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Septic Mind - The Beginning (Начало) (CD)

extreme funeral doom, Solitude Productions, Solitude Productions
List price: 466.67 Р
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Price in points: 500 points
SP. 040-10 x
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A debut album of a Russian band Septic Mind. They presented themselves to the audience at Moscow Doom Festival V, performing at the same stage with Esoteric, Pantheist and Jack Frost, and attracting attention of the fans of the genre. Being followers of Esoteric the musicians evolve from traditional funeral doom to different experiments. Septic Mind have remastered their demo record providing really extreme sound progressing from powerful guitar riffs through noise effects to atmospheric keyboard interludes reflecting the mail concept of the album, the coldness and infinity of cosmos.

1. Начало = The Beginning 20:47
2. Уводящий = The Misleading 18:04
3. Покинувшие Mир = The Ones Who Left This World 21:57

Septic Mind
Artist Country:
Album Year:
The Beginning (Начало)
extreme funeral doom
CD Album
Jewel Case
Solitude Productions
Cat Num:
SP. 040-10
Release Year:
Country Of Manufacture:

Mit seinen riesigen Wäldern und endlosen Steppen, in denen klirrende Kälte und beklemmende Einsamkeit die einzigen Weggefährten auf langen Reisen sind, scheint Russland als kleine Welt für sich alleine zu existieren. Doch noch bevor sich die kargen und unwirtlichen Landschaften vollends entfalten und ihre eisige Herrschaft antreten, findet sich unweit der Metropole Moskau die Stadt Tver. Gegen Ende des letzten Jahres verließ eben diesen Ort ein auf den Namen “Начало” getauftes musikalische Werk, auf dem die Isolation und Rauheit der russischen Weiten mit düsteren Klängen vertont wurden. SEPTIC MIND nennt sich das kreative Duo, das mit “THE BEGINNING”, so der englische Titel der Platte, bereits sein zweites Full-Length Album seit der Gründung im Jahre 2006 vorlegt.

Dominante Läufe eines verzerrten Tieftöners und ein minimalistisch bedientes Schlagzeug

SEPTIC MIND präsentieren mit ihrem aktuellen Output Funeral Doom Metal, wie er roher und ursprünglicher kaum dargeboten werden kann. Dominante Läufe eines verzerrten Tieftöners und ein minimalistisch bedientes Schlagzeug bilden das stabile Fundament der drei überlangen Kompositionen, die zusammen eine Spielzeit von über 60 Minuten ergeben. Zähe Gitarrenriffs legen sich drückend über diesen dichten und schweren Klangteppich, der nur über geringe Variationsmuster verfügt. Unterbrochen werden die eingängigen und monotonen Rhythmuspassagen immer wieder von mit Effekten unterlegten Gitarrenspuren und Synthesizern. Die futuristisch anmutenden Sounds erfüllen “THE BEGINNING” mit einer bedrohlich dunklen und sehr intensiven Stimmung. Selbst einfache Geräuschkulissen, die ohne einen Zusatz von instrumentaler Arbeit eingesetzt werden, dienen der russischen Formation als Stilmittel. Zeigt sich der Hörer geduldig, so wird er bei “THE MISLEADING” nach einem minutenlangen Surren und Pfeifen schließlich mit hymnischen, aus diesem Chaos emporsteigenden Melodien belohnt. Genregerecht legt sich der in der Landessprache vorgetragene Gesang spärlich und gleich einem tiefen Donnergrollen über die epischen Stücke.

SEPTIC MIND erweisen sich als durchaus professionelle Arbeiter ihrer Zunft und legen mit “THE BEGINNING” eine mehr als solide Veröffentlichung vor. Wer auf der Suche nach der richtigen Untermalung für nächtliche Autofahrten oder Zugreisen ist, wird mit diesem Album bestens bedient.

Author: Urlraft
Girarzysta Magazyn

Dzięki regularnym dostawom z Solitude Productions, wyspecjalizowanej w rosyjskim doom metalu, mam całkiem niezły przegląd tego, co w tym najcięższym gatunku dzieje się za naszą wschodnią granicą. A dzieje się całkiem sporo, choć z poziomem poszczególnych wydawnictw bywa już niestety różnie.

Septic Mind, stacjonujący w Twerze, to jednak zespół zdecydowanie wart poznania, zwłaszcza przez miłośników rasowego funeralu.

W skład Septic Mind wchodzi dwójka muzyków, która nie tylko ogarnęła wszystkie instrumenty, ale również sama zajęła się produkcją i miksem materiału. Wbrew tytułowi "The Beginning" nie jest debiutem duetu. Piewszy krążek został jednak wydany własnym sumptem, więc tak naprawdę dopiero dzięki recenzowanemu albumowi kapela zyskała szansę pokazania się szerszej grupie słuchaczy. I bardzo dobrze, nie mam bowiem wątpliwości, że gdyby muzycy pochodzili z któregoś z zachodnioeuropejskich krajów, byłoby o nich już znacznie głośniej; z doommetalową materią radzą sobie zawodowo.

Jak funeral to funeral, fakty są bezlitosne - godzina grania, trzy utwory, każdy po około 20 minut. Materiał mieści się w klasycznym kanonie gatunku, nie tylko jeśli chodzi o formę, ale także biorąc pod uwagę względy czysto muzyczne. Już pierwsze dźwięki nie pozostawiają żadnych wątpliwości. Brzmienie gitar przybliża Septic Mind do twórczości Ahab, natomiast specyficzny apokaliptyczny klimat przywołuje na myśl Esoteric. Nie można jednak powiedzieć, by były to jakieś nachalne skojarzenia. Tym bardziej, że kapela opanowała kilka hintów, które doskonale wpłynęły na ostateczny kształt "The Beginning".

Przede wszystkim, sporo tu minimalistycznych dźwiękowych plam, mających więcej wspólnego z mrocznym ambientem, aniżeli z typowym funeralem. Tak skonstruowany jest ostatni na albumie "The Ones Who Left This World". Ambientowo zaczyna się również kompozycja środkowa "The Misleading", w której pierwsze pięć minut wypełniają przedziwne dźwięki i szum wiatru. Natomiast w dalszej części kawałka Rosjanie przemycili kolejny nietpowy patent w postaci kosmicznych sampli, oplatających główny motyw melodyczny utworu. W tym momencie zespół bardziej zbliża się do twórczości kolegów z wytwórni, tj. S:t Erik, niż do klasycznego funeralu, choć i tego nie zabraknie w samej końcówce. Wszystko razem składa się na 18-minutową doomową perełkę. Zresztą, to samo można w zasadzie powiedzieć o pozostałych trzech utworach, stojących na bardzo wysokim poziomie.

Dawno nie słyszałem tak dobrego, świeżego funeral doomowego krążka. Septic Mind wykorzystał gotową, dawno opracowaną formułę na pogrzebowe granie, odświeżając ją jednak, i nieco urozmaicając. To wystarczyło, by "The Beginning" słuchało się świetnie. Doskonała robota.

Author: Szymon Kubicki
Antichrist zine 11/2011

Four years old band from Russia has recorded its second full-length album and ready to show what they worth on the scene. Just three tracks (around 20 minutes each) of funeral doom metal and ambient. The music is typical and with no any extraordinary sound, all made in regular way – slow, full of sorrowfull, guitars, slow measured rhythms and atmosphere of total solitude. Comes with ESOTERIC influences they made also some noisy experiments, which bring them yet obscure attitude, and sounds apocalyptic. As for me, this album is right thing for fans of deep, pressing and atmospheric funeral doom metal.

Nachalo (The Beginning) starts off with one of those Evoken-like guitar tones... the clean, yet still dirty guitar with a little reverb... The tone that sets off your "Spidey sense" and gives you just enough warning to find a door frame in which to duck and cover before the impending slow motion train wreck of torment ensues and lays you to waste.

Sure enough, foreboding, suffocating doom follows shortly thereafter.

The Russian duo Septic Mind layeth down the pain in this and take their time tormenting their listeners. Nachalo might only list three songs on the album, but those three stretch on for over 60 minutes... For those of you not majoring in math, that's 20 minutes - or your average sitcom - per track. Wowzers.

The music itself switches from Funeral Doom to ambient noise at various times. Not particularly quickly... it's basically an indeterminable amount of time of them pushing one style, adjustment to the other for another seemingly endless period of time, then shifting back to the first. (Ok, so I wasn't timing the changes with a stop watch.) The effect is basically like slowly crushing your windpipe, then letting up to allow you to suck in air, precious air, before they resume throttling you.

Seriously, the funereal opening couple minutes (with Whovian noises to boot) of "The Ones Who Left This World", the third and final track on the album, is vile enough to kill all plant life within 10 meters/yards/parsecs of your speakers, and will cause all domestic pets smaller than Guinea pigs in hearing range to convulse uncontrollably until merciful ambient release sets in.

As one might think of an album with 60 minutes of music, and only three songs, things develop s l o w l y.

Very slowly.

I actually read the collected works of Ernest Hemingway in between drum beats to "The Misleading." And if you think that's something, I was also able to watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy - extended versions - before the drums even kicked in on that particular track.

Well, it's almost all slower.. until we come to a two minute span in the last 1/3rd of "The Ones Who Left Behind", in which the drummer starts guzzling liquid amphetamines and somehow manages to push the tempo to triple digit territory. By that point in the album, you've been slow riding for so damned long that this burst might as well have skipped straight past warp speed and hit plaid.

For those of you ADHD types that demand fun-superexciting- EXPLOSIONSBOOM shit happens at regular intervals to keep you hooked to music, this is a bad thing. You should probably avoid this release. Then again, my reviews occasionally meander beyond Haiku length, so such peoples just skipped all the blah blah blah wordswordswords and glanced straight at the score. Fuck them for being lazy. However, considering the average funeral doom fan probably digs tempos so slow you can age Scotch in between spins of an album, this is a positive. Your patience is rewarded. Well, not really. It's punished. But that's the point of doom, isn't it? Misery loves company. Suffer. Bastard.

The doomed Russian duo have created an album that is a wonderful blend of crushing punishment and fantastic release... This album is a great, versatile soundtrack, fitting in whether you slit your wrists while toasting bread in the bath tub as you are being buried alive in your porcelain coffin or just to jam to as you kick back and Astral travel your ass to Ganymede.

Buy this record. Either you'll love it and will give me e-high fives for turning you on to such a monument of awesome... or you'll hate it and I'll feast on your tears about what a downer it was or how it needed more car chases.

Author: BitterCOLD
Mtuk Metal Zine

A concept album on the cold infinite cosmos? This has to be a funeral doom band. No other genre could evoke that feeling and Russia’s Septic Mind know that. After making their debut at Doom Festival V, these devotees of Esoteric have big ideas to express. What’s more is that ‘The Beginning’ is a remastered version of the band’s demo!

The album starts, aptly enough, with ‘The Beginning’ which utilises the big slow guitar riffs under some fancier more experimental sounds for an almost space rock feel that comfortably breaks the twenty-minute mark in length. ‘The Misleading’ is another epic listening challenge with its long, slow intro that descends into a meandering and trippy prog ode to the universe. The final track on the album ‘The Ones Who Left This World’ however, is so crushingly heavy and bleak it sounds like setting the controls of a ship for the event horizon of a black hole.

Septic Mind have crafted a fine little album here that manages to really hook the listener with flourishes of experimentation. The only downside to the album is the rather rough production that does make it sound a little flat at times. But for a remastered demo it actually sounds pretty damn good.

Author: Sean M. Palfrey
Chronicles of Chaos

Solitude Productions has matured as a label, and like good wine its maturation is quality-inclined, its roster being comprised of more and more adequate musical entities, reflected in the bulk of promos received by the label, the majority of which is quite worthy. Septic Mind, a Russian duo, play funeral-oriented doom/death metal. Powerfully overwhelming and monumental, their metal is atrocious yet in parts exquisite; balancing the two faculties well. The plodding, more ferocious moments are reminiscent of Hierophant, John Del Russi's semi-legendary one-man band, especially the monstrous vocal department adhering to the rigors of the sub-genre but taken to the very extreme, whereas the instrumentation incorporates at times foreign elements, keeping the music tight, darkly cavernous yet spiritually engaging.

The instruments are for real here; the guitars are chunky, multi-faceted and dominant; the drum section charismatic and rich, in spite of the fairly monotonous rhythms. There are other minute elements playing tricks in the music, some of which are ambient preludes, leading the listener through a dark sonic corridor into the king's room of Septic Mind's vast pyramid, where it all wonderfully explodes in one's face.

Three long tracks, all growled in Russian, embody Septic Mind's vision in the loudest and clearest fashion: bursting with enigmatic rapport, alluding to the funeral doom etiquette but not quite, delivering the heaviest sounds an amplifier can cope with without melting down, and beyond all that -- keeping their music metallic and interesting even though the very musical materials and stylistic approaches Septic Mind deal with, are easily prone to fall into the boredom pit, when handled by lesser minds.

Frankly, _Beginning_ (translated from the original Russian title, _Nat'chano_, the phonetic English writing for the Russian word) is one of the best modern funeral doom/death albums you can put your hands on, but not only doom/death and certainly not your casual doom/death album. Recommended!

Author: Chaim Drishner
Doom Mantia

This is not the début album from Septic Mind as some sites are claiming but their second release but in some ways it is their first real album in terms of quality. The début release, "Ñêîðáü" wasn't a good album at all in my opinion but this album is massive step forward so the album title, The Beginning seems appropriate. The music of Septic Mind is claustrophobic funeral doom, the kind of doom-metal that weighs you down just in the sheer thickness of sound and in the depths of harrowing emotion. This is the kind of album that doom-metal haters especially hate as there is nothing within the music saying 'lets get together and have a good time' - this puts out the feeling of total despair, depression and isolation. I don't know too much about this Russian band except it is made up of just two guys, Michael Nagiev - vocals, bass, drums and Alexander Grigoryev on guitars and this album comes from the Solitude Production stable of bands. I know for some people that will send out a warning signal but this is one of the better releases from that label. There is still no big surprises, most of the album is typical of Russian funeral doom but it is mostly good but it has got some very irritating moments along its 3 track journey.

The 3 tracks play out almost like 3 chapters in a very depressing long-winded novel with each piece having its own unique characters. The three tracks are of course very long, ranging from 18 to 22 minutes so if you get bored easily with music, you might want to stay clear of this. The opening piece, "The Beginning" starts off with down-tuned distorted guitars and an overwhelming amount of reverb, flanger (or is it a phaser?) and echo effects. The first few minutes is not that interesting but at around 6 minutes comes a tempo change and the guitar begins some seriously heavy chugging and this is about as catchy as Septic Mind gets on the entire album. The track wanders aimlessly for the most part as some of the sections seem to carry on too long with not enough variation to keep it mesmerizing but it does have a great atmosphere and this is very intense funeral doom. The track ends much the same way it started, more distorted riffing but this time with keyboards and double-kick drums pulverizing the listener to its last notes. In terms of bleakness, the track is very effective but it would have had more of an impact on me if it was cut in half and lost some of the meaningless padding.

The second track, "The Misleading" begins with more wasted space with a 5 or more minutes of samples, synth-work, computer beeps and background noises that really don't do nothing for the what you will hear later in the song. If you can sit through all of that, you are eventually rewarded with a killer riff that is very much in a stoner-doom mode and very Black Sabbath influenced it sounds like. It gets into a repetitive, hypnotic, psychedelic vibe for a while before switching back to total funeral doom mode once again. The track features a lot of samples and ambient elements which work sometimes and other times sounds out-of-place. "The Misleading" eventually turns into another depressing funeral doom onslaught for its remaining 6 or 7 minutes and this last section of the song is a highlight of the album. The last track is titled "The Ones Who Left This World" and this one rambles on for over 21 minutes so if you were bored by the earlier tracks, you better quit listening now.

"The Ones Who Left The World" is a somewhat odd combination of space-rock sounds and funeral doom self-indulgence that is very engaging if you are in the right mood. It has more distorted guitar rhythms with lead guitar that has a piecing sound that floats over the top of everything else but it is mixed in a strange way like it is distant or like it was recorded in outer-space somewhere. The problem with this track is typical of the entire album - too much padding. You have to get through 15 minutes of a building arrangement before anything drastically changes. I do like the track but they stretch ideas out way too much. Sections of repetitive synth loops and different samples go on and on, panning left and right and the heartbeat effect they use is effective for a few seconds and then can become very irritating. Again the atmosphere is chilling and engaging but you need to be very patient to appreciate this so I can't see too many people sitting through the entire album, too often. At one track at a time, it is very good but an hour of this can be very challenging to get through.

Despite the album's flaws and monotonous padding of its songs, this band has incredible potential to be a force in the funeral doom scene. There is some great riffs and crushing atmosphere to be enjoyed if you can put up with the albums passages of irritating samples and effects. What is interesting about this is I never notice the vocals at all, somehow they seem almost like another sample of effect they have just tacked on for the hell of it. There isn't much vocal on the album anyway and in fact, the "The Misleading" doesn't feature any sort of vocals till the song is almost over and done with. This is certainly an album that needs to be sampled before buying as I can't simply recommend this album outright - try before you buy and buyer beware is my message here. It is intriguing and a good slab of bleak funeral-doom with some odd side-elements that are very unique and it is good to hear something like this coming from Solitude Productions so do check it out.

Author: Ed

Uno si alza la mattina e pretende di suonare funeral doom? Oddio, non è così facile e diretta la cosa, non basta avere a che fare con tempi dilatati all'inverosimile e atmosfere fosche per dar vita a un buon album del genere, il duo dei Septic Mind dovrebbe iniziar a prender nota.
La realtà russa al secondo disco, il primo sotto la mano amica del sound funereo della Solitude Productions, è ancora ben lontana dal raggiungere le vette di gente come Esoteric e Thergothon, "The Beginning" è grezzo, rozzo allo stato primordiale sì, ma in questo caso non è del tutto positiva l'immagine che ne viene fuori.
Le tre tracce contenute nel platter, come al solito lunghe sino a raggiungere l'ora di durata, non offrono particolari guizzi che portino a mantenere una attenzione viva sul discernere del riffing allungato, ciclico, capace di creare in certi frangenti un'onda psichedelica piacevole nella titletack ma che pecca d'ingenuità compositiva e un climax che svetta raramente per il mood ipogeico.
Tale qualità viene esaltata per lo più in "The Misleading" dove le chitarre acquistano colore cinereo e il growl del singer Michael, ricoprente anche i ruoli di bassista e batterista, dirige la sua voce verso profondità abissali.
Non che l'ascolto deluda del tutto, vi sono occasioni in cui l'orecchio si confronta con passaggi gradevoli ma il sound in genere risulta poco adatto, le chitarre non sono spesse e ferree tanto da erigere quel muro che dovrebbe sorreggere il percorso claustrofobico e privo d'uscita, la batteria è "viva", troppo accesa per una storia in tre atti che narra di luoghi adimensionali dove perdersi infinitamente e come se non bastasse quando tenta di modificare l'incedere con una breve accelerazione nella conclusiva "The Ones Who Left This World" mi sembra di ascoltare Lars Ulrich che uccide i pezzi dei Metallica non riuscendo a tenere il tempo, non va.
Non mi piace assolutamente bocciare un album, i Septic Mind però hanno bisogno di maturare, hanno bisogno di trovare delle soluzioni valide per rendere la loro creatura solida e imponente, portatrice di quella oscura, gigantesca ombra che il funeral ripiega sull'ascoltatore ammantandolo e per ora sono molto distanti dall'ottenere tale risultato.
Se siete degli sfegatati fruitori del genere date una possibilità a "The Beginning", non è tedioso questo no, purtroppo sarà però incapace di rimanere nel vostro lettore più del tempo opportuno per uno o due passaggi, difficilmente andrà oltre.

Author: Mourning
The Pit of the Damned

Se pensate che recensire 3 tracce possa essere una passeggiata, beh non vi siete mai trovati a dover fronteggiare un lavoro come quello dei russi Septic Mind, dove il minutaggio medio si aggira malauguratamente sui 20 minuti, non proprio facili da digerire. Il lungo trittico si apre con la lugubre title track: 20 minuti in cui l’angoscia più profonda si impossessa da subito della nostra anima avvolgendola come una strisciante nebbia potrebbe ingoiare una città. Pesantezza è la parola d’ordine del combo di Tver, che con questo “The Beginning” giunge al secondo lavoro dopo il debutto autoprodotto del 2008, ma non solo la pesantezza la fa da padrone qui perché l’etichette che gli si potrebbero appiccicare sono tra le più disparate se rimaniamo in territori di negatività assoluta: disperazione, tristezza, sconforto totale e autodistruzione sono solo alcuni degli aggettivi affibbiabili a questa affascinante release. Potrei andare avanti aggiungendo claustrofobia, rassegnazione e disorientamento chiudendo qui la mia recensione, perché tale è lo sgomento fomentato dai suoni malsani provenienti dal duo composto da Michael e Alexander. E la Solitude Production, che con queste sonorità ci va giustamente a nozze, ha pensato bene di assoldare l’ennesima band di funeral doom nel suo rooster e rilasciare un album che è destinato a lasciare una breccia solo nel cuore di una ristrettissima ed elitaria schiera di metal fan. Eh si perché le sonorità cosi pachidermiche, ridondanti e ipnotiche contenute in queste tre tracce, sono veramente destinate a pochi intimi. Tuttavia il giudizio per l’act russo, che trae sicuramente ispirazione dal sound degli inglesi Esoteric, è più che positivo. Certo “The Beginning” non è un cd che si può ascoltare ovunque, in macchina è sicuramente sconsigliato a meno che non abbiate tendenze suicide, ma sicuramente se aveste voglia di rilassarvi su un letto con un bel paio di cuffie nelle orecchie, credo che la corposità dei suoni ivi contenuti, possa eccitare non poco le vostre sinapsi cerebrali. Le atmosfere create dai lunghi loop chitarristici del buon Sasha di sicuro turberanno i vostri sonni fin qui tranquilli; la seconda “The Misleading” vi ipnotizzerà con i suoi irrequieti inserti noise (che costituiscono i primi 6 minuti della traccia!!), anche se poi i rimanenti 12 minuti malinconici (per non dire strappa lacrime) non siano quanto più semplice da ascoltare. Del growling profondo di Michael qui troverete un’esigua presenza, quasi a donare un tocco di “sacralità” alla canzone. Capisco perfettamente che sacralità e growling non vadano proprio a braccetto però vi garantisco che in questo contesto la cosa risulta calzante. Con i conclusivi 22 minuti di “The Ones Who Left This World” (Allegria!!!) i lenti cingoli del panzer Septic Mind sono pronti a darci il colpo di grazia. La song è ancora più cupa delle precedenti e dire che pensavo di aver toccato il fondo dell’abisso fin da subito, ma qui i nostri superano se stessi e con suoni che vanno ben oltre alla definizione di funeral, ci ammorbano fino a portarci alla disperazione eterna. Buon lavoro per il sottoscritto, peccato solo sia di difficile fruibilità per tutti, sicuramente un ascolto lo merita per la curiosità di capire di capire se esistono davvero dei limiti nella musica o se, giunti sul fondo del precipizio, dobbiamo essere pronti a scavare…

Author: Francesco Scarci

Met wisselend succes is Rusland zich op de internationale doommetal-kaart aan het zetten. Solitude Productions braakt elke maand nieuwe albums op de markt van bands uit allerlei uithoeken van de wereld. Variërend van extreem ondermaatse bands als S.C.A.L.P., waarvan het werk het daglicht nooit had mogen zien, tot toch wel zeer geslaagde acts zoals dit Septic Mind.

Deze laatste presenteert met The Beginning hun tweede album en debuut voor het eveneens Russische Solitude Productions. Van dit soort platen mogen ze er wel meer uitbrengen! De stomende funeral doom/death dat dit duo produceert laat een verpletterende indruk achter. De muziek staat bol van de dik met toetsen dichtgesmeerde sferische stukken en volle, bombastische en vooral loodzware riffs die, gepaard met de ongelooflijk diepe grunts, voor een apocalyptische sfeer zorgen. Vergelijkingen met bands als Skepticism, Dolorian, Evoken, en Esoteric zijn dan ook snel gemaakt. Wat Septic Mind echter nog wel een eigen gezicht meegeeft is het bij tijd en wijle zowat cyber-achtige, futuristische toetsenwerk waarvoor Jean Michel Jarre zich niet hoeft te schamen.

Naar verluidt heeft Septic Mind nogal wat stof doen opwaaien op het Moscow Doomfest en met dit album onder de arm kan het niet anders dan dat de band zeker ook internationaal een potje zal moeten kunnen breken. En laten we inderdaad hopen dat dit maar het begin is, dit smaakt naar meer!

Author: Felix
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