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Solitude Productions

533.33 Р 466.67 Р
avantgarde funeral doom, Solitude Productions
The third full-length album by a Russian band continues to study the problems of insanity of modern society and apocalyptic expectations which were embodied both in the general mood of the album and its lyrics, as well as in in its musical part: tempo variations, passages from meditation to fury, from canonic funeral doom metal to avantgarde psychedelic experiments. And again Septic Mind amazes the fans of heavy, dark and nonstandard music.
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600.00 Р
funeral death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The fourth full-length album from Russian heavyweights in funeral doom death metal, convincingly showcasing the peak of the musicians' craftsmanship. The album continues the path of complicating the musical structure, which now incorporates powerful keyboards and trombone parts. There is also a further complexity in the structure of the lyrics, which unites all the compositions of the album into a single conceptual narrative. This confessional canvas presents the inner world of a hero who once succumbed to pride, having gone through internal catastrophes on a path washed by tears. The artwork, complementing the musical and lyrical components, is created by the artist Matvey Bobkov. The recording and mixing were done by Alexey Kostovitsky, with mastering by Evgeny Semyonov (Intaglio, When Nothing Remains, Mesmur, etc.).
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
extreme funeral doom, Solitude Productions
A debut album of a Russian band Septic Mind. They presented themselves to the audience at Moscow Doom Festival V, performing at the same stage with Esoteric, Pantheist and Jack Frost, and attracting attention of the fans of the genre. Being followers of Esoteric the musicians evolve from traditional funeral doom to different experiments. Septic Mind have remastered their demo record providing really extreme sound progressing from powerful guitar riffs through noise effects to atmospheric keyboard interludes reflecting the mail concept of the album, the coldness and infinity of cosmos.
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800.00 Р
funeral doom, Solitude Productions
The brand new album by Quercus has become a new milestone in the discography of the Czech band. Developing the ideas of the avant-garde funeral doom metal «Heart With Bread» amazes by the depth of the church organ sound. Musicians, addressing the nature and the organ, are trying to combine these two accurately elaborated mechanisms into a unified concept, a single organism. In the temple we find the nature, in nature we find the temple: they are in a symphonic harmony. Another research area of the musicians covers melancholy, pain and sorrow of no return. And it is not surprising that the album features the cover version of the composition by the famous contemporary Estonian composer Arvo Pärt, who has disclosed the intertwining of the spiritual lines in his avant-garde music.
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
gothic doom death metal, Solitude Productions
Another brilliant debut from a young Ukrainian band suiting tastes of fans of various doom metal substyles. Amily mix harmoniously doom death metal, gothic doom metal, and funeral doom metal adding a part of theirs souls into the music. «To All in Graves» is, first of all, melody framed with darkness, and sublime orchestral keyboards referring to neoclassical music. It is worth to mention that basing of the genre traditions the musicians created their own harmonic world which is ready to accept anyone who is able to open his heart and feel it.
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466.67 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The full-length album from Ukranian band Vin De Mia Trix which showed its potential through numerous gigs and self-released demo and mini-album, and gained interest from fans of dark music. Vin De Mia Trix are in artistic search for their own sound based on traditions of atmospheric doom death metal with introduction of funeral doom and dark metal, classical music and Eastern philosophy. Within «Once Hidden From Sight» every fan of dark music will find something for the soul!
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666.67 Р
gothic doom death, Solitude Productions
The new album by Portuguese band A Dream of Poe presents the evolution of the band musical style from gothic doom metal through melodic doom death to traditional form of doom metal, with its solemn riffs, tragic clean vocals and epic guitar solos. «An Infinity Emerged» is a continuation of the previous album «The Mirror of Deliverance». The sound of the album became more dense as compared to the previous work and reached a new level of the recording quality, which allows to better feel for the work of the musicians and plunge into the atmosphere of the album. Five long tracks, with an average duration of 11 minutes, reflect the evolution of a character, defeated just after gaining consciousness that the practical side of things is always harder than the theoretical side and that all is knowledge of the world didn't prepare him for the experience. Symbolically, the album is a process of destruction, as the initial stage of the renovation process (which corresponds to the symbolism of the card "Tower" from the Tarot deck), so the themes of death, murder, and the constant reference to water as a symbol of change are essential for «An Infinity Emerged». The album features Kostas Panagiotou (Pantheist, Clouds, Wijlen Wij) who performed keyboards. The first 100 copies of the album are issued as a strictly limited digipack!
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
stoner sludge doom, Solitude Productions
Debut album of Sweden band Gloomy Sunday "Beyond Good And Evil" executed in stoner sludge doom style. Music in vein of Electric Wizard, EyeHateGod and Crowbar will suit all extreme doom-metal fans" tastes.
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466.67 Р 266.67 Р
funeral doom death, Solitude Productions
Russian doom-metal label Solitude Productions presents first album of Ukrainian band Somnolent! Long play album became a result of long work of band members, who played in different music festivals and made a self-release of their concert record "Live in Odessa", in 2007. Somnolent present to listener a trip to gloomy world of funeral doom metal, mixed from viscous guitar riffs and long solo parts. This is a 1 hour road trough pain and despair, it"s a time of "Monochromes Philosophy".
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666.67 Р
stoner doom metal, Solitude Productions
The long-awaited debut album from Ukrainian stoner doom metal band. After recording several demos and performing a number of gigs appreciated by the audience Stoned Jesus summarized all their experience in “First Communion”. Besides the influences by such masters of the genre as Sleep, Electric Wizard and Saint Vitus the band features a powerful load of psychedelic rock and old good blues rock. Groovy guitar riffs, suspension lasting until the last minute of the record and professionalism bring the band to the leaders of Ukrainian stoner scene. Guest appearance of members of The Grand Astoria, X-box Murder and Without God evidently approve this position.
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400.00 Р
doom death, Solitude Productions
A novel work from Finnish band. EP “Angel” consists of three parts featuring more traditional doom-death metal style compared to their debut album. This makes their composition more monolithic both conception-wise and music-wise. Nevertheless, the band keeps their gloom and heaviness according to the genre requirements: the exceptional work for true lovers of the doom-death metal.
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533.33 Р 400.00 Р
doom death, Solitude Productions
Another debut album from a Russian band featuring musicians who spent a long time at Russian heavy stages. Although the band exists for more than ten years playing gigs and contributing to compilations, only now they felt the opportunity to present carefully selected, recorded and mastered compositions to the audience. Graveflower feature their unique sound and style even playing old school doom death metal referencing to classical My Dying Bride sound of «Like Gods of the Sun» period.
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600.00 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The second album of the Ukrainian band does not follow popular trends in heavy music. It features the old good traditional doom death metal, just like at the first album by Crypt of Silence, which is mentally close to the first two albums of Mourning Beloveth, October Tide, My Dying Bride and the genre classics. This time the band, in their tries to demonstrate all the nuances of their skills to the audience, focused on the sound, having mixed and mastered the album at the Slow Burn Studio studio, previously worked with When Nothing Remains and Sorrowful Land.
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466.67 Р 266.67 Р
sludge doom, Solitude Productions
The debut full-length album of the Belgian sludge doom metal band Möse presents results of many years" work of musicians performed numerous gigs and released a 7"-sinlge and a split-album. The band features members of Thee Plague Of Gentlemen and Neuthrone. The powerful sound is ensured by professional mastering and the crushing compositions of "Halfway to Nowhere" proclaim the appearance of a new serious representative of the style in Europe.
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666.67 Р
funeral doom death metal, Solitude Productions
New album by the leading Ukrainian doom death band AUTUMNIA! Including in five majestic hymns "O"Funeralia" absorbed all the best traits characteristic of previous work of this group: excellent sound, beautiful melodies, perfect skill and mighty voice by Vladislav Shahin (also voice in Mournful Gust). What"s more for recording of the album extra musicians were invited who performed the parts of bass, piano and violin that introduced new mood and shades into the sound. Disc with gold evaporation and pit art.
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533.33 Р 466.67 Р
atmospheric funeral doom, Solitude Productions
Debut album by a young Ukrainian band Narrow House who was featured at a number of gigs and festivals. «A Key To Panngrieb» album is a 45-minutes-long journey to your subconsciousness accompanied by funeral guitars, atmospheric keyboards and live cello. Another approach to funeral doom metal, another key to eternal secrets of life and death.
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466.67 Р
traditional doom metal, Solitude Productions
The debut album of young Italian band Fangtooth follows the canons of traditional doom metal genre. Inspired by the debut Candlemass album as well as by works of Trouble, Saint Vitus, Pagan Altar the musicians of Fangtooth demonstrate their own interpretation of the genre traditions and add their own strokes to the general canvas created by the legendary bands.
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533.33 Р
doom / stoner, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions presents the first album of the French stoner doom metal trio continuing the great traditions of Black Sabbath. Biting riffs typical for early doom metal are organically combined in Stangala music with Celtic folk elements which is ideological and lyrical basic of the band. «Boued Tousek Hag Traou Mat All» can be recommended to all fans of Electric Wizard, Sleep and, certainly, early Black Sabbath albums!
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533.33 Р
doom death, Solitude Productions
The new album from Finnish doom death metal band Astral Sleep demonstrates brilliant skills of musicians which have reached higher level. Four tracks, almost an hour in length, create magnificent visions featuring rich color palette. The group operates with epic riffs, graceful acoustic interludes, harsh guitar strokes pierced with excellent melodies and diverse vocals. Preserving their original style familiar by the previous albums the musicians succeed to combine doom death metal with traditional epic doom metal in a single perfect works with carefully mastered sound. «Visions» is the album for thoughtful listening, the music for those who is able to perceive.
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
doom death, Solitude Productions
Orphans of Dusk is a gothic death/doom band being projected into the stars from the South Pacific Ocean, New Zealand/Australia. As the decade turned, the orphan was born - a crystallised idea of epic gothic doom music meshed with death/doom. Casting out the traditional second guitar line in favour of synth and producing several demos, Orphans brought on crushing death metal vocal talent from Sydney, Australia and solidified the line-up that unleashed the Orphans of Dusk vast debut EP, "Revenant" Immense, powerful, and atmospheric doom riffs coalescing with soft melodic textures and melancholy is what you can expect on this debut recording from Orphans of Dusk! For fans of Type O Negative, Woods of Ypres, My Dying Bride, The Foreshadowing, Swallow the Sun, etc. Co-release with Hypnotic Dirge.
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533.33 Р
dark doom death metal, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions presents a debut album of the first Latvian doom/death band Frailty. "Lost Lifeless Lights" - rigid, bright and technical music in the vein of European doom death metal school (My Dying Bride, Anathema, Mourning Beloveth), with dark metal influences, which makes the band’s sound very original and fresh. All this makes Frailty one of the best bands of a Baltic heavy scene. The first 200 copies of the album contain Bonus DVD with performance at “Shadow Doom Fest” in "Shade" Club in Moscow.
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466.67 Р 266.67 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The debut album of young Russian band from Volgograd continues traditions of death/doom metal and represents the band as talented professional musicians. String material created without keyboards and other trend features will suit the tastes of fans of uncompromising death/doom in the vein of Mourning Beloveth, Process Of Guilt and Ataraxie.
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400.00 Р
monolith funeral doom, Solitude Productions
A new work of a famous band from Moscow - majestic, monolith funeral-doom with deep growling and stern atmosphere of despair and pain. The new song "Narcosis", released before the upcoming full-length album, is presented in two versions - with lyrics written in English and lyrics in Russian. In addition, there is an exclusive bonus track /surprise on the CD, which won"t be released anywhere else. The EP was recorded according to the tradition in a famous Russian "Navaho Hut" studio. "Narcosis" is limited to 900 hand-typed copies. The CD is covered using pit-art.
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533.33 Р 400.00 Р
funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
The debut album from the Italian band The Undergrave Experience. This is not another piece of standard funeral doom, but an entire journey to the world of horror culture. Being close to works of memorable band EA in their music style the musicians of The Undergrave Experience develop the darker side of the genre searching for inspiration in classical Italian horror movies. The album consists of two original tracks which the fans of gloom and horror aesthetics will surely like.
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800.00 Р
funeral death doom metal, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions proudly presents a long awaited re-release of Evoken"s album "Embrace the Emptiness", which has already become a cult one. This is the first full-length album of the band, which was previously released in 1998 by the American label Elegy Records with limited edition. So that"s why some time later it became an object of searching of all doom-metal fans all over the world. And now everyone has an opportunity to buy this album, published on "Gold CD" with a completely new exclusive design.
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666.67 Р
doom death metal, Solitude Productions
Russian doom-metal label Solitude Prod. presents its new, seventh release: re-release of a legendary album of a band from St.Petersburg - Painful Memories, timed to tenth anniversary since the moment of its creation. "Memorial To Suffering" is a live document that witnessed one of the greatest appearances on the Russian metal scene in the middle of 1990"s, at that time it was released on audio-cassettes with a limited circulation and was circulated by musicians themselves. Nowadays each doom-metal lover has an opportunity to fill his collection with this unique release in form of compact-disk with remastered material, specially created design, which includes archive photos. You can also find exclusive video material on the CD - a live record of the band that was never released before.
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533.33 Р
doom death metal, Solitude Productions
One of the most famous bands on its motherland Serbia. Tales Of Dark play doom-death on a high professional level and they are certain to be to My Dying Bride (“Turn Loose the Swans” and “The Angel And The Dark River” era) as well as early Ashes You Leave and Draconian fans" taste. A perfect studio record and great technical work of all musicians. "Fragile Monuments" - emotional music in which heavy doom-death with beautiful melodies and hard growling with female clear vocals are combined. The CD includes professionally done videoclip of one of the songs performed on the album.
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666.67 Р
apocalyptic funeral doom, Solitude Productions
The first release of a young and creative band from Minsk (Belarus). Original and extraordinary funeral doom. A listener is being hunted by its darkness within the distance between the first and the last note, as it truly creates the horror of the Apocalypse. Both sludge and dark-ambient influences can be found there. Reido"s music has no analogies neither in the band"s native country nor in Russia, and it can easily compete with the leading standards of the West dark scene. "F\:all" has been released on a "gold" CD and includes a video clip of the main song on the album.
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800.00 Р
symphonic funeral doom, Solitude Productions
The fourth full-length album from one of the best funeral doom metal bands is ready to surprise the listeners. Although the style of the talented multi-instrumentalist Ryan hiding beneath the name of The Howling Void is kept, this album features new colors and musical impressions. This time clean melodious vocal employed at the previous EP “Runa” supports cold cosmic and majestic symphonies. Given the overall monolith of sound, diverse keyboards and guitar parties combined with ambient interludes make “Nightfall” vivid and rich. And from the first tones one can reveal behind detached sadness and reverie one of the unique bands of the genre. Following the tradition, the artwork again features a painting by a famous artist, this time Caspar David Friedrich, an outstanding representative of German romanticism. The first 100 copies of the album come as a noble strictly limited digipack.
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800.00 Р
funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
The second work of the mysterious project, which is actually the first full-length album following demo “(1)” which was officially issued three years earlier. “2” features a balanced approach to the sound level which significantly improved compared to the debut demo, while music-wise DRYOM remains dedicated to funeral doom metal with a unique atmosphere of gloomy dead landscapes of abandoned cities and vast twilight spaces of the dead nature. The unique features are brought by employment of jew’s harp and flute, which add a light taste of ethnic music translated through the aesthetics of the funeral metal. The first 100 copies of the album come as a strictly limited edition digipack!
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