Hypnotic Dirge Records

Hypnotic Dirge Records
800.00 Р
atmospheric black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Hypnotic Dirge and Throats Production presents the release an intense nature-themed atmospheric Black Metal split record entitled "Origins" between two great atmospheric bands - Ah Ciliz and Chiral. Ah Ciliz is an atmospheric Black Metal band founded by Elmer (Klär, Painful Depression) in 2008. The history of the project now includes four full-length albums, and a split with Griefthorn all released between 2011-2014. Three years later, Ah Ciliz returns with three excellent new songs for the "Origins" split focused on indigenous cultures, nature, and the cosmos. The songs from Ah Ciliz span between powerful, triumphant, beautiful, and spiritial throughout its duration which is aided by varied and interesting riffs, soaring leads, and an atmosphere that matches the lyrical themes perfectly. Chiral is an Italian one-man band from the countryside near Piacenza, set up at the end of 2013. His compositions shine of a dim light dwelling through the branches, alternating solar as well as gloomy moments. Folkish instruments are used to guide the listener through contemplation, while gentle veils of synths are crafting a misty and mysterious aura. If the dreamy and hypnotic atmosphere of Lustre met with the breathless wonder of Falls of Rauros' melodies, and the wild raw guitar lines of Wolves in the Throne Room, that would be probably be what Chiral sounds like. For fans of: Lustre, Agalloch, Mavradoxa, Windbruch, Falls of Rauros, Wolves in the Throne Room
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466.67 Р
symphonic black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Tracklist: 1 Offerings By Fire 2 Let Death Overtake Me... 3 The Blinding Light 4 Mirrors Of Isolation 5 The Unheard Cries Of Desolation 6 Dismal Moans...
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600.00 Р
black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Ekove Efrits, the atmospheric project of Saman N. hailing from Tehran, Iran returns with a follow-up to the 2011 album “Conceptual Horizon.”With “Nowhere”, the fourth full-length album from Ekove Efrits, Saman shows a continual evolution in his songwriting and recording abilities, not deviating far from the sound and identity of previous Ekove Efrits albums but offering fifty-one minutes of twisted, dark, sombre, and atmospheric music intertwined with harsh black metal stylistics, female vocals, and electronic/trip-hop elements, with an added cinematic and film-score like quality which has not been present to this degree in any previous Ekove Efrits album. Certainly a tour de force for this unique project, “Nowhere” will deliver a total trip for the mind and promises to be a visual experience as well as a sonic one! This will certainly appeal to fans of Ulver, Manes, and netra, among others. Another interesting element on this album is the collaboration with Megan Tassaker, vocalist of the Australian Gothic Doom band Lycanthia whose vocals appear throughout the album and really add to the ethereal and melancholic sound. Mastered by Barry Gardner in the UK and with contributions on the album art front from surrealist Norwegian artist Jessica Enneby Eldenstjärna in addition to Saman who is a graphic artist by trade, this album aims to be a complete immersive experience.
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1 066.67 Р
ambient / post-black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Epitimia's new double-album "(Un)reality" is a culmination of over a year's hard work for the Saint-Petersburg based band which has been working on an expansive and ambitious follow-up to their last album "Faces of Insanity" released in the summer of 2012. "(Un)reality" includes lots of new innovations and interesting ideas on both the musical and conceptual sides and could easily be considered their most accomplished effort to date. Tortured black metal screams alongside a progressive and experimental cacophony of sounds combine to create a truly memorable and complex album taking various elements from many genres including post-rock, black metal, blackgaze, ambient, and jazz to create the sonic palette for this conceptual story. Female vocalist “M.” is also present on the album once again as well as very interesting session work from the saxophonist D’arcy Molan (from the debut Subterranean Disposition album) whose contributions appears throughout the album. Released in a deluxe 6 panel digipack with an additional 12 page booklet and augmented with artwork from Mayhem Design in Russia, this is certainly Epitimia’s magnum opus! “(Un)reality is like limbo, the world where the hero lingers. His day life here is infinite and artificial, but his dreams fill his mind with bright new images, odd flashbacks, and the reminiscence of his other lives. These visions are the keys to understanding what is happening to him, and may be the only chance to escape. “Delusion” contains the dark images of objective reality while “Illusions” is a moment in which all his dreams merge: hope, love and as the most important – the desire for truth, by which he will be free forever.”
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600.00 Р
depressive black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
A three-piece atmospheric Black Metal, post-rock band from Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Epitimia's 'Faces of Insanity' album is the band's third full-length album and the first on Hypnotic Dirge Records. Combining an intriguing blend of atmospheric post-rock,and depressive black metal, this is a truly well-written, unique and innovative album which definitely sees a strong progression from past Epitimia albums. Throughout the album, the songwriting shows a band with a strong capability for providing heavy doom, experimental ambience, raw black metal catchiness, and a deep melancholy which plods along with purpose throughout the album's duration.Overall, this is definitely a powerful and memorable album which should be enjoyed by all those who enjoy experimental, post-rock laden black metal, especially the stuff coming out of the european european and russian scenes lately. The album comes with an 8 page booklet with Russian lyrics.
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1 000.00 Р
death doom metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
"Collapse" and "Darkness"; two facets of sorrow, two sides of extreme doom metal, two long songs combined into one monumental split album. England's Eye of Solitude offers "Collapse," a marching funeral doom track shrouded in a thick smoky atmosphere, and carrying the grandeur of the band's latest offerings. Of equal crushing proportion, Belgium's Marche Funèbre presents "Darkness," an epic doom-death track that combines their signature blend of riff and growl, along with powerful melodies and clean vocal passages. Clocking at approximately 30 minutes, this dual offering should please fans of extreme doom metal, and mark a new chapter in the lives of both bands as they embark on their first North American tour. This Eye of Solitude/Marche Funèbre split album will be released by Hypnotic Dirge Records and Cimmerian Shade Recordings, in a 6-panel digipack edition of 500 copies, on February 22, 2018. The bleak artwork was created by multi-instrumentalist Daniel Neagoe (Eye of Solitude, Clouds, Shape of Despair, Pantheist).
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1 000.00 Р
black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
2020 marks the first release of Feral Light under the Hypnotic Dirge Records roster. The name is not new to the scene, being led by guitarist Andy Schoengrund (ex. Empires, ex. Wolvhammer), who formed Feral Light in 2015 with drummer Andrew Reesen, and shortly thereafter released a demo, an EP, and two full-lengths - 2017’s Void/Sanctity and 2019’s excellent Fear Rides a Shadow. Firmly anchored in Blackened Post-Metal, Life Vapor - their third album -, not only builds up on the foundations of its predecessor, but it also cranks it up on all fronts. It instantly pulls you in with its killer mix of melodic and dissonant riffing, combining and incorporating various styles including elements of post-metal, black n roll, doom, and second-wave black metal. This album is loaded with catchy riffs and memorable hooks exhibiting momentous black n roll sections that transform into triumphant post-metal, somber doom metal, and everywhere in between. Life Vapor is an album that manages to explore a wide berth of what the blackened sub-genres can manifest while remaining rooted by strong and purposeful songwriting and a balanced mix that highlights the instrumentation. Comes in 4-panel Digipak with 8-page booklet. Limited to 500 copies.
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1 000.00 Р
doom / black post-metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Comprising of two tracks nearing twenty minutes a piece, “Hierophant Violent” is a delicate and hypnotic sensory experience incorporating a myriad of styles and influences to craft a work of art which is cathartic and illuminating. Each track is a journey unfolding different aspects of the band’s sound, drawing inspiration from artists as diverse as Low, Leviathan, Skepticism and Dead Can Dance. As the band states: Forlesen's "Hierophant Violent" is an immersive, lush, psychedelic blend of dark ambient, epic doom, slowcore and shadowy black metal. It was conceived during a time of immense personal loss and emerged as something both beautiful and terrifying to us. We hope it will give the same feelings of shadow exploration to our Listeners. Featuring members of Lotus Thief, Botanist, and Kayo Dot among others, “Hierophant Violent” is a brilliant debut from a cadre of musicians already in top form who have lent their efforts to a new vision. Appropriately transfixing artwork by Benjamin A. Vierling (Aosoth, The Ajna Offensive, Joanna Newsom) will adorn this album, which will be presented as a 6 panel digipack. The album was engineered, mixed and mastered by Jack Shirley (Deafheaven, Oathbreaker, Mamaleek) at the Atomic Garden with additional recording by Forlesen.
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600.00 Р
black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Two years removed from its last full-length album, Solitude and Suicide, Funeral Fornication sole-member Vultyrous has used the time to create an album defining the pinnacle Funeral Fornication sound. Experimental, unique, catchy, bleak, depressing, yet impossible to define, the album is possibly best described as Eclectic progressive ambient black metal with elements of doom. On Pandemic Transgression, Vultyrous shows his ability to write captivating material using a variety of influences including powerful clean vocals which has become a stable of the new material. Altogether, the material within Pandemic Transgression is a strong mix of catchy, dark and melancholic music that shows that maturity of a long standing and evolving project. Released in a 12 page booklet including an album sleeve, this is certainly the pinnacle of Funeral Fornication's discography.
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600.00 Р
progressive black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
From the vacuous depths of space, the great pathogenic force of Galaktik Cancer Squad will once again return to haunt the aural realms of the earth with their first ever physical release, ‘Ghost Light.’ An ambitious one-man project from Germany, Galaktik Cancer Squad was formed by Arwohn in 2011 and has to the point before Ghost Light released four albums digitally. Aggressive, and experimental post-black metal with cacophonous discordant vocals combine with moments of soaring post-rock melancholy that make you soar to other dimensions. Simultaneously mind-bending and sky-searing, Galaktik Cancer Squad on a physical medium for the first time ever captures the best of the project yet. Extremely well-written and forward thinking experimental black metal, embrace summer, sun, and the galaktik cancer squad!
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666.67 Р
black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Crafting a cathartic experience through introspective yet raw music, “Fragments of a Fallen Star” explores space by combining psychedelic drone, acoustic passages, and energetic atmospheric black metal to form what Daniel Vanderberg of Cult Nation called:” "the aural equivalent of a DMT trip, rocketing from the moons of Jupiter through a dimensional portal to frosty northern forests, pagan rituals and medieval battlegrounds.” A genuine spirit can be heard all throughout “Fragments…” an album of visceral energy and ritualistic capacity, an album rooted in claustrophobic and raw, yet atmospheric and infectious black metal, interlaced with haunting synth, and transcendent folk melodies. “Fragments of a Fallen Star”, is at times sombre, othertimes haunting, sometimes spiritual, and still at other points abbrasive. It succeeds because it is able to paint a picture through patient and purposeful songwriting, revealing crescendos and cathartic peaks throughout. This album was originally self-released on cassette by Harrow in the summer of 2013. Now, more than three years later this underrated Blackened Folk album will be released in a digipack CD by Hypnotic Dirge Records on November 8. Fans and listeners of Alda, Skagos, Falls of Rauros, Obsidian Tongue, Blood of the Black Owl, Panopticon, Agalloch, Wolves In The Throne Room will appreciate Harrow!
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600.00 Р
black metal / depressive rock, Hypnotic Dirge Records
In my Shiver is an experimental black metal/shoegaze band from Camerino, Italy with conceptual themes about the loneliness and sadness of modern life, cityscapes, and a critique of the dominant culture. In 2009 In my Shiver released their debut album “Black Seasons” through Solitude and Despair Music in South Korea and now they present their follow-up album “Delicate Poison.” Combining oppressive black metal with melancholic modern depressive rock, In My Shiver blends these sounds to create an unrelenting modern depressive album with amazing riffs and melodies. In particular In my Shiver utilizes dissonant chord structures to create an uncomfortable and claustrophobic atmosphere and has a strong ability in using contrasts throughout the album. This album will appeal to fans of post-black metal, and 80’s rock/electronic music, and in particular fans of Katatonia, Solefald, and early-Ulver.
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666.67 Р
black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
From the onset of “Faces Turn Away”, an all-encompassing sense of existential terror and claustrophobic anxiety hits you and builds to a crescendo before everything descends into dread and finally nothingness. An album about the misery, futility, and madness of modern urban life, related in some ways to releases by netra but foregoing much of the trip-hop influence for a more abrasive and gritty black metal root that feels both urgent and cavernous. Besides its Black Metal root, the album also knows when to slow to a crawling funeral dirge to convey total despair and the loss of hope. A modern take on classic black metal marked by unconventional and enigmatic twists that are both genuine and timely. Kassad first began with an EP entitled “Humans” in January 2016, A year later, Kassad released “Faces Turn Away”, the debut album independently on Bandcamp. Now, a few months later Kassad’s debut album will be released on Hypnotic Dirge in a 4 panel sleeve with a booklet and sticker. Album release is set for July 6, 2017 in a limitation of 300 copies. Recommended for fans of: netra, Burzum, Darkspace
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800.00 Р
black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Combining abrasive and gritty black metal with hallucinatory ambience and spiralling postrock intricacy, Kassad’s name is synonymous with misery, futility, and madness of modern urban life. "London Orbital", the new album, centers around modern urban living and looks to a near future of megacities where the city itself is a personified, malevolent being where human empathy and culture have been replaced by artificial intelligence. The artist adds: "I wanted to create music for an imagined, future London - one where the city’s monoliths of glass and concrete have come alive to assert their malevolent control over the millions of people that live and toil amongst them. Workers travel in the vast shadows of these buildings, in the tunnels and transport systems that snake below or in the briefest snatches of sun that are yet to be blacked out. If you tilt your head and look at the city just right, you can already see the light starting to turn to darkness."
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800.00 Р
ambient black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
As the broken wheel of life, emptiness, and chaos turns, the burden of sorrow can be so heavy that it brings any grown man to its knees. Kval, like a thick fog prevailing over an ancient forest, carries the last pangs of hope below this ominous landscape. Cold guitars and tortured screams roll over slow-bleeding drum patterns like walls of icy wind, only interrupted from time to time by a short interlude. This 43-minute full-length album is articulated around four massive songs, ranging from 6 to over 10 minutes each, and rounded with three minimalistic ambient songs. Originally released under the name Khaossos in 2015, this one-man project's debut album from Finland has been re-recorded, and was given a new artwork (courtesy Moonroot Art), thus carrying more than ever the purity and vacuity of atmospheric black metal. …Let yourself be carried away. For fans of Burzum, Forgotten Woods, and Mortualia. 6-panel digipak limited to 300 copies.
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1 000.00 Р
black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Liminal Shroud is a black metal band based in Victoria, BC. Formed in late 2017, the band takes inspiration from the surging oceans and mist-strewn coast as they explore themes of futility, passage, and individual and metaphysical transformation. With a three-piece format, Liminal Shroud’s sound is stripped-back yet immersive, with expansive guitars underpinned by a driving and dynamic rhythm section; kindling a form of black metal surging with atmosphere and anguish, melancholy and rage. As the skies turn grey and dense fogs hang above the shoreline, Liminal Shroud will expel a swirl of melancholia and torment over its moss-strewn forests and perilous waves.
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800.00 Р
depressive black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Maeskyyrn is a black metal entity born of Montreal, Quebec, in 2017. It released a first demo, “Thoughts Of Shattered Dreams,” in January 2018, and assembled as a live band. On October 17, 2019, the sky will turn black as Maeskyyrn prepares to reveal Interludes, their first full length, to the mortal world. With its raw guitars and tortured screams, the full band’s aesthetic is reminiscent of the second wave of black metal. But deep under its charcoaled skin, Maeskyyrn takes advantage of modern technologies, as can be seen in the drum recording, overall production, and layers of discrete background synth. Indeed, as the album title suggests, Maeskyyrn brings forth a number of atmospheric interludes, thus pacing the album with brief uncomfortable moments of respite, before dragging you into the darkest pits with a series of long, punishing tracks. The end result is a traditional but highly unorthodox black metal album, with hints of eclecticism that reveal themselves and grows on you upon each listen, slowly rotting you to the core. This album will appeal to fans of black metal in general, but also to those who have been following Hypnotic Dirge Records since its very first inception. The label is proud to add Maeskyyrn’s Interlude to a long tradition that also includes classic black metal albums from bands like Silent Path, Neige et Noirceur, Funeral Fornication, and Obsidian Tongue.
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666.67 Р
atmospheric black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Laurentian Black Metal band Mavradoxa returns with their second album “Lethean Lament” - an introspective and majestic album that is expansive, atmospheric, and melancholic. Releasing “Sojourners” last September, Mavradoxa’s two members Nival and Lux have quickly returned to Rotten Metal Recording Studio to record their follow-up “Lethean Lament.” The new album is perfect for dreary and rain-soaked days during solitary walks, or in any moment of introspection. Long progressive songs that flow with purpose where the atmosphere dictates and paints vivid stories in its movement and direction, the entire album encapsulates a whirlwind of emotion from raw carnal aggression, nature reverence, despair, longing, and bliss. “Lethean Lament” is honest genuine atmospheric Black Metal that carries on the tradition of bands like Agalloch, Alda, Waldgeflüster, Falls of Rauros, and Obsidian Tongue. Recorded in the spring of 2017, this album is set for release on June 22 through Hypnotic Dirge in a 4 panel digipack with a booklet. Andy McGirr (Hubris, Ferus Din) contributed violins on the tracks “Cicadan” and “Across the Nival Grove” and Mark Welden (Blurring, ex-Warblade) added guest vocals to “Crimson Waves of Autumnal Flame”.
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800.00 Р
atmospheric black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Nightmarrow is a meditation on the isolation and hopelessness of our age and the consequences of technology and voracious consumption of resources. “Nightmarrow” sees Mavradoxa developing and intensifying their song-writing ability crafting simultaneously cohesive yet unpredictable songs that is still rooted in Atmospheric Black Metal. An intense onslaught of momentous energy and a visceral spirit that covers you in a shroud of atmosphere.
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1 000.00 Р
ambient neoclassic, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Ambient / Neo-classical artist Melankolia presents their fourth full-length album ‘Vividarium Intervigilium Viator'. Founded by musician Mike O’Brien, (Appalachian Winter, Veiled Monk, Ritual in Ash) Melankolia has been releasing introspective and thoughtful music since the project’s beginnings nearly 10 years ago. Mike O'Brien states: "This album bridged nearly 5 years of hardship and resurrection in my life. Thematically, this album is a journey of OUROBOROS in my personal life; self-cannibalizing at one end, enigma of absolute perpetuality at the other. It wasn't the project that changed, but me. The music was always there, but I had to learn to extricate it from the ruins of a life that was no more. In this way, the album is a study of personal catharsis" The nights are long, the air is cold, and winter's firm grasp is upon us. This is the season of contemplation and reflection. Vividarium Intervigilium Viator is the perfect soundtrack for solitary introspection and a recalibration of your mind, allowing you to feel mourning, loss, resentment, as well as hope for optimism. The physical album is presented in a 4 panel digipack with an accompanying booklet of photography from the composer Mike O’Brien and Silvana Massa. VIV - recorded annis 2013 - 2017 Columbus, Ohio. Comes as 4 Panel Digipack with 8 Page Booklet.
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800.00 Р
symphonic black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
However, Nachtterror - throughout the bulk of their existence - has been building and refining their debut concept album “Judgement” with songwriting for the album dating back to 2008. Previous renditions of songs from Judgement have appeared on past releases but Judgement as an aggregate entity has never been revealed – until now. Judgement, the amalgamation of Nachtterror’s universe is now ready for release. The album presented as a 6 panel digipack with nine tarot cards included, specifically conceived of and painted by guitarist and artist Lord Maelkleth (Eric Escott), to convey the story behind each track on the record. Metaphorically, this album is about embracing the negative aspects of the self and making the decision to become a god, or be destroyed by it. "Judgement is a black mirror, allowing its listener to view their own dark truth. It is a story of the power of self; embracing or succumbing to its desires and fears." - Erik "Saint Wikk" Labossiere
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600.00 Р
melodic death / doom metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
The name Nethermost refers to the lowest point of existence and is also the name of the melodic death-doom band hailing from south Texas. Nethermost's debut EP release ¨Alpha,¨ a tribute to nature and the four elements paints a deep and obscure timelessness while offering up powerful and intense melodies and an overall rich atmosphere soaked in ambience and melancholy. Mid-paced melodic doom metal with an emphasis on atmosphere, a thick bass sound and deep vocals conjure up an honest organic sound rooted in the mid-90's death-doom sound. Alpha, while providing an introduction to a new and promising doom band should also appeal to fans of established bands, Katatonia - circa Brave Murder Day, October Tide, and Daylight Dies
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3 000.00 Р
atmospheric black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Like clockwork, NONE returns this spring to destroy your seasonal optimism with their oppressively bleak atmosphere. Weaving visionary soundscapes with depressive black metal, “Damp Chill Of Life” will gnaw at your bones like dying alone in an ice-bound wilderness. Haunting piano and retching voices flicker through harsh walls of instruments, ebbing and flowing through the lengthy tracks as NONE take their time to pick apart your psyche. Limited to 300 Copies.
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3 000.00 Р
atmospheric black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Written and recorded throughout the latter half of 2017, NONE's new album Life Has Gone On Long Enough takes its haunting shape through eight organic tracks of foggy mountainous atmosphere and bleak music. On this new chapter, NONE delves deeper into the blackest woods to find abandonment, and developing its tortured personality further. Moving in and out like the long shadows of an ancient forest, the harsh musical passages of Life Has Gone On Long Enough entertwine and die through forlorn atmospheres, devouring and nourishing a hopeless life. Limited to 300 copies. Presented with double sided poster. Black vinyl.
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3 000.00 Р
atmospheric black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Chilling and despondent music from the Pacific Northwest is what you’ll hear on NONE’s impressive debut album. The piercing guitar tone interwoven with haunting and depressing synth pads and piano melodies result in a sound that is constantly plodding forward, marching in despair towards an empty void. The solid blasting on this album provides a constant pulse and momentum while desperate shrieks, spoken words, and wails can be heard throughout. Make no mistake, this music is fucking cold and would serve as a perfect soundtrack to your death. An endless blizzard in a vast tundra. An album that will certainly appeal to Atmospheric Black Metal and DSBM listeners of such groups as Shining, Coldworld, and Woods of Desolation. Limited to 300 copies; includes 4 page insert
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1 000.00 Р
atmospheric depressive black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
After a lengthy hiatus, Nordicwinter came back in a big way in 2020, releasing two new full-length albums "Requiem" and "Desolation" and they show no sign of slowing down as they hit us once again with a new full-length album, "Sorrow", released amidst the dead of winter. This prolificacy should in no way be a harbinger of doubt as the quality of "Sorrow" surpasses even the heights of the 2020 records and raises Nordicwinter to the upper tier of Canadian Depressive / Atmospheric Black Metal. As with its previous records, "Sorrow" examines the darker side of the human condition through somber and melancholic music. Sticking at a mostly mid-tempo pace, the tracks on "Sorrow" (with the exception of the outro) are all between 7-10 minutes in length, and flow with sense and purpose across the record. Utilizing a typical depressive black metal sound, the guitars have the perfect level of distortion to carry a bit of grit while still being clear and allowing the occasional string melody to hover above the mix like a blanket of stars. Meanwhile, the drums and bass provide the necessary backing throughout the record, staying simple but remaining audible and a fundamental part of the album's sound.
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1 000.00 Р
death doom / post metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
French-Canadian band Norilsk is back with a captivating new album, as thick and heavy as permafrost. Le passage des glaciers (The Passage of Glaciers) follows in the footsteps of 2015's album The Idea of North, but expands the sound considerably. From a sludgy slab of doom-death, the band has carved further into the icy influences of dark metal, to emerge with a blackened doom-death album tainted with frozen melodies, misty atmospheres, and reflective lyrical passages. As lyricist Nic Miquelon mentions, “Anyone who has followed us so far and enjoyed our musical landscape might be carried away into the distance with Le passage des glaciers. There is something of a personal journey in there, something that had to be experienced and mourned, and something that swallowed us whole when creating this.” While Le passage des glaciers is not a concept album, this new musical chapter has been written around the theme of mourning and departure. The artwork is signed by Sam Ford, who designed the artwork for the previous album The Idea of North. Sam worked closely with the band to develop an artistic continuity, yet a distinct visual atmosphere to the album, and integrating symbolism and referencing Canadian art. Death, like a magnetic North, is calling, and many are those who answer. It hypnotizes with its lullaby, carrying some into the distance, and leaving the others behind ...in the furrow left by the passing of glaciers. The album includes eight tracks, mostly in French, for a total duration of 44 minutes. 4 Panel Digipack
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1 000.00 Р
death doom metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Named after Siberia’s northernmost city, home of a famous heavy metal smelting complex, Norilsk is a doom-death band from Gatineau (Québec), Canada. After releasing an EP, Japetus, in July 2014, Norilsk now unveils their debut album - “The Idea of North” in a glorious digipack edition on Hypnotic Dirge Records. “The Idea of North” is a doom-death album crafted for the winter season: it has slow and crushing riffs, death growls, and atmospheric arrangements. An evocation of an ominous presence over a vast wasteland, “The Idea of North” is a massive offering that triggers the imagination. Its music draws comparison with doom-death bands such as My Dying Bride, Morgion and Ablaze in Hatred, but it also has a few atmospheric sludge/post metal elements reminiscent of Isis and Morne. Inspired by the multi-faceted Canadian experience of the North, and assembled into a cold yet dynamic sequence of eight individual songs, the album explores themes of darkness, isolation, identity, archaism and persistence—thus delivering a fresh perspective over the cliché Nordic imagery in metal in general. “The Idea of North” was recorded at Studio En-Phase in Montreal by Jean-Philippe Latour (Paroxysm, Fuck the Facts, Talamyus), and mixed at Pebble Studios in Ottawa by Mike Bond (Dissentient, Endemise, Loviatar, Signs of Chaos), while the artwork was designed by professional artist Sam Ford, who also designed album artworks for Black Cobra, Witch Mountain and Monarch, among others.
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1 000.00 Р
death doom / post metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Coming off the heels of their latest full-length album “Le passage des glaciers”, this fall the Canadian Death-Doom act Norilsk returns with a collection of new material linked in concept with its previous full-length while also showcasing Norilsk’s more collaborative and multi-faceted nature. It retains the band's signature sound developed on its two full-length albums, and brings forward further openness to an array of doom-related influences. The new mini-album, entitled “Weepers of the Land” is made up of four new compositions as well as a Mylene Farmer cover song (Tomber 7 fois), previously released in Russia on a limited edition compilation CD, and completely remixed. The new compositions include collaborations with other Canadian musicians including Damian Smith (Altars of Grief), Joshua Cayer (Longhouse), Ben Forte (North East Bistro, TGRE), and long-time collaborator Mort Marion (Outrage AD, Blood Moon Knights). “Weepers of the Land” should be viewed as a companion album to “Le passage des glaciers” as the songs were written and recorded during the same time period. The album will be presented in a 4 panel digipack with artwork from William Blair Bruce (1859-1906) and released worldwide on October 12, 2018.
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666.67 Р
black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever." A vision of our future dystopia is presented on 'Slaves of the Vast Machine", the new album from the Swedish Misanthropic Black Metal duo 'Obitus'. After their 2009 full-length "March of the Drones" and an EP in 2014 , they return with their most solid album yet! 'Slaves of the Vast Machine' conveys human aimlessness and desperation amidst total social control with some brilliant icy riffs and dissonant tones. This is harsh progressive post-Black Metal that is relentless and chaotic from start to finish with some really solid tremolo-picking melodies, inexorable atmosphere, and a complete disregard for humanity. This work is a single 45 minute track, a monolith without pause and as relentless as totalitarianism.
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