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613.33 Р
heavy metal, FONO ltd
ALCATRAZZ - англо-американская heavy metal группа, созданная в 1983-ем году Грэмом Боннетом (ex-RAINBOW) и двумя участниками группы NEW ENGLAND. В разное время в составе ALCATRAZZ побывали такие музыканты как Стив Вай, Ингви Мальмстин, Клайв Бэрр (один из первых барабанщиков IRON MAIDEN) и многие другие. ALCATRAZZ дважды прекращали деятельность (с 1987-го по 2007-ой и с 2014-го по 2019-ый), а в их дискографии шесть концертников, несколько бокс-сэтов и всего три полноформатных альбома. В 2020-ом состоялся выход четертого альбома "Born Innocent", после чего Боннет разругался с группой и покинул ее, заявив что продолжит выступать под именем ALCATRAZZ c другим составом. "V" - пятый полноформатный альбом ALCATRAZZ, вышедший 15-го октября 2021-го на Silver Lining Music. После конфликта с Боннетом и его ухода, место вокалиста занял Doogie White (ex-RAINBOW, ex-YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, CORNERSTONE). В качестве гостей на альбоме выступили Nigel Glockler (барабанщик SAXON), Cliff Evans (гитарист TANK, ex-KILLERS) и Don Van Stavern (басист RIOT V, ex-EVIL UNITED). Сведением и мастерингом "V" руководил Andy Haller, работавший с GRAHAM BONNET BAND и HIRAX, а также над предыдущим альбомом ALCATRAZZ "Born Innocent". Релиз включает двенадцать треков и выпущен в формате CD с 16-страничным буклетом
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400.00 Р
melodic power metal, FONO ltd
ALDARIA "Land of Light" - мелодичный power metal проект Frode Hovd'a, гитариста норвежской группы MEMORIZED DREAMS. Идею создания альбома в духе метал-оперы Frode вынашивал очень давно и для реализации привлек немалое количество именитых музыкантов. Среди них Fabio Lione (RHAPSODY OF FIRE), Todd Michael Hall (RIOT V), Rick Altzi (MASTERPLAN), Mathias Blad (FALCONER), Jonas Heidgert (DRAGONLAND), Jimmy Hedlund (FALCONER), Roland Grapow (MASTERPLAN), Mike LePond, (SYMPHONY X), Uli Kusch (ex-HELLOWEEN), Peter Danielsen (DARKEST SINS) и Mistheria (VIVALDI METAL PROJECT). На продакшн "Land of Light" у Frode ушло два года, результатом чего стал мощный и эпичный материал от энергичных гимнов до балладных историй в духе AVANTASIA и HELLOWEEN. Сведением дебютного релиза занимался Roland Grapow (MASTERPLAN) в собственой студии Grapow Studios, а мастерингом Jacob Hansen (PRIMAL FEAR, VOLBEAT, DORO). Оформлением "Land of Light" занимался Stan W. Decker, работавший с JORN, SERIOUS BLACK и многими другими. Released in a jewel case, a 16-page booklet.
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733.33 Р
sludge doom metal, Memento Mori
A collection of all the songs (most of them available on CD format for the first time ever) included in their "...From Forgotten Tombs" (originally released on vinyl format in 2008) and "...From Forgotten Tombs II" (originally released on digital format in 2013) compilations on one disc, featuring the "Pleasures of War" EP (2004), a cover of Pentagram's "The Ghoul" and their side of the splits with Rue (2004), Sod Hauler (2005), Zoroaster (2009) and Unearthly Trance (2009). Adorned with an amazingly ominous artwork by Igor 'Abigor' Mugerza, "…From Forgotten Tombs I & II" display almost 70 minutes worth of gargantuan sheer heaviness and eerie aural landscapes from the undisputed U.S. masters of funeralized Doom/Sludge Metal with a Lovecraftian vibe. If the prospect of soul-crushing and utmost heavy Doom Metal suits your fancy, this anthology of Aldebaran's plodding opuses is an absolute necessity to drown in cosmic terror. Compilation of previous "...From Forgotten Tombs" compilations into a single CD format. Track 7 is a [a=Pentagram] cover.
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533.33 Р
doom metal, Archaic Sound
First instrumental solo-album by Alexander Glavniy - mastermind of Ukrainian Funeral Doom Death Metal ceremony AUTUMNIA, well known for his work in MOURNFUL GUST and VAE SOLIS. This album is a journey to unknown place of human mind and soul, where extreme metal meets with immortality of classical music. Without waste words, boring song writing and senseless shredding Alexander wrote and recorded album that broke all borders between metal and classical music. Most probably, the best metal instrumental album, you have ever heard. Conceptual artwork by Nurgeslag (latest ROTTING CHRIST artworks and design).
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400.00 Р
brutal death black metal
Tracklist: 1 Slaves' Rulers 2 Bastion Of Kings 3 Fireblast 4 Obnoxious Contemptuous Sight 5 Bellifer Foedus 6 Ire's Zenith 7 Tyrannis 8 Unmercy...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
viking / death metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2 Twilight Of The Gods 3 Norns 4 Kill Them All 5 March Of Dead 6 Bravest Of The Gods 7 Riding Thundergod 8 Son Of The Nine Waves
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733.33 Р
dark ambient, Ksenza Records
A fifth full-length album by _Algol_ brings to you digital and analog sounds combined with some soothing guitar tunes. A conceptual and contemplating album for virtual cosmic journeys. Enjoy!
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733.33 Р
space ambient, Ksenza Records
It is time to join _Algol_ on a journey through infinite cosmic horizons. Leaving our rigid notion of space and time and ride the cosmic winds. The new album “Timeshifter” delivers a portion of refined space ambient where subtle old school influences mixed with modern ambient sound. credits released January 15, 2019 Synthesizers, guitars, mastering, and original artwork by Daniil Kazantsev CD design compilation: Mayhem design
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400.00 Р
industrial black metal
Tracklist: 1 Nihil-Kaos 4:25 2 De L'Inconvenient D'Etre Ne 4:33 3 L.S.D. 666 [Open The Gate Ov Perception] 10:33 4 Your End Is In [Y]Our Hands 7:00 5...
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600.00 Р
pagan folk metal, Sound Age Productions
English version of band's 2013 album "Сказки cтранствий". Fully re-worked and re-arranged for English lyrics and all female leading vocal is performed by band's new vocalist!
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466.67 Р
folk pagan metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Корабль-Птица 6:00 2 Хладный Огнь Ночи 5:30 3 Древы-Думы 5:35 4 Несказанный Свет 5:32 5 Чудосветная Быль 6:55 6 Алый Цвет 5:33 7 Плач Княжны...
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466.67 Р
pagan folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Jewel case version
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266.67 Р
modern death metal, Darknagar Records
Melodic Modern Death Metal with symphonic and electronic arrangements and elements of various genres of extreme music. The unique screaming of female vocalist Polina Psycheya (which sounds more aggressive than vocals of many other extreme female singers) with clean male vocals make this outstanding album much better. Great guitar work. A powerful debut of an extraordinary band.
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533.33 Р
industrial / neofolk
Tracklist: 1 Cordon Dorado 1:53 2 Ein Ganzes Jahr 5:41 3 Gondellied (Gaya) 4:21 4 Ob Auch Mein Herz So Funkelt 5:28 5 Marques De Pubol (Rosa) 5:11 6 Sonne...
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
progressive death metal, BadMoodMan Music
The second long-awaited album by the Russian extreme band famous for its debut album as successors of early Opeth! Besides professional approach to songwriting, performance and perfect sound, this time the musicians demonstrate original ideas which became the own face of the band. Progressive death metal demonstrated at «Amphibious» is impressive, diverse and emotional in addition to intellectual refinement which is the essential feature of Alley. The album is strongly recommended to fans of early Opeth and Daylight Dies, as well as all fans of extreme metal music.
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
progressive death metal, BadMoodMan Music
BadMoodMan Music presents band Alley with their debut album "The Weed"! Young but professional musicians offer for all lovers of hard and smart music perfect mix of progressive and death metal in best traditions of Opeth and Daylight Dies. Bright compositions, professional playing and high quality of record make Alley a part of circle of bright representatives of Russian hard scene. Mixing and mastering of record made in famous studio NavahoHut.
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666.67 Р
avantgarde black metal, Aesthetic Death
Tracklist: 1 Alone With Everybody I 07:59 2 A Challenge To The Dark 11:22 3 Alone With Everybody II 12:11 4 Ruins 11:20
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
melodic power metal, FONO ltd
ALMAH - бразильская power/progressive metal группа, которая была создана как сайд-проект Эду Фаласки, вокалиста известной группы ANGRA. "Motion" - третий студийный альбом группы, по словам Эду, не является концептуальным альбомом - "каждая песня рассказывает свою собственную историю, но в то же время все они имеют отношение к движению, изменениям, эволюции. Никаких фантастических сюжетов, сказок, двусмысленностей, скрытых смыслов, все очень по-настоящему и честно." Запись альбома проходила в Сан Пауло, Бразилия, в Norcal Studios, cведение и мастеринг выполнены Jochem Jacobs'ом на Split Second Sound Studios (Амстердам, Нидерланды).
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400.00 Р
pagan folk metal
Tracklist: 1 Speckledy Falcons 4:40 2 …On Gritty Banks Of The Supreme River… 5:50 3 Evening Dusk - Glaucous 3:00 4 To Even Deeper Hell II 4:20 5 The Yellow...
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866.67 Р
experimental folk doom metal
Tracklist: 1-1 Dusk 16:23 1-2 Dawn 15:40 2-1 Beloved 20:26 2-2 Follow You 18:27
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800.00 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The highly anticipated 2nd full-length by this Canadian band. With beginnings in 2011, Altered Dead are a two-piece contributing to the tradition of early Death Metal with a simple and therefore genuine approach: no frills, filthy and raw, proudly influenced by the likes of Autopsy, Death Breath, Grave, Asphyx, Darkthrone, Unleashed, Exhumed and Carnage. Released in 2016, Altered Dead's debut album, simply self-titled, was a cornucopia of darkness and utter death. Twisted and gross riffs ripped alongside warring treads of percussion, with the accompaniment of scalded and bellowing dual vocals mangling the listener's mind. Similarly, lyrical themes revolved around physical and mental warfare, mutating human nature and imminent conflict and collapse. Currently residing in Esquimalt, on southern Vancouver Island, the duo have had numerous live performances and subsequently started work on their long-awaited 2nd full-length. At last it arrives, bearing the ever-fitting title "Returned to Life". Be forewarned, though, as there's no "Life Metal" here: only utter death, once again, and darkness eternal, of course. The strikingly sick and psychedelic cover art by Matt Sidney should give some clues as to where Altered Dead are coming from here: tendrils of slimy and viscous riffage rising from the muck to ensnare martial mid-tempo gallops and frequent detours into doomed-out despair. The sum effect is infinitely headbanging as it is scabrously sewer-dredging, but rest assured that Altered Dead place a premium on stridently classic songwriting as their aforementioned forebears did at the dawn of the 90's: hooks, line and sinking... into the primordial abyss! Thus, "Returned to Life" is both backwards-looking as well as inward-looking -as in inward into that very same abyss. And, it also bears re-emphasizing that Altered Dead are a duo; however, for only two people, the band create a world-eating sound far larger than their pared-down membership may convey on paper. Credit due to Loïc Fontaine for his clear and crushing mastering job at Krucyator Studio, France. Closing with a faithful cover of Celtic Frost's "Into the Crypts of Rays", Altered Dead deliver traditional Death Metal perfection with "Returned to Life".
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666.67 Р
doom metal, Doom Metal Rebirth

The first official CD edition of the mini-album «Amber & Gold» from one of the most interesting and bright doom metal bands in the England. The combination of riffs with female vocals creates the true magic of Alunah. This EP was previously released exclusively on vinyl, but now it is available to all fans of the genre as a limited-edition stylish six-panel digipack.

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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
voking black metal
Tracklist: 1 Stormens Sang 5:34 2 Til Valhallen 6:26 3 Det Onde Riket 4:29 4 I Et Fjort Fortid 3:33 5 Graven Takeheimens Saler 4:53 6 Untitled 0:26
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
power metal
Tracklist: 1 Ангелы 2 Время не вернёшь 3 Зов ночных дорог 4 Путь длиной в жизнь 5 Коридоры времён 6 Цветы 7 Книга мёртвых имён 8 Королева ночи 9...
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533.33 Р
folk power metal
Tracklist: 1 A Reason To Fight 2 Here You Are 3 Halloween 4 Black Hole 5 Araqel, Mushegh 6 Abandoned 7 For You 8 Steps We Made Alone 9...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
thrash black metal
Tracklist: 1 Holy Ecstasy 6:03 2 The Countdown 4:40 3 Fear 4:39 4 Spider’s Web 7:24 5 Knights Of Apocalypse 4:38 6 In The Name Of God 4:57 7 Evil’s Garden...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
death / thrash metal
Tracklist: 1 Raven 5:03 2 Gone Away 5:05 3 Sword’s Song 4:35 4 Janiman 3:50 5 Beast Inside 3:51 6 Lyrical 6:17 7 Guiding Star 3:53 8 Mess 4:55 9 Abyss Of...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
epic folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Бездна 2 Карточный дом 3 Пролито много слёз 4 Между нами 5 Сердце 6 Река 7 Тополя 8 Шоссе 9 Добрый лось
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
slavonic pagan metal
Tracklist: 1 Чёрная Дорога 5:33 2 Не Погасить 3:30 3 Их Носить Земля Устала 5:50 4 Обними Меня 4:18 5 Она Одна 3:42 6 Шаг Во Мрак 3:11 7 Солнце Скрылось...
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533.33 Р 466.67 Р
pagan / doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The long-awaited second album of the most famous Russian pagan/doom metal band Amber Tears being one of the best representatives of Russian pagan scene. Having started their way as followers of the cult Belorussian band Gods Tower Amber Tears demonstrate their own unique face at the second album “A Key for December”. Basing on folk motives and lyrics featuring folk tradition the musicians added doom death metal elements with all their slowness and weight to their music. The Russian traditional musical instrument gusli appearing on the album underlines the mental connection of Amber Tears work with traditional Russian music which is organically fused with modern melodic doom metal features. This album is indeed a milestone!
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600.00 Р
pagan doom metal, BadMoodMan Music

Undoubtedly, this is the one of the most awaited albums and brilliant releases on the Russian metal scene. The triumphant comeback of the famous pagan doom death metal band Amber Tears at the borderline of the retreat of winter and the awakening of nature emphasizes the album concept of emerging human experiences with nature. The breath of the northern forests is already filled with the ritual sounds of drums, while melodious guitar parts echo the crow cries.

When the past holds you for a long time and does not let you go, when you are not sure if you want changes to happen, you freeze between winter and spring ...

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733.33 Р
pagan doom metal, BadMoodMan Music

Undoubtedly, this is the one of the most awaited albums and brilliant releases on the Russian metal scene. The triumphant comeback of the famous pagan doom death metal band Amber Tears at the borderline of the retreat of winter and the awakening of nature emphasizes the album concept of emerging human experiences with nature. The breath of the northern forests is already filled with the ritual sounds of drums, while melodious guitar parts echo the crow cries.

When the past holds you for a long time and does not let you go, when you are not sure if you want changes to happen, you freeze between winter and spring ...

Digipak edition

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466.67 Р
pagan / doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
Truly long-awaited by many fans re-issue of the album is finally available after the original release is sold out long time ago. «Revelations Of Renounced» is not a simple additional press, but the re-issue of the classical album of the band in the form the musicians had initially planned it to be issued, both cover art wise and master-disc wise. There is no need to describe the music which can be found at this album because all fans of Russian heavy music know Amber Tears as talented band organically combining pagan metal and doom metal. Now everybody can add this magnificent album to music collection!
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600.00 Р
gothic doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The first album by the Russian band Amederia previously issued in 2008, which has already become a real rarity, is available again for all the fans of heavy and melodic music. «Sometimes We Have Wings...» contains the best features of gothic doom metal including the atmosphere, neoclassical melodies, and a perfect combination or growl and refined female vocals. Sorrow and beauty will always be together.
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666.67 Р
gothic doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The first album by the Russian band Amederia previously issued in 2008, which has already become a real rarity, is available again for all the fans of heavy and melodic music. «Sometimes We Have Wings...» contains the best features of gothic doom metal including the atmosphere, neoclassical melodies, and a perfect combination or growl and refined female vocals. Sorrow and beauty will always be together. The first 100 copies come as a 4-panel digipack with a booklet.
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533.33 Р
gothic doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The six-years-long silence of the band interwoven with the threads of many listeners’ tedious waiting is now interrupted. Now you can listen to and enjoy the new creation of Amederia, the album titled «Unheard Prayers». A new look, a new sensation embodied in music are reflected in eight compositions which will stay and a bright flashes in your memory. Close your eyes to see the new colors painting the canvas, transforming it attracting your attention until the very last moment. Under inspiration by music your imagination will interweave the routine with the history and mythology of the forgotten ages. The album «Unheard Prayers», just like life itself, is made of deep metaphors and evident truth. Despite the long silence and troubles which the band had overcome Amederia kept attractiveness for the fans and their new album will allow to enjoy an outstanding Gothic Doom Metal filled with inexplicable charm.
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733.33 Р
progressive doom / death metal, GS Productions
Is the debut of the Serbian doom progsters released in early 2000s. Music of this band is a mixture of sad melodies with broken Balkans' rhythms in form of long songs with complex structure. This album is a pile of separate meditations on different subjects put together in this rainbow of dark emotions. Use of instruments and unique arrangments combined with both growl vocals and vocal harmonies create this album as must have. CD comes with 2 bonus tracks previously released on Reflections EP which was teaser for this full release. These tracks were recorded with different vocalist. 8-page art booklet included. Packaged in a jewel case with a transparent tray.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
brutal death
Tracklist: 1 Born To Hate 1:48 2 I Don't Give A Fuck 4:13 3 Live Without Hesitation 4:46 4 Going For Death 4:40 5 Suicide 5:17 6 Slavery As A Sentence 4:22...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Запах гроба 2 Здесь Зло 3 Некромант 4 Без инфантильной красоты 5 Лёд сердец 6 Жертва 7 Элоа 8 Finale (Part 1) 9 Finale (Part 2)
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
gothic doom death metal, Solitude Productions
Another brilliant debut from a young Ukrainian band suiting tastes of fans of various doom metal substyles. Amily mix harmoniously doom death metal, gothic doom metal, and funeral doom metal adding a part of theirs souls into the music. «To All in Graves» is, first of all, melody framed with darkness, and sublime orchestral keyboards referring to neoclassical music. It is worth to mention that basing of the genre traditions the musicians created their own harmonic world which is ready to accept anyone who is able to open his heart and feel it.
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