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560.00 Р
heavy metal, FONO ltd
FEANOR - heavy metal группа из Аргентины, сформированная в 1996-ом году. Название было позаимствовано у одного из персонажей произведения английского писателя Дж. Р. Р. Толкина "Сильмариллион". В дискографии FEANOR несколько демо-записей, один сплит и три полноформатных альбома. С 2016-го года вокалистом FEANOR стал Sven D'Anna (фронтмэн и один из основателей немецкой power metal группы WIZARD). "Power Of The Chosen One" - четвертый полноформатный альбом FEANOR, вышедший 23-го апреля 2021-го на Massacre Records. Сведением и мастерингом группа занималась сама на студии 448 Studio, где с этим им помогал Sebastián Manta (работавший с HELKER, BARILARI, а также со всеми полноформатными альбомами FEANOR). Обложку нарисовал Dušan Marković (GOBLINS BLADE, SORCERER, MYSTIC PROPHECY), доработкой артворка занимался Aldo Requena (PARAGON, WIZARD, BLACK MAJESTY).
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733.33 Р
black doom metal
Recorded, mixed and mastered at the Outer Sound Studio in Rome/Italy, during September/December 2006 and January/February 2007. This release has been issued without slipcase.
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1 000.00 Р
black doom metal, Avantgarde Music
Recorded at Elfo Studio, Tavernago, Italy, between May and June 2006. Catalog number on spines: AV 094 Catalog number on disc face & booklet: AV094 All songs copyrighted SIAE 2006 ℗+© 2007 Total running time: 57:04
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560.00 Р
power / progressive metal, FONO ltd
Треклист: 1. Leave The Past Behind 6:14 2. Life In Still Water 5:44 3. Eye To Eye 4:06 4. The Eleventh Hour 8:12 5. Point Of View 5:07 6. We Only Say...
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600.00 Р
black doom metal
Recorded and mixed at The-Outer-Sound-Studios in Rome, Italy. Mastered at The-Outer-Sound-Studios in Rome, Italy. Artwork and layout designed in Québec, Canada.
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1 066.67 Р
atmospheric doom metal, The Vinyl Division
TodoMal (translates as “all evil” or “all wrong”) came to life in the year zero of our era, 2020, as the brain child of Wildman and Mile, two veteran multi-instrumentalists of the Spanish underground (and not only) metal scene, whose extensive background goes back to a myriad of projects of multiple styles. TodoMal is the product of serendipity, a personal combination of the solemnity of traditional doom metal with the profusion of space-rock. TodoMal's backdrop is the vast, placid and depressing desolate wasteland of the north of the Alcarria region, in the so-called "uninhabited rural Spain''. It evokes a place halfway between the Mancha of Don Quixote, the film Los Santos Inocentes, the realism of the Generation of '98, the ecclesiastical baroque, films such as Buñuel's Simon of the Desert, etc. Imagine Candlemass and Pink Floyd having a drunken brawl over some cheap wine and then writing an album to make amends... The result could well be 'Ultracrepidarian', the first work of TodoMal, a 38-minute journey made up of seven hypnotic tracks full of contrasts and surprises, a mix of gloomy decadence and forceful riffs plagued by exciting and epic passages of enveloping keyboards. 'Ultracrepidarian’ crosses the dark sea of doom metal’s orthodoxy to enter an oceanic chasm of as-yet unknown dimensions. 6 panel Digipack CD
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586.67 Р
power metal, FONO ltd
ORDEN OGAN - основанная в 1996-ом году немецкая power metal команда, разбавляющая свое творчество элементами фолка и прогрессивного метала. В дискографии группы за более чем 20-летнюю историю числится немало синглов, демо-альбомов, сплитов и даже бокс-сэт с 2-мя DVD и сборником лучших и редких вещей. "Final Days" - шестой полноформатный альбом ORDEN OGAN, вышедший 12-го марта 2021-го на AFM Records. Тяжелые и размашистые гитарные риффы, изящные аранжировки и утонченные гитарных соло, отличные мелодии, мощные хоровые партии - вас ждет музыка, в которую можно погружаться снова и снова. Всю работу по продюсированию, сведению и мастерингу вновь проделал гитарист/вокалист/клавишник и фронтмэн ORDEN OGAN Sebastian "Seeb" Levermann (по совместительству владелец Greenman Studios), также работавший с RHAPSODY OF FIRE, ROSS THE BOSS и VANISHING POINT. Артворком занимался Sebastian Jerke, делавший оформление для AHAB, MOTORJESUS и SABIENDAS.
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533.33 Р
ambient funeral doom, Silent Time Noise
jewel-box, 4 pages
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800.00 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
Official reissue of the debut full-length, originally released in 2019, by this U.S. band. Based in Minneapolis, Nothingness spew forth a brand of Death Metal that features crushing Death/Doom Metal sections that help build up a tense atmosphere, with a permanent focus on -and reverence to- the riff, and including a wide array of influences, such as Morbid Angel, Spectral Voice, Justin Broadrick, Rippikoulu, Incantation, Convulsing, Winterfylleth, Primitive Man, Suffocation and Profanatica. Aiming for universal heaviness filtered through the lens of Death Metal, and performed with respect for the history of extreme music, Nothingness are on a mission to forge a sound rooted in the ancient ways, yet also embracing more recent takes and experimentations; a sound that doesn't need to be defined by rigid genres, whose only goal is to be honest and heavy, and honestly just heavy. If anything, Nothingness is Death.
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586.67 Р
death metal, FONO ltd
LOUDBLAST - death metal группа из Франции, сформированная в 1985-ом году. LOUDBLAST распадались в 1999-ом году и вернулись на сцену в 2002-ом, промежуточно собравшись на единственное реюнион-шоу в 2000-ом году в поддержку Чака Шульдинера. В дискографии LOUDBLAST более десятка демок, сплитов и EP, несколько компиляций и концертников, а также семь полноформатных альбомов. "Manifesto" - восьмой полноформатный альбом LOUDBLAST, вышедший 27-го ноября 2020-го на Listenable Records. Сведением и мастерингом нового альбома занимался Herr Krauss (владелец французской Vamacara Studios), работавший с MERCYLESS, BLISS OF FLESH и NEPHREN-KA. Артворк для "Manifesto" сделал Eliran Kantor, занимавшийся оформлением альбомов TESTAMENT, HATE ETERNAL, SATAN и многих других. Данный релиз включает в себя три бонус-трека и выполнен в формате CD с 24-страничным буклетом.
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360.00 Р
melodic black / gothic metal, FONO ltd
GRAVEWORM - одна из самых популярных и известных метал-групп Италии, образованная в 1992 году. Смешивая экстремальный метал с готичными настроениями и подавая все с недюжей долей меланхолии, GRAVEWORM удачно нашли свое собственное звучание, что впоследствии сделало первые релизы группы практически культовыми. Данное издание представляет из себя ремастерингованный дебютный альбом "When Daylight's Gone", дополненный 4-трековым MCD "Underneath The Crescent Moon", где можно услышать вокал Сары Джезебель Дэвы (CRADLE OF FILTH, THERION). Именно первый альбом дал хороший стимул группе, будучи тепло принятым критиками и получивший хорошие отзывы.
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586.67 Р
modern melodic metal, FONO ltd
METALITE - шведская modern melodic metal команда с женским вокалом, сформированная в 2015-ом году в Стокгольме. В дискографии группы несколько синглов и полноформатный альбом "Heroes in Time" (2017), после записи которого METALITE покинула вокалистка Emma Bensing, на замену которой чуть позже пришла Erica Ohlsson. С ней был записан второй альбом "Biomechanicals" (2019). "A Virtual World" - третий полноформатный альбом METALITE, вышедший 26-го марта 2021-го на AFM Records. Запись альбома проходила в шведской Elite Studios, продюсированием вновь занимался Jacob Hansen из Hansen Studios (работавший с AMARANTHE, DELAIN, EPICA), уже занимавшийся сведением/мастерингом предыдущего альбома METALITE "Biomechanicals". Обложку к альбому оформил Jan Yrlund из Darkgrove Design.
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586.67 Р
death 'n' roll, FONO ltd
DEBAUCHERY - death 'n' roll группа из Германии. Первоначально существовала с 2000-го по 2002-ой под названием MAGGOTCUNT, но сменила название на DEBAUCHERY в 2002-ом году. Вокалистом/гитаристом и фронтменом по сей день остается Thomas Gurrath, успешно скрывавший свою деятельность в DEBAUCHERY от основной работы учителем философии в высшей школе Штутгарта (что и послужило причиной его увольнения в 2010-ом году). В дискографии DEBAUCHERY двенадцать полноформатных альбомов. "Back in Blood" - четвертый полноформатный альбом DEBAUCHERY, вышедший 23-го марта 2007-го на AFM Records. Сведением и мастерингом занимался Dennis Ward (работавший с ANGRA, EDEN'S CURSE, FIREWIND), также спродюсировавший половину альбомов DEBAUCHERY и записавший партии баса к ним. Данное издание включает семь бонус-треков и выпущено в формате CD с 16-страничным буклетом.
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733.33 Р
doom death metal
Released in jewel case 8-page stapled booklet with clear tray. Only 500 copies.
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520.00 Р
death metal, FONO ltd
IMMOLATION с первого же момента своего появления на музыкальном горизонте сразу стали уникальной группой - почему-то никому до них не приходило в голову соединить нью-йоркское дет-металлическое звучание, сложные и жесткие хроматические риффы, бешеную скорость флоридской школы и мощь европейского дета. По воле судьбы между их первым и вторым альбомом, предлагаемом Вашему вниманию, прошло немало времени (дебютный увидел свет в 1991 году), но долгое ожидание имело и положительную сторону - исполнительское и композиторское мастерство усовершенствовались до идеала, а накопленная за годы энергия просто бьет через край.
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666.67 Р
death metal / doom metal
Треклист: 1. Čas 2. Beyond Emptiness 3. Immortal 4. Invocation 5. Exitus Corunat Epus 6. Luck Of Tears
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586.67 Р
heavy / power metal, FONO ltd
Offical russian version
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733.33 Р
post-metal / sludge doom metal
Треклист: 1 The End Result Of Falling... 7:34 2 Empty 4:44 3 Fly Away 3:08 4 Hopeless 4:34 5 Down 4:09 6 Fear 3:30 7 Breath 6:39 8 One More 2:55 9...
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600.00 Р
melodic death metal, Sound Age Productions
Треклист: 1. Damaged Soul 2. Heavens So Far From Us 3. Beyond The Line 4. Bloody Sand 5. Dancing With The Death 6. Hunter's Song 7. Blood On...
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586.67 Р
symphonic power metal, FONO ltd
ARION - пятеро музыкантов из Финляндии, исполняющие мелодичный symphonic power metal. ARION активны с 2011-го года и имеют в запасе несколько синглов, трехпесенный EP "New Dawn" (2013) и дебютный альбом "Last of Us" (2014), вышедший на местном лэйбле Ranka Kustannus. Также в 2013-ом году ARION принимали участие в национальном отборочном этапе на конкурс Евровидение от Финляндии, где заняли пятое место. В 2018-ом году выходит второй альбом ARION "Life Is Not Beautiful". "Vultures Die Alone" - третий полноформатный альбом ARION, вышедший 9-го апреля 2021-го на AFM Records. Продюсировал альбом Matias Kupiainen (гитарист STRATOVARIUS), уже работавший с ARION над "Life Is Not Beautiful" (а также с TURISAS, GHOUL PATROL и BATTLE BEAST). Сведением занимался бывший басист PERIPHERY Adam "Nolly" Getgood, работавший с HAKEN, DEVIN TOWNSEND PROJECT и BLEED FROM WITHIN. CD jewel box with 16-page booklet
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360.00 Р
heavy metal, FONO ltd
IN SOLITUDE -,заигрывающая с оккультным роком хэви-метал команда из Швеции, образованная в 2002 году. В состав IN SOLITUDE входят два брата Pelle и Gottfrid Åhman, до этого игравшие в ряде местных death и thrash metal команд. "Sister" - третий альбом IN SOLITUDE, записанный в шведской "Studio Cobra" в марте 2013, спродюсировал который Martin “Konie” Ehrencrona, также записавший к нему виброфон и клавишные партии. "Sister" стал логическим развитием предыдущей пластинки "The World.The Flesh.The Devil." (2011), создав ещё более оккультную и мрачную атмосферу для всех поклонников heavy metal.
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1 066.67 Р
death doom metal, Season Of Mist
Finland's HOODED MENACE make their long-awaited return with their new full-length 'Ossuarium Silhouettes Unhallowed'. Their most ominous, dark, and mature album to date, "Ossuarium Silhouettes Unhallowed" showcases the Finns at the height of their collective powers. Tracks such as "Sempiternal Grotesqueries" and "Cathedral of the Labyrinthine Darkness" explode out of the depths, where cavernous death metal collides with gut-wrenching doom. HOODED MENACE expertly weave dreary funereal atmospheres with melodically driven songwriting, which only adds to the crushing album's emotional gravitas. 'Ossuarium Silhouettes Unhallowed' is one of the heaviest albums of 2018, and proves HOODED MENACE to be at the forefront of the genre. Doom awaits!
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586.67 Р
heavy metal, FONO ltd
MOTÖRHEAD - культовая рок-группа Англии, сформированная в 1975-ом году и оказавшая сильнейшее влияние на тяжелую музыку как в годы своего появления, так и на современных исполнителей. Основателем и фронтмэном группы был легендарный Lemmy Kilmister, после смерти которого в конце декабря 2015-го года группа прекратила существование. В дискографии MOTÖRHEAD несметное количество дэмок, EP и компиляций, более тридцати концертных релизов и двадцать три полноформатных альбома. "Louder Than Noise... Live in Berlin" - концертный альбом MOTÖRHEAD, вышедший 23-го апреля 2021-го на Silver Lining Music. Данный концерт в рамках тура "Kings of The Road Tour" проходил 5-го декабря 2012-го на велодром-стадионе Германии с вместительностью в двенадцать тысяч человек. Релиз включает пятнадцать песен и выполнен в формате CD с буклетом-плакатом.
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666.67 Р
technical death metal
Треклист: 1. 1984 2. Corrosion Of Alienation 3. Cutting Edge Of Insecutiry 4. The Stream Of Dependence (Instrumental) 5. Frozen Mind 6. Crypt Of...
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600.00 Р
black metal, Sound Age Productions
Треклист: 1. Entrance 2. The Chasing Chasm 3. In The Maze Of Transparency 4. The Shell 5. Deep Waters 6. He 7. Tebja (Dolphin Cover) 8....
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800.00 Р
math rock / hardcore
The disc is a 3" CD filled out with clear plastic to fit a full 5" sized disc. Ion Dissonance: ".357" Demo 2002 Track 1 has been re-recorded in 2005 for Ion Dissonance's second album "Solace" on Abacus Recordings. Track 2 and 3 have been entirely re-recorded in 2003 for Ion Dissonance's debut album "Breathing Is Irrelevant" on Willowtip Records. Track 1 recorded at Tweak Studio in 2004. Recorded and mixed in between September and October 2002 at Sonogram Studio by the Montréal Showbusiness School. Mastered Dec. 2002. Re-mastered March 2006. Despised Icon: "Syndicated Murderers" Promo-EP 2004 Both these songs have been entirely re-recorded for Despised Icon's second album The Healing Process (2005) on Century Media Records. 2006 Galy Records. Made in Canada.
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640.00 Р
death 'n' roll, FONO ltd
DEBAUCHERY - death 'n' roll группа из Германии. Первоначально существовала с 2000-го по 2002-ой под названием MAGGOTCUNT, но сменила название на DEBAUCHERY в 2002-ом году. Вокалистом/гитаристом и фронтменом по сей день остается Thomas Gurrath, успешно скрывавший свою деятельность в DEBAUCHERY от основной работы учителем философии в высшей школе Штутгарта (что и послужило причиной его увольнения в 2010-ом году). В дискографии DEBAUCHERY двенадцать полноформатных альбомов. "Monster Metal" - новый полноформатный альбом DEBAUCHERY, вышедший 21-го мая 2021-го на Massacre Records. Сведением и мастерингом "Monster Metal" занимался Dennis Ward (работавший с ANGRA, EDEN'S CURSE, FIREWIND), также спродюсировавший половину альбомов DEBAUCHERY и записавший партии баса к ним. Релиз выпущен в виде сплита с двумя другими проектами Томаса (BALGEROTH и BLOOD GOD). Данное издание включает двадцать два трека и выпущено в формате 2CD с 16-страничным буклетом
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733.33 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The terrific 3rd full-length by this notable Melbourne based band. Borne out of the members desire to see a resurgence of a heavier, more dissonant style of Death Metal back in 2006, Ignivomous were among the first wave of bands to reignite interest in the genre in the first decade of this century. "Hieroglossia" preserves the core membership of the band present throughout its tenure -Sean Hinds (guitar), Chris Broadway (drums) and Jael Edwards (vocals)- and presents the recording debut of Lewis Fischer (Altars) on guitar and Chris Jordon (Inverloch, Eskhaton) on bass, both of whom have cemented the band's live assault for the previous few years in a campaign of high-profile shows in their native Australia. This lineup in its current form has secured and built upon the band's unrelentingly legacy, oozing raw, sinister Death Metal pushed a step further into the void, creating an album which synthesizes the bands influences with a definitive and individual vision. While projecting a murky and atmospheric take on the Death Metal template, the eight organic and primal songs on "Hieroglossia" avoid sacrificing the primacy of the riff for reverb-drenched formlessness, or songwriting in favour of dissonance for its own sake. Thematically, "Hieroglossia" continues Ignivomous' investigation into topics of philosophical pessimism, influenced by the works of Thomas Ligotti and E.M. Cioran, and gnostic concepts of the fallen and hostile nature of the material world, presented throughout with a literary sensibility which should be accustomed to those familiar with their previous output. Previously released on LP through Nuclear War Now! in November 2019, "Hieroglossia" was also released as a strictly limited tour edition digisleeve that was available for purchase during the band's European tour in late 2019. That digisleeve version did not include the official cover art and was roughly mastered. Memento Mori's version is presented in a regular jewel case, featuring the original cover art and layout by Stefan Thanneur, and a proper mastering work by James Plotkin (O.L.D., Khanate) at his own Plotkinworks Studio.
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533.33 Р
sludge doom metal
Comes in a six-panel digipak. www.fuzzbastards.com All tracks published by Vile Music (a division of Zomba Music Publishers Ltd). "This album is dedicated to John Paul Morrow 23/01/1074 - 22/06/2002. Rest in peace bro, you were 'truly unique'." Running time 58:41 www.peaceville.com ℗ 2003 Peaceville Records. © 2003 Peaceville Records. Made in UK. Peaceville is a Snapper Music label.
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600.00 Р
power metal, Sound Age Productions
Jewel case version
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800.00 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The crushing debut full-length by this German Death Metal warmachine that was previously only available on vinyl/tape/digital since its April 2019 release. Minenfeld started as a rehearsal room project in summer 2016. They never intended to record anything, particularly no album. Actually they started the band as a drunken idea, born from their passion for old school Death Metal (most notably Bolt Thrower, Hellhammer and Beherit), but immediately got to play a show, so they were pretty much forced to write a few songs. Afterwards, they decided to record those songs, which led to the split w/ Kriegszittern. After another split w/ Cryptic Brood and the release of a promo tape in between splits, they decided to record their debut album, "The Great Adventure", at the Tonmeisterei Oldenburg studios in Autumn 2018, which was released by Fucking Kill Records (vinyl) and Lycanthropic Chants (tape). The band's topic of choice for the lyrics since day one has been WW1. The idea has always been to create music that captures this war in all its crudeness and primitivism, and sonically conjure up the mud, steel, blood and death in these battlefields. To achieve this, the music is heavy, rumbling, apocalyptic, grinding and thundering, accentuated by many original samples from those times: songs, speeches and excerpts from radio broadcasts, most especially taken from the U.S. propaganda after their entry into the war. The idea to contrast this propaganda of a "great adventure" that awaits on the other side of the world with the sad reality of war, where many searched for glory yet only found death, fascinated them and led them to write the album, and ultimately use that "great adventure" expression as the title. Utterly recommended for fans of Bolt Thrower, Asphyx, Hail Of Bullets, Just Before Dawn, Decaying, early Sacrilege...
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600.00 Р
folk black metal, Sound Age Productions
Треклист: 1. Introduction. Behind The Walls Of Rain 2. Land Of Eternal Summer 3. Сокровища Лунной Тени 4. The Winterheart. The Ballad Of The Fiddler...
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600.00 Р
melodic death metal, Sound Age Productions
This album has a conceptual component. Lyrics are presented by such classic authors as Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, William Ernest Henley and others. The name of the album ("From Nothing to Eternity") represents a conception which can be described as "life is short, but art is eternal".
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800.00 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The highly anticipated 2nd full-length by this Canadian band. With beginnings in 2011, Altered Dead are a two-piece contributing to the tradition of early Death Metal with a simple and therefore genuine approach: no frills, filthy and raw, proudly influenced by the likes of Autopsy, Death Breath, Grave, Asphyx, Darkthrone, Unleashed, Exhumed and Carnage. Released in 2016, Altered Dead's debut album, simply self-titled, was a cornucopia of darkness and utter death. Twisted and gross riffs ripped alongside warring treads of percussion, with the accompaniment of scalded and bellowing dual vocals mangling the listener's mind. Similarly, lyrical themes revolved around physical and mental warfare, mutating human nature and imminent conflict and collapse. Currently residing in Esquimalt, on southern Vancouver Island, the duo have had numerous live performances and subsequently started work on their long-awaited 2nd full-length. At last it arrives, bearing the ever-fitting title "Returned to Life". Be forewarned, though, as there's no "Life Metal" here: only utter death, once again, and darkness eternal, of course. The strikingly sick and psychedelic cover art by Matt Sidney should give some clues as to where Altered Dead are coming from here: tendrils of slimy and viscous riffage rising from the muck to ensnare martial mid-tempo gallops and frequent detours into doomed-out despair. The sum effect is infinitely headbanging as it is scabrously sewer-dredging, but rest assured that Altered Dead place a premium on stridently classic songwriting as their aforementioned forebears did at the dawn of the 90's: hooks, line and sinking... into the primordial abyss! Thus, "Returned to Life" is both backwards-looking as well as inward-looking -as in inward into that very same abyss. And, it also bears re-emphasizing that Altered Dead are a duo; however, for only two people, the band create a world-eating sound far larger than their pared-down membership may convey on paper. Credit due to Loïc Fontaine for his clear and crushing mastering job at Krucyator Studio, France. Closing with a faithful cover of Celtic Frost's "Into the Crypts of Rays", Altered Dead deliver traditional Death Metal perfection with "Returned to Life".
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800.00 Р
black doom metal
Треклист: 1. Erhebt Eure Mit Blut Gefüllte Hörner 11:12 2. Der Geheimnisvolle Käfig 9:13 3. Vergessene Stille 6:17 4. Zerbrechlicher Kleiner Geist 11:11...
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1 200.00 Р
atmospheric doom / death metal
Comes in 4-panel digipak with 4-page booklet.
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600.00 Р
sludge metal
The 2nd album from Oakland California's THE MASS further refines the band's unique brand of malevolent indie-thrash, oozing a crawling heaviness not apparent on earlier releases. Crushing, epic, and melodic...moving beyond the hyperkinetic seizures of City Of Dis, here THE MASS whip out blazing, staccato riffs and multifaceted vocal attacks that knife through complex structures and sludgy, epic elegies, as wicked saxophone melodies interweave with angular crunch and creepy nocturnal post-rock. Like a stuttering, bat-winged Bay Area thrash metal outfit arming itself with Louisville/Chicago schooled math-thug asymmetry, pounding dirge-core, and fierce,evocative jazz flourishes while lobbing some whopping bonged-out grooves, THE MASS continues to evolve its cryptic heaviosity.
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733.33 Р
ambient / experimental / soundtrack, Relapse Records
Critically acclaimed multi instrumentalist STEVE MOORE (ZOMBI) presents the score to the 2019 feature film "Bliss". From pulsing, panic-inducing freneticism of tracks such as "The Bite" to calm and contemplative melodies and guitar leads endearing the listener to the film's lead character,"Bliss" sees STEVE MOORE at his most dynamic, intense, and nuanced.
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600.00 Р
black metal, Sound Age Productions
Packaged in a jewel case.
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666.67 Р
math rock / hardcore
steve (despised icon) does backup vocals on "the bud dwyer effect" produced by yannick st-amant and ID recorded and mixed by yannick st-amand, may and june 2003 at victor studio and 1619 studio mastered at magra multimedia by bernard belley and yannick st-amand 13.06.03 all music by ion dissonance ©2003
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613.33 Р
heavy metal, FONO ltd
BONFIRE - немецкая heavy metal группа, начавшая свой путь в 1972-ом году. Немцы начинали под названием CACUMEN и даже записали пару альбомов, но в 1986-ом сменили его на BONFIRE. В дискографии BONFIRE шестнадцать студийных альбомов, шесть концертников и столько же компиляций, ряд синглов, концертных DVD и бокс-сет, также у музыкантов много своих сольных проектов. "Roots" - двойной акустический альбом BONFIRE, вышедший 26-го февраля 2021-го на AFM Records. Воспользовавшись вынужденной паузой в гастрольной деятельности во время пандемии, немцы решили перезаписать классические и новые хиты группы в акустическом варианте. Сведение и мастеринг проходили в немецкой студии Flatliners Studios под руководством Tom Müller'а, работавшего с альбомами ALAN PARSONS, DOWNSPIRIT, LAKE OF TEARS, а также над предыдущими полноформатниками BONFIRE. Оформлением релиза занимался Stan-W. Decker, работавший с JORN, DRAGONFORCE и MASTERPLAN.
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800.00 Р
funeral doom metal
Limited to 500 copies. Includes 8-page booklet. All songs and instruments by Bornyhake 2013-2020. Recorded, mixed and mastered at Chaos Studio, 2020.
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640.00 Р
death 'n' roll, FONO ltd
DEBAUCHERY - death 'n' roll группа из Германии. Первоначально существовала с 2000-го по 2002-ой под названием MAGGOTCUNT, но сменила название на DEBAUCHERY в 2002-ом году. Вокалистом/гитаристом и фронтменом по сей день остается Thomas Gurrath, успешно скрывавший свою деятельность в DEBAUCHERY от основной работы учителем философии в высшей школе Штутгарта (что и послужило причиной его увольнения в 2010-ом году). В дискографии DEBAUCHERY двенадцать полноформатных альбомов. "Thunderbeast" - десятый полноформатный альбом DEBAUCHERY, вышедший 15-го июля 2016-го на Massacre Records. Сведением и мастерингом занимался Dennis Ward (работавший с ANGRA, EDEN'S CURSE, FIREWIND), также спродюсировавший половину альбомов DEBAUCHERY и записавший партии баса к ним. Релиз выпущен в виде сплита с группой BLOOD GOD (более хэви-металлическим и рок-н-рольным проектом Томаса), где на разных CD одни и те же песни исполнены по версии этих коллективов. Данное издание дополнено пятью бонус-треками в виде кавер-версий песен MOTÖRHEAD.
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600.00 Р
melodic black metal, Sound Age Productions
jewel case
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800.00 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The long-awaited 2nd full-length by this U.S. band. Since the dawn of the Paleolithic age, mankind has recorded spectacular scenes of death, whether in scenes of cannibal feasts crudely etched on cave walls, massacres immortalized in glyphs adorning monuments of the ancient kingdoms, or in chance recordings of grisly accidents, compiled and sold on home video to those with a thirst for that which is denied to them by our "civilized" society. Spawned in the contaminated sewers of Santa Cruz, CA in 2013, Dipygus began as a 4-piece mutation performing rudimentary styles of Death Metal, a sonic evolution of the tradition continued from the time of Cro-Magnons. A 2015 demo recording, the earliest surviving documentation of the band, reveled in unexplained and bizarre events, including peculiar methods of whale carcass disposal and otherworldly monsters from on and off the silver-screen. After a lineup change in 2016, Dipygus recorded the "Long Pig Feast" EP, which featured terrifying rites, ritual mutilations, and ominous sightings of a Mesozoic relic in the heart of the Congo. The debut album, "Deathooze", slowly de-composed in the murky shallows of powerplant runoff in the Monterey Bay, ultimately being recorded in 2018. Though quickly banned in over 16 countries, the debut album -exhibited in North America by Expansion Abyss and Caligari Records- attracted immediate attention among slime fetishists and similarly deviant circles. Placed appropriately alongside the Fiji mermaids and other grotesque artefacts found in curio cabinets of modern-day antiquarians, "Deathooze" continued the band's exploration of inexplicable incidents, mysterious beasts and shocking carnage, including genuine audio recovered from a fatal attack at the hands of an ape gone mad! Following their debut album, Dipygus was conjoined with an additional member, and began a new exploration in search of secrets hidden in the jungles of lost continents, where life is cheap. After successful initiation into the shadowy world of black-market cuisine, an agreement was reached with Memento Mori for the release of Dipygus' 2nd full-length, "Bushmeat". Showcasing more exotic and repulsive themes of the supernatural and taboo, "Bushmeat" presents an uncensored and unrelenting spectacle, with each element of the previous work irresponsibly taken to a further extreme. A prime cut of raw and grueling terror, it is fit for consumption by headhunters, body-snatchers, toad-venom junkies, cargo cultists, aquatic ape theorists, disaster tourists, carriers of tropical disease, voodoo practitioners and orgone revivalists only. All others have been warned... Memento Mori recommends Dipygus for fans of Autopsy, Impetigo, Undergang, Asphyx and Nuclear Death. But why not enter the jungle in search of "Bushmeat" and find out for yourself? The album was tracked at Darker Corners Studios, the new venture of Matt Harvey (Exhumed, Pounder, Gruesome) and Alejandro Corredor (Nausea, Pounder), ensuring utterly crushing sound. And with mixing by Earhammer Studios and mastering by Mammoth Sound, not to mention form-fitting cover art courtesy of Doug Camp, Dipygus' "Bushmeat" is guaranteed to be a grisly good time!
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600.00 Р
sludge metal
The US release of City Of Dis, the debut full length from Oakland, CA indie prog thrashers THE MASS features members of FROM MONUMENTS TO MASSES and TOTIMOSHI, delivering unto us a scalding blast of sax-assisted King Crimson-meets-Slayer art|thrash|core worship, all light-speed riffing, shrieking vox and burly singing, malevolent soft jazz,insidious tempo shifts, and bloodthirsty dynamics. Disparate elements of No Wave, damaged pop, grindcore, post-punk, thrash metal and math-rock are crafted into a blast of avant-garde fury, but catchy as fuck.Pure dissent. Recorded at Louder Studios in San Francisco with producer Tim Green (THE FUCKING CHAMPS, MELVINS, UNWOUND ). The Crucial Blast release of City Of Dis features enhanced CD-Rom video footage not available on the original European release, as well as different Digipack art and design.
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933.33 Р
black metal, Dusktone
Norsk black metal conglomerate Ulvehyrde is hailing from Hønefoss and featuring past and present members from Beastcraft, Vulture Lord, Sarkom, Isvind, Angst Skvadron etc. It is known that Norway is considered, without any doubt, the cradle of the worldwide black metal movement and Ulvehyrde fully represents the incredibly misty and dark spirit that comes out of those lands. Their music is a pure fundamental mid-tempo black metal based upon old, dark, Norwegian history.An excellent, obscure and deeply cold release that spans the true norwegian black metal spirit and ULVEHYRDE pays perfect homage to the dark denizen of the nocturnal glades, and is a true paean to backwoods malignity. Digipack CD with 12 pages booklet
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666.67 Р
traditional doom metal
Compilation of EP´s "Chlad", "Chrám Bolesti" and "Hvozd". Released as and attachement of Pařát magazine in plastic sleeve, to be put in standard jewel case including 8-page booklet and translucent tray holder.
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560.00 Р
black death metal, FONO ltd
BLISS OF FLESH - black/death metal группа из Франции, сформированная в 2000-ом году. В дискографии французов пара дэмо-записей, сплиты с группами BLOODHAMMER и ANNIHILATION 666, дебютное EP "Todtentanz" (2006) и три полноформатных альбома. "Tyrant" - четвертый полноформатный альбом BLISS OF FLESH, вышедший 30-го октября 2020-го на Listenable Records. Сведением и мастерингом занимался Herr Krauss (владелец французской Vamacara Studios), работавший с LOUDBLAST, NEPHREN-KA и MERCYLESS. Артворк и обложку для "Tyrant" нарисовал венгерский художник Balázs Jacsó, делавший оформление для HORNA, BIFRÖST и всех предыдущих альбомов BLISS OF FLESH.
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533.33 Р
drone doom metal
In the same vein that Sunn 0))) have made being an ambient group one of the loudest things on earth, Chord happily dedicate themselves to the simple but effective principle that ominous noise -- as the concluding "Am" shows from the start just as much as "Am7" -- is enough to work with rather than riffs and singing.
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666.67 Р
math rock / hardcore
Треклист: 1 Play Dead... And I'll Play Along 4:08 2 O.A.S.D. 3:16 3 Cleansed By Silence 3:39 4 She's Strychnine 3:30 5 Nil :: Solaris 2:56 6 Lecturing...
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Нет в наличии

466.67 Р
hardcore sludge
500 copies pressed.
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800.00 Р
folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Ltd. digipak
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733.33 Р
hardcore sludge
Треклист: CD-1 Last Call 7:51 CD-2 I Love It When You Crawl 4:46 CD-3 The Sunday Driver 4:47 CD-4 Missoula 2:27 CD-5 It's My Right To Be An Asshole 4:15...
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640.00 Р
death 'n' roll, FONO ltd
DEBAUCHERY - death 'n' roll группа из Германии. Первоначально существовала с 2000-го по 2002-ой под названием MAGGOTCUNT, но сменила название на DEBAUCHERY в 2002-ом году. Вокалистом/гитаристом и фронтменом по сей день остается Thomas Gurrath, успешно скрывавший свою деятельность в DEBAUCHERY от основной работы учителем философии в высшей школе Штутгарта (что и послужило причиной его увольнения в 2010-ом году). В дискографии DEBAUCHERY двенадцать полноформатных альбомов. "In der Hölle spricht man Deutsch" - одиннадцатый полноформатный альбом DEBAUCHERY, вышедший 13-го июля 2018-го на Massacre Records. Сведением и мастерингом занимался Dennis Ward (работавший с ANGRA, EDEN'S CURSE, FIREWIND), также спродюсировавший половину альбомов DEBAUCHERY и записавший партии баса к ним. Релиз выпущен в виде сплита с группой BALGEROTH (немецкоязычным проектом Томаса), где на разных CD одни и те же песни исполнены по версии этих коллективов. Релиз включает двадцать два трека и выпущен в формате 2CD с 16-страничным буклетом.
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266.67 Р
folk rock
Packaged in a jewel case with 8-page booklet.
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666.67 Р
hardcore sludge
Varaible Speed Drive: Recorded March 1996 @ Sampson Studios - Tiverton, RI Mastered at Super 8 Studios, Harleysville PA Originally released in July 1996 by [url=http://www.discogs.com/label/42349-Doghouse-Records-2]Doghouse Records[/url] Bonus Tracks (originally released as [url=http://www.discogs.com/Cable-Demo/release/4096795]Cable Demo[/url]): Recorded June 1994 @Sampson Studios - Tiverton, RI Comes in a standard jewel case with clear tray and 8-page lyrics booklet.
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733.33 Р
ambient / experimental / soundtrack, Relapse Records
Original soundtrack to the major motion picture Cub scored by STEVE MOORE (Zombi). Cub is a brutal horror film from Belgium that tells the tale of a young cub-scout bullied by his troop-mates. When the kids take a scout camping trip to the woods, things get bloody quickly when a deranged poacher sets his sites on the young kids. STEVE MOORE's haunting synth based score is the perfect soundscape for this acclaimed horror film. Whether you're familiar with the movie Cub or not, STEVE MOORE's score sits perfectly with your Zombi discography.
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733.33 Р
doom death metal
Songs 1 - 6: Recorded and mixed at Fors studio Český Těšín 25th-30th November 1993 Songs 7 - 8: Bonus recorded and mixed at Zprdele Sound studio Havířov March 2010 Song 9: Taken from "Tribute Törr - Institut Černého Kovu" Recorded at studio Zprdelesound Havířov in June 2011
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586.67 Р
thrash metal, FONO ltd
ARTILLERY - трэш-метал-группа из Дании, сформированная в 1982 году, стоявшая у истоков быстрой риффовой музыки наравне с CORONER, VIOVOD и MEGADETH. После выпуска ряда демок и трех полноформатных альбомов, один из которых был выпущен на лейбле Roadrunner Records, а также громких туров и концертов, включая выступление в СССР в 1989 году, к 1991 году группа решила взять перерыв вплоть до 1998 года. В 2000 году группа снова распалась и собралась вновь только в 2007 году, продолжая активность по сей день. "X" – десятый полноформатный альбом ARTILLERY, вышедший 7-го мая 2021-го на Metal Blade Records. Запись, сведение и вся работа над альбомом была проделана в датской Medley Studio под руководством Søren'a Andersen'a (как и в случае с предыдущими полноформатными работами ARTILLERY). Данное издание включает одиннадцать треков и выполнено в формате CD с 12-страничным буклетом.
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266.67 Р
folk rock
© & ℗ 2006 Compilation Real Records Packaged in a jewel case with 6-page booklet, without sticker on back.
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560.00 Р
epic folk metal, FONO ltd
"Victory Songs" was recorded and mixed at Sonic Pump Studios in November/December 2006. Additional vocals were recorded at Crazy Crane Studios on 2006/12/09.
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266.67 Р
folk rock
Packaged in a jewel case with 8-page booklet.
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733.33 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The highly anticipated 2nd full-length by this Russian band. Hailing from Nizhny Novgorod and formed in February 2013, Wombripper have ever since leaned towards the Swedish school of Death Metal with raw, crunchy buzzsaw guitars and straightforward compositions. Highly influenced by Grave, Entombed and Dismember, their first demo, "Morbid Aberrations", was recorded and released in 2014, and the band shared the stage with some of the genre's milestones such as Necrophobic, Nominon and Fleshcrawl, and also newer underground acts such as Undergang, Nocturnal Witch, etc. After several lineup changes, the 4-track EP "Infected Tomb" was recorded and self-released by the band in 2017. That same year, Wombripper recorded their debut album, "From the Depths of Flesh", which was released in 2018 by different labels, such as Redefining Darkness Records (U.S.A.) and Grotesque Sounds (Russia). "From the Depths of Flesh" gained them lots of positive feedback from the media and old school Death Metal fans alike, as the album displayed some top-notch Swedeath, an aural massacre featuring plenty of catchy and morbid melodies, blazing solos and blasting devastation. Now scaled back to a 3-piece, Wombripper put the power in power-trio with their crushing second album, "Macabre Melodies". Ever aptly titled, "Macabre Melodies" is both macabre to the max as well as melodic -in a most macabre manner! Wombripper are nothing if not maniacs devoted to pure 90's Death Metal, and that vintage aspect rings proud and true here, adding to (but never subtracting from) the iron-clad foundation laid down by Dismember back then, keeping the guitars gutsfucking and incredibly tuneful, with hummable tunes you simply won't be able to get out of your head. But lest anyone linger under the assumption that "melodic" equates to some weakening aspect, fuck right off here: Wombripper are not named that for no reason, and "Macabre Melodies" encapsulates and then eclipses their no-less-righteous prior recordings, making for the band's apex to date and all without sacrificing an ounce of crush or credibility. Graced with stark and haunting cover art courtesy of MFA XII, "Macabre Melodies" is the sweet song you'll hear... before you die! Fans of classic Entombed, Fleshcrawl, Entrails, Nirvana 2002, Dismember, Grave, Demonical, Carnage and God Macabre: Wombripper is your favorite new old-style band!
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600.00 Р
post-black metal, Sound Age Productions
Треклист: 1 When The Darkness Falls 2 Havoc 3 Agony 4 Your Inner Norilsk, Pt. 1 5 Your Inner Norilsk, Pt. 2 6 Balanced On A Knife 7 Soulmates...
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346.67 Р
progressive metal, FONO ltd
HAMMERS OF MISFORTUNE - американская прогрессивная heavy metal группа, сформированная в Калифорнии в 2000-ом году (с 1995-го по 2000-ый существовавшая под названием UNHOLY CADAVER). Звучаниe группы совмещает в себе полный спектр жанров (от блэк-метала до рока 70-ых), которым заведует Джон Коббет (VHOL, ex-SLOUGH FEG), гитарист/вокалист и основной автор музыки HAMMERS OF MISFORTUNE. "Dead Revolution" - шестой полноформатный альбом американцев, вышедший спустя пять лет после предыдущего полноформатника "17th Street". Запись "Dead Revolution" проходила в "Light Rail Studios", сведением занимался Justin Weis из студии "Trackworx" (работавший с альбомами групп AGALLOCH, SLEEPYTIME GORILLA MUSEUM, AMENRA, и другими). Для оформления "Dead Revolution" американцы использовали иллюстрации художника Роберта Стивена Коннета
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200.00 Р
pop punk
Треклист: 1 56 Секунд 2 Парад планет 3 Снег 4 220 V (Сто Шагов Назад) 5 Египет 6 Niagara 7 Мирок 8 Свадьбам Бой 9 Подавление Воли 10...
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1 666.67 Р
experimental noise rock
Recorded and mixed at Avalanche / UK 2006-2008 Additional recording at HOLC / LA 2007 And at Djouce / UK 2007 Track 9 is a bonus track from the 12" (Hydra Head, 2009).
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533.33 Р
post-metal / sludge doom metal
Recorded at Stuck On A Name Studio, Nottingham and locations around Lincoln.
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266.67 Р
folk rock
Издание в jewel case с 8-страничным буклетом. Запись произведена на фестивале "В горах, на быстрой реке" (Горный Алтай) 10 июля 1999 года.
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266.67 Р
folk rock
Packaged in a jewel case with booklet.
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573.33 Р
fono ltd. по лицензии afm records, FONO ltd
IRON SAVIOR - немецкая группа, исполняющая смесь из power и heavy метала, основанная в 1996 году. Гитаристом/вокалистом и основной движущей силой IRON SAVIOR является Piet Sielck, немецкий музыкант и продюсер, работавший с URIAH HEEP, BLIND GUARDIAN и SAXON, а также принимавший непосредственное участие в записи двух полноформатных альбомов группы SAVAGE CIRCUS. "Skycrest" - одиннадцатый полноформатный альбом IRON SAVIOR, вышедший 4-го декабря 2020-го на AFM Records. Оформлением "Skycrest" занимался Felipe Machado Franco, работавший с релизами BLIND GUARDIAN, RHAPSODY OF FIRE, JORN и с предыдущими альбомами IRON SAVIOR. Сведение и мастеринг проходили на собственной студии Пита Powerhouse Studios (BLIND GUARDIAN, SAXON, PARAGON). Релиз включает двенадцать треков и выполнен в формате CD с 12-страничным буклетом, часть тиража в виде 6-панельного диджипака.
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666.67 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The long-awaited debut full-length by this Chilean band. Coffin Curse was thrown into this worthless world in Santiago in mid-2012, as a side-project of the main band Inanna, to spawn and vomit forth Death Metal in its purest form. Max Neira (guitars, bass, vocals) conceived this beast as a two-piece squad to explore the caverns of everlasting pain and horror. Musically, this is malevolent, straightforward, headbang-inducing Death Metal, inspired by early 90's U.S. icons such as Morbid Angel, Monstrosity, Obituary, Immolation or Deicide, plus the vicious vibe from the founding fathers such as Pentagram (Chile), Death, Possessed, Sepultura, Massacre, Slaughter Lord, Necrovore, etc. There's no blind allegiance nor messages to anyone; no dogmatic, religious, or cult preaching. Coffin Curse verses are just focused on the multiple facets of death in all its shapes, spiritually, physically, morally, mentally and metaphysically: evil, madness, multiple perversions, violence, hatred and despair, all that in communion within the endless confines of the human psyche. From 2012 up until 2018, Coffin Curse have insulted the planet with one demo, three EP's and one split effort, and now Max Neira along with Carlos Fuentes (drums) are ready to spit out the band's debut album, titled "Ceased to Be", which will be their biggest insult to the planet yet. Classic and crushing, Coffin Curse here unload a barrage of timeless Death Metal in a most late-80's mold, a time, it must be said (or at least repeated once again!), when "songwriting" and "Death Metal" weren't mutually exclusive terms. No riff salads, no jock jams, no gore-overload masking a dearth of ideas. Rather, taut and terrorizing memorability pumped full of catchy-as-the-clap riffs, haunting-the-chapel leads, and pro but not-too-polished production that only heightens the dark depths these Chileans plumb so powerfully. We'd deign to call it "classy" even, but this is fucking Death Metal after all! With suitably classic Death Metal cover art courtesy of Daniel Hermosilla (Nox Fragor Art), and climaxing with the 9-minute epic "Deep in Streams of Purifying Dirt", Coffin Curse crush graves and dreams alike with "Ceased to Be"!
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666.67 Р
sludge doom metal
Cover is grey leather-like cardboard without inscriptions. CD is red with red inscriptions on it. Recorded and mixed at Studio Celephäis from July to December 2005. All pictures are taken at Koiwa Death Fest. on 29th December 2005.
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600.00 Р
melodic death metal, Sound Age Productions
Треклист: 1. Rocket Scientist 2. Hope Springs Eternal 3. Close Your Eyes 4. E Pur Si Muove! 5. Humanity's Dream 6. Emotional Anchors 7. Who...
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800.00 Р
funeral doom metal
6-panel digipak. Limited to 300.
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266.67 Р
folk rock
Packaged in a jewel case with 6-page booklet.
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800.00 Р
folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Ltd. digipak
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600.00 Р
folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Треклист: 1. The Curse 2. Yargak 3. Sbabodo 4. Estelain 5. Spirits Of Water 6. The Sacrifice 7. Tourdion 8. To The East Of Sorrow Town (Circus...
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866.67 Р
death doom metal, GS Productions
4 panel digipak
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666.67 Р
doom death metal
CD version on Digisleeve with different artwork. Limited edition 1000 copies worldwide.
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933.33 Р
depressive black metal
Limited to 1000 hand-numbered copies. "Obscura Arcana Mortis" originally recorded at Elfo Studio, Piacenza, Italy, May 1999. Remastered in 2006 at Swamp Music Studio, Piacenza, Italy. All songs written and arranged between 1998 & 1999. "Bonus Live 2004 Tracks" recorded live at Walking The Dead Fest, Arnhem, The Netherlands, December 2004. Remixed and remastered at Swamp Music Studio, Piacenza, Italy during October 2006. Total running time: 44:35
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666.67 Р
hardcore sludge
Recorded: March 2004 @ Room Seven Zero Eight, Willington, CT Mastered: April 2004 @ MWorks, Boston, MA Chris Fischkelta is credited but did not play on this recording (as is noted in the CD booklet). Standard jewel case with clear tray and 4-page fold-out.
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573.33 Р
doom metal, FONO ltd
DREAD SOVEREIGN - doom metal трио из Ирландии, активное с 2013-го года. Фронтменом DREAD SOVEREIGN является Alan Averill, вокалист PRIMORDIAL. В дискографии группы дебютное EP "Pray to the Devil in Man" (2013) и два полноформатных альбома - "All Hell's Martyrs" (2014) и "For Doom the Bell Tolls" (2017). "Alchemical Warfare" - третий полноформатный альбом DREAD SOVEREIGN, вышедший 15-го января 2021-го на Metal Blade Records. Сведением "Alchemical Warfare" занимался Ola Ejsford, работавший с альбомами TRIBULATION, DEAD LORD и предыдущими релизами DREAD SOVEREIGN. Мастерингом занимался Chris Common, работавший с PELICAN, GOATWHORE и MOUTH OF THE ARCHITECT. Обложку и артворк для "Alchemical Warfare" сделал Costin Chioreanu, делавший оформление релизов ARCH ENEMY, GRAVE, DARKTHRONE и многих других.
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600.00 Р
symphonic / melodic groove metal, Sound Age Productions
Треклист: 1 Intro 2 Disbelief 3 In Vision 4 Memories 5 Before We Die 6 Run! 7 Poison 8 Djoser's Doo 9 Victoria
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466.67 Р
black doom metal
Recorded at Malibù Studio, MediolanuM, on sombre days of March 1999 A.D. Darkly mastered at Elettroformati.
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733.33 Р
hardcore / crust-punk, Relapse Records
"For nearly twenty years, Stockholm’s Victims have dished out an onslaught of crusty d-beat, hardcore punk, and Motörhead-quality rock ‘n’ roll" - Noisey Stockholm’s hardcore crust-punk veterans VICTIMS make their Relapse Records debut with their highly anticipated new album, The Horse and Sparrow Theory. Recorded by producer Karl Daniel Lidén (Bloodbath, Katatonia, Craft and more), The Horse and Sparrow Theory clocks in at 28 minutes of relentless insurrection. VICTIMS' uncompromising take on d-beat and hardcore is a definitive statement of intent, as the band is set to deconstruct the current socio-political climate, bleak outlook of mass class division, industrialization, and the self-absorbed pursuit of greed and corruption. The track “We Fail” features a sample from speaker Brigadier General Stephen Cheney from the Swedish Institute of Internal Affairs, UI Podcast, episode “The Climate Change and Security - Nexus”.
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533.33 Р
experimental ambient
"Edward's Lament!" An account of salvation and redemption in 9 movements. Recorded at The House Of Low Temperatures 2000-2002. C and P 2003 Neurot Recordings
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466.67 Р
folk rock
Recorded and mixed at Flat Black Studio in Iowa. Mastered in California.
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266.67 Р
folk rock
Packaged jewel case with 8-page booklet.
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586.67 Р
heavy metal, FONO ltd
SINNER - немецкая heavy metal группа, ведущая свою историю с 1982 года, основателем которой является вокалист/басист Мэт Синнер, позже присоединившийся к группе PRIMAL FEAR. "Tequila Suicide" - абсолютно новый альбом SINNER, продолжающий возвращение к корням (после удачного выпуска в 2013-ом перезаписанного альбома "Touch of Sin", вышедшего в оригинале в 1985-ом году) и ставший достойным продолжением дискографии группы. Данное издание включает три бонус-трека с лимитированного издания.
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600.00 Р
atmospheric black metal, Sound Age Productions
Треклист: 1 Сглаз 2 Заговор от змей 3 Заговор от тоски 4 Прощение 5 Заговор от покойника 6 Прощание
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800.00 Р
depressive black metal, Ksenza Records
Limited edition 6 pannel digipak + pit art (Limited to 200 copies) Guest Vocals Scorpos (Apokefale, Gnida, Sleepwalker)
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266.67 Р
folk rock
Packaged in a jewel case with booklet.
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266.67 Р
folk rock
Packaged in a jewel case with 8-page booklet.
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266.67 Р
folk rock
Треклист: 1 Intro 2 Спрячь Лицо 3 Ек-Макарек 4 Сентябрь 5 Ранним Утром 6 Пойдем Со Мной 7 Не Придет Пора 8 Вольница 9 Мы С Тобой Bonus...
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533.33 Р
melodic hardcore
Hiro(ex GANTZ) from France play wonderful, emotional french screamo-hardcore in the way of traditional french bands from the early '90s mixed with modern post-rock. Amalthea from Sweden take a new dimension - they continue with their epic end '90s influence
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666.67 Р
post-metal / sludge metal
Треклист: 1 Lifting Skies 9:12 2 Approach 4:39 3 Through Wires 7:14 4 It Speaks 7:50 5 The Calm Of Unlight 13:58
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506.67 Р
death / thrash metal, FONO ltd
POSSESSED, том второй и третий, он же последний. Если дебют POSSESSED "Seven Churches" многие считают первым настоящим дет-металлическим альбомом (в Флориде такое играли и раньше, но до альбомов дело дойти еще не уcпело), "Beyond The Gates" и последовавший за ним мини-альбом "The Eyes Of Horror" в основе своей имеют бескомпромиссный thrash с детовым вокалом. Даже три десятилетия спустя эти диски не кажутся старомодными, а ведь многие тогда говорили, что метал - это ненадолго.
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800.00 Р
symphonic metal, Sound Age Productions
Packaged in a double jewel case, a 16-page booklet. "Asagao" is listed as a Japanese bonus track. Recorded between February and June 2019 at SoundWay Records. Mixed and mastered at Morton Studio. The lyrics of "Эй, Ухнем" are taken from a Russian folk song.
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600.00 Р
post metal / sludge doom metal
The fifth song 'Nullentropy' is ony available on the CD version of this album, which is limited to 300 copies. Released in a standard jewel case; includes a 6-page fold-out booklet with lyrics. Track durations do not appear on the release.
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933.33 Р
black metal, Dusktone
In 2017, Azazel and Choronzon joined forces to turn their vision of black metal into music. Both members are multi-instrumentalists and well versed in music production. With backgrounds in acts like Setherial, Torchbearer and The Citadel, among others, Svartghast rests on a firm foundation of musical craftsmanship. Inspired by the symphonic, atmospheric and epic sounds of 90’s black metal acts, like Emperor, Dimmu Borgir and Limbonic Art, Svartghast forge their own vision: an homage to the darkness of old. Rising grim soundscapes introduce their solid black metal offering, quickly coalescing into a rousing cascade of riff driven blast beats, drawing the listener into SVARTGHAST’s unmistakably sonic atmosphere. The Swedish duo immediatly brings the listener to the pure sounds of the golden age of Swedish black metal, making him travel among fires, forests and dark and apocalyptic visions. After the amazing interest arising from their two official singles the full length album only confirm Svartghast's compositional mastery that comes also from a long experience in milestones bands such as Setherial since the nineties There is no doubt that Svarghast can be considered one of the most anticipated upcoming bands of this late 2020 and their debut album "Perdition" is a truly must for anyone looking for the finest swedish black metal out there, special vocal guest Memnock (Abyssic).
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586.67 Р
death 'n' roll, FONO ltd
DEBAUCHERY - death 'n' roll группа из Германии. Первоначально существовала с 2000-го по 2002-ой под названием MAGGOTCUNT, но сменила название на DEBAUCHERY в 2002-ом году. Вокалистом/гитаристом и фронтменом по сей день остается Thomas Gurrath, успешно скрывавший свою деятельность в DEBAUCHERY от основной работы учителем философии в высшей школе Штутгарта (что и послужило причиной его увольнения в 2010-ом году). В дискографии DEBAUCHERY двенадцать полноформатных альбомов. "Kings of Carnage" - восьмой полноформатный альбом DEBAUCHERY, вышедший 2-го августа 2013-го на Massacre Records. Сведением и и мастерингом занимался Dennis Ward (работавший с ANGRA, EDEN'S CURSE, FIREWIND), также спродюсировавший половину альбомов DEBAUCHERY и записавший партии баса к ним. Релиз включает пять бонус-треков и выполнен в формате CD с 16-страничным буклетом.
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546.67 Р
heavy metal, FONO ltd
JADED HEART - шведско-немецкая hard rock группа, сформированная в 1990 году. За время своего существования группа успела выпустить тринадцать полноформатных альбомов, пару видеоклипов и даже распасться на некоторое время в 2004 году, но смогла быстро реабилитироваться. "Stand Your Ground" - четырнадцатый полноформатный альбом JADED HEART, вышедший 27-го ноября 2020-го на Massacre Records. Сведением и мастерингом руководил Эрик Мартэнссон из шведской студии Mass Destruction Production, работавший с SHADOWS PAST, UNLEASHED, SEVENTH WONDER и предыдущими альбомами JADED HEART "Guilty by Design" (2016) и "Devil's Gift" (2018). Обложку и оформление для "Stand Your Ground" сделал немецкий художник Thomas Ewerhard, оформлявший релизы AMON AMARTH, AVANTASIA, HAMMERFALL и многих других.
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733.33 Р
black metal
All songs created in the beginning of 2019, and many of them turned out to be prophetic. True Black Metal of "Hesychian noise" is filled by already recognizable cold melodiousness and mostly slow-paced, natural deadly rawness in any aspect. Music of the true Abyss, cultural collapse and decline of the modern world. The epoch of grand vicissitudes comes! Includes cover of the Russian BLACKDEATH. Comes in 6-panel digipak, ltd. to 333 copies. Design by Mr.Horth.
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600.00 Р
melodic death metal, Sound Age Productions
Треклист: 1. Portal 2. Weighing Of The Heart 3. Metempsychosis 4. Patala 5. Eternal Feast 6. Charnel Wraith 7. Illusory State 8. Vortex Of...
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266.67 Р
folk rock
Packaged jewel case with 8-page booklet.
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1 066.67 Р
folk metal, FireStorm Production
Live 07.04.2019 Limited to 300 copies
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333.33 Р
death black metal
Треклист: Abstract Nation 1 The Land Of A Thousand Hopes 2:49 2 Misery My Loneliness 3:18 3 At Every Step 3:30 4 Abstract Nation 3:00 5 VI Feet 3:24...
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133.33 Р
alternative rock
Треклист: 1 Глянец И Пластик, Виват! 4:12 2 Играть В Самого Себя 4:28 3 Солнце На Земле 3:50 4 Завтра С Нами 3:35 5 Пой Мне 3:32 6 Пыль В Его Руках...
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266.67 Р
folk rock
Packaged jewel case with 8-page booklet.
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333.33 Р
Треклист: 1 Torn Asunder 2 Black Celebration 3 The Man Who Fell To Earth 4 Destroyer's Crown 5 Infinite Death 6 Lockjaw 7 Neverender 8 Time...
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400.00 Р
folk metal
Issued in a digipak.
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533.33 Р
stoner metal
captured onto audio tape by Lewis Childs at Earth Terminal Studios england feb 2007
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800.00 Р
black metal
6-panel hardback CD limited to 266 hand-numbered copies.
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466.67 Р
symphonic power metal
In 2017, we are preparing a new project "Scary Tales", in which it is possible to find familiar and unknown interpretations of world-famous stories that sound in the performance of three vocalists and atmospheric heavy music. Fans of the genre should know that there will be no philosophical texts and breath of Light that accompanied the previous albums of the group Aquarius. Gloomy texts, unpredictable transitions from the crying grand piano to the frenzied rhythm of the devil waltz; From melodic harp to Irish tunes. The songs come out as they are ready. The project is not finished yet. Follow us. credits released October 31, 2017
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600.00 Р
post black metal, Sound Age Productions
Packaged in a jewel case.
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560.00 Р
power metal, FONO ltd
SERIOUS BLACK - звездный melodic metal проект, комбинирующий воедино огромный опыт шести первоклассных музыкантов. В текущем составе числятся гитаристы Bob Katsionis (ex-NIGHTFALL, FIREWIND) и Dominik Sebastian (EDENBRIDGE), басист Mario Lochert (ex-VISIONS OF ATLANTIS), вокалист Urban Breed (ex-BLOODBOUND, ex-TAD MOROSE), клавишник Jan Vacik (ex-DREAMSCAPE) и барабанщик Alex Holzwarth (RHAPSODY OF FIRE, ex-AVANTASIA). "Mirrorworld" - уже второй полноформатный альбом от SERIOUS BLACK (релиз дебютника "As Daylight Breaks" состоялся в январе 2015-го на AFM Records), сведением и мастерингом которого (как и в случае "As Daylight Breaks") занимался клавишник коллектива Jan Vacik, работавший с SERENITY, NIGHTMARE, VISIONS OF ATLANTIS и другими в собственной Dreamsound Studios. Данное издание включает семь бонус-треков и 16-страничный буклет.
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600.00 Р
post black metal, Sound Age Productions
Треклист: 1. To Calm, To Agree, To Ask 13:54 2. I Will Be Your Home 6:50 3. MMXVIII: The Requiem 13:10 4. Sober Life 7:46
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600.00 Р
gothic metal, Sound Age Productions
Packaged in a jewel case.
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600.00 Р
Треклист: 1 Black Moon Empire 4:15 2 Spark 3:05 3 Turquoise 8:29 4 T.S.D 6:03 5 Novorossiysk 1968 5:52
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600.00 Р
Jewel case version
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600.00 Р
symphonic death black metal, Sound Age Productions
Jewel case with 12 pages booklet.
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666.67 Р
hardcore sludge
Standard jewel case with clear tray & 12-page lyrics booklet. Recorded - March 2009 @ Studio G, Brooklyn, NY Mastered @ Turtle Tune Studios, NYC www.theendrecords.com ℗ 2009 The End Records © 2009 The Beginning Media
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266.67 Р
folk rock
Издание в jewel case с 8-страничным буклетом. Запись сделана ночью 24-25 января 1988 года в общежитии НЭИ (Новосибирск).
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400.00 Р
black metal, More Hate Productions
Ты Ничто! Само течение жизни ежесекундно приближает Смерть Изнутри - тотальное безразличие, хладнокровие и помрачение сознания. Почувствуй, как клочки, замерзающей напрочь души, сливаются с тёмными закоулками разума, сжигающими личность изнутри. “Inner Death” так называется новый EP шведской black metal группировки, изначально рожденный в ноябре 2018 года и выходящий на диске в начале 2021 года. Несмотря на то, что материал был записан еще два года назад, он ничуть не утратил актуальности. Звук мечущихся в агонии мыслей, состоящих из чистой ярости, рвущих душу риффов, басовой атаки и громогласных ударных обрушивается на Вас с начала звучания песен. Музыка может быть порекомендована всем поклонникам black metal второй волны, исполненная преимущественно в среднем темпе, она пропитана своей уже узнаваемой атмосферой мрачных и холодных северных лесов. Кажущаяся бесконечной, полярная ночь сменяется днем. Истинное космическое волшебство! Но человеческая судьба неизменна... Рождение, Жизнь и неизбежная Смерть! Мы навеки скованы цепями порочного круга. Смерть Изнутри. Неизбежная Смерть!
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600.00 Р
melodic black metal, Sound Age Productions
Треклист: 1 Mysterious Paths 2 The Call Of Full Moon 3 Drink My Blood 4 Wolf Trail 5 Sacrifice 6 Spirit Of The Dead Swamps 7 Descendants Of...
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600.00 Р
symphonic black death metal, Sound Age Productions
Треклист: 1. Typhon 2. Nahash 3. Apep 4. Aždahha 5. Gallu 6. Damballa 7. Amaru 8. Vritra
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266.67 Р
folk rock
Packaged in a jewel case with 8-page booklet.
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613.33 Р
heavy metal, FONO ltd
U.D.O. - ветераны немецкого хэви-металла во главе которых стоит бессменный лидер Удо Диркшнайдер, начавший сольную карьеру после ухода из ACCEPT в 1987-ом году. В дискографии U.D.O. шестнадцать полноформатных альбомов, с десяток концертных альбомов и компиляций, а также более пятнадцати EP/синглов, видеоклипов и шесть DVD-релизов. "We Are One" - семнадцатый полноформатный альбом U.D.O., вышедший 17-го июля 2020-го на AFM Records. Новый релиз записан совместно с оркестром немецких вооруженных сил Musikkorps der Bundeswehr. В написании песен приняли участие бывшие коллеги Диркшнайдера по ACCEPT Peter Baltes и Stefan Kaufmann (также являвшийся участником U.D.O. с 1996-го по 2012-ый год). Данное издание состоит из 15-и треков и выпущено с 24-страничным буклетом
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600.00 Р
melodic death / black metal, Sound Age Productions
Треклист: 1 Intro 2 Undying 3 Deception Of Mind 4 I Will Take Revenge 5 Infected Life 6 My Rotten Cage 7 Rest In Peace 8 Nameless 9 So...
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1 000.00 Р
atmospheric black metal / ambient, Avantgarde Music
Fully re-recorded demo from 2002. Pressed on black polycarbonate CD
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666.67 Р
stoner metal
Deadman is an album exploring the representation of death by various peoples and literary writers. The storyline of the album is based on the journey of a deceased soul through the afterlife of various religious denominations - from the Scandinavian Hel to the Egyptian Duat. The main idea of ​​the album is to convey the atmosphere of these worlds musically and to guide the listener through them. Deadman's lyrics convey the inner feelings and experiences of a deceased soul, and also describe the afterlife, complementing the musical canvas. The group's compositions are large musical canvases in which you can hear the influence of various musical directions - from post-rock and groove metal to folk music and ambient.
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573.33 Р
thrash metal, FONO ltd
FURIOUS TRAUMA - thrash metal группа родом из Дании, сформированная в 1988-ом году. Просуществовав до 2003-го года группа приостановила деятельность, возобновив ее только в 2017-ом году. В дискографии FURIOUS TRAUMA несколько демо-записей, EP и три полноформатных альбома. "Decade At War" - четвертый полноформатный альбом FURIOUS TRAUMA, вышедший 27-го ноября 2020-го на Massacre Records. Сведением и мастерингом нового альбома занимался Tue Madsen из Antfarm Studio, работавший с HATESPHERE, ILLDISPOSED, CATARACT и многими другими. Обложку для "Decade At War" нарисовал Terkel Christensen, делавший оформление для CENTINEX, INIQUITY и для дебютного альбома FURIOUS TRAUMA "Primal Touch" (1992).
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733.33 Р
noise rock, Relapse Records
Rightfully hailed as “the noisiest pop music on the planet” by Pitchfork, Austin, TX’s cult noise rock trio CHERUBS have been purveyors of sonic bedlam since their inception in 1991. After an unforeseen return to the scene from a two-decade hiatus in 2014, the CHERUBS have now joined forces with the equally revered Relapse Records for the release of their fifth long-player Immaculada High. Recorded and engineered by Erik Wofford (Explosions in the Sky, The Black Angels, My Morning Jacket) at Cacophony Studio in Austin, Immaculada High is 11 songs of signature CHERUBS clamor with an added twist of Texas-sized, psychedelic racket. Smooth, rumbling low-end rhythms interplay with feedback drenched, chuggin’ guitars, relentless tone and vocalist Kevin Whitley’s shrill, life-of-the-LSD-party vocals. On Immaculada High, CHERUBS loudly proclaim their title as bonafide noise rock legends who continue to forge transgressive yet remarkably accessible punk for a jaded world.
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266.67 Р
folk rock
©&℗ 2006 Compilation Real Records "Никак 4.06 Live" записан на концерте в клубе "А" (Москва) 4 июня 1993 года. CD packaging: jewel case.
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800.00 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The terrific 4th full-length by this Italian band. Valgrind was born from the ashes of the ultra-underground act Necrospell in 1993, as a Death/Black Metal project with both extreme and melodic influences. Over the following years, the band released four demos and developed its own style, combining the main influences (Morbid Angel, Pestilence, Death, Nocturnus, Possessed, Monstrosity, Immolation) with a passion for the epically dark atmospheres of bands like Candlemass and early Paradise Lost. Disbanded in 2003, the strong will to return on stage of both founding member/main songwriter Massimiliano Elia and vocalist Daniele Lupidi (also frontman of Hateful) made Valgrind's return possible in 2008. With the addition of new motivated members, the band released their debut full-length, "Morning Will Come No More", in 2012. The album contained almost one hour of classic Death Metal filled with killer solos, memorable riffs and obscure vocals. Following the release, a series of shows were held in Italy, Germany, Holland, and Sweden. In 2016, the band delivered their sophomore full-length, "Speech of the Flame". The music strayed away from some of the early influences to become more personal, while the lyrical concept dealt with the darkest sides of the ancient Mediterranean civilizations. An EP called "Seal of Phobos" followed in 2017, and only one year later, Valgrind delivered their 3rd full-length, their most ambitious work to date. "Blackest Horizon" saw an increasing level of technicality in the guitar department, while retaining the old school vibe of the previous works. Vocals became less guttural and more aggressive, while a more organic production gave the listener a wider musical spectrum to dive into. Again, the public was introduced to the new songs in some memorable shows, including Helsinki Deathfest in 2018. Entering the studio again in mid 2019, Valgrind have now arguably delivered their masterwork: "Condemnation". Undeniably and 1000% Death Metal to the core, there's an intangible "something", a never-belabored uniqueness, that now sets these Italians apart from so much stock-standard Death Metal. For sure, their roots lay in the genre's old school still, but the bits and pieces they pull and recombine are unexpected but most definitely welcome; no particular scene or substyle or specific year is selected, just the focus on strong songwriting and impassioned performance. Likewise, the lyricism doesn't betray Death Metal's rigorous boundaries -here, it's the myths of legendary creatures and beasts in various ancient cultures- but Valgrind bring an artful touch to fantastical horror, all of it rolling out of bassist Lupidi's lugubrious throat with commanding clarity. To that, the power trio's clarity of execution is also a thing of (ugly) beauty, firing off one flowing, furious part after another with seamless construction and solos that are the absolute definition of class. In fact, calling "Condemnation" classy Death Metal would not be much of a stretch: the songwriting itself is that poignant and powerful, and the production -mixed by Cristiano Copat at KK Recording Studio, and mastered by Damian Herring at Subterranean Watchtower Studios- is perfectly matched, skillfully balancing that clarity with crush. Giving this special album an ever-more-distinctive touch is the cover art courtesy of Lupidi himself, hereby making "Condemnation" truly Valgrind's triumph of death!
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600.00 Р
post-black metal, Sound Age Productions
Треклист: 1. Gloomy Exodus 09:10 2. Court 04:46 3. Wait For Tomorrow 08:22 4. Calling 12:33 5. Face Of Love 06:04
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266.67 Р
folk rock
Запись с Нововсибирского рок-фестиваля 14 апреля 1987 года. Packaged in a jewel case with 8-page booklet.
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666.67 Р
stoner rock
CLOUDS have followed up 'Legendary Demo' with an even bigger, better, and more brilliant slab of hot rock action. Delivering all the anthemic choruses, white-hot licks, and psychedelic grandeur that anyone could ever possibly hope to cram into a single album made by mere mortals. Standard jewel case with OBI, clear tray & 12-page lyics booklet of thick paper. Recorded December 3-9, 2007 A Godcity in Salem MA Engineered/Mixed A God City Mastered A New Alliance East All Songs: Handsome Tunes (ASCAP), I Can Hear Music (ASCAP), Robots Cyborgs Androids Unite (ASCAP), and QNoise (ASCAP) Hydra Head Records / P.O. Box 291430, Los Angeles, CA 90029 www.hydrahead.com / First Pressing 2008
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600.00 Р
funeral doom metal
750 copies in cardboard sleeve in brown paper envelope featuring the band logo on one side and both the label and "limited edition of 750" on the other.
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266.67 Р
folk rock
Packaged in a jewel case with 8-page booklet.
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640.00 Р
heavy metal, FONO ltd
U.D.O. - ветераны немецкого хэви-металла во главе которых стоит бессменный лидер Удо Диркшнайдер, начавший сольную карьеру после ухода из ACCEPT в 1987-ом году. В дискографии U.D.O. семнадцать полноформатных альбомов, с десяток концертных альбомов и компиляций, а также более пятнадцати EP/синглов, видеоклипов и шесть DVD-релизов. "Live in Bulgaria 2020 - Pandemic Survival Show" - пятый концертный двойной альбом U.D.O. (записанный в Болгарии на единственном состоявшемся в 2020 году концерте группы), вышедший 19-го марта 2021-го на AFM Records. В программу этого специального выступления вошли хиты и песни, нечасто исполняемые живьем, а также, к радости собравшейся публики, несколько классических номеров ACCEPT. Релиз включает 25 треков и выполнен в формате 2CD с 16-страничным буклетом.
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666.67 Р
post-metal / sludge doom metal
Треклист: 1 The Humber 1:11 2 Recent Renovations At The White Hart 6:47 3 The Unbearable Lightness Of Spalding 7:37 4 All's Well That Hemswell 2:44 5...
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666.67 Р
depressive black metal
Треклист: 1 Intro 2 An Atteridgeville Horror 3 Cleansed 4 Enigma 5 The Corpse In The Forest 6 Seven Days To Dead (Instrumental) 7 The Casket...
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866.67 Р
experimental black / doom metal, Aesthetic Death
Comes in a 6-panel digipak with two booklets. The first booklet contains lyrics and song credits, while the second consists of The Consecrated Tenets of the Church of the Final Pilgrimage.
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573.33 Р
power metal, FONO ltd
IRON MASK - бельгийская группа, играющая в стиле neoclassical/power metal. Основана в 2002 году гитаристом Dushan Petrossi, который также известен как участник sympho metal группы MAGIC KINGDOM. Место за микрофоном в IRON MASK до 2015-го занимал Mark Boals, работавший с ROYAL HUNT, EMPIRE и YNGWIE MALMSTEEN. Следующим вокалистом стал Diego Valdez, участник аргентинской heavy metal группы HELKER. Также в составе можно найти русского музыканта Василия Молчанова, брата Игоря Молчанова (АРИЯ, МАСТЕР, SHAH). "Master Of Masters" - седьмой полноформатный альбом IRON MASK, вышедший 4-го декабря 2020-го года на AFM Records. Вокалистом на новом альбоме стал Mike Slembrouck (AFTER ALL). В записи одной из песен принял участие Oliver Hartmann, экс-вокалист AT VANCE. Запись "Master Of Masters" велась в студиях Бельгии и Германии, а сведением и мастерингом занимался Angelo Buccolieri, работавший с MAGIC KINGDOM, ASYLUM PYRE и предыдущими альбомами IRON MASK "Fifth Son of Winterdoom" (2013) и "Diabolica" (2016).
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666.67 Р
avantgarde black metal
The title translates to: "Beer, Darkness and Depression". Limited to 1000 copies.
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1 066.67 Р
progressive metal, Season Of Mist
'A Blessing in Disguise' was recorded @ Bingen and Jailhouse studio, Kristiansand. Mastered @ Strype audio. Pre-Production recorded @ Brown Sound Studio.
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600.00 Р
post black metal, Sound Age Productions
Треклист: 1. Intro 2. Fated 3. Mutated 4. Wrecked 5. Betrayed 6. Torn
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533.33 Р
post rock / grunge, Metal Scrap Records
The third full-length studio album by Israeli Progressive Post-Grunge Rock band. Shadow Rebels decided to approach the recording of the new album in the most Grunge style. Unlike the previous release, which was recorded in a pure studio style, with many overdubs and individual recordings of the musicians, this time all the musicians entered the studio and simultaneously played all the songs one by one, in one day, on a tape recorder. There are a lot of powerful and fast numbers, Stoner riffs, and heartfelt ballads about the fragility of life. No pathos, only self-irony, despair, reflections on the eternal: about enemies, about friends, about God and the loss of faith, about hope in times, when no place for hope. Everything is about the crazy 21st century, in which the heroes of the songs seem to be through no fault of their own. And as a result - sincere, bordering on nudity, uncompromising Post-Grunge. Deep and simple at the same time.
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800.00 Р
post-rock / metal
Треклист: 1 The Kvlt ov Dream 3:42 2 Owls Not What They Seem 4:37 3 Thoughts Like Silver Bullets 4:11 4 Symmetric Kakophony 3:20 5 Leviathan 2:40 6...
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666.67 Р
experimental metal noise, Aesthetic Death
Comes in a 6-panel digipak with 20-page booklet.
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933.33 Р
post-metal / sludge doom metal
Треклист: Scumbrella 4 Cimmeria 8:30 5 Metanoia 4:29 6 Homesick 7:16
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400.00 Р
thrash metal / metalcore
Треклист: 01 The Entrance To Despair 02 Create To Destroy 03 A Sign Of Absence 04 Closure 05 Facing Faded Solutions 06 Through The Hourglass 07...
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733.33 Р
black metal
Comes in 6-panel digipak, ltd. to 333 copies. This album was recorded in early 2012 and it is the band´s third album in fact. At that time, I sought to compose more straightforward material within the strict framework of the BM style and rejected any experiments. But inspiration cannot be controlled. An inexplicable obsession got out of control and forced to create nine songs that were completely unlike on my past (and future) works. In 2012 these experiments with sound seemed to me too bold and I decided to bury this recording. Several songs were re-recorded and released on other albums, and some tracks completely disappeared into the shadows. Then I did not know that this album will begin the transformation from Black Metal to Black Rock. My musical roots won and helped create a different style. The perception of reality has changed and reached a new level. Years later, I changed my opinion about this album,because it iscompletely harmonious and self-sufficient. Inspired by such recordings as Darkthrone - “Goatlord”, Blackdeath - “Bottomless Armageddon” (which got a new life after a while) and of course the legendary Bathory - “Blood on Ice”, I decided to release this album, fully preserving the sound of old time. That is how these songs should sound, they were like that at the very beginning, before all re-releases. Yes, this is an old album, which shows DO SKONU in a new way. Fire from the past flared up just now. Varagian Vocals, Guitars, Bass (2009-present) See also: ex-ForestGrave, Horthodox
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600.00 Р
atmospheric black metal, Sound Age Productions
Треклист: 1 Unten 2 Kain 3 Sintflut 4 Das Große Spektakel 5 Gottes Gnade (Hiob) 6 Stadt Des Schwefels 7 Asche 8 Die Abkehr Vom Licht 9 0...
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800.00 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The striking debut full-length by this U.S. band. Unearthed in Florida in early 2019 and comprised of past and current members of other impious hordes such as Gnosis and Devastator, Hexorcist summon old school and blasphemous Death Metal that may as well fall under the "proto-Death Metal" category, for their ferocious and relentless approach to the genre harkens back to the mid-to-late 80's, when all things extreme were still boiling in the same malignant cauldron and all boundaries were nothing but a blur that no diehard dweller of the underground gave a damn about. Hexorcist's aural and lyrical offering is uncompromising and exudes utter vileness, leaving no room for absolutely anything that could remotely be considered modern or trendy. And Hexorcist accomplish precisely that on their scathing debut album, "Evil Reaping Death". Ridiculously accurate in its title, "Evil Reaping Death" is exactly evil reaping death: steeped in the ancients, billowing sulfur, divebomb leads flying right and left, and the unhinged yet locked-in execution that can only come from true and total diehards. Not everything goes in Death Metal, and Hexorcist keep a closed mind when it comes to the Metal of Death. For them, the archaic ways of Morbid Angel, Necrovore, Sarcofago, Death, Incubus, Possessed, Vital Remains, Slayer and Peru's Mortem do not need to be messed with, only upheld, and uphold Hexorcist do here. No more but definitely no less, "Evil Reaping Death" is 666% maniacal Death Metal for Death Metal maniacs exclusively! With utterly ripping mastering courtesy of Loïc Fontaine at Krucyator Studio (France), and classically evil cover art courtesy of Art Militia, Hexorcist soundly erase 30 years of 'progression' with "Evil Reaping Death". Expel the flesh! Revere the sacrificial rites!
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560.00 Р
heavy metal, FONO ltd
Studios: Audiospezialist, U3 Studios, Level10, Guitarslinger, Indiscreet Audio.
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640.00 Р
power metal, FONO ltd
WIZARD - немецкая power metal группа, сформированная в 1989 году. Группу сразу прозвали "немецким ответом MANOWAR" за гимноподобные мелодии и лирику о войне, стали и сражениях. В дискографии группы числятся одиннадцать полноформатных альбомов, компиляция и пара демо-записей. "Metal In My Head" - двенадцатый полноформатный альбом WIZARD, вышедший 19-го февраля 2021-го на Massacre Records. С продюсированием, сведением и мастерингом помогал Martin Buchwalter (PERZONAL WAR, ex-SQUEALER), работавший с TANKARD, ELVENKING и ACCUSER). Обложку "Metal In My Head" нарисовал Jens Reinhold, оформивший альбомы FREEDOM CALL, RUNNING WILD и SODOM.
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