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Год альбома
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600.00 Р
melodic doom death, Solitude Productions
Второй альбом шведской группы, который с нетерпением ждали поклонники шведской группы и любители melodic doom death metal! По прежнему, партии чистого вокала исполнил Юхан Эриксон (бессменный участник Draconian и Doom:VS), который также выполнил микширование и мастеринг альбома. Отличный звук выступил прекрасным обрамлением драгоценному камню – прекрасной музыке When Nothing Remains. Музыканты не стали отходить от идей дебютного альбома и предложили поклонникам всё тот же запоминающийся doom death, мелодичный, пронзительно трогательный и бесконечно прекрасный. Для тех, кто ещё не слышал этой группы, альбом может стать настоящим открытием, а для тех, кто успел проникнуться её музыкой, «Thy Dark Serenity» станет ещё одним блаженным прикосновением к сердцу и душе.
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600.00 Р
psyche indus ambient
Треклист: 1 Candlemass 6:15 2 An Insect In The Head 10:52 3 Funeral Day 5:48 4 Psychedestreet 9:54 5 Psychocircle 10:20 6 Housefly 13:11
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600.00 Р
black metal / ambient / noise, Avantgarde Music
Треклист: 1 The Gate 5:20 2 Ancestors 6:27 3 Divine Light 3:45 4 Kiara 6:38 5 World's Grave 6:37 6 Hunted Party 6:46 7 Under The Slag Heap 7:27
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600.00 Р
avantgarde, Avantgarde Music
ScumFromTheSun (ex Scum) was born as an attempt to experiment with electroacoustic forms of music, with no compromise. It is an open collective that also declares its intentions through installations, video and other forms of visual art.
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600.00 Р
black / doom metal, Avantgarde Music
Треклист: 1 Luminosità 11:13 2 Saturazione 10:18 3 Ombra 12:00 4 Oscurità 14:35
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600.00 Р
black metal / ambient, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Primal - having existed from the beginning; in an earliest or original stage or state; "aboriginal forests"; "primal eras before the appearance of life on earth"; "the forest primeval"; "primordial matter"; "primordial forms of life" After some early releases on EEE Recordings, followed by the split album 'Equinox' on Hypnotic Dirge Records in 2009, Old Forgotten Lands' much-awaited full-length album 'Primal' finally sees the light of day. Whereas the older material was more synth-based ambient, the new material shows a nice progression from musician Elan O'Neal, and has a much more natural and organic feeling. Making use of various unique instruments such as a Tibetan singing bowl, a tambourine, wooden flute, violin, timpani, maracas, among others, as well as the use of field recordings, acoustic guitar, synth, and minimum vocals, when all is said and done, this is an ambitious and well-executed album spanning almost an hour in length. Primal also features guest appearances from some prolific special guests. Overall, this is a fantastic and diverse album which shows incredible maturity in a genre which can sometimes become repetitive and mundane, and should be definitely be appreciated by all fans of ambient, neo-folk, and experimental music.
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600.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Коло Вічності (інтро) [Wheel Of Eternity (Intro)] 2 Тіні Минулого [Shadows Of The Past] 3 Сила Духу [Power Of Spirit] 4 Чорногора...
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600.00 Р
progressive black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
From the vacuous depths of space, the great pathogenic force of Galaktik Cancer Squad will once again return to haunt the aural realms of the earth with their first ever physical release, ‘Ghost Light.’ An ambitious one-man project from Germany, Galaktik Cancer Squad was formed by Arwohn in 2011 and has to the point before Ghost Light released four albums digitally. Aggressive, and experimental post-black metal with cacophonous discordant vocals combine with moments of soaring post-rock melancholy that make you soar to other dimensions. Simultaneously mind-bending and sky-searing, Galaktik Cancer Squad on a physical medium for the first time ever captures the best of the project yet. Extremely well-written and forward thinking experimental black metal, embrace summer, sun, and the galaktik cancer squad!
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600.00 Р
melodic death / doom metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
The name Nethermost refers to the lowest point of existence and is also the name of the melodic death-doom band hailing from south Texas. Nethermost's debut EP release ¨Alpha,¨ a tribute to nature and the four elements paints a deep and obscure timelessness while offering up powerful and intense melodies and an overall rich atmosphere soaked in ambience and melancholy. Mid-paced melodic doom metal with an emphasis on atmosphere, a thick bass sound and deep vocals conjure up an honest organic sound rooted in the mid-90's death-doom sound. Alpha, while providing an introduction to a new and promising doom band should also appeal to fans of established bands, Katatonia - circa Brave Murder Day, October Tide, and Daylight Dies
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600.00 Р
epic funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
Новый альбом группы, не нуждающейся в представлении ценителям funeral doom metal! Продолжающий концепцию предыдущего одноименного альбома, новое творение Ea это 50-тиминутная эпическая композиция, содержащая всё то, чем группа сумела завоевать любовь слушателей: величественные гитарные партии, перемежающиеся с акустическими вставками, атмосферные клавишные, вкупе с эмбиентными моментами рисующие величественные бескрайние ландшафты, заполненные руинами ушедших цивилизаций. Мелодичные гитарные соло и торжественные чистоголосые хоры способствуют большему погружению в свой таинственный мир. Безусловно, это ещё один шедевр от мастеров эпического funeral doom metal, таинственной группы Ea. Первые 100 экземпляров альбома изданы в виде строго лимитированного диджипака!
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600.00 Р
black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Ekove Efrits, the atmospheric project of Saman N. hailing from Tehran, Iran returns with a follow-up to the 2011 album “Conceptual Horizon.”With “Nowhere”, the fourth full-length album from Ekove Efrits, Saman shows a continual evolution in his songwriting and recording abilities, not deviating far from the sound and identity of previous Ekove Efrits albums but offering fifty-one minutes of twisted, dark, sombre, and atmospheric music intertwined with harsh black metal stylistics, female vocals, and electronic/trip-hop elements, with an added cinematic and film-score like quality which has not been present to this degree in any previous Ekove Efrits album. Certainly a tour de force for this unique project, “Nowhere” will deliver a total trip for the mind and promises to be a visual experience as well as a sonic one! This will certainly appeal to fans of Ulver, Manes, and netra, among others. Another interesting element on this album is the collaboration with Megan Tassaker, vocalist of the Australian Gothic Doom band Lycanthia whose vocals appear throughout the album and really add to the ethereal and melancholic sound. Mastered by Barry Gardner in the UK and with contributions on the album art front from surrealist Norwegian artist Jessica Enneby Eldenstjärna in addition to Saman who is a graphic artist by trade, this album aims to be a complete immersive experience.
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600.00 Р
atmospheric black metal, Archaic Sound
NOTRE AMERTUME is project of Ivo Iliev from well-known Bulgarian Death/Doom band DARKFLIGHT, who start it under moniker SUICIDAL VOID with aim to play high quality suicidal and depressive Black Metal. Soon Arsonist from ARS MORIENDI takes vocal duties and band changes its name to NOTRE AMERTUME. For the second part of the split-release, Arsonist offers darkest and most depressive unreleased songs from ARS MORIENDI archive.
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600.00 Р
black metal, Archaic Sound
Highly inspired by dark side of Norse mythology, Svartnar delivers eight somber black metal hymns with touch of melancholy in the way of ARCKANUM, early ENSLAVED and AGALLOCH. RIMTHURS is main band of frontman of Swedish death/black metal beasts UNDIVINE and drummer of some other Swedish underground acts. DIGI-CD version comes with different cover artwork and ISENGARD cover-song as a bonus.
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600.00 Р
black metal, Archaic Sound
Genesis of the Fall is remastered re-issue of the demo of short-lived international project of Kaiser Wodhanaz of AD HOMINEM, Balgradon Xul from FUNERAL WINDS and Syl from ERADICATION that brings to you nihilistic Black Metal of the highest caliber. Fuck the world and praise to NON ESSENCE GENESIS!
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600.00 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions с гордостью представляет долгожданный третий альбом Doom:VS, группы Юхана Эриксона, бессменного участника и гитариста известной шведской команды Draconian!Новый тёмный шедевр от Doom:VS содержит в себе все самые лучшие элементы своего фирменного звучания: великолепные мелодии, мрачная атмосфера скорби и безысходности, депрессивная лирика и, конечно, высочайшее качество исполнения и звука. По-прежнему, Юхан Эриксон исполнил все партии инструментов и чистого вокала, а партии гроула на этот раз исполнил специальный гость – вокалист группы Saturnus Томас Йенсен, добавивший большей атмосферности и ноток отчаяния в «Earthless», своим харизматичным голосом.
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600.00 Р
black metal / depressive rock, Hypnotic Dirge Records
In my Shiver is an experimental black metal/shoegaze band from Camerino, Italy with conceptual themes about the loneliness and sadness of modern life, cityscapes, and a critique of the dominant culture. In 2009 In my Shiver released their debut album “Black Seasons” through Solitude and Despair Music in South Korea and now they present their follow-up album “Delicate Poison.” Combining oppressive black metal with melancholic modern depressive rock, In My Shiver blends these sounds to create an unrelenting modern depressive album with amazing riffs and melodies. In particular In my Shiver utilizes dissonant chord structures to create an uncomfortable and claustrophobic atmosphere and has a strong ability in using contrasts throughout the album. This album will appeal to fans of post-black metal, and 80’s rock/electronic music, and in particular fans of Katatonia, Solefald, and early-Ulver.
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600.00 Р
melancholic metal, BadMoodMan Music
Новая работа московского квартета The Morningside, при всей моментальной узнаваемости коллектива, одновременно демонстрирует и совершенно новые грани их творчества. Это касается как самого материала, который, в основном, значительно более агрессивен, чем когда-либо, так и того, как этот материал преподносится слушателю. И аранжировки, и звучание, и лирика альбома, и даже оформление буклета говорят о том, что Letters From The Emty Towns не является явным преемником какой либо из предшествующих работ группы. Альбом, посвященный теме разобщенности, изоляции и одиночества, ощущаемых жителем мегаполиса, предлагает целую палитру настроений - от ярости, суицидальной безысходности и черного юмора - до светлой грусти с оттенком эскапизма, свойственного для творчества коллектива в целом. Отправляясь в плаванье от первого к заключительному, девятому треку, вы, с одной стороны, постоянно ощущаете себя внутри подводной лодки под названием The Morningside, с бортами, выкрашенными в цвет осенней листвы. А с другой стороны, понимаете, что лодка эта то проходит в опасной близости от территориальных вод, контролируемых монстрами thrash/death metal, то тихо скользит под килями замшелых парусных фрегатов, в кают-компаниях которых предпочитают услаждать слух чем-то вроде акустических версий Pink Floyd с вкраплениями лютневой музыки XVII века. Одним словом, этот альбом в равной степени можно рекомендовать и давним преданным поклонникам группы, и тем, кто выберет его для первого знакомства с творчеством The Morningside.
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600.00 Р
sludge doom metal, Aesthetic Death
Треклист: 1 Sustained In Grief 7:35 2 Hope Is Misery 14:13 3 Grow Stronger In Isolation 3:33 4 Harden In Despair 8:00 5 Waking Horror 9:27 6 Next To Nothing...
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600.00 Р
depressive black metal, Dusktone
Enthroning Silence is one of the oldest depressive and melancholic black metal band from north of Italy featuring ex members of Mortuary Drape, Bhopal, Eroded, Voids of Vomit. Enthroning Silence’ first 2002 album, ‘Unnamed Quintesence Of Grimness’ was released by cult german label Sombre Rec. Painiac Records put out the follow up, ‘A Dream Of Nightskies’, as a limited run of 500 copies in 2004. The following year Total Holocaust Records issued a CD format, restricted to 1000 copies. In 2013 after a long 9/year silence the band finally presented a brand new album featuring completely unreleased six desolate tracks composed and arranged during the past ten years. “Throned upon ashes of dusk” is about oppression and negativity, it’s a mournful, cruel and nihilistic opus bringing the listener to one of the most hypnotic audio experience of the modern black metal spectrum.
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600.00 Р
ritual lo-fi morbid ambience
Треклист: 1 Umlat 2 Thecomposition 3 Unhz 4 Sintensi Aborigena 5 Granular Rite
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600.00 Р
depressive black metal
Треклист: 01 Depressivo Suicidio 02 Meus Gritos Não São Ouvidos 03 Sobre Meu Sangue 04 Auto Destrutiva 05 Meu Ultimo Dia 06 Eterna Solidão 07 Caminho...
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600.00 Р
death metal
Треклист: 1 Blood Shall Be Shed 02:34 2 From The Unknown 02:42 3 Embodiment Of Death 02:39 4 Another One To Die 04:26 5 Engulfed By The Plague 04:04 6 I...
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600.00 Р
death grind
Треклист: 01 Intro 0:26 02 Oil Spills 2:44 03 Prorogued Democracy 3:10 04 Syrian NATO Meat Grinder 2:50 05 Wing Clipper 2:49 06 Nostalgic Memories 3:23 07...
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600.00 Р
death metal
Треклист: 1 Intro 2 Celestial 3 Devastation 4 Ex-Nihilo 5 Decay Inheritance 6 In Vain 7 Sacrificial Skies 8 Impending Purification 9 Lesser Being...
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600.00 Р
metalcore, Relapse Records
On the eve of the second coming of Coalesce, 0:12 has been repackaged and remastered for the next generation of heavy music connoisseurs. In the canon of heavy music, certainly in the world of modern hardcore, there are few records as crucial as 0:12.
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600.00 Р
post-black metal, Avantgarde Music
"Tomorrowillbeworse is an experimental black metal project with doom and depressive influences born in 2011 by the hand of Kenosis (vocals and all instruments) and R. (lyrics and artwork). The first album, "Down the Road of Nothing", offers a lucid and cynic perspective on themes such as death, self-destruction and hate combining typical black metal riffs with melodic and melancholic features."
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600.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 The Soulless One 5:23 2 The Cold Prophecy 2:51 3 Inferno 4:06 4 I Am The Will Of Death 3:53 5 Inhuman Transmutation 4:47 6 Spheres Of Lava 5:09
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600.00 Р
atmospheric / folk black metal
Треклист: 1 Cremisi 7:54 2 Eterno Tramonto 5:48 3 Fantasma 7:50 4 Dall'aldilá 7:49 5 Ascensione 5:04 6 Siberia 4:17 7 Aurora 8 Dall'aldilá
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600.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Blasphemous Molestation 2:02 2 Demonic Possession 5:05 3 Sacrifice To The Legion 5:46 4 Mutilation 5:16 5 In This Night We Embrace 3:38 6 Unholy...
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600.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 VI VI VI 2:05 2 Chaos Consumed Existence 4:29 3 Devotion On This Dismal Night 3:39 4 Into Purgatory I Descend 4:43 5 Ascending Through The...
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600.00 Р
depressive post-black metal
Треклист: 1 Vuota Solitudine 9:51 2 Dolorestatico 16:04 3 7.12 9:27 4 Odd 13:35 5 7.12 (Alt. Take) 9:44
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600.00 Р
atmospheric black metal
Треклист: I (Gebär)Mutter Erde 7:59 II Mondsüchtig 15:00 III Eine Neue Welt 9:31
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600.00 Р
depressive black metal / shoegaze
Треклист: 1 Tyrannei Der Tristesse I 03:03 2 Tyrannei Der Tristesse II 06:22 3 Tyrannei Der Tristesse III 02:22 4 Tyrannei Der Tristesse VI 07:36 5...
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600.00 Р
black metal / ambient
Треклист: 1 Moonlight Painted On The Waves 2 Separation 3 Winter Grey 4 Within These Walls: Part I 5 Within These Walls: Part II 6 Day Breaks...
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600.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Intro & Seroquel 2 Xanax 3 8915 4 Lithium 5 Outro
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600.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 鳳凰絕/百合 23:35
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600.00 Р
neo-folk / dark-folk
Треклист: 1 Awakening: Hope And Nostalgia 2 Trace Of Ostara 3 Grey Green Forest 4 Grove Of Ostara 5 Re-turning The Wheel Of Year 6 Sandy Storm 7...
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600.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Intro 1:06 2 Golden Dawn 7:09 3 Summon The Spirits 8:25 4 Invoking The Soul 8:04 5 The Sands Of Time 8:03 6 Outro 2:06
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600.00 Р
post-black metal
Треклист: 1 Phases 2 By Design 3 To Confine 4 I Am No More 5 Cold Glow 6 Surge(ry)
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600.00 Р
stoner doom metal / psychedelic rock
Треклист: 1 Sunrise 2 Flowers 3 Mistress Death 4 Light Years 5 Dusk 6 Interspecies Communication 7 Poseidon's Grasp 8 White Tusks 9 Near Sun, On...
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