)...
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6 3
doom death
Tracklist: 1 Fragments 52:52 Fragment I Fragment II Fragment III Fragment IV Fragment V Fragment VI Fragment VII Fragment VIII Fragment IX...
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6 3
epic thrash
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2 The Book Of The Dead Armageddon Thrilogy 6 Dying 7 Piano Passage 8 Chamber Of The Sin 9 Into The Underworld 10 As A Legend
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6 3
thrash black metal
Tracklist: 1 Holy Ecstasy 6:03 2 The Countdown 4:40 3 Fear 4:39 4 Spider’s Web 7:24 5 Knights Of Apocalypse 4:38 6 In The Name Of God 4:57 7 Evil’s Garden...
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6 3
death / thrash metal
Tracklist: 1 Raven 5:03 2 Gone Away 5:05 3 Sword’s Song 4:35 4 Janiman 3:50 5 Beast Inside 3:51 6 Lyrical 6:17 7 Guiding Star 3:53 8 Mess 4:55 9 Abyss Of...
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6 3
slavonic pagan metal
Tracklist: 1 Чёрная Дорога 5:33 2 Не Погасить 3:30 3 Их Носить Земля Устала 5:50 4 Обними Меня 4:18 5 Она Одна 3:42 6 Шаг Во Мрак 3:11 7 Солнце Скрылось...
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6 3
brutal death
Tracklist: 1 Born To Hate 1:48 2 I Don't Give A Fuck 4:13 3 Live Without Hesitation 4:46 4 Going For Death 4:40 5 Suicide 5:17 6 Slavery As A Sentence 4:22...
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6 3
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Absorb The Astral Dimension 2 Destination: The Source Of Infinity 3 Cold Apostasy 4 Fast Frozen Future 5 Triumphal Eclipse 6 Afflatus...
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6 3
symphonic black death metal
Tracklist: 1 Arcane Grail 5:00 2 Of Snake And Raven 3:48 3 Autumn Wed Us, Sinned And Lone 6:24 4 Renaissant The Reverie 6:09 5 Sorrow Of Forgotten Pride...
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6 3
melodic death doom
Tracklist: 1 Слёзы Пылающей Осени (Intro) 2:43 2 Far Off 4:23 3 Бог Моего Гнева 3:04 4 Безвозвратное Эхо 4:33 5 Боль Бытия 5:25 6 Флориз 4:48 7 Процесс...
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6 3
melodic death black metal, More Hate Productions
Originally recorded in 1999 and re-mastered in December 2003. Melodic bombastic death metal from Belarus based band Asguard. Asguard can be described as brutal and extreme as any of their brethren. But when these Belarus death metallers scale back the jack-hammering blast beats and weave complex Maidenesque guitar melodies into their aural blasphemy.
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