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Solitude Productions

doom death metal, Solitude Productions
One of the most famous bands on its motherland Serbia. Tales Of Dark play doom-death on a high professional level and they are certain to be to My Dying Bride (“Turn Loose the Swans” and “The Angel And The Dark River” era) as well as early Ashes You Leave and Draconian fans" taste. A perfect studio record and great technical work of all musicians. "Fragile Monuments" - emotional music in which heavy doom-death with beautiful melodies and hard growling with female clear vocals are combined. Reissue in digipak package.
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funeral death doom metal, Solitude Productions

The debut work by the group from Germany composed in the best traditions of funeral doom metal. This is not only the dark and ultra-heavy music enriched by delicious melodies contained in five long tracks, a unique impressive atmosphere is included together with a dense professional sound that bring Urza in line with the recognized apostles of the genre.

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funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions

Ornamentos del Miedo from Spain is an Atmospheric Funeral Doom Metal one-man band formed by Angel Chicote who has played or play in other bands like Graveyard Of Souls, Mass Burial, Ad Nebula Nigra, Ultimo Gobierno, Sinergia, etc, all inside the extreme music. Ornamentos del Miedo was born in mid-2017 as the need to strip the reality of all ornaments and mirages that we have built to adopt us, to a miserable existence across a deep and dark sound. This is the first album named "Este no es tu hogar". Ornamentos del Miedo, it is a trip to the depths of the subconscious, where truth exists naked and unpolluted by the ego and survival instinct. It is a oneiric experience where self-imposed reality fades it. Reflections on life and death. Dark and deep sound like the anguish of existing. For lovers of bands with their own sound.

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death doom metal, Solitude Productions
If you walk into the fenlands at sunset, leaving the last house at your back, you will follow a road that slowly dwindles to a footpath as the sky darkens and the shadows lengthen. With a cutting wind always in your face, bringing tears to your eyes, you’ll reach a place where the path finally peters out to nothing. There is no light but the stars and the horizon is as empty and distant as it was many cold miles ago. The only discernible features of this desolate landscape are the gnarled, stunted, wind sculpted trees that skulk like warped spiders, poised to attack when you turn your back. It’s a place with no name but loneliness, where all the sorrows in the world gather to cry their laments to the endless sky; and the sound of their song is the sound of Consecration... Blending the decaying grandeur of epic doom, with the visceral power of primal death and the taste of memories so sharply poignant they draw blood and tears in equal measure, Consecration have summoned into being Fragilium - a towering album that stands like a pitch black monolith against the night sky, casting shadows so deep they swallow the darkness. The currents of aching melancholy that sweep through these songs are so deeply powerful that they threaten to consume the unwary listener. The guitar melodies sing like sirens to the lost while the obsidian riffs devastate all that stand in the path of their inexorable, measured progress. Mastered to perfection by Markus Stock of The Vision Bleak and Empyrium, whose deft touch has polished the twilight sounds of Ahab, Winterfylleth and Secrets Of The Moon, Fragilium walks paths of unprecedented musical and emotional depth.
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symphonic doom death metal, Solitude Productions
The fourth full-length album by Luna develops the ideas of the magnificent funeral doom death metal. Combining symphonic instrumental music, emphasized by the organ lines with a heavy and dark sound of guitars, the self-titled album explores the new horizons of the Luna sound, while leaving the recognizable style of the musician who stands behind the music. The album was published in the limited digipak format.
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death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The debut album of a young Swedish band Nox Aurea is specially created for those ones seeking for combination of aesthetic sophistication with solid sound and deep sense in doom death metal. “Via Gnosis” album is close in musical sense to the early works of Swallow the Sun being pierced by the gnostic philosophy veil and creating a unique atmosphere. Members of Nox Aurea earlier played in several black metal bands while now they try to create the very traditional doom death sound with its own mentality. Nine album tracks based on atmospheric keyboard sound are opened up before a listener as the pages of ancient book carrying esoteric wisdom in lyrics sung by vocals varying from growling to clean male and female vocals. The album was recorded and mastered at Sonic Train Studios, in collaboration with Andy LaRocque (King Diamond)! pre-When Nothing Remains 12-page booklet Digipak edition
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epic traditional doom metal, Solitude Productions
After the successful EP “Lecherous Liturgies”, which received positive critical responses that mentioned among other things the wit of the lyrics and the stylistic similarities to Solitude Aeturnus, Fvneral Fvkk has reached a new milestone by creating a perfect masterpiece of epic doom metal. “Carnal Confessions” can really be recognized as a standard of the genre: melodic, epic, powerful, and majestic doom metal with deep male vocals. A beautifully designed booklet complements the picture of impeccability. This is a piece of true black brilliance.
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death doom metal, Solitude Productions
"Where My Demise Dwells", an album by the Moscow duo Bewailer, contains seven pieces for the survival of human soul within the depths of its own darkness. The key theme of the tracks is how the lyrical hero slowly goes from fierce antagonism against the hopelessness of his destiny to cold numbness, in which he can only contemplate of own decay and indifference of the whole creation. Nevertheless, a bleak glimmer of hope appears near the end of the album, a subtle glow leading to regeneration (or final demise). Musically this album combines traditional Death-Doom melodies and vocal techniques with dismal atmosphere of the bottomless gloom, more common for the Funeral Doom sub-genre. Besides the usual rhythm, bass and lead guitars and drums, one may expect steady use of piano, synth pads and acoustic guitars. The vocal techniques include shrieks and low-pitched growls, with some addition of female clean vocals. Some of the bands that inspired Bewailer are Saturnus, My Dying Bride, Mourning Beloveth, Evoken, Voidhaven and Dolorian.
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funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions

The third album "Terrene" from international death/funeral doom act Mesmur is a colossal and moving sonic rendering of a dying world. Where their 2017 album S operated on a cosmic scale, Terrene explores similar themes of entropy and impending chaos in a more terrestrial context, and is rife with the suffocating dirges and toxic atmosphere the band is known for. Featuring guest flute and cello performances by Don Zaros of Evoken and the Russian Nadia Avanesova, and another stunning cover design by Ukranian painter Cadaversky, Terrene reaches new levels of scope and ambition for Mesmur in their objective to create a vast and immersive doom metal experience.

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doom metal, Solitude Productions
The debut album of the Brazilian team that has suddenly appeared at the doom metal stages and has already positioned itself as one of the most promising bands of this genre. Following the classic genre rules, Mandibulla yet expand the style boundaries. Carefully crafted sound enriched by classical strings and piano pieces took the band to the leading position among young doom metal groups. A magnificent debut, a strong album that goes back to the roots of the genre and reveals its new sides: this is what every doom metal fan is waiting for. This is Mandibulla!
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funeral / sludge doom metal, Solitude Productions
The long-awaited new album from the one of the leaders of the Canadian extreme doom scene. On their third full-length album, the musicians expanded the frontiers of their unique sound by adding more explicit sludge / post-metal to funeral doom in order to further emphasize the feeling of gloom and devastation. At the same time, the album does not lose the ethereality typical for Towards Darkness, while airy keyboards background adds depth to the entire album atmosphere.
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atmospheric funeral doom death metal, Solitude Productions

The debut album by Eyeless in Gaza, a band from Armenia, presents a fusion of different styles and gives a fresh look at the genre. A harmonic combination of classical acoustic guitar, academic choral chants, and dark ambient interludes, as well as motifs of the epic funeral doom metal and black doom metal with variable vocals, gives birth to a real epic canvas filled with magic that tells about a personal experience, which can be expressed exclusively by the language of music.
Act I: The Protagonist is an abstract conceptual album, where each track is a stage of personal experience, existential thoughts about destruction as an idea of a new beginning. This is a dreamy and tragic monologue about deep feelings of regret and humility that are melting within us.
The album comes as a limited six-panel digipack.

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melodic doom death metal, Solitude Productions

The fifth release by Australian band Ivan “Silver Screens” develops and affirms their unique personal style that goes far beyond the frames of funeral death doom metal. At the same time, when working on this album, the musicians gained diverse experience and achieved a new level of sound.
A combination of heavy riffs with a lively violin and atmospheric keyboards creates a harmonic unity. Melodies that touch the very soul, together with epic and airiness make the album indeed special and memorable.
The artwork was created by our good friend Ashley Williams who has expressed through acrylics the spirit of the album, representing the sound through the color palettes which were envisioned whilst writing and recording «Silver Screens».
The album comes as a limited six-panel digipack.

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epic traditional doom metal, Solitude Productions
Yes, we know exactly what you think. “Fuck, yet another Doom Metal band”. You are right. So what? FVNERAL FVKK bring the depravity back to a genre which is currently starving. Corrupting members of the german cult acts FÄULNIS and OPHIS as well as the aspiring newcomers CRIMSON SWAN, this new, rotten entity emerged from the pits of sodomy in Hamburg/Germany. Formed in early 2015, its sole purpose is to bring sacral, angelic atmosphere back to Epic Doom Metal… and then rape it all over. FVNERAL FVKK combine the pastoral beauty and solemnity of a cathedral (musically) with the infidelity and vileness of a cemetary prostitute (semantically), with lyrics that deal exclusively with the debauchery of the clergy and / or necrophilia in the name of god. His Holiness is a foul pervert, and this band serves as vessel of His demented will! So, join the Church of the Holy Fvkk and enjoy the transgressions of this first EP! Limited to 300 hand-numbered copies
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funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions

A reimagined version of the self-titled debut "Intaglio" album originally released in 2005. The new version contains parts and sounds that were not included in the original version of the album, which is now in their place as originally intended. Every second of all the original source tracks underwent restoration and processing using top-class digital and analog equipment. Moreover, for the new version of the album, all drum parts were live recorded, without the use of triggering and sampling technologies, which is very rare nowadays. The album was restored and remixed by Evgeny Semenov (When Nothing Remains, Woe Unto Me, Sorrowful Land) at Slow Burn Studio, mastering was performed by Mika Jussila (Shape Of Despair, Isole, Unholy, Moonspell) at Finnvox Studios.

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death doom metal, Solitude Productions

The Greek masters of atmospheric doom death metal are now back with a new, third full-length album aiming to surprise and conquer listeners once again. As usual, the musicians add new colors to their palette to demonstrate feelings opening up from a new angle. The shrouding with coldness Shattered Hope's novel work is a deep philosophical dialogue with eternity, expressed through deep texts hiding references to the classics, as well as through powerful crushing music performed with impeccable skill and sincerity.

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death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The Greek masters of atmospheric doom death metal are now back with a new, third full-length album aiming to surprise and conquer listeners once again. As usual, the musicians add new colors to their palette to demonstrate feelings opening up from a new angle. The shrouding with coldness Shattered Hope's novel work is a deep philosophical dialogue with eternity, expressed through deep texts hiding references to the classics, as well as through powerful crushing music performed with impeccable skill and sincerity. The first 100 copies of the album are released as a six-panel digipack with a superbly designed twelve-page booklet.
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death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The re-release of the album by the Russian doom metal legend, the original release of which has been sold out a long time ago. The album was remixed at a professional studio in 2020 by the band member Artyom Dolina especially for this re-release aiming at appreciation of Ekklesiast music by novice listeners and rediscovery of the touch of “Cold” by the old band fans. "Cold" shows a fifty minutes long mystery about life and death, joy and sorrow represented through a harmonious combination of melodic death-doom metal with traditional doom metal features and wonderful deep lyrics. The re-issue comes as a limited edition six-panel digipack with a four-page booklet containing lyrics.
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doom metal, Doom Metal Rebirth

Fortress of sound equal to the brutal cosmic punch in the face of an ancient disgusting mythological giant awakened from the aeons of eternal sleep by earth-shaking, almost razor-sharp epic riffs. Expression at the very limit of suffering, anger, bitterness and euphoria, intertwined with embodiment of the darkest thoughts from the deepest corners of the soul and consciousness.
This is doom. This is metal from Croatia.
For us, it's really all about the return of the mysticism. It's all about bringing back darker, "larger than life" story into the music. It’s about bringing back the meaning and reconnecting with what matters most - expression, art and the story it tells.
Elusive God’s intention is to express our creative visions through slow, heavy and atmospheric music.
In a way, this is the return of metal. Why? Because the music that used to blow us away with energy, honesty, meaning and nonconformity is in the wake of extinction. It's dominated by a complete lack of creative vision and playing by established patterns with total disregard of the mystery and visual component. Yet, maybe the most unfortunate fact is a complete loss of the mystical and dark aura that used to embrace the whole genre with all of its performers.
Metal as we see it is over the top, mysterious, layered and it takes much more than superficial listening or consuming to delve deeper into the very message that music conveys. It also has a strong visual imagery that, along with the musical part, represents two sides of the same coin which cannot exist without each other.

released as a 6-panel digipak
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extreme funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
The new album of the Belgian multi-instrumentalist musician Déhà, known for such projects as Slow, Clouds, Deos, God Eat God, Merda Mundi, Imber Luminis and many others. This time drummer Chris Dalcin (Czarina, Elusive Travel, Windbreed and others) from the USA took part in the recording. «Par Le Sang Et La Fin» is one long track in 36 minutes, turning into complete madness. The musicians create a truly stunning piece in the style of funeral doom metal, inheriting the atmosphere of suicidal black metal. For those chosen ones who are not afraid to touch the madness and pass it through themselves CD is published in the form of a four-lane digipack.
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