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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
melodic black metal, More Hate Productions
Twelve short yet intense songs for all occasions: from nuclear blast beats through steadfast midtempo riffs and to cold calmness of ambient effects. Lyrics are quite suitable for the music: from pitch black depression and apocalypse to all-crushing optimism. And after all that mess you'll get rather pleasant surprise: a cover version of magnificent song originally performed by belarusian elite black metal band Infestum!
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533.33 Р
symphonic funeral doom, Silent Time Noise
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533.33 Р
atmospheric funeral doom/death metal, Silent Time Noise
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800.00 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 I 3:21 2 II 6:39 3 III 5:39 4 IV 6:39 5 V 7:44 6 VI 4:24 7 VII 5:49 8 VIII 3:41
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 The Black Division Of Deceived Souls 2 The Сarnival Of Demons Among The Burning Churches 3 Sacrifice Me 4 The Empire Of Lies Must Fall 5...
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400.00 Р
black metal / dark ambient
Tracklist: 1 My Veins Are Crying 2 Forever Sweet Dreams 3 Pioggia D'Estate 4 Nihil Me Mulcere Potest
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1 266.67 Р
post metal / rock, Season Of Mist
with deluxe 20-page booklet.
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373.33 Р
melodic death metal, FONO ltd
SOLUTION .45 - шведская супергруппа, состоящая из участников SCAR SYMMETRY, DIVINEFIRE, TORCHBEARER и STRATOVARIUS. Собравшись во второй половине 2007 года, к осени 2008-го у группы на руках уже было 8-песенное демо, продюсировал которое Tomas "Plec" Johansson (UNMOORED, SCAR SYMMETRY). Весной 2010-го дебютный альбом "For Aeons Past", большинство лирики к которому написал вокалист DARK TRANQUILLITY Mikael Stanne, вышел на лейбле AFM Records. "Nightmares In The Waking State: Part I" - первая часть нового полноформатного альбома шведов. За 4 года у группы накопилось такое количество материала, что было решено выпустить альбом в двух частях. Оформлением занимался художник Pär Olofsson, работавший над релизами IMMOLATION, ABORTED и первым альбомом SOLUTION .45 "For Aeons Past". Релиз второй части "Nightmares In The Waking State" cостоится в 2016 году.
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373.33 Р
melodic death metal, FONO ltd
SOLUTION .45 - шведская супергруппа, состоящая из участников SCAR SYMMETRY, DIVINEFIRE, TORCHBEARER и STRATOVARIUS. Собравшись во второй половине 2007 года, к осени 2008-го у группы на руках уже было 8-песенное демо, продюсировал которое Tomas "Plec" Johansson (UNMOORED, SCAR SYMMETRY). Весной 2010-го дебютный альбом "For Aeons Past", большинство лирики к которому написал вокалист DARK TRANQUILLITY Mikael Stanne, вышел на лейбле AFM Records. "Nightmares In The Waking State: Part II" - вторая часть нового полноформатного альбома шведов (первая часть вышла в конце декабря 2015-го по лицензии AFM Records). За 4 года у группы накопилось такое количество материала, что было решено выпустить альбом в двух частях. Оформлением занимался художник Pär Olofsson, работавший над релизами IMMOLATION, ABORTED и первым альбомом SOLUTION .45 "For Aeons Past".
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533.33 Р
black metal / dark ambient
Tracklist: 1 Au Commencement 4:58 2 Parade Funèbre 8:12 3 Cérémonial Chtonien 10:37 4 Dans Ce Caveau Humide Pourrissent Mes Restes 10:00 5 De La Lumière A...
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400.00 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Лише Одна Мить 03:43 2 Птахи Минулого 06:35 3 Як Попіл… 06:08 4 Останній Спогад 08:49 5 Пустий Потік Буття 06:23 6 Шлях У Безодню 05:51 7...
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466.67 Р 266.67 Р
funeral doom death, Solitude Productions
Russian doom-metal label Solitude Productions presents first album of Ukrainian band Somnolent! Long play album became a result of long work of band members, who played in different music festivals and made a self-release of their concert record "Live in Odessa", in 2007. Somnolent present to listener a trip to gloomy world of funeral doom metal, mixed from viscous guitar riffs and long solo parts. This is a 1 hour road trough pain and despair, it"s a time of "Monochromes Philosophy".
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466.67 Р 266.67 Р
post metal, Slow Burn Records
The second full-length album "Renaissance Unraveling" demonstrates the work of Somnolent from a totally different side. Preserving the mood of the debut album the musicians deviated to the area of post metal proving again their professional skills and creative diversity. Perfect quality of recording and performance are combined with original compositions making the band one of the leading post metal bands. The album is highly recommended to fans of Cult Of Luna, Mouth Of The Architect etc.
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733.33 Р
doom death
Tracklist: 1 Zen And The Demise 11:33 2 Insecure Pawn 06:44 3 Frostbound 08:24 4 Path Through Oblivion 11:23 5 Reaching The Anattá 12:36 6 VI 01:54
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333.33 Р
dark doom death metal
The debut album from Czech doom/death metallers Somnus Aeternus revolves around the idea of similarity (and to a certain degree interchangeability) of sleep and death and all implications of such and understanding of our existence. The musical influences of “On the Shores of Oblivion” are varied and the music itself is hard to describe in terms of traditional genre names. Doomy, yet melodic songs full of haunting atmosphere, heavy guitars, imaginative keyboards and distinctive compositions will be particularly interesting to fans of Swallow the Sun, Opeth, Saturnus, Insomnium or Arcturus. Listen to the album and experience a journey on your own shores of oblivion.
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600.00 Р
dark ambient
Tracklist: 1 Kallisti 2 Vom Geheimen Herzen Der Erde 3 Weltkrieg 4 Diskordia 5 Fallen Ones Spell 6 First Order 7 Welt Weit Krieg 8 Nichts Ist Wahr 9...
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733.33 Р
doom metal
Tracklist: 1 End Your Life 6:36 2 Under And Under 7:57 3 Capes 9:05 4 Divider 2:21 5 That's What It's Like 13:48 6 Cherry 0:46 7 Oldest Harm 2:15 8 Destroy...
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333.33 Р
folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: Сонцесвiт - Ватра 1 Ватра 2 Засвічу Свічу 3 Гуцул 4 Коляда 5 Туман Яром MystTerra - Ветер Дальних Странствий 6 Три Моряка 7...
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800.00 Р
drone doom metal, Ksenza Records
Ether is a bunch of barely related sketches showing unachievable goals that are frozen in a static condition of endless trepidation. The indifference of the cold universe to all living creatures exposes trivial and tragic fates condemned to their own ambitions. The time is filled with paths that lead to no goals. The space is filled with unseen ether of worries and indifference. Limited edition of 150 copies in 6-panel glossy digipak.
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400.00 Р
post rock
Tracklist: I 1 Horizonte De Sucesos 9:57 2 Estratocúmulos 7:11 3 N.M. 2:01 I I 4 Será Difícil 9:36 5 Los Ultimos Días De Pompeya 9:19 6 P.A. 2:23 I I I...
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400.00 Р
melodic black / death
Tracklist: 1 My Last Heraldic Sign 2 The Sign Of Burn / The Flames Of Hell 3 The Teacher Of Wisdom 4 The Legions Of Baphomets 5 The Course Of Balance 6...
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866.67 Р
black metal, Avantgarde Music
Tracklist: 1 L'Incendiaire 7:43 2 Révolte 5:52 3 L'Ombre 8:32 4 Trop Tard 2:56 5 Salis Par La Haine 5:52 6 Fuir La Lumière 9:34 7 Sans Regrets 8:33
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
dark ambient
Tracklist: 1 My Sadness 2 Forest's Night 3 Ancient Rocks 4 Pt. I (Bonus Track) 5 Pt. II (Bonus Track)
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466.67 Р
melancholic black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 02:56 2 Le Commencement 05:52 3 Perdu Dans Ce Monde 05:52 4 L'Affrontement 07:20 5 Sombre Echappatoire 05:48 6 Ebloui Par Cette Lueur...
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333.33 Р 200.00 Р
funeral doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2 Уснуть 3 Полнолуние 4 Память 5 Осенний Снег 6 Холодный Ветер 7 Outro
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533.33 Р 333.33 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The debut album of the young band established in Sweden presents music influenced old school doom metal from Candlemass to early My Dying Bride and Anathema albums. After release of several tracks at the split album, the musicians carefully crafted the concept of the first full-length work. Moving away from literal copying the classics of the genre, «In The Rainfall» is an example of old school doom death metal with a modern sound and presentation. A heavy, guitar-based, uncompromising album for fans of primordial doom death metal.
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400.00 Р
gothic metal
Tracklist: 1 Second Life 4:39 2 Denial 3:49 3 A Long Stay 4:25 4 Ship In Your Trip 2:40 5 Laws Of Deceit 4:06 6 Red Sunrise 3:33 7 Final Win 3:29 8 Suicidal...
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600.00 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions

The second full-length album of the Ukrainian atmospheric doom death metal band demonstrates the rapid artistic development of the man behind the name Sorrowful Land, Max Molodtsov. Each composition has its own unique sound and mood enhanced by appearance of guest vocalists, such as Kaivan Saraei (A Dream Of Poe), Daniel Neagoe (Clouds, Eye Of Solitude, Shape Of Despair), Evander Sinque (Who Dies In Siberian Slush , Decay Of Reality, Forbidden Shape), Vladislav Shahin (Mournful Gust, Autumnia), Daniel Arvidsson (Draconian, Mammoth Storm). Guest guitar solo in one of the tracks is performed by Vito Marchese (Novembers Doom, The Kahless Clone). This album will become a great gift for all doom death metal fans!

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466.67 Р
atmospheric death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The debut full-length album by the leader of the Ukrainian band Edenian, Max Molodtsov, offers a 50-minutes long journey to the world of gloomy and hasteless, but atmospheric doom-death, where brutal elements are contrasted by melancholic interludes.The lyrics of the "Of Ruins..." album are based on the classical English poetry from the 19th century and the original author"s verses. Mixed and mastered at Slow Burn Studio (When Nothing Remains, Crypt Of Silence)
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466.67 Р
dark ambient
Tracklist: 1 Aamrita 11:06 2 Nenra Noor Khnori 12:36 3 Yesil Türbe 11:40 4 Nirmon Kafì 12:46 5 Annapurna 18:34
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