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pagan doom metal, BadMoodMan Music

Undoubtedly, this is the one of the most awaited albums and brilliant releases on the Russian metal scene. The triumphant comeback of the famous pagan doom death metal band Amber Tears at the borderline of the retreat of winter and the awakening of nature emphasizes the album concept of emerging human experiences with nature. The breath of the northern forests is already filled with the ritual sounds of drums, while melodious guitar parts echo the crow cries.

When the past holds you for a long time and does not let you go, when you are not sure if you want changes to happen, you freeze between winter and spring ...

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epic traditional doom metal, Solitude Productions
Yes, we know exactly what you think. “Fuck, yet another Doom Metal band”. You are right. So what? FVNERAL FVKK bring the depravity back to a genre which is currently starving. Corrupting members of the german cult acts FÄULNIS and OPHIS as well as the aspiring newcomers CRIMSON SWAN, this new, rotten entity emerged from the pits of sodomy in Hamburg/Germany. Formed in early 2015, its sole purpose is to bring sacral, angelic atmosphere back to Epic Doom Metal… and then rape it all over. FVNERAL FVKK combine the pastoral beauty and solemnity of a cathedral (musically) with the infidelity and vileness of a cemetary prostitute (semantically), with lyrics that deal exclusively with the debauchery of the clergy and / or necrophilia in the name of god. His Holiness is a foul pervert, and this band serves as vessel of His demented will! So, join the Church of the Holy Fvkk and enjoy the transgressions of this first EP! Limited to 300 hand-numbered copies
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dark doom death metal, BadMoodMan Music

The album has been recorded at Psychosomatic studios by M.A Riutort and mastered by Jens Bogren at Fascination Street Studios, like their previous album, and the cover artwork has been made by Gonzalo Aeneas.

In the large list of contributions, you can find Heike Langhans of the Swedish band Draconian, who sings in a song of the album.

This new disc is a bit more epic, intense and dark than the previous ‘Compassion Forlorn’, who had excellent reviews and took the band to play in several European cities, and it will delight to all the Doom Metal fans over the world.

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$9.00 $8.00
death doom metal, Solitude Productions

The new full-length album by Majestic Downfall is, without a doubt, the strongest band's release to date. Sophisticated compositions, sound and concept: all these elements are perfectly combined to reflect the unique face of the group and its vision of the doom death metal style, which consists in a refined alloy of heaviness, atmosphere and melody. The music of despair, the music of pain. Too personal and too emotional to live it through every time, and too beautiful to be able to reject every new listening! Co-release with Weird Truth Productions.

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gothic doom death, BadMoodMan Music
Brand new album from Wine From Tears long-awaited by those who appreciated the debut record of the Russian band. After intensive work in studio and at concert stages the musicians created a new gem of melodic doom death metal. After response by fans of Saturnus, Swallow The Sun and Draconian to the debut album the band found the balance between atmosphere, melody and expressivity in performance. This is a new chapter in band history which continues the search for aids of expression in modern doom death. Beautiful artwork which is traditionally made by Roman Corvinus helps to reveal the senses put by the musicians into «Glad To Be Dead».
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doom / dark metal, BadMoodMan Music

The third album by the Italian band continues exploring dark fantasies of the talented musicians. Demonstrating significant progress and development, (EchO) created a mosaic canvas on a melodic death doom metal base filled with outstanding melodies and intersections with different styles, with a touch of psychedelia and a perfect combination of fragility and brutality (both in music and vocals). Carefully crafted arrangements ensured by the coherence and skills of the musicians are the unique feature of (EchO), that was perfected by Greg Chandler (Esoteric), who performed mixing and mastering in Priory Recording Studio.

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dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
The debut full-length album of the Italian band Rome In Monochrome presents an unique mixture of doom, shoegaze, slowcore and post-rock. Rome In Monochrome is a triumph of isolation, an austere mask hiding the absolute life"s nonsense, a photo album full of blurred landscapes of abandoned hearts. The album compositions are elegant, intimate rituals facing ghost feelings and painful memories. You will drown in an ethereal, blinding sea of pain, a whiteout of grief, a descent into a maelstrom of caressing void. Melodic guitars, melancholic and desperate vocals will make the atmosphere of detachment and sadness saturated and, at the same time, attractive. Join the cult of the absence of color.
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black doom metal, BadMoodMan Music

The first full-length album of the Italian group Ars Onirica represents a junction between melodic doom metal, black metal and dark metal. This work inherits the demo that was released many years ago and has received high evaluation from the audience. The album contains a carefully crafted combination of dense reefs and atmospheric interludes, calm and aggressive moments, including acoustic parts and melodic guitar solos. This wide set of music components creates a unique mixture of the fleur of the classical groups of the 90s with the modern dark scene features appreciated by the fans of the genre.

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melodic death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The third album by the leaders of the Spanish doom death metal scene Evadne. After the strong success of the previous album "The Shortest Way" (2012) supported by the mini-album "Dethroned Of Light" (2014), the musicians are back with their new full-length work. The impeccable accuracy of the compositions together with the musicians skill give rise to an attractive melodic, atmospheric, soul-touching material. Heavy guitars, keyboards, and growl performance in combination with parties of pure vocals, make the music of Evadne diverse, emotional and fascinating. Listening to "A Mother Named Death" forces you to uncover your feelings every time.
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funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions

Ornamentos del Miedo from Spain is an Atmospheric Funeral Doom Metal one-man band formed by Angel Chicote who has played or play in other bands like Graveyard Of Souls, Mass Burial, Ad Nebula Nigra, Ultimo Gobierno, Sinergia, etc, all inside the extreme music. Ornamentos del Miedo was born in mid-2017 as the need to strip the reality of all ornaments and mirages that we have built to adopt us, to a miserable existence across a deep and dark sound. This is the first album named "Este no es tu hogar". Ornamentos del Miedo, it is a trip to the depths of the subconscious, where truth exists naked and unpolluted by the ego and survival instinct. It is a oneiric experience where self-imposed reality fades it. Reflections on life and death. Dark and deep sound like the anguish of existing. For lovers of bands with their own sound.

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melodic doom death metal, Solitude Productions
This is the third full-length album of the Australian band Ivan and the first one officially released on a CD. A must-have for fans of classical atmospheric doom death metal. Two tracks, longer than 20 minutes each, are filled to the brim with heavy guitar riffs and the sounds of a dreary piano framed by a solo violin, which makes Ivan's music so special and unique. This is a sound of a funeral orchestra playing on the edge of a dug grave, where the withered autumn leaves fall.
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death doom metal, Solitude Productions

The second full-length album of the Ukrainian atmospheric doom death metal band demonstrates the rapid artistic development of the man behind the name Sorrowful Land, Max Molodtsov. Each composition has its own unique sound and mood enhanced by appearance of guest vocalists, such as Kaivan Saraei (A Dream Of Poe), Daniel Neagoe (Clouds, Eye Of Solitude, Shape Of Despair), Evander Sinque (Who Dies In Siberian Slush , Decay Of Reality, Forbidden Shape), Vladislav Shahin (Mournful Gust, Autumnia), Daniel Arvidsson (Draconian, Mammoth Storm). Guest guitar solo in one of the tracks is performed by Vito Marchese (Novembers Doom, The Kahless Clone). This album will become a great gift for all doom death metal fans!

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funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions

The third album "Terrene" from international death/funeral doom act Mesmur is a colossal and moving sonic rendering of a dying world. Where their 2017 album S operated on a cosmic scale, Terrene explores similar themes of entropy and impending chaos in a more terrestrial context, and is rife with the suffocating dirges and toxic atmosphere the band is known for. Featuring guest flute and cello performances by Don Zaros of Evoken and the Russian Nadia Avanesova, and another stunning cover design by Ukranian painter Cadaversky, Terrene reaches new levels of scope and ambition for Mesmur in their objective to create a vast and immersive doom metal experience.

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dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
The new work of the Spanish group continues the line started with the previous album «Forthcoming Displeasures», presentingmelodic and diverse material combining the heaviness and lyricism. Mourning and melancholy piercing the music and clean vocals diluted with mournful growl go far beyond the frames of doom / gothic metal, touching the strings of heart of any fan ofdark and emotional music. Melodicism, atmosphere and sadness joined together in «Compassion Forlorn» in order to re-fill the world with the unique magic of Helevorn.
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melancholic dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
The debut conceptual album of Moscow band The Morningside unwraps before the listener the cloth which has embodied all shades of autumn, filled by light grief and a melancholy. The rich musical material has incorporated set of black metal and doom metal styles. The Morningside music will suit fans of Katatonia ("Brave Murder Day" period), Agalloch and Opeth, and everyone who like dark, sincere music.
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symphonic doom death metal, Solitude Productions
The fourth full-length album by Luna develops the ideas of the magnificent funeral doom death metal. Combining symphonic instrumental music, emphasized by the organ lines with a heavy and dark sound of guitars, the self-titled album explores the new horizons of the Luna sound, while leaving the recognizable style of the musician who stands behind the music. The album was published in the limited digipak format.
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funeral / sludge doom metal, Solitude Productions
The long-awaited new album from the one of the leaders of the Canadian extreme doom scene. On their third full-length album, the musicians expanded the frontiers of their unique sound by adding more explicit sludge / post-metal to funeral doom in order to further emphasize the feeling of gloom and devastation. At the same time, the album does not lose the ethereality typical for Towards Darkness, while airy keyboards background adds depth to the entire album atmosphere.
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atmospheric death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The second album by Self-Hatred, the masters of atmospheric doom death metal from Czech Republic, has become a new step presenting a dynamic, yet monolithic, material carefully thought through down to the smallest detail: from sound to arrangements and concept. Varying stylistics from almost funeral doom metal to atmospheric black metal, with changing tempo and mixture of heavy guitar riffs with keyboards and different types of male vocals, the musicians achieved a unique integrity, reviving the story told by the album. This is a concept album with deep lyrics about losing beloved ones and oblivion. The album was recorded at Hellsound Studio, mixing and mastering was performed by Honza Kapak (Master's Hammer, Krieg, Nargaroth, Panychida). The sixteen-page booklet has conceptual design complementing the music with visual images. The album comes at a gold plated CD with pit-art.
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death doom metal, Solitude Productions

The debut album by the Polish band Painthing that has been recorded after many years of professional activity and a number of gigs. This is a verified depressive doom death metal in vein of the golden age of the style in 1990s. The original combination of depressive mood with catchy melodies and heaviness is complemented by the disc design made by Michal "Xaay" Loranc (known for working with Nile, Behemoth and other bands).

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death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The sixth album by the German band embodies all the best features of Doomed. Diminishing death metal and progressive elements and slowing down the music, the band crafted an epic work filled mostly with melancholy rather than with fury typical for Doomed. Monumental doom death metal at this album demonstrates new colors shining with dark light. The record features again the invited musicians who added uniqueness to the album sound.
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