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Solitude Productions

466.67 Р 333.33 Р
doom death, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions proudly presents a debut album by a young Russian band Restless Oblivion with a poetic title «Sands Of Time». Unbelievably atmospheric and melodic material in the frames of classical doom death metal does not mimic any famous bands or follow templates, this is the original music in the best traditions of the genre which make it attractive for the audience of this gloom music style. Seven full-length tracks not only discover themselves before the listeners, but inspire specific soul mood. Musicians of avant-garde doom death metal band Aglaomorpha took part in revision of keyboard parties and samples as well as in recording hidden tracks «Prologue» and «Epilogue» thus introducing ambient elements for deeper listener diving into unsteady sands of time.
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466.67 Р
dark doom death, Solitude Productions
The long-awaited fifth album by the masters of gloomy doom death metal from Moscow suburbs is ready to please listeners by traditional features and members from the classical band line-up. The term "traditional sound Revelations of Rain" hides thoughtful compositions, unique melodies, darkness and atmosphere. However, the trend towards harsher sound distinguishes "Akrasia" among the early band albums. One of the brilliant representatives of Russian doom death metal scene once again presents another masterpiece confirming their high status.
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466.67 Р
melodic death doom, Solitude Productions
Past members of Ocean of Sorrow are now back with a new project of their own - Revelations of Rain! This melodic death-doom is very close to both old-school bands like My Dying Bride and new-wave European doom-death (Swallow the Sun, Mourning Beloveth). The lyrics, which are written in Russian have a very deep sense and greatly combine with heavy but melodic music of the band that continues the very best traditions of death-doom school.
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533.33 Р
dark doom death, Solitude Productions
The new long-awaited masterpiece from Revelations of Rain does not aim for demonstration of novel inventions presenting perfect gloomy doom death metal which found response in the hearts of music lovers. Its essence lies in sound and style recognizable from the very first chords: pure atmospheric sound, diverse arrangements combining hasteless guitar riffs with keyboard support and up-tempo majestic interludes. Despite its dark and severe music the band leaves the space for inspired melodies. Deep growl is donated by the guest vocalist Arsagor who worked with the band during recording their debut album “Marble Shades of Despair”.“Deceptive Virtue” filled with melancholy and endless despair is the best witness of high status of the one of the leading Russian doom death metal bands.
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466.67 Р
doom death, Solitude Productions
The second, self-titled album of russian doom/death metal band Revelations of Rain (Otkroveniya Dozhdya). Professionally recorded by extended to quintet line-up at Primordial Studio (known for such bands as Abstract Spirit and Twilight Is Mine) album became a new step in the band"s progress. Compared to the previous record, new material shows a conversion to more melodic and at the same time more gloomy and dismal side of doom/death metal. Highly recommended for fans of such bands as Officium Triste and Mourning Beloveth. in english - Revelations Of Rain - Revelations Of Rain in russian - Откровения Дождя - Откровения Дождя
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466.67 Р
dark doom death, Solitude Productions
The third full-length album of the Russian band further develops ideas of the previous albums. Revelations of Rain presents high-standard uncompromising doom death metal. Even more heavy material featuring high record quality is close to early Evoken works and is saturated with depressive mood of estrangement and deep thoughts of world futility. Forget about violins, roses and romanticism: only gloom and hate fill this undoubted pearl of the genre. With their new record Revelations of Rain confirm their status of one of the best Russian doom metal bands.
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466.67 Р 266.67 Р
psychedelic doom metal, Solitude Productions
Debut full-length album "From Under The Tarn" is a brilliant first step of a Swedish doom metal band S:T Erik towards the top of the genre. The music is mainly inspired by bands like Ufomammut, Sleep, Om, Electric Wizard and High On Fire. But the combined influences of the members" previous engagements (ranging from death metal and stoner to post-rock), extensive use of spacey synthesizers and something as rare as a talented vocalist, result in an interesting sound, quite unique to the genre. Psychedelic doom metal filled with dense riffs performed by S:T Erik is an outstanding discovery for adepts of the genre.
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600.00 Р
atmospheric death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The second album by Self-Hatred, the masters of atmospheric doom death metal from Czech Republic, has become a new step presenting a dynamic, yet monolithic, material carefully thought through down to the smallest detail: from sound to arrangements and concept. Varying stylistics from almost funeral doom metal to atmospheric black metal, with changing tempo and mixture of heavy guitar riffs with keyboards and different types of male vocals, the musicians achieved a unique integrity, reviving the story told by the album. This is a concept album with deep lyrics about losing beloved ones and oblivion. The album was recorded at Hellsound Studio, mixing and mastering was performed by Honza Kapak (Master's Hammer, Krieg, Nargaroth, Panychida). The sixteen-page booklet has conceptual design complementing the music with visual images. The album comes at a gold plated CD with pit-art.
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533.33 Р
atmospheric death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The debut album of the Czech group Self-Hatred is filled with the spirit of the 90’s doom scene, combining it with modern sound and specific interpretation of musical fatalism. A 40-minutes long dynamic doom / death metal album plunges one into the depths of allegories together with the former members of Et Moriemur, Dissolving Of Prodigy, and Silent Stream Of Godless Elegy. The recording is performed at Hellsound studio (Master"s Hammer, Avenger, Panychida).
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
extreme funeral doom, Solitude Productions
A debut album of a Russian band Septic Mind. They presented themselves to the audience at Moscow Doom Festival V, performing at the same stage with Esoteric, Pantheist and Jack Frost, and attracting attention of the fans of the genre. Being followers of Esoteric the musicians evolve from traditional funeral doom to different experiments. Septic Mind have remastered their demo record providing really extreme sound progressing from powerful guitar riffs through noise effects to atmospheric keyboard interludes reflecting the mail concept of the album, the coldness and infinity of cosmos.
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466.67 Р
extreme funeral doom, Solitude Productions
The second album from a Russian band Septic mind. “The True Call” consists of three long tracks and continues the evolution of musical ideas established at their previous album, “The Beginning”. The musicians still stand at positions of extremal doom metal, but they are moving away from the influence of Esoteric forming their own sound. This time Septic Mind music with typical cosmic psychedelic interludes features elements of sludge doom metal. “The True Call” is the next chapter of the gloomy and insane tale of Septic Mind covered with cold, despair and misanthropy.
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533.33 Р 466.67 Р
avantgarde funeral doom, Solitude Productions
The third full-length album by a Russian band continues to study the problems of insanity of modern society and apocalyptic expectations which were embodied both in the general mood of the album and its lyrics, as well as in in its musical part: tempo variations, passages from meditation to fury, from canonic funeral doom metal to avantgarde psychedelic experiments. And again Septic Mind amazes the fans of heavy, dark and nonstandard music.
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800.00 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The first full-length album of a Greek band representing the result of a long artistic way. High-quality atmospheric doom death metal in the very traditions of the genre features outstanding melodies, musical diversity and virtuosic performance. Additional vocals feature guest appearance of frontmen of such bands as Saturnus and Ataraxie. An instrumental part includes guest appearance of violins and cello.
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600.00 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions

The Greek masters of atmospheric doom death metal are now back with a new, third full-length album aiming to surprise and conquer listeners once again. As usual, the musicians add new colors to their palette to demonstrate feelings opening up from a new angle. The shrouding with coldness Shattered Hope's novel work is a deep philosophical dialogue with eternity, expressed through deep texts hiding references to the classics, as well as through powerful crushing music performed with impeccable skill and sincerity.

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733.33 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The Greek masters of atmospheric doom death metal are now back with a new, third full-length album aiming to surprise and conquer listeners once again. As usual, the musicians add new colors to their palette to demonstrate feelings opening up from a new angle. The shrouding with coldness Shattered Hope's novel work is a deep philosophical dialogue with eternity, expressed through deep texts hiding references to the classics, as well as through powerful crushing music performed with impeccable skill and sincerity. The first 100 copies of the album are released as a six-panel digipack with a superbly designed twelve-page booklet.
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533.33 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
Greek doom death metal band Shattered Hope is back with their second full-length album aimed for surprising listeners. Musicians are moving towards radical depression and present six epic tracks, from 10 to 18 minutes each, which feed the atmosphere of impenetrable grave gloom. The music flows slowly just like the black waters of the River of the Dead, while rare midtempo interludes and melodic passages appear as islands which bring diversity to the lifeless extramundane landscape. Undoubtedly, this album is aimed for careful listening allowing to reveal the power and deepness of the work. Famous British master Greg Chandler (Esoteric) helped the band to embody this masterpiece in details by performing mastering at Priory Recording Studio (UK).
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666.67 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
Greek doom death metal band Shattered Hope is back with their second full-length album aimed for surprising listeners. Musicians are moving towards radical depression and present six epic tracks, from 10 to 18 minutes each, which feed the atmosphere of impenetrable grave gloom. The music flows slowly just like the black waters of the River of the Dead, while rare midtempo interludes and melodic passages appear as islands which bring diversity to the lifeless extramundane landscape. Undoubtedly, this album is aimed for careful listening allowing to reveal the power and deepness of the work. Famous British master Greg Chandler (Esoteric) helped the band to embody this masterpiece in details by performing mastering at Priory Recording Studio (UK). The first 100 copies of the album come as a strictly limited 6-panel digipack with a 12-page booklet!
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600.00 Р
atmospheric death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The second album by Soijl, a project founded by the Swedish multi-instrumentalist Matthias Svensson (Saturnus, Istapp, Vanmakt, Nidrike). Continuing the development of figurative ideas and the musical component of the debut work, "As The Sun Sets On Life", at the same time, is a new stage for the band. Gloomy, atmospheric doom death metal compositions with a dense sound and excellent performance are what Soijl is loved for, and this is exactly what the musicians offer in their new work, in a more spectacular form this time. The famous designer and photographer Roman Kamin (Wine From Tears, Mare Infinitum, Aut Mori) have been again responsible for the visual part of the album crafting a magnificent 12-page booklet.
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666.67 Р
atmospheric death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The second album by Soijl, a project founded by the Swedish multi-instrumentalist Matthias Svensson (Saturnus, Istapp, Vanmakt, Nidrike). Continuing the development of figurative ideas and the musical component of the debut work, "As The Sun Sets On Life", at the same time, is a new stage for the band. Gloomy, atmospheric doom death metal compositions with a dense sound and excellent performance are what Soijl is loved for, and this is exactly what the musicians offer in their new work, in a more spectacular form this time. The famous designer and photographer Roman Kamin (Wine From Tears, Mare Infinitum, Aut Mori) have been again responsible for the visual part of the album crafting a magnificent 12-page booklet.
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600.00 Р
atmospheric death doom metal, Solitude Productions
Soijl is a special project established by Swedish multi-instrumentalist Mattias Svensson (Saturnus, Istapp, Vanmakt, Nidrike) many years ago, however, only in late 2014 the band started recording the official 3-song demo. The songs received positive response among fans of doom music and the band continued to work with enthusiasm over the other tracks. The album is called «Endless Elysian Fields» and contains seven songs lasting for a total of about an hour and stylistically tending to atmospheric doom death metal. According to the band members, these are "7 tracks full of total despair and fear", as the lyrics of the album tell mostly about people with suicidal tendencies and what is going on in their heads.The disc comes with a luxurious 20-page booklet. The package design is crafted by well-known designer and photographer Roman Fireplace (Wine From Tears, Mare Infinitum, Aut Mori).
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