BadMoodMan Music

BadMoodMan Music
466.67 Р
dark metal / doom, BadMoodMan Music
Unique album of a duet from Ukraine for the present time. The unusual music inspired by the most innovative and disputable My Dying Bride album "34.788%... Complete". "Dry Our Fears", undoubtedly, differs from the prototype with more psychodelic atmosphere, enveloping sounding and intelligence of performance. Painful music of Necrotic Trust opens to the listener the most dark corners of human soul.
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466.67 Р
atmospheric dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
Kauan presents its debut eclectic album which has incorporated such different styles as dark-folk, black-metal and doom-metal. In "Lumikuuro" it is possible to find echoes of Shape Of Despair music ( “Shades Of …” period), Agalloch, early Empyrium and Tenhi. The album is based on the lyrics written in Finnish language.
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466.67 Р
melancholic dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
The debut conceptual album of Moscow band The Morningside unwraps before the listener the cloth which has embodied all shades of autumn, filled by light grief and a melancholy. The rich musical material has incorporated set of black metal and doom metal styles. The Morningside music will suit fans of Katatonia ("Brave Murder Day" period), Agalloch and Opeth, and everyone who like dark, sincere music.
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466.67 Р
depressive black / black doom, BadMoodMan Music
New work from the talented Ukrainian depressive black metal band. This time Raventale demostrate us a transition to black doom side, still preserving their inimitable atmosphere and melodiousness. Combining fury and coldness of black metal with melancholic loneliness of doom metal, in addition with some elements of ambient, the band rises up on a new level of quality. The beautiful lyrics make the new album "Long Passed Days" more attractive for all lovers of the voluptuous side of black metal.
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466.67 Р
melancholic dark metal, BadMoodMan Music

The second long-awaited album by Russian masters of melancholic metal, The Morningside "Moving Crosscurrent Of Time", holds the direction chosen at the debut band album demonstrating combination of lyrical and heavy compositions touched with the mood of slight sorrow. New The Morningside work also demonstrates tendency to melodic complication while fragmental parties of atmospheric keyboards associating with Eduard Artemyev’s works ("Solaris", "Stalker") add depth to the album sound. The essential part of this album is inspired by Ray Bradbury’ novel "Something Wicked This Way Comes". Brand new album of The Morningside will be a perfect present both for old band’s fans and for all those Katatonia and Agalloch fans longing for a breath of autumn air filled with fallen leaves smell. The album is issued on a gold-plated CD with pit-art.

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466.67 Р
black doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
New Raventale album "Mortal Aspirations" demonstrates the final of band’s transformation from depressive black/pagan metal to black doom metal. The music became more rigid and cold. Power guitar riffs framed by atmospheric keyboards are able to veil the listener with the gloom of night and take away to the world which has never been seen before. "Mortal Aspirations" also features exclusively English lyrics which evolve from panegyric on nature to inner feelings and emotional experiences.
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533.33 Р 466.67 Р
pagan / doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The long-awaited second album of the most famous Russian pagan/doom metal band Amber Tears being one of the best representatives of Russian pagan scene. Having started their way as followers of the cult Belorussian band Gods Tower Amber Tears demonstrate their own unique face at the second album “A Key for December”. Basing on folk motives and lyrics featuring folk tradition the musicians added doom death metal elements with all their slowness and weight to their music. The Russian traditional musical instrument gusli appearing on the album underlines the mental connection of Amber Tears work with traditional Russian music which is organically fused with modern melodic doom metal features. This album is indeed a milestone!
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533.33 Р 466.67 Р
atmospheric black metal, BadMoodMan Music
This is the second work of Yaromysl, a guitarist of Ukrainian folk pagan metal band Goverla, with his own Zgard. In this project the musician expresses his individuality by his ideas in atmospheric black metal style (the first work was made in folk pagan metal style) . The themes of compositions remain the same: paganism and hailing the power of nature; music-wise the album features majestic melodies based on atmospheric keyboards, powerful guitars and deep screaming with inclusions of folk fragments.…and let all the fans of pagan metal and atmospheric black metal open their hearts for music of Zgard!
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466.67 Р
pagan / doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
Truly long-awaited by many fans re-issue of the album is finally available after the original release is sold out long time ago. «Revelations Of Renounced» is not a simple additional press, but the re-issue of the classical album of the band in the form the musicians had initially planned it to be issued, both cover art wise and master-disc wise. There is no need to describe the music which can be found at this album because all fans of Russian heavy music know Amber Tears as talented band organically combining pagan metal and doom metal. Now everybody can add this magnificent album to music collection!
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466.67 Р
gothic doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The debut full-length album of Aut Mori will become another discovery for fans of gothic doom metal in the vein of Draconian. Here melodic guitars are embracing transparent keyboards giving life to autumn breath, while female vocals tragically follow male growls and romantic spleen is flowing with the first cold rain. It is enough to hear “The First Tear of Autumn” and let the first drop of the autumn rain to hit you palm as the world will show you its different side, slightly sad, but enchanting and beautiful. The album is prepared with assistance of Jerry Torstensson (Draconian) who recorded drum parties, and mastered sound at the DeadDogFarmStudio (Sweden). The album features artwork by Roman Kamin (Revelations of Rain, Wine FromTears, Tribute To Thergothon).
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533.33 Р 466.67 Р
atmospheric black metal, BadMoodMan Music
The third album of the young Ukranian project playing music between atmospheric black metal and pagan metal. In their new work Zgard returned to the ideas of their debut album “Dukh Karpatskih Sutinkiv”: furious cold pagan black metal enriched by atmospheric keyboards and folk motives is fresh as frosty night and thorny as acerose leaves in endless Carpathian forests. The album traditionally features sopilka, Ukranian folk music instrument giving unique features to Zgard sound.
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466.67 Р
gothic doom death, BadMoodMan Music
The first full-length album from the Russian band Lorelei which found their unique way in the vast genre of gothic doom death metal. Inspired by art of Renaissance and Romanticism (in particular, by the poetry of the Protorenaissance representative Francesco Petrarca) the musicians filled the tracks with the airiness of professional female soprano interwoven with the gloom of low growling and melodic guitar riffs at the background of keyboards. The growl is performed by E.S., the leader of the band Who Dies In Siberian Slush, while drum parties are performed by Vladimir Lyashkov known for Decay Of Reality and Beheaded Zombie (he also took part in “Emanation of Hatred” by Revelations of Rain). The album was recorded at «Primordial studio» (Abstract Spirit, Comatose Vigil, Who Dies In Siberian Slush, Revelations of Rain); mastering was performed by Jerry Torstensson at Dead Dog Farm Studio (Saffle ,Sweden). Thus, the talented musicians present beautiful material being an implementation of their ideas having roots in gloomy waves of cold sea!
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533.33 Р 466.67 Р
dark death doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The debut album from Moscow band resulted from the years of intelligent work and gigs demonstrates evolution from traditional gothic doom metal to more complicated and heavy music. Besides founder of the band Yury Ryzhov known as current guitarist of Revelations of Rain the line-up includes Vladimir Andreev also known for Revelations of Rain and his project My Indifference To Silence. The musicians succeeded to create an integral work with solid sound and talented arrangements. Old fans of Shallow Rivers will find in «Nihil Euphoria» atmosphere and melodies traditional for the band, and every listener of this album will surely appreciate gloomy and aggressive death doom metal.
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466.67 Р
gothic doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The second album from the Ukrainian band demonstrates the artistic evolution of the musicians who started working out their own style. The music features more complex arrangements, it became more harsh and energetic making the new work by Edenian dynamic and interesting for listening. Enforcing the technical performance the musicians also put their souls into the work filling «Rise Of The Nephilim» with beautiful atmosphere of light sorrow and unquenched grief. New band members responsible for clean female vocals and male growling helped to express these feelings.The album is addressed to the fans of such bands as Swallow The Sun, Tristania, Sirenia, Nox Aurea, Theatre Of Tragedy, Draconian, as well as to all lovers of high quality gothic / doom metal.
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533.33 Р 466.67 Р
dark metal / doom death, BadMoodMan Music
The second album from the extraordinary Ukrainian band which started its way from the experiments with funeral doom metal and received a unique for the local scene musical and psychological experience. This time Narrow House goes for fusion of different subgenres of doom metal and other musical styles. Living choirs, saxophone, cello and contrabass were employed for “Thanathonaut” recording bringing individual sound and uniqueness to Narrow House music. The main theme of the album is war and nuclear weapons; otherwise the work continues the study of man inner world and its self-destruction which has been started earlier. The cover to symphonic doom death metal band Virgin Black with Russian lyrics presented in the album is also worth mentioning. Recording and mastering of the album were performed at the studio of famous sound producer Max Morton who also appeared as guest musician with bass parties. Another guest musician is a vocalist of Ukrainian band I Miss My Death. The album artwork is crafted by French photographer and artist Christophe Dessaigne whose works appear on covers of books by Stephen King, Agatha Christie, Margaret Atwood and other famous writers. To conclude, «Thanathonaut» is a solid conceptual material with original appearance distinguishing the band Narrow House among others at the CIS metal scene.
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466.67 Р 400.00 Р
drone doom / post metal, BadMoodMan Music
The debut official release from a unique Belorussian band. The music of Re123+ is an act of meditation. Each time the band offers to a listener another kind of sound, never repeats itself preparing a special program for each concert. “Magi” is a travel to the Past demonstrating the ancient story of Adoration of Magi to the listener as an astrological story. This is the attempt to understand and to see the true essence of matter while clearing it from various interpretations. This album like all other Re123+ works was recorded during night time. Besides traditional drone-touched guitars the musicians introduced sounds of accordion, triangle and percussion. Stylistically their music varies from drone-doom to post-rock and will surely suit the tastes of early Earth fans. For proper visualization of the album’s idea the booklet includes photo art by members of Re123+ accompanied by citations from «The Island of the Day Before» by famous postmodernist Umberto Eco.
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666.67 Р 400.00 Р
gothic doom death, BadMoodMan Music
Re-issue of the legendary album of Ukranian gothic doom death metal band! The album material is fully remastered and is supplemented with a bonus CD containing demo of 2006 "The Frankness Eve", cover versions of Mournful Gust songs by invited musicians and "With Every Suffering" video from the actual album. Enforced by new power "She"s My Grief" album proves to be still state-of-the-art piece of music.
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600.00 Р 400.00 Р
melancholic dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
New extraordinary work from a famous melancholic metal band from Moscow, The Morningside. As we were told by band members the idea of this release appeared quite a long time ago as the story behind “The Trees” song was longer than the song and now it has its final. TreeLogia was step by step gaining its present form and finally appeared as a tale. The listener could make a decision himself if this is a story of a man lost among the trees and permanently became one of them or a stort of man fleeing from something, perhaps, his past, who found the harmony or loneliness or… gone insane. Or is it a very different story? One of band member considers The Trees Part Three as a chronologic beginning of the story, not a final. The second album title “The Album As It Is Not” also has some idea behind it as there is actually only one song at the album, despite of its diversity. Thus, The Morningside are ready to present their first CD-single which lasts for more that 50 minutes! The CD is issued as a limited digipack including an inlay with band photo, individual copy number, and original signatures of band members.
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600.00 Р 400.00 Р
melodic death / doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
Following the self-released debut work «Tragedy & Moon» (2008) the Spanish band presents to the audience the new album «Negation Of Life».The band keeps the music in the frames of the recognizable style manifested by combination of melodic death metal and solid doom death metal. However, this time the album features more intense sound full of inner power and expression. High quality of recording enhances the impression from In Loving Memory music delivering to a listener rich doom metal colors with strokes of grief and despair.
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533.33 Р 400.00 Р
gothic metal / doom death, BadMoodMan Music
The second album from French band demonstrates musicians’ progress in composing and technical aspects. Melodic and, at the same time, heavy «Misbehaviour» is filled with beautiful guitar solos, passages to aerial acoustic interludes and clean vocals, and violin parts performed by guest professional artist. Dark beauty of this album will become a perfect present to every fan of sensual heavy music. Finally, high recording quality highlights every feature of Wedding In Hades music.
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533.33 Р 400.00 Р
dark death doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The second full-length album by Shallow Rivers follows the stylistics of the debut album "Nihil Euphoria" demonstrating enhanced technical and compositional abilities of musicians. Extreme and harsh, but atmospheric and melodic music is based on different styles with prevailing doom death metal resulting in sudden transitions from low to up tempo and vice versa. The album requires a thoughtful listening with leafing through the booklet. You can return to it again and again as to a good book, because it has Henry Longfellow"s "The Wreck of the Hesperus" as a basis of concept. Musicians discover the theme of obsession of poets, writers, artists and creative people in general. The concept is based on the idea that their talent is driven by a kind of "innocent insanity." It gives them inspiration, but eventually turns them into madmen. The lead ghost is an obsession, a nagging sense of foreboding. Attempts to understand it end up with madness.
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
progressive death metal, BadMoodMan Music
BadMoodMan Music presents band Alley with their debut album "The Weed"! Young but professional musicians offer for all lovers of hard and smart music perfect mix of progressive and death metal in best traditions of Opeth and Daylight Dies. Bright compositions, professional playing and high quality of record make Alley a part of circle of bright representatives of Russian hard scene. Mixing and mastering of record made in famous studio NavahoHut.
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533.33 Р 333.33 Р
gothic doom death, BadMoodMan Music
The second album of this Serbian band, who gathered attention with their debut album “Fragile Monuments” in 2006. They haven’t lost their trademark sound of doom death with beautiful melodies including a great mixture of male growling vocals and clean female voice. “Perdition Calls” – another brilliant one on the field of gothic doom metal worth the attention of all lovers of MY DYING BRIDE and DRACONIAN.
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533.33 Р 333.33 Р
gothic metal / doom death, BadMoodMan Music
The debut album of a young French band. The music of the group varies from slow majestic passages to extremal fast fragments overcoming the frames of gothic/doom metal. Lyrical piano fragments and atmospheric keyboards, harsh blastbits, clean and growl vocals have found their place in Wedding In Hades music. «Elements Of Disorder» combined elements of My Dying Bride and Katatonia with their own vision of dark and extremal metal.
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533.33 Р 333.33 Р
depressive black metal, BadMoodMan Music
A unique work from the former member of such bands as Bethlehem and Leviathan. Reflecting the themes of pain, suffering and suicide in their art Benighted In Sodom unites different in performance musical canvases with a noir touch which can be labeled as depressive black metal. Desperate atmospheric black metal supported by intensive keyboards paints this world as it is, as it appears in the darkest and frightening depths of human soul.
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
depressive black, BadMoodMan Music
The forth album of the famous Ukranian project Raventale demonstrates artistic evolution of its only member hidden beneath Astaroth name. On the one hand the new work named “After” continues the tendencies of the previous album with its mood and concept; on the other hand this is a standing alone masterpiece progressing from black/doom metal style to depressive black realm. The ideas behind this album demonstrate author’s thoughts about eternity and its decay, about the cyclic nature of life and being, about the destruction of this reincarnation cycle by the nature itself. Without any doubt the album can be treated as the best album of Raventale that has been ever created. The gold-plated CD with pit-art comes with a booklet printed on a golden paper which makes “After” a must-have item for your music collection and an outstanding present for any adept of the genre.
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
A new discovery in the world of heavy music: unique international project Kamlath performing music featuring different genres which can be characterized as dark metal while the band members call it Siberian Metal. They try to tell with their music about Siberia, its inhabitants, the pride of this great people, their destiny full of heroism and tragedy through thousands of years. The band founded by two Siberian musicians recorded their debut album "Stronger Than Frost" with the help of famous musicians from Sweden, USA and Italy. The record features virtuosic guitarist and Grammy nominee Mike Wead (King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, Memento Mori, Firegod, Candlemass+), drummer and successful drumming teacher Dennis Leeflang (Bumblefoot, Within Temptation, Sun Caged, Epica, The Saturnine, Lita Ford) and unique vocalist and frontman of The Foreshadowing Marco Benevento!
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533.33 Р 333.33 Р
depressive black metal, BadMoodMan Music
A new work from American musician who continues his immersion into the depths of hate and despair of depressive black metal. Featuring its own style and individualism Benighted In Sodom creates dense atmospheric musical canvases. It broadens the frames of the genre on the one hand not rejecting themes of pain, suffering and suicide and on the other hand introducing novel themes (Ocean I и Ocean II). Hate and Despair is the essence of the picture of the world enclosed into magnetic music of Benighted In Sodom.
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
dark metal / doom death, BadMoodMan Music
The fourth long-awaited album from a Russian one-man-band Tears Of Mankind. As always, the band presents diverse material which not focuses at some exact style, but skillfully fuses various directions basing on dark metal and doom death metal. The new project work “Memoria” can be considered as a conceptual album whose tracks are united by the idea of personal experience and memories connected with it. The album is divided into two essential parts: the first one presents heavier material with English lyrics while the second one is more lyric and features Russian texts and more atmospheric music which, nevertheless, stays in the frames of metal style. The strongest and most essential features of the album are typical for Tears of Mankind sensuality and melodies.
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
progressive death metal, BadMoodMan Music
The second long-awaited album by the Russian extreme band famous for its debut album as successors of early Opeth! Besides professional approach to songwriting, performance and perfect sound, this time the musicians demonstrate original ideas which became the own face of the band. Progressive death metal demonstrated at «Amphibious» is impressive, diverse and emotional in addition to intellectual refinement which is the essential feature of Alley. The album is strongly recommended to fans of early Opeth and Daylight Dies, as well as all fans of extreme metal music.
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