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6 4
death metal, Darknagar Records
Re-issue of a second full-length album of a cult Portuguese Death Metal act Sacred Sin titled “Eye M God”. The original version released by a local underground label Dynamite has become rare and very expensive nowadays. All three we’ve made this Death Metal masterpiece accessible to a wide audience. The CD comes with a newly designed 8-page booklet; a digital remastering brought its sound to modern standards without breaking the charm and individuality inherent to recordings of 1990s.
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6 4
viking / death metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2 Twilight Of The Gods 3 Norns 4 Kill Them All 5 March Of Dead 6 Bravest Of The Gods 7 Riding Thundergod 8 Son Of The Nine Waves
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6 4
folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Исток 2 Неман 3 Литавор 4 Blitzhexen 5 Огонь, Иди СО Мной (Энни) 6 Свитезь 7 Аккерманские Степи 8 Могила Потоцкой 9 Звездопад 10...
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Transcendental Gate 2 Unveiled 3 Irreversible Fall Ov God 4 The Hecate's Veil 5 Lumen Luzbel Obscurantii Satanae 6 Nephilin’s Arrival 7...
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6 4
atmospheric black metal
Tracklist: 1 Visszatérés 2 Világok Közt Vándorló 3 Elfeledett Utak 4 Az Örök Körforgás 5 Path Of Wisdom 6 Lebegés
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Shadows 2 Forbidden Heaven 3 Law And Order 4 In State Of Light 5 The Godsend 6 Mind's Pantheon
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Black Wings Spread Wide 2 Breath Of Disease 3 Spirit Of Guidance - Darkness Eternal 4 The Coryphaeus 5 Thrice Named, Thrice Cursed 6 Thus...
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Ominous Birth Of Serpent 2 For Scum Thou Art, And Unto Scum Shalt Thou Return 3 Infest And Conquer 4 Coronation Of The Eternal And Pure 5...
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6 4
black metal, More Hate Productions
The second album by the black metal band from Costa Rica. While listening to this album you can feel yourself walking through the dark forest in the soupy dank night full of such emotions like fear, hate and slakeless vengeance. The main idea of the album is the development of spiritual identity, the denial of imposed religious dogmas and concepts. The band plays high quality technical black metal with a large number of thrash metal inserts performed and recorded in an old school manner of late 80s – early 90s. The music of ANCIENT SPHERES is influenced by another Latin American band INQUISITION. The release includes 4 re-recorded tracks from the early days of the band with new vocal lines. Total length: 77 minutes.
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Promachos 2 Molon Lave 3 Sons Of The Greeks 4 Talos 5 Eleley 6 Alexandros 7 My Earth My Water 8 Typhoeus 9 Omnymi 10 Raise The Aspis...
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6 4
symphonic black metal
Tracklist: 1 Lyrian Selection 2 Nemesis 3 Ex Nihilo 4 Enigma (Part I) 5 Dance Of The Agony 6 Phaeton 7 Strain Of Alastor 8 Back To Katuar
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Ave Iscarioti 2 Mountain Echo 3 I Am The Arm 4 Voices Of Twilight Forest 5 The Sail Of Mental Sea 6 Jūros Šventė 7 The Domain Of Seven...
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Under Wings Of Satan 2 To The Nightsky 3 Ivadék 4 A Magyarok Nyilaitól 5 Ahol Hideg Szelek Fújnak 6 Elhintem A Magot 7 A Csitári Hegyek...
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 The Black Division Of Deceived Souls 2 The Сarnival Of Demons Among The Burning Churches 3 Sacrifice Me 4 The Empire Of Lies Must Fall 5...
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Запах гроба 2 Здесь Зло 3 Некромант 4 Без инфантильной красоты 5 Лёд сердец 6 Жертва 7 Элоа 8 Finale (Part 1) 9 Finale (Part 2)
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 La Escisión De Ouróboros 2 Orgasmortem (O De La Libido Perpetua) 3 Irreverencia (O El Evangelio Negro De La VeraLux) 4 Tanatema 5 La Muerte...
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6 4
progressive black metal
Tracklist: 1 Atto I: Disceso Nel Buio 2 Atto I: Oblio 3 Atto II: Abisso 4 Atto II: In Assenza 5 Atto Finale: Di Notte, Cielo E Solitudine
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6 4
doom metal, More Hate Productions
On the new opus this one-man band continues the development of a musical concept proposed with the previous album "Dark Days”. This depressive music attacks nervous system from the very first notes and creeps you out. The style of the band is referred to as doom metal though it is more similar to funeral metal – a funeral symphony for all mankind, it slowly flows like a viscous substance, pulsating and spreading mercury. Guitar riffs lowered down to the audible limit and howling fuzzy keyboard lines capable of driving the psyche of a healthy man to hopelessness and delirium are topped with the gloomy low unearthly growling by maestro Hangsvart. Awesome work for all fans of deviant art! CD artwork by Andrey T. from Montes Insania.
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6 4
doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Ледяная Голгофа 2 Разливая по венам усталость 3 Всего лишь смерть 4 Eternal Tranquility 5 Мертві квіти 6 Hope
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6 4
grindcore / death metal, More Hate Productions
Moscow death/ grindcore band has prepared an anniversary reissue of its debut "From Chaos To Disorder" dedicated to quindecennial of the project. The 51-minute album consists of 52 tracks. It was completely re-recorded in Primordial studio with live drums and includes both old and new versions of songs, good quality rehearsal records made with the last live line-up in 2006, and a 6-track demo recorded in 2000. EDUCATED SCUM performs zero-tolerance explosive grindcore supplemented with samples made from the speeches of famous politics and topped with the lyrics dedicated to pressing social issues in the vein of NAPALM DEATH. This album bids to become the most ultimate and fast extreme-metal album in former Soviet Union and the must have for all fans of such music.
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6 4
symphonic black / death metal, More Hate Productions
GUL TAOSA (Taos roaring) from Kostroma presents its debut album. The band plays a flawless combination of death metal and symphonic black metal. The first thing to mention about the album is a professional team-work of the musicians and precisely balanced sound of all instruments. The album is full of expectation of the approaching apocalypse, chaos and destruction. It is literally painted crimson colors of infernal evil. Tenebrous, aggressive yet graceful music of the band is a good example of how brutal material can at the same time be beautiful! The album plunges listeners into the atmosphere of horrors bred by the humankind itself that have survived to the present days. Insane surrealist world created by the band seems to resemble the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch. Upcoming Armageddon, demonic darkness of medieval myths and different deformities of a sick human mind - these are the themes forming the basis of the lyrical content of “The Agony of the Sun".
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6 4
industrial metal, More Hate Productions
The new seventh album by Bog-Morok (Rybinsk). The band continues the development of its individual and almost unclassifiable style which can tenuously be referred to asindustrial metal.The variety of vocal styles (from screaming and growling to harsh and clean singing), the elements of groove and heavy-metal, trip-rock, djent,nu-metal, trance-core and other styles naturally complement to the consistent canvas – now dark, then aggressive and angry or melancholic and depressive. 9 songs to the length of 40 minutes of massive and intense music narrate on the dying and abandoned industrial cities and residential areas, on slave labor in the service of reinforced concrete monsters, on spiritual emptiness and the search of any single reason for existence in our agonizing world. The lyrics traditionally include the verses of such poets as T.S. Eliot, P. Levine and the others.With this album the band completes the cyclus opened with the CD “Inevitability” and continued on “Industrialypse”. It’s a reinterpretation of the whole musical experience of the band that brings out the best of its achievements so far. “Seven” will definitely gladden the old fans and attract the new listeners looking for unordinary and truly original music.
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6 4
melodic black metal, More Hate Productions
Currently the last album by the oldest and probably the most underestimated melodic black metal band from Donbass! The album had been recorded as early as in 2012, however it took the band some efforts to make the material available for the black metal community, and these efforts were not in vain! The first thing to be noted about the album is a prominent melodism of the material: keyboards play a major role among the other instruments in the structure of the songs rather than being a background. Nevertheless, the raw cemeterial breath of black metal remains distinct in the guitar and vocal lines as well as in the lyrics. At first sight the sound of the album seems to be too archaic or even outdated: there is no currently familiar wall of sound and compression characteristic of an endless line of Dimmu Borgir clones. But this is not a flaw – it is where charm and recognizability of the band begin, and there is nothing in excess that can distract listeners from the message hidden in this piece of pure black art!
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6 4
death metal / grindcore, More Hate Productions
MORE HATE Prod. presents the official reissue of the debut album by Canadian brutal death grind band. The print of the original issue (2009) was completely sold out soon after the release. This is the most violent and aggressive experience available on the canadian brutal market. This auditory torture mixes the sickness and intensity of European Grindcore assault with the brutality of North American Death Metal bands. Do not search any longer if you need a fix of sheer brutality and a velocity that will rock you socks off! Guaranteed to provoke a mental meltdown to any person who can not stand heavy music, “Enough for Dementia" is their trademark and they do not even joke about it. Nervous Impulse will give you the feeling of getting hit by a train at 220/mph. Fasten your seatbelt and enjoy your ride!
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6 4
pagan black metal, More Hate Productions
The debut album by a pagan black metal band from Chelyabinsk. This CD is the result of a long and thorny way: more than 10 years of rehearsals, gigs and endless line-up changes. In the end of 2014 the album was finally recorded, mixed and released. Musical material develops the legacy of the early ASHEN LIGHT, BUTTERFLY TEMPLE and NOKTURNAL MORTUM. Band members make no secret about it – this album is a kind of a tribute to these famous bands. WIND OF DEATH performs tough guitar-based melodic black metal enriched with keyboards and folk music background characteristic of pagan metal. The vocalist generally uses black metal scream with some mighty battle growls from time to time. All lyrics written in Russian language are dedicated to paganism. With this album WIND OF DEATH completes the first decade of existence and gives an optimistic feeling about the future!
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6 4
pagan / viking metal, More Hate Productions
The beauty of icy rivers and lakes that takes your breath away, the mightiness of fiords, the wisdom of Gods and the will to victory – all power of Scandinavia is present in each note and the whole might of Vikings fills each line on the debut album “Algiz” by pagan black metal band ROSE SCREAM. This album will definitely impress all connoisseurs of mysterious medieval history and good metal music. For the majority of listeners this is the first (but by no means the last) acquaintance with the band – like Scandinavian warriors of the past they never surrender on their way to the set goal. Musical material of the album will attract fans with its diversity and originality. It is not a standard set of the same repetitive riffs and melodies you have already heard before – it is a technically demanding music reach in emotions and uncommon melodies. The vocals range from clean singing to extreme screaming. Lyrics narrate on the strongest warriors of Scandinavia, where those who never surrender and march ahead finally get their chance to accomplish a feat. Fearless champions do not stop or surrender as long as their lives endure.
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6 4
black / death metal, More Hate Productions
At the very bottom nourished with pain and interdiction, in the wastelands of despair, anger and hatred, in the abyss of tottering mind of the mortals... this is where MENTAL ILLNESS gets inspiration for the debut album. The band plays furious old school blackened death metal. During the 52 minutes of album length we hear a constantly developing material with far more complex approach than it seems: various melodies, rich arrangements and uncommon musical solutions hold listeners in suspense from the very first song up to the end of the album. The lyrics in the Russian language rich in metaphors and dedicated to occult subjects will definitely draw your attention. "Otkrovenie" is a spit in the face of those who demand our worship, it is a call for progress, for becoming a part of something greater... Greater than just being!
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6 4
death / groove metal, More Hate Productions
“The Bite of a Hornet” – the debut album by HORROR NECROS, literally packed to the gills with anger and aggression towards the world like a maniac, who mercilessly torments his victims for their sins, is a lead for the face capable of knocking listeners down with its heavy and thick metal stuff. The band performs mighty and gloomy Groove Death Metal, slightly resembling EKTOMORF and late (yet Cavalera’s) SEPULTURA, but with its own individual “maniac-groovy” flare! The album features two cover versions of songs originally performed by the abovementioned bands. However the most evident influence comes from SIX FEET UNDER – the favorite band of HORROR NECROS members. The album is full of pure metal energy – each riff is performed with feeling. People resemble hornets, which – following their instincts – kill morally and physically defective yet innocent zooids in order to satisfy their needs. The only difference is that a beautiful and dangerous winged hornet bites its victims ruled by natural laws, while a biped animal — a human being – acts consciously, thus constituting a greater danger than a winged insect…
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6 4
black / thrash metal / hardcore punk, More Hate Productions
“Hatebombs From Hell” – the first full-length album by HELLBOMB consisting of representatives of both official and cultural capitals of Russia! The album includes 9 tracks, 9 warheads loaded with darkness and hatred and directed against each of us. The music of the band is a hazardous explosive combination of raw black metal, rough thrash metal guitar lines, a stiff dose of rollicking punk rock, crossover and hardcore topped with absolutely unexpected elements of groove and even doom metal. Such a diversified approach to composing looks nothing but extraordinary. HELLBOMB presents a high quality album – the debut sounds really biting and heavy. Song “Der grosse” features former vocalist of the band Mikhail Baalothneekh, who significantly contributed to evolvement of HELLBOMB at the initial stage and remains an important part of bands biography. Cover and booklet artwork by Andrey Ilyin.
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6 4
black metal, More Hate Productions
The first full-length album of this Ukrainian black metal band is an unexpectedly high quality level debut performed in a purely misanthropic manner taking listeners into the ocean of hatred of the most precious in this life – of themselves, and giving them a chance to see things in a more realistic light, without illusions. The bands primary focus was to convey the emotions and feelings of abandoned and offcast persons living here, there and everywhere in present-day society. The main topic of the lyrics is antipathy to everything popular and patterned in the history of modern reality. The music of DIAGOR is filled with atmospheric and melodic black metal elements, but there is no commitment to a particular style. The songs were composed entirely at the taste of their composers with no parallels to other bands. This album is a kind of a figurative pillar to which all existing sins and vices of human society are chained.
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