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black doom / dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
Дебютная работа французской группы. Эпическая работа, пронизанная философскими размышлениями, построена на смешении стилей: doom death тонко переплетён с dark metal, с умеренными и уместными вкраплениями black metal. Чистое звучание альбома передаёт все нюансы музыки - от меланхоличных лёгких проигрышей, до тяжёлых скоростных партий, наполненных яростью. Целостная и масштабная работа для слушателей с широким кругозором и утончённым вкусом.
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death doom metal, Solitude Productions
Первый полноформатный альбом греческой команды, ставший итогом многолетнего творческого пути. Высококачественный атмосферный doom death metal в лучших традициях жанра, выделяется продуманностью аранжировок, музыкальным разнообразием и исполнительским мастерством исполнителей. Дополнительные партии вокала были записаны приглашёнными гостями, - вокалистами таких известных групп, как Saturnus и Ataraxie. Для инструментальной композиции также были привлечены дополнительные музыканты, исполнившие партии скрипок и виолончели.
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slavonic folk metal
Kauan project
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funeral death doom metal, Solitude Productions
Переиздание альбома бразильской группы HellLight, который вышел в 2008 году ограниченным тиражом и был полностью распродан. «Funeral Doom», получивший высокие отзывы от критиков и слушателей, выходит на этот раз с улучшенным звуком и бонусным диском - миниальбомом «The Light That Brought Darkness» (почти в час длинной!) с кавер-версиями на Black Sabbath, Danzig, Neil Young, Pink Floyd, Bathory и Queen!Данное двухдисковое издание от Solitude Productions - это более двух часов мелодичного, отчаянного funeral doom metal для тех, кто готов открыть для себя заново мощь и мрачную красоту «Funeral Doom».
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drone / doom metal
This record is the result of a live collaboration of the touring members of Sunn O))) and Striborg in Melbourne, Australia. Recorded at the Toff In Town, Melbourne May, 07. Edited and Mixed Autumn, 07. Mastered at Moose December, 07. Edited By, Mixed By – Oren Electric Bass [Electric Bass Guitar & Triple Stack] – The Lord (2) Guitar [Guitar, Sunn & Ampeg] – Oren Guitar [Travis Bean, Twin Reverg & Model T] – SOMA Mastered By – Franc Tetaz Photography By [Live Photos] – Ben Browne, Tim Peach Recorded By [Live Sound] – John Hall Vocals [Delay Voice], Drums [Drumkit] – Sin Nanna Vocals [Hering] – Attila
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pagan black metal, Season Of Mist
Треклист: 1 1648 2 Вічне Сонце 3 Кров 4 Заграва 1768-ого 5 Ціна Волі 6 Доля 7 Дума Про Руйнування Січі
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funeral doom, Solitude Productions
Новый альбом Quercus становится новой вехой в истории чешской группы. Развивая идеи авангардного funeral doom metal «Heart With Bread» поражает глубиною звучания церковного органа. Музыканты, обращаясь к природе и органу, пытаются соединить эти два тщательно разработанных механизма единую концепцию, единый организм. В храме мы находим природу, в природе мы находим храм: они находятся в симфонической гармонии. Также областью исследований музыкантов являются меланхолия, боль и печаль невозврата. И неудивительно, что альбом дополняет кавер-весия композиции прославленного эстонского композитора современности Арво Пярта, в своём творчестве также раскрывавшего в авангардной музыке переплетение духовных линий.
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symphonic funeral doom, Solitude Productions
Четвёртая полноформатная работа одной из лучших американских funeral doom metal групп в очередной раз готова удивить слушателей. При сохранении узнаваемого почерка талантливого мультиинструменталиста Ryan’a, скрывающегося за названием The Howling Void, на этом альбоме проявляются новые краски, добавляя свежих ощущений от музыки. К холодному космическому и торжественному симфонизму на этот раз добавился чистый распевный голос, который был уже использован на предшествующем альбому EP «Runa». При общей монолитности звучания, разнообразные клавишные и гитарные партии в сочетании с эмбиентными вставками, делают «Nightfall» насыщенным и живым. И с первых же нот, за отстраненной грустью и мечтательностью, вырисовывается одна из своеобразнейших групп в жанре. По сложившейся традиции в оформлении вновь была использована картина известного художника, на этот раз альбом украсили произведения знаменитого представителя немецкого романтизма - Каспара Давида Фридриха. Первые 100 экземпляров альбома изданы в виде стильного, строго лимитированного диджипака!
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cult folk rock, GS Productions
Треклист: 1 Am Ende Des Weges 2 Ants Under Glass 3 In The Cathedral 4 Sint Lumbi Vestri 5 Ashen 6 Gruselett 7 Gewitterfront 8 Moping Carol 9 Will To...
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funeral doom metal, Dusktone
Through 4 tracks mixing funeral doom with ambient and darkwave, Until Death Overtakes Me explores the idea of life being incomplete unless it passes death's threshold. Antemortem (before death) is not a glorification of death, but focusses on the path to it. Life with its pains and terrors might long for the end, but could just as well explore the freedom that comes with accepting the inevitable. The contrast between heavy distorted guitars and ethereal ambient melodies mirrors life, but offers an open ending - is life a pained struggle, where one is shoved forwards, closer to death all the time, forcing one to blindly squeeze as much meaning out of every moment, or is it rather a calm stream that gently carries one to the completion of a journey that's best experienced with eyes wide open, regardless of what may come after? More likely, both aspects remain at play : primal instincts balanced by intelligent rationality. Antemortem is the first Until Death Overtakes Me album after a long hiatus, and forms a bridge between the periods before and after this break. The track 'Before' dates back to late 2003, 'Days Without Hope' is based on a track that's even older by several years, and best marks the point in time where Until Death Overtakes Me went from darkwave/doom to ambient funeral doom. On the other hand there are the tracks 'The Wait' and 'Inevitability', both from 2016. 'The Wait' is more a experimental, almost mechanical sounding epic, while 'Inevitability' is an instrumental marking the acceptance of the concept of 'Antemortem', as well as its conclusion.
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dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
Новая работа испанской группы продолжила линию, начатую на предыдущем альбоме «Forthcoming Displeasures», представив слушателям мелодичный, разнообразный материал, соединивший в себе тяжесть и лиричность. Печаль и меланхолия, сквозящие в музыке и партиях чистого вокала, разбавленного скорбным гроулом, выходят далеко за рамки doom /gothic metal, задевая струны сердец любого поклонника мрачной и душевной музыки. Мелодичность, атмосферность и грусть соединились воедино в «Compassion Forlorn», чтобы вновь наполнить мир неповторимой магией Helevorn. Первые 100 экземпляров альбома изданы в виде строго лимитированного диджипака!
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drone doom
Треклист: 1 Guilted 10:03 2 By 4:52 3 The 4:26 4 Sun 8:39
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death doom
Треклист: 1 They Lie 2 Praise Your Will 3 Until Death
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funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
Вторая работа таинственного проекта, являющаяся, по сути, первым полноформатным альбомом, после демо-записи «(1)», официально изданной тремя годами ранее. «2» – это взвешенный подход к звучанию, уровень которого вырос, по сравнению с дебютной демо-записью, а в музыкальном плане ДРЁМ представляет собою всё тот же funeral doom metal с уникальной атмосферой мрачных мёртвых ландшафтов заброшенных городов и необъятных для взора сумеречных пространств мёртвой природы. В плане звучания уникальности группе придаёт как использование варгана, так и флейты, добавившей лёгкий привкус этнической музыки, пропущенной сквозь эстетику похоронного метала.Первые 100 экземпляров альбома изданы в виде строго лимитированного диджипака!
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metalcore, Relapse Records
OX' encapsulates over a decade of forward-thinking hardcore into fourteen songs that typify Coalesce: Barely controlled, trend-eschewing, vital and uncompromising. Coalesce continues to walk it like they talk it.
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dark ambient
Треклист: 1 Cancels Out If Need Be 9:17 2 Replaced After Re-Fusing 7:08 3 Connection Lost 3:46 4 Electrical Bonding 10:40 5 Endless Manipulations 9:56
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black metal
Треклист: 1-1 Corruption Of The Zenithr 1-2 To Survive 1-3 Justice Was Slaughtered 1-4 Sudden Death 1-5 Evil Dead (Death Cover) 1-6 Under The Control...
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doom death metal, Weird Truth Productions
1 years after the release of their 2nd album "The Noise of Time", Hong Kong extreme doom/death master Hyponic finally unleash their 3rd album "前行者" to the doomed land in their 20th anniversary year. There are a lot of absurdities, injustice in this world of mortal life. This album shows us the vast darkness of our society. The music on this album is in the same field of extreme doom/death which you can find on their previous album, nihilistic doomed riffs, subtle melancholic melodies, and gloomy atmospheric ambient parts. Perhaps, funeral doom/death is the easiest word to describe their music, but their unique ambient guitar works and song writing is much more than that. Feel the darkest depth of human absurdities.
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funeral death doom metal, Weird Truth Productions
2nd album of Japanese extreme doom. This release will be the first appearance of their new bass player Ryo Amamiya after the departure of founding member, Nobuyuki Sento. Following the path of their previous melodic and tranquil slow doom album "dense fog”, they added various experimentations into their song writing - for example, one of the songs is written in "Rondo" format traditionally used on classical composition. These new attempts have made their music become much more dramatic and complex. Tremendous agony in which we suffer on our transient mortal life; feeling of loss, endless sorrow, sense of emptiness and remorse. This album is dedicated to the voiceless dead who had returned to the tranquil ocean with mortal agony.
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depressive black / doom metal, Weird Truth Productions
1st album of Japanese depressive black/doom trio, who started their activities in 2013 to create slow and depressive music. Their music combines depressive black metal, doom metal and some progressive elements. Having performed a number of gigs in Tokyo, they established their own style and recorded these 8 tracks of melancholy and depression.
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doom metal
Треклист: 1 Rise Again 2 Three Winters Of War 3 Sonic Doom 4 The Call 5 Rebellion 6 I Am The Cross 7 Fred Karno's Army
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doom / death metal
Треклист: 1 Mankinds Glory 2 Nocturnal Minds 3 A New Beginning 4 No Traces 5 World Of Devastation 6 Desire For Pain 7 Mysteries Of Fear 8 Labirynth...
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Треклист: 1 May 4:07 2 Have No Option (This Is A Dream) 4:32 3 Something In The Final Hour 3:04 4 You Will Never Know 3:23 5 In Your Father's Eyes 4:24 6...
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black / death metal, Black Lion Records
Debut album Blackend death metal band Soulemission
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black metal
Треклист: 1 Hannibal 8:38 2 The Black Army 6:02 3 Bringer Of Fear 6:26 4 The Longships Are Burning 7:25 5 Swordwraith 6:32 6 Vella Reķis 4:52 7 Sorcerer...
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atmospheric doom metal, Endless Winter
Новый альбом Mirror Morionis — это история о Дорогах и их Переплетениях, о том, как человек выбирает свой путь и к чему он приходит в конце. «Our Bereavement Season» — это музыкальное полотно длиною в долгое странствие от одного берега жизни до другого под холодные звуки гитар и плачи симфонических инструментов. Полнометражный альбом продолжительностью 106 минут выпущен в формате двухдискового CD в jewel case.
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martial / industrial
Треклист: 1 In Bolskan 4:22 2 Walls Of Luar 4:21 3 One With These Stones 4:28 4 Winds And Ruins / Montearagón / In Bolskan (Reprisal) 12:16
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martial / industrial
Треклист: 1 Kälte // Baltikum 7:33 2 Evrasia Regnat 10:05 3 Lost Wolves 2:12 4 Marsch Des Toten 7:52 5 O.N.T. 5:42 6 Satanpolitik 10:56 7 Irminsul 1:22 8...
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doom metal, Aesthetic Death
4th album - doom noise exploring lands of free will.
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avant-garde black metal, Aesthetic Death
CD featuring all tracks from the 7" series.
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progressive metal
Треклист: Instrumental Emotion 1 Soulplanetarium 2 Galaxis 3 Shades Of Mountains 4 Memories Throught The Overspeace Aestuum II (MCMXCVIII) 5 And...
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funeral death doom metal, Endless Winter
Edition of 500 copies. On CD title of album - "Chapter III: While the Rest of the World Sleep..." "Божественное Вмешательство" pronunciation is "Bozhestvennoe Vmeshatelstvo"
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black doom metal
Треклист: 1 Ödesdigrande Slentrian 15:28 2 Becksvart Logik 9:58 3 I Verklighetens Kval 9:47 4 Bråddjupets Spörsmål 9:45 5 Fobisk Sälta 16:04
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ambient black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
6-panel digipak limited to 300 copies.
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death doom metal, Weird Truth Productions
1st album of French doom/death originally released in 2005. It has been out of print for a long time, but after a decade from its original release, it's reissued as a digi-CD with bonus track(the cover of diSEMBOWELMENT's The Tree of Life And Death). This bonus track is the first official studio recording with 3 guitars lineup. In short, their music is doom/death. They combines crushing heavy doomed riffs and intense blast beats, in addition there are a lot of catchy emotional melodies. Their agony is slowly transcending the ages and the earth will be doomed again! Released in a pressing of 1000 copies. Re-release, comes in digipak. Mixed and mastered at New Retro Sound studio in April 2015.
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pagan folk metal
Pagan Folk Metal from Russia. On "Goi, Rode, Goi" Arkona, the Pagan Metal mongers revolving around frontlady Masha Scream, give the legends and traditions of their Russian homeland new life and thus, forge steadfastly forth creating a captivating mix of metal and folk exceeding in a welcomed diversity. The characteristic signature sounds stemming from the mind of Masha run through the compositions in which folk melodies, delivered by authentic and at times medieval instruments, join the lively metal riffs, blastbeats, and double bass interludes. The songstress and concurrent band mastermind provides depth with varied vocal lines that include a wide spectrum of clean and black metal parts. The highlight of this latest work is undoubtedly the monumental "Na moey Zemle" on which an illustrious guest line-up (Heidevolk, Menhir, Månegarm, etc.) provide the track with a character all of its own, making it the core of "Goi, Rode, Goi". While this sweeping and majestic epic song stands out deservingly, it certainly does not take away from the remaining tracks' songwriting merits. As in the past, Kris Verwimp's masterful brush has visually ennobled this package. Arkona have exceeded their previous and much praised releases with "Goi, Rode, Goi" and proceed to finally take over the Pagan Metal throne. Recorded at Com Records Studio Moscow Sound in October 2008 - May 2009. Drums recorded at Gigant Records Studio. Guitars recorded at Astia Studio. Mixed at Deformation Records Studio May - June 2009. Digibook edition.
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pagan folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Khram is the Russian word for temple – and is also the title of the eighth Arkona album. A Khram is a temple shrouded in natural mysticism slumbering behind nocturnal treetops, yet open to everyone. The sincerity and depth that binds all five band members together resonates in the sumptuously dark cover artwork and leading lady Masha`s lyrics that are written in her own blood (which is also part of the artwork). Arkona may have used sound samples in their early days, but nowadays cellos, brass parts, wind instruments and throat singing are recorded live meticulously and flow naturally into harsh metal on headstrong tracks like ‘Shtorm‘. King-sized songs effortlessly shift from blackened pagan metal masterpieces to epic tracks with crystal-clear melodies and piano infusions. Arkona’s Khram is an exuberant and demanding affair that defies genre boundaries with untamable spirit!
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pagan folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Arkona`s debut album Vozrozhdenie was originally released in 2004 and firmly placed both the band and its Russian mother country on the pagan / folk metal map. Front woman Masha`s powerful performance plus Slavic mysticism and varied songwriting turned the first release (its name means “revival”, by the way) of young Arkona into a success and the beginning of a remarkable career. The band has now re-recorded Vozrozhdenie and not only revisits its roots – it lets those old songs shine with a massive production and new instrumental skills!
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pagan folk metal, Sound Age Productions
A Pagan Folk Metal Monument! ARKONA returns after three long years and finally releases the new album "Yav". The Russian warriors revolving around the impressive frontlady Masha "Scream" Arkhipova have perfected their unique style. Like never before, the band interweaves brutal Metal riffs, pounding drums and folk melodies, the latter played mostly on authentic and medieval instruments. Sweeping and profound songs, epic compositions and dream-like atmospheres create the distinctive and enthralling sound of ARKONA. "Yav" offers 70 minutes of original, majestic and unique Pagan Folk Metal, and will crown ARKONA king!
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death doom metal
Packaged in a digipak.
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funeral death doom metal
Doom metal supergroup TOWARDS ATLANTIS LIGHTS give us a sublime album of heart-wrenching drama emanating from historical events. Members of acclaimed bands like PANTHEIST, APHONIC THRENODY and VOID OF SILENCE weave together a majestic tale brimming with melancholy and emotional strife. Each song is an elegant expression of their dreamlike visions of a world long past. They carry the burden of grief passed down from centuries with utmost grace and lend to the music an unmistakable nostalgic charm that is very much palpable. TOWARDS ATLANTIS LIGHTS have created a masterpiece of epic and atmospheric death/doom metal that is tempered with talent, experience and vision.
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folk metal
Ltd. edition digi-book
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shoegaze black metal, Dusktone
With this new album, COLD BODY RADIATION continues the intimate and melancholic path of the previous "The clear path". These eight new tracks album once again confirm the M. quality and composition depth that, although he definitively abandoned the most extreme sounds, still managed to get us into a restlessness and mystery swirl. ‘The orphean lyre" is an intensely human listening experience. Teeming with life and breathing as it coughs and splutters, there is an unavoidable attachment felt almost instantly as a listener. This is music that drags you in and simply refuses to let go. Do not think, do not listen to, do not judge yourself for what will come out of this experience. Everything is within you and this new COLD BODY RADIATION album is a solid vehicle for a deep work on yourself. Finally.
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$15.00 $12.00
apocalyptic death / black metal, Dusktone
RUST is an Apocalyptic Death/Black Metal outfit, featuring members of Enisum. A magical, evocative and enchanting work, as well as tragic, apocalyptic, cruel, painful, fatal, nefarious, violent and deadly ... A unique and disenchanted vision of extreme music. A dazzling journey, almost blinding and inadmissible, leading to the discovery of a majestic and impressive record, whose roots are inspired by the first OPETH, SHINING and a post-KATATONIA taste. However, this record has an ultra-personal vision, open and unique that makes RUST's universe an unmatched experience. credits A5 Digipak CD with booklet
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funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions

Первое официальное для стран СНГ переиздание четвёртого полноформатного альбома "The Book of Kings" австралийских думстеров Mournful Congregation. Упоительно-печальный альбом, олицетворяющий боль человечества, переплетённого с мистицизмом. Акустические вставки меланхолично звучат в небытие, отбрасывая Вас за пределы разума. Вокал обволакивает своей пленящей красотой. Все 4 песни объединяют в себе холод печальных душ. 300 копий в коллекционном 6-панельном digipak, содержат наклейку, Pit-Art CD и 16-страничный буклет, включающий имена фанатов, участвовавших в сборе средств.

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dark doom death metal, BadMoodMan Music
Новый альбом от одной из ведущих групп на испанской тёмной сцене Helevorn также как и их предыдущий опус был записан в студии Psychosomatic M.A Riutort. Мастерингом занимался Йенс Богрен (известный по работе с такими группами как Opeth, Dimmu Borgir, Arch Enemy, Katatonia, Soilwork, Moonspell, Kreator, Dark Tranquillity, Paradise Lost, Amon Amarth, Rotting Christ и др.) на студии Fascination Street Studios, Трепетное отношение музыкантов к звуку позволило им добиться наилучшей передачи своих эмоций, вложенных в своё творение. Также группе удалось достичь гармоничного баланса между чистым и экстремальным вокалами, между мелодикой и тяжестью, а также между медленными и среднетемповыми элементами композиций. Новый материал более эпичен, насыщен и мрачен, и гостевой хрустальный голос Хайке Лангханс из шведской группы Draconian только подчеркнул эти сияющие грани альбома.
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black metal
“The concept of the project is the flaw and inability of consciousness to reflect the boundlessness of the nothingness in the frames of reality that (reality) only exists within and in the sanity. It is a sort of an attempt of exceeding the limits of imagination, which makes the lyrics unavailable for criticism from the point of view of logical thinking. The musical vessel here is a result of expression that has no bonds with any personal emotion of social nature.” - KHANDRA
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$13.00 $12.00
funeral doom metal, Ksenza Records
New Album from mighty “Funeral Tears”. Sound is based on melodic funeral doom/ death doom with new elements for band – epic atmosphere and black metal elements! Funeral Tears delivers their requiem in honor of the final darkness and collapse of the mankind. Limited edition 500 copies CD digipak with slipcase!
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black metal / dark ambient, Ksenza Records
This is a conceptual split created on a drone / dark ambient / black metal plain. Russian occult band Sleepwalker and UK progressive Black Metal legends Fen. Sleepwalker's tracks are a journey into mystic depths, endless dreams and Your rebirth. Fen's tracks are a tribute to the crumbling coastlines of Eastern England and the spirits that lie restless beneath the waters. "a thoroughly atmospheric, sometimes otherworldly drift from expansive universes to forested night-time mountainsides" (Doom-Metal). Ltd x 500 copies in a digipak. Positions on both EP's are listed I to III each. New EP from Sleepwalker and Fen.
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black / death metal, Non Serviam Records
Треклист: 1 Raise The Dead 2 Das Fallbeil 3 Blonde Poison 4 Pharmaceutical Frontline 5 Far Beyond The Dragon's Teeth 6 Burn And Destroy 7 Hope...
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black metal, Non Serviam Records
Barcode: 0646847487194 Matrix Runout: NSR 019 www.non-serviam-records.com
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atmospheric black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Hypnotic Dirge and Throats Production presents the release an intense nature-themed atmospheric Black Metal split record entitled "Origins" between two great atmospheric bands - Ah Ciliz and Chiral. Ah Ciliz is an atmospheric Black Metal band founded by Elmer (Klär, Painful Depression) in 2008. The history of the project now includes four full-length albums, and a split with Griefthorn all released between 2011-2014. Three years later, Ah Ciliz returns with three excellent new songs for the "Origins" split focused on indigenous cultures, nature, and the cosmos. The songs from Ah Ciliz span between powerful, triumphant, beautiful, and spiritial throughout its duration which is aided by varied and interesting riffs, soaring leads, and an atmosphere that matches the lyrical themes perfectly. Chiral is an Italian one-man band from the countryside near Piacenza, set up at the end of 2013. His compositions shine of a dim light dwelling through the branches, alternating solar as well as gloomy moments. Folkish instruments are used to guide the listener through contemplation, while gentle veils of synths are crafting a misty and mysterious aura. If the dreamy and hypnotic atmosphere of Lustre met with the breathless wonder of Falls of Rauros' melodies, and the wild raw guitar lines of Wolves in the Throne Room, that would be probably be what Chiral sounds like. For fans of: Lustre, Agalloch, Mavradoxa, Windbruch, Falls of Rauros, Wolves in the Throne Room
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death doom metal, Weird Truth Productions
Two-man atmospheric Doom outfit from Singapore with their debut EP “Unstructured Dissemination”, bridging a fine line between Doom, Post Rock and Death / Black Metal elements. Featuring Sigh mastermind Mirai Kawashima and Singaporean Darkwave prodigy Microchip Terror on synthnoises. Cover artwork by Branca Studio (Paradise Lost, Confrontational, Witchthroat Serpent, etc).
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stoner rock / shoegaze, Relapse Records
Avvolgere, the forthcoming LP from Texas trio TRUE WIDOW, perfects the formula that 2013's Circumambulation established. The album rocks and rolls with serene, rounded climaxes and steep, jangling choruses that engulf the listener with waves of downbeat, saccharine melodies and mesmerizing distortion. TRUE WIDOW's signature alternation between male and female vocals helps further blur the boundaries between the heft of stoner rock, the droning atmosphere of shoegaze, and the twangy catchiness of blues and indie rock. It's both concise and circuitous - the album takes you on a journey that you can't ever quite predict or expect. Avvolgere is TRUE WIDOW sounding more infectious and consummate than ever before.
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experimental / electronic drone rock, Relapse Records
Horseback’s young but varied catalog has been remarkable in its ability to capture distinctly different subgenres of heavy music with impressive virtuosity: drone, doom, black-metal, psychedelia, post-rock, noise etc etc. With ‘Half Blood’, Horseback’s first true ‘new release’ for Relapse, the band’s mastermind Jenks Miller has brilliantly managed to throw all of those styles into one seamless album. ‘Half Blood’ naturally shifts from Americana twang to fiercely evil buzzing guitars to hypnotically meditative kraut-drone with a level of confidence that takes other bands years to master. Horseback’s ‘Half Blood’ is Neurosis on a Neil Young overdose, Earth after being locked in a room with Merzbow for weeks straight. This is an album at once immediately captivating as well as rewarding for those who treasure music that reveals new twists and turns with repeated listens.
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death black doom metal, Terror From Hell Records
Треклист: 1 Crawling In Chaos 15:48 2 The Evanescece Creature From Nebula's Dust 12:48
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noise rock, Relapse Records
Miami noise rock/alt metal powerhouse WRONG's (members of Torche, ex-Capsule, ex-Kylesa) sophomore album Feel Great will make you feel the exact opposite of great. A moody and eclectic record, albeit the moods are pissed and the eclecticism is different levels of pissed. On Feel Great, WRONG has mastered the arts of bludgeoning groove, riff, tone, and grit, creating eleven songs that are faster, heavier, angrier yet also more melodic than their breakout debut. The album was self-produced by the band and recorded at various studios around Miami with mixing handled by guitarist Ryan Haft and artwork by Rick Smith of Torche. WRONG is the exact type of rock band the world needs in 2018, uncompromising, aggressive and ready to tear the whole damn place to bits.
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post-black / doom metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
“Omgeving” is an experimental musical project from Dutch musician Franck Johanson (Distillator) where the listener is meant to interpret the sound as auditory landscapes, every texture part of a broader perception that has been created. The first Omgeving album crosses the boundaries of black metal, space rock, ambient, and doom. It is an entirely instrumental work based on conjuring imagery through soundscapes, through tones and frequencies that transport you through inner and outer space. This album should interest those who enjoy the slow buildup of layers, working with dynamics to build to a hypnotizing crescendo, shifting between subtle ambience to a piercing wall of sound. “Wijde Wijdte” will be released on a 6 panel digipack format through Hypnotic Dirge Records in December 2018, alongside a 10cm x 10cm sticker of the cover art, designed by Kuba Kujawa credits
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doom / post-metal / drone, Hypnotic Dirge Records
The Haunting Green are Cristiano Perin (vocals, guitars, synthesizers) and Chantal Fresco (drums and percussions). Formed in 2012 and based on North-East Italy, their music is constantly going in the direction of a coexistence within the aggressive vibes of extreme metal with ambient-drone and dark electronic music. After a debut EP and collaborative split album, “Natural Extinctions”is their first full-length album which explores the inability of human beings to preserve their innocence and the bond with nature during their existence. The focus on “Natural Extinctions” is to merge extreme metal with the suggestive language of drone / ambient and ritual music, highlighting in some ways the "percussive" side of their music. This isn't an ordinary concept album but, actually, there is a hidden thread connecting the 7 tracks, relating the inevitable destiny of every human being to inhibit, suppress and lose, along his life, some of the most pure and atavistic aspects of their own soul, to adapt and live with the hostile environment that surrounds him. Adaptability on the one hand strengthens and leads to move forward, but, on the other hand, corrupts and makes us lose the most spiritual and pure side of us: the most precious.
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atmospheric black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Nightmarrow is a meditation on the isolation and hopelessness of our age and the consequences of technology and voracious consumption of resources. “Nightmarrow” sees Mavradoxa developing and intensifying their song-writing ability crafting simultaneously cohesive yet unpredictable songs that is still rooted in Atmospheric Black Metal. An intense onslaught of momentous energy and a visceral spirit that covers you in a shroud of atmosphere.
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death / black metal, On Parole Productions
In 2002 it was time for second Noctiferia album that they entitled Per Aspera. This effort presented Noctiferia as mature death / black metal act and gained them worldwide attention. Per Aspera was critically well acclaimed and touring over Europe with bands like Marduk, Kataklysm, Immolation, Aborted and Malevolent Creation followed. Noctiferia achieved something almost impossible with the video for song Fond Of Lies as it was charted #1 for 8 weeks on Slovenian national TV. Per Aspera is one of the most important milestones of Slovenian metal, a mix of Morbid Angel and Emperor … something for all extreme metal fans! This re-release contains 3 demo tracks that were recorded in 2000, with the original singer of the band. These songs were later reworked and released on Per Apera. Slovenska morbida re-release includes 3 remixes of tracks from the album.
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industrial metal, On Parole Productions
Originally released in 2006, Slovenska morbida is the 3rd and most experimental Noctiferia album. At that time Noctiferia progressed into industrial metal, full of different cultural influences including Slovenian national instruments and female vocals. The album was mixed at Sweden’s The Abyss studio by Peter Tägtgren, which added massive sound to Noctiferia’s creation. This reissue includes 3 remixes, recorded for exclusively for this re-release.
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black metal, On Parole Productions
The tendency of the abyss is that it from time to time vomits the manure that spreads misanthropy and melancholy of unknown dimension. It provides a trigger to each misanthrope to cross virtual borders of society and finally digs the knife in the back of his brother man. It is so from Kain on. Srd, the quintet of troubadours of darkness, is on the mission to serve their black 'n' roll no less than hell and manifest the agony of humanity over the last few thousand years and encourages the eternal recurrence of it. Smrti sel brings seven songs, seven vessels of the wrath of God, who is pouring on earth a blend of modern black metal with elements of black 'n' roll. Two in their native language, while one brings a message from deceased icon of incorrectness G.G. Allin.
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gothic doom metal
Jewel case version
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death metal
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progressive death metal, Memento Mori
The jaw-dropping debut album by this French band. Hailing from Grenoble, Barús formed in 2015 and soon released their self-titled debut EP through Emanations (a division of Les Acteurs de l'Ombre Productions). Since mid-2016, work has been focused on their debut full-length album. Bearing the ominous title "Drowned", this is a bolt-from-the-blue work of unimaginable vision and towering might. Indeed, the term "βαρύς" evokes a weight, an overbearing burden. Through Barús, this takes musical form through a complex and utterly atmospheric -but, above all, completely and totally visceral- approach to Death Metal. Call it an alchemy of sorts, but "Drowned" presents a moltenly monolithic, ceaselessly churning sound merged with palpably progressive structures, frequently stretching into Black and Doom Metal territories -and effortlessly, at that- all compellingly completed by bowels-of-Hell deep vociferations and vocalizations spanning semi-clean moans, spoken word, chants and everything in between. Truly, it's a nightmare made flesh, its dissonance instilling an unshakable tension and terror, and yet Barús manage to make it sound so alluring, so tempting, to literally drown in the enormity they lay bare for the helpless listener. Drowned indeed! We don't usually dip our toes into "progressive" or "post" waters, favoring the musty odor of vintage Death Metal. However, when presented with Barús' "Drowned", we couldn't help but submit to their visionary onslaught on the senses. So, while we could describe them as "Autopsy reinterpreted by Meshuggah" or "Gojira and Gorguts jamming out to an old Demilich tune with Ulcerate's instruments," we're confident Barús should definitely appeal to fans of such daring bands as Gorguts, Triptykon, Ulcerate, Emptiness, Meshuggah, Portal, Diskord, Akercocke, Gojira, Sumac, Deathspell Omega, Altars and Chaos Echoes. Featuring 9 songs in a vast yet time-evaporating 56 minutes, the production on "Drowned" is absolutely stellar. It was recorded between 2016 and 2017 at Plastic Lobster Studios & Eptagon, with drum recording and additional reamping done at Octavox Studio, while mixing and mastering were done by James Leonard at Plastic Lobster Studios. Completed by cover art courtesy of the masterful Timo Ketola, with inner artwork by Stephen Wilson, Barús' "Drowned" is this year's dark-horse classic in the making!
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death metal, Memento Mori
The striking debut full-length by this Mexican band. Hailing from the vast Death Metal hotbed of Mexico, Ravenous Death feature current members of such other bands as Remains, Demonic Manifestation and Death's Forsaken. The band's embryo was brought forth in 2016 during the recording of Remains' third album in Mexico City, when vocalist/guitar player Miguel Angel and drummer Esteban Salcedo toyed with the idea of creating a Death Metal band influenced by Vomitory, Torture Division and the likes. Later on, both musicians shared their vision with lead guitarist Enrique Fray, and the three of them agreed to push the idea forward and carry it out as a side-project due to the commitments they all had with their main bands. Soon after, Enrique and Miguel Angel began writing songs for the newborn abomination, and the three members decided to name the band after a Vomitory song titled "The Ravenous Dead". Fast forward to October 2016, and the recording of Ravenous Death's debut demo/EP, "Ominous Deathcult", is finalized (although not released as a Bandcamp download until March 2017), including 5 songs chock full of rotting maliciousness that show great poise in combining blasting brutality, crushing heaviness, somber ambience and fierce intensity, with the lyrical themes revolving about death, occultism, blasphemy and other classic topics of the olden Metal of Death. On May 13th, 2017, the band make their first live performance in the city of Guadalajara. For this occasion two new members were recruited -namely, bass player Alejandro Mendez and guitarist Diego Gomez- leaving Miguel Angel on vocal duties alone. After the excellent crowd response, both Alejandro and Diego join the band as official members. Emboldened by this patient momentum, at last arrives Ravenous Death's full-length debut, aptly titled "Chapters of an Evil Transition". Indeed displaying the band's transition into an evil Death Metal juggernaut, the album absolutely bleeds the molten-yet-mildewed essence of 90's Metal of Death. Fucking fashion and trends and especially fickle tastes, "Chapters of an Evil Transition" is a gutsfucking time-warp to the days when Death Metal was supposedly "dead", lost in favor of Black Metal, Power Metal or (worse) ill-fated sellout fantasies. In this landscape did many a raw and righteous mini-classic get birthed, and suitably do Ravenous Death continue the proud legacy of Vomitory and Mexican forebears Shub Niggurath, but also especially Sadistic Intent, Seance, old Grave, 90's Immolation, 90's Vader and Finland's Demigod. No more but definitely no less, this is Death Metal by and for Death Metal maniacs: no bullshit and no sellout! Completed by stark artwork courtesy of Mörtuus and mastering by the esteemed Javier Felez at Moontower Studios, allow Ravenous Death to read you "Chapters of an Evil Transition"!
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death metal, Memento Mori
The long-awaited debut full-length of this U.S. band. Not much is known about the anonymous aural torturers known as Ruin. The small amount of information that we do know is that the band was formed back in 1991, somewhere in the United States. Due to various members of the band being incarcerated and institutionalized, Ruin was disbanded at some point later that year. Rumors have also swirled that the band members were/are part of some sort of cult. Now free from any obstacles, the Ruin Death Metal machine was re-started again in 2015, and work began in earnest for what was to become their debut album (at last!), "Drown in Blood". With roots firmly planted in utter and complete musical devastation, Ruin's sonic debauchery is mean, vicious, spiteful, raucous, and sickening Death Metal. Shit-heavy and strewn with shit, their long-brewing "Drown in Blood" is pure and utter ugliness enriched with doomed-out passages, crusty tempos, and sudden blasts that are meant to turn your stomach without care. Vile and viscous, filthy and foul, the influences seem to come from some sort of bastard child spawned from Hellhammer covers being slammed out by Realm of Chaos-era Bolt Thrower taking place in the jam room of Finnish sickos Abhorrence in 1989: that's how heavy and crushing their stuff is, offering no remorse and no escape for the helpless/hapless listener. That's how you Drown in Blood, y'know? If you're a fan of putrid old school Death Metal and the aforementioned bands as well as Sweden's Crematory, Rottrevore, Undergang, Demigod, Rippikoulu, Autopsy and Cianide, then you will put Ruin in the same puke-infested bucket. Memento Mori unleashes "Drown in Blood" on CD format, and toilets the world over will cower in fear! Mastered by Ted Tringo at The Ancient Way Mastering (U.S.A.). Cover art and layout by César Valladares.
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death thrash metal, Memento Mori
The sophomore full-length album of the cult U.S. band Dead Conspiracy. Formed in 1986, Dead Conspiracy is to this day considered by many as a pioneer and influence to Death/Gore Metal bands worldwide. Originally released on vinyl, tape and digital in November 2016, "Dead Conspiracy" features 9 tracks of the band's trademark Thrash Metal-edged, Punk-infused, evil-minded, vicious and unadulterated savagery that should definitely appeal to fans of other primal and unrefined Death Metal acts that helped shape the genre in the 80's, such as Nunslaughter, Necrophagia, Mantas/Death, Master, Incubus, Possessed, Deceased, Autopsy/Abscess, Terminal Death, Massacre, Exmortis, Repulsion, Slaughter, N.M.E... The vocals drip with devilish flare, the bass is clear and punchy, guitars are treble and sound like scythes, and drums sound like they were recorded on a low-budget in the best way. There are no tricks here, just raw skill and Metal. "Dead Conspiracy" is a powerful album, even after many repeated listens. It displays everything you need old school Death Metal to display: bone-crunching riffs, pounding breakdowns and speed delivered with anger, atmosphere and energy by a band that’s riddled with acrimonious motivation and a burning passion for the genre. So dig up your favorite cadaver to sit with while you get kick your ears kicked in, for the deadliest have now returned!!!
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death metal, Memento Mori
For the first time ever on CD format, here comes an official reissue of the obscure and solitary demo of the old Spanish band Fossor, originally released on tape back in 1994. Fossor first burst into the Spanish underground Death Metal scene back in August 1993, in the small northern town of Logroño. It came into being as a spin-off from the first two Aposento line-ups, another legendary then Spanish band and local pioneers of the genre. Their music approach was logically rooted in the soundings of the genuine and still effervescing international Death Metal scene, taking their cues from the ancient Florida sound (Obituary, Massacre and most specifically "Leprosy" and "Spiritual Healing" era Death) and the European tradition of bands such as Benediction, Entombed, Asphyx, Grave and Gorefest. Despite the lack of a proper distribution and promotion, "Emerging from the Abyss" would end up gaining some recognition within the underground domestic ranks and also positive reviews in places remote as Asia and other European countries, including the insertion of the song "The Bastard Son of God" on the 1995 compilation "Sometimes... Death is Better II" put out by the Belgian label Shiver Records. A truly unmissable gem of the 90's underground and happily exhumed at last, this very special reissue of "Emerging from the Abyss" was mastered by Dan Lowndes (of Cruciamentum fame) at his own Resonance Sound Studio in the U.K., and features brand new artwork by Raul Fuentes (a.k.a. Mortuus) as well as a fully detailed bio-interview conducted and compiled by David Bleak (Bleak 'zine).
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death thrash metal, Memento Mori
The loathsome debut full-length from this Greek band. Hailing from Athens, Pile of Excrements was crapped into existence when drummer Shit Eater (Necrovorous, Embrace of Thorns, Chainsaw) joined forces with guitar/bass-player and vocalist Necropervert (Nightbreed, Chainsaw) with the vile intention of delighting the listener with the aural equivalent of the nauseating stench of one hundred drains clogged with foul-smelling turds and urine. And as the title of their debut album promises, "Escatology" is exactly that! Pile of Excrements began clogging sewers last year with the Demo 2016 tape. In no uncertain terms, the duo laid bare their divinely depraved musical influences -Autopsy/Abscess, Pungent Stench, Master, Impetigo, Blood, Necrophagia, Mantas/Death, Carcass, Cianide, Massacre and Hellhammer- and completed it with a compulsive obsession with slasher/gore B-movies, shit of all kinds and high-cholesterol food. But, that demo was but a mere appetizer for the filthy feast to follow in "Escatology"! From the very first second "Bowel Rampage" shits itself into existence, it's crystal-clear these refined and suave Greek gentlemen are all about the FILTH in capital -and gushing- letters. From there, the foulness just starts flowing, one rough and rancorous rush after another. Indeed, Pile of Excrements pile high the punk-rocking hooks so crucial to early Death Metal -that is, the original template laid out by the aforementioned masters- and keep the crush coming. It's 15 almost-anthems in a tight and taut 40 minutes, but it's not all short/sharp/shocked: on the six-minute "Cult of the Unibrow", the duo go relatively epic whilst keeping the emphasis on the filth... where it should be! Featuring fittingly gross cover art by Raul Fuentes (a.k.a. Mortuus) and mastering by Cruciamentum's Dan Lowndes, Pile of Excrements make "Escatology" a masterclass in musical depravity!
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death thrash metal, Memento Mori
The long-awaited debut full-length from this Romanian putrid ensemble. Rotheads was formed in Bucharest back in 2014 as an old-school Death Metal side-project to the experimental Doom/Noise/Stoner-improv band Keeng Ra'at; both bands contained the same three members. By 2015, five songs were written, and recordings began in December of that year. Ultimately, six songs (plus intro and outro) came out in April 2016 as the "Unfazed by Death" demo, which turned out to be a remarkable, sick trip into the bowels of murky and foul-smelling Death Metal. In the meantime, another guitarist joined the band, and the original bassist left and rejoined later on. The original drummer and vocalist also left the band in August, and another drummer has since joined, while the vocals are now handled by the original guitarist. Rotheads have played only a few times live, the most memorable being two gigs around Romania with the legendary Sadistic Intent. "Aptly fucking titled" is an understatement when it comes to "Sewer Fiends". Here, Rotheads take their aggregate influences -particularly from the classic early 90's Finnish scene (Abhorrence, early Sentenced, Demigod, Depravity), as well as other timeless crypt dwellers such as Autopsy, Incantation, Carnage, Accidental Suicide, Grave and Asphyx- and proceed to create a mesmerizingly murky 'n' moody work with their debut album. The sewage is piled high and plentifully, as foul 'n' fetid riffs flow fast and freely, but always with a clearly discernible direction; after all, Rotheads are firmly grounded in the timeless songwriting style of old school Death Metal, where feeling and texture are paramount over technique and other flashy wank. And those riffs continue to roll ever forward, malevolently and majestically, just like a (filth-strewn) tank. And yet, amidst all this crunch and carnage lay a layering of eerie melody atop, evoking fresh crypts opening slowly or the tension of wandering further into tomb-like sewers. Indeed, Rotheads are as aptly named as their album is titled, and we dare you to emerge from their moldy embrace completely clean... There's just no way to wash off this horror! As an appetizer, just stare deeply into Cesar Valladares' cryptic cover art. And, with mixing and mastering courtesy of Javier Felez at Moontower Studios, it's all but guaranteed that Rotheads' "Sewer Fiends" will be one of the best (if not THE BEST) Death Metal debuts of the year!
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death metal, Memento Mori
A CD that compiles the body of work of this old, obscure Swiss Death Metal band. "The Complete Disgoregraphy 1991-2003" features the "The Persistence of Archaic Dogma..." demo (1991), the "In My Darkest Vision..." promo (1991), the "Hybridized Deformity" EP (1992), the "Docta Ignorantia" EP (1993) and the "The Second Side of the Coin..." demo (2003). To depict Damnatory's own brand of Death Metal ain't no simple task, for it encapsulates a number of different features and influences, namely the grinding brutality of early Pungent Stench, the fondness for intricacy of early Disharmonic Orchestra, the rawness and the filth of early Grave, and the uncanniness of Mangled Torsos, molding a Death Metal mongrel that bounces back and forth from sick tremolo-picked riffs, to thrashy headbanging sections and to slow, doomish passages. The casket has yet again been opened for all zealots of the early 90's undeground Death Metal to inhale the odor of the lifeless ones! All songs restored and mastered by Patrick Engel (of Hatespawn fame) at Temple of Disharmony, Germany. Artwork and layout by Marco Gemmet, the band's vocalist on the 1992 EP and the 2003 demo.
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death doom metal, Memento Mori
The outstanding debut full-length from this up and coming German band. Formed back in early 2014 by seasoned devotees of the German underground (featuring past and present members of bands such as Beyond and Nocturnal), this three-headed beast spreads an aural plague in the form of primal, decayed, malevolent, venomous, eerie and crawling Death/Doom Metal with extremely rotten vocals that sound like desperate yells being vomited forth, and a gloomy atmosphere that reeks of mouldy crypts, nocturnal fears and god-forsaken places, very much influenced by ancient entities such as Goatlord, Delirium, Hellhammer, Necro Schizma, Winter, early Asphyx and Autopsy. Finished up with a solid mastering work (courtesy of Ted Tringo at The Ancient Way Mastering, U.S.A.) that enhances the morbidity of their sound, and the bleak artwork crafted by the German artist known as Misanthropic Art, "Perpetual Blackness" is an unquestionable tribute to all things uncanny and putrescent.
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death doom metal, Memento Mori
One year after unleashing a promising debut full-length, Deprive is back with a sophomore album that strengthens all the attributes displayed on the critically acclaimed "Into Oblivion", only supplied with an even danker and more organic production that absolutely sets it apart from the current, plastic standards and will carry the listener back to a time when no digital tricks would spoil the soul of Death Metal. Formed in 2013, Deprive is the brainchild of a hyperactive veteran of the Spanish scene that goes under the nickname of Erun Dagoth, current/past member of a large number of bands and projects such as Briargh, Hrizg, Stormstone, CrystalMoors, Eldereon and Omendark, just to name a few. Drawing his influences from the early offerings of bands such as Paradise Lost, Hypocrisy, Morbid Angel, Amorphis, Incantation, My Dying Bride, Cemetary and Bolt Thrower, Erun Dagoth manages once again to display a vast array of resources that makes his music gloomy yet luminous, crushing yet emotional, capturing the very essence of the old-flavored, early and mid 90's Death Metal that used to toy with slower, doom-ish tempos to enhance the atmosphere. Produced in its entirety by Erun Dagoth himself, except for the artwork (handled by the talented Spanish artist Enserune), "Temple of the Lost Wisdom" is not just a great follow-up to "Into Oblivion", but a truly remarkable album that perfectly and honestly captures the vibes of yore, keeping them somewhat fresh and relevant for all true Death Metal fans to rejoice in.
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occult black death metal, Dusktone
Active since late '90 Black Flame is one of the most important occult black death metal band in italy. "Necrogenesis: Chants From The Grave" is the sixth full-length album released on Dusktone and represents the highest peak of their career offering eight tracks of an indescribable violence, technique and darkness in music. Although those tracks are shot through with moments of dark majesty and crushing black death metal riffage, BLACK FLAME's sound is about as extreme and as technical as it gets within the realm of extreme music, with tendency towards total sonic overload that'll test the most ardent necro and satanic-addicts This new album has moved deeper into stranger and more sharp realms of demonic death metal, this is seriously heavy stuff and ain't no fun, that's for sure. Fans of most radical sounds will find much to enjoy here. All others, beware... It has been recorded by Federico Pannazzato (Death SS) at the Music Ink Studios (already producers of the last album of Official Opera IX) Comes in a 4-panel Digipak with booklet.
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black metal, Dusktone
“Seid” is the third studio album of norwegian black metallers KVALVAAG. It`s more aggressive but at the same time more diverse and unpredictable than our previous albums The unmistakable style of the Norwegian duo will take you in very cold atmospheres, impetuous rides and clearly epic parts. The atmosphere reminds the previous Malum album, but there is a lot more going on at all times. Haunting atmospheric touches and violent rhythmic elements produce something far bleaker and more unsettling than anything else. Kvalvaag has this to say about the new album: “When I started working on the new material, I wanted to surpass our previous work in every way possible. Much more time, effort and better equipment were used compared to our earlier works this time. We also received financial support from “Norsk fond for utøvende kunstnere” who gave us the ability to give the album the production it deserved. It was awesome working with Tom Kvalsonic as he is the man behind the sound of many of the albums we grew up with. He completely understood our vision and significantly raised the quality of the album. I feel we have successfully raised the bar as high as possible this time. We had to evolve a lot as musicians to be able to perform our parts during the recording. It has been a educational journey with a lot of hard work and technical challenges in the studio, but I am really satisfied with the end result and our musical progression”. Digipak CD.
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avantgarde rock, Cold Dimensions
Треклист: 1 6786 8:09 2 Zwischen Dem Salz Und Montpellier 7:02 3 Texas Della Morte 3:19 4 Frost 1 1:26 5 Töte Das Jahr Für Mich 22:30 6 Frost 2 3:01
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depressive black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Maeskyyrn is a black metal entity born of Montreal, Quebec, in 2017. It released a first demo, “Thoughts Of Shattered Dreams,” in January 2018, and assembled as a live band. On October 17, 2019, the sky will turn black as Maeskyyrn prepares to reveal Interludes, their first full length, to the mortal world. With its raw guitars and tortured screams, the full band’s aesthetic is reminiscent of the second wave of black metal. But deep under its charcoaled skin, Maeskyyrn takes advantage of modern technologies, as can be seen in the drum recording, overall production, and layers of discrete background synth. Indeed, as the album title suggests, Maeskyyrn brings forth a number of atmospheric interludes, thus pacing the album with brief uncomfortable moments of respite, before dragging you into the darkest pits with a series of long, punishing tracks. The end result is a traditional but highly unorthodox black metal album, with hints of eclecticism that reveal themselves and grows on you upon each listen, slowly rotting you to the core. This album will appeal to fans of black metal in general, but also to those who have been following Hypnotic Dirge Records since its very first inception. The label is proud to add Maeskyyrn’s Interlude to a long tradition that also includes classic black metal albums from bands like Silent Path, Neige et Noirceur, Funeral Fornication, and Obsidian Tongue.
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progressive post metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
“The Heavens Are Not On Fire...is the debut album from Wills Dissolve, a progressive death metal band from Houston, TX. Equally atmospheric and aggressive, this album weaves its concept (“a meditation on religion, violence, and cosmic chaos”) through seamless, satisfying transitions between ambient and bold passages. Led by masterfully executed drum grooves and finished with blazing, melodic leads and crushing vocals, Heavens… is progressive, but never wandering. Although one can certainly recognize influences both named by the band (Opeth, Katatonia, Ihsahn) and surprising (Rotting Christ, In Vain, Kozeljnik, November’s Doom), nothing about this spectacular debut is derivative. The production is clean and balanced, perfectly restrained, allowing each element to shine through organically. The Heavens Are Not On Fire… transports the listener to The Great Meteor Storm of 1833, an event erroneously interpreted by North American Christians as the biblical apocalypse and later recognized as the beginning of a critical shift towards a secular understanding of celestial phenomena. Lyrically and musically, Wills Dissolve’s debut is worth the many listens it takes to appreciate its authenticity and originality. “No More Sanctity!”
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symphonic black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
However, Nachtterror - throughout the bulk of their existence - has been building and refining their debut concept album “Judgement” with songwriting for the album dating back to 2008. Previous renditions of songs from Judgement have appeared on past releases but Judgement as an aggregate entity has never been revealed – until now. Judgement, the amalgamation of Nachtterror’s universe is now ready for release. The album presented as a 6 panel digipack with nine tarot cards included, specifically conceived of and painted by guitarist and artist Lord Maelkleth (Eric Escott), to convey the story behind each track on the record. Metaphorically, this album is about embracing the negative aspects of the self and making the decision to become a god, or be destroyed by it. "Judgement is a black mirror, allowing its listener to view their own dark truth. It is a story of the power of self; embracing or succumbing to its desires and fears." - Erik "Saint Wikk" Labossiere
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black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Combining abrasive and gritty black metal with hallucinatory ambience and spiralling postrock intricacy, Kassad’s name is synonymous with misery, futility, and madness of modern urban life. "London Orbital", the new album, centers around modern urban living and looks to a near future of megacities where the city itself is a personified, malevolent being where human empathy and culture have been replaced by artificial intelligence. The artist adds: "I wanted to create music for an imagined, future London - one where the city’s monoliths of glass and concrete have come alive to assert their malevolent control over the millions of people that live and toil amongst them. Workers travel in the vast shadows of these buildings, in the tunnels and transport systems that snake below or in the briefest snatches of sun that are yet to be blacked out. If you tilt your head and look at the city just right, you can already see the light starting to turn to darkness."
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black metal, Ashen Dominion
comes in digipak
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sludge doom metal
Recorded June 15th 2004 Tsunami Sound Portland ME
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atmospheric sludge metal
Released in digipak format in an edition of 500. Mixed and mastered at Soundsight Studio, winter - spring 2006. Total playing time 54:33.
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ambient funeral doom metal, GS Productions
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black metal, Dusktone
Norway’s cold Black Metal act HOVMOD arise at their debut full length studio album, “Doedsformasjon”, which has been released in winter 2019 on Dusktone. Formed in Toten, Norway, HOVMOD is one of the seven deadly sins, and it represents aggression, rage, pride and the opposite of humility- something that reflects in HOVMOD’S music in the upcoming debut album “Doedsformasjon” that has been released in both CD and Vinyl format. Expect a thick and impenetrable blanket of cold northern fog that becomes sound, this grim graveyard of straight nowegian black metal is some of the creepiest music that Dusktone has released so far.
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black metal, Dusktone
Flukt perform harsh and cold Norwegian Black Metal. The music has clear reference to the oldschool Black Metal sound made infamous by the Norwegian Black Metal scene in the early 90s. The music has is aggressive and have a violent drive where the main focus is to create atmosphere. The unique thing with Flukt is the way dynamics is approached. Even when the music is fast, and harsh. Flukt is never afraid to mellow things down in slower passages and more groove oriented songs. FLUKT is a raw oldschool Black Metal band hailing from Vennesla, Norway. The band was launshed during the fall of 2014 but from the dark mood and the aggression in the music, every metalhead will get a flashback to the good old days of Norwegian Black Metal in the 90s. Their debut Ep «Holocaust» was released through SkyBurnsBlack Records in the winter of 2015. Late november 2017 the seven inch vinyl single «Fortapelse» was released by NordicMission Production. Flukt has performed several live shows in Norway and Sweeden. Like on the legendary Inferno Metal festival in Oslo, NordicFest and at the John Dee club.
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black metal, Dusktone
“Del Flusso Eterno” is a spiritual journey embracing the circularity of the Universe and its forces of destruction and creation. The human condition, spiritually barren, is represented by a waste land. Facing an eternal winter, men hinder the rebirth of a new cycle of life. Negating motion and changes, an unnatural stillness takes hold of body and spirit. We lack the energy and the will to break this staticity. But hope is not forlorn, there is only to kindle the embers and set aflame the pyre. A sacrifice is needed to return to the Earth, to re-ensablish the long forgotten link to Macrocosm. We have to lose ourselves, sacrifice ourselves to ourselves. Sublimating our identity in the Infinity we may reborn.
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folk metal, Sound Age Productions
digi-pack with 24 pages booklet
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symphonic black metal, Sound Age Productions
Ltd. edition digi-pack with booklet
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authentic folk ambient, FireStorm Production
Comes in 4-panel Digipak with 16-page booklet
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doom metal, Nine Records
Although their spectrum of influences is wide, Helsinki's Caskets Open still identify themselves as a doom metal band. Top-notch crushing heavy metal riffs and hardcore punk bursts are sewn together with their trademark DIY blue collar approach and innovative songwriting. Their fourth full-length album "Concrete Realms of Pain" is a 46 minutes long testament of a band in its prime.
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doom metal, Nine Records
The band’s third album, Vessels Into White Tides, brings new colours to their musical palette, taking the music through greater peaks & valleys than before. The multi-instrumental nature of the songs helps to explore & push the sound into a richer, more varied & ultimately more mature form without ever sacrificing their heavier roots.
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heavy doom metal, Nine Records
Monasterium is a Polish band founded in 2014 and dedicated to epic heavy/doom metal. All members of the brotherhood are experienced musicians sharing passion, common vision and belief in the power of traditional metal. These virtues have brought them to their eponymous first full length album released in May 2016 by No Remorse Records. “Monasterium” won critical acclaim of the metal underground and was promoted live at the highly esteemed European metal festivals: Hammer Of Doom, Up The Hammers, Malta Doom Metal Festival, Doom over Vienna and Seeds of Doom. Their sophomore album, “Church Of Bones”, released via Nine Records. While offering a broad variety in the songwriting, all eight anthems are the worship of the classic sound and stand tall in the fight for true metal . Additionally, the new album features a special guest appearance by Leo Stivala from the Maltese doom masters Forsaken.
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epic doom metal, Nine Records
Recorded, mixed and mastered at JRStudio by Jacek "Racek" Gruszka Artwork drawing was created by Diego Spezzoni Illustration & Design and cover layout and packaging design were handled by Xaay
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traditional doom metal, Nine Records
The second full-length album from British, classic, traditional doom metal.
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funeral doom metal
"Feeding The Abyss" Recorded at Magick Sound Studio 2003 "Apocalyptic Plague Ritual MMXX" Recorded 2020 Alternative 2020 versions of old previously released compositions
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depressive black metal
Jewel case edition OAP2008 On Spine
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industrial metal, Relapse Records
ZONAL, the brainchild of Justin Broadrick (Godflesh/Jesu/JK Flesh) and Kevin Martin (The Bug/Ming Midas Sound) present their monumental Relapse Records debut, "Wrecked". ZONAL continues where their previous collaboration Techno Animal left off, and combines a brutal ongoing obsession with beats, bass, dub, drone, noise and riff. Under their new guise, the enigmatic duo push the parameters and atmospheres that have earned them critical acclaim further and deeper; ZONAL's sound has become ever more corrupted, corroded, slower and lower; with the theme of exploring inner/outer space acts as the gelling agent for this shockingly monolithic sound. Anyone who witnessed their sonic destruction and lyrical detonation c/o MOOR MOTHER at both ROADBURN and UNSOUND festivals will not be disappointed by the slo-mo meltdown.
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black doom metal
Recorded during 2019 in Dödsmord Studio All music and lyrics by Voluptas Jan: guitars Martin: guitars Michal: vocals Petr: drums Štěpán: bass Ondrax: saxophone in Desert Twilight Anders Axelsson: recording, mixing and mastering Kristýna Vašíčková: artwork Markét Bártová: band photography Vašek Kokeš: graphic design Dedicated to Vašek 'BlackDog' Zajíček Released by MetalGate Records © 2020 MetalGate
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post rock
Треклист: 1 Prologue 2 Yidhra 3 Mutual Distortion 4 Spiritual Transcendence 5 Against Binding Gravity 6 Lost Home 7 Erich Zann Syndrome 8...
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industrial metal
Next album - next topic. Minority Sound like to experiment. Eventhough it might not be an experiment in common sense they like to try what they haven't tried before. And this is the case of Toxin. The album's topics are mental disorders, addictions, envy, hate and ... love. Love to a woman, love to a man, love to drugs, love to yourself and of course all of its dark sides. It is an album of many genres. Ranging from harsh industrials, through melodic Metal, Death Metal, Thrash Metal to very modern approach and it cannot be put into one specific box. Minority Sound have picked Dan Friml's The Barn studios to record the album. And it happened during 14 cold December days of 2018. Final mix and mastering has been yet again given to a canadian producer Rom di Prisco and the overall sound is once more way ahead of its predecessors. Interesting fact is that all the songs for Toxin were composed quite quickly during 4 month in Fall 2017. That's something unique if we take into account that previous records were composed in a matter of years. Maybe it was given by the mood of the main brain of the band: Otus Hobst who went through a couple of rock-bottom falls and mental breakdowns during 2017. We can say that Toxin is kind of a detox from the negative thoughts. It is about things that simply had to get out and that's what makes this album immediate and emotive. Lyrics were co-written by Tom F. Hanzl, better known as Chymus. Lyrics-wise they really were on the same line with Otus so even this matter takes everything to a new level.
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black metal
Треклист: 1 Nechtějme To Rozhodnout 3:38 2 Život Jde Dál 4:24 3 Dogma 4:34 4 Masařka Hodujíc Na Výkalech Mého života 6:31 5 Maruška 5:06 6 Úspěch Se...
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acoustic folk / post rock
Треклист: 1 One World Is Not Enough 4:42 2 From The Bottom Of The Ocean 3:01 3 Owls Not What They Seem 3:31 4 2nd Of April 3:24 5 Thousand Years For Us...
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post black / shoegaze
Треклист: 1 Foreword 2 Chapter One 3 Intermezzo Before Second Chapter 4 Chapter Two 5 Intermezzo Before Third Chapter 6 Chapter Three 7...
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melodic death metal
Треклист: 1 Rise To The Victory 6:03 2 Utopia Treasure 4:49 3 Black Night 5:18 4 Only For One Day 5:31 5 Fateful 5:42 6 (Sin)cere World 7:57 7...
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post-rock / metal
Треклист: 1 The Kvlt ov Dream 3:42 2 Owls Not What They Seem 4:37 3 Thoughts Like Silver Bullets 4:11 4 Symmetric Kakophony 3:20 5 Leviathan 2:40 6...
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melodic black metal
Треклист: 1 Cold Cell 1:25 2 Resurrection 3:24 3 Take The World 4:16 4 Visions 4:29 5 Army Of The Dying 3:55 6 Edge Of Abyss 3:15 7 Undead Thralls...
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blackened doom metal, Relapse Records
Треклист: 1 Tyrant Cold 2 Social Control 3 Place Of Skulls 4 Heel On Your Neck 5 Gunburn 6 The Latter Fire
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atmospheric black metal, GS Productions
Limited edition 100 copies
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folk death metal, GS Productions
Produced by Thomas Stoll Engineered by Fred Rapp Recorded & Mixed at Viking Sound Studio Schoemberg 2 All Songs by Dark Reality reussue in jewelcase
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cult folk rock, GS Productions
Limited edition of 100 hand-numbered copies.
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death metal, Memento Mori
The terrific 4th full-length by this Italian band. Valgrind was born from the ashes of the ultra-underground act Necrospell in 1993, as a Death/Black Metal project with both extreme and melodic influences. Over the following years, the band released four demos and developed its own style, combining the main influences (Morbid Angel, Pestilence, Death, Nocturnus, Possessed, Monstrosity, Immolation) with a passion for the epically dark atmospheres of bands like Candlemass and early Paradise Lost. Disbanded in 2003, the strong will to return on stage of both founding member/main songwriter Massimiliano Elia and vocalist Daniele Lupidi (also frontman of Hateful) made Valgrind's return possible in 2008. With the addition of new motivated members, the band released their debut full-length, "Morning Will Come No More", in 2012. The album contained almost one hour of classic Death Metal filled with killer solos, memorable riffs and obscure vocals. Following the release, a series of shows were held in Italy, Germany, Holland, and Sweden. In 2016, the band delivered their sophomore full-length, "Speech of the Flame". The music strayed away from some of the early influences to become more personal, while the lyrical concept dealt with the darkest sides of the ancient Mediterranean civilizations. An EP called "Seal of Phobos" followed in 2017, and only one year later, Valgrind delivered their 3rd full-length, their most ambitious work to date. "Blackest Horizon" saw an increasing level of technicality in the guitar department, while retaining the old school vibe of the previous works. Vocals became less guttural and more aggressive, while a more organic production gave the listener a wider musical spectrum to dive into. Again, the public was introduced to the new songs in some memorable shows, including Helsinki Deathfest in 2018. Entering the studio again in mid 2019, Valgrind have now arguably delivered their masterwork: "Condemnation". Undeniably and 1000% Death Metal to the core, there's an intangible "something", a never-belabored uniqueness, that now sets these Italians apart from so much stock-standard Death Metal. For sure, their roots lay in the genre's old school still, but the bits and pieces they pull and recombine are unexpected but most definitely welcome; no particular scene or substyle or specific year is selected, just the focus on strong songwriting and impassioned performance. Likewise, the lyricism doesn't betray Death Metal's rigorous boundaries -here, it's the myths of legendary creatures and beasts in various ancient cultures- but Valgrind bring an artful touch to fantastical horror, all of it rolling out of bassist Lupidi's lugubrious throat with commanding clarity. To that, the power trio's clarity of execution is also a thing of (ugly) beauty, firing off one flowing, furious part after another with seamless construction and solos that are the absolute definition of class. In fact, calling "Condemnation" classy Death Metal would not be much of a stretch: the songwriting itself is that poignant and powerful, and the production -mixed by Cristiano Copat at KK Recording Studio, and mastered by Damian Herring at Subterranean Watchtower Studios- is perfectly matched, skillfully balancing that clarity with crush. Giving this special album an ever-more-distinctive touch is the cover art courtesy of Lupidi himself, hereby making "Condemnation" truly Valgrind's triumph of death!
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sludge doom metal, Relapse Records
Richmond’s COUGH delivers thoroughly massive, psychedelic doom on their aptly titled Relapse debut ‘Ritual Abuse’. The albums five epic tracks are impenetrable walls of sludge; at points suffocating and claustrophobic, at others warped and hallucinogenic. ‘Ritual Abuse’ is an impressive monolith of sound and volume, and one of the finest moments yet of 21st century doom.
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math rock / hardcore
The disc is a 3" CD filled out with clear plastic to fit a full 5" sized disc. Ion Dissonance: ".357" Demo 2002 Track 1 has been re-recorded in 2005 for Ion Dissonance's second album "Solace" on Abacus Recordings. Track 2 and 3 have been entirely re-recorded in 2003 for Ion Dissonance's debut album "Breathing Is Irrelevant" on Willowtip Records. Track 1 recorded at Tweak Studio in 2004. Recorded and mixed in between September and October 2002 at Sonogram Studio by the Montréal Showbusiness School. Mastered Dec. 2002. Re-mastered March 2006. Despised Icon: "Syndicated Murderers" Promo-EP 2004 Both these songs have been entirely re-recorded for Despised Icon's second album The Healing Process (2005) on Century Media Records. 2006 Galy Records. Made in Canada.
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black metal
6-panel hardback CD limited to 266 hand-numbered copies.
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black metal
Треклист: 1 I 3:21 2 II 6:39 3 III 5:39 4 IV 6:39 5 V 7:44 6 VI 4:24 7 VII 5:49 8 VIII 3:41
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sludge doom metal
Graves At Sea recorded at Larry Elyea's Mind's Eye Digital Studio, Mesa, Arizona in October 2004. Asunder recorded at Earhammer Studios, Winter 2004/2005.
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depressive black doom metal, Aesthetic Death
Треклист: 1. Phanes 13:07 2. Asulon 14:18 3. Moros 12:09 4. Elpis 13:03
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grove metal, Metal Scrap Records
The third full-length studio album by Hungarian Extreme Groove Metal band. Hungarian Extreme horde is back with their 4th studio record and showed us again they're still the best in the game! Premium production with monstrous grooves and polyrhythmic elements, including deep melodies, which drive through your inner-self. This sonic massacre arrived into a new level with even stronger songs and deeper lyrics than ever before. Produced by Gergo Hajer at 515 Studio, and mastered by the legendary Swedish producer Jens Bogren at Fascination Street Studios. Absolutely an eye-catcher release of 2020, highly recommended for fans of Meshuggah, Whitechapel, Machine Head, and Fear Factory!!
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doom death metal
Limited to 500. Includes 8-page booklet and Pit-Art.
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funeral doom metal
Limited to 500. Includes 8-page booklet and Pit-Art.
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melodic black / death metal
Limited to 500. Includes 8-page booklet and Pit-Art.
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black doom metal
Треклист: 1. Erhebt Eure Mit Blut Gefüllte Hörner 11:12 2. Der Geheimnisvolle Käfig 9:13 3. Vergessene Stille 6:17 4. Zerbrechlicher Kleiner Geist 11:11...
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funeral doom metal
Limited to 500 copies. Includes 8-page booklet. All songs and instruments by Bornyhake 2013-2020. Recorded, mixed and mastered at Chaos Studio, 2020.
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funeral doom metal
6-panel digipak. Limited to 300.
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atmospheric doom death metal, Solitude Productions

Испанские мастера атмосферного doom death metal EVADNE возвращаются с новым полноформатным альбомом, знаменующим собой веху в их музыкальной карьере. Это самая зрелая работа музыкантов на сегодняшний день, в которой воплощено много чувств. Музыка EVADNE стала ещё более глубокой и утончённой и, не смотря на жанровую принадлежность, она существует вне времени, объединив в себе тяжесть металла и прозрачность симфоники. Всё для того, чтобы выразить эмоции. И ночь наступает здесь, в глубине теней, где появляется бледный свет светлячков.
В записи альбома приняли участие Carline Van Roos (Remembrance, Lethian Dreams, Aythis) и Jaani Peuhu (Iconcrash, работал с Before The Dawn, Swallow The Sun, To/Die/For, Thunderstone и т.д.).
Svante Forsbäck (Rammstein, Entombed, Candlemass, 69 Eyes и т.д.) из студии Chartmakers West отвечал за звук на альбоме, и он поистине великолепен!
Альбом выпущен в виде четырёхпанельного диджипака с двенадцатистраничным буклетом. В оформлении альбома использованы фотографии российского фотохудожника Натальи Дрепиной, психолога тёмной натуры и глубоких образов, заставляющих зрителя осмыслить окружающую действительность и исследовать свой внутренний мир.

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doom death metal, Solitude Productions

Второй полноформатный альбом немецкой группы. Новый материал, ещё более жёсткий, мрачный и профессионально воплощённый готов порадовать, как старых любителей традиционного doom death metal, так и заинтересовать тех, кто только начинает только знакомится с жанром. "Withered Shades" вобрал в себя мощные тяжёлые рифы и акустические проигрыши, соединил в себе динамичные партии и атмосферные проигрыши. Новый альбом Ophis - это ещё один весомый вклад в мировой кладезь жанра.

Released in a digipak with a 12-page booklet with lyrics.

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avantgarde doom death metal, Solitude Productions

Второй полноформатный альбом от германского atmospheric doom metal проекта EIRÐ, созданного Андреасом Георгом Либера (ex-Cold Embrace, ex-Spirit Descent), продолжает погружать слушателей в безмятежность, в то же время, не отпуская от себя. Длинные величественные и атмосферные треки испытали влияние не только doom-музыки, но и классического ethereal gothic, что делает музыку EIRÐ ещё более глубокой и утончённой. Погрузитесь в пучину «A Voidchaser's Elegy» и ощутите на своём лице дыхание вечности.

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gothic doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
Второй полноформатный альбом испанской группы Shattered Sigh выдержан в лучших традициях gothic doom death metal, наполненного мелодиями и тёмным настроением. Не забывают музыканты и об атмосфере, облекая в неё традиционное сочетание гитар, бирабанов и клавишных, над которыми парят гроул с вкраплениями чистого мужского вокала. Shattered Sigh, найдя своё оригинальное звучание, остаются верны себе и жанру. Издание в виде четырёхполосного диджипака с восьмистраничным буклетом.
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doom metal, Doom Metal Rebirth

Третий альбом хорватов OLD NIGHT, группы созданной Лукой Петровичем из ASHES YOU LEAVE. С самого первого альбома группа зарекомендовала себя приверженцем традиционного doom metal с влиянием прогрессивного рока, традиционного хэви-метала и атмосферной музыки в целом.
"Ghost Light" стал, без преувеличения, самой зрелой работой группы. Сбалансированные звук и исполнение (включая потрясающие сольные партии гитары), отточенные аранжировки и уникальная атмосфера – всё это делает альбом уникальным в своём роде и необходимым к прослушиванию. Также альбом является и закрытием трилогии, начатой ещё на их первом полноформатнике. Этот интимный концептуальный альбом сделал ещё более авантюрный поворот в исследовании самых темных уголков человеческого разума.
Дизайн обложки и буклета был разработан не кем иным, как All Things Rotten, который также работал над первыми двумя альбомами группы. Альбом выпущен в формате четырёхпанельного диджипака с 12-страничным буклетом.

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folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Ltd. digipak
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folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Ltd. digipak
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symphonic metal, Sound Age Productions
Packaged in a double jewel case, a 16-page booklet. "Asagao" is listed as a Japanese bonus track. Recorded between February and June 2019 at SoundWay Records. Mixed and mastered at Morton Studio. The lyrics of "Эй, Ухнем" are taken from a Russian folk song.
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shoegaze / post metal, Sound Age Productions
ltd. digipak with 12 pages booklet.
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depressive black metal, Ksenza Records
Limited edition 6 pannel digipak + pit art (Limited to 200 copies) Guest Vocals Scorpos (Apokefale, Gnida, Sleepwalker)
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drone doom metal, Ksenza Records
Ether is a bunch of barely related sketches showing unachievable goals that are frozen in a static condition of endless trepidation. The indifference of the cold universe to all living creatures exposes trivial and tragic fates condemned to their own ambitions. The time is filled with paths that lead to no goals. The space is filled with unseen ether of worries and indifference. Limited edition of 150 copies in 6-panel glossy digipak.
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death metal, Memento Mori
The long-awaited 2nd full-length by this U.S. band. Since the dawn of the Paleolithic age, mankind has recorded spectacular scenes of death, whether in scenes of cannibal feasts crudely etched on cave walls, massacres immortalized in glyphs adorning monuments of the ancient kingdoms, or in chance recordings of grisly accidents, compiled and sold on home video to those with a thirst for that which is denied to them by our "civilized" society. Spawned in the contaminated sewers of Santa Cruz, CA in 2013, Dipygus began as a 4-piece mutation performing rudimentary styles of Death Metal, a sonic evolution of the tradition continued from the time of Cro-Magnons. A 2015 demo recording, the earliest surviving documentation of the band, reveled in unexplained and bizarre events, including peculiar methods of whale carcass disposal and otherworldly monsters from on and off the silver-screen. After a lineup change in 2016, Dipygus recorded the "Long Pig Feast" EP, which featured terrifying rites, ritual mutilations, and ominous sightings of a Mesozoic relic in the heart of the Congo. The debut album, "Deathooze", slowly de-composed in the murky shallows of powerplant runoff in the Monterey Bay, ultimately being recorded in 2018. Though quickly banned in over 16 countries, the debut album -exhibited in North America by Expansion Abyss and Caligari Records- attracted immediate attention among slime fetishists and similarly deviant circles. Placed appropriately alongside the Fiji mermaids and other grotesque artefacts found in curio cabinets of modern-day antiquarians, "Deathooze" continued the band's exploration of inexplicable incidents, mysterious beasts and shocking carnage, including genuine audio recovered from a fatal attack at the hands of an ape gone mad! Following their debut album, Dipygus was conjoined with an additional member, and began a new exploration in search of secrets hidden in the jungles of lost continents, where life is cheap. After successful initiation into the shadowy world of black-market cuisine, an agreement was reached with Memento Mori for the release of Dipygus' 2nd full-length, "Bushmeat". Showcasing more exotic and repulsive themes of the supernatural and taboo, "Bushmeat" presents an uncensored and unrelenting spectacle, with each element of the previous work irresponsibly taken to a further extreme. A prime cut of raw and grueling terror, it is fit for consumption by headhunters, body-snatchers, toad-venom junkies, cargo cultists, aquatic ape theorists, disaster tourists, carriers of tropical disease, voodoo practitioners and orgone revivalists only. All others have been warned... Memento Mori recommends Dipygus for fans of Autopsy, Impetigo, Undergang, Asphyx and Nuclear Death. But why not enter the jungle in search of "Bushmeat" and find out for yourself? The album was tracked at Darker Corners Studios, the new venture of Matt Harvey (Exhumed, Pounder, Gruesome) and Alejandro Corredor (Nausea, Pounder), ensuring utterly crushing sound. And with mixing by Earhammer Studios and mastering by Mammoth Sound, not to mention form-fitting cover art courtesy of Doug Camp, Dipygus' "Bushmeat" is guaranteed to be a grisly good time!
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death metal, Memento Mori
The highly anticipated 2nd full-length by this Canadian band. With beginnings in 2011, Altered Dead are a two-piece contributing to the tradition of early Death Metal with a simple and therefore genuine approach: no frills, filthy and raw, proudly influenced by the likes of Autopsy, Death Breath, Grave, Asphyx, Darkthrone, Unleashed, Exhumed and Carnage. Released in 2016, Altered Dead's debut album, simply self-titled, was a cornucopia of darkness and utter death. Twisted and gross riffs ripped alongside warring treads of percussion, with the accompaniment of scalded and bellowing dual vocals mangling the listener's mind. Similarly, lyrical themes revolved around physical and mental warfare, mutating human nature and imminent conflict and collapse. Currently residing in Esquimalt, on southern Vancouver Island, the duo have had numerous live performances and subsequently started work on their long-awaited 2nd full-length. At last it arrives, bearing the ever-fitting title "Returned to Life". Be forewarned, though, as there's no "Life Metal" here: only utter death, once again, and darkness eternal, of course. The strikingly sick and psychedelic cover art by Matt Sidney should give some clues as to where Altered Dead are coming from here: tendrils of slimy and viscous riffage rising from the muck to ensnare martial mid-tempo gallops and frequent detours into doomed-out despair. The sum effect is infinitely headbanging as it is scabrously sewer-dredging, but rest assured that Altered Dead place a premium on stridently classic songwriting as their aforementioned forebears did at the dawn of the 90's: hooks, line and sinking... into the primordial abyss! Thus, "Returned to Life" is both backwards-looking as well as inward-looking -as in inward into that very same abyss. And, it also bears re-emphasizing that Altered Dead are a duo; however, for only two people, the band create a world-eating sound far larger than their pared-down membership may convey on paper. Credit due to Loïc Fontaine for his clear and crushing mastering job at Krucyator Studio, France. Closing with a faithful cover of Celtic Frost's "Into the Crypts of Rays", Altered Dead deliver traditional Death Metal perfection with "Returned to Life".
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death metal, Memento Mori
The crushing debut full-length by this German Death Metal warmachine that was previously only available on vinyl/tape/digital since its April 2019 release. Minenfeld started as a rehearsal room project in summer 2016. They never intended to record anything, particularly no album. Actually they started the band as a drunken idea, born from their passion for old school Death Metal (most notably Bolt Thrower, Hellhammer and Beherit), but immediately got to play a show, so they were pretty much forced to write a few songs. Afterwards, they decided to record those songs, which led to the split w/ Kriegszittern. After another split w/ Cryptic Brood and the release of a promo tape in between splits, they decided to record their debut album, "The Great Adventure", at the Tonmeisterei Oldenburg studios in Autumn 2018, which was released by Fucking Kill Records (vinyl) and Lycanthropic Chants (tape). The band's topic of choice for the lyrics since day one has been WW1. The idea has always been to create music that captures this war in all its crudeness and primitivism, and sonically conjure up the mud, steel, blood and death in these battlefields. To achieve this, the music is heavy, rumbling, apocalyptic, grinding and thundering, accentuated by many original samples from those times: songs, speeches and excerpts from radio broadcasts, most especially taken from the U.S. propaganda after their entry into the war. The idea to contrast this propaganda of a "great adventure" that awaits on the other side of the world with the sad reality of war, where many searched for glory yet only found death, fascinated them and led them to write the album, and ultimately use that "great adventure" expression as the title. Utterly recommended for fans of Bolt Thrower, Asphyx, Hail Of Bullets, Just Before Dawn, Decaying, early Sacrilege...
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death metal, Memento Mori
The striking debut full-length by this U.S. band. Unearthed in Florida in early 2019 and comprised of past and current members of other impious hordes such as Gnosis and Devastator, Hexorcist summon old school and blasphemous Death Metal that may as well fall under the "proto-Death Metal" category, for their ferocious and relentless approach to the genre harkens back to the mid-to-late 80's, when all things extreme were still boiling in the same malignant cauldron and all boundaries were nothing but a blur that no diehard dweller of the underground gave a damn about. Hexorcist's aural and lyrical offering is uncompromising and exudes utter vileness, leaving no room for absolutely anything that could remotely be considered modern or trendy. And Hexorcist accomplish precisely that on their scathing debut album, "Evil Reaping Death". Ridiculously accurate in its title, "Evil Reaping Death" is exactly evil reaping death: steeped in the ancients, billowing sulfur, divebomb leads flying right and left, and the unhinged yet locked-in execution that can only come from true and total diehards. Not everything goes in Death Metal, and Hexorcist keep a closed mind when it comes to the Metal of Death. For them, the archaic ways of Morbid Angel, Necrovore, Sarcofago, Death, Incubus, Possessed, Vital Remains, Slayer and Peru's Mortem do not need to be messed with, only upheld, and uphold Hexorcist do here. No more but definitely no less, "Evil Reaping Death" is 666% maniacal Death Metal for Death Metal maniacs exclusively! With utterly ripping mastering courtesy of Loïc Fontaine at Krucyator Studio (France), and classically evil cover art courtesy of Art Militia, Hexorcist soundly erase 30 years of 'progression' with "Evil Reaping Death". Expel the flesh! Revere the sacrificial rites!
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death metal, Memento Mori
Official reissue of the debut full-length, originally released in 2019, by this U.S. band. Based in Minneapolis, Nothingness spew forth a brand of Death Metal that features crushing Death/Doom Metal sections that help build up a tense atmosphere, with a permanent focus on -and reverence to- the riff, and including a wide array of influences, such as Morbid Angel, Spectral Voice, Justin Broadrick, Rippikoulu, Incantation, Convulsing, Winterfylleth, Primitive Man, Suffocation and Profanatica. Aiming for universal heaviness filtered through the lens of Death Metal, and performed with respect for the history of extreme music, Nothingness are on a mission to forge a sound rooted in the ancient ways, yet also embracing more recent takes and experimentations; a sound that doesn't need to be defined by rigid genres, whose only goal is to be honest and heavy, and honestly just heavy. If anything, Nothingness is Death.
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melodic doom death metal, Relapse Records
Recorded on location at the Balcony, Philadelphia, PA Saturday, January 18, 2003 Limited Edition of 1000 copies
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dark ambient
Kuggur is a new musical entity and it's sole member Guðmundur Óli Pálmason is no newcomer to music, being currently active in Icelandic post-doom/black metal band Katla, as well as having been a founding member and drummer for twenty years in Sólstafir. Kuggur's music is of a new ilk though, being mostly electronic and ambient in nature, Guðmundur uses Kuggur to explore previously unvisited musical landscapes without any pre-set limitations. حصاد ضَوْءٌ النُّجُومِ (which translates to Harvesting the light of the stars) was inspired by conversations Guðmundur had with his Lebanese wife about the maybe not-so-obvious musical similarities between Middle Eastern folk music and Icelandic folk music. Both styles relay heavily on minor scales, which tend to sound melancholic. For reasons he can't explain, Guðmundur says he's always been drawn to melancholic music. With حصاد ضَوْءٌ النُّجُومِ Guðmundur tries to visualize his connection to both countries. All music and artwork by Guðmundur Óli Pálmason Mixed and mastered by Henry Barboza Translations and Arabic handwriting by Yara Zein
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avant-garde black metal
PERSONAL RECORDS is proud to present LE CHANT NOIR's highly anticipated second album, La Société Satanique des Poètes Morts, on CD format. Digital distribution will be handled by Blood Blast. Formed in 2016, LE CHANT NOIR arrived on the international metal map with single-minded purpose: deliver a grandiose statement of the majestic and macabre. And that's exactly what they did with their debut album, Ars Arcanvm Vodvm, in 2017. Then again, LE CHANT NOIR was hardly a "new" band, comprising as they do a veritable "supergroup" of the Brazilian underground: vocalist Lord Kaiaphas, well known for the classic albums of Norway's Ancient, Mad Grandiose Bloodfiends and The Cainian Chronicles, as well as Thokkian Vortex among others; guitarist Mantus AKA Marcelo Vasco, known for such bands as The Troops of Doom, Patria, and Mysteriis as well as being an acclaimed graphic artist for the likes of Slayer, Kreator, Machine Head, Soulfly, and Hatebreed; and the drummer Malphas, who's a bandmate of Vasco's in Mysteriis. At long last, LE CHANT NOIR deliver their second statement of the majestic and macabre: La Société Satanique des Poètes Morts. Building upon the firm foundation of its acclaimed predecessor, LE CHANT NOIR's second album threads together the darkest fibers of archaic black metal, doom metal, and even dark metal, arriving at a sort of avant-garde symphonic black metal that's simultaneously authentic throwback and refreshingly modern. Taken another way, immerse thyself in the chilling waters of La Société Satanique des Poètes Morts and one can imagine this sort of high drama slotting well alongside Rotting Christ, Bethlehem, and Arcturus during the late '90s - indeed, the very era where DARK METAL was in legitimate parlance. References or none, however, there's no disputing the spindly, spellbinding power of LE CHANT NOIR here, as their unsettlingly odd textures and vampiric, olde-worlde atmospheres easily transport the listener to centuries long ago and perhaps long forgotten, of French cabarets populated by aristocratic Satanists and those practicing medieval witchcraft. Simply, it's an entire sonic/psychic landscape unto itself, and one you'd be hard pressed to locate in today's metal scene. Bells toll, and fog rolls in. The symphony of the damned strikes its first chord. Casks of bloodiest vintage are cracked open. Tread warily into LE CHANT NOIR's La Société Satanique des Poètes Morts! credits
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funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
Международная funeral doom death metal группа MESMUR возвращается, чтобы выпустить свой четвертый альбом, под названием «Chthonic»! Если предыдущие альбомы группы исследовали темы космической энтропии и земного апокалипсиса, то «Chthonic» черпает вдохновение в духовном мире. Сформированный как сборник паранормальных историй ужасов, он рассказывает о легендарных существах, вступающих в контакт через завесу сна, вызывающих добычу в подземные глубины или обитающих в постапокалиптическом ландшафте. В музыкальном плане альбом продолжает траекторию, которую MESMUR наметили в предыдущих работах. В записи альбома приняла участие Брианна Виейра, исполнившая партии альта и виолончели, а партии органа исполнил Костас Панагиоту из британской группы PANTHEIST, что придало «Chthonic» баланс между мелодией и диссонансом, поскольку он отображает призрачные образы. Сокрушительные думовые риффы накладываются на эфирные синтезаторы и глубокий вокал, чтобы создать тёмную и яркую атмосферу. Как и два предыдущих релиза группы, альбом имеет великолепное оформление от украинского художника Владислава Кадаверского.
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atmospheric black doom metal, folk ambient, Ksenza Records
special edition limited digipak to 70 copies
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Треклист: 1 Orientation 10:12 2 Autorité Spirituelle Et Pouvoir Temporel 4:56 3 Les Compagnons Secrets Du Général De Gaulle 10:34 4 L’Epée De Justice Et De...
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post rock
Треклист: 1 Evolution 1 2 Evolution 2 3 Evolution 3 4 Evolution 4 5 Evolution 5 6 Progress 1 7 Progress 2 8 Progress 3 9 Progress 4 10 Progress 5...
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funeral doom metal, GS Productions
Треклист: 1 Funeral Procession 13:40 2 Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust 17:10 3 Winter Sacrament 20:35
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traditional doom
WORLD BELOW is a four piece out of Sweden bringing back the more classic Doom Metal atmosphere that began with Black Sabbath in the 70?s, adding some epic touch in the vein of Candlemass, Doomshine to its music. Totally epic majestic Doom Metal from Swede
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black metal
Треклист: 1 Brutal Destruction 5:24 2 I Need Enemies 6:28 3 Torment Dominator 8:17 4 Man Slayer 5:38 5 Barbarian Steel 5:47 6 Corpse 5:47 7 Veincut Exctasy...
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black / thrash metal
Треклист: 1 Doomed to Encirclement 2 This is War 3 Killed, Wounded and Missing 4 Horizon of Destruciton 5 Fury of the Enemy 6 Incendiary Bombs of Ruin...
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doom death metal, Aesthetic Death
Fatum Elisum plays doom death metal in the old way, without keyboards or female vocals. The band is inspired by My Dying Bride, Paradise Lost, Anathema, Cathedral, Saint Vitus, Mourning Beloveth, Evoken, Ataraxie, Indesinence, Deinonychus, Bethlehem, Shining, Silencer, Hellhammer and Celtic Frost; and by these following literary references: Antonin Artaud, Cioran, William Blake, the Coran, the Bible, Bardo Thodol, Charles Beaudelaire, Lautr_amont, Fran_ois Villon, Joachim Du Bellay, Nietzche and Schopenhauer.
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progressive rock
Треклист: 1 Krunching Down 2 Year Ram 3 Mad Airpunch
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sludge doom
Треклист: 1 The Supreme Moment 6:57 2 Let Sleeping Corpses Die 6:15 3 Only The Strong Can Survive 3:27 4 Black Hearts Will Break 5:01 5 The Great Work 0:47...
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ENDRAUM has been, along with Goethes Erben and Lacrimosa, one of the first German bands on spread its music around the world. This time, Twilight Record presents on a luxury edition, including three unreleased bonus track, the first album of this band that brings together melancholy, romanticism and darkness: in flimmender nacht... The first band’s album, deleted for ages and released originally by Dance Macabre, well known label of the Das Ich members. Beautiful pianos are combined with a female voice giving to this album a different and sophisticated sound with all the essence and originality that Endraum is known for. Just like walking on a forest over dry leaves, breathing the cold air of an autumnal morning, Endraum surrounds us with its beauty.
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traditional doom
Треклист: 1 Sown Are The Seeds Of Doom 8:03 2 Atonement For The One 7:37 3 The Grand Act 5:12 4 Agonies Be Thy Children 7:55 5 Keep Wandering The Night 7:16...
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traditional doom
Треклист: 1 Nosophoros 8:47 2 The Conqueror Worm 6:58 3 At The Birth Of The Human Shadow 6:56 4 My Home The Gallows 11:24 5 Cathedral Of Doom 6:59 6 Cold...
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