BadMoodMan Music

BadMoodMan Music
466.67 Р 200.00 Р
esoteric ambient / funeral doom, BadMoodMan Music
The debut album of the project Opaque Lucidity, lining-up musicians from two Russian bands, Aglaomorpha and Risus Sardonicus, carries the listener to a world of music woven of dark ambient and atmospheric funeral doom metal in the spirit of Until Death Overtakes Me, and lyrics building on spiritual development of the consciousness and written by the influence of zen buddhism, dzogcheng, teachings of philosophers and different esoterics of literature.
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533.33 Р
dark metal / doom death, BadMoodMan Music
The fifth full-length album from the famous dark doom death metal band previously issued in Chili as a strictly limited addition is now available worldwide thanks to Solitude Productions. Poema Arcanvs, being one of the most distinctive Chilean bands at the edge between dark metal and doom death metal, gained love of many fans due to unique atmosphere, sincerity, melodies and high production quality. As a bonus the release «Transient Chronicles» by Solitude Productions features remastered sound and contains additional track, epic «Errant Souls»!
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
depressive black, BadMoodMan Music
The forth album of the famous Ukranian project Raventale demonstrates artistic evolution of its only member hidden beneath Astaroth name. On the one hand the new work named “After” continues the tendencies of the previous album with its mood and concept; on the other hand this is a standing alone masterpiece progressing from black/doom metal style to depressive black realm. The ideas behind this album demonstrate author’s thoughts about eternity and its decay, about the cyclic nature of life and being, about the destruction of this reincarnation cycle by the nature itself. Without any doubt the album can be treated as the best album of Raventale that has been ever created. The gold-plated CD with pit-art comes with a booklet printed on a golden paper which makes “After” a must-have item for your music collection and an outstanding present for any adept of the genre.
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866.67 Р
depressive black metal, BadMoodMan Music
The fifth, conceptual album of the Ukranian band Raventale has without doubt become the most sophisticated, sensual and mature work of the band. «Bringer Of Heartsore» is also the most atmospheric one of all the works by the project of the talented musician Astaroth who succeeded to express nostalgic autumn mood and beauty of nature by means of verses of famous poet of Silver Age Alexander Blok which provided more depth to the album concept. The musical part, as always, features metamorphoses as the musician follows his rule to introduce changes to every following album. The compositions feature brilliant solo guitar parts associated with classical progressive rock and dramatic acoustic guitar instrumentals. The CD is issued as a limited edition digipack, and its booklet includes fragments of the canvases by greatest Russian painters of 19th century: I. Aivasovsky and I. Levitan delivering additional strokes to the mood of Raventale music.
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533.33 Р
atmospheric black metal, BadMoodMan Music
BadMoonMan Music presents the eighth album by Ukrainian atmospheric black metal band Raventale entitled “Dark Substance of Dharma”. This conceptual album is devoted to Indian and Tibetan mythology and offers to fully plunge into the cosmic order of Dharma, to parse the principles of existence and perception of this World. Special attention paid to the recording process and skills reached at previous albums resulted in full and rich tone of the sound.
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466.67 Р
black doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
New Raventale album "Mortal Aspirations" demonstrates the final of band’s transformation from depressive black/pagan metal to black doom metal. The music became more rigid and cold. Power guitar riffs framed by atmospheric keyboards are able to veil the listener with the gloom of night and take away to the world which has never been seen before. "Mortal Aspirations" also features exclusively English lyrics which evolve from panegyric on nature to inner feelings and emotional experiences.
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1 000.00 Р
atmospheric black metal, BadMoodMan Music
The sixth album of Raventale once again discovers the band creativity to the attentive listeners. «Transcendence» presents majestic and deep music performed in style of savage black metal; this album features perfect sound, performance, musical and lyrical content. Without a doubt, this is one of the best works of Raventale.Conceptually «Transcendence»is on the threshold of the Epoch of the Six Sun. The main aim of the work is contemplation of transcendental and exorbitant forms of being against the background of conventionality and immanent degradation of modern civilization.
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466.67 Р
depressive black / black doom, BadMoodMan Music
New work from the talented Ukrainian depressive black metal band. This time Raventale demostrate us a transition to black doom side, still preserving their inimitable atmosphere and melodiousness. Combining fury and coldness of black metal with melancholic loneliness of doom metal, in addition with some elements of ambient, the band rises up on a new level of quality. The beautiful lyrics make the new album "Long Passed Days" more attractive for all lovers of the voluptuous side of black metal.
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466.67 Р 400.00 Р
drone doom / post metal, BadMoodMan Music
The debut official release from a unique Belorussian band. The music of Re123+ is an act of meditation. Each time the band offers to a listener another kind of sound, never repeats itself preparing a special program for each concert. “Magi” is a travel to the Past demonstrating the ancient story of Adoration of Magi to the listener as an astrological story. This is the attempt to understand and to see the true essence of matter while clearing it from various interpretations. This album like all other Re123+ works was recorded during night time. Besides traditional drone-touched guitars the musicians introduced sounds of accordion, triangle and percussion. Stylistically their music varies from drone-doom to post-rock and will surely suit the tastes of early Earth fans. For proper visualization of the album’s idea the booklet includes photo art by members of Re123+ accompanied by citations from «The Island of the Day Before» by famous postmodernist Umberto Eco.
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533.33 Р
dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
The debut full-length album of the Italian band Rome In Monochrome presents an unique mixture of doom, shoegaze, slowcore and post-rock. Rome In Monochrome is a triumph of isolation, an austere mask hiding the absolute life"s nonsense, a photo album full of blurred landscapes of abandoned hearts. The album compositions are elegant, intimate rituals facing ghost feelings and painful memories. You will drown in an ethereal, blinding sea of pain, a whiteout of grief, a descent into a maelstrom of caressing void. Melodic guitars, melancholic and desperate vocals will make the atmosphere of detachment and sadness saturated and, at the same time, attractive. Join the cult of the absence of color.
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600.00 Р
death metal / death doom, BadMoodMan Music
Re-issue of first three demos of one of the oldest Russian underground bands. CD contains "Madness Cannibalism" (1994), "C.I.A." (1994) and "Memory" (1995), which was self released by band on MC. After more than ten years they became very rare so today everyone who are interested in history of Russian underground can hear music of S.C.A.L.P. which they played at the beginning of their way – raw death metal with doom elements!
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466.67 Р 266.67 Р
atmospheric death doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
Re-release of the first album of S.C.A.L.P., one of the oldest metal bands in Russia, released in 1998 by R.I.P.Productions with support of Czech label Leviathan Records. An album that became a real rarity among the collectors is now available to everyone who is interested in growth process of 90s metal scene. On "Through Eternity" the band show a change from fast melody structures of death metal, heard on old demo-recordings, to systematic and melodic music on the borders of death/doom metal. Vocals and bass guitar by suddenly passed away Eugeny Rigenok will remain in the history of Russian underground forever. Disc presented in new re-mastered edition with better sound quality.
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666.67 Р
melodic metal, BadMoodMan Music

The new album of S.C.A.L.P., a legendary band from Oryol, is a quite mature work that was released after a long break. “To the Heroes of the Past” doesn’t bow to today’s music sound trend of a similar genre. It’s a kind of live sound blending of heavy metal and melancholic rock.
The album includes 10 tracks arranged in one conceptual line, telling one story from the beginning to the end. The track "Third Spring” was composed with the participation of Evgeniy Ryzhenok, one of the founders of the band, who died tragically in 2004.

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466.67 Р 266.67 Р
melodic metal, BadMoodMan Music
New work of S.C.A.L.P. - one of the oldest metal bands in Russia, opening a band from different side. As result of experiments with different styles of heavy metal, band got new, more hard and aggressive sound, but in same time, it didn"t lose atmosphere of sorrow and melancholy, which was constant part of previous works of band.
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533.33 Р 266.67 Р
extreme death / doom, BadMoodMan Music
Debut album by an American Band – a project of Mark Anderson from the legendary heavy rock band Manila Road. The music can be described as a combination of death/black and death/doom and is full of heavy riffs From time to time the riffs, the solo’s and the vocals approach the classic work of Tiamat “Clouds”. Excellent recording quality and superior musician craft make this album different from many others.
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533.33 Р 466.67 Р
dark death doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The debut album from Moscow band resulted from the years of intelligent work and gigs demonstrates evolution from traditional gothic doom metal to more complicated and heavy music. Besides founder of the band Yury Ryzhov known as current guitarist of Revelations of Rain the line-up includes Vladimir Andreev also known for Revelations of Rain and his project My Indifference To Silence. The musicians succeeded to create an integral work with solid sound and talented arrangements. Old fans of Shallow Rivers will find in «Nihil Euphoria» atmosphere and melodies traditional for the band, and every listener of this album will surely appreciate gloomy and aggressive death doom metal.
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533.33 Р 400.00 Р
dark death doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The second full-length album by Shallow Rivers follows the stylistics of the debut album "Nihil Euphoria" demonstrating enhanced technical and compositional abilities of musicians. Extreme and harsh, but atmospheric and melodic music is based on different styles with prevailing doom death metal resulting in sudden transitions from low to up tempo and vice versa. The album requires a thoughtful listening with leafing through the booklet. You can return to it again and again as to a good book, because it has Henry Longfellow"s "The Wreck of the Hesperus" as a basis of concept. Musicians discover the theme of obsession of poets, writers, artists and creative people in general. The concept is based on the idea that their talent is driven by a kind of "innocent insanity." It gives them inspiration, but eventually turns them into madmen. The lead ghost is an obsession, a nagging sense of foreboding. Attempts to understand it end up with madness.
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600.00 Р
dark death doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The second full-length album by Shallow Rivers follows the stylistics of the debut album "Nihil Euphoria" demonstrating enhanced technical and compositional abilities of musicians. Extreme and harsh, but atmospheric and melodic music is based on different styles with prevailing doom death metal resulting in sudden transitions from low to up tempo and vice versa. The album requires a thoughtful listening with leafing through the booklet. You can return to it again and again as to a good book, because it has Henry Longfellow"s "The Wreck of the Hesperus" as a basis of concept. Musicians discover the theme of obsession of poets, writers, artists and creative people in general. The concept is based on the idea that their talent is driven by a kind of "innocent insanity." It gives them inspiration, but eventually turns them into madmen. The lead ghost is an obsession, a nagging sense of foreboding. Attempts to understand it end up with madness. The first 100 copies of the album come as a strictly limited edition digipack!
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800.00 Р
gothic doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The second full-length album of the Spanish band Shattered Sigh is sustained in the best traditions of gothic doom death metal, delicious melodies, and dark mood. And the musicians do not forget about the atmosphere, enveloping into it a traditional combination of guitars, drums, and keyboards. Growls with pure male vocals are soaring over them. Shattered Sigh, having found its original sound, showed true to itself and the genre.
Album released as a four-page digipak with an eight-page booklet.
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466.67 Р 266.67 Р
gothic dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
The first full-length album of Ukrainian band. High-quality material performed by young musicians has its roots in Draconian and Tristania representing their development in the conceptual album. The ideas of our ancestors about human fate and fragility of human being lie in the base of the album. As if untangling the ties of human destinies the musicians unfold the canvas featuring atmospheric keyboards, melodic guitars, female soprano and male growl. Another brilliant album for mournful contemplation of the approaching autumn.
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600.00 Р
doom / dark metal, BadMoodMan Music

From the very first tones the new work by the Italian band Silvered demonstrates high skills of the musicians and carefully crafted material. Original music at the intersection of melodic death metal and melodic doom is filled with powerful energy and real feelings. Two special guests, members the famous Novembre band, took part in the album recording: Carmelo Orlando on vocals and Fabio Fraschini on bass. A beautifully designed booklet was created by Danielle Serra, a professional illustrator and the winner of the Fantasy British Prize, whose works were parts of numerous exhibitions in the US and Europe.

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733.33 Р
black metal / epic doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The Sjotrollet project, initially focused on black metal and at the same time influenced by such diverse bands as Immortal, Candlemass, Bathory, Murkrat, Skald, Queen, Death, Manowar, unexpectedly presents its second album to listeners. "Doomed In Black" masterfully combines black metal of the late 80s - early 90s and classic doom metal in the spirit of Mercy, Nemesis and Candlemass of the "Epicus Doomicus Metallicus" period. Lyrically, the work is permeated with reflections on the fate of humanity heading towards its end, which gives "Doomed In Black" integrity. The unique album has found its embodiment in a stylish 4-panel digipak.
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466.67 Р 266.67 Р
melancholic pagan black metal, BadMoodMan Music
This first full length of Russian Skogyr presents four, melancholic black metal tracks. Skogyr’s instrumental music will remind you of the early Drudkh and often sounds like noise of the autumn rain or evening forest. The album includes a bonus track, a cover called “Silent Hill” originally written by a cult composer Akira Yamaoka. Multimedia section includes a video clip “Chant I”
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533.33 Р
dark death doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The second album by the Australian project established by Terry Vainoras, known for his participation in such sounding bands as Cryptal Darkness, InSomnius Dei and The Eternal. The debut album which attracted the attention by complex structure of the compositions, unusual for death doom metal, and the occasional use of the saxophone, was continued at the «Contagiuum And The Landscapes Of Failure», however, at a higher quality level. Long tracks filled with frequent tempo changes, different moods and emotional colors can cause interest not only among fans of death doom, but also among all who seek for diversity in heavy music, as the motto of the band is: "the dissonance, the atmosphere, the dynamics, the heaviness, the melody”.
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666.67 Р
doom / dark metal, BadMoodMan Music

The Sunset Forsaken project was established in Donetsk in 2014 by musician Andrey Tolok as an alternative to his black metal project Haissem, since the music he composed did not fit into the frames of a single project.
The second full-length album, "85 Nerves", is finally released on CD by Solitude Productions.
Lyrically, the album consists of four completely different narrative stories. "Dulcet Amnesia" tells the story of a man who has lost his memories and, at the same time, found an incomprehensible calm, for whom loneliness became an anesthesia that split him from the rest of the world. “Through The Moon I've Seen The Sorrow Born” brings into the story of a man who, looking at the Moon, sees his life, which is divided into two periods: “before” and “after”. "The Ebony Chasm Of Despair" tells how a person, while falling into a bottomless abyss, observes what happened to our civilization throughout its existence. The final title track "85 Nerves" sheds light on the story of a woman, who was trapped within her dreams ...
Musically, "85 Nerves" is a classic dark metal with a doom / death influence, with typical genre features, such as melodic solos throughout the composition, growl as the main vocal, and viscous riffing.
The album is released as a 6-panel limited edition digipack.

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533.33 Р 333.33 Р
gothic doom death, BadMoodMan Music
The second album of this Serbian band, who gathered attention with their debut album “Fragile Monuments” in 2006. They haven’t lost their trademark sound of doom death with beautiful melodies including a great mixture of male growling vocals and clean female voice. “Perdition Calls” – another brilliant one on the field of gothic doom metal worth the attention of all lovers of MY DYING BRIDE and DRACONIAN.
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
dark metal / doom death, BadMoodMan Music
The fourth long-awaited album from a Russian one-man-band Tears Of Mankind. As always, the band presents diverse material which not focuses at some exact style, but skillfully fuses various directions basing on dark metal and doom death metal. The new project work “Memoria” can be considered as a conceptual album whose tracks are united by the idea of personal experience and memories connected with it. The album is divided into two essential parts: the first one presents heavier material with English lyrics while the second one is more lyric and features Russian texts and more atmospheric music which, nevertheless, stays in the frames of metal style. The strongest and most essential features of the album are typical for Tears of Mankind sensuality and melodies.
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533.33 Р
pagan metal / doom, BadMoodMan Music
Reissue of the first official full-length album by the project Tears Of Mankind that has become a cult album. Released in 2006 as a limited edition of 100 copies on CD-R discs packed in a DVD box, the album was quickly sold out, receiving high scores from fans of the dark scene and in the music press. "To Solitude ..." became the first album in the history of the band, which used exclusively Russian lyrics: "For those who appreciate only the appearance in music, the album will seem a questionable purchase, while those who try to find something special behind the sounds and words are very welcome at the world of Tears Of Mankind. Here you will find an almost perfect harmony between music and poetry, and it"s worth a lot. "( Stylistically, "To Solitude..." belongs to pagan metal with doom metal influences in the vein of Katatonia and emotional rock recalling the middle period of Anathema: "Genre ... Let"s call it conditionally ethereal pagan doom, a term definitively reflecting the mood of the album." ( The re-release of 2017 also comes as a limited edition, at this time, as a normal CD packed in a six-panel digipack reproducing the original design, including for the first time all lyrics, supplemented by two exclusive bonus tracks. The first bonus track "In the Fog of Midnight" is a part of the never-before-released demo album "Dark Times" (2005), at which the mastermind of the project Tears Of Mankind, Philip Skobelin, began collaborating with the Moscow poet Sergei Terentyev. The second bonus track is an absolutely new composition "In Your Eyes" (2017) based on a poem for the "To Solitude..." album.
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466.67 Р
pagan metal / doom, BadMoodMan Music
New work of this famous underground band from Surgut. It is the first album in band"s history where only lyrics in Russian are used. "To Solitude" presents us pagan-metal with influence of doom-metal like Katatonia and emotional-rock like late Anathema.
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
ethnic dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
The fourth full-length album from Russian band named after the capital of Aztec empire Tenochtitlan continues long story about mythology of Mesoamerican culture.Narrating this story by means of dark metal music with strong ethnic accents two multi instrumental musicians (Lefthander and Senmuth famous by a number of other projects) resurrect somber and poetic beliefs of Aztecs, Maya and Inca.
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