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black metal, Ksenza Records
Demo from 2004, was picked up by Ksenza Recorcds in 2015 and released in 2017 - 13 years later.
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progressive metal, FONO ltd
VANISHING POINT - прогрессивная sympho/power metal группа из Австралии, сформированная в начале девяностых и известная как EYE (до прихода вокалиста Silvio Massaro и клавишника Pep Sammartino к середине 90-ых). С тех пор группа записала пять полноформатных альбомов и провела немало времени в турах, будучи на саппорте GAMMA RAY, EDGUY и своих хороших друзей SONATA ARCTICA. "Dead Elysium" - шестой полноформатный альбом австралийцев, вышедший 28-го августа 2020-го на AFM Records (предыдущий релиз VANISHING POINT "Distant Is the Sun" был выпущен шесть лет назад). С продюсированием нового альбома помогал Dean Wells (TERAMAZE, MESHIAAK), работавший с DAMNATIONS DAY, BANE OF BEDLAM, а также над предыдущим альбомом VANISHING POINT "Distant Is the Sun" (2014). Обложкой занимались Rain Song Design (JEFF LOOMIS, CELLADOR, SORCERER).
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progressive power metal, FONO ltd
VANISHING POINT - прогрессивная sympho/power metal группа из Австралии, сформированная в начале девяностых и известная как EYE, до прихода вокалиста Silvio Massaro и клавишника Pep Sammartino к середине 90-ых. С тех пор группа записала 4 полноформатных альбома и провела немало времени в турах, будучи на саппорте GAMMA RAY, EDGUY и своих хороших друзей SONATA ARCTICA. "Distant Is The Sun" - пятый полноформатный альбом австралийцев, вышедший спустя целых семь лет после "The Fourth Season" (2007). Сведением и мастерингом "Distant Is The Sun" занималась немецкая Greenman Studios, где работали над последними альбомами ORDEN OGAN, HUMAN FORTRESS и MAGICA.
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prog / power metal, FONO ltd
VANISHING POINT - прогрессивная sympho/power metal группа из Австралии, сформированная в начале девяностых и известная как EYE, до прихода вокалиста Silvio Massaro и клавишника Pep Sammartino к середине 90-ых. С тех пор группа записала 5 полноформатных альбомов и провела немало времени в турах, будучи на саппорте GAMMA RAY, EDGUY и своих хороших друзей SONATA ARCTICA. Данный релиз является переизданием третьего альбома австралийцев "Embrace The Silence", вышедшим в оригинале в 2005-ом году давно распроданным тиражом. Релиз выпущен в формате CD с 16-страничным буклетом.
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prog / power metal, FONO ltd
VANISHING POINT - прогрессивная sympho/power metal группа из Австралии, сформированная в начале девяностых и известная как EYE, до прихода вокалиста Silvio Massaro и клавишника Pep Sammartino к середине 90-ых. С тех пор группа записала 5 полноформатных альбомов и провела немало времени в турах, будучи на саппорте GAMMA RAY, EDGUY и своих хороших друзей SONATA ARCTICA. Данный релиз является переизданием второго альбома австралийцев "Tangled In Dream", вышедшим в оригинале в 2000-ом году давно распроданным тиражом. Переиздание дополнено вторым диском, включающим десять бонусных треков, среди которых можно найти кавер-версии на песни групп PINK FLOYD и JOURNEY.
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$6.00 $4.00
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2:42 2 Бясконцы Шлях 4:20 3 В Дальние Дали 4:03 4 Пламя Зимы 4:38 5 Замова 4:36 6 Сияние Арктической Бездны 3:42 7 Техногенный Зенит...
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pagan black metal
Limited to 500 copies
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viking folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Wild Hunt 2 As Men Poured Ale 3 Sacrifice For The Old Gods 4 Blood For Blood 5 Fires Of The North 6 Through A White Wasteland
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viking folk metal, Sound Age Productions
ltd. edition digi-pack
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folk viking metal, Sound Age Productions
Packaged in a jewel case with a booklet.
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folk viking metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Warriors' Song (Песня воинов) 02:22 2 Berserker (Берсеркер) 04:08 3 Eagle's Blood (Кровь орла) 04:35 4 Warchant Of Forests (Боевой гимн лесов)...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Like Something That In The Night Falls 7:19 2 Torn To Death 11:18 3 When The End Is Near 8:58 4 The Evocation Of The Darkest Spirits 7:21 5...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Hatebringer 5:50 2 Under The Evilmark 7:54 3 My Darkest And Solitary Land 7:07 4 Destroy The Christian Cross 5:47 5 Silent Bleeding 6:43 6...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Eternal Vision 5:46 2 The Soul Burn Upon The Flames 4:29 3 Red Circle 5:32 4 Blinded By Nothing 5:42 5 To Lick The Dripping Pussy 9:10
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Enchanting Black Ritual 6:05 2 Inverted Cross / Thunderbolt 5:45 3 A Crown for the Emperor 5:26 4 Monument to Pride 4:11 5 Nemesi 4:47...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 PT. I 6:29 2 PT. II 6:39 3 PT. III 8:58 4 PT. IV 13:26 5 PT. V 1:42
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Dying Daylight 9:10 2 Obscure Rumours 8:40 3 Blacker Than Light 7:20 4 Storm At Dawn 9:01
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sludge metal
Tracklist: 1 The Arrival Of Maelstrom 2 Horror In The Sky 3 Carved In Stone 4 Centauro D'Abisso 5 Cataclysm And Mutation 6 Soul To Devour 7 The...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Abendrot 2 Als Die Nacht Anbrach 3 Schritte Gen Ewigkeit 4 Vom Dahinscheiden Einer Ruhelosen Seele 5 Sonnenaufgang
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$6.00 $4.00
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Крест Не Спасёт 3:01 2 Куда Идёшь?.. 4:37 3 Было Или Нет 5:05 4 Нечеловечье Дитя 2:56 5 Лабиринты Тайн Тьмы 7:18 6 Небо 3:14 7 В Наших Сердцах...
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$12.00 $7.00
death doom metal, Weird Truth Productions
This DVD contains shows of the bands who are playing doom and doom related genre in Rotterdam/Holland 2006. Multi-camera shooted pro-quality DVD featuring Saturnus, Ataraxie, Inborn Suffering, Doomraiser, Funeralium, Nymphea Aurora, Abysmal Darkening, Reverend Bizarre, The Prophecy, The Gates Of Slumber, Centurions Ghost, Insanity Reigns Supreme, Season's End, and Mary Bell. Filmed, authoring by Camisole(France). Filmed live at Baroeg in Rotterdam on October 28th & 29th, 2006. Limited to 1000 copies. © Camisole and Weird Truth Productions 2009
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$6.00 $4.00
traditional folk
Tracklist: 1 Славление Велесу 2 Индрик-зверь 3 Княгиня и змей 4 Илья Муромец 5 Ушкуйник 6 Три ворона 7 Боривой 8 Славление Перуну 9 Untitled 10...
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atmospheric black metal, Avantgarde Music
Comes in six panels digipak.
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melodic black metal
Tracklist: 1 Echoes Of The Past... 2:25 2 Warriors Of Darkness 5:30 3 On The Day Of My Triumph! 7:01 4 Silentium 8:09 5 My Heart, My Blood… 5:25 6 In A...
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ritual noise / folk
Tracklist: 1 Сейд 13:54 2 без названия 6:53 3 Кришна 7:46 4 Важжес 11:51 Video Фирсов 3:21
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Tracklist: 1 New Art 5:41 2 Ambibass 1:15 3 The Abyss 4:13 4 26-Century Medicine 2:25 5 Renewal Of The Mind 3:58 6 The Fading 4:58 7 Broken & Torn 5:05 8...
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pagan folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Packaged in a jewel case with a booklet.
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pagan folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Limited edition packaged in a digipak.
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authentic folk ambient, FireStorm Production
Comes in 4-panel Digipak with 16-page booklet
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pagan folk
Tracklist: 1 Tribes 6:05 2 In The Garden 6:23 3 The Goddes Mokosh 3:00 4 Pigeon Book 5:03 5 Kukuvitsa 1:47 6 Volostel' 1:59 7 Khoromy 3:13 8 The Winged...
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authentic folk ambient, FireStorm Production
Limited to 500 copies. DIgipak with selective varnish and 12-page booklet. Lyrics on 'Perun And Skeeper-The-Beast' by V.S. Kazakov. VEDAN KOLOD shows the musical culture of ancient and medieval Russia, when instrumental music was closely intertwined with the vocal tradition with modern acoustic arrangement. Master Valery Naryshkin restores rare Slavic instruments such as the war horn, hornpipe, bagpipes, drums, gusli, hurdy-gurdy and others. VEDAN KOLOD has wide experience of concerts and festivals in Russia and Europe (Germany, Macedonia, Serbia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Hungary, Holland, Slovakia, Poland, Austria, France, Malaysia and etc.).
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authentic folk ambient, FireStorm Production
Limited to 500 copies. DIgipak with selective varnish and 12-page booklet. English titles: The dance of the wood spirits 1. Spring song 2. Duck is swimming 3. Up to the mountains 4. I’ve slept enough 5. Hindrick-the-Beast 6. Semargl 7. Grief 8. Thunder-stone 9. Riding a horse 10. Love conspiracy 11. Poppy on the mountain 12. Turks were passing by 13. The dance of the wood spirits
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pagan folk
В основе творчества Веданъ Колодъ лежит реконструкция музыкальной культуры Древней и Средневековой Руси, когда инструментальная музыка тесно переплеталась с вокальной. Мастером Валерием Нарышкиным созданы ныне забытые редкие старинные славянские инструменты. Это скифский рог, гусли, жалейки, гудок, волынка, славянские барабаны и др. В репертуаре группы - авторские песни, в том числе на старославянском языке, аутентичные песни славянских народов и сибирских переселенцев, мифы и легенды Сибири и Западной России, инструментальные композиции, горловое пение. Новой альбом «У кривой дороги» - это уникальный проект, созданный при участии групп «Алатырь», «Ярос», «Mysterra», «Северный цвет», «Анастасии Оверченко», «Jundy Broun», «Чур», «Moon Far Away».
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killer thrash metal
Tracklist: 1 Al Suelo Todo El Mundo (Intro) 2:14 2 The Slow Drowning Of Morality 4:01 3 All That's Behind 4:14 4 Preachers Of Warfare 3:40 5 Mask 3:22 6...
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dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
The new album by the Italian band featuring musicians previously participated in other bands and already released their first full-length album. "Echoes Of Winter", unlike the debut album, demonstrates balance, refinement of the material and musicians’ skills, together with its integrity. Perfect recording quality underlines all shades of the music and the mood of the album. The atmosphere of despair and emptiness is emphasized not only by harmonious musicians' performance with sublime riffs and deep guitar solos, but also by pure melancholic vocals with tragic screaming inclusions. This journey into coldness and darkness will be especially pleasant for fans of the classic Katatonia, as well as Opeth and The Morningside.
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avantgarde industrial metal
Tracklist: 1 Reproach (Full Of Hope) 3:31 2 My Inner Sanctum 3:41 3 Exaltation In Ascendancy 4:26 4 Worship Of Disclosure 5:32 5 Manifestation Objective...
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$6.00 $4.00
technical death metal, More Hate Productions
The debut full-length album by VEIN OF HATE (extreme death metal, Belarus). The material presented on the album is a result of 5 years of meticulous work – each note is put on its place and reflects the ideas of the musicians. VEIN OF HATE plays vigorous and versatile death metal sprinkled with groovy inserts against the background of cold industrial atmosphere created by synthetic electronic effects. Each song of the “Dualist” is unique and does not resemble the other album tracks. Rapid passages are abruptly interrupted by groovy mid-tempo brutal inserts; dynamic guitar solos and mighty growling of the vocalist keep busy even the most exacting audience. The song “Waverly Hills Sanatorium” is worthy of special mention: it narrates on the one of the most terrible places – the cradle of despair, fear and death. The lyrics of the album deal with the internal struggle of a person facing the most dramatic moments of life. It is about the situations when we realize that our prime enemy is hidden within ourselves. Must have for fans of such bands like DYING FETUS, DECAPITATED, ABORTED, FEAR FACTORY, GOJIRA.
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death metal
Limited to 1000 copies.
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Plague Of The Antichris 2 No Life, No Light 3 Dark Forces Moving 4 Crowned By Sheeps 5 Great Eye Of Satan 6 I'm The Light 7 Blood And...
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war black metal
Tracklist: 1 Hellish Forces of Satan 2 Suffer Jesus Still Suffer 3 Request to the Master 4 For the Glory and the Greatness 5 Consumed by Fire 6 Until...
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droning ritual dark ambient
Tracklist: 1 Подготовительный Ритуал 8:08 2 Ишопанишада 10:26 3 Заключение 21:28
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$6.00 $4.00
pagan folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: а Кабы знал в За речкою г Загорелась во поле калина д Не шꙋми ты, мати зеленаѧ дꙋбравꙋшка є Ноченька ѕ Ѻпричники з Єрошка и Как во...
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pagan / black metal
Tracklist: 1 Nep Felol Hold Fele 2 Songs of Autumn 3 Cursed & Damned 4 Vizek, vizek 5 Water from the Earth (bonus track) 6 Sinister Runes 7 Black...
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$6.00 $4.00
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Mörka Drömmar 4:42 2 Smidas På Nytt 5:59 3 Blodregn 4:28 4 Mänskligt Avskräde 5:47 5 Acceptera Eller Dö 6:33 6 Domen 4:34 7 Köttkroksvals 4:30...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 The Abyss 3:51 2 The Hour Approaches 4:35 3 Torment Feeds The Act Of Satan 6:17 4 Night Preacher 5:01
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Psychotic Examination of All Their Preachings and Lies 05:11 2 The First Step Towards Salvation 05:24 3 A Freaky European Black Metal Madness...
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$6.00 $3.00
ambient / industrial
Tracklist: 1 Wund Fressen Mich Die Naß-Gefühle 6:38 2 Träume Eines Tiefseeprinzen 6:52 3 Herzschlag Des Endzeit-Architekten 19:34 4 Distanz: Hautnah 7:29 5...
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Tracklist: 1 Aevum I 9:17 2 Aevum II 8:23 3 Aevum III 5:05 4 Aevum IV 9:59 5 Aevum V 8:44 6 Aevum VI 4:04 7 Aevum VII 7:06 8 Aevum VIII 4:29 9 Aevum IX 6:35
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Vernichtung 3:43 2 Untergang Der Menschheit 3:55 3 2000 Jahre Anno Bastardi 2:49 4 Depression 4:00 5 Ewiger Exitus 4:41 6 Katharasis 4:52 7...
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depressive black metal
Tracklist: 1 Tack För Allt 8:30 2 Mitt Sinnes Leriga Akrar 6:46 3 Ingenmansland 2:45 4 Sov Du Lilla Samvete 7:46 5 Innan Allting Rar Slut (Kent Cover) 4:37
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sludge / doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Mankind Seppuku 13:08 2 Self-Inflected Mutalitation 9:53 3 Dark Matter Crisis 9:31 4 Glowing Shadows 10:09 5 Jupiter's Coven 12:21
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$6.00 $4.00
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Dissenting 04:32 2 A Moment Behind All Lies 06:47 3 3 05:45 4 Torture Of Disbelief 04:24 5 Outro 02:54
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$6.00 $4.00
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Spiritual Promisquity 2 Bloody Fist Of Soul's Death II 3 Because It's Wrong 4 Miser Psalmus 5 Hiensynty (Tenhi Cover) 6 Traction 7 Rite...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Tuonenkokija 5:17 2 Kristus Ja Risti 4:43 3 Uni Käärmetulesta 4:32 4 Portinvartija 4:59 5 Saatanan Miekka 4:09 6 Sieluvanhuksen Salaisuudet...
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$6.00 $3.00
black metal, More Hate Productions
Dark dreary and venomous black metal band from Ukraine!
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$6.00 $3.60
black metal, More Hate Productions
CD VERMIS MYSTERIIS CD "Plamya Yarosti / Flame of Rage" Second album of Ukrainian black metal band. Endless fury and might with Hate Forest influences!
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sludge doom metal
Recorded and mixed in Helicopter Studio (Dresden, Germany) - analogue, and in Blankman Studio (Zshopau, Germany) - digital.
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$12.00 $8.00
black thrash metal
Tthe highly anticipated second album of Belarus's VERWÜSTUNG, Gospel ov Fury, on A5 digibook CD format. Ever aptly titled, Gospel ov Fury is a fucking firestorm of blackthrashing metal. Locked in and lasciviously devoted to their iron-fisted attack, VERWÜSTUNG unload an arsenal of meanness that dutifully remains committed to the first wave of '80s black metal as well as the underground's most violent thrash bands of the day. And yet, Gospel ov Fury is no mere replication of "retro" sounds; the quartet are deftly skilled at moving from hypnotic, ice-cold blasting to swaggering rock 'n' roll stylings, always keeping the emphasis on DANGER - and, of course, actual songwriting. In fact, just a cursory read of most of the album's song titles should say more than enough where VERWÜSTUNG are drawing inspiration (and madness): "Hellfire Rock'n'Roll," "The Ultimate Leveller," "Impulse to Kill," "The Purge," and naturally "Madness Closing In." Graced with mysterious, nearly 3D artwork fully fitting of its A5 digibook format, Gospel ov Fury is indeed worth preaching. Behold the illuminating arrival of VERWÜSTUNG! A5 digibook with 20-pages booklet limited to 333.
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black thrash metal
4-panel digipak with 20 pages booklet, limited to 333 copies. Tracks 9-12 taken from the previously unreleased "In the Name ov Salvation" EP.
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Sadness Of The Night Forest 5:17 2 Melancholic Dead Dreams 9:11 3 Walking Through The Empire Of Eternal Snow 5:38 4 Caducous Riverside Shadows...
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black death metal, FONO ltd
VESANIA (с латинского "безумие") - польская симфо black/death metal группа, сформированная в 1997 году участниками BEHEMOTH, VADER и DECAPITATED. После выхода пары демо-записей, первым релизом группы стал сплит "Moonastray" c группой BLACK ALTAR, вышедший в 2002 году тиражом 666 копий, каждая их которых была подписана кровью. Дебютировав в 2003 году с полноформатным альбомом "Firefrost Arcanum" и попав под крыло лейбла Napalm Records, VESANIA выпустила альбомы "God the Lux" (2005) и "Distractive Killusions" (2007), после чего ушла в тень из-за занятости музыкантов в других коллективах. "Deus Ex Machina" - четвертый полноформатник VESANIA, вышедший спустя 7 лет молчания и ставший первым релизом группы в каталоге лейбла Metal Blade Records. Запись альбома проходила на польской Sound Division Studio, где писались альбомы HATE, BEHEMOTH, DECAPITATED, а мастерингом занимался гитарист и продюсер PIG DESTROYER и AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED Scott Hull в своей Visceral Sound Studios в Мэрилэнде, США.
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black doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro (Parceiros) 1:57 2 Retiro Filosófico 9:51 3 Ao Meu Conhecimento 8:02 4 A Marca 9:37 5 Infindável 5:16 6 Ondas 8:24 7 Se Eu Te Esquecesse,...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 III 6:46 2 II 5:58 3 I 7:12 4 IV 3:21 5 V 11:05
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 I Beg You Void Take Me Away 05:15 2 The Impulse Of A Person 04:57 3 Black Abyss 05:20 4 Surrounded By Pain 05:53 5 Torment Mankind 03:45 6...
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hardcore / crust-punk, Relapse Records
"For nearly twenty years, Stockholm’s Victims have dished out an onslaught of crusty d-beat, hardcore punk, and Motörhead-quality rock ‘n’ roll" - Noisey Stockholm’s hardcore crust-punk veterans VICTIMS make their Relapse Records debut with their highly anticipated new album, The Horse and Sparrow Theory. Recorded by producer Karl Daniel Lidén (Bloodbath, Katatonia, Craft and more), The Horse and Sparrow Theory clocks in at 28 minutes of relentless insurrection. VICTIMS' uncompromising take on d-beat and hardcore is a definitive statement of intent, as the band is set to deconstruct the current socio-political climate, bleak outlook of mass class division, industrialization, and the self-absorbed pursuit of greed and corruption. The track “We Fail” features a sample from speaker Brigadier General Stephen Cheney from the Swedish Institute of Internal Affairs, UI Podcast, episode “The Climate Change and Security - Nexus”.
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heavy metal, FONO ltd
VICTORY - немецкая heavy metal/hard rock группа, сформированная в 1984-ом году участниками группы FARGO (существовавшей с 1973-го по 1984-ый). После записи дебютного одноименного альбома в 1985-ом, к VICTORY присоединился гитарист ACCEPT Герман Франк, на сегодняшний день являющийся единственным участником VICTORY из основного состава. Группа прекращала деятельность в 2011-ом году, но уже в 2013-ом вновь возобновила её. В дискографии группы с десяток синглов, несколько концертников и десять полноформатных альбомов. "Gods Of Tomorrow" - одиннадцатый полноформатный альбом VICTORY (и первый полноценный релиз группы за 10 лет), вышедший 26-го ноября 2021-го на AFM Records. Записью и сведением занимался Arne Neurand, работавший с THOMSEN, PYOGENESIS, а также с сольными альбомами Германа Франка. Мастерингом руководил Robin Schmidt, тоже приложивший руку к сольникам Германа (а также релизам DEVICIOUS, FALKENBACH и LEPROUS). Данное издание включает четырнадцать треков и выпущено в формате CD с 16-страничным буклетом.
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$5.00 $3.00
death / pagan metal
Tracklist: 1 Waffentanz 5:11 2 Stimme Der Ahnen 3:40 3 Halunken, Monarchen, Banditen 3:44 4 Schar Der Falschheit 4:16 5 Valkyria 7:37 6 Rache 1:46 7 Auf...
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$5.00 $3.00
death / pagan metal
Tracklist: 1 Vidar 3:26 2 Thule 4:10 3 The Blood Of The Fallen 4:27 4 Auf Das Wohl Der Ahnen 5:01 5 Nordischer Winter 6:07 6 Knecht Des Herrn 2:22
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depressive black metal
Tracklist: I. Void 8:39 II. Rust 5:59 III. Cryo 5:15 IV. Bolide 4:21 V. Bacteria 7:04 VI. Processed 6:50 7 Blank 7:38
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Cytostaticum 7:17 2 Exploring Secret Hideaways Of The Mind Through Apathy 5:53 3 Mental Disorders 11:55 4 Sociopath 5:41 5 Within...
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Tracklist: 1 Vosieńskaja Glieba 14:22 2 Kol 07:20 3 Adljustravanni ū czornaj vadzie 10:33 4 Niezvarotnasć 12:34
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atmospheric black metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Tracklist: 1 Zmjarćvielyja Krajavidy Praz Smaljany Pozirk Krumkacha 12:33 2 Smalisty Žah 5:15 3 Pavoĺny Paljot Pa-nad Ljasnym Kurganom 9:53 4 Vosieńskija...
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atmospheric black metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Tracklist: 1 Miesjac U Voĺnym Syhodzie 11:46 2 Tajemstvy Noczy 10:08 3 Tajamnica Tajamnic 10:02 4 Kałyhanka Dlja Njabožczyka 9:06
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atmospheric black metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Tracklist: 1 Zorny Maroz U Dalinie Zimovaj Imgly (Starfrost In The Winterfog Valley) 12:16 2 Tliennie (Smoldering) 11:49 3 Vietah Dy Samotnaja Zorka (Old...
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brutal death metal
Recorded and mixed at Kohtla-Jarve September 2005. © 2005 Vigilia Mortum ℗ 2005 Blacksmith Productions Catalog number BSP 13 on the spines Catalog number BSP 13 CD on the disc Track 10 is mentioned as an AC/DC cover.
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black / death metal
Tracklist: 1 Ode To Qayin 6:20 2 Chalice With Blood Poisoned By Snake Bite 6:02 3 Exequias Itinera 5:57 4 In Utero Matris 8:08 5 Drakon 7:10 6 Meta Stasis -...
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death metal, Memento Mori
The staggering debut full-length by this Australian band. Oozing out of Melbourne, Vile Apparition is a new project of Oliver Ballantyne (drums) and Jamie Colic (guitar, bass, vocals), both ex-members of the mighty Sewercide that left shortly after the recording of that band's debut album, "Immortalized in Suffering", in order to pursue other endeavors. Vile Apparition's self-released debut 4-song demo, "Atrocious Captivity", was picked up for a cassette release in early 2018 on Transylvanian Tapes, just in time for the band to fill their live lineup for their first run of shows starting January 2018. Alas, "Atrocious Captivity" was but a brief taste of the nastiness to come, now in the form of Vile Apparition's full-length debut, "Depravity Ordained". No lies in that title: this is fetid and filthy Death Metal that puts a premium on the bludgeon! Old school as it comes, of course, Vile Apparition's no-frills approach hearkens to the likes of Morpheus Descends, Ripping Corpse and Deteriorot, as well as the early works of Suffocation, Deeds of Flesh and Cryptopsy. An astounding exhibition of ridiculous, malignant heaviness that'll drill a hole in your skull and blow your brain cells to smithereens, the album also includes the preceding demo as bonus tracks. With suitably classic cover art courtesy of Chaostouched and mastering by Dan Lowndes at Resonance Sound Studio, Vile Apparition bring you blunt-force trauma with "Depravity Ordained"!
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death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The full-length album from Ukranian band Vin De Mia Trix which showed its potential through numerous gigs and self-released demo and mini-album, and gained interest from fans of dark music. Vin De Mia Trix are in artistic search for their own sound based on traditions of atmospheric doom death metal with introduction of funeral doom and dark metal, classical music and Eastern philosophy. Within «Once Hidden From Sight» every fan of dark music will find something for the soul!
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doom death metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Following on the heels of their 2013 full-length “Once Hidden from Sight” and a 2016 split with Nethermost (USA), it’s hard not to notice the risen ambitions and wider scope presented on Vin de Mia Trix’s new double-album “Palimpsests”. The Kyiv-based band has always combined various doom metal genres and influences and aimed to create intelligent and touching, yet uncompromisingly heavy and dark music, but the songwriting depth, versatility, and atmosphere on “Palimpsests” is on another level compared to their past albums. Palimpsests is an album about archetypes, the stories and characters that exist deep inside our collective subconsciousness, stories so significant and influential that they appear in various peoples' and cultures' mythology. Concepts like rebirth through sacrifice, stealing knowledge from the gods, or the great cleansing flood can be found anywhere from Hinduism through Ancient Greek myths to Christianity, proving their importance in shaping societies and civilizations. These stories are told to this day, and “Palimpsests” album tries to retell them once again, adding to the eternal cycle. The name “Palimpsests” summarizes the spectrum of themes the band aims to convey and embodies the concept of multi-layered meanings and symbols expressed through musical, lyrical, and visual content. Musically, “Palimpsests” is rooted in Extreme Doom, venturing occasionally into the territories of Prog Rock and Post-Metal. Mixing and mastering were handled by Damon Good of the mighty Mournful Congregation, making sure the production quality matches the music's ambitiousness. The double album is presented as a 4-panel digipack with an exclusive 36-page booklet designed by the Kyiv-based Seri/graf Studio.
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heavy / thrash metal
Tracklist: 1 Dust To Dust 2 Demon's Hate 3 Trash Of Society 4 F.U.C.K. This 5 Mr. Knowitall 6 Slave 7 Pandora's Box 8 TV Kid 9 Visions Of Time 10...
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