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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Versus Sanctus 02:10 2 The Left Hand Of Baphomet 05:13 3 Sever The Ties Become The Antichrist 06:07 4 One With Obscurity 04:43 5 Cremation The...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Lights Out 9:38 2 My Name Escapes Me 7:35 3 Dearest Veil 8:56 4 Grayscale Flames 6:27 5 Empty Graves/Empty Faces 8:03 6 Farewell 10:08
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Tracklist: 1 Vosieńskaja Glieba 14:22 2 Kol 07:20 3 Adljustravanni ū czornaj vadzie 10:33 4 Niezvarotnasć 12:34
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death metal, FONO ltd
CUT UP - классическая шведская death metal банда, состоящая из участников VOMITORY, COLDWORKER и FETUS STENCH. Покинув VOMITORY в конце 2013-го, барабанщик Tobias Gustafsson и вокалист/басист Erik Rundqvist решили продолжать нарезать бескомпромиссный death metal в своем ключе, доукомплектовав состав гитаристом Anders'ом Bertilsson'ом (COLDWORKER) и гитаристом/вокалистом Andreas'ом Björnson'ом (FETUS STENCH). Уже к ноябрю 2014-го группа вошла в шведскую студию Big Balls Productions (VOMITORY, INFERIOR, TORTURE DIVISION) для записи дебютного альбома. Сведением "Forensic Nightmares" занимался Ronnie Björnström в Garageland Studios (AEON, MESHUGGAH, APOSTASY).
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gothic black metal
Tracklist: 1 In The Depths Of Hell 03:26 2 Goddess Of Death 04:33 3 Dying Dream 04:17 4 Initiation Ritual 05:00 5 Nominum 03:50 6 Infinite Nothingness...
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black metal, Non Serviam Records
Tracklist: 1 Pariah 2 Martyr 3 I`ll Come Back As Fire 4 What Lies Beneath 5 From The Abyss They Rise 6 Core Of The Soul 7 Thus Spake The Nightspirit...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Ascension Of The Scarlett Angel 05:15 2 Dead Soul Meditation 06:15 3 The Bitter Fruits Of Deceit 05:03 4 Omega Therion 07:22 5 Deathmagick...
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gothic doom metal
Tracklist: 1 The Darkness Inside 2 Endless Leaf Fall 3 Broken Heart 4 Abyss 5 Alien Reflection 6 Dreams 7 Silence... Despair
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progressive metal
Tracklist: 1 Are They Cannibals? 04:43 2 Dying Foretold 2:57 3 Institutional Gears 4:21 4 Xenolith 8:42 5 That Cold Moment 4:00 6 Malfunctioning Gears 4:56...
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progressive metal
Tracklist: 1 Zeroes And Ones 6:32 2 A Man Without Identity 5:19 3 My Escape 3:58 4 Why? 4:33 5 Catastrophic Event 1:52 6 Count Illuminatus 2:15 7 Secret...
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avant-garde black metal
Tracklist: 1 Manifestation 1:49 2 -3.003486962(6)+—10-66 6:55 3 Stretching Infinity 7:28 4 Cave Systems Of The Outer Moons 7:58 5 Hidden Celestial Deity...
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doom death metal, Endless Winter
Tracklist: 1 Beyond The Fatal Edge 09:56 2 Dead Pages 11:51 3 Flowers On My Grave 08:53 4 Ghost 08:39 5 Inside A Dirty Cage 09:00 6 Release Me 11:34
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progressive metal, FONO ltd
BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME (BTBAM) - прогрессивные металлисты из Северной Каролины (США). Собравшись в 2000 году, и сменив за это время трех барабанщиков, два гитариста и одного басиста, а также несколько лейблов (Lifeforce Records, а затем Victory Records), в 2011 году BTBAM подписались на Metal Blade Records, где и числятся на сегодняшний день. "Coma Ecliptic" - седьмой альбом американцев, вышедший после утомительного трехлетнего затишья. Очередной грандиозный и брызжущий амбициями концептуальный альбом, который вполне можно назвать современной рок оперой. "Coma Ecliptic" рассказывает о человеке попавшем в кому, путешествующему по сознанию своих прошлых жизней в поисках пристанища. И лишь очнувшись в настоящей реальности, человек понимает насколько огромен и реален настоящий мир, далекий от грез и видений. Сведением "Coma Ecliptic" занимался Jens Bogren из шведской Fascination Street Studios, работавший с OPETH, KATATONIA, DEVIN TOWNSEND и многими другими.
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thrash metal, FONO ltd
ACT OF DEFIANCE - новая американская звездная группа, в составе которой числятся экс-участники MEGADETH гитарист Chris Broderick и барабанщик Shawn Drover, гитарист Matt Bachand из SHADOWS FALL (взявший на себя партии бас-гитары) и вокалист Henry Derek (SCAR THE MARTYR). После ухода из MEGADETH в 2014-ом Крис и Шон в поиске реализации своих идей пришли к полноценному составу, контракту с Metal Blade Records и дебютному альбому "Birth And The Burial". "Birth And The Burial" был записан в трех разных студиях (и в трех разных штатах): все вокалы, гитары и струнные Крис записал в собственной Ill-Fated Studio в LA, записью барабанов руководил небезызвестный Крис "Zeuss" Харрис в милфордской студии Dexter's Lab, работавший с MUNICIPAL WASTE, REVOCATION, ROB ZOMBIE и многими другими, а бас записывался в студии ManShark в Саутхэмптоне.
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sludge doom metal, Aesthetic Death
Tracklist: 1 Tann Døkka Jørð 2:23 2 The Brazen Bull 4:40 3 From The Trenches Of Perception 7:30 4 Perpetual Blindness 5:14 5 Delphine La Laurie 12:05 6 The...
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metalcore / melodic death metal, FONO ltd
THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER - неугомонные и оголтелые дэт-металлисты из Мичигана, собравшиеся в 2001 году. За эти 15 лет группа достигла огромных успехов, собрав фэн-базу по всему миру, активно гастролируя и проводя большую часть времени в турах. После небольшой смены состава (новый басист Max Lavelle (ex-DESPISED ICON) и барабанщик Alan Cassidy (ex-ABIGAIL WILLIAMS)) и записи альбома "Everblack" (2013), TBDM провели большую часть времени в турах, оттачивая программу и параллельно сочиняя свежий материал. Новые участники превосходно влились в коллектив и привнесли собственных "фишечек", придав звучанию TBDM запредельную экстремальность. "Abysmal" - седьмой полноформатный альбом TBDM, сведение и мастеринг которого в очередной раз доверили Марку Льюису из Audiohammer Studios, работавшему с предыдущими релизами группы, а также с группами CANNIBAL CORPSE, WHITECHAPEL, JOB FOR A COWBOY и многими другими.
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raw black metal
Tracklist: 1 Ur Djävulens Kittel 1:15 2 Blodspill 4:23 3 Faensgyte 2:40 4 Kristi Fanskap 3:16 5 Giganternes Vraal 4:01 6 Hexkonst 5:03 7 Verlden Er Min...
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doom / sludge metal, Aesthetic Death
Awesome extreme doom - with death/sludge undercurrent and atmospheric ambience interwoven
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funeral doom metal, GS Productions
Tracklist: 1 Apocalyptic Trumpet I 2 Apocalyptic Trumpet II 3 Apocalyptic Trumpet III 4 Apocalyptic Trumpet IV Bonus Tracks: 5 El Atardecer Llora...
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folk black metal, FONO ltd
AETHERNAEUM - пятерка немецких музыкантов из Берлина, исполняющая атмосферный folk/black metal с 2013-го года. Технически творчество началось в апреле 2012-го, когда фронтмен и идейный вдохновитель еще не существующих AETHERNAEUM Alexander Paul Blake выпустил дебютный альбом "Die Rückkehr ins Goldene Zeitalter" под своим именем, исполнив и записав все партии сам. Но уже ровно через год, решив сместить акцент внимания от личности одного человека непосредственно к самой музыке (к этому времени AETHERNAEUM обрела полноценный состав), немцы выпустили дебютный альбом "Wanderungen durch den Daemmerwald". "Naturmystik" - второй полноформатный альбом немцев, записью, продюсированием и сведением которого Alexander занимался в собственной студии "Winter Solitude". Рекомендовано для всех поклонников атмосферы и настроения DORNENREICH, AGALLOCH, EMPYRIUM, MOONSORROW и IN THE WOODS...
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progressive metal, FONO ltd
Альбом рассказывает нам о том,что добиться цели можно лишь сосредоточившись на самой глубинной и фундаментальной мысли, эту цель выражающей. Задумайся! Сколько раз Ты загадывал какое-нибудь действие,начиная его словами "надо бы" и потом,ни сделав ничего, заканчивал это действие словами "надо было". Так почему же Твои мысли не такие как Мои? Путешествуй с нашей музыкой по млечному пути и за его пределы,верхом на солнечной пыли! Мысли,принимай решения, создавай! Сосредоточься!
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groove metal, FONO ltd
EKTOMORF - венгерская группа, основанная в 1994 году двумя братьями. За 20 лет EKTOMORF записали 12 альбомов, несколько демок и DVD "Live & Raw" (2005). Звучание EKTOMORF часто сравнивают с SOULFLY и SEPULTURA, за счет использования агрессивных прямолинейных риффов и острых текстов на социальную тематику. "Aggressor" - новый полноформатный релиз венгров (вышедший спустя полтора года после своего предшественника "Retribution" (2014). Как и предыдущие работы EKTOMORF, "Aggressor" был спродюсирован датским звукорежиссером и другом группы Тью Мэдсеном, который с 2003 года руководит звучанием на релизах венгров и несет ответственность за столь узнаваемый и жирный звук. Не обошлось без сюрпризов - в качестве гостя на одной из песен можно услышать вокал легенды брутального death metal - Джоржа "Corpsegrinder" Фишера (CANNIBAL CORPSE).
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black death metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2 Desecration Of The Image Of God 3 Die As A Sinner 4 The Cherub's Throne 5 LHP 6 Wirlwind Of Fire 7 The Great Worm of the Third...
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neo-classical / dark ambient
Tracklist: 1 The Invisible Army, The Beginning 2 Pray To The Forest 3 Summer Time 4 Strangers 5 Summer Wine 6 Takeda Lullaby 7 Under The Waters 8...
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funeral doom metal, Silent Time Noise
Tracklist: 1 Sempiterna Oscuridad 21:14 2 Tempus Edax Rerum 25:27 3 Mouldy Gravestones 23:00
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thrash metal, FONO ltd
CRIMINAL - редкие представители метал-сцены Южной Америки, родом из города Сантьяго, Чили. Стартовав в 1991-ом, CRIMINAL уже в 1992-ом делили сцену с KREATOR, а в дальнейшем с METALLICA, SEPULTURA, SLAYER, EXODUS и многими другими, а также выступали на фестивалях WACKEN, SUMMER BREEZE, BLOODSTOCK. Дискография CRIMINAL насчитывает семь полноформатных альбомов, пару демок и EP, а также один концертный альбом. "Fear Itself" - восьмой полноформатный альбом CRIMINAL, работа над которым полностью проходила в Британии, в собственной студии басиста CRIMINAL Дэнни Биггина HVR Studios, где также были записаны некоторые из предыдущих альбомов группы. Оформление к "Fear Itself" нарисовал румынский художник Costin Chioreanu, делавший оформление альбомам групп AT THE GATES, ARCH ENEMY, MAYHEM и многим другим.
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 I Inwoke The Dark Powers 1:18 2 To Follow Him Through All Times 7:01 3 His Ancient Damnation 7:20 4 Just A Shadow 8:55 5 Moti Ragnarokum...
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black / death / doom metal, Terror From Hell Records
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2:03 2 Withered Dreams Of Death 8:25 3 Embrace Of The Darkness 7:17 4 Shadow Of Her Tomb 9:25 5 Outro - Towards The Gates 1:18
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progressive black metal
Tracklist: 1 Menschsein 5:19 2 Große Weiße Welt 13:05 3 Amapolas 8:03 4 Ψαλμός 9:19 5 Camouflage 9:01 6 Verfugung 6:41 7 Equipartition 11:50 8 Regnum...
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doom / symphonic metal
Tracklist: 1 February 24, 1989 2 June 7, 2004 3 October 7, 1849 4 March 26, 1827 5 October 25, 1993
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melodic black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2 You Will Fall A Victim 3 Blazing 4 Northern Winds 5 Valhalla 6 Bowl Of Blood 7 The Hand Of The Death 8 Psychosis 9 Obsessed...
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death / doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Born Under Forgotten Star 2 Silent Night 3 Walking In The Autumn Woods 4 Wanderings 5 Melancholy Grief 6 Tears... Eternal Satellites Of...
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funeral doom metal, Silent Time Noise
Tracklist: 1. Initium 3:04 2. Estrella Polar 10:50 3. Nightmare Scenes 12:27 4. Canon For A Misty Sunset 5:56 5. Damnation In Disguise 11:14 6. Númen Divina...
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folk / gothic rock
Tracklist: 1 Skintight 3:18 2 Twofold 3:07 3 Train To Somewhere 3:33 4 Love In Grey 4:10 5 Emotional Catastrophes 2:44 6 Life Line 3:05 7 Boy At The Window...
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folk / gothic rock
Tracklist: 1 My Wilderness 3:32 2 Love Decay 4:42 3 Vervain 5:00 4 Stronghold Of Angels 4:44 5 Hunters 3:32 6 Lotus 3:47 7 Elucidation 3:45 8 Two And A...
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post-black metal, FONO ltd
Post-black metal коллектив L'HOMME ABSURDE задумывался как студийный проект двумя музыкантами известной московской doom metal группы MARE INFINITUM Алексеем (ex-A YOUNG MAN’S FUNERAL) и Георгием. Однако в процессе записи дебютного альбома "Monsters", которая проходила летом в собственной студии MARE INFINITUM, дуэт вырос до полноценной группы и в настоящий момент готовится к активной концертной деятельности.
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doom / death metal
Tracklist: 1 Mankinds Glory 2 Nocturnal Minds 3 A New Beginning 4 No Traces 5 World Of Devastation 6 Desire For Pain 7 Mysteries Of Fear 8 Labirynth...
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death doom metal, Endless Winter
Spanish duo Graveyard of Souls are presenting their fourth album. In their new work, the masters of melodic death-doom metal continue in the direction, that they mastered with previous albums - a mid-tempo death-doom metal with crushing riffs and breathtakingly beautiful melodies. The sound of GoS is eerie and majestic, wandering and pleasant at the same time, luring the listener into the burial ground of their souls. Despite the fact, that all albums of GoS are similar like twins, their sound is interesting and pleasant.
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power metal, FONO ltd
BLOODBOUND - основанный в 2004 году шведский коллектив, сочетающий в себе как традиционный по стилю power metal с присущей ему динамикой, мелодикой и сменами ритмов, так и не менее традиционный heavy metal с мощным акцентированным вокалом, героическими текстами и великолепными гитарными соло-партиями. "War Of Dragons" - седьмой полноформатный альбом шведов, сведение и мастеринг которого проходили в шведской студии Black Lounge под надзором продюсера Йонаса Кжеллгрена, работавшего с альбомами групп STEEL ATTACK, ZONARIA, MELECHESH и многих других, а также над предыдущим полноформатником BLOODBOUND "Stormborn". В качестве гостя на "War Of Dragons" отметилась Аннет Ользон (-ex NIGHTWISH).
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death metal
Tracklist: 1 Malstrøm 2 Cold Pathetic Eyes 3 Monument 4 V8 5 Summon Them Back 6 Hands Of Williams 7 Four Paths To Hell 8 Eternal 9 Feathers And Doom
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black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever." A vision of our future dystopia is presented on 'Slaves of the Vast Machine", the new album from the Swedish Misanthropic Black Metal duo 'Obitus'. After their 2009 full-length "March of the Drones" and an EP in 2014 , they return with their most solid album yet! 'Slaves of the Vast Machine' conveys human aimlessness and desperation amidst total social control with some brilliant icy riffs and dissonant tones. This is harsh progressive post-Black Metal that is relentless and chaotic from start to finish with some really solid tremolo-picking melodies, inexorable atmosphere, and a complete disregard for humanity. This work is a single 45 minute track, a monolith without pause and as relentless as totalitarianism.
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drone / funeral doom metal, Endless Winter
Mohraang, a drone/funeral doom metal project from the distant lands in the Russian Far East, was created in 2014 by a person who bears the nickname Maahzur Phalmorg; until now it's music was self-published with extremely limited editions. Main idea of the project was to bring the fantasies sprung from the mind of its creator to life, not sticking to specific musical styles. Mohraang is a realm of beasts under the ground of a hostile planet titled Khorrendus. From the very first seconds of the album you are carried away to the cold and grim maze of underground tunnels with a corresponding musical background. Your consciousness, stripped away from your dead body, drifts into the unknown in pursuit of the things yet undiscovered.
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 XIII 9:49 2 Negativity 6:13 3 No One Left To Lead the Way 6:24 4 The Chains Are So Beautiful 8:21 5 World's Coffin 5:58 6 I Die Everytime I...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Separator 4:06 2 King In Yellow 03:57 3 Saturnian Gallows 06:43 4 Exhortatio Ad Bellum 04:56 5 Purge 07:04 6 Sin Gauntlet 05:14 7 Hounds Of...
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stoner doom metal, Endless Winter
Bretus, this is a traditional doom/stoner doom metal project from Italy, founded in 2000. Their inspirations are: Old horror movies, H.P. Lovecraft, mysticism and 70's music. New CD “...from the Twilight Zone” chose for this concept album. This CD dedicated to authors of seven legendary terror tales. “...from the Twilight Zone” is a darker trip of Horror Doom music with heavy riffs, old-school groove and uses disturbing horror elements.
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pagan / folk metal
Tracklist: 1 Поветерь 5:34 2 Поход 4:03 3 Топор да кистень 4:03 4 Ветра пьяный мёд 5:28 5 В плеске вёсел 4:33 6 Медвежья хватка 4:26 7 Беспощадные (Меч...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Viedy Tajamničyja… 02:47 2 Addaju Baham Ja Płoċ… 06:30 3 Viecier Sumny Hulaje Ŭ Pavietry… 06:31 4 Raspiaċcie Achviary 06:15 5 Miortvyja Chmary...
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black metal / ambient
Tracklist: 1 Visions of Regret 7:41 2 Left Unspoken 10:06 3 Inertia 8:58 4 Longing 8:09 5 Horizon 10:17
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Genesis (Paths Of Heresy Part I) 2:30 2 Shatter The Axiom (Paths Of Heresy Part II) 5:06 3 Scourge (Paths Of Heresy Part III) 6:53 4 Blades...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 The Eyes Of The Beast 06:29 2 And Winter Will Rise... 05:56 3 Secret Of Eternal Forests 04:46 4 The Solstice 04:43 5 The Light Of Blood And...
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funeral doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Damnatio Memoriae 13:18 2 Alone With My Thoughts 7:18 3 Demise 14:12 4 Silence In Sable Acrotism 8:24 5 Tomorrow 14:01
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black / doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Crushed 2 Expiring Soul 3 Giving Up 4 The Outpost 5 Sans Âme 6 Threshold Of Death
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funeral doom metal, Endless Winter
While you were peacefully dreaming, mating and enjoying your life under the warm summer sun, the Beast was waiting for the hour. In the suffocating morning mist of the moist gullies and ravines, under the sunken roofs of abandoned hospitals and factories, in the pitch darkness of the caves it was growing fat and covering self with impenetrable scales preparing for one perfect day to ruin all your joys and pleasures. With a single stroke of its claws it will destroy all that is precious to you and what you dream of in your cozy shells of hopes. Because its name is The Time and we're just the miserable ephemeral plants under its steps. Even knowing that Lethe will drown us in its turbid waters, we can't resist it...
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black / death metal
Tracklist: 1 Leathery Rind 2 A Realm Of Suffering 3 Withdraw 4 Feeble Gasp 5 Husk 6 Downward 7 Distort, Engulf 8 To Glimpse Godliness
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Psychogrotesque I 1:59 2 Psychogrotesque II 5:03 3 Psychogrotesque III 4:05 4 Psychogrotesque IV 4:36 5 Psychogrotesque V 5:40 6...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 The Call 2 Thorns 3 Sarastus 4 Stagnation 5 Dreamquest 6 Vihamiehet 7 Moss 8 As The Curtain Falls
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doom death metal
Tracklist: 1 Consequences 9:48 2 You Suffer 8:47 3 Frustration 14:32 4 Broken 16:29
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doom death metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 1:51 2 A Godless Vision Of Fire 5:52 3 Bhargest 3:15 4 Ritual Of Death 4:05 5 Red Blood In Black Skin 4:09 6 No Way Out 4:07 7 The...
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epic black metal
Tracklist: 1 Prelude 01:17 2 Dragonheart 04:13 3 The Arcanist 03:23 4 Interlude 01:15 5 The Prince in the Scarlet Robe 03:20 6 The Oath of Fëanor 03:49 7...
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psychedelic doom metal, Endless Winter
Premarone was born in 2010 on the initiative of four friends who decided to give the band the name of the place in which they meet to rehearse, a tiny hillside village in North Italy. Starting from doom metal, psychedelic and progressive/kraut influences, the sound of the group prefers dark, obsessive and hallucinated atmospheres, but is also characterized by an aggressive attitude. After the recording of a self-produced four track demo, in 2015 Nicotine Records proposes to Premarone the publishing of an album, thus "Obscuris Vera Involvens" is born. The following year the band starts working on the new album, a disquieting concept called "Das Volk der Freiheit".
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pagag black metal
2CD digibook limited to 500 copies. CD1 featuring "Praź Piačory Mistyčnaha Azareńnia" full-length album. CD2 featuring "Zaimhlonyja Dali Prynosiać Uspaminy" full-length album. Both albums are previously unreleased.
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funeral death doom metal, Endless Winter

The fourth full-length album Aura Hiemis is released five years after the previous one, during this time the concept of the group's creativity has changed a little.

In the new record, heavy and powerful death-doom actions alternate with quiet atmospheric acoustic fragments designed to ensure unity and conceptuality

sound canvas. A sad, disastrous, but extremely elegant and skillfully played music.

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dark ambient
Released with an A5 sized 6 page booklet. All artwork in black and white. Limited to 500 copies.
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ambient neoclassic, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Ambient / Neo-classical artist Melankolia presents their fourth full-length album ‘Vividarium Intervigilium Viator'. Founded by musician Mike O’Brien, (Appalachian Winter, Veiled Monk, Ritual in Ash) Melankolia has been releasing introspective and thoughtful music since the project’s beginnings nearly 10 years ago. Mike O'Brien states: "This album bridged nearly 5 years of hardship and resurrection in my life. Thematically, this album is a journey of OUROBOROS in my personal life; self-cannibalizing at one end, enigma of absolute perpetuality at the other. It wasn't the project that changed, but me. The music was always there, but I had to learn to extricate it from the ruins of a life that was no more. In this way, the album is a study of personal catharsis" The nights are long, the air is cold, and winter's firm grasp is upon us. This is the season of contemplation and reflection. Vividarium Intervigilium Viator is the perfect soundtrack for solitary introspection and a recalibration of your mind, allowing you to feel mourning, loss, resentment, as well as hope for optimism. The physical album is presented in a 4 panel digipack with an accompanying booklet of photography from the composer Mike O’Brien and Silvana Massa. VIV - recorded annis 2013 - 2017 Columbus, Ohio. Comes as 4 Panel Digipack with 8 Page Booklet.
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sludge doom metal, Memento Mori
A collection of all the songs (most of them available on CD format for the first time ever) included in their "...From Forgotten Tombs" (originally released on vinyl format in 2008) and "...From Forgotten Tombs II" (originally released on digital format in 2013) compilations on one disc, featuring the "Pleasures of War" EP (2004), a cover of Pentagram's "The Ghoul" and their side of the splits with Rue (2004), Sod Hauler (2005), Zoroaster (2009) and Unearthly Trance (2009). Adorned with an amazingly ominous artwork by Igor 'Abigor' Mugerza, "…From Forgotten Tombs I & II" display almost 70 minutes worth of gargantuan sheer heaviness and eerie aural landscapes from the undisputed U.S. masters of funeralized Doom/Sludge Metal with a Lovecraftian vibe. If the prospect of soul-crushing and utmost heavy Doom Metal suits your fancy, this anthology of Aldebaran's plodding opuses is an absolute necessity to drown in cosmic terror. Compilation of previous "...From Forgotten Tombs" compilations into a single CD format. Track 7 is a [a=Pentagram] cover.
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death metal, Memento Mori
The astonishing debut full-length from this U.S. band. Hailing from Portland, Petrification formed in 2014 out of their love of old school Swedish, British and particularly Finnish Death Metal, wanting to create music that while an homage to its roots, allowed its members to find their own unique voice in Extreme Metal. Drawn to the evil and doom-laden soundscapes of the Finnish masters, Petrification set out to meticulously craft their own vision in the writing of the early 2017 demo, "Summon Horrendous Destruction". And it's now, only a few months later, that Petrification set the bar even higher in terms of heaviness and somber ambience with the release of their debut album, "Hollow of the Void", a devastating opus that lyrically and sonically musters the band's morbid visions of horror, demise and mephitic decay through 11 tracks of utterly gut-churning Death Metal that traps the listener in a nightmare of festering pustules that nobody can't crawl out of. Fans of Convulse, Demigod, Grave, Dismember, Rippikoulu, Carcass, Bolt Thrower, Adramelech, Sorcery, Unleashed, Depravity, Entombed, Catacomb, God Macabre or even newer masters of the olden tradition, such as Disma and Funebrarum, will certainly find a new favorite in "Hollow of the Void". Featuring some deliciously macabre artwork and layout by Jason Barnett, the band's vocalist, and mastered by Dan Lowndes (of Cruciamentum fame) at his own Resonance Sound Studio in the U.K., "Hollow of the Void" marks the unstoppable ascent of a new force to be reckoned with in underground Death Metal.
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death doom metal, Memento Mori
In our endless quest to push and support current underground acts that perpetuate the odor of vintage Death Metal, Memento Mori summons yet another ponderous beast from the crypts and unleashes it upon mankind: the debut album of Poland's Martyrdoom, "Grievous Psychosis". Conceived in Warsaw back in 2010, the band went through some lineup changes until they established a solid formation in 2014, including Sociak (vocals), Marol (guitar), Młynar (guitar / vocals), Artz (bass) and Wasyl (drums). Blending complex, blast-beat driven, darkened Death Metal with slow Doom passages, the band draws its main influences from the likes of Obituary, Immolation, Rippikoulu, Autopsy, Demilich, Triptykon, Cannibal Corpse, Incantation, Hooded Menace, Grave, Disma and Dead Congregation, but they spew all those influences out with renewed vigor. As far as non-musical inspirations go, their lyrics mostly revolve about old school horror/gore movies, personal struggles and the works of H.P. Lovecraft. Bloodthirsty and dripping with menace, these Poles armed with a thorough knowledge of ancient Death Metal create something vile and unearthly. Eschewing all trends, Martyrdoom trudge defiantly, blasting their noxious blend of Death Metal and Doom Metal music, urging cohorts to surrender to them at once. Eight tracks of visceral mayhem are channelled through what sounds like cavernous labyrinths and are as unrelenting as they are haunting. "Grievous Psychosis" is the sound of demons in your head coming back to take control of what was always theirs. Cover art by Ryszard Wojtyński ("Hell", 1986).
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ambient / dungeon synth, FireStorm Production
Limited edition CD in a 4-page color Digipak. Ravenblood is a one-man project from Ukraine translating the mysticism of Transcarpathia and the dense mysterious Carpathian forests in music styles such as dungeon synth, ambient, neo-classical and darkwave.
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folk metal, FireStorm Production
CD is housed in a 3-fold Digipak. Limited to 500 copies.
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atmospheric black metal / darkwave
Iridescent soundwaves of metallic lights, post-punk influences and atmospheric wind streams. Newest Isaz musical art stay between emotions and sentiments.
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progressive death metal, Sound Age Productions
Packaged in a jewel case, a 16-page booklet
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melodic death metal
Tracklist: 1 Hypernova 2 Aftermath 3 Shores Of Time 4 Artificial Engine 5 The Last Human 6 Gravity 7 The Shadow Of "I" 8 Sun As A Gift 9 The...
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viking folk metal, Sound Age Productions
ltd. edition digi-pack
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death doom metal, Sound Age Productions
"Key to the Abyss" is the debut album by Superstatic, the project from Ireland. The project is started by Rustam (under the name of Alex) known by being a member of Russian band Rakoth (as Rustam) and his solo project Umbral Presence (as Noctulius). The project's genre can be described as Death/Doom Metal with subtle elements of Black Metal, slow Death Metal, classic Doom Metal and Sludge.
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melodic black / death metal, Sound Age Productions
Ltd. edition digi-pack
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folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Ltd. 6-pages digi-pack with 16 pages booklet.
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post black metal, Sound Age Productions
L'Homme Absurde presents to the listeners second full-length album "Sleepless" which can be considered as a logical follow-up of the band's creativity, the working formula of first album "Monsters", but with more influence of hardcore/metalcore music. Recorded at MI Studio and Skylark Studio, Moscow
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authentic folk ambient, FireStorm Production
Limited to 500 copies. DIgipak with selective varnish and 12-page booklet. Lyrics on 'Perun And Skeeper-The-Beast' by V.S. Kazakov. VEDAN KOLOD shows the musical culture of ancient and medieval Russia, when instrumental music was closely intertwined with the vocal tradition with modern acoustic arrangement. Master Valery Naryshkin restores rare Slavic instruments such as the war horn, hornpipe, bagpipes, drums, gusli, hurdy-gurdy and others. VEDAN KOLOD has wide experience of concerts and festivals in Russia and Europe (Germany, Macedonia, Serbia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Hungary, Holland, Slovakia, Poland, Austria, France, Malaysia and etc.).
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atmospheric black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 1:48 2 Kidnapped By Death 4:01 3 That Confused Memory 5:18 4 In That Superior World 5:34 5 The Evocation Of The Unseen 4:51 6 While...
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funeral doom metal, Aesthetic Death
Tracklist: 1 Leviathan As My Lament 11:13 2 Your Wounds Were My Temple 10:20 3 To A Bloodstained Shore 13:07 4 The Despair Of An Aeon 15:48
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