Dryom (Дрём) - Дрём 2 (Dryom 2) (CD) Digipak

funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions, Solitude Productions
Digi CD
Price in points: 1200 points
SP. 100-15D x
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The second work of the mysterious project, which is actually the first full-length album following demo “(1)” which was officially issued three years earlier. “2” features a balanced approach to the sound level which significantly improved compared to the debut demo, while music-wise DRYOM remains dedicated to funeral doom metal with a unique atmosphere of gloomy dead landscapes of abandoned cities and vast twilight spaces of the dead nature. The unique features are brought by employment of jew’s harp and flute, which add a light taste of ethnic music translated through the aesthetics of the funeral metal. The first 100 copies of the album come as a strictly limited edition digipack!

I Мёртвый Город 13:32
II Рисунок 15:41
III Метель 10:38
IV Она 17:09

Dryom (Дрём)
Artist Country:
Album Year:
Дрём 2 (Dryom 2)
funeral doom metal
CD Album
Solitude Productions
Cat Num:
SP. 100-15D
Release Year:
Country Of Manufacture:

Durante questo 2015 la corrente Funeral Doom ci ha regalato diversi lavori, in primis da band già conosciute quali Skepticism e Shape Of Despair, ma anche l'underground si è difeso bene. Il misterioso progetto Дрём (traslitterato Dryom) fa sicuramente parte della seconda categoria e quest'anno ha pubblicato la sua seconda fatica.

Gli scenari che questo disco vuole ricreare sono fatti di fredde notti trascorse in città abbandonate, con grigie nuvole a coprire ogni stella e qualche lampione malfunzionante a darci quel minimo di luce per renderci conto della desolazione che ci circonda. Il minimalismo dei brani non lascia scampo: parti di batteria elementari e ripetitive scandiscono i lenti ritmi sui quali chitarre — distorte e non — senza vita e tastiere vagamente spettrali costruiscono il palco in cui recitare i quattro atti della propria tragedia. L'oppressione derivata da ciò assume una forma leggermente diversa nei pochi passaggi che vedono qualche accelerazione che spinge timidamente verso il Doom-Death, in particolare nella prima e nella terza traccia; è invece la semplicità cruda e senza fronzoli a dominare la scena, specialmente nelle sei corde che offrono riff dilatati e scarni. Alcune scelte possono ricordare in qualche modo il sound di Ankhagram, solo trasposto in una visione meno gotica e più vicina ai tempi moderni; ciò si nota ad esempio nel modo in cui si inseriscono le tastiere e il growl, così come dalla chitarra acustica.

Esiste però un'altra faccia di Dryom che si palesa in tutti i pezzi, anche se solo in determinate fasi: questa seconda anima è la volontà di aggiungere un aspetto etnico al sound ed è rappresentata da due strumenti tradizionali. Il primo a fare il suo ingresso è lo scacciapensieri, il cui inserimento risulta sempre sorprendentemente azzeccato; purtroppo ciò non si può dire per l'altro elemento, il flauto, che sembra addirittura stonato e fuori luogo. L'idea sarebbe potuta essere buona, ma al contrario è finita per diventare un difetto difficilmente ignorabile; fortunatamente il problema è presente solo in alcuni passaggi, limitando così i danni, ma rimane una caratteristica su cui lavorare in futuro.

Tutto sommato "2" è un lavoro che si fa ascoltare, si adagia su strade già percorse però al tempo stesso cerca di trovarne qualcuna ancora poco esplorata. Personalmente non ricordo di aver mai sentito un lato Folk così pronunciato in ambito Funeral Doom e devo dire che nel complesso mi ha soddisfatto; se Dryom decidesse di lavorare maggiormente su questo aspetto nei prossimi album, potremmo avere qualche bella sorpresa. Rimane comunque un disco consigliato solo ai seguaci del genere, il suo minimalismo lo rende poco accessibile a chi non è avvezzo a certe sonorità, ma in fondo è giusto così.

Author: Vlakorados
Gorgers Metall

“Fra ilden til asken” hadde ikke passet like godt som uttrykk, selv om det kronologisk sett er en mer logisk rekkefшlge. Е snu uttrykket pе hodet passer derimot godt nеr man beveger seg fra Infernal Wars heseblesende og infernalske trшkk, og over til russiske Дрём og deres saktmodige vesen. Tyngden forblir, men tempo og intensitet endres markant.
Det foreligger ingen informasjon om bandet som vi fra nе av refererer til som Dryom, ut over deres nasjonalitet og oppstartsеr, 2012.

Deres fшrste livstegn, en demo, fikk tittelen 1, og deres andre utgivelse, en fullengder, bжrer altsе navnet 2. Noen gjшr det enklere for musikalske “komplettister” enn andre. Fire lеter fra knapt 11 til ca 17 minutter runder tilsammen 55 minutter. Da snakker vi funeral doom.

“Fra ilden til asken” er ogsе brukandes for е beskrive bandets stemningsladde framtoning. En utbrent verden utspiller seg for det indre lerret. Flammenes herjinger er over, men ildens vrede har lagt alt шde. Ingen mat, ingen husly, intet hеp. En kamp for е leve, uten midler, uten muligheter. Erkjennelsen av hеplшshet, av fatalitet. Fшlelsen av е vente pе dшden. Е vente med tiden, og kun tiden, til hjelp.

Musikken er sjanger-trofast med mшrkt, nedstemt lydbilde og tung, sakte framgang med korte, subbende skritt. Vokalisten gurgler som var han drukningsdшden nжr. Synth danner bakteppe, som om en rosa himmel ved solnedgang er noen trшst nеr den skimtes gjennom et grе-svart teppe av svevende aske. Karene krydrer med den mest monotont tenkelige bruken av munnharpe. Stilig! Like monotont flшytespill finner de ogsе noe rom for. Sжrt. Eksentrisk. Eklektisk.
Noen smе assosiasjoner til ukrainske Kroda (som er klare med ny skive ved mеnedsskiftet) tennes av disse partiene.

Dryom har levert en meget habil, om enn langt fra innovativ, debut som hengerumpe-sjangerens hengehuer trolig vil vite е sette pris pе. Det gjшr ihvertfall jeg.
Lords of Metal

Dit is de tweede release van het Russische Dryom (of Дрём in Cyrillisch schrift). Hoewel dit officieelhet eerste album is, heeft het wel de titel ‘2’ meegekregen. De eerste release van Dryom kreeg de titel‘(1)’ en was in feite een demo die later door Archaic Sound op CD opnieuw is uitgebracht. Goed, dit nieuwe album bevat vier lange songs en als het om mijn mening gaat kan ik in herhalingen vallen. Net als in mijn recensie van ‘(1)’ moet ik gewoon concluderen dat dit echt oersaai is. De funeral doom is simpel en tergend langzaam. Nergens krijg ik het gevoel dat het spannend is. Nee, het is eerder slaapverwekkend. Ook op ‘2’ hoor je weer een mondharp en ook wel wat fluitpartijen, maar hoe “origineel” dat mag klinken, ik vind er geen flikker aan. Sorry, maar Dryom weet mee op geen enkele manier te overtuigen. Hier luister ik niet voor mijn plezier naar.

Author: Pim B.
Forgotten Path

Another mysterious Funeral Doom Metal project from the never-ending lands of Russia... I must admit they (Russians) are pretty good at realizing such kind of acts, thought I don’t know the reasons why of their success... Anyway, Дрём plays a rather cold style of Funeral Doom, though I have definitely heard some colder examples as well. The good thing is - the music is not sweet. So it’s like the golden middle considering heaviness/coldness and sweetness. On the other hand, the supplied music does not offer anything too special either. Slow rhythm and guitar riffs, melancholic growling, several absolutely slow and cold guitar solos, some keyboard parts for preparing the needed mood - nothing new, but sounds rather good and promising. And still the album lacks some freshness, some more dynamic motifs and more interesting decisions, as it mostly drowns in pretty boring seas of melancholy. For example, let’s remember such project like EA - their debut was absolutely fantastic and even if their later albums were not as good, still, they remained on their special trademark. And I really don’t see that happening with Дрём. By the way, I consider their debut album “(1)” of higher creative value and I really liked it more, so this second full-length is a little step back. And though there’s still long road in front of the creator of this project, the needed push forward must be made in the nearest future - otherwise the fall backwards will continue...

Author: Odium
Dark Underground Music Zine

Dryom are a band from Russia that plays a very atmospheric and melancholic form of funeral doom metal and this is a review of their 2015 album "2" which was released by Solitude Productions.

Clean playing and atmospheric sounds start off the album and a minute and a half later drum beats and guttural death metal growls are added into the music and also mix in with the clean and atmospheric parts and once the heavy guitars start to kick the music starts going into a funeral doom direction.

All 4 of the tracks are very long and epic in length and the songs also bring in jew harps and flutes to give the songs an ethnic folk music feeling and the synths also mix in with the guitars at times and the riffs also bring in depressive melodies at times and the songs also add in a touch of dark ambient in some parts of the songs and the whole album also sticks to a very slow musical direction from beginning to ending of the recording.

Dryom plays a style of funeral doom metal that is very slow, dark, heavy, atmospheric and melancholic sounding and also adds in a touch of folk music to create their own style, the production sounds very dark and heavy while the lyrics cover nature, darkness, melancholy and seclusion themes.

In my opinion Dryom are a very great sounding funeral doom metal band and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this recording. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Risunok" and "Ona".

Author: OccultBlackMetal
Xtreem Music

“Desde Rusia con amor…” Aunque en este caso es más bien sería “Desde Rusia con melancolía…”, diría yo, DRYOM es un proyecto de un solo hombre (que sepamos) y está basado en su totalidad en el Funeral Doom, y como tal sabéis o al menos os podéis hacer una idea de por donde van los tiros en estos casos. Este que os presento es el 2º trabajo en formato full-length, llamado “Dryom 2”, hay un trabajo anterior llamado ingeniosamente “Demostración 1”, del año 2012, del cual desconozco bastante, bueno más bien todo, por eso y como es obvio me centraré en esta segunda entrega, la cual cuenta con una edición extralimitada a 100 copias en formato digipack.

En torno a este proyecto/banda de un solo hombre todo es misterio, poco se sabe de él, solo nos podemos basar en su música, para conocerle, aunque en realidad, ahora que lo pienso, siempre debería ser así, seguro que más de uno no podría vivir de las rentas o al menos utilizar su fama mediática para seguir vendiéndonos bodrios musicales solo por que un día o en un momento dado hiciese algo mediocremente reseñable.

Me voy a centrar que me voy por cerros de Úbeda.

“Dryom 2” cuenta con una sostenibilidad musical bastante coherente, apropiado para amantes de unos primigenios SATURNUS o ANATHEMA, DOOM:VS, etc. Disco equilibrado se podría decir, cuenta con un buen sonido, donde los pasajes y paisajes sombríos son la nota dominante, que crean un ambiente casi único, donde tu capacidad sensorial se ve mutilada de forma grotesca, invitando a bajar la cabeza y torcer las comisuras de la boca, en un acto de tristeza, paisajes muertos cruzan tu mente, esqueletos de edificios abandonados, ciudades en ruinas, naturaleza muerta habitada por la fauna cadavérica que le da vida, vastos espacios crepusculares por canciones, donde no hay cabida para la luz o el color, un amplio abanico de tonos grises y apagados, donde tan solo la muerte es la única nota inspiradora, sería lo único que podría liberarte de esta opresión musical, como si ella, la parca, fuese un regalo divino de los dioses.

Hay un par de ingredientes que hacen de este trabajo un ejemplo distinto a lo habitual que nos encontramos dentro del Funeral Doom, estos dos ingredientes distintos son el Arpa Judío y la Flauta, no es común encontrar estos dos instrumentos en este tipo de composiciones, eso le añade un encanto (o desencanto siendo Doom-Funeralmente correctos) excepcional a la música opresiva, lenta y solemne que nos encontramos habitualmente en este tipo de propuestas, me agrada encontrar este tipo de instrumentación, le añade al restos de instrumentos típicos (guitarras, bajos, voz y baterías) unos matices interesantes.

Por lo demás lo encuentro todo correcto, es Funeral Doom, a parte de lo mencionado poco más puedo añadir, la voz me recuerda a Thomas Akim Grønbæk Jensen de SATURNUS, va en esa línea, ultra gutural que arrastra las silabas del idioma cirílico de una forma notable, cantado todo en ruso, por supuesto.

Con esto me despido amigo lector, que la oscuridad de DRYOM te acompañe en tus horas mas sombrías y que te sirva de consuelo en tu eterno llanto, para que te puedas amamantar a gusto de negrura y tristeza. Me quedo con un par de los cuatro temas el 3º corte “Metel” y el 4º “Ona” me gustan bastante.

Author: Pako Deimler
White Room Reviews

De Russische doom band Dryom is gehuld in mysterie. Wie op internet gaat zoeken naar de leden, komt uit op niemand. De band, die opereert vanuit Bryansk, is in 2012 gestart. In dat jaar werd gelijk de langspeler (1) uitgebracht. Nu komt het Russische gezelschap, of eenmansproject, Dryom via Solitude Productions met Dryom 2, een nieuwe langspeler.
De muziek van Dryom is zwaar. De door death metal beïnvloede doom wordt gekenmerkt door een diepe grunt waar menig beginnend grunter jaloers op zal zijn. De titels van de nummers op Dryom 2 zijn in het Russisch. Om de review makkelijker te laten lezen, zijn deze vertaald naar het Engels. De zware doom in opener ‘Dead City’ zorgt voor meer dan dertien minuten aan bombastische doom. Daarbij, hoe traag soms ook, zorgt Dryom wel voor melodie in hun muziek. Van zweverige synths tot tokkelende gitaren, het is traag, maar niet saai.
De vier nummers van Dryom 2 samen duren bijna een uur. ‘She’, wat de afsluiter is van de plaat, spant de kroon met zo’n zeventien minuten aan doom. Hierin zijn de sferische elementen ook goed te horen. Door het begin van het nummer, grijpt ‘She’ de luisteraar niet direct. Als er een melodieuze gitaar na twee minuten zijn intreden doet, wordt de boel al een stuk mooier gepolijst. De sfeer van een mistig kerkhof waar zelfs de meest creepy horror film niet durft te filmen, blijft de hele tijd bij de luisteraar in het hoofd zweven. Dryom weet sfeer sterk in naar hun muziek te vertalen.
Wie een vrolijke plaat op een familiefeestje wilt hebben, zal aan Dryom 2 van het Russische Dryom niets hebben. Liefhebbers van doom met elementen van de death metal en voor wie het niet langzamer dan langzaam kan, zal deze Russische band toch eens onder oren moeten brengen.

Author: Ralf W.
Headbang or GTFO

Doom. I must hate it. Wait no that was just that one album. This album is fucking amazing. 4 songs of dreadful and dark hymns being cultivated and spawned by this band known as Dryom. If you loved the Doom:VS record from last year then you’ll easily fall in love with this release. The atmosphere and funeral doom compositions just fulfill me with such grief….it’s amazing.

Author: Thomas Mergel
Stu's Metal Reviews

The second work of the mysterious Russian project, which is actually the first full-length album following demo “(1)” which was officially issued three years earlier. “2” features a balanced approach to the sound level which significantly improved compared to the debut demo, while music-wise DRYOM remains dedicated to funeral doom metal with a unique atmosphere of gloomy dead landscapes of abandoned cities and vast twilight spaces of the dead nature. The unique features are brought by employment of jew’s harp and flute, which add a light taste of ethnic music translated through the aesthetics of the funeral metal.

The first of 4 huge workouts is the 13 minute 'Mertvyj Gorod', stunning beautiful guitar playing and a very dark funeral vocal, half way through the jew harp makes an appearence and i have to say it is very hypnotic, works so well and something few if any other band has used in this genre of music, as the song progresses the guitar gets more agressive and more layers are created with keyboards.

'Risunok' is 15 minutes long, that jews harp is once again put to great use, its sounds so strange to be making a big point about this simple instrument, but it just makes this music soar to a new height, the only slight issue i have with this is the Flute, it seems out of tune with the rest of the music.

At just over 10 minutes 'Metel’ is the "short" one, nice keyboard running through the whole piece and some near (slow) thrash riffs as well.

Finally a 17 minute monster called 'Ona', follows the same composition as previous tracks, except for the quiet breakdown around 8 minutes which is simple yet atmospheric guitar playing.Eventually this is brought to a torturous end with distortion and that jews harp.

Author: Stu Tovell
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