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466.67 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The debut album from a band from Moscow representing two famous musicians in line-up: A.K. iEezor (Comatose Vigil, Abstract Spirit) and Homer (ex-Who Dies In Siberian Slush).«Sea Of Infinity» consists of five doom death metal tracks including one instrumental. Melodic compositions are framed by atmospheric keyboards and powerful guitar riffs accompanied by expressive growl by A.K. iEezor and clean vocals of guest singers. «Sea Of Infinity» is not just another album introducing novel features to the style, but the entrance ticket for a band to the highest level of Russian doom-death metal scene!The album was recorded at Primordial Studio (famous for working with Comatose Vigil, Revelations of Rain, Abstract Spirit, Who Dies In Siberian Slush).The album is highly recommended to fans of music in traditions of Mourning Beloveth and Morgion!
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533.33 Р
doom / stoner, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions presents the first album of the French stoner doom metal trio continuing the great traditions of Black Sabbath. Biting riffs typical for early doom metal are organically combined in Stangala music with Celtic folk elements which is ideological and lyrical basic of the band. «Boued Tousek Hag Traou Mat All» can be recommended to all fans of Electric Wizard, Sleep and, certainly, early Black Sabbath albums!
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466.67 Р 266.67 Р
post metal, Slow Burn Records
The first full-length album of Fading Waves presentsthe music of the band from a different side. The album includes five tracks filledwith air, senses of flight and endless space. "The Sense Of Space" consistsof experience which is hard to formulate or describe, it only can be felt, alsoby means of this album. The beautiful artworkof the CD perfectly corresponds to the atmosphere and emotions of the FadingWaves music, while perfect performance and mastering will suit even the most hard-to-pleaselisteners.
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466.67 Р
extreme funeral doom, Solitude Productions
The second album from a Russian band Septic mind. “The True Call” consists of three long tracks and continues the evolution of musical ideas established at their previous album, “The Beginning”. The musicians still stand at positions of extremal doom metal, but they are moving away from the influence of Esoteric forming their own sound. This time Septic Mind music with typical cosmic psychedelic interludes features elements of sludge doom metal. “The True Call” is the next chapter of the gloomy and insane tale of Septic Mind covered with cold, despair and misanthropy.
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466.67 Р 400.00 Р
sludge / post metal, Slow Burn Records
The first full-lengh from the French bandDrawers called "All is One". Concept album about a sailorcrossing the ocean to find its nemesis, 12 titles with the accents to HeavySludge and Stoner in the line of Mastodon, Crowbar or Baroness.
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
dark metal / doom death, BadMoodMan Music
The fourth long-awaited album from a Russian one-man-band Tears Of Mankind. As always, the band presents diverse material which not focuses at some exact style, but skillfully fuses various directions basing on dark metal and doom death metal. The new project work “Memoria” can be considered as a conceptual album whose tracks are united by the idea of personal experience and memories connected with it. The album is divided into two essential parts: the first one presents heavier material with English lyrics while the second one is more lyric and features Russian texts and more atmospheric music which, nevertheless, stays in the frames of metal style. The strongest and most essential features of the album are typical for Tears of Mankind sensuality and melodies.
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866.67 Р
depressive black metal, BadMoodMan Music
The fifth, conceptual album of the Ukranian band Raventale has without doubt become the most sophisticated, sensual and mature work of the band. «Bringer Of Heartsore» is also the most atmospheric one of all the works by the project of the talented musician Astaroth who succeeded to express nostalgic autumn mood and beauty of nature by means of verses of famous poet of Silver Age Alexander Blok which provided more depth to the album concept. The musical part, as always, features metamorphoses as the musician follows his rule to introduce changes to every following album. The compositions feature brilliant solo guitar parts associated with classical progressive rock and dramatic acoustic guitar instrumentals. The CD is issued as a limited edition digipack, and its booklet includes fragments of the canvases by greatest Russian painters of 19th century: I. Aivasovsky and I. Levitan delivering additional strokes to the mood of Raventale music.
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600.00 Р 400.00 Р
post-metal / sludge, Slow Burn Records
The debut album of a Belgian band Grown Below "The Long Now" presents another approach to mixture of such genres as post rock and sludge metal. The band succeeded to find their unique composition and sound. "The Long Now" will surely be appreciated by fans of such bands as Isis, Mouth Of The Architect and, especially, Cult Of Luna. The CD comes as a limited edition digipack with a booklet.
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666.67 Р
funeral doom, Solitude Productions
The second, long-awaited album from the leading Russian funeral doom metal band Comatose Vigil!During more than five years since their mini-CD “Narcosis” the band have changed their line-up several times for various gigs, but finally they returned to the original line-up which recorded the debut CD, the one which made the band famous. With this classical line-up (ZiGR - keyboards, ViG"iLL - guitars, bass, A.K. iEzor – vocals, drums) they have recorded the brand new album «Fuimus, Non Sumus…».The recording was performed at Primordial Studio (Russia), famous for work with Revelations of Rain, Abstract Spirit, Who Dies In Siberian Slush. Mastering was done by Greg Chandler (from Esoteric) at Priory Recording Studios (UK).The CD contains three absolutely new compositions with total length of 75’35”! Continuing traditions of cold and monumentally dark sound the music of Comatose Vigil became more mature and solid. The sound became more powerful, deep and transparent while small details are more distinguishable which crowns this enchanting material. The work can be considered as one of the best examples of funeral doom metal!The album is issued as a noble limited edition digipack containing a booklet, and a hand-numbered inlay with band photo and musicians original signatures!
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533.33 Р 400.00 Р
funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
The debut album from the Italian band The Undergrave Experience. This is not another piece of standard funeral doom, but an entire journey to the world of horror culture. Being close to works of memorable band EA in their music style the musicians of The Undergrave Experience develop the darker side of the genre searching for inspiration in classical Italian horror movies. The album consists of two original tracks which the fans of gloom and horror aesthetics will surely like.
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
post metal, Slow Burn Records
The first full-length from the Ukrainian band Starchitect called "No" continues the ideas started on split/w Fading Waves album. This time Starchitect shows us probably their heaviest side: monolith riffs, heavy guitar constructions, hypnotic sound (which sometimes reminds Isis – Celestial era) won’t leave any post metal fans indifferent.
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600.00 Р 400.00 Р
melancholic dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
New extraordinary work from a famous melancholic metal band from Moscow, The Morningside. As we were told by band members the idea of this release appeared quite a long time ago as the story behind “The Trees” song was longer than the song and now it has its final. TreeLogia was step by step gaining its present form and finally appeared as a tale. The listener could make a decision himself if this is a story of a man lost among the trees and permanently became one of them or a stort of man fleeing from something, perhaps, his past, who found the harmony or loneliness or… gone insane. Or is it a very different story? One of band member considers The Trees Part Three as a chronologic beginning of the story, not a final. The second album title “The Album As It Is Not” also has some idea behind it as there is actually only one song at the album, despite of its diversity. Thus, The Morningside are ready to present their first CD-single which lasts for more that 50 minutes! The CD is issued as a limited digipack including an inlay with band photo, individual copy number, and original signatures of band members.
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
progressive metal, BadMoodMan Music
After the first album issued in 2010 by Solitude prod., a number of gigs in support of the debut album, changes in line-up, and, finally, release of Internet-EP “Pulse” the band Sullen Route from Volgograd is ready to present the other side of their music to the audience. «Apocalyclinic» demonstrates evolution from orthodox doom death metal to the area which cannot be definitely classified: in the new work of musicians one can find influence of dark metal combined with features of post metal and progressive metal, extreme vocals, and powerful and solid sound. The essential advance in music is manifested by refined structure of compositions and brilliant mastering. Here comes The Sullen Route you’ve never heard!
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400.00 Р
depressive black metal, Art Of Silence Series
The new album of a Russian band presenting experiments in pagan black metal stylistics featuring ambient interludes and depressive black metal parts verging on black doom metal. Nevertheless the musicians are devoted to pagan ideology glorifying the severity and grandeur of Nordic Nature in their music.The issue includes a CD-R with professional printing, a booklet, a flyer and a hand-numbered certificate with unique copy number (edition is limited to 100 copies). It is packed in a mini-LP-sleeve of solid cardboard with original Art of Silence series appearance.
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400.00 Р
atmospheric black doom, Art Of Silence Series
The debut album from a single-man band. Antropophobia music combines several different styles: atmospheric black, depressive black, dark metal, and doom metal, while the author itself characterizes band genre as luciferian dark metal.The main idea behind this project is the essence of worries about unseasonableness, social misunderstanding, fall of ideals which turn to thoughts about unearthly beauty.The issue includes a CD-R with professional printing, a booklet, a flyer and a hand-numbered certificate with unique copy number (edition is limited to 100 copies). It is packed in a mini-LP-sleeve of solid cardboard with original Art of Silence series appearance.
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400.00 Р
experimental metal, Art Of Silence Series
Long-awaited album of a Moscow band represents their first officially issues record. Having performed a number of successful gigs in Moscow and other cities the band fixed their musical experiments at this EP. Thus, «Silverhoney» is the first chapter in the band history telling about its becoming and creative experiments varying from doom metal to post metal.The issue includes a CD-R with professional printing, a booklet, a flyer and a hand-numbered certificate with unique copy number (edition is limited to 100 copies). It is packed in a mini-LP-sleeve of solid cardboard with original Art of Silence series appearance.
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666.67 Р
cult doom metal, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions proudly presents the legendary Norwegian band`s album «To Mourn Is A Virtue». This release is the missing link between the classic albums «Tragedies» (1995) and «In Fields Of Pestilent Grief» (2002). This album is based on unreleased demo-recordings ,and contains nine previously unreleased tracks recorded between 1996 and 2004,remastered in 2010, almost 15 years after the moment they were initially recorded in the studio. «To Mourn Is A Virtue» could become a surprising opening both for fans of the band and those who are interested in the genre. Funeral, regarded as one of the first bands in the funeral doom metal genre, further evolved to a more doom/ death metal approach, now presents a classic doom metal record.
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533.33 Р
cult doom metal, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions proudly presents the legendary Norwegian band`s album «To Mourn Is A Virtue». This release is the missing link between the classic albums «Tragedies» (1995) and «In Fields Of Pestilent Grief» (2002). This album is based on unreleased demo-recordings ,and contains nine previously unreleased tracks recorded between 1996 and 2004,remastered in 2010, almost 15 years after the moment they were initially recorded in the studio. «To Mourn Is A Virtue» could become a surprising opening both for fans of the band and those who are interested in the genre. Funeral, regarded as one of the first bands in the funeral doom metal genre, further evolved to a more doom/ death metal approach, now presents a classic doom metal record.
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466.67 Р 266.67 Р
sludge doom metal, Solitude Productions
The fourth album from the Dutch band Heavy Lord. On the one hand, this work continues the tradition of harmonic mixture of stoner doom metal and sludge doom metal; on the other hand, the is the most progressive and mature album from all the band albums. As before, the basis of Heavy Lord music is powerful crushing guitar riffs. Combining energetic and meditative elements in compositions the musicians reach the new artistic level at the «Balls To All» album which can attract attention of new fans of the genre.
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466.67 Р
funeral doom, Solitude Productions
The new creation of the funeral doom metal masters Abstract Spirit, the album «Horror Vacui» combines ideas of two previous band albums. Epic compositions are filled with the black atmosphere of insanity and despair expressed by performance of live choirs, wind funeral orchestra, keyboard passages and powerful guitar riffs. Another feature of all compositions is represented by unique growl by A.K. iEzor (also appearing in Comatose Vigil). «Horror Vacui» confirms the status of Abstract Spirit as one of the leading Russian funeral doom metal bands.
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466.67 Р 266.67 Р
post metal, Slow Burn Records
The second full-length album "Renaissance Unraveling" demonstrates the work of Somnolent from a totally different side. Preserving the mood of the debut album the musicians deviated to the area of post metal proving again their professional skills and creative diversity. Perfect quality of recording and performance are combined with original compositions making the band one of the leading post metal bands. The album is highly recommended to fans of Cult Of Luna, Mouth Of The Architect etc.
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533.33 Р 333.33 Р
depressive black metal, BadMoodMan Music
A new work from American musician who continues his immersion into the depths of hate and despair of depressive black metal. Featuring its own style and individualism Benighted In Sodom creates dense atmospheric musical canvases. It broadens the frames of the genre on the one hand not rejecting themes of pain, suffering and suicide and on the other hand introducing novel themes (Ocean I и Ocean II). Hate and Despair is the essence of the picture of the world enclosed into magnetic music of Benighted In Sodom.
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
A new discovery in the world of heavy music: unique international project Kamlath performing music featuring different genres which can be characterized as dark metal while the band members call it Siberian Metal. They try to tell with their music about Siberia, its inhabitants, the pride of this great people, their destiny full of heroism and tragedy through thousands of years. The band founded by two Siberian musicians recorded their debut album "Stronger Than Frost" with the help of famous musicians from Sweden, USA and Italy. The record features virtuosic guitarist and Grammy nominee Mike Wead (King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, Memento Mori, Firegod, Candlemass+), drummer and successful drumming teacher Dennis Leeflang (Bumblefoot, Within Temptation, Sun Caged, Epica, The Saturnine, Lita Ford) and unique vocalist and frontman of The Foreshadowing Marco Benevento!
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533.33 Р
funeral doom, Solitude Productions
The third album of an international project consisting of musicians from Netherlands - Ben de Graaff and Finland - Markus Heinonen (Astral Sleep). Monotonous dark tracks in the vein of funeral doom metal demonstrate melodic side of the genre. The compositions are full of melodies, keyboard passages and acoustic guitar interludes make raw funeral doom metal from Night of Suicide interesting not only for adepts of rawness and desolation, but also for those who seek the beauty in music.
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466.67 Р
traditional doom metal, Solitude Productions
The debut album of young Italian band Fangtooth follows the canons of traditional doom metal genre. Inspired by the debut Candlemass album as well as by works of Trouble, Saint Vitus, Pagan Altar the musicians of Fangtooth demonstrate their own interpretation of the genre traditions and add their own strokes to the general canvas created by the legendary bands.
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533.33 Р 466.67 Р
pagan / doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The long-awaited second album of the most famous Russian pagan/doom metal band Amber Tears being one of the best representatives of Russian pagan scene. Having started their way as followers of the cult Belorussian band Gods Tower Amber Tears demonstrate their own unique face at the second album “A Key for December”. Basing on folk motives and lyrics featuring folk tradition the musicians added doom death metal elements with all their slowness and weight to their music. The Russian traditional musical instrument gusli appearing on the album underlines the mental connection of Amber Tears work with traditional Russian music which is organically fused with modern melodic doom metal features. This album is indeed a milestone!
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
depressive black, BadMoodMan Music
The forth album of the famous Ukranian project Raventale demonstrates artistic evolution of its only member hidden beneath Astaroth name. On the one hand the new work named “After” continues the tendencies of the previous album with its mood and concept; on the other hand this is a standing alone masterpiece progressing from black/doom metal style to depressive black realm. The ideas behind this album demonstrate author’s thoughts about eternity and its decay, about the cyclic nature of life and being, about the destruction of this reincarnation cycle by the nature itself. Without any doubt the album can be treated as the best album of Raventale that has been ever created. The gold-plated CD with pit-art comes with a booklet printed on a golden paper which makes “After” a must-have item for your music collection and an outstanding present for any adept of the genre.
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600.00 Р 333.33 Р
post metal, Slow Burn Records
Debut album of Portuguese band Catacombe uniquely combines modern metal and post rock. Developing the ideas of their first EP “Memoirs” the band makes a pronouncing step of their way of creating memorable sound. The music features fine guitar passages, heavy riffs and complex melodic constructions. The album was recorded in January/March 2010 at Soundvision Studios.Mastering is performed by James Plotkin (Isis, Khanate, Pelican, Earth). The CD comes in noble Cardboard (Mini LP) Sleeve.
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600.00 Р 333.33 Р
post rock / metal, Slow Burn Records

Debut A Cold Dead Body’s album “Harvest Years” is a trail through 9 steps, from the "Semen" to the "Divinity". There is a story inside the album, not just music and words. Music and words create the atmosphere, but the written story has the sense of the whole album. It's a concept about a journey, about human ambition, about the conflict between humanity and nature, it's a concept based on the sense of life, technology and the meaning of death. Recorded and mixed at: Mushroom Studio, by Enrico Berto. Mastered by James Plotkin (Khanate, Sunn O))), Isis, Pelican, Earth). One of the best acts around. Must have!! CD released in Cardboard (Mini LP) Sleeve pack.

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466.67 Р 266.67 Р
post metal, Slow Burn Records
With their self-titled debut album (Steny Lda) Walls of Ice introduce themselves as one of the best representatives of actively developing Russian post metal scene. All eight album compositions create a single canvas with heavy guitar riffs, melodic interludes and solos pierced with atmosphere of estrangement, gloom and reign of northern frost, winter and primal nature.
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