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666.67 Р 400.00 Р
funeral doom metal
Debut release from this very promising Funeral Doom project from Poland. 'Anthems to thy Remains' takes you on a sorrowful journey and brings back the spirit of the great Funeral Doom band from the nineties. For fans of Evoken, Esoteric, Ahab and Disembowelment. Limited to 500. Includes 4-page booklet and Pit-Art.
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640.00 Р
industrial / black metal, FONO ltd
THORNS - норвежская black metal группа, сформированная в 1989-м году и стоявшая у истоков жанра наряду с MAYHEM или DARKTHRONE. Выпустив всего два дэмо "Grymyrk" (1991) и "Trøndertun" (1992) проект обрел большую популярность в узких кругах, но вынужден был прекратить существование после того, как одного из основателей THORNS (гитариста/клавишника/вокалиста Snorre Westvold Ruch'а) посадили на 8 лет за "соучастие в убийстве" гитариста и идеолога группы MAYHEM Euronymous'а, организованное Варгом Викернесом. Освободившись, Snorre собрал неизданный материал и выпустил в виде сплита с группой EMPEROR в 1999-ом. "Thorns" - единственный полноформатный альбом норвежцев на сегодняшний день, вышедший в марте 2001-го на лэйбле Moonfog Productions. В записи приняли гостевое участие Satyr из SATYRICON и Hellhammer (MAYHEM, ARCTURUS). Данное переиздание (вышедшее в июле 2011-го на Peaceville Records) содержит два бонус-трека и видеоклип на трек "Vortex". Релиз выпущен в формате CD с 16-страничным буклетом совместно с лэйблом Metal Star. Тираж ограничен - 1000 вручную пронумерованных экземпляров. Officially licensed edition for CIS countries. Comes with an exclusive sticker. Limited to 1000 copies. Hand-numbered.
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733.33 Р
death metal
Tracklist: 1 Death, Lucid Death 0:59 2 Not A Second From Oceans To Frozen Wastelands 7:32 3 Abendwerk 7:41 4 Marrow's Void 1:23 5 Perpetual Stigmata 5:30 6...
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400.00 Р 253.33 Р
pagan black metal, FONO ltd
THORMESIS - немецкая pagan/black metal группа, образованная в 2006 году, успевшая разделить сцену с такими монстрами, как SUIDAKRA, KALMAH и SVARTSOT, а также записать 2 полноформатных альбома. "Von Leere und Tod" - третий альбом THORMESIS, стал первым релизом для AFM Records, которые не могли пропустить одну из самых лучших и многообещающих pagan/black metal команд Германии. Продюссирование альбома проходило в Basement Media Productions (, а артворком занимался Antje Stefani.
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733.33 Р
avantgarde doom metal, GS Productions
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733.33 Р
drone / ambient / post-rock, Ksenza Records
Limited edition Digipak + pit-art
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733.33 Р
post rock, Ksenza Records
A phantom limb is the sensation that an amputated or missing limb (even an organ, like the appendix) is still attached to the body and is moving appropriately with other body parts.
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466.67 Р
pagan folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Драпа 2 Болотный угар 3 Два солнца 4 Жива 5 Заговор 6 Речи мертвых 7 В обрывке Камлания 8 Волколак 9 Сквозь туман
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466.67 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 The Awakening 4:38 2 Blood Red Throne 5:44 3 The Nostalgia 5:28 4 I'm Blasphemer 7:25 5 The Chosen Dynasty 5:29 6 Ge-Hinnom 6:44 7 It's Me -...
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400.00 Р
Tracklist: 1 From Simple Punks 2:08 2 Millennium Of Recycling Christ 1:56 3 Twelve Millions 3:04 4 Where Is The Consumation? 1:50 5 Thoughts 2:06 6 Dead...
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400.00 Р
Tracklist: 1 Let's Hail Satan 2:40 2 Piggsy 2:41 3 Everywhere And Nowhere 2:51 4 Ojcze Mój 3:03 5 Pope Died Tonight 3:06 6 Sick 1:27 7 Why Are They Not...
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666.67 Р
melodic death metal
Tracklist: 1 With Burning Breath 4:06 2 The Dragon 4:30 3 Crimson 4:45 4 Dark White 3:31 5 Shallow Skin 3:13 6 Mota Diablo 2:44 7 Truth In Evil 4:26 8 The...
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666.67 Р
melodic death metal
Tracklist: 1 Cold Victim 3:58 2 Without Warning 3:22 3 And Since Forgotten 3:46 4 Live To Die 4:38 5 Corpse You Up 4:16 6 Innocent Mind 3:05 7 Sliver 3:38 8...
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466.67 Р
melodic death metal
Tracklist: 1 Cold Victim 3:58 2 Without Warning 3:22 3 And Since Forgotten 3:46 4 Live To Die 4:38 5 Corpse You Up 4:16 6 Innocent Mind 3:05 7 Sliver 3:38 8...
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666.67 Р
melodic death
Tracklist: 1 The Indweller 2 In The Halls Of Waverly 3 Birthright Of The Saurnine
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
progressive black metal, More Hate Productions
What does T.E.F. mean: A man loves and hates by eyes and the word EYE in this title means hate. The word combination EYE.FLAME in title means FLAME OF HATE, and THERM stands for ENERGY. In the beginning of the year 2005 on MORE HATE Productions under the release number 04-032, a fresh and already the third in succession, ten singed piece of POST BLACKNESS by southern MODERNIZED BLACK METAL formation T.E.F. in a CD format will leave the conveyor. It's a musical platform consisting of dominating part of pure B.M. with micro & macro sprinkles in the bulk of Industrial, Ambient, Noise and their products. Our music is soaked with the spirit of futurism. Urbanism, the cosmos, pain, paranoia... that is the meaning of M.B.M. by eyes of T.E.F.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
progressive black metal, More Hate Productions
Modernized Black Metal is a change of classical themes, conceptions and sound of Black Metal. It's a musical platform consisting of dominating part of pure black metal with micro & macro sprincles in the bulk of Industrial, Ambient, Noise and their products.
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1 466.67 Р
symphonic metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
For almost 30 years THERION deserved a tribute album like no one else. Not because of the fact of their existence or decades on the scene, but at least for creating a genre "symphonic metal". Surely, dominating keyboards and female vocals were used in metal before THERION, but it was they, who approached it in a big way and could masterfully unite a magnificence of symphonic orchestras, classical operatic vocals and heavy guitar riffs. ´Theli´ and its successor ´Vovin´ are the cornerstones of symphonic metal that inspired many musicians to play this music, which led them to success. This album restored "historical justice" and gives tribute to the masters of the genre that keep their own unique style while performing as their songs, as also diverse covers from Abba to Manowar (let´s not also forget about the whole album that covers various songs from French 60-70s estrade). Official tribute album to Therion limited to 666 machine numbered copies in 2CD digibook. First CD includes eight cover songs recorded by Therion themselves + 2 covers of Therion made by Ivanubis Hollanda. Second CD features 16 covers of Therion made by various bands.
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266.67 Р
death metal
Tracklist: 1 Insuperable Disgust 4:01 2 Venomous Lies 4:12 3 Inhuman 4:11 4 Slaves Of The Music 4:42 5 Siren 4:31 6 Tyrants 4:42 7 Veils Of Illusion...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Damnation Of Northern Lands 2 For Cold 3 Forest Legion 4 Our Dark Fears 5 Fight In Darkness Sky 6 Гөнаһале... 7 Кыяфатсыз 8 Ѳзылеп 9...
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400.00 Р
dark ambient
Tracklist: 1 in the darkness 7:28 2 insight 7:20 3 Birth project 6:07 4 Beginning of great work 7:08 5 Food riots 5:52 6 Insignificance against the big plan...
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400.00 Р 253.33 Р
death grind, FONO ltd
THEORIES - четверка грайндкорщиков из Сиэтла (бывшие и нынешние участники SKARP, SAMOTHRACE, BOOK OF BLACK EARTH), собравшаяся в 2011 году с целью играть гипер-быструю и жесткую музыку. Результатом дюжины туров и выступлений на фестивалях вроде Maryland Death Fest стало подписание контракта с Metal Blade Records на выпуск полноформатного альбома. "Regression" - дебютный альбом THEORIES, сведением и мастерингом которого занимался небезызвестный гитарист PIG DESTROYER/AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED/ANAL CUNT и продюсер Scott Hull в своей Visceral Sound Studios.
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400.00 Р
neoclassical metal, shred
Tracklist: 1 Loud And Proud 4:49 2 Jordan's Trap 4:18 3 Blasphemy 5:02 4 O.K 4:10 5 The Sheen 4:59 6 Strong Desire 4:06 7 Irredenta 4:36 8 Over The Sky 3:11...
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600.00 Р
neoclassical metal, shred
Tracklist: 1 Tearing Apart 03:11 2 Chaos I.M.F 03:27 3 Liquid Fire 02:53 4 Alex Left The Building 02:40 5 Future Waves 03:43 6 1923 04:15 7 Into The Rush...
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600.00 Р
neoclassical metal, shred
Tracklist: 1 Child Of Scotland 4:10 2 Such And Such 3:33 3 Rapid Eye Movement 2:52 4 Solitude 5:21 5 Seven Churches 4:10 6 Salvation 3:34 7 Number One 3:40...
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400.00 Р
ambient / experimental
Tracklist: 1 Valentine (Lost) Forever 5:52 2 Point Of Everything 5:21 3 An Answer To All Life 5:38 4 Time Always Wins 7:03 5 Burn The Truth 7:58 6 A World...
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200.00 Р
death metal
Recorded, mixed and mastered at Studio-X (Olstyn, Poland) in March 2008
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333.33 Р
industrial black
Tracklist: 1 Gorilla Move [Grey 01] 7:16 2 Ouranian Tablet [Brown 05] 2:26 3 Tryptamine [Yellow 03] 5:05 4 Io [Magneta 08] 3:39 5 Ouranian Tablet (Little...
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400.00 Р
gothic metal, FONO ltd
THEATRES DES VAMPIRES - итальянская gothic metal группа, сформированная в 1994 году. Начиная творческий путь с симфо-блэка, итальянцы постепенно пришли к более мягкому звучанию gothic метала, обозначив свой жанр как vampiric metal. "Candyland" - новый полноформатный альбом THEATRES DES VAMPIRES, вышедший спустя пять лет после предыдушей пластинки "Moonlight Waltz" (2011). Название альбома отсылает к комнате в печально известной лечебнице Pennhurst в Пенсильвании, описываемой пациентами как "ад на земле": в помещении с цветными стенами и решетками на окнах десятилетиями держали взрослых и детей с психическими расстройствами, скрывая от публичных взоров. На альбоме отметился вокалист MOONSPELL Фернанду Рибейру, Billy T. Cooper (вокалист итальянских индустриальных готик-металлистов J.T.R. SICKERT) и клавишник THE FORESHADOWING Франческо Состо.
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400.00 Р
pagan metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro / This Mighty Isle 2:00 2 The Wolves Of Avalon 7:26 3 Enchanted Spirits Of Wariors Slain (Instro) 1:38 4 Lost Gods We Call Upon You 5:49...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
industrial melodic black metal, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Epithimia Gia Athanasia 1:14 2 Riddles Without Answers & Celestial Mechanics 8:27 3 Phobos IV 8:04 4 Point-Blank Avenue & Unbirthday Song-The...
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333.33 Р
atmospheric / melodic death metal
Tracklist: 1 End of Time 2 Megiddo 3 Towards Extinction 4 Under the Fire Garden 5 Death Monastery 6 The Ultimate Dream 7 In the Depths of Theories 8...
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600.00 Р
traditional doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Pillars Of Sapiris 1:23 2 Taynia 10:50 3 Family Curse 13:55 4 The Thing From The Black Reef 10:00 5 Bring Forth The Accused 9:52 6 The Serpent...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
melodic death metal, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Murder One 3:50 2 Darkness Of Mine 3:37 3 Souls Encounter 5:13 4 Deep Silent Dead 5:17 5 Forever Nothing 3:50 6 Befouled Galaxy 3:35 7 Failed...
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466.67 Р
dark metal
Tracklist: 1 Light 2 Macha 3 Vision Of The Truth 4 Hope 5 I Need Light 6 Sad Moon 7 Beauty 8 Fearless Gladiator 9 Step Into Nowhere
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533.33 Р 333.33 Р
death doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Controlling To Enslave 7:49 2 After The Sepulture 7:31 3 Rise From The Abyss And Rejoice 7:13 4 Perdition 2:49
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533.33 Р 400.00 Р
funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
The debut album from the Italian band The Undergrave Experience. This is not another piece of standard funeral doom, but an entire journey to the world of horror culture. Being close to works of memorable band EA in their music style the musicians of The Undergrave Experience develop the darker side of the genre searching for inspiration in classical Italian horror movies. The album consists of two original tracks which the fans of gloom and horror aesthetics will surely like.
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533.33 Р
atmospheric black metal
Tracklist: 1 Ruins At Dusk 2 Lord Of The Autumnal Mist 3 The Awakening Of Fangorn 4 On Wintry Trails 5 Marching From Beyond 6 Shadow Vest 7 Enshrined...
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400.00 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 0:42 2 The Last Days Of The Apocalypse 3:37 3 Sör Da Luf 3:17 4 Black Flagellation 4:14 5 Apocalytic Requiem 3:58 6 The Ancient One 2:49...
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333.33 Р
occult black metal
Tracklist: 1 Under The Horned Waning Moon 2 The Mission (The Tragedy) 3 In The Swamp (The Pole Star Grins) 4 White Wolf 5 Night Of The Graveless Souls
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400.00 Р
occult black metal
Tracklist: Buried By Time And Dust 1 Intro 1:10 2 Malt Brau 3:35 3 The New Glacial Era 2:20 4 Inspired By Evil 2:26 5 Endless Night 2:23 6 Intermezzo 999...
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400.00 Р
progressive post rock
Tracklist: 1 A Voz do Fogo 7:10 2 Vitor Hugo 5:10 3 A Exceção de Todos Nós 3:53 4 Realidade Aumentada 2:52 5 Para Onde Apontam Seus Móveis 3:04 6...
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546.67 Р
progressive rock, FONO ltd
THE TANGENT - прогрессив-рок группа из Северной Англии, сформированная в 2002-ом году. На данный момент в составе клавишник/вокалист Andy Tillison, басист Jonas Reingold (KARMAKANIC, FLOWER KINGS), гитарист/вокалист Luke Machin (MASCHINE), саксофонист Theo Travis (известный своей работой с PORCUPINE TREE, DAVID GILMOUR) и барабанщик Steve Roberts (ex-MAGENTA/GODSTICKS). В дискографии THE TANGENT несколько концертников и девять полноформатных альбомов. "Proxy" - десятый альбом THE TANGENT, релиз которого состоялся 16-го ноября на InsideOut Music. В качестве приглашенного вокалиста на альбоме выступил Göran Edman (KARMAKANIC, YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, MÅRRAN). Данный релиз включает шесть треков и выпущен в формате CD с 16-страничным буклетом. 16-page art booklet included. Packaged in a jewel case with a transparent tray.
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400.00 Р
gothic metal
Tracklist: 1 My Goddess, My Pride 0:41 2 Immortal Venus 3:27 3 Winterfall 4:28 4 My Moonlight Sonata 4:16 5 Daphne's Last Breath 6:14 6 Be Live 4:08 7 In...
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400.00 Р
hardcore / metalcore
Tracklist: 1 Get Up & Let Die 2 Satan On A Silverplate 3 Goodbye Forever 4 Real Stoner 5 Afterburner 6 Maelstrom Of Delay
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466.67 Р
gothic metal
Tracklist: 1 Floating Deserts 2 Just One Word 3 In Alarm 4 Drop 5 Drown In A Whirl 6 A New Landscape 7 Chemical Frustration 8 All My Discord 9...
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466.67 Р 266.67 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The debut album of young Russian band from Volgograd continues traditions of death/doom metal and represents the band as talented professional musicians. String material created without keyboards and other trend features will suit the tastes of fans of uncompromising death/doom in the vein of Mourning Beloveth, Process Of Guilt and Ataraxie.
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
progressive metal, BadMoodMan Music
After the first album issued in 2010 by Solitude prod., a number of gigs in support of the debut album, changes in line-up, and, finally, release of Internet-EP “Pulse” the band Sullen Route from Volgograd is ready to present the other side of their music to the audience. «Apocalyclinic» demonstrates evolution from orthodox doom death metal to the area which cannot be definitely classified: in the new work of musicians one can find influence of dark metal combined with features of post metal and progressive metal, extreme vocals, and powerful and solid sound. The essential advance in music is manifested by refined structure of compositions and brilliant mastering. Here comes The Sullen Route you’ve never heard!
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866.67 Р
medieval folk
Limited re-issue of THE SOIL BLEEDS BLACKs debut album, originally published by Cruel Moon International (Cold Meat Industry). The album documents the early passion and atmosphere cultivated by the band and their foray into synthetically created medieval-inspired sounds. Raw in its inception, and at times almost cartoonish in its approach, the album remains celebrated for the unique aura it presents. Includes one bonus track, "Earthe took of Earthe".
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733.33 Р
medieval neofolk
Tracklist: 1 Earthe 5:46 2 Air 7:10 3 Fyre 5:14 4 Water 9:02 5 Quintessence 13:49 6 Hear The Words Of God And The Maid 3:51 7 Kyrie Eleison 21st Century...
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866.67 Р
medieval folk
After a long hiatus THE SOIL BLEEDS BLACK return with a new album spanning seven years of intermittent recording sessions. “Medieval,” a simple and unswerving title embodying the bands art is also a reflection of their latest material, conceived in a modest manner that recalls the organic sensation of a live setting as if the listener were themselves transposed in a grand medieval hall, relishing a small band of charming minstrels. While some songs uplift with jovial melodic hooks, others are yet brooding and carry an underlying dark folk sentiment throughout. Summarily, “Medieval,” is a maturing of TSBBs art, nurtured with care and delivered in an honest pseudo-medieval fashion.
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866.67 Р
medieval folk
Limited re-issue of the band’s third album, thematically based on the tale of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. THE SOIL BLEEDS BLACKs third album explores the early experimentation with authentic instruments, incorporating percussion, guitar and various woodwinds and whistles. Immaturely conceived, the album maintains a farcical and theatrical approach projecting its own entertaining and enchanting character. Includes four bonus tracks including a rendering of the celebrated Irish folk song, The March of Brian Boru.
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866.67 Р
medieval folk
Limited re-issue of THE SOIL BLEEDS BLACKs sophomore album, “March of the Infidels.” Maturing in their approach to synthetically executed neo-medieval music, “March of the Infidels,” exemplifies what may be the band’s least organic recording. The production is smooth, crisp, almost adopting a midi-like atmosphere. The album helped expand the bands audience and remains perhaps the most celebrated of their first three works. Features a guest appearance by Cernunnos’ Woods. Includes three bonus tracks. Limited re-issue of THE SOIL BLEEDS BLACKs sophomore album, “March of the Infidels” (1997). Includes three bonus tracks.
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466.67 Р
symphonic metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Moonlit Devotion 2 Save Me 3 Chiromancer 4 Awaken 5 For The Rest Of Your Death 6 My Witchery 7 My Unborned Twin 8 The Last Exorcism 9...
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400.00 Р
heavy metal
Tracklist: 1 Holy Wars 2 Burning Already 3 Every Breath You Take 4 You're Not God 5 Dies 6 Fucked Up, Smashed And Glorious 7 Biblical Tongue 8...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
progressive metal, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Holy Wars 2 Burning Already 3 Every Breath You Take 4 You're Not God 5 Dies 6 Fucked Up, Smashed And Glorious 7 Biblical Tongue 8...
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400.00 Р
progressive metal
Tracklist: 1 The Confessional Overture 1:54 2 Refuse to Obey 8:32 3 Cries of the Soul 5:40 4 Mourning Sun 5:24 5 Scars 5:32 6 Damage 5:25 7 Retribution 5:58...
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666.67 Р
gothic darkwave
THE ROYAL DEAD is a brand new band emerged from the japan gothic scene. They make a music between electro, dark wave but with the " japanese" touch. Violins and female voices of two beautiful girls are the trademark of this great band. They apperaed in Orkus in the middle of year 2006 as a revelation band, and they were playing over the world showing their great talent. The mind behind The Royal dead is Aci, a talented violinist. Together with the release of this full first album THE ROYAL DEAD (ex,PHANTASMAGORIA) will appear live at Castle Party and Switzerland and Germany and France and in April 2007 they will play live in USA. Please don`t think in sounds like the rest of the J- goth bands like Moi Dix Moi, Dir en grey or others ... The Royal Dead are simply gothic electro music with neoclasical elements. A release will make grow up Twilight Records status of quality. The cd comes with an enhaced live video.
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800.00 Р
doom metal, Nine Records
The band’s third album, Vessels Into White Tides, brings new colours to their musical palette, taking the music through greater peaks & valleys than before. The multi-instrumental nature of the songs helps to explore & push the sound into a richer, more varied & ultimately more mature form without ever sacrificing their heavier roots.
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333.33 Р
Tracklist: 1 Smile Of Death 2:27 2 Tongue Eater 3:18 3 Killed With A Bass 1:44 4 Devouring Of Cancerous Tumors 2:37 5 Trichophagia 2:42 6 Gavage 1:43 7...
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466.67 Р
death metal
Tracklist: 1 Razor Blade Salvation 2 Mordum 3 August Underground 4 Gore Whore 5 Baptized By Demon's Piss 6 Nightmares In A Damaged Brain 7 Festering...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
Inspired by the musical and political climate of today, THE PROCESS was formed to create the perfect symbiosis between punk and hardcore. With a musical influence rooted in such legendary acts as; Minor Threat and Refused, bands who expanded the horizons in their day, THE PROCESS' aim is to elevate their legacy to a new level. Listeners of THE PROCESS will also find fragments of more current groups, i.e.: Tragedy, Converge, From Ashes Rise, The Hope Conspiracy etc.
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373.33 Р
progressive / atmospheric sludge metal / post-hardcore, FONO ltd
THE OCEAN (или THE OCEAN COLLECTIVE) – это экспериментальная post-metal команда из Берлина (Германия). Их творчество объединяет в себе элементы современного хардкора и техничного металла с классической музыкой и электронными звуковыми пейзажами. Группа часто описывает свое звучание как «ambient soundtrack doomrock». "Pelagial" - новое концептуальное творение немецких прогрессивщиков. Темой шестого по счету полноформатного альбома стала пелагиаль (от греч. πέλαγος — «открытое море») — зона моря или океана, не находящегося в непосредственной близости от дна. Названия треков являются отсылками к слоям, на которые делится пелагиаль, и чем ниже находится слой, тем выше давление и хуже пропускаемость света. Первоначально альбом задумывался целиком инструментальным из-за проблем со здоровьем у вокалиста Лоика Россетти, но в последний момент ему стало лучше, и было решено выпустить альбом в двух версиях. Year: 2013 FONO LTD. по лицензии Metal Blade Records Inc. Cat. № FO992CD, 4632000099225 2CD Jewel Box, 16-стр. буклет
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600.00 Р
funeral doom metal, Aesthetic Death
Tracklist: 1 Exocation Of The Void-Self 13:13 2 Repulsugloid (Part 1) 2:50 3 Divine Skin 7:47 4 Repulsugloid (Part 2) 1:54 5 Feed The Whore 17:12 6 Silent...
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666.67 Р 400.00 Р
doom death metal, Aesthetic Death
Tracklist: 1 Confronted By The Obscure 14:14 2 Process To Annihilation 8:38 3 Opaque Shadows 11:08 4 A Working God 11:01
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400.00 Р
black death
Tracklist: 1 World Annihilation 2 Within 3 Stormbringer 4 Life, Death And The Abyss 5 New Worlds 6 The Great Unknown 7 Pleasure Thru Pain 8 Cult Of...
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306.67 Р
heavy rock, FONO ltd
THE NEW BLACK — немецкий heavy rock коллектив, основанный в 2009 году участниками групп SINNER, RUNAMOK, ABANDONED и MCF, который успел за время своего существования выступить на разогреве у AC/DC, прокатиться вместе с ALTERBRIDGE в туре по Германии, а также оказаться на одной сцене с VOLBEAT и BLACK LABEL SOCIETY, выпустив два альбома "The New Black" (2009) и "II: Better In Black" (2011) на AFM Records. Третьим альбомом "III: Cut Loose" занимался Jacob Hansen, работавший с MERCENARY, AMARANTHE, PRETTY MAIDS и охарактеризовавший пластинку, как "современный микс из модерн металла и винтажного рок-н-ролла". for fans of: MOTORHEAD, BLACK LABEL SOCIETY, ALTER BRIDGE
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306.67 Р
heavy rock, FONO ltd
THE NEW BLACK — немецкий heavy rock коллектив, основанный в 2009 году участниками групп SINNER, RUNAMOK, ABANDONED и MCF, который успел за время своего существования выступить на разогреве у AC/DC, прокатиться вместе с ALTERBRIDGE в туре по Германии, а также оказаться на одной сцене с VOLBEAT и BLACK LABEL SOCIETY. "II: Better In Black" - это 12 треков настоящего тяжелого рока приправленного грувом и драйвом, которые обязательно придутся по душе любителям таких групп, как VOODOO CIRCLE, BULLET и MOTORJESUS.
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306.67 Р
heavy rock, FONO ltd
THE NEW BLACK — немецкий heavy rock коллектив, основанный в 2009 году участниками групп SINNER, RUNAMOK, ABANDONED и MCF, который успел за время своего существования выступить на разогреве у AC/DC, прокатиться вместе с ALTERBRIDGE в туре по Германии, а также оказаться на одной сцене с VOLBEAT и BLACK LABEL SOCIETY, выпустив альбомы "The New Black" (2009), "II: Better In Black" (2011) и "III: Cut Loose" (2013) на AFM Records. "A Monster’s Life" - четвертый альбом немцев, продюсированием и записью которого занимался Jacob Hansen, работавший с MERCENARY, AMARANTHE, PRETTY MAIDS и многими другими, а также предыдущим альбомом THE NEW BLACK.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
rock, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Caligula 2 High Ride 3 Voodoo Blues 4 Sin Hipster 5 Lumbago 6 Stampede Caravan 7 Southern Far Out 8 Papa Simba 9 Move Along!
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306.67 Р
sympho metal, FONO ltd
"Bye Bye Lullaby" - второй альбом восходящей симфо-метал сенсации, шведской группы THE MURDER OF MY SWEET, образованной в 2006 году. Название группы было позаимствовано из нуар-фильма MURDER, MY SWEET, 1944 года. "Bye Bye Lullaby" - это микс из современного металла, грувовых хард-роковых мелодий и запоминающегося женского вокала. Мастеринг альбома проходил в Cutting Room (GORGOROTH, CANDLEMASS, GLENN HUGHES), арвторком занимался Felipe Machado (RHAPSODY OF FIRE, BLIND GUARDIAN, IRON SAVIOR), а из приглашенных звезд на альбоме отметились Jesper Strömblad (IN FLAMES), Peter Wichers (SOILWORK) и Fredrik Åkesson (OPETH). For fans of: WITHIN TEMPTATION, EPICA, NIGHTWISH
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400.00 Р
brutal death metal
Tracklist: 1 Death Motivation 3:26 2 Messenger Of Terror 5:12 3 Man Devour The Man 4:35 4 Apology Of Cannibalism 5:33 5 Mutilated Innocence 3:48 6 Temple Of...
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666.67 Р
melancholic metal, BadMoodMan Music
The new long-awaited album by the Moscow melancholiacs surprises again, thus proving that The Morningside is one of the unique bands of the Russian heavy stage. After the previous explosive album crafted in the spirit of melodic / progressive death metal and raised the stir among fans of the band, the musicians once again changed their style. On the one hand, there is a return to the style of the second full-length album, «Moving Crosscurrent Of Time», and on the other, the influence of progressive rock and post rock in their purest form became more noticeable. This unusual combination, while maintaining the unique sound and atmosphere of The Morningside, gives birth to «Yellow» - a new chapter, a new journey. The special atmosphere of the album is made by a concept indirectly associated with the novel by Kurt Vonnegut "Slaughterhouse-Five". Character «Yellow», akin Vonnegut character wanders through time and the yellow tram from the album cover takes him, along with the audience, to a journey, inviting listeners to share it with The Morningside. Released in Digipak with 12-page booklet. Golden CD. All Digipacks booklets signed by all band members!
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533.33 Р
melancholic metal, BadMoodMan Music
The new long-awaited album by the Moscow melancholiacs surprises again, thus proving that The Morningside is one of the unique bands of the Russian heavy stage. After the previous explosive album crafted in the spirit of melodic / progressive death metal and raised the stir among fans of the band, the musicians once again changed their style. On the one hand, there is a return to the style of the second full-length album, «Moving Crosscurrent Of Time», and on the other, the influence of progressive rock and post rock in their purest form became more noticeable. This unusual combination, while maintaining the unique sound and atmosphere of The Morningside, gives birth to «Yellow» - a new chapter, a new journey. The special atmosphere of the album is made by a concept indirectly associated with the novel by Kurt Vonnegut "Slaughterhouse-Five". Character «Yellow», akin Vonnegut character wanders through time and the yellow tram from the album cover takes him, along with the audience, to a journey, inviting listeners to share it with The Morningside.
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600.00 Р 400.00 Р
melancholic dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
New extraordinary work from a famous melancholic metal band from Moscow, The Morningside. As we were told by band members the idea of this release appeared quite a long time ago as the story behind “The Trees” song was longer than the song and now it has its final. TreeLogia was step by step gaining its present form and finally appeared as a tale. The listener could make a decision himself if this is a story of a man lost among the trees and permanently became one of them or a stort of man fleeing from something, perhaps, his past, who found the harmony or loneliness or… gone insane. Or is it a very different story? One of band member considers The Trees Part Three as a chronologic beginning of the story, not a final. The second album title “The Album As It Is Not” also has some idea behind it as there is actually only one song at the album, despite of its diversity. Thus, The Morningside are ready to present their first CD-single which lasts for more that 50 minutes! The CD is issued as a limited digipack including an inlay with band photo, individual copy number, and original signatures of band members.
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466.67 Р
melancholic dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
The debut conceptual album of Moscow band The Morningside unwraps before the listener the cloth which has embodied all shades of autumn, filled by light grief and a melancholy. The rich musical material has incorporated set of black metal and doom metal styles. The Morningside music will suit fans of Katatonia ("Brave Murder Day" period), Agalloch and Opeth, and everyone who like dark, sincere music.
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866.67 Р
melancholic dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
The second long-awaited album by Russian masters of melancholic metal, The Morningside "Moving Crosscurrent Of Time", holds the direction chosen at the debut band album demonstrating combination of lyrical and heavy compositions touched with the mood of slight sorrow. New The Morningside work also demonstrates tendency to melodic complication while fragmental parties of atmospheric keyboards associating with Eduard Artemyev’s works ("Solaris", "Stalker") add depth to the album sound. The essential part of this album is inspired by Ray Bradbury’ novel "Something Wicked This Way Comes". Brand new album of The Morningside will be a perfect present both for old band’s fans and for all those Katatonia and Agalloch fans longing for a breath of autumn air filled with fallen leaves smell. The album is issued on a gold-plated CD with pit-art. Limited to 500 copies edition packed in stylish digibook is available.
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466.67 Р
melancholic dark metal, BadMoodMan Music

The second long-awaited album by Russian masters of melancholic metal, The Morningside "Moving Crosscurrent Of Time", holds the direction chosen at the debut band album demonstrating combination of lyrical and heavy compositions touched with the mood of slight sorrow. New The Morningside work also demonstrates tendency to melodic complication while fragmental parties of atmospheric keyboards associating with Eduard Artemyev’s works ("Solaris", "Stalker") add depth to the album sound. The essential part of this album is inspired by Ray Bradbury’ novel "Something Wicked This Way Comes". Brand new album of The Morningside will be a perfect present both for old band’s fans and for all those Katatonia and Agalloch fans longing for a breath of autumn air filled with fallen leaves smell. The album is issued on a gold-plated CD with pit-art.

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600.00 Р
melancholic metal, BadMoodMan Music
The new work of the Moscow quartet The Morningside, with all recognizable features of the band, demonstrates the brand new facets of their creativity. This concerns a material itself which is much more aggressive than ever, and how the material is presented to the listener. The arrangements , the sound and the lyrics of the album, and even design the booklet say that Letters From The Empty Towns is not an evident successor to any of the previous works of the group. Album is devoted to the theme of fragmentation, isolation and loneliness, perceived by a metropolis inhabitant, offers a palette of moods: from rage, suicidal despair and black humor to light sadness with a touch of escapism typical for the band works. Starting a voyage from the first to the final, ninth track, you, on the one hand, constantly feel like being inside a submarine called The Morningside, with boards painted in the color of autumn leaves. On the other hand, you understand that this boat can run dangerously close to the territorial waters controlled by the monsters of thrash / death metal, then quietly slip under the keels of the mossy sailing frigates, whose saloons sound like acoustic versions of Pink Floyd with interludes of lute music of the XVII century. In short, this album is equally recommended to old group fans, and those who choose it for the first acquaintance with the work of The Morningside.
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333.33 Р
dark celtic rock
Tracklist: 1 The Hunter / Cernunnos (Invocation Of The Antlered God) 8:59 2 Dea Noctu (The Goddess By Night) 10:40 3 An Fhideag Airgid (The Silver Whistle)...
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