Who Dies In Siberian Slush - Вitterness Of The Years That Are Lost (CD)

funeral death doom, Solitude Productions, Solitude Productions
Цена в баллах: 900 баллов
SP. 041-10 x
В наличии
Первый альбом записанный в полном составе, проектом до недавнего времени являвшегося one-man-band. Это также первая, официально изданная работа группы: некоторые треки можно было встретить на ранних демо-записях, но теперь они были переосмыслены коллективом и исполнены с новой мощью и качеством. Запись и сведение были произведены в Primordial Studio (работавшей с такими группами, как Abstract Spirit, Откровения Дождя, Comatose Vigil). "Bitterness Of The Years That Are Lost" -это бескомпромиссная музыка на стыке Doom Death и Funeral Doom в духе My Shameful. В качестве гостей, к записи альбома были приглашены вокалисты групп Comatose Vigil, Янтарные Слёзы, Elnordia, Abstract Spirit.

1. Leave Me 6:35
2. The Woman We Are Looking For 6:53
3. Möbius Ring 7:20
4. Interlude 4:26
5. Завещание Гумилёва 8:46
6. An Old Road Through The Snow 2:31
7. Вitterness Of The Years That Are Lost 9:10

Who Dies In Siberian Slush
Страна артиста:
Год альбома:
Вitterness Of The Years That Are Lost
funeral death doom
Compact Disk
Jewel Case
Solitude Productions
Кат. номер:
SP. 041-10
Год издания:

This is on of the most emotionally deep and atmospheric death/doom stuff i've ever heard. On the other hand, i really don't really advice those who really can't handle the negative emotions, or don't have a balanced state of mind.

Az orosz színtér mostanában ontja magából az éteri sötétséget. Lehet valami a levegőben, az életben, a környezetben arrafelé, ami rengeteg fiatal és középkorú zenésznek nyújt sötét inspirácót. Az a stílus, melyet a My Dying Bride és az Anathema teremtett meg a 90-es évek elején, egyfajta reneszánszát éli ruszföldön. A Who Dies in Siberian Slush is ezt a reményvesztett, depressziós stílust választotta ki, mint keretet, melybe sötét művészetüket belefoglalhatják. Nagy kedvencem ez a stílus, és pont ezért igyekszem figyelemmel kísérni a Solitude Prodution által támogatott zenekarokat. Nem gondoltam, hogy valaha azt fogom mondani egy albumra, mint most, de ez a zene, ez az egész atmoszféra amit a moszkvai ötös rögzített erre a lemezre, egyszerűen sok volt!

A Bitterness of The Years That Are Lost-ot kézbe véve már a borító is baljós, az élet múlandóságán elmélázó hangulatot áraszt. Mint egy megsárgult polaroid fénykép valami olyan dologról, mely már elmúlt és hiányzik. Maga a fotó feketén-fehéren az alkoholizmust ábrázolja, mely ugye mind tudjuk, hogy a legelterjedtebb módja az öngyilkosságnak.

A Leave Me! szám rögtön beleszippantja a hallgatót ebbe a lassú, mondhatni haláltusa jellegű zenébe. Rendkívül mélyre hangolt gitárok lassú játéka szaggatja le az ember húsát, illetve fel a rég elfeledett sebeket. Egy piano szomorú dallamai is folyamatosan kísérik a kínzó hangáradatot, valamint a feneketlen mélyből feltörő hörgéseket. Ez a zenei koncepció nem sokat változik, de a lassúság és némi monotónia ellenére nem válik unalmassá a lemez, viszont végig rendkívül nyomasztó! Ami még egy fokkal magasabbra emeli a reménytelen, síri hangulatot, a rendkívül filozofikus és depresszív szövegek. Többször is végigolvastam a szövegkönyvet, és rá kellett jönnöm, hogy ezek a fogalmazványok művészi értéket képviselnek. Itt szeretném közölni a címadó dal házi fordítását:

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Minden melankóliájuk és reménytelenségük ellenére ezek a sorok csodálatosak, és az egész album tele van ezekkel. Akit érdekel nézzen utána, nagyobb metal dalszövegekkel fogalakozó oldalakon biztos fent lesz.

Mély, súlyos és nehezen befogadható anyag a Who Dies In Siberian Slush első teljes értékű albuma. Egyrészről ez a legjobb death/doom metal albumok egyike, amit valaha hallottam. Másrészt többszöri hallgatásra már annyira nyomasztóvá tud válni, hogy muszáj szüneteltetni kicsit a hallgatását. Nem ajánlom azoknak, akik nagyon bele tudják élni magukat adott zene által közvetített hangulatba, mert ez az album színig van töltve negatív érzelmekkel.

Author: gwanath
Metal Italia

Sono anni che gli appassionati di funeral doom attendevano l’esordio sulla lunga distanza dei russi Who Dies In Siberian Slush: i nostri infatti avevano fatto parlare molto di loro stessi (a livello underground, ovviamente) grazie ad una manciata di demo estremamente promettenti. Ora, ovviamente tramite Solitude Productions, esce questo “Bitterness Of The Years That Are Lost” che, lungi dall’essere un capolavoro, non tradisce le aspettative. I nostri propongono un funeral doom molto classico, lontano sia dalle sperimentazioni “sintetiche” in voga negli ultimi anni, sia da tentazioni gotiche; tutt’al più qui si recuperano retaggi death presenti in nuce nel funeral degli esordi. Questa classicità, unita ad una certa linearità di fondo e all’utilizzo di riffing chitarristici che a tratti rendono benissimo il senso di desolazione tipico di chi muore nella melma siberiana fanno sì che il lavoro della band possa essere apprezzato dai fan più oltranzisti del doom estremo. I brani presenti all’interno del lavoro sono sette, dei quali due strumentali (uno per piano, l’altro per chitarra acustica) che fungono da intro ed outro per “Testament Of Gumilev”. Tutto l’album è decisamente guitar-oriented, con le tastiere utilizzate solo per contrappuntare il lavoro delle sei corde o per brevi intermezzi solisti. La semplicità del sound dei nostri è amplificata dall’inserimento di piccole variabili inusuali a queste latitudini, come ad esempio il breve assolo presente in “Leave Me”, gli spunti classicheggianti di “Testament Of Gumilev” o le sfuriate (poco riuscite) della conclusiva title track. Appena si tenta di allontanarsi vagamente da sentieri predeterminati però, i Who Dies In Siberian Slush non paiono particolarmente a proprio agio, come dimostrato da “Mobius Ring” e dal chitarrismo troppo melodico sopra al quale si basa l’intera song. In definitiva quindi il quintetto russo riesce a colpire solo quando gioca su territori che conosce alla perfezione, ma questo presumibilmente basterà per accontentare le orde (sparute) di fan del funeral doom più classico e tetragono.

Author: Luca Filisetti
Mroczna Strefa

Wyczytałem gdzieś w necie, że WHO DIES IN SIBERIAN SLUSH z początku było jednoosobowym projektem, a dopiero od niedawna funkcjonuje jako regularny zespół. Może to i lepiej, bo z tymi one-man bandami to bywa różnie ;) W każdym razie nazwa tej konkretnej formacji przykuwa uwagę, a teraz, gdy jest ich pięciu, mogą wnieść więcej różnych elementów do muzyki, co zresztą czynią z całkiem niezłym efektem. "Bitterness of the Years That Are Lost" jako debiutancki album prezentuje konkretnie ukierunkowany muzycznie zespół, który obrał sobie drogę powolnego, melodyjnego i ciężkiego jak cholera doom metalu z inklinacjami w stronę funeral doom i death metalu. Ten ostatni styl zapisuje się tutaj właściwie tylko przy wokalach, które są niedźwiedzimi growlami jak się patrzy, ale nie spoglądałbym na to w ten sposób, że dzięki nim to wydawnictwo jest bardziej death'owe. To po prostu jeden ze wskaźników czego można się tutaj spodziewać. W końcu mało kto zna tę grupę, a zwrócić uwagę powinna przynajmniej pewna część fanów ekstremalnego metalu. Szczególnie ci, którzy ulubili sobie muzę nasyconą ogromną dozą bezgranicznego smutku, a przy tym specyficznego piękna. Bo rosyjska kapela na równi traktuje melodykę, ciężar i klimat, a to jak wiadomo - już dobry drogowskaz, by stworzyć coś interesującego. Jednym się to oczywiście udaje bardziej, innym mniej, ja jednak w tym przypadku byłbym skłonny do poparcia tej pierwszej opcji. Szczerze powiedziawszy nie wiem co od jakiegoś czasu jest nie tak z fińską firmą Firebox Records, bo nie dostarcza prawie żadnych nowych pozycji, ale ostatnimi czasy skutecznie zastąpiła ją rosyjska Solitude Productions. Co to ma do tego, co pisałem przed chwilą? Ano to, że WHO DIES IN SIBERIAN SLUSH gra w stylu wielu kapel nagrywających w przeszłości dla Firebox. Ciężko, potężnie, a zarazem klimatycznie i definitywnie dobrze. Na kolejnym albumie mogą rozłożyć skrzydła jeszcze bardziej. Tak coś czuję.

Author: Diovis

Dopo tre demo i russi Who Dies in Siberian Slush giungono al primo vero passo importante della loro carriera. Accompagnati da un artwork che reputo vincente, e dalla solida e sempre vigile Solitude Productions (figuriamoci poi se si fa scappare qualcosa in casa propria), i nostri rilasciano un primo full-lenght assai affascinante. Per l'occasione sono stati reclutati growlers di bands amiche come Comatose Vigil, Abstract Spirit e Amber Tears, tutti pronti a dare il proprio contributo ad un monolite "depressivo" di ingente portata. Tuttavia devo ammettere che non arriviamo a toccare livelli compositivi "speciali", a volte si perde un po il filo del discorso (ma probabilmente è solo una mia sensazione), ma senza dubbio il disco si salva alla grande con canzoni intense e ben scandite. Il pericoloso affondamento è quindi scongiurato grazie a composizioni più che sufficienti anche se a conti fatti non così eclatanti. Ce ne fossero comunque di album d'esordio del genere, non vorrei con poche parole affossare un prodotto che saprà persuadere a suo modo gli attenti seguaci del funeral doom.

Produzione ed incedere ricordano gruppi appartenenti alla stessa "famiglia" come Revelations Of Rain, Abstract Spirit e On the Edge of the NetherRealm, trovo un piacevole e resistente filo che unisce tutte queste uscite. Se ormai conoscete ed approvate la scena doom russa penso sia inutile consigliare caldamente questo Вitterness of the Years that are Lost (viceversa lasciate pure perdere, non sarà questo lavoro a farvi cambiare idea), le sue note intrise di tristezza e desolazione sapranno regalarvi tre quarti d'ora di "gradevole angoscia".

Le danze sono aperte da Leave Me (una delle canzoni migliori), il giro tastieroso iniziale conferisce da subito la perfetta atmosfera che deflagra totalmente con l'ingresso delle potenti e lentissime chitarre e il cavernoso growl. The Woman We Are Looking For mette in atto un piacevole gioco di chitarre fra quelle che scandiscono il ritmo e quelle che determinano la melodia portante. Mobius Ring prosegue la staticità con le medesime e sicure formule, longeva foschia ed oscurità cingono così l'inerme ascoltatore. Difficile riuscire a reagire di fronte a tutta questa carica negativa, la cosa migliore è quella di lasciarsi andare alla costante desolazione che puntualmente esce fuori ad ogni cambio ritmico/melodico (che sono comunque presenti anche se non vistosissimi). Fra due interludi strumentali sono presenti ancora due mattonate come Testament Of Gumilev e la title track, due nenie soporifere ma pur sempre intense e bene interpretate.

Вitterness of the Years that are Lost è prodotto riservato esclusivamente agli inguaribili incalliti collezionisti di ogni nuova entità presente sul globo. Se fagocitate con facilità ogni cosa (o quasi) potrà procurarvi quella particolare soddisfazione che solo un prodottino underground sa donare.

Author: DukeFog
Hymnes Funeraires

Who Dies in Siberian Slush caught my attention from the very first demo that I managed to listen to . “Rehearsal Tape“, this being its name, contains 3 songs that are also on the actual album, Bitterness of the years that are lost, reregistered, of course, but tracks that keep the same hard tone specific to doom metal.

Who Dies in Siberian Slush belongs to the new wave of Russian doom, a band that in the first place decided to take its life in its own hands at first, some demos appeared and, gradually, once their first album, “Bitterness of the years that are lost” was released, they earned their place under the “protection” of Solitude Productions label.

“Bitterness of the years that are lost” is an album that takes the atmosphere of the first demos further. The album is pretty much standard funeral doom, with some fragments of death/doom. Even if they don’t bring something new, innovative in the genre of funeral doom, the album catches the dark, pestering atmosphere and cold emotions that are spread over the entire album.

The tracks are specific to funeral doom, a slow tempo, growled vocals, low, slow, distorted riffs. Apart from the solos of the WDISS guitar, they also use a lot of piano / keyboards , that completes some passages very well, outlining the tragical and full of melancholy state of mind, still it isn’t used excessively, it appears when or where it needs to appear. The piano becomes the main actor in the track called Interlude.

The album features guest appearances of vocalists of Comatose Vigil, Amber Tears, Elnordia, and Abstract Spirit and this thing only adds a plus to this chapter, a chapter at which Who dies in Siberian Slush managed to do very okay, nonetheless.

I can honestly say that I don’t need every album to bring something new to a certain genre, this way I could run into many loads of crap that don’t even deserve to be listened to, and I don’t miss this. Sometimes, it’s good to stay inside the box and to do your job the way it has to be done. This thing was also achieved by WDISS, an album of classical, funeral doom, not many new things brought to the genre, but an album that can be savoured from one corner to the other, very well made and very touching, exactly how an album of funeral doom should be.

Author: Zamo

Who Dies In Siberian Slush are a gem of gothic doom metal. Consider them a mix of Draconian (minus the female vocals) and Esoteric. Many of the tracks here on their full length debut are reworked from their demos, but all for the better. The doom metal focused ones are drenched in lengthy chords and reverb of depression that are slow and weighty; sometimes it is difficult to get through. The drums plod along with the gutteral vocals roaring in lament. But, Who Dies also makes a great use of piano for a classical addition which really makes the music much more bearable than the typical funeral death doom band that uses too much distortion to cloud the atmosphere for a dream like state, but at the same time ruins the quality of the music. Here, on 'Bitterness...' the focus is with the guitars which slice chord after chord with the vocals in tow, and often pausing for the drums to get in a few somber beats before being washed over by the guitar notes again.

The vocals, like so many other doom metal ones, are deep, but also clear and almost separate from the chaotic depression so they can be heard over the music. Sometimes, such as on the track "Leave Me," the piano bits can be heard too, which only heightens the quality of the atmosphere that the band tries to create. On other tracks, like "Mobius Rising" and "Testament..." they aren't as present and the guitars are mostly the mainstay with their long, chiming chords, but the music picks up a bit more so there is a bit more energy and dynamics going on within the music than just repetitive chords. "Mobius Rising" especially features a great solo near the end which is very rare in funeral doom metal because it breaks the spell of motonony.

There are a few interludes involved so listeners can take a breather. "Interlude" is simply a beautiful piano tune that sheds some of the depression, but at the same time offers a new outlet of it by not being random and happy or just out of place, as some interludes can be. "An Old Road..." sounds more like something from Agalloch as it is all acoustic and very folkish as it plinks away right before the crumbling and crashing title track. Here listeners are really thrusted into the most depressing atmosphere present on the album so far, which is mostly made of the guitar chords just slowly churning away with the keyboards somberly ringing in the background. The vocals are strangely absent from the mix and when they are present feature a low, almost empty spoken word format, like someone drained of all energy to speak or put forth an effort. Perhaps it is to reflect on the depressive journey that has accompanies listeners so far, and perhaps not. But, when the track closes, listeners are left with only a breathtaking silence that is almost unbearable, so instead they press play, and listen to the haunting journey that is Who Dies In Siberian Slush all over again. It's weighty and depressing, but at least very enjoyable in the classical sense.

Author: devilmetal747
Metal Revolution

Who Dies In Siberian Slush is one of the most spectacular names for a metal band. This doom outfit was founded in 2003, hailing from the Moscow (Russian Federation).

This slow-hitting Russian recorded a couple of internet singles and two demos as a one-man project. In November 2008, a lead guitarist, bassist, keyboardist, and drummer joined the band. Music wise, this resulted in major changes. The old tracks acquired new sound, and new compositions have been written. The result we see is a 7-tracker album The Bitterness Of The Years That Are Lost.

The Bitterness Of The Years That Are Lost is therefore their first full-length effort released earlier this year; being very much a piece of funeral doom with few occasional death influences. The album features guest appearance of vocalists of Comatose Vigil, Amber Tears, Elnordia, Abstract Spirit.

The Bitterness Of The Years That Are Lost is full of sadness, despair, melancholy and lamentation. These guys manage to capture the whole essence of funeral doom, conveying the whole mood and atmosphere to the listener.

Obviously there’s not much variation in between the tracks, but with songs that are clocking between 6 and 8 minutes of length, it is not even necessary. Lyrically it mainly deals with matters of nature in Siberia, alcohol and depression. Song-structures are standard; which means a slow pace, down-tuned and distorted guitar parts, and use of piano and growled and deep vocals.

Put differently, this album offers very little new and it can barely be marked as innovative and unique. However it is still evocative and enjoyable funeral doom album that will please only true fans of the genre.

Recommended for those into My Shameful, Skepticism, Worship, Empyrium, Profetus and similar depressive doom acts.

Author: bato

Die Gemeinschaft der musikalischen Projekte die zunächst im Alleingang gegründet wurden, im Laufe der Jahre aber zu einer vollständigen Besetzung heran gewachsen sind, begrüßt mit der aus Moskau stammenden Formation WHO DIES IN SIBERIAN SLUSH ein neues Mitglied in ihren Reihen. Gitarrist und Sänger “E.S.” legte den Grundstein bereits im April des Jahres 2003, auf den allerdings lediglich 2 Demoveröffentlichungen, sowie einige Internetsingels aufbauten. 5 Jahre zogen schlussendlich ins Land bis “E.S.” weitere Musiker rekrutierte, die im November 2008 ihre Posten bezogen.

Inwiefern sich der Zuwachs für die Kreativität des Schaffens unter dem Banner WHO DIES IN SIBERIAN SLUSH verantwortlich zeigt ist ungewiss. Fakt ist jedoch, dass mit “BITTERNESS OF THE YEARS THAT ARE LOST” nach knappen 2 Jahren das erste vollwertige Album des Quintetts vorliegt.

Zielstrebig arbeiten sich die Russen durch 7 düstere und beklemmende Funeral Doom Kompositionen

Zielstrebig arbeiten sich die Russen durch 7 düstere und beklemmende Funeral Doom Kompositionen, die von drückenden Gitarrenriffs und tiefen Growls beherrscht werden. Wenngleich ein Keyboard Bestandteil der Instrumentierung ist, verzichtet die Band jedoch darauf, die Stücke mit dichten Klangteppichen zu unterlegen und setzt stattdessen an vereinzelten Stelle gezielte Akzente. Den Hauptfokus bei der atmosphärischen Ausstattung der Songs legen WHO DIES IN SIBERIAN SLUSH auf die intensive Verwendung von Gitarrenmelodien. Leider ist diese Strategie nicht ausnahmslos von Erfolg gekrönt. In einigen Passagen wirkt die Saitenarbeit schlichtweg deplaziert und richtet die bis dahin entstandenen Stimmung der Stücke, zumindest vorübergehend, zu Grunde. Auffallend und ebenso unverständlich ist hierbei, dass gerade die störenden Gitarrenspuren in den Vordergrund gerückt wurden, während sich die, in das Gesamtkonzept einfügenden, Melodien eher dezent im Hintergrund halten. Diese Tatsache prägt “BITTERNESS OF THE YEARS THAT ARE LOST” zwar mehr oder weniger stark, rüttelt aber nicht an den ansonsten sehr soliden Grundfesten des Albums.

Trotz der angesprochenen Schwachpunkte präsentieren WHO DIES IN SIBERIAN SLUSH ein recht gelungenes Debütwerk, das abseits der stellenweise misslungenen Gitarrenarbeit mit einigen starken Momenten zu überzeugen weiß.

Author: Urkraft
Atlantis Tales

Помнится пару лет назад мне попалось демо “Blood Pressure” one-man-band’а WHO DIES IN SIBERIAN SLUSH. И тогда, помимо ожидаемого материала, сетовать приходилось еще и на качество звука, которое с трудом выдерживало критику. Что ж, прошло немало времени, и к дебютному альбому проект заметно подрос, стал полноценной группой и качественно записал (на Primordial Studio) очень неплохой funeral doom/death metal-альбом, пригласив при этом пару-тройку коллег по цеху из ABSTRACT SPIRIT, COMATOSE VIGIL, ЯНТАРНЫЕ СЛЕЗЫ и ELNORDIA. В принципе, получилось то, что доктор прописал – мрачный и ультра-медленный doom/death metal, звучащий мощно и разнообразно – за счет разных приглашенных вокалистов и инструментальных экзерсисов – клавишной Interlude и гитарной An Old Road Through The Snow. В целом, альбом получился очень эмоциональным, берущим за душу пронзительными гитарными пассажами и вкрапленными в них клавишными зарисовками, представляющимися то завыванием вьюги, то отчаянным воем раненого зверя... Самым запоминающимся стал, пожалуй, единственный русскоязычный трек Завещание Гумилева с монументальной гитарной основой и плотным гроулом вокалиста ЯНТАРНЫХ СЛЕЗ Thorinson’а.

Author: Atlantis

Internet-sinkkubändinä aloittanut Who Dies in Siberian Slush voisi tuoda nimensä puolesta mieleen jotain hipster-ironista tekotaiderokkia tai muuta paksusankaista, mutta linssitöntä silmälaskipoppia. Musikaalinen suunta ei voisi kuitenkaan olla juuri paljon kauempana, sillä debyyttilevy Bitterness of the Years That Are Lost on muutoinkin kuin nimensä puolesta kuin paluu My Dying Briden 1990-luvun alun luotsaamaan tyylisuuntaan.

Eikä MDB-pastissi ole lainkaan hassumpaa sellaista. Meno on suorastaan masentavan alakuloista, hyvin raskasta ja tyylitaidolla toteutettua sellaista. Biisimateriaali on paljosta velkaa juuri varhaiselle MDB- ja Anathema-tuotannolle, jollaista nykyään tuntuu tulevan vastaan ehkä turhankin harvoin, ainakaan tällaisella otteella toteutettuna.

Jos sävellystyössä onkin hieman ylidramatisoitu maku, se tuntuu sopivan moskovalaisten menoon hienosti. Selkeät soundit, valittavat kitaramelodiat, miltei överiksi vedetty kuolonmurina ja tiukasti soivat rummut ovat keskenään komeaa kuultavaa. Verrokkikohteistaan bändi jää kuitenkin jälkeen noin puhtaasti sävellyksellisellä puolella, sillä paikoin bändi puurtaa turhankin tylsästi ja etenkin biisejä pitkäksi venyttäen. Toisaalta taas levytystä tekisi mieli kehaista ihan vain sen vanhalta tuoksuvan ulosannin takia.

Pisteet on annettava kotiin myös tyylillä käytetyistä koskettimista. Näillä ei ole pilattu hyvää tunnelmaa ylikäytön kautta, vaan on tuotu juuri sopivasti lisäväriä ankeaan tunnelmaan, joka tässä kohdassa on vain kehuva adjektiivi. Bitterness of the Years That Are Lost on kautta linjan tutustumisen arvoinen paketti, joka kuitenkin jättää sopivasti toivomisen varaa paremmasta materiaalista.

Author: Serpent
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