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atmospheric dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
Solitude Productions and BadMoodMan Music proudly present the long-awaited second album of the unique Russian band Kauan. A band that got alot of good reviews in Russia and in the West, a band whose first album became a sensation in Europe (won nominations from "best album of the year" to "breakout of the year 2007") comes back with a new album that demonstrates creative and professional growth of the musicians."Tietajan Laulu" - a bright conceptual linen, includes warm, soft and hard metal - music close to Agalloch, Tenhi, Subaudition, with inimitable coloring and lyrics in Finnish and Russian languages. Mastering and mixing made by Pavel Peristy, who has also worked with bands like Intagio, Revelations Of Rain, Tears Of Mankind and many others... Disc with gold evaporation packaged in stylish digipak including aerograph pictures made by the painter of the band.
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melodic death doom, BadMoodMan Music
The debut album of the Russian band Wine From Tears is a result of years of travel. They became famous between the lovers of this genre for their participation in Russian doom metal festivals. "Through The Eyes Of A Mad" - a harmonic mixture of hard guitars and atmospheric keyboard parts, metal riffs and wonderful melodies, like the best sides of Saturnus, Swallow The Sun and Draconian.Recording and mixing of album made by professional studio SBS Records. Disc with a gold evaporation and a splendid design of layout from the painter of Revelations of Rain and Mose fits great and compliments the impression of the amazing music by this band.
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melancholic dark metal, BadMoodMan Music

The second long-awaited album by Russian masters of melancholic metal, The Morningside "Moving Crosscurrent Of Time", holds the direction chosen at the debut band album demonstrating combination of lyrical and heavy compositions touched with the mood of slight sorrow. New The Morningside work also demonstrates tendency to melodic complication while fragmental parties of atmospheric keyboards associating with Eduard Artemyev’s works ("Solaris", "Stalker") add depth to the album sound. The essential part of this album is inspired by Ray Bradbury’ novel "Something Wicked This Way Comes". Brand new album of The Morningside will be a perfect present both for old band’s fans and for all those Katatonia and Agalloch fans longing for a breath of autumn air filled with fallen leaves smell. The album is issued on a gold-plated CD with pit-art.

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melancholic dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
The second long-awaited album by Russian masters of melancholic metal, The Morningside "Moving Crosscurrent Of Time", holds the direction chosen at the debut band album demonstrating combination of lyrical and heavy compositions touched with the mood of slight sorrow. New The Morningside work also demonstrates tendency to melodic complication while fragmental parties of atmospheric keyboards associating with Eduard Artemyev’s works ("Solaris", "Stalker") add depth to the album sound. The essential part of this album is inspired by Ray Bradbury’ novel "Something Wicked This Way Comes". Brand new album of The Morningside will be a perfect present both for old band’s fans and for all those Katatonia and Agalloch fans longing for a breath of autumn air filled with fallen leaves smell. The album is issued on a gold-plated CD with pit-art. Limited to 500 copies edition packed in stylish digibook is available.
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atmospheric dark rock, BadMoodMan Music
New album of this successful Russian band could be a real surprise for those familiar to early Kauan works mixing folk, black and doom metal. "Aava Tuulen Maa" shows musicians’ yearning for more lyrical and soft music filled with refined atmosphere of calmness and melancholy. Harmonic combination of guitars and male vocals with piano and violin gives birth to unbelievably beautiful melodies filled with dark romanticism and unbounded nature spirits. New Kauan album is addressed to fans of such bands as Tenhi, Subaudition, Nest and October Falls. The 20-page booklet is illustrated with watercolour paints adding new strokes to the musical mood of the album.
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black doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
New Raventale album "Mortal Aspirations" demonstrates the final of band’s transformation from depressive black/pagan metal to black doom metal. The music became more rigid and cold. Power guitar riffs framed by atmospheric keyboards are able to veil the listener with the gloom of night and take away to the world which has never been seen before. "Mortal Aspirations" also features exclusively English lyrics which evolve from panegyric on nature to inner feelings and emotional experiences.
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dark ambient, Art Of Silence Series
A new project of the talented artist known as Prog-Jester (Funeral Of The Sun (funeral doom), Krobak (post rock), Stoned Jesus (stoner metal)) presents dark ambient style being a new experience for the musician. Three tracks of the debut album will lead you from traditional ambient through post-rock motives peculiar to the musician to drone ambient in the vein of recent Lustmord experiments. The issue includes a CD-R with professional printing, a booklet, a flyer and a hand-numbered certificate with unique copy number (edition is limited to 100 copies). It is packed in a mini-LP-sleeve of solid cardboard with original Art of Silence series appearance.
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ambient funeral doom, Art Of Silence Series
A debut album of a young Russian band combining funeral doom with ambient in their music and thus approaching some Stijn van Cauter works. Raw and melancholic funeral doom by Odio Vestri is a potential new step towards depression for an unskilled listener. The issue includes a CD-R with professional printing, a booklet, a flyer and a hand-numbered certificate with unique copy number (edition is limited to 100 copies). It is packed in a mini-LP-sleeve of solid cardboard with original Art of Silence series appearance.
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depressive black, Art Of Silence Series
A full-length album from a Russian band fitting the frames of depressive black metal in their creativity. Cold and raw album sound with Russian lyrics pierced by yearning of loneliness will surely attract fans of the genre. The issue includes a CD-R with professional printing, a booklet, a flyer and a hand-numbered certificate with unique copy number (edition is limited to 100 copies). It is packed in a mini-LP-sleeve of solid cardboard with original Art of Silence series appearance. in english - Asklepia - Cold Of Solitude in russian - Асклепия - Холод Одиночества
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ambient / drone, Art Of Silence Series
Ukranian band presents crushing material based on combination of drone and dark ambient enriched by severe black metal atmosphere. Two endless morbid tracks from Dispersive Light turn to two enormous black waves taking the listener to the depths of the void…forever… The issue includes a CD-R with professional printing, a booklet, a flyer and a hand-numbered certificate with unique copy number (edition is limited to 100 copies). It is packed in a mini-LP-sleeve of solid cardboard with original Art of Silence series appearance.
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cult grindcore
Tracklist: 1 The Truth Begins Where Man Stops To Think 3:03 2 Sentimental Hypocrisy 1:10 3 Kill Your Fucking Idols 3:23 4 Birds (Poem) / Agarchy 1:54 5 Go...
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Tracklist: 1 Maximum Lie 2 Vicky Crown 3 Stressed Out 4 Hipocrite 5 Bitch 6 Redemption Time 7 Mission 8 Walking Alone 9 Wasting My Time 10 C-Low...
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Tracklist: 1 Orientation 10:12 2 Autorité Spirituelle Et Pouvoir Temporel 4:56 3 Les Compagnons Secrets Du Général De Gaulle 10:34 4 L’Epée De Justice Et...
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post rock
Tracklist: 1 Evolution 1 2 Evolution 2 3 Evolution 3 4 Evolution 4 5 Evolution 5 6 Progress 1 7 Progress 2 8 Progress 3 9 Progress 4 10 Progress 5...
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death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The fourth album of the German band, designed in the style of previous Doomed works, continues to present canonic doom death metal, rigid and uncompromising, but more vigorous in terms of performance. Guest vocalists, including Johan Ericson (Doom: VS), Ed Warby (The 11th Hour) and Stanislav Govorukha (Suffer Yourself), bring new paints and emotional colors to the album. At this time, however, changes occur in band ideology: this concept album considers the crisis of the modern world, with its conflicts and human sins, forcing musicians to reconsider the understanding of society and to seek ways out of this situation. Solution to all problems is on top of the Monolith. Monolith is growing every day, so it is impossible to reach the top...
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power metal, FONO ltd
"Trail Of Death" - десятый альбом известнейшего немецкого коллектива WIZARD. Настоящий тевтонский power-metal, мощные риффы, высокий вокал и гимноподобные мелодии. Поклонникам GAMMA RAY, PRIMAL FEAR и MANOWAR. Группа создала новую и мегауспешную страницу в собственной истории. Достойный юбилейный альбом.
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neo-classical / ambient
Tracklist: 1 Eden 2 Apocalipsys 3 The Abyss 4 Gothica 5 Проклятые 6 Ave,Verum 7 Пробуждение (Black metal version) 8 Той,которой здесь нет... 9...
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hardcore punk
Tracklist: 1 Talk Shit And Spit Blood 2 Supervillain Bullseye 3 Insensible We Are 4 Never Give In 5 God Fear 6 What Cows Like To Chew 7 Scenepool Is...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Slyš Královno 2 Proč Já 3 Vítej 4 Únor 5 Beletseri 6 Epilog 7 Kruh Se Uzavřel 8 Svítá A Ohně Hoří 9 Na Zrcadlech Lží 10 Outro
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doom metal / heavy
Tracklist: 1 Torture Circus 2 Truck 3 Eternal Gardens Of Pleasure 4 Death On The Road 5 Dark Wings 6 Dragonfly 7 Killer Kane
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neoclassical / power metal, FONO ltd
IRON MASK - бельгийская группа, играющая в стиле neoclassical/power metal. Основана в 2002 году гитаристом Dushan Petrossi, который также известен как участник sympho metal группы MAGIC KINGDOM. Место за микрофоном в IRON MASK занимал Mark Boals, работавший с ROYAL HUNT, EMPIRE и YNGWIE MALMSTEEN. Также в составе можно найти русского музыканта Василия Молчанова, брата Игоря Молчанова (АРИЯ, МАСТЕР, SHAH). "Shadow Of The Red Baron" - третий полноформатный альбом IRON MASK, вышедший в 2009 году. Сведением и мастерингом "Shadow Of The Red Baron" занимался Jens Bogren в шведской Fascination Street Studios, работавший с OPETH, SYMPHONY X и многими другими. Данное переиздание дополнено двумя бонус-треками, на которых представлен новый вокалист IRON MASK Artur Almeida, сменивший Марка Боалса в 2015-ом.
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funeral doom metal, GS Productions
Tracklist: 1 Funeral Procession 13:40 2 Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust 17:10 3 Winter Sacrament 20:35
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Einklang 4:12 2 Der Donner Wird Vater 4:35 3 Die Geschichte Vom Abgeschiedenen Leben 2:42 4 Des Waldes Letzter Zug (Ein Siegeszug) 4:22 5...
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pagan folk metal
Tracklist: 1 Vítej, Nový Dne 1:48 2 Žertva 4:21 3 Kamenný Kult 5:39 4 Lystoczku Czerwenyj 2:22 5 Krev Předků 6:03 6 Nový Vék Pohanský 7:23 7 Nebeské Stříbro...
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slavonic pagan metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro "Запавет" 2 Выпраўляла Мацi Сына 3 Не Сячы, Мой Татулька 4 Што За Ўсе Тлусцейшае? 5 Ай, Пасею Канапелькi 6 Купала На Йвана! 7 Сем...
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slavonic pagan metal
Tracklist: 1 Вечная Далеч 2 Спаленая iмгла 3 Песьня Валхваваньня 4 Больш Ня Жыць 5 Чорны Зьніч 6 Язычнiк Я... 7 Кліч Багоў 8 Ваўкалака 9 Дажбог, О...
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black ambient / doom
Tracklist: 1 The Blossom 2 The Double Headed Ape 3 Aedipus – Rimotion Of The Fragment 23 4 Subconscious Vs The Moon - Edom The Meaning 5 The Skies...
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melodic black metal
Tracklist: 1 For The Spiritual Redemption 2:54 2 Beyond The Dark Gates Of My Promised Fortress 5:21 3 Departure For The Cosmic Twilight 6:24 4 ...And The...
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dark electro
Tracklist: 1 Babylon 2:58 2 Nations 3:23 3 Killer 2:50 4 Border Line 3:59 5 Revolution Part 1 4:09 6 My Dream 3:54 7 Sleepin' On A Satellite 3:47 8...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Act 1 5:00 2 Act 2 5:20 3 Act 3 6:52 4 Act 4 5:48 5 Act 5 5:40 6 Act 6 6:20 7 Act 7 8:44
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folk black metal, American Line Productions
Tracklist: 1 Espejo Que Humea 2:43 2 El Gran Sacrificio De Quetzalcoalt 5:23 3 Aztlan 5:01 4 A Batalla Vamos 5:55 5 Códices 3:36 6 Resistencia Itzae 5:54 7...
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death metal
Tracklist: 1 Contamination 3:36 2 The Downfall Of Pity (Alternative Vocal Version) 4:18 3 A Feast For The Undead 3:14 4 The House Of Unholy Horror And Gore...
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traditional doom
Tracklist: 1 The Dissection Of An Evil Mind 2 Spiritual Disaster 3 Epitaph 4 Behind The Door 5 Nyarlathotep (Harvester Of Souls) 6 A Future So Dark 7...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Demons Of My Inner Self 2 Of Hate And Man 3 My Odium Engrowing 4 Penetration Of Your Soul 5 Darkest Hours 6 Your Painful Hate 7 Where...
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war metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 0:50 2 Sorg 4:41 3 Depression 5:45 4 Darkest Gates Of Matters 2:45 5 Ateulv 4:39 6 Outro 1:31
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atmospheris black metal
Tracklist: Death Of Mankind 1 Death Of Mankind Pt. I 6:55 2 Death Of Mankind Pt. II 5:01 3 Death Of Mankind Pt. III 6:25 4 Lost And Forgotten (Bonus...
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progressive melancholic metal
Tracklist: 1 ...And I 2 Fluid Hollow 3 Unlock The Door 4 Christmas 5 Berlin 6 After The Wave 7 Broken Glasses 8 Crumbled From Stars
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thrash metal
Tracklist: 1 Shortcut To Hell 2 Denim Stallions 3 Nailgun Attack 4 Nuklear Tormentor 5 Human Warhead 6 Holocaust Reich 7 Barbarized And Brutalized 8...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Ändlös Flykt Från Tiden 2 Allt Svartnar 3 Undergång 4 Evighet 5 Blood Fire Death (Bathory Cover)
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Crawling out of the underground comes a timeless tome of paeans to mortality and demise. Cloaked in NÅSTROND’s trademark diseased, dark atmosphere, “Muspellz Synir” is the aural epitome of decrepit death, the soundtrack to life’s dying embers or perhaps a burial at sea. Here, the sinister Swedes tap into a well of primitive inspiration to unlock 14 funeral rites permeated by pestilence, inviting you to breathe in the fumes of bereavement. Abstract yet tangibly evil, the occult, ritualistic blackness of this release is at once suffocating, discomforting and funereal. Bilingual spells, ancient odes, primeval sentiments and sacred chants wash over the wretched depths of human sorrow to paint an ocean of apathy caressing some dark, despondent shore in the netherworld. A claustrophobic production complements the subtle, shapeshifting soundscapes perfectly, resulting in an ambience that is death personified. Drown forever in the bleak and bitter mythology of “Muspellz Synir”. This shimmering reflection of NÅSTROND’s world is as depraved, deep and diverse as Black Metal gets. World demands destruction !
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro (Vatican Burning) 2 Atomic Bloodshed 3 Marching For Hell 4 Christ-Crushing Black Metal 5 Terror Squad 6 666 Necroalkolterrorist 7...
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depressive black metal
Tracklist: 1. Resurrection 3:24 2. Monument To The Dead 6:21 3. Mourning Life 9:17 4. Cauterised 6:35 5. Severance 12:10 6. Vault 6:09
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depressive black
Tracklist: 1 Degenration 6:39 2 Faceless 6:50 3 Enter The Opacity 5:34 4 Vultures 5:03 5 From Below 5:22 6 Necronoclast 8:00 7 Across The Void Of Silence 6:52
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depressive black
Tracklist: 1 The Haven 2:05 2 That Which Crawls Among The Shadows 5:09 3 Nyctophobia 8:53 4 Entombed In Silence Above 6:03 5 Beneath The Embers Of Time 7:09...
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cult death metal
Tracklist: 1 Abomination 2 Young Burial 3 Black Apparition 4 Chainsaw Lust 5 Death Is Fun 6 Intense Mutilation 7 Autopsy On The Living Dead 8...
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death metal
Tracklist: 1 And You Will Live In Terror 5:22 2 They Dwell Beneath 4:26 3 It Lives In The Woods 3:24 4 Black Blood Vomitorium 2:37
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sludge doom
Tracklist: 1 Go Die 2 Sleep Clinic 3 Worthless Human 4 A Wish To Dream 5 Wildchilds Dillusion 6 Falling Upon Deaf Ears 7 Hatin' Life Again 8 The...
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sludge doom
Tracklist: 1 Somewhere Between Murder And A Wet Dream (v.2.07) 2 GlassEye 3 Spawn Of Black Moon 4 Fist Full Of Flowers And An Empty Handgun (v.2.07) 5...
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sludge doom / post-metal
Tracklist: 1 From Hell I 5:15 2 Bajo El Sol 5:41 3 Amanece 5:35 4 Odisea 6:08 5 From Hell II 3:44 6 Como Serpientes 6:22 7 Danza De Nieblas 11:04
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black death
Tracklist: 1 The Kingdom Of Night 2 Fall Of Berlin 3 Burning Galleries 4 Embracer From The Dark Ages 5 Hail To Victory 6 Siberian Winter (Conquer Or...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Черна Жлъч (Видение) 9:59 2 Триумфът 7:29 3 Гладните Гробове Чакат 6:04 4 Dead 6:25 5 Следчовешко 7:13 6 Ненавист II 11:45
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Diciples Of The Horned Messiah 8:51 2 Harmageddon's Hand 10:02 3 Profane The Name Of God 7:03 4 Sickness 6:10 5 Black Mantra 3:11
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black death
Tracklist: 1 World Annihilation 2 Within 3 Stormbringer 4 Life, Death And The Abyss 5 New Worlds 6 The Great Unknown 7 Pleasure Thru Pain 8 Cult Of...
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doom death metal
Tracklist: 1 Locate Zero 10:57 2 Rejection's Glory 9:32 3 Loss To Come 6:23 4 Over Fjell Og Gjennom Torner 3:07 5 Veiled Perfection 10:17 6 Exit 7:01
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technical black metal
Tracklist: 1 The Agitator 5:21 2 A Strange Habitat 6:18 3 Bullets For The Masses 4:41 4 Phantom City 5:18 5 The Welfare State 5:50 6 The Thief Of Children...
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doom death metal
Tracklist: 1 Ignorance Is Bliss 10:35 2 In Your Fragrance 10:05 3 When I'm In You 6:55 4 I Hate Your Lies 10:29 5 Selfish To The Bone 12:53 6 No Empty Words...
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experimental noise
Tracklist: 1 KKKKK 3:04 2 Tottaly Why? 2:45 3 San Magic 1:58 4 Pipe Without Tea 3:56 5 Could Not Meet In Paris 2:36 6 Calpis Bules For Apple Kicker 3:03 7...
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psychedelic black metal
Tracklist: 1 Nortii Maatu 15:58 2 Aasklamatii Ligmett Aursag 18:05 3 Sigmaatiiolaa 17:27 4 Urmae Copistrum Xaaqa Qahdda 21:05
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US black metal
Tracklist: 1 Funeral Ceremony 2 Where All Agony Prevails 3 Black Angels Return 4 Eternal Nightmare 5 His Majesty Of The Shadows 6 Nocturnal Sanctuary
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Grito Ancestral 4:53 2 Endless Fullmoon Chasm 3:59 3 Camino Al Infierno 4:10 4 Creatures Of The Night 4:33 5 Nocturnal Feelings 4:07 6 Angel's...
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dark rock
Tracklist: 1 The Minstrel's Curse 7:53 2 Song Of Durin 6:36 3 How Long Is Ever 5:27 4 The Rumour And The Giantess 14:26
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technical brutal death
Tracklist: 1 Man-I-C 2:03 2 DTM 1:31 3 Zaporojets 2:07 4 Death-Meta-Logic 2:04 5 BPM 1:31 6 NOISMETAL 1:31 7 No, Cut And Drag 1:35 8 Computer Illiterate...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 I: Sic Damno Me 3:31 2 II: When All The Motion Has Ceased 3:15 3 III: Not Art But War 3:59 4 IV: Kriegsgeschrei 3:56 5 V: The Gammadian Alchemy...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 21 XII 2004 4:18 2 Neither By Time Nor Space 3:40 3 Kolejny Obrót Koła 3:33 4 The Wordless Galactic Ceremony 7:15 5 Naga Matryca Życia I...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Reflection Of The Cursed Soul 2 When Immortal Came Down The Earth 3 Forests Of Eternal Memories 4 Raven Eyes Belongs To Him 5...
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pagan metal
Tracklist: 1 Głos rogu 3:46 2 Gniazdo 4:42 3 Piastun 5:39 4 Wstań synu! 5:13 5 By nigdy nie poddali się! 5:15 6 Ten dzień 4:13 7 Jeszcze powróci 4:01 8...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Caligula 2 Only Death Rules Here 3 Concordia Cemetery Desecrations 4 The Last Devil In Hell 5 Dark Gardens Of Eternal War 6 Satanic Hunt...
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cult technical death thrash
Tracklist: 1 Technocarnivore Mothermouth 3:31 2 Love, Die, Ressurect 3:56 3 Such A Quiet River 4:04 4 Devil In My Eyes 3:43 5 Coercive Currents 3:37 6...
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depressive rock / metal
Tracklist: 1 Breeze Of My Heart 3:22 2 Overcome 6:17 3 Erased 4:39 4 No Sense Of Me 3:51 5 Sealed With A Kiss 5:11 6 The Last Illusion 6:16 7 Same Sequence...
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pagan black metal
Tracklist: 1 Karo Dvasia 2:46 2 Iš Nualinto Krašto (Kai Nieko Nebelieka...) 3:50 3 Vilkalokiai 4:00 4 Tolstant Krantams 7:02 5 997 4:10 6 Mėnulio Karūnos...
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gothic black metal
Tracklist: 1 As The Feast Begins 2 For When You Sleep, My Love 3 Re-Erase 4 A Dying Nightingale 5 Again The Wölf Wins 6 The Apocalypse 7 When We...
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sadistic and painful black metal
Tracklist: 1 With Hate 2:12 2 Teachings In Cruelty 2:08 3 Black Leather Mask (The Spear Headed Avenger) 3:11 4 Psychotic Erotic 5:50 5 The Error That You...
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pagan black
Tracklist: 1 Prolog 3:00 2 Aes Dana 3:42 3 Hladové Děti Noci 3:51 4 V Náruči Zapomenutých 1:55 5 Mrzi Mě To 2:31 6 Epilog 6:52 Keltský Hněv 7 Popel K...
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epic black metal
Tracklist: 1 Soulmoon Prevails Eternally 12:28 2 En La Pálida Esfera 4:00 3 Igne Ratvra Renovatvr Integra 9:55 4 Crossing The Paths In The Universal Night...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 For Marchosias 5:29 2 To Alloces 6:34 3 Gateway To Silence 7:27 4 The Visitors 4:32 5 Eibon 2:58 6 To Gremory 6:25 7 Spellbound 3:26 8 The...
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psychedelic dark rock
Tracklist: 1 Eternal Child 2 Madness 3 Illusion 4 Prison Head 5 Rats Know 6 Ten Drops 7 First Dawn 8 Hidden Man 9 Today 10 Euphoria
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Let The Churches Burn 3:08 2 The Gate 4:35 3 Unholy Forests 3:13 4 Pagan Dust 4:13 5 Graymalkin 5:24
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atmospherical dark metal
Tracklist: 1 The Face Of End 14:09 2 And Death Shall Have No Dominion 6:58 3 Prophecy 9:19
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viking black
Tracklist: 1 Behind The Mountains 4:52 2 Blueflamed Ritual 5:22 3 Deep In A Slavonic Forest 6:51 4 Omeganon (The Palace Of Fear) 6:00 5 The Sungod 7:05 6 My...
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pagan black metal
Tracklist: Act 1 1 Dávne Svedectvá (The Ancient Testimonies) 2 Perunov Hromový Oheň (Perun's Thundering Fire) 3 Vpád Do Zeme Darmonov (Invasion In The...
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