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666.67 Р 333.33 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Suizidgedanken 4:18 2 Massengrab 5:51 3 Satan In Mir 4:31 4 Syphilis 5:01 5 Nekrophilenpassion 4:09 6 Blutspur Im Schnee 6:00 7...
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400.00 Р 213.33 Р
power metal, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Race With The Falcons 4:48 2 Through The Ice Age 3:58 3 The New Chapter 4:25 4 Of Ancient Wounds 3:33 5 Child Of Cimmeria 1:06 6 Black Winged...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
pagan black metal
Tracklist: 1 Mourned By Twillight Wind 9:27 2 Shadows 8:43 3 Battlefields 8:21 4 Kladovest 9:43 5 Glacial Darkness 3:49
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333.33 Р 200.00 Р
gothic doom/death
Tracklist: 1. Доки Свiт Залишався Поруч 1:40 2. Теплi Сльози Льодяних Хрестiв 4:49 3. Потойбiчнiсть Причин 4:18 4. Блакитний Лiд Вiдчуджених Споминiв 3:22...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
Tracklist: 1 Путями Морены (Пролог) 03:08 2 От Яри Северных Морей 05:51 3 Поступь Зимы 01:47 4 Вереницы Следов Позабытых 05:05 5 Рябинушка 03:37 6 Дали...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
melodic death progressive
Tracklist: 1 Intro (The Art Of Zen) 2 The Sword Of Vengeance 3 Battousai 4 Cherry Blossoms (In Inferno) 5 The Fencer 6 Hidden In The Leaves 7 Exile...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
funeral death doom
Tracklist: 1 Black Blood Of Yib-Tstl 14:29 2 Vile Drums Of The Idiot God 13:48 3 Dødsstjernen 15:37
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400.00 Р 213.33 Р
heavy metal, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Jos Sanon 4:13 2 Virret Soi 2:50 3 Kädessäni 5:06 4 Graniitti 4:30 5 Itkussa 3:34 6 Enkeli 5:55 7 Kirjoittamaton 3:50 8 Vihattu 3:02 9...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
pagan black metal
Tracklist: 1 Крови Извечный Узор 4:36 2 Откровение 4:24 3 Веда Хранителя Врат 4:19 4 Стезёю Вещего 3:51 5 Реальность 4:20 6 Аз Есьм Огонь! 4:42 7 Война 2:28...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
brutal death metal, More Hate Productions
The debut work by a one-man band of Roman Kartashov from Saratov, Russia, cannot be accused of the lack of brutality for sure. Fans of the most extreme brutal death metal will have joy of the material carefully elaborated over a period of several years. The album is full of anger and hatred to all the living. Fast tremolos alternating with heavy riffs, powerful blast beats and breakdowns, stinging guitar solos and growling vocals will take the fancy of the most discerning listeners. Mass murder, cannibalism, torture, extermination of people – this is what you will hear, and it will etch the name KRAWORATH in your memory. Total must have for the fans of Cannibal Corpse, Slayer and Putrid Pile rolled into one!
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
brutal death metal, More Hate Productions
The second album by one-man band Kraworath (Saratov) was not long in coming. Over a short period of time this brutal death metal project found its niche among the Russian brutal bands and came up with such monsters like Cannibal Corpse, Deicide and Dying Fetus in terms of heaviness and speed.  The music of Kraworath became more intense and rich, lyrics grew even more ultimatistic and presented the anthology of present day serial crimes. From the first note, the first riff of the album power and aggression strike listeners fair in the face, deep growling ruptures their untrained eardrums echoing in their cracked heads – these are the associations triggered by the new material of the band! We proudly bring to your attention even more hardball and dark album by Kraworath where the energy of the debut is multiplied by the new performance standards.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
thrash death
Tracklist: 1 Technopogost 4:54 2 Collapse 4:23 3 Into The Void 3:56 4 Oblivion 4:39 5 Gods And Prayers 4:50 6 Slaughter 4:12 7 Demon Of Retribution 4:54 8...
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333.33 Р 200.00 Р
raw experimental funeral doom
Tracklist: 1 Убогость 5:18 2 Крылья 4:38 3 Демон 5:12 4 Мираж 6:01 5 Падение 4:19 6 Глубинный Страх 6:03
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733.33 Р 466.67 Р
depressive black metal
Tracklist: Crown Of The Ancients 1 Veneria's Call 6:03 2 Psychic Pandemonium 8:09 3 Crown Of The Ancients 7:09 Slayer Of Lost Martyrs 4 Intro / Gone...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Чорныя Мроi Нянавiсьцi (Black Visions Of Hatred) 5:11 2 Тыя, Хто Нiколi Ня Жыў (Those Who Never Lived) 6:35 3 Мае Словы - Нажы (My Words Are...
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400.00 Р 133.33 Р
neo-folk / rock
Tracklist: 1 З Прошчы 2 Воінства 3 Крыўю Ўслаўляйма 4 Рагнарадзi 5 Драбы 6 Масква 7 Над Пясчанай Ракой 8 Вайна 9 Племя Дзвiны 10 Белы Легiён 11...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
pagan black metal
Tracklist: 1 И Прыйшла На Землю Погань… 3:29 2 Зимерзла 2:43 3 Волотова Битва 3:12 4 Бог Непогод И Бурь 2:42 5 Дождь Из Сварги 4:16 6 Сказания Миробога 3:12...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
death metal, More Hate Productions
However, they would rather prefer to postpone disclosing their real names till later. This would allow avoiding unnecessary comparisons, as L.I.G.O. has nothing to do with these bands in terms of the music they play. Stylistically, the band cannot be labeled as limiting itself to a specific extreme music trend, whatsoever; instead, L.I.G.O. has become a melting pot helping the musicians blend their musical preferences together into an integral entity embracing most metal music genres. Despite the diversity of ingredients, the final product safely escaped eclecticism and rather became a compilation of whatever the metal scene has achieved over the past decades. The band's lyrics, essentially compilative, mainly addresses the simple yet inexhaustible concepts like inter- and para personal interaction between human beings along with such everlasting constants as life and death. Album including King Crimson cover song "Three of a Perfect Pair".
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Amado Ódio Retroativo 2 Me Afogando Em Lâminas E Comprimidos 3 O Fantasma De Um Rancoroso Passado 4 Lamúria Abissal 5 ...De Uma Profunda E...
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400.00 Р 280.00 Р
melodic death doom metal, Endless Winter
Tracklist: 1 Intro 0:41 2 Bones Dissolved 7:14 3 Eternal Places 6:09 4 Bio-lence 6:41 5 Reborn 6:34 6 Outro 1:13
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
Tracklist: 1 Possessed By Food 1:37 2 Не Умеешь Сам - Не Мешай Мне 0:30 3 Dreamworks 2:16 4 О.М.О.Н. 2:05 5 Drunk, Fought & Fucked 0:42 6 Subliminal 3:02
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Blood Is Always Nameless (In Flanders Fields) 2 Sun Of The Sleepless 3 Charge Of The Light Brigade 4 Skeleton In Armor (Part I) 5 Skeleton...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
heavy metal
Tracklist: 1 Ночные волки 4:57 2 У окна 5:07 3 Лунная соната 0:56 4 Двое 5:37 5 Каир 4:42 6 Mystery 0:55 7 Ветеран 6:52 8 Не убивай 3:55 Bonus: 9 Проводы...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
modern heavy metal, FONO ltd
"Lehmanized" - дебютный альбом итальянского проекта LEHMANN, основанного басистом групп BLAZE BAYLEY (Ex-IRON MAIDEN) и NEURASTHENIA Маттео Леманном. Сведенный, отмастерингованный и полностью спродюсированный самим Маттео, дебютный альбом представляет из себя эпичный heavy metal, приправленный элементами thrash и death metal, и звучит так, как если бы U.D.O. и HALFORD встретились с NEVERMORE и STRAPPING YOUNG LAD. Артворк (включающий буклет-плакат) сделал Владимир "SMERDULAK" Чебаков, работавший над оформлением альбомов STALWART, MELANCHOLY и ICON IN ME. Помимо кавера на песню британской группы TEARS FOR TEARS, на "Lehmanized" также можно услышать голос Блейза Бейли ("Laid so Low").
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400.00 Р 213.33 Р
power-pop, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 84 Seconds In The West 1:20 2 The Killer I 3:31 3 Glass Boy 2:42 4 Broken Record 3:38 5 We'll Be The Flowers On Our Grave 3:38 6 Yearbook 2001...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
folk death metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Отче Наш 2 Пустосвят 3 РостовЪ 4 Фёдор Да Марья 5 Ойся, Tы Ойся 6 Мельница (Instrumental) 7 Распутье 8 Чёртов Рог 9 Яблочко Bonus...
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
doom death / dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
A new work of the project Letargy Dream who became a full line-up band from a one-man-band. Here Letarg (also known as the bass player of Revelations Of Rain) has united with musicians from Beheaded Zombie and Nabaath. Including three tracks with the total of 50 minutes, the album shows Letargy Dream to us from a new side, a new rising of the band in the ways of dark metal, doom/death metal and death metal with riffs familiar for traditional doom metal!
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
progressive metal, BadMoodMan Music
The third band album conceptually based on antiutopian literature of 20th century gives a new look at Letargy Dream. Being broadened to four members the band gets across the frontiers of their style featuring female hysterical screaming and male clean two- and three-part singing. Music-wise the album represents a compilation of such genres as progressive metal and neo progressive rock, stoner and traditional doom metal. Solid and leisured distorted guitar sound, technical drum passages breaking to blastbits, acoustic guitars and atmospheric keyboards create the masterpiece called “Heliopolis”.
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
melodic death / metalcore
Tracklist: 1 Ответ 2 Песочные часы 3 Враг внутри 4 Дотла 5 Так говорил Заратустра 6 Грех 7 Он рисовал 8 Дай мне покой 9 Путь 10 Отражая тени
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600.00 Р 333.33 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro - Into The Darkness Of My Soul 1:22 2 Fog 7:50 3 As Blackness Fell Over My Eyes 10:57 4 Förevig Smärta 7:00 5 I Mitt Mörker 5:27 6 Tear...
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533.33 Р 266.67 Р
black doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 1:40 2 Halls Of Transcendance 6:40 3 El Pesar Del Alma 5:12 4 From Grey To Black 5:49
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
black metal, FONO ltd
LIGHTNING SWORDS OF DEATH (LSOD) - black metal группа из L.A. - солнечного города ангелов, блеска и красоты. Но 8 цепляющих сурово-мрачных треков в лучших традициях оккультного black metal заставляют задуматься - с тем же успехом LSOD могли быть образованы в холодных скандинавских странах, т.к. альбом "The Extra Dimensional Wound" звучит именно так. Сырые гитарные риффы и молотящая ритм-секция в лучших традициях жанра злы и беспощадны - плотные стены жужжания сменяющих друг друга аккордов разбавлены грувовыми thrash metal элементами, а устрашающий вокал звучит читаемо и свежо.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
experimental ambient noise
Tracklist: 1 Clodii 6:11 2 Buxetum 2:52 3 Admurmurationis 3:58 4 Contemptrix 3:16 5 Evulsio 3:35 6 Amurcae 3:48 7 Accerba 3:19 8 Bona Pace 3:04 9 Polli 4:47...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
gore grind
Tracklist: 1 Of Fuck 3:43 2 Rotting Blood Served Over Mannocotti 4:02 3 Once Upon The Cross (Deicide cover) 3:15 4 Infant Daycare Car Bombing 1:54 5 God Is...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
progressive death metal, Darknagar Records
A first full-length album by Lost Conception contains technical and diverse music of high quality, which would be interesting for both of Death Metal fans and connoisseurs of Extreme Progressive. Paroxysm of Despair is 9 conceptual songs with elements of various styles of Death Metal genre with infernal blastbeats, powerful and unusual guitar riffs. The album tells us about egregious sins of society and moral degradation of humanity.
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400.00 Р 213.33 Р
nu-metal, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 The Flyin' G 3:44 2 Tonight 4:20 3 The Gibson Girl 3:35 4 Soul Of A Pagan 3:24 5 Saturnalia 4:13 6 Child Of Lies 3:34 7 Unsigned 4:15 8 Love Me...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Blades Of Maelstrom 2 Darkanum Infinitum 3 The Night Of The Fire 4 Czarny Płomień 5 Hellish Ritual 6 The Devil's Anthem 7 The Curse 8...
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400.00 Р 213.33 Р
gothic metal, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Perfect Tonight 2 Love, Lust, Desire 3 Fire Within 4 Stranger In You 5 Heart Shaped Scars 6 Soul In Half 7 Killing Time 8 I Want You 9...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
gothic metal, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Antidote To You 3:29 2 Still And Angel 2:53 3 Thousand Suns 4:38 4 Feel My Revenge 4:47 5 Bad Blood 3:08 6 All Behind 3:45 7 Gone Are The Days...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
dark ambient
Tracklist: 1 The New Creatures 6:28 2 The Ninth Walker 7:44 3 B-Twin 6:13 4 Demiurge 5:57 5 Astral Necrophilia 5:06 6 Gate Ov Dreams (Labyrinth 71) 5:40 7...
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333.33 Р 200.00 Р
funeral death doom
Tracklist: 1 Дремали Деревья Под Ночным Небом... 15:18 2 Вдали Огонёк За Рекою... 3:19 3 Луны Отражение В Чёрной Воде... 12:16 4 Astral Mirror 2:31 5...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
folk metal
Tracklist: 1 З-пад Латыр-каменя 2 Клятва 3 В Диком поле 4 Ой, студено море 5 Вялес 6 Вясна 7 Спела жыта... 8 Рось 9 Падай, Ярыла!
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2:21 2 A Voice From Dark Ages 3:55 3 Luciferian Dreams 4:03 4 Winter Elegy 4:55 5 Wotan Redivius 3:55 6 Sleep Forever... 4:00 7 Deny...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 У врат 2 Бафомет 3 Тьма 4 Оборотни Цербера (часть II) 5 Шепот 6 6 могил 6 крестов 6 рабов 7 Страдание 8 Волчья суть 9 Тропа 10 Тропа...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 I 2 II 3 III 4 IV 5 V 6 VI 7 VII 8 VIII 9 IX 10 X 11 XI 12 Black Reality 13 Fuck Up Christ 14 Great Soul Nyarlathotep 15...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Under Wings Of Satan 2 To The Nightsky 3 Ivadék 4 A Magyarok Nyilaitól 5 Ahol Hideg Szelek Fújnak 6 Elhintem A Magot 7 A Csitári Hegyek...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
heavy / progressive metal, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Circus Of Fools 4:35 2 No Talk Without The Giant 3:38 3 Ghost Of The Seasons 4:53 4 Tyrannize 2:55 5 The Shadow Gallery 6:27 6 Where I Stand...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
heavy / progressive metal, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Falling 3:05 2 Dream & Religion 3:49 3 Apathy 5:10 4 Back From The Days 3:28 5 The Traitor 3:55 6 October 6:35 7 Daytime Theatre 4:58 8 Doors...
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400.00 Р 253.33 Р
metalcore / melodic death metal, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Forgiven 4:25 2 With You 3:44 3 For Those Who Care 3:36 4 Voices 4:46 5 Vengeance 3:14 6 Who, If Not Us? 2:33 7 Place Taken 3:33 8 Endlessly...
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400.00 Р 253.33 Р
metalcore / melodic death metal, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Teeth Vs. Curb 2:35 2 Losses To Lessons 4:15 3 Bleeding From Within 3:06 4 Downpour Of Emptiness 4:31 5 Friendster Is Sooo Two Months Ago 2:13...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
melodic heavy / power metal, FONO ltd
MAGICA - female-fronted команда из Румынии, исполняющая смесь из мелодичного heavy и power metal о колдовстве, древностях и мистике. "Center Of The Great Unknown" - шестой альбом, являющийся логическим продолжением предыдущих работ MAGICA, звучит на порядок качественней и целостнее. Вернув в состав вторую гитару, MAGICA подготовила 11 треков для всех любителей фэнтезийного металла. Артворком занимался Claudio Bergamin (HALFORD, MADE OF HATE, PARRAMON), а сведением занимался Seeb Levermann, фронтмен ORDEN OGAN.
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
brutal death / grind
Tracklist: 1 Piss On Whore 2 Fucker Power 3 Saint Hole 4 Respect Your Car, Despise Your Wife 5 Only Gentleman Used Condoms 6 Mini Size... 7 ...Maxi...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
dark folk
Tracklist: 1 Инвокация 1:13 2 Rosa Alchemica 5:16 3 Свиток Войны 7:16 4 Знак Вотана 4:37 5 О Происхождении Мира 8:09 6 Солнечный Ветер 4:19 7 Апокалипсис...
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600.00 Р 466.67 Р
melodic doom death metal
Tracklist: 1 Temple Of Guilt 8:52 2 Unexpected 11:40 3 Swallow: Pride 9:30 4 Failure 10:21 5 Bleeding Sun 15:40
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666.67 Р 466.67 Р
death doom metal
The new album contains seven sorrowful songs with an even darker edge than debut album Temple of Guilt. Production wise the sound is thicker and more mature. The album also features a guest guitar solo from Roberto Granados (Denial, The Suffering). The artwork was created by Robert Hoyem (Shining, Iskald, Remembrance). Expect the new Majestic Downfall CD too spit human disgust through blackened doom emotions. Reissue with lyrics included.
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600.00 Р 533.33 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions

The new full-length album by Majestic Downfall is, without a doubt, the strongest band's release to date. Sophisticated compositions, sound and concept: all these elements are perfectly combined to reflect the unique face of the group and its vision of the doom death metal style, which consists in a refined alloy of heaviness, atmosphere and melody. The music of despair, the music of pain. Too personal and too emotional to live it through every time, and too beautiful to be able to reject every new listening! Co-release with Weird Truth Productions.

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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
doom death / avantgarde doom, Solitude Productions
This Split CD introduces two brand new bands to all metal heads all over the world. Each one has it’s own sound and visions of modern doom/death metal. Majestic Downfall (Mexico) is a one-man-band, which recaptures the feeling of the 90’s European Doom Metal scene, while mixing it with some more modern Doom Metal overtones. Main idea of Ansia (Italy) is to find new sounds in the doom scene. Atmospheric music is interesting due to its specific sound. Ansia’s part of the Split has been mixed by Alessio Fagrelli (ex-session keyboards for Deinonychus), who also plays piano on the song “Part I”.
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
progressive power metal
Tracklist: 1 Meaning Of Life 05:02 2 Self-Control 04:32 3 The Moonlight 05:18 4 The Code 05:05 5 Masked Illusion (Instrumental) 04:14 6 Blind 03:52 7...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
alternative extreme metal
Tracklist: 01 Дзеркало 02 Funny Cookie 03 Глотка 04 Bleeding Scar 05 Оскома 06 Froth 07 News 08 Холод 09 Animal 10 Хвороба
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
brutal death metal
Tracklist: Are You Ready For Something Like That? 1 Risen From Mud 2:54 2 Mummified In A Hurry 2:41 3 Zombie Invazion 2:33 4 Sculping With Chainsaw 1:34 5...
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400.00 Р 213.33 Р
metalcore, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Axe Of Redemption 2 Shades Of Hatred 3 Approach 4 Reflections Of You 5 My Enemy 6 A New Breed Of Life 7 Second Life Ahead 8 Weathered...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
gothic metal, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 A Million Crises 2 Silence Dance 3 For Real 4 The Inmost 5 Not The Ones 6 Fellow Sinner 7 Dead Air 8 End Of Words 9 Sudden Showers 10...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
gothic heavy metal
Tracklist: 1 Лилия и Лилит 2 Змея 3 Аве Летиция 4 Каждому 5 Закатные рыцари 6 Покровители 7 Никто 8 Саксонский корпус 9 Вересковая Пустошь 10...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
experimental metal
Tracklist: 1 Титаник 3:26 2 Тетка Мэри 3:19 3 Времена 4:21 4 Позитифф 3:42 5 Блюз байкера 3:58 6 Колхоз покойников рок-н-ролла 3:35 7 Все так странно 3:36...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Horna 2 Nocturnal Ritual 3 The Hands Per Hades 4 Necromentia
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
melodic heavy metal, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Wait For The Fall 2 As Days Grow Darker 3 Walls Of My Temple 4 Unstoppable 5 Another Step Back 6 Purity Fades 7 Stillborn 8 Into...
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733.33 Р 600.00 Р
melodic doom / death metal
published in digipak
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
progressive metal
Tracklist: 1 Welcome To Creepy Tales 0:51 2 Urban Dreams 3:44 3 Bubble Bath 3:38 4 Spikyhead + Miremaid 2:31 5 Vesperghosts Of Milford Playhouse 4:47 6 A...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
alternative metal
Tracklist: 1 Ghouls (Single Version) 2:49 2 Point Of Test 3:11 3 Star A.D. 3:28 4 Digital Skin 3:26 5 Stormchild (Live In Uzhgorod) 4:08
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
progressive metal
Tracklist: 1 Who Did It? 2 Nice Place For A Sad Story 3 Snow White 4 Red Road In Purple Haze 5 Your Hate Is Like A Poison Apple 6 Bubble Bath 7 Pit...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
progressive metal
Tracklist: 1 Main Titles 2 Stormchild 3 Bogie In A Coal-Hole 4 Sirens From The Underland 5 Will O' The Wisp 6 Strayed Moppet 7 Old Year's Merry...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
thrash heavy metal
Tracklist: 1 Break Up The Wall 2 Overtake 3 Disclose The Secret 4 Outstrip The Wind 5 Last Price 6 Undamaged Seed 7 Reason To Exist 8 Feel The Pain
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Everything Poisoned 2 Blood Comes Black 3 In Mist We Stand 4 Now I Fly 5 Atruta (I Dissolve In Poisoned Rain) 6 To Nihil 7 Cycle Of Rot...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
gothic death metal
Tracklist: 1 Farewell False Paradise 2 Forever Alive 3 Heaven's Light 4 The Embers Of Li(f)e 5 &4U2 6 A Giant Told Me To Run 7 Funeral Of A Dead Soul...
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666.67 Р 400.00 Р
doom metal, Aesthetic Death
Tracklist: 1 Total Cessation Of One 4:17 2 The Sole Dwelling 6:56 3 Arangutia 7:14 4 By Force Of Breath4:14 4:16 5 Sa Fii Al Dracului 1:47 6 Wurrmbu...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
gothic metal
Tracklist: 1 Кибер Поколение 5:26 2 Пять 4:33 3 Новая Религия 4:32 4 Free 5:09 5 Рай В Руке 4:13 6 Изнутри 5:04 7 Пустота 5:57 8 Урод В Скорлупе 3:41 9 Утро...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
gothic metal
Tracklist: 1 Cryptocode 5:41 2 Nu Religion 4:36 3 Euthanasia 4:45 4 Криптокод 5:41 5 Новая Религия 4:36 6 Эвтаназия 4:45 7 Replica (Fear Factory Remix)...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
hardcore / punk, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Angstridden 2 Malign 3 Where Demons Hunt 4 The Doom 5 Vittra 6 Love Is Dead 7 Calathea 8 Black Blizzard
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400.00 Р 133.33 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Thunder 5:15 2 Song Of The Dead 5:41 3 Darkness 3:13 4 Born By The Forest 3:11 5 Bloody Night 4:10 6 Throne 3:59 7 Forest 5:06 8 ...To The...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
thrash metal, FONO ltd
MEMORAIN - греческая thrash-метал группа, образованная гитаристом/вокалистом Илиасом Пападакисом в 1999 году. Дискография MEMORAIN за 15 лет существования насчитывает выпущенный своими силами 5-трековый дебютник "Until You Die" (2001), компиляцию лучших вещей "Digital Line" (2013), с перезаписанным для нее материалом с новым саундом, а также 5 полноформатных альбомов, в записи которых в разное время принимало участие большое количество именитых музыкантов: гитарист Джеймс Мерфи (DISINCARNATE, ex-TESTAMENT), вокалист Тим "Риппер" Оуэнс (CHARRED WALLS OF THE DAMNED, ex-ICED EARTH), басист Стив ДиДжорджио (SADUS, TESTAMENT), гитарист Ральф Сантолла (DEICIDE, ex-OBITUARY), вокалист Крис Валагао (ZIMMERS HOLE), гитарист/вокалист и основатель ANNIHILATOR Джефф Уотерс, барабанщик Джин Хоглан (DARK ANGEL, ex-STRAPPING YOUNG LAD, ex-DEATH) и еще с десяток известных уху металхэда личностей. "Zero Hour" - новый полноформатный альбом греков, в который вошло 11 треков, записанных в студии "9800" в Афинах. Сведением "Zero Hour" занимался легендарный Джим Моррис, работавший с альбомами DEATH, KAMELOT, ICED EARTH в своей Morris Sound Studios во Флориде, США. Мастеринг проходил под руководством Алана Доучеса (работал с SEPULTURA, MONTEZUMA'S REVENGE, DEICIDE и многими другими) в студии West West Side Music в Нью-Йорке.
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
progressive death metal, FONO ltd
MENCEA - группа из Греции, основанная в 2004 году и исполняющая современный progressive death metal. "Pyrophoric" - второй альбом группы, удачно стартовавшей с дебютником "Dark Matter, Energy Noir" в 2008 году. Новый полноформатник стал явным выходом на новый уровень - 8 треков пронизаны ошалевшими мелодиями и яростными риффами, ушераздирающим вокалом и атмосферными пассажами с богатством звуков и смешением разнообразных жанров и поджанров экстремальной музыки.
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Promachos 2 Molon Lave 3 Sons Of The Greeks 4 Talos 5 Eleley 6 Alexandros 7 My Earth My Water 8 Typhoeus 9 Omnymi 10 Raise The Aspis...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
brutal death
Tracklist: 1 Commerce Pleasure And Death 3:40 2 Sodoku 3:09 3 Weak Mind (A World Of Confusion) 2:56 4 Bojayas Butchers 4:36 5 Blood And Flesh 2:39 6 Human...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
modern metal, FONO ltd
MENTAL ASSAULT - молодая, хорошо зарекомендовавшая себя, перспективная команда из Воронежа. Начав свой творческий путь здесь, в столице Черноземья России в 2005 году, группа радикально изменилась к текущему моменту. В поисках своего звучания команда прошла путь от заурядных ню-метал мелодик, дополненных агрессив-гроулом, к взрывной смеси трэш и дэт-металических риффов и чистого женского эстрадного вокала. Дебютный альбом «Edge of Days» сочетает в себе композиции, созданные в разные моменты этого большого периода. Здесь и самое раннее творчество группы, вдохновленное энергичными риффами и драйвом таких метал-монстров как IN FLAMES и FEAR FACTORY, и результат переосмысления подхода к созданию материала и вокальных паттернов. Лирика альбома захлестнет слушателя мрачными образами постапокалипсиса, подтолкнет к жутковатыми размышлениями о не таком уж и далеком биомеханическом будущем человечества. Мощные, запоминающиеся своей мелодикой риффы, оригинальный редкий вокал контр-альто, общая атмосфера в сочетании с качественным звуком – вот, чем готовы окружить слушателя MENTAL ASSAULT, представляя на его требовательный суд альбом «Edge of Days». Альбом записан в родном Воронеже на одной из лучших российских студий звукозаписи «Ja Ja Production» под чутким руководством звукооператора и саунд-продюсера Александра Чудинова. Благодаря его профессиональному подходу к работе и опыту одного из крупнейших российских метал-лейблов ФОНО, «Edge of Days» стал доступен слушателям, а MENTAL ASSAULT преодолевают рубеж, за которым всё только начинается.
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black / death metal, More Hate Productions
At the very bottom nourished with pain and interdiction, in the wastelands of despair, anger and hatred, in the abyss of tottering mind of the mortals... this is where MENTAL ILLNESS gets inspiration for the debut album. The band plays furious old school blackened death metal. During the 52 minutes of album length we hear a constantly developing material with far more complex approach than it seems: various melodies, rich arrangements and uncommon musical solutions hold listeners in suspense from the very first song up to the end of the album. The lyrics in the Russian language rich in metaphors and dedicated to occult subjects will definitely draw your attention. "Otkrovenie" is a spit in the face of those who demand our worship, it is a call for progress, for becoming a part of something greater... Greater than just being!
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533.33 Р 333.33 Р
sludge metal / post-rock
Tracklist: 1 Abisal 2 Crisálida 3 Lo Irrevocable 4 El Cielo Se Cierra 5 Un Paisaje (En Amarillo) 6 Vestigios De Una Derrota
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
progressive melodic death, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 New Desire 4:57 2 Bloodsong 4:47 3 Embrace The Nothing 4:51 4 This Black And Endless Never 5:40 5 Isolation (The Loneliness In December) 6:01 6...
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400.00 Р 300.00 Р
progressive melodic death, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Redefine Me 6:06 2 Year Of The Plague 5:29 3 My World Is Ending 5:26 4 This Eternal Instant 6:10 5 Lost Reality 8:02 6 Soul Decision 5:03 7...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
black death metal
Tracklist: 1 Relict 2 We Are Burning 3 Dissention 4 True Sight Heresy 5 Path Of A Damned 6 Beyond 7 Create To Destroy 8 Abyss Of The Soul
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
modern metal, FONO ltd
"When Life And Death Destroy" - дебютная полноформатная работа украинского коллектива MIND STRUCTURE, тем не менее успевшая стать достаточно ожидаемой еще за долго до официальной даты релиза. Музыкальный материал представляет собой смесь множества ингридиентов, где доминирующая роль принадлежит modern metal с сильным влиянием таких жанров, как progressive metal, melodic death, shred, metalcore и некоторых других. Гитарные и барабанные партии для альбома записаны в феврале 2010-го в киевской студии BlackLight Studio, известной по работе с таким коллективами, как KHORS, BALFOR, DIMICANDUM и др. Летом 2011-го на домашней студии Александра Главного (AUTUMNIA, ex-MOURNFUL GUST, ex-VAE SOLIS) записаны партии вокала и бас-гитары. Сведением занимался Tony Alien (T.A. Production) - автор звука многих команд, среди которых UNGRACE, ILLIDIANCE, MOURNFUL GUST, HELL:ON и прочие. Оформление выполнено украинским мастером Вячеславом Смишко (Nurgeslag), известного своими работами для ROTTING CHRIST, AUTUMNIA, FLYING, MOURNFUL GUST.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
experimental dark electro
Tracklist: 1 Dark Enter To… 1:05 2 Untitled 3:30 3 Destruction Glass 5:48 4 Untitled 3:42 5 Untitled 4:28 6 Untitled 3:06 7 Computer HAL 9000 2:26 8...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
noise industrial / ambient
Tracklist: 1 Thundernoisespell 8:29 2 Stoned Effect 4:22 3 Yikilmayan Adam 4:30 4 Output In Parralel 3:48 5 Job. Slavery. Degradation (Live) 4:42 6 Ultimo...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
black / death metal
Tracklist: 1 Shadow 2 Tribe of Damned 3 Ascension 4 Rex Nemorensis 5 ...When the Sky Rained Death 6 Harvester of Death 7 Empire of Darkness 8 Troops...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
death metal
Tracklist: 1 Firestorm 4:41 2 Savage Terror (No One Shall Avoid Fear) 4:18 3 For Those Who Will Die 4:54 4 The Sect 4:45 5 World Necrology 5:06 6 Mass...
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533.33 Р 200.00 Р
folk metal, FireStorm Production

Limited to 500 copies.
Запись, сведение, мастеринг «Lindar Music»

Packaged in jewel case. Includes 16-page booklet with lyrics.

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333.33 Р 200.00 Р
funeral doom
Tracklist: 01 Evolve From Grave 3:03 02 My Guide 4:44 03 The Rust 9:59 04 My Past 5:42 05 Misery Dawn 4:10 06 On This Sadness 6:51 07 Release 8:26 08 Ritual...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black metal, More Hate Productions
The Ukrainian band Mlekra presents its first full length album “0105”, which is the result of 10 years of bands’ activity! Moderately raw and devilishly solid wall of sound distinctly reminds the ideal black metal sound of the 90-es, while unobtrusive melodies and atmospheric elements relieve the music from excessive monotonousness making tunes interesting up to the very end. The concept of the album itself is focused on the unpromising end of humanity, illustrated in the dark-toned booklet artwork.
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533.33 Р 333.33 Р
drone / funeral doom metal, Endless Winter
Mohraang, a drone/funeral doom metal project from the distant lands in the Russian Far East, was created in 2014 by a person who bears the nickname Maahzur Phalmorg; until now it's music was self-published with extremely limited editions. Main idea of the project was to bring the fantasies sprung from the mind of its creator to life, not sticking to specific musical styles. Mohraang is a realm of beasts under the ground of a hostile planet titled Khorrendus. From the very first seconds of the album you are carried away to the cold and grim maze of underground tunnels with a corresponding musical background. Your consciousness, stripped away from your dead body, drifts into the unknown in pursuit of the things yet undiscovered.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
deathcore, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Warlords 3:25 2 Rule By Secrecy 3:54 3 Only The Dead 3:09 4 Atrum Inritus 2:20 5 Corpus Imperium 4:20 6 Monolothic Apparatus 3:16 7 The...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Moonlight Sacrifice 2 Lake Of Fire 3 Swords Of Wrath 4 The Last Battle 5 Awakening Of Warfare Souls 6 To Fly The Nightshade Wings
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
death metal
Tracklist: 1 The Awakening (intro) 1:36 2 Songs of the Dead 2:47 3 Punishment 2:59 4 Spirit of Time 1:40 5 Feasting on the Blood 2:50 6 Dead City 2:39 7...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
rock / metal, FONO ltd
MONTE PITTMAN - гитарист, певец, автор песен и сессионный музыкант из Техаса, рожденнный в ноябре 1975-го. Перебравшись в начале 00-ых в Лос-Анджелес, Монти успел проявить себя во множестве проектов, от глэм поп-звезды Адама Ламберта до культовых металлистов PRONG, но несомненно самым внушительным является сотрудничество с Мадонной в качестве гитариста, длящееся уже более 12 лет. "The Power of Three" - третий полноформатный релиз для Монти и первый для лейбла Metal Blade Records. На альбоме не обошлось без гостей - на последнем треке "All is Fair in Love and War" можно услышать гитарные партии Алекса Сколника (TESTAMENT) и вокал Криса Барнса (ex-CANNIBAL CORSPE, SIX FEET UNDER).
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333.33 Р 200.00 Р
funeral doom
Tracklist: 1 Vomiting The Vile Bestiality 18:22 2 Watching The Nausea 13:49 3 The Tomb 2:11 4 A Pact For The Suicide 13:26
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
atmospheric doom metal, More Hate Productions
"My 7even" is the first full-length CD of the Belarusian band MoonWay. This half-instrumental album consists of seven tracks. The music is melodic and filled with the elements of symphonic sections, tough guitar riffs, extreme vocals and melodic female vocals. The album title, “My 7even”, symbolizes luck, "we create our own success by ourselves" – we can see the hands of the creator on the album’s cover. Cover concept was embodied by a Connor’s business partner, Leona - pencil drawing treated with color - and symbolizes the creativity of the band - a clean sheet of paper with a header.Mixing and mastering were made in Voronezh at Dark Gift Studio by Vladimir 'DarkElf' Prokhozhaev.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
groove thrash metal, More Hate Productions
The second full-length release "Pain Shreds" from Kiev MORiA - is the creation of new standards, where you can hear a combination of grooves, rage, and emotional energy. Even more destructive aggression, powerful armor inserts and rhythms. Diversity of the album added guest vocalists from groups in Russia and Ukraine. "Pain Shreds" - blurs the line between madness and experimental. Moria have proved to Ukrainian metal scene, as evidenced by the bright performances at major festivals as well as many indoor venues. where the band shared the stage with bands such as: Devilish Impression (Poland), Rage (Germany), Sickbag (France), Onslaught (England), Rasta (Belarus), Deadlock (Germany) and many other groups of CIS countries. basic "business card" of a heavy sound of guitars, powerful rhythm section, a special contrast of melody and aggression. An important factor for the group is the lyrics, which highlights the problems of mankind (war, environment) and personal (mental state, the subconscious mind, philosophy, psychology).
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
gothic metal, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Firewalkers 2 The Legion Of Two 3 Away From The Sun 4 The Rats In The Walls 5 Tomorrow She Comes 6 Flak Jacket 7 Sleep Of The Just 8...
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
death doom metal, Endless Winter
The musical project originated in 2013. During the long winter nights, the first songs were written and they came up with a title “Frost on Graves”. When the band had got together they played a live show in 2014, following which the roads of members of the band diverged, except two of them: the project's founder, known under the alias Maahzur Phalmorg, and the guitar player, Arkhatriis Metus. They went on working on the musical material, changed the name of the project and, in early 2017, recorded the “Resounding From The Obscurity” EP, at which the plot is based on the events that take place on planet Khorrendus. The Sleepers of the underworld kingdom Mohraang awoke, lusting for flesh and blood and caused the collapse of humanity. Once again the human race had been destroyed by inrush of dreadful monsters from the planet's depths, of whose existence only the remains of ancient ruins could hint.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
death metal
Tracklist: 1 Sense Of Brutality 2:25 2 Cemetery Feast 2:06 3 Born By Accident 3:42 4 Embodiment Of Mind 2:12 5 Black Light 4:34 6 Treatment Impossible...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
Tracklist: 1 Ripper 2:16 2 Formalin Addiction 1:22 3 Braindead 1:53 4 Homicide Day 2:18 5 Mortifer 1:36 6 Deathville 2:44 7 Unquenchable Bloodlust 2:13 8...
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466.67 Р 266.67 Р
sludge doom, Solitude Productions
The debut full-length album of the Belgian sludge doom metal band Möse presents results of many years" work of musicians performed numerous gigs and released a 7"-sinlge and a split-album. The band features members of Thee Plague Of Gentlemen and Neuthrone. The powerful sound is ensured by professional mastering and the crushing compositions of "Halfway to Nowhere" proclaim the appearance of a new serious representative of the style in Europe.
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666.67 Р 400.00 Р
gothic doom death, BadMoodMan Music
Re-issue of the legendary album of Ukranian gothic doom death metal band! The album material is fully remastered and is supplemented with a bonus CD containing demo of 2006 "The Frankness Eve", cover versions of Mournful Gust songs by invited musicians and "With Every Suffering" video from the actual album. Enforced by new power "She"s My Grief" album proves to be still state-of-the-art piece of music.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
horror death metal
Tracklist: 1 Malicious Incubus Excavation 2 Shroud Of Gloom (Doomed) 3 Passage Though The Ossuary Of Calamity 4 The Creepy Chronicles Of Ron Jeremy 5...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
death metal
Tracklist: 1 Fucking Nation 4:21 2 Military Plays 3:41 3 Self Autopsy 6:10 4 Biography Of A Corpse 4:10 5 Descrated Reality 3:56 6 In Memory Of... 1:38 7...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
death metal, More Hate Productions
We would like to bring to your attention the second full-length album by MY DARKEST FURY (Vologda). The band has already approved itself and stuck in memory of metal fans with previously released material. The new album will definitely consolidate the position of My Darkest Fury as a leader of the domestic extreme metal scene! “Hectic Existence” is an extremely impressive and fresh vision of contemporary metal world, a powerful musical canvas consisting of groovy sledgehammer guitar riffs following the best traditions of groove and death metal, a fury and anger of metal core in each note of the album, a surprisingly wide range of vocals – from screaming and growling to clean singing and, after all, just really good and catchy melodies and songsthroughout the whole album! Obvious contender to the title of the best Russian modern death metal album of the year!!!
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
dark death doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The new album by Vladimir Andreev known by his main band, Revelations of Rain. Due to some reasons he has changed the name of the band from On The Edge Of The Netherrealm to My Indifference To Silence, however, he continued the development of ideas being started at the debut album. The album presents death/doom metal with a touch of dark metal close to music of Daylight Dies and Novembre. «Horizon Of My Heaven» is a harmonic combination of harsh metal with lyric component featuring solid sound and rich arrangements.
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
doom death, Solitude Productions
Revelation from this Belgian band with their debut album “Broken Leaf”! The first album of MY LAMENT consists of eight powerful, perfectly recorded songs, which have a balance between cruelty of ATARAXIE and melodic lines of OFFICIUM TRISTE and SATURNUS. Brilliant playing skills of the musicians with great sound separate MY LAMENT from a lot of modern bands in this style, and put their music on same line with the famous bands of doom death metal scene!
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
alternative metal, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Stage Fright 2 Made To Measure 3 American Psycho 4 Spitfire 5 Burn The Witch 6 Radio Silence 7 Hot In The House Of God 8 Nazimova...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Hate By The Hate 2 Live In Nature, Die In Chains 3 Suffocated Europe 4 Земли, Что Гнев Исторгают (The Raging Lands) 5 Another Day - Another...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
industrial metal
Tracklist: 1 Can't Stay 4:40 2 Dickheads 4:30 3 First Love 4:28 4 Last Hate 4:05 5 Burn My Head 6:26 6 Remorse 4:05 7 Rock'n'roll Girl 4:10 8 Lighthouse...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
pagan / folk metal, More Hate Productions
The debute of the Far East folk metal band “Mysteria Mortis” is the atmospheric and melodic metal with the elements of black metal, the strong supply of the symphonic instruments, ethnics and unique female vocals. Every song of the album is a ballad, a story based on the myths and legends of the Children of the North, ancient warriors and wise primogenitors. Ancient tunes, male choir are closely bound with the extreme vocals of guitar player and frontman of the band Finn. This dilutes the atmosphere of music and transmits the bitterness of wars and battles, the memory of the Past. The album is based on folk themes of Slavs and Vikings. “Mysteria Mortis” advocates for the revival of the forgotten Tradition and Knowledge by its creation. Rites with the tambourine, singing of the vargan (kind of jew’s-harp), reading of the ancient mantras mixed with the aggressive guitar riffs – all this creates the unique atmosphere of the album “Waters of Tund”. Lyrics are written in the full-color booklet, design of which represents the conception of creation of the band.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
progressive metal
Tracklist: 1 The Lake 2 Dying Dreams 3 Clown 4 Way To Another World 5 Mystica 6 Impression 7 Spartak
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
industrial folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Заря 2 Durdevdan 3 Истина в вине 4 В кабаке 5 Вербовая дощечка 6 Скалы фиордов 7 Один, к тебе мой путь 8 Драконье золото/Regin Smidur 9...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
folk doom death metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Буря 2 Дикое Море 3 Пропавший 4 Облезлая Собака 5 Лёд Пускает Корни 6 Последний Вдох
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
folk doom death metal
Tracklist: 1 Огонь 6:58 2 Пробуждение 7:06 3 Разговор Со Звёздами 6:24 4 На Сотню Лет 6:54 5 Сны 6:11 6 Стена 6:13 7 Падающая Звезда 2:51 8 Закрыв Глаза...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Lunar Cult 3:02 2 Гибель Светлой Эпохи (The Loss Of The Age Of Light) 3:35 3 Sunset And Sunrise At The Back Of Beyond 3:46 4 Север (North) 4:27...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
gothic black metal
Tracklist: 1 Поглощая Тени Застывших Чувств 1:54 2 Лунный Маэстро 6:12 3 Под Покровом Ночи 4:34 4 Утро Пахнет Смертью 7:42 5 Если Горит Полночная Звезда...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
death black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 1:53 2 Visceral Human Obedience 5:50 3 Postmortem Dominion 6:10 4 Worship Of A Tool Of Torture 5:26 5 Naked & Pathological Dehumanization...
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533.33 Р 466.67 Р
atmospheric funeral doom, Solitude Productions
Debut album by a young Ukrainian band Narrow House who was featured at a number of gigs and festivals. «A Key To Panngrieb» album is a 45-minutes-long journey to your subconsciousness accompanied by funeral guitars, atmospheric keyboards and live cello. Another approach to funeral doom metal, another key to eternal secrets of life and death.
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533.33 Р 466.67 Р
dark metal / doom death, BadMoodMan Music
The second album from the extraordinary Ukrainian band which started its way from the experiments with funeral doom metal and received a unique for the local scene musical and psychological experience. This time Narrow House goes for fusion of different subgenres of doom metal and other musical styles. Living choirs, saxophone, cello and contrabass were employed for “Thanathonaut” recording bringing individual sound and uniqueness to Narrow House music. The main theme of the album is war and nuclear weapons; otherwise the work continues the study of man inner world and its self-destruction which has been started earlier. The cover to symphonic doom death metal band Virgin Black with Russian lyrics presented in the album is also worth mentioning. Recording and mastering of the album were performed at the studio of famous sound producer Max Morton who also appeared as guest musician with bass parties. Another guest musician is a vocalist of Ukrainian band I Miss My Death. The album artwork is crafted by French photographer and artist Christophe Dessaigne whose works appear on covers of books by Stephen King, Agatha Christie, Margaret Atwood and other famous writers. To conclude, «Thanathonaut» is a solid conceptual material with original appearance distinguishing the band Narrow House among others at the CIS metal scene.
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
heavy metal
Tracklist: 1 В Полнеба 2 Все Решили За Тебя 3 Расплата 4 Шторм 5 Небо В Огне 6 Скрещены Клинки 7 Глоток Свободы 8 Кроме Тебя 9 Серый Дождь 10 Город...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Blackest Northern Orchestra 2:26 2 At The Mystic Gates 3:13 3 Ladies And Gentlemen 4:17 4 Ordo Malleus 4:22 5 Grim Gates 3:00 6 Trold 4:17 7 In...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
pagan folk metal
Tracklist: 1 Ледяная Звезда 2 Северный Путь 3 Колокольцы Мар 4 Стожары 5 Воспевание 6 Мара 7 Корочун 8 Моление Чернобогу 9 Волки 10 Плач 11 Так...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
pagan black metal
Tracklist: 1 Лавиной Крови 4:21 2 Глаза 3:24 3 Intro: Мать Ветров 1:37 4 Мать Ветров 5:57 5 Да Навстречу Ветрам Необузданным 3:20 6 Над Могилами Тысяч...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
dark ambient
Tracklist: 1 Intro 3:30 2 Terminal Intensity. Part 1 7:38 3 Code Of Life 11:05 4 Terminal Intensity. Part 2 6:14 5 Outro 3:49 6 Echo Of Space Storms [Drone...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
sympho black metal
Tracklist: 1 Demon Est Deus Inversus 5:09 2 12 Жертв 5:17 3 Упырь 2:22 4 Тень 4:19 5 Мрачнее 3:55 6 Жажда 4:36 7 Они 2:47 8 Падение Богов 4:49 9 Renaissance...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
sympho black metal
Tracklist: 1 Черти 2 Расплата 3 За Русь! 4 В последний бой 5 Догмат 6 Отечённый 7 Смерть старца
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
sympho black metal
Tracklist: 1 Знамение 4:01 2 Душегуб 4:08 3 Культ Огня 5:33 4 Изувер 3:55 5 Мщение 4:39 6 Сумасшествие 2:58 7 Прозрение 3:34 8 Звериный дух 5:10
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
doom metal
Tracklist: 1 The Crimson Minority 6:06 2 Le Fleur Noir 5:52 3 Necronova 6:25 4 Pandemonic Opium Night 6:07 5 Capricorn Years 7:09 6 A Visionary's Trip 6:19...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
gore grind
Tracklist: Sexual Revolution 1 Sexual Revolution 2:47 2 Cripple Bitch 1:26 3 Scatological Ultimatum 1:19 = 4 ( =) 6:39 5 You Are Fat Putridity...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Shadows 2 Forbidden Heaven 3 Law And Order 4 In State Of Light 5 The Godsend 6 Mind's Pantheon
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
cold ritual occult ambient
Tracklist: 1 Merging With Necrolayer 2 Glorifying Bone Gods 3 Na'ir Kala 4 Ereshkigal 5 Hecast-Bombo 6 Canto To Kosh'e 7 Primogeniture Of Morana
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400.00 Р 133.33 Р
black metal, More Hate Productions
Debut album from melodic black metal band Nefas Terra (Podolsk) performing the fast paced melodic black metal with death metal elements. The album consists of six tracks, each song is a cry of the hopeless one. Lyrics deal with the themes of loneliness, misanthropy, spiritual despair and unwillingness to accept the conventional religious canons. The material composed as early as 2006 was recorded in 2010. In May 2013 “Poison” promo-video was released with the assistance of Hakan Sjodin of Setherial (Sweden). Over the years the concepts and ideas behind Nefas Terra have changed allowing "Life in Darkness" to stand on its own as a product of the band's early days.
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
death metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 0:38 2 The Temple Built By God 3:01 3 I Don't Believe You, Jesus 4:29 4 Ein Sof 0:44 5 Fear 4:41 6 Come To Me 3:17 7 Trough The Limits...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
death metal / grindcore, More Hate Productions
MORE HATE Prod. presents the official reissue of the debut album by Canadian brutal death grind band. The print of the original issue (2009) was completely sold out soon after the release. This is the most violent and aggressive experience available on the canadian brutal market. This auditory torture mixes the sickness and intensity of European Grindcore assault with the brutality of North American Death Metal bands. Do not search any longer if you need a fix of sheer brutality and a velocity that will rock you socks off! Guaranteed to provoke a mental meltdown to any person who can not stand heavy music, “Enough for Dementia" is their trademark and they do not even joke about it. Nervous Impulse will give you the feeling of getting hit by a train at 220/mph. Fasten your seatbelt and enjoy your ride!
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
melodic death metal
Tracklist: 1 Inside 2 Make Them Die 3 Slipping Into Oblivion 4 White Mouse 5 November Skies 6 Faster 7 Death Has Come To Town 8 Put Your Dukes Up 9...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Om In Het Niets Te Blijven 2 Van Wanhoop Terug Naar De Oorsprong 3 In De Wrakken Van Mijn Geest
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
doom / sludge metal
Tracklist: 1 Descent 2 Corrosive 3 Wyllt 4 Church Of The Poison Mind 5 The Purge 6 The Colossus 7 Humain / Miasma 8 The Coordinates Of Resurrection
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black / doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Серная Скорбь 2 Внутренняя Вечность 3 Ушедшим Прежде 4 Мор 5 Скитание 6 Забвение 7 Отчуждённость 8 Рассвет 9 Procession Of The Dead...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black / doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Pathways Of A Dream (Kali) 7:27 2 Prisoner 8:02 3 Thorns Of Never Existed 6:44 4 Abyss (Gestern Starb Ich Schon Heute - Bethlehem cover) 4:40 5...
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333.33 Р 200.00 Р
funerary doom/death
Tracklist: 1 Z Głębin 23:22 2 Bez Słów 17:48
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
melodic death metal, More Hate Productions
“Flame of Faith” - is the next conceptual work by Shuya blackers NimphaioN. This time the band deals with the themes of fanaticism and obsession, both individual and collective, their influence on human fates and minds from the times of inquisition fires to the present time cults. Are you ready to plunge into despair, fear, pain and anger of the darkest pages of human history embodied in the songs of the second full-length album by NimphaioN? This album is a big step forward for the band in all aspects including sound, music, lyrics and arrangements.
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
melodic death metal
Tracklist: 1 Preludium 2 Buried Alive 3 In Darkness 4 Arachne 5 Solitude 6 Lonely River 7 Carrie 8 The Castaway
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
melodic doom death
Tracklist: 1 Sleepless Hollow 6:43 2 ..To Stone 5:30 3 Dreary Awakening 6:16 4 Hypnotize, Enslaved Beings 6:03 5 Where The Sky And Sea Collide 6:04 6 Think...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
melodic black metal, More Hate Productions
Currently the last album by the oldest and probably the most underestimated melodic black metal band from Donbass! The album had been recorded as early as in 2012, however it took the band some efforts to make the material available for the black metal community, and these efforts were not in vain! The first thing to be noted about the album is a prominent melodism of the material: keyboards play a major role among the other instruments in the structure of the songs rather than being a background. Nevertheless, the raw cemeterial breath of black metal remains distinct in the guitar and vocal lines as well as in the lyrics. At first sight the sound of the album seems to be too archaic or even outdated: there is no currently familiar wall of sound and compression characteristic of an endless line of Dimmu Borgir clones. But this is not a flaw – it is where charm and recognizability of the band begin, and there is nothing in excess that can distract listeners from the message hidden in this piece of pure black art!
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
occult rock / heavy metal, FONO ltd
NOCTUM - команда шведских рокеров, сформированная в 2009 году под первоначальным названием Séance. Позже именно так был назван дебютный альбом, вышедший в 2010 году на CD и виниле. Музыка NOCTUM пропитана ретро-волнами хард-рока 70-х, дума и хеви-метала и укутана в темную атмосферу оккультной лирики и мрачных настроений. "Final Scrifice" - второй полноформатный альбом шведов, записанный с новым барабанщиком Фредериком Янссоном (WITCHCRAFT, COUNT RAVEN). Оформлением "Final Scrifice" занимался Timo Ketola ( SUNN O))), OPETH, MARDUK).
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
avantgarde dark rock
Tracklist: 1 The Albatross 11:00 2 The Grimalkin 10:09 3 Codex Deserta 20:23
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
dark rock
Tracklist: 1 The Water Sprite 6:33 2 T.B.'s Notion 5:05 3 Strange Mountain 7:01 4 How Fortunate The Man With None 7:50 5 The Fiery Flower 5:00 6 Moonface Is...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
folk doom
For the first time the third person has broken through into the NORD"N"COMMANDER creativity in the album called "Akkortheon" (2005). This third person is Accordion. Just the name of this musical instrument is played up in a mystic spirit in the appellation of the material. Almost all arrangement is based on accordion riffs and solos which are dashed with declamation, a drum computer and sometimes a sampled choir. The participants of NORD"N"COMMANDER themselves call the style of the album "quasi funeral doom". Nevertheless guardians of "funeral purity" should not get disappointed. Lack of "guitarism" does not disturb but, on the contrary, peaks sombre, "enshrouding" colour. With what does this album enshroud us? With clouds, fogs and primarily with lava. "There are empyreumatic graves inside volcanos. I am gazing into them and picture to myself my nature without flaws. Creatures from Beyond live here. But I try to dissolve myself in lava. And lava is rolling away from me again. It seems that I"m desolating myself. Maybe this process is my mask, maybe the mask is me. There is empyreumatic graves inside volcanos. Waiting for a next Stream of lava... I"ll sink into it and I"ll live for ever". The above is an interlinear translation of the Russian-language text out of the album. This lava is not only a material substance but something more subtile, something combined of ancient memory and anticipation of this memory in aftertime. Just a flavour of lava can be revealed in accordion sound and vocal - melodics of language multiplied by melody of notes. Voices of Equinox... The glow of dying embers... Membranes of leathern wings... Generally speaking we are initiated into a plot. Taste it!
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
atmospheric black metal, More Hate Productions
New CD of Russian band NORD'N'COMMANDER - Invading anxious wanderings of black metal conglomerate with archaic melodies of folk flute and ambient parts. Meditation keyboard interludes, sounds of battles, allusions to totalitarian marches, mysterious litanies of twilight voices flare up amid raging blackened metal, like northern lights...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
electronic folk black
Many ancient philosophers taught that our world was only a shade and a shape in respect of the Real World. But thirst for this Perfect World requires permanent development of attention exactly to ... a shadow. Just as a bridge to the Superior the NORD"N"COMMANDER members realize the word "shadow" and offer us their maps, their plan of What Veritable Intention prefers. The album "Maps Of The Shadow" Travelling" (2003) has taken over from the album "Heavenly Barrow" (2002) some stylistic features. Cold, "gothic" vocals and keyboards in combination with "industrial" guitars and drums are also present here. But there is something that makes this album related to "Sacred Spear Aftersounds" (2001) too: namely, interest in archaic Indo-European harmonies. So the style of the album may be called approximately as "gothic / folk / electro". Curiosity for a Shadow, which the NORD"N"COMMANDER members have displayed, is expressed in the fact that musical and poetical images, metaphors and symbols are flowing freely and easily. The symbols are being transfused out of serious philosophical constructions into human (sometimes over-human) psychological praxis and even mental moods. It"s just an atlas of shadows sui generis. But remember that Shades and the Superior are joined. Listen to them!..
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