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Majestic Downfall - Waters Of Fate (CD)

death doom metal, Solitude Productions / Weird Truth Productions, Solitude Productions
List price: $9.00
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Price in points: 800 points
SP. 141-18 / WT058 x
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The new full-length album by Majestic Downfall is, without a doubt, the strongest band's release to date. Sophisticated compositions, sound and concept: all these elements are perfectly combined to reflect the unique face of the group and its vision of the doom death metal style, which consists in a refined alloy of heaviness, atmosphere and melody. The music of despair, the music of pain. Too personal and too emotional to live it through every time, and too beautiful to be able to reject every new listening! Co-release with Weird Truth Productions.

1 Veins
2 Waters Of Fate
3 Contagious Symmetry
4 Spore
5 Collapsed Pitch Black
Bonus Track
6 Waters Of Faith

Majestic Downfall
Artist Country:
Album Year:
Waters Of Fate
death doom metal
CD Album
Jewel Case
Solitude Productions / Weird Truth Productions
Cat Num:
SP. 141-18 / WT058
Release Year:
Country Of Manufacture:

This is Majestic Downfall's fifth album released through Solitude Productions and Weird Truth Productions in Europe and Asia, and by Chaos Records across America. The theme of the album is human disgust and again Jacobo Córdova takes the main brunt of the albums work performing bass, rhythm guitar, and vocals. He is also in other bands such as Ticket to Hell and Zombiefication. The album is entitled 'Waters of Fate'. For those who like artwork, like me, this depressing piece was created by Ars Moriendee.

Wasteland and open spaces come to mind as the first track 'Vein' slowly paints the picture. The sound is beautiful when the distorted guitars come in. The bass is prominent in the mix. Powerful and warm it adds weight to the rhythm and is left to paint its own dreary story. Every instrument has its own space, nothing stands out too far in the mix. The leads are blended in nicely. I'm really liking the tempo changes and the different direction the song takes midway through. With purpose the vocals rip through on top of meaty riffs. For a first song this is impressive stuff. This band is not afraid to just let themselves go and this song reflects some great structures.

'Waters of Fate' continues and elevates the boundaries further. Faster paced and especially depressing in areas that one simply must soak it all in and contemplate life in this bleak world of ours. His vocals are filled with turmoil and anguish leaving you almost visualising your own version of events in your head. Drums are powerful hitting you with blow after blow leaving you breathless and twisted with torment. It is a track that has enormous emotional elements to it and connects with your darkest fears.

'Contagious Symmetry' is another fantastic song. It's majestic and has everything. It really submerges the listener with beautifully crafted hooks and never ending twists and turns. At over 11 minutes its another track that Jacobo Córdova spills his sorrow and misery into. It's quite a accomplishment that we must remember that this is a one man project. It's a hell of a lot to take on but he's done it with great energy and effort. Yes he had guests perform on the album such as Alfonso Sanchez (drums), Dah (lead guitar), and Aly (guitar solos) but i am guessing the main work, creative structures were composed by Jacobo. The album was mastered by Tore Stjerna at Necromorbus Studio in Stockholm.

'Spore' is a short but still very interesting 2 minutes of music. The solo at the end of Spore simply cements it and we drift slowly awaiting the continued punishment. 'Collapsed Pitch Black' is another solid track. It does not offer anything different and maybe it does not need to as it fits in nicely within the album. Some sporadic tempo changes will keep you interested but this was probably my weakest song overall. Lastly we have a bonus track entitled 'Waters of Fate'. This is just ambient sounds of despair, sorrow. Beautiful crafted keyboard melodies leave a somber feeling. Funerals and decay come to mind whilst disturbing voices leave you alone and miserable. Growls disappear leavings bleak sounding voices to fill your head with.

There are many great things to take from this album moving forward and I think they can be pleased with the final product. It's a bleak outlook on life but one worth listening to. Another great hypnotic album to feast your ears on.

Author: Riccardo Veronese
Metal Archives

Majestic Downfall have become a household name for fans of slow and intense death/doom metal. “Waters of Fate” is already full length number five and while I am not familiar with their older work this one sounds like the work of a mature band exactly knowing where they want to go and how to get there.

The basis of the music is a viscous stream of very raw and filthy riffs accompanied by a stoic but absolutely crushing rhythm section. The guitars are thick and the main chords have a dark and very moody undertone which is underlined by the melancholic and hypnotic lead sections. The harmonies have a slightly depressive and bleak feeling but are really fascinating at the same time. After some consecutive spins the listener realizes that those riffs and subtle melodies had an impact he did not realize during the first listening session.

The main-tempo is one of a crawling zombie but there are some “speedier” parts ramping up the intensity. The song-writing is polished so that the single parts are always merged into fascinating songs and all tracks together form one piece of dark art. There is nothing really hooky or catchy on the surface but that does not mean that the music is overly complex. The instrumentation is on point with each song having small and very clever details making the music never sound too boring or samey which is always a risk when it comes to that kind of Metal and average song lengths from 10+ minutes.

While the backbone of the music is firmly rooted in what is defined as modern (mainly Scandinavian) doom/death metal Jacobo and his crew do not shy away from implementing elements from other genres. Some haunting blackish harmonies can be found here as well as parts that have more of a hard rock and even slightly bluesy vibe. Small hints of stoner metal have been subtly woven into the overall sound without disturbing the whole picture by completely sounding out of place.

The production underlines the thick and forceful nature. The sound is crushingly heavy with a flawless mix that does not bury any of the small details despite the crunchy power of the guitars. The vocals are raw and brutal fitting like a glove and delivered with a lot of intensity. Overall “Waters of Fate” is a not an album that can be consumed as background music. If you are in the right mood this record will draw you into its dark and eerie world and won’t let you go before the last second is played.

Author: Edmund Sackbauer
Wings of Death

Majestic Downfall is het geesteskind van de Mexicaan Jacobo Córdova, die we onder anderen ook kennen van Zombiefication. Met die band brengt hij authentieke old school death, maar bij Majestic Downfall ligt het tempo overwegend lager. Ik verwachtte in eerste instantie vergelijkbare muziek, maar niets bleek minder waar. Een andere meevaller is de relatieve verzorgdheid van zijn producties: toen ik begreep dat Córdova alles in z'n eentje had ingespeeld verwachtte ik het rommelige karakter van zoveel eenmansbands, maar daar is niet echt sprake van.

Ik maakte medio 2015 kennis met deze band door middel van het album ...When Dead. Inmiddels is de opvolger uit: Waters Of Fate. Naar achteraf is gebleken valt het met dat eenmansgebeuren nog wel mee; inmiddels lijkt Majestic Downfall bijna een echte band, met de toetreding van gitarist Juan M. Dahern (ook bekend van Dies Irae) en drummer Alfonso Sanchez. Zij blijken dan ook daadwerkelijk te hebben bijgedragen aan de totstandkoming van dit nieuwe album.

Logischerwijs zit de band voor het Noord-Amerikaanse continent bij het Mexicaanse Chaos Records, maar in Europa brengt het in doom gespecialiseerde Solitude Productions het album Water Of Fate uit, en dat zegt alles over de muzikale bedoelingen van Majestic Downfall. De doom metal is namelijk behoorlijk gepolijster en sfeervoller (en daarmee ook melodieuzer) dan voorheen. De rauwe riffs en vocalen zijn er uiteraard nog steeds, maar worden vaak onder de duim gehouden door uitermate melodieuze en atmosferisch sterke gitaarleads. Inderdaad, een voorname eigenschap van de epische doom metal.

Gebleven zijn de enorm lange composities, die op intermezzo Spore na, ruimschoots boven de tien minuten klokken. De muziek sleept zich dan ook uitermate log en traag voort, al blijft een brute uptempo oprisping, waarin de death/black roots van de maker terug te horen zijn, niet te versmaden. Zoals titelnummer Waters Of Fate in optima forma laat horen. Verder zitten in bijna alle nummers ingetogen, vrij stille passages, zodat het hier met spanning, sfeeropbouw en dynamiek wel goed zit.

Waters Of Fate is dan ook een compleet doomalbum geworden; ik kan me niet anders voorstellen dan dat de liefhebber hier zeer contant mee zal zijn. Ik heb er in elk geval van genoten, en vind het album beter dan z'n voorganger. Dat belooft wat voor de toekomst.

Author: Chris van der Aa

Ce cinquième album du projet MAJESTIC DOWNFALL représente une montagne à gravir ; songez que sur les six compositions présentes sur cette édition chez Solitude productions (le titre « Waters Of Faith » figure en plus par rapport à la version américaine de chez Chaos records), pas moins de cinq titres affichent des durées s'échelonnant entre onze et treize minutes !

S'agissant de Doom Death Metal, on peut légitimement ressentir une légère crainte a priori... Laquelle s'avère inutile car, si « Waters Of Fate » n'est pas d'une écoute facile et certainement pas destiné à un public Metal lambda, il faut bien reconnaître que la qualité d'écriture et d'arrangement permet une écoute en profondeur, exempte de lassitude et de monotonie.

Le maître à penser et maître d’œuvre de MAJESTIC DOWNFALL, Jacobo Cordova, met à profit des vastes espaces pour agencer des séquences successives et ne pas se contenter d'aligner des rythmiques primitives et épaisses au fil de tempos lents. Nombreux sont les éléments mélodiques qui ponctuent les compositions : guitare solo mélancolique, arpèges et plages atmosphériques offrent un contrepoint bénéfique aux riffs austères. De même, si la lenteur domine, quelques accélérations et surtout des variations rythmiques animent un paysage qui, sans cela, s'avérerait bien morne.

Jacobo Cordova évite un autre écueil sur lesquels les groupes de Death Metal et de Doom Death viennent encore et encore se fracasser : les vocaux. Chez MAJESTIC DOWNFALL, ils s'avèrent immanquablement gutturaux et caverneux, demeurant en cela fidèles à la tradition ; mais ils demeurent articulés et, surtout, ils sont animés par des variations d'intonations et de timbres qui permettent d'exprimer un panel varié d'expressions extrêmes. C'est ainsi que l'on peut passer de l'agressivité à la mélancolie douloureuse, de la frustration à la menace, le tout avec une fluidité et une maîtrise remarquables.

« Waters Of Fate » ne constitue pas une œuvre révolutionnaire mais cet album est à la fois porteur d'ambitions qui se trouvent pleinement réalisées par le biais d'une écriture exigeante, d'une interprétation sérieuse et habitée, et d'une production préservant clarté et puissance.

Author: Alain Lavanne

Düster. Düsterer. MAJESTIC DOWNFALL. Drei Jahre nach dem letzten Longplayer „...When Dead“ nimmt uns Mastermind Mr. Jacko, der ansonsten auch mit ZOMBIEFICATION unterwegs ist, wieder mit auf eine Reise in die unendlichen Death-Doom-Gefilde.

Im Gegensatz zu den Vorgängerwerken ist „Waters Of Fate“ noch eine Spur düsterer, schwermütiger und epischer geworden. Martialische Heavyness trifft auf melodische Wehmütigkeit, die für eine ganz besondere Atmosphäre sorgt. Obligatorisch sind in diesem Zusammenhang die tiefen Growls, die sich mitunter mit leidenschaftlich leidenden, sich bisweilen leicht überschlagenden Vocals abwechseln. So sieht musikalisch Leiden aus.

Druckvolle Riffs sorgen aber immer wieder auch für ein Gefühl der Hoffnung, aber im Endeffekt bedeutet Leben Leiden. Und das wird hier musikalisch bestens umgesetzt, denn der Hörer wird eindrucksvoll auf eine wahre Achterbahnfahrt der Gefühle mitgenommen, inklusive souliger Gitarrensoli. Bestens zu beobachten in dem Track 'Collapsed Pitch Black'. Hammer.

Richtig niederschmetternd und traurig wird es in dem einen Trauerrequiem gleichenden 'Waters Of Faith', das instrumental reduziert klavierbestimmt mit kakophonen, disharmonischen und narrativen Einschlägen beginnt und sich dann in einer epischer, unendlich anmutende, atmosphärische Stimmung verliert und somit im herkömmlichen Sinne auch nichts mehr mit Metal zu tun hat.

'Conscious Symmetry' besticht darüber hinaus durch seine THE-CUREigen melancholischen Anleihen, während der Opener 'Veins' mit einer herrlich martialischen und infernalen, mitunter auch eingängigen Attitüde daherkommt, die einen sofort alles um einen herum vergessen lässt. Der Titeltrack 'Waters Of Fate' schließlich erinnert bei seinem Leitmotiv ein wenig an MY DYING BRIDE und vermag durch seine doomige Entschleunigung eine überaus starke Intensität und Tiefe zu entwickeln, die sich phasenweise aber auch in einen fast schon schwarzmetallischen Furor steigern kann. Weltklasse!

Fazit: Früher war auf vieles noch Verlass. Das ist in dieser wirtschafts- und kompetenzorientierten Zeit leider fast vollkommen verloren gegangen. Aber die Death-Doomer von MAJESTIC DOWNFALL bleiben ein Fels in der Brandung und legen auch mit „Waters Of Fate“ einen Longplayer vor, in dem man sich nicht nur verlieren kann, sondern der auch durch seine düstere Intensität, durch seine schwermütige Infernalität und durch seine epische Martialität wieder mehr als zu überzeugen vermag. Deathiger Doom-Metal, wie er sein sollte!

Author: Kersten Lison
Metal Temple

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: MAJESTIC DOWNFALL; signed via Solitude Productions, hailing from the United States of America - performing Death/Doom Metal, on the 5th album entitled: “Waters Of Fate” (released December 6th, 2018).

Since formation in 2006; the soloist in question have 5 albums, a Demo & 2 Splits in his entire discography so far. I am introduced to the 5th album entitled: “Waters Of Fate”; 6 tracks ranging at around 52:22; MAJESTIC DOWNFALL arranges an intricately designed formula of heavy-hitting Death/Doom Metal amalgamations, “Veins” begins the record - conveying in atmospheric ambience - injecting infectiously organic hymns of hardened designs. Boistrously bouncy, crunchy and captivating - meticulous mastermind Jacobo Córdova composes everything; delivering diligently creative diversity and an amplified aesthetic of adrenaline and adroitly consistent attributes, as for a artist performing solo - is vehemently talented while showcasing progressively technical results.

Vocally raw pipes of profusely robust ramifications; relentlessly primitive guttural growls, generating gnarly hostility and raspy substances. Instrumentally; galloping with chugging, chaotic mayhem while manifesting meaty melodies that thunderously thump with versatile ultilizations and wonderously prodegious pummelling. The titular track subjugates similar solidities, slabbing savagely sinister sorcery with salubrious varieties. “Contagious Symmetry” executes complex dexterity; efficiently contrasting with constructively distinguished distinctions, excellently converging concretely gritty dosage of flamboyancy & inventively crafted demonstrations of firepower and expertise. Supplying uniquely unprecedented stabilty; remarkably rampaging with stampeding stomps, while soothed with soundscapes that showcases remedious scales.

“Spore” examines experimental elements in which implement juxtaposed ramifications that rambunctiously shine with swerve grooves and catchy captivation; forging frenzied barrages of blistering riffs and solos while culminating battering drum pedal persistency, hammering hymns with yet audibly doomy bass contributions in which establish excelling haste and maliciousness. “Collapsed Pitch Black” rapidly swifts with nimble deadliness, dominately fusing the Doom/Death Metal sub-genres exceedingly well with songwriting that is originally memorable and a fluidly polished sound production that flairs with coherent waves of spectacular imagination. The titular track seamlessly portrays sonically vast pummelling with ritualistic overtones, and overall concludes the record in a stunning finale.

Bottom line; the borderline foundation here is full of silver lining devastation for your earholes, if you are looking for a calming experience - definitely check out MAJESTIC DOWNFALL; as the soloist certainly outdone himself here, an enjoyably entertaining discovery indeed; turn off the lights, empty your brain…and take in the sheer qualities the man represents with - good stuff.

Songwriting: 8
Memorability: 8
Originality: 9
Sound Production: 9

Author: Craig Rider

Amateurs de Doom Death Metal à tendance mélodique vous connaissez l'adage : rien ne ressemble plus à un groupe de Melodic Doom Death Metal qu'un autre groupe de Melodic Doom Death Metal ! Il est vrai que la vague qui a découlé des SATURNUS, NOVEMBERS DOOM, SWALLOW THE SUN ou EVOKEN n'a pas brillé par son originalité tombant parfois dans la mièvrerie la plus sucrée assez insupportable pour quiconque a écouté les DOOM:VS, OCTOBER TIDE ou COLOSSEUM. Et si les Mexicains de MAJESTIC DOWNFALL font clairement partie de cette nouvelle génération, ils publient avec Waters Of Fate, leur cinquième album, autant dire qu'ils ont eu le temps de le façonner leur son.

Cela s'entend de suite avec "Veins", certes la caisse claire semble avoir été biberonnée à la testostérone, tout comme l'ensemble des caisses d'ailleurs, certes on y retrouve une recette mélodique assombrie par une noirceur mais bien plus menaçante que mélancolique et c'est là toute la différence. Mais il y a le chant de Jacobo Córdova également impliqué dans ZOMBIEFICATION, celui-ci est une vraie voix Death et non pas des growls poussés par une production avantageuse. D'ailleurs ce groupe c'est un peu sa créature puisqu'il y fait tout sauf la batterie, confiée à Alfonso Sánchez qui tisse là une couverture assez standard de la batterie dans le genre mais en y mettant une patte assez subtile par moment avec quelques coups légèrement décalés ou accélérés, juste ce qu'il faut pour créer une dynamique rampante parfaitement adaptée au style du groupe.

On pourra noter la volonté de varier les tempo et cela commence très bien sur "Waters Of Fate" avec quelques parties qui risquent de bousculer un peu les habitudes des aficionados du genre mais très vite, les leads qui déboulent comme une boule de coton sur la joue nous ramènent sur le chemin commun. D'ailleurs, le cœur de l'album se fait assez dynamique pour finir sur "Collapsed Pitch Black" par un blast assez court mais bien cradingue qui tranche avec la propreté de la batterie sur le reste de l'album. Tout cela se termine au piano sur l'introduction de "Waters Of Faith" et un titre assez ambiant où s'enchainent différentes parties pluggées mais qui sonnent de façon assez synthétique et c'est un peu dommage pour une conclusion qui aurait pu apporter le petit bijou en conclusion.

Waters Of Fate est clairement l'album qui doit confirmer MAJESTIC DOWNFALL et les moyens ont été mis pour que cela se réalise, loin des clichés pseudo-romantiques qui auraient croisé un sous-MY DYING BRIDE, le duo a réussi à se concentrer sur son univers, ne se laissant déborder que pour quelques petits sursauts plutôt bien sentis. S'il n'a pas encore la classe d'un SWALLOW THE SUN, ce duo Mexicain en est toutefois une alternative plus que viable.

Author: Simony
The Pit of the Damned

Chissà se i Majestic Downfall avranno pensato di rivalutare la loro scelta di essersi spostati dal Texas al Messico, dopo tutte le tensioni generate dal buon Trump negli ultimi mesi lungo quel confine tanto contestato? Ovvio che si tratti di banalissime speculazioni atte a presentare il comeback discografico dei messicani Majestic Downfall, 'Waters of Fate', arrivato sugli scaffali grazie alla collaborazione tra Solitude Productions e Weird Truth Productions, dopo un silenzio durato tre anni. Al pari degli Helllight, mi fa specie sentire una band proveniente da un paese cosi solare, proporre un genere invece oscuro e deprimente fatto sta che, a differenza dei compagni di scuderia brasiliani, qui non ci troviamo al cospetto di funeral doom, bensì trattasi di un death doom, in grado di srotolare, lungo gli oltre 60 minuti, sei pezzi aggressivi, roboanti, che pescando da una tradizione più vicina ai primi Paradise Lost, faranno la gioia dei vecchi fan dell'act brasileiro, senza tuttavia avere l'ambizione di raccoglierne di nuovi. Al duo di Querétaro infatti sembra mancare quel fattore X in grado di fargli fare il vero salto di qualità. La musica non è male, lo dimostra la lunghissima "Veins" in apertura con i suoi saliscendi death doom, le vocals costantemente orientate al growl, qualche sfuriata al limite del black e il classico arpeggio acustico, tante cose carine ma stra-abusate negli ultimi anni. Non serve nemmeno fare il verso ritmico dei primi Cathedral nella title track per farmi dire che il lavoro ha un che di rilevante, lo trovo un po' piattino e privo della verve che altri dischi della label russa, invece possiedono. Ci sono ancora troppe cose scontate che mi fanno pensare di conoscere già la trama del disco. Apprezzabile il tentativo di trovare delle variazioni al tema, come l'utilizzo di intemperanze black nella già citata traccia che dà il titolo al lavoro. Purtroppo la sensazione forte è quella che la proposta dei nostri sia un po' lacunosa in più di una circostanza. Un peccato perchè poi i Majestic Downfall diventano più interessanti in pezzi come "Contagious Symmetry", song assai strutturata nel suo incedere inquieto e dotata di un buon solo. Più difficile da comprendere l'ultima "Waters of Life", lunga e rumoristico/dronica song che chiude un disco non certo tra i più memorabili rilasciati dall'etichetta là oltre la cortina di ferro.

Author: Francesco Scarci
All Around Metal

Attivi dal 2006 per mano del cantante e polistrumentista Jacobo Córdova - all'epoca residente in Dallas, Texas - e del batterista Alfonso Sánchez, arrivano alla pubblicazione del quinto album i death/doom metallers messicani Majestic Downfall. I nostri sono appena passato sotto l'egida di Solitude Productions, etichetta russa che è sinonimo di gran qualità per quanto riguarda Death/Doom e Funeral Doom: a mia memoria, non mi è mai pervenuto un disco brutto da loro e con questo "Waters of Fate" continuano nella tradizione; anche se a onor di cronaca, Solitude si occupa della distribuzione digitale di questo lavoro, mentre per il formato fisico il tutto è nelle mani di Weird Truth Productions, attuale etichetta dei leggendari Worship.

Ed è proprio la versione della giapponese Weird Truth che abbiamo sottomano, comprendente una traccia bonus in conclusione. Avrete già capito, comunque, che ci troviamo davanti ad un lavoro Death/Doom di pregevole fattura; il duo messicano riesce ad unire infatti nel proprio sound le cupe atmosfere della scuola statunitense, le melodie svedesi ed un certo gusto per il gotico di matrice britannica. Il risultato è un lavoro che riesce a rispettare pienamente i canoni del genere, offrendo anche una certa varietà di soluzioni; basta prendere ad esempio già la sola title-track: ora amaramente melodici, ora cupamente disperati, ora miseramente funerei, i Majestic Downfall procedono imperterriti con i loro tempi lenti, dilatati, con un sound che, come si conviene al genere, va a parlare direttamente alle più cupe emozioni dell'ascoltatore. Con Evoken e Doom:VS che possono essere additati come le maggiori influenze, il duo messicano per oltre un'ora si prende tutto il tempo di sputare il proprio disgusto verso l'essere umano, dandoci un album malinconico e disperato, ma in cui trova spazio anche un rabbioso scoramento.

Bisogna necessariamente essere amanti di queste sonorità per poter apprezzare a pieno "Waters of fate" dei Majestic Downfall. Già la sola lunghissima durata dei brani - tolta "Spore" i brani meno lunghi sono "Contagious Symmetry" e "Waters of faith" con undici minuti e mezzo - potrebbe scoraggiare i più ardimentosi che volessero avvicinarsi a questo (bellissimo) album. Come detto all'inizio di quest recensione, insomma, Solitude Productions non delude mai.

Author: Daniele Ogre
Deadly Storm

Outside falling rain with snow. You come home wet and frozen. The quiet and dark room welcomed you. Living in solitude is a sign of madness. You organize long trips in thoughts, you remember the time you had someone. Abandoned, sad and desperate. You often wondered about the razor, the rope, or the jump from the window. You just have music in your life. When you will be once again feeling worst, play the news of MAJESTIC DOWNFALL. They perfectly captured all your feelings.

Powerful, frosty melodies spreading over fifty minutes. The album needs to be listened carefully, letting itself get into the game. Tinker with the band, visit the graves of their loved ones, concentrate on darkness and eternity.

Doom/death metal I cannot perceive the style that I was thinking over the record and looking for weaknesses. Rather, I let myself be influenced by the overall atmosphere, I am like a surfer who, on a quiet afternoon, flies at the summits of bloody tidal waves. MAJESTIC DOWNFALL for me this year makes everything I like about this kind of tribulation. They are real, believable, they can pull me into their sad stories. I like the sound and the cover, the claw in my heart is jammed firmly and strongly. Emotions, strength and cold energy - that's what's going on here. Once you are on the bottom, do not put sharp objects in your hands, do not even think over your end. Life is beautiful, even if it is not worth for it. Apply to your head to the new album "Waters of Fate," and you'll see that the classic death doom metal in this version gives you strength. You put flowers on your own grave, arrange a funeral feast, but you will live! If I should to define the beauty of the icy moment, I would vote for MAJESTIC DOWNFALL this year. Perfect definition of death/doom metal!

Author: Jakub Asphyx
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