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Solitude Productions

death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The full-length album from Ukranian band Vin De Mia Trix which showed its potential through numerous gigs and self-released demo and mini-album, and gained interest from fans of dark music. Vin De Mia Trix are in artistic search for their own sound based on traditions of atmospheric doom death metal with introduction of funeral doom and dark metal, classical music and Eastern philosophy. Within «Once Hidden From Sight» every fan of dark music will find something for the soul!
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death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The fourth full-length album from HellLight, one of the most interesting and distinctive bands from Brazil. During years of studio and concert work the musicians created their own sound and style evolving from classical funeral doom metal through doom death metal to traditional doom metal. «No God Above, No Devil Below» presents combination of two latter styles making itself attractive not only old band fans who will discover new sides of HellLight, but also for fans of doom in the vein of Tristitia and late Funeral (Norway). The music of HellLight is still epic and filled with tragic feelings, manifested mournful clean vocals, atmospheric keyboards and piercing guitar solos.
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$8.00 $7.00
extreme funeral doom, Solitude Productions
The long awaited full length album from Siberian (Russia) funeral doom metal band Station Dysthymia rises this conservative genre to a higher level. Inheriting the album name from the «The Nine Billion Names of God» by Arthur C. Clarke this unpredictable album crafted in traditions of funeral doom inters the area of science fiction combining musical genre with fictional scientific theories. The musicians themselves treat the main idea of the album as perspective of human personal tragedy at the background of the tragedy of human society as a whole which tends to self-destruction. This is the band’s vision of the story of the World’s end: solid guitar sound combined with growl in different emotional tones draw the senses of mankind fallen into apathy and drifting towards self-destruction. The dark soundscapes were created with help of Greg Chandler from Esoteric who performed mastering at his studio in UK, M. Hater and I. Stellarghost from Abstract Spirit appeared as guest musicians.
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melodic doom death, Solitude Productions
The second album highly anticipated by fans of the Swedish group and melodic doom death metal in general! Johan Ericson (permanent member of Draconian and Doom:VS) is again responsible for vocals, and, in addition, has performed mixing and mastering of the album. Perfect sound appeared as a perfect framing to the precious stone, beautiful music of When Nothing Remains. Musicians follow the ideas of the debut album and offer to the fans the same memorable doom death, melodic, stirringly touching and infinitely elegant. For those who are not familiar with the band this album may appear as a real discovery, while those who are already inspired by their music «Thy Dark Serenity» will become another blissful touch to the soul and the heart.
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funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
The fourth album of one of the best Russian funeral doom metal bands Abstract Spirit «Theomorphic Defectiveness» continues to present composer talent and performance skills of musicians. The music which can be recognized from the very first chords is still gloomy majestic and insane, memorable for its unique demented atmosphere. Indeed, this is a funeral orchestra performing the soundtrack to apocalypse. At the same time the musicians add new fresh ideas to their music, such as extensive choirs, which differs «Theomorphic Defectiveness» from previous works, however, continues the search for perfect expressive sound. The insanity goes on!
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$8.00 $6.00
psychedelic doom metal, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions proudly presents the second full-length album of Evoke Thy Lords released after the long pause in group activity. This time the Siberian musicians dramatically change their sound and style positioning themselves among the most interesting and original bands of the Russian doom metal scene. The renovated Evoke Thy Lords include solid guitar sound, powerful groove base and meditative trance dressed with hypnotic flute sounds. Filled with extra heavy riffs and psychedelic elements “Drunken Tales” is undoubtedly an event in stoner doom metal. The bonus track “Cause Follows Effect” finalizes the album giving the end to the space walk.
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doom death, Solitude Productions
The first album from a Ukranian band with wide concert experience which makes this debut release not just the presentation of the band, but the real manifest demonstrating strong, professional and carefully mastered doom death metal. This album has everything to fit the taste of a sophisticated listener: majestic guitar parts framed by light keyboards, rich atmosphere saturated with the concept of the menacing sea rudiment. The essential value of the album is its inexhaustible melodies and inspiration. «On The Verge…» will become a precious present for fans of Officium Triste, Mourning Beloveth and early Saturnus.
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funeral death doom, Solitude Productions
The long-awaited release by the vanguard of Solitude Prod., the second full-length album from Moscow band Who Dies In Siberian Slush! In this work the Russian masters of funeral doom death follow their own way of music composition and sound production showing their potential from alternative side. Like «Bitterness Of The Years That Are Lost», the new album of WDISS contains a lot of funeral doom elements, however, the basic style is more close to doom death metal. At the same time «We Have Been Dead Since Long Ago» features diverse stylistic inclusions and variations. Icy massifs of guitar riffs framed by an outstanding growl, irrepressible fire of solo guitar parties, and piercing cold rain coming from heaven through the sound of funeral march are waiting for the listener. The album is recorded and mastered at the Primordial Studio (Comatose Vigil, Abstract Spirit, Revelations of Rain ). The lyrical concept of the album is based on different tragic events with sorrowful epilogues and continues the philosophic tradition started at the previous band works. Despite the contradictoriness and the irregularity of the album, it is highly recommended to fans of Ataraxie, Profetus, Loss and My Shameful style.
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$8.00 $6.00
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The second in the band history (and the first officially released) long-awaited album by a German project Doomed. «In My Own Abyss» presents uncompromising doom death metal of highest purity, harsh and aggressive, but featuring skillful arrangements which make this work complex and force a listener to play it again and again. At the same time the last track of the album present and outstanding in its depth, purity and force cover version of famous Russian traditional folk song «Oh You, Wide Steppe…»! And, of course, composer talent and excellent work of the only member of the band, Pierre Laube, as well as powerful and clean sound of the album are worth mentioning, finally making this Doomed release a classic one.
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$7.00 $5.00
gothic doom death metal, Solitude Productions
Another brilliant debut from a young Ukrainian band suiting tastes of fans of various doom metal substyles. Amily mix harmoniously doom death metal, gothic doom metal, and funeral doom metal adding a part of theirs souls into the music. «To All in Graves» is, first of all, melody framed with darkness, and sublime orchestral keyboards referring to neoclassical music. It is worth to mention that basing of the genre traditions the musicians created their own harmonic world which is ready to accept anyone who is able to open his heart and feel it.
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doom death, Solitude Productions
The new album from Finnish doom death metal band Astral Sleep demonstrates brilliant skills of musicians which have reached higher level. Four tracks, almost an hour in length, create magnificent visions featuring rich color palette. The group operates with epic riffs, graceful acoustic interludes, harsh guitar strokes pierced with excellent melodies and diverse vocals. Preserving their original style familiar by the previous albums the musicians succeed to combine doom death metal with traditional epic doom metal in a single perfect works with carefully mastered sound. «Visions» is the album for thoughtful listening, the music for those who is able to perceive.
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symphonic funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
The third album of The Howling Void takes the listeners from the aerial and weightless previous album to the earth depths depicted by overwhelming sounds of epic funeral doom metal. Unique sound of the band is still magically attractive, its style is still recognizable; but this time heavy guitars combined with atmospheric keyboards bring the sense of moonless nights severity, ice cold breath of dungeons and deserted landscapes. «The Womb Beyond The World», the album, the journey, the phenomenon. The cover artwork features another masterpiece of Russian art of 19th century, Nikolai Ge’s painting «Conscience. Judas» which figuratively reveals the album concept: gloom, desolation, and despair. The album comes as a limited edition digipack.
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$8.00 $7.00
atmospheric funeral doom, Solitude Productions
Debut album by a young Ukrainian band Narrow House who was featured at a number of gigs and festivals. «A Key To Panngrieb» album is a 45-minutes-long journey to your subconsciousness accompanied by funeral guitars, atmospheric keyboards and live cello. Another approach to funeral doom metal, another key to eternal secrets of life and death.
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melodic death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The long-awaited re-issue of the cult album by French band Inborn Suffering which was originally released in 2006 and is currently sold out. «Wordless Hope» has gained a lot of positive feedback from critics and music fans and has become a perfect example of melodic doom death metal revealing the best features of the genre. Atmospheric and sorrowful music by Inborn Suffering filled with memorable melodies and deep senses is echoing in thousands of hearts of doom metal fans. If you haven’t managed to get this small masterpiece to your collection yet Solitude Productions gives you a chance with this re-release associated with the release of the brand new Inborn Suffering album!
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melodic death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The second long awaitedalbum from the French doom death metal masters Inborn Suffering! Aftersuccessful album in 2006 which got many positive reviews from the critics andlisteners, the band fell silent for a long time in order to return with a newalbum raising Inborn Suffering to a higher level. The new album contains 72minutes of atmospheric and melodic doom death metal in its best traditions. Themajestic, full of despair and gloom, music is able to become a discovery forall fans of the genre. Plunge into the world of despair and emptiness and openyour heart to “Regression To Nothingness”. The powerful sound of the album willgive particular pleasure to music lovers. Recorded and mixed by AndrewGuillotin (Glorior Belli, Fractal Gates, Temple Of Baal) and mastered by JensBorgen (Paradise Lost, Opeth, Katatonia, Draconian). Featuring limited digipaсkedition with 12-page booklet.
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melodic death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The second long awaitedalbum from the French doom death metal masters Inborn Suffering! Aftersuccessful album in 2006 which got many positive reviews from the critics andlisteners, the band fell silent for a long time in order to return with a newalbum raising Inborn Suffering to a higher level. The new album contains 72minutes of atmospheric and melodic doom death metal in its best traditions. Themajestic, full of despair and gloom, music is able to become a discovery forall fans of the genre. Plunge into the world of despair and emptiness and openyour heart to “Regression To Nothingness”. The powerful sound of the album willgive particular pleasure to music lovers. Recorded and mixed by AndrewGuillotin (Glorior Belli, Fractal Gates, Temple Of Baal) and mastered by JensBorgen (Paradise Lost, Opeth, Katatonia, Draconian). Featuring limited digipaсkedition with 12-page booklet.
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$8.00 $6.00
doom death, Solitude Productions
The first full-length album from Ukranian band which already issued two mini-albums and gave a number of gigs.Embrace Of Silence follow the traditions of doom death metal from 90s, especially My Dying Bride, both music-wise and conception-wise. Classical long harsh riffs framed by keyboards and violin prevail in their music.«Leaving The Place Forgotten By God» is addressed to those whose hearts are devoted to orthodox doom death metal!
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$8.00 $5.00
dark doom death, Solitude Productions
Long-awaited full-length album from Brazilian band Abske Fides develops ideas of previous mini-albums at higher qualitative level. Perfect performance of keyboards, vocals and violin solos in composition with arrangements makes this album more diverse and balanced. Gloomy doom death metal from Abske Fides opens the world of human estrangement and despair which is ready to absorb the listeners.
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$8.00 $6.00
doom death, Solitude Productions
Another debut album from a Russian band featuring musicians who spent a long time at Russian heavy stages. Although the band exists for more than ten years playing gigs and contributing to compilations, only now they felt the opportunity to present carefully selected, recorded and mastered compositions to the audience. Graveflower feature their unique sound and style even playing old school doom death metal referencing to classical My Dying Bride sound of «Like Gods of the Sun» period.
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$8.00 $4.00
traditional doom, Solitude Productions
A brilliant debut album from a duet originating from the very heart of Bulgaria - Sofia! Obsidian Sea suddenly appeared at the world doom scene with mature work satisfying all canons of traditional doom metal. At «Between Two Desert» the musicians cultivate powerful epic riffs as if they grow a massive tree having its roots into works of Garden Of Worm, Great Coven, Dawn of Winter and other representatives of the genre, a solid basement of doom metal style.
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melodic death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The second album of Spanish musicians reinvents the band to the listeners fully discovering their talent and skills. This time Evadne presents perfect in all senses album in death doom style. Magically attractive, rigid, but melodic material will suit the most demanding taste of a modern death doom metal fan. Diversity of guitars varying from powerful atmospheric riffs to sensual solo fused with combination of growl and clean male vocals strengthened by perfectly mastered sound can finally make «The Shortest Way» to become one of the best albums of 2012. Mixed and mastered by Dan Swano (Novembers Doom, Edge of Sanity, Bloodbath), who also performed some vocal parts on the album.
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melodic doom death, Solitude Productions
The debut album of the project founded by members of famous Swedish band Nox Aurea featuring clean vocals by Johan Ericson (Draconian, Doom:VS and Shadowgarden).«As All Torn Asunder» is 70 minutes of refined melodic doom death metal carefully composed by professional musicians who put their souls into every part of this masterpiece from arrangements to powerful sound.This album is the best present to fans of modern doom death metal in the vein of Nox Aurea and Ablaze In Hatred, as well as to fans of Swallow The Sun and Draconian!
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epic funeral doom, Solitude Productions
The fourth album of this mysterious band appeared as an unexpected postscript to the previously released trilogy. This new untitled work represented by a single monolith track has no musical and ideological connections to the trilogy; however, it presents further progress of Ea ideas. In this album you will find epic atmospheric funeral doom metal and unique Ea atmosphere highly evaluated by listeners and reviewers.
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funeral death doom metal, Solitude Productions
Re-issue of Brazilian band HellLight album which was originally issued as a limited edition in 2008 and is currently sold out. “Funeral Doom” which gained excellent scores from reviewers and positive feedback from doom fans is now out with re-mastered sound and bonus CD: mini album “The Light That Brought Darkness” (about one hour in length!) with cover-versions of songs by Black Sabbath, Danzig, Neil Young, Pink Floyd, Bathory and Queen! Present 2CD edition from Solitude Productions offers more than two hours of desperate melodic funeral doom metal for those who are ready to discover again the magic and dark beauty of “Funeral Doom”.
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death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The debut album from a band from Moscow representing two famous musicians in line-up: A.K. iEezor (Comatose Vigil, Abstract Spirit) and Homer (ex-Who Dies In Siberian Slush).«Sea Of Infinity» consists of five doom death metal tracks including one instrumental. Melodic compositions are framed by atmospheric keyboards and powerful guitar riffs accompanied by expressive growl by A.K. iEezor and clean vocals of guest singers. «Sea Of Infinity» is not just another album introducing novel features to the style, but the entrance ticket for a band to the highest level of Russian doom-death metal scene!The album was recorded at Primordial Studio (famous for working with Comatose Vigil, Revelations of Rain, Abstract Spirit, Who Dies In Siberian Slush).The album is highly recommended to fans of music in traditions of Mourning Beloveth and Morgion!
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doom / stoner, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions presents the first album of the French stoner doom metal trio continuing the great traditions of Black Sabbath. Biting riffs typical for early doom metal are organically combined in Stangala music with Celtic folk elements which is ideological and lyrical basic of the band. «Boued Tousek Hag Traou Mat All» can be recommended to all fans of Electric Wizard, Sleep and, certainly, early Black Sabbath albums!
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extreme funeral doom, Solitude Productions
The second album from a Russian band Septic mind. “The True Call” consists of three long tracks and continues the evolution of musical ideas established at their previous album, “The Beginning”. The musicians still stand at positions of extremal doom metal, but they are moving away from the influence of Esoteric forming their own sound. This time Septic Mind music with typical cosmic psychedelic interludes features elements of sludge doom metal. “The True Call” is the next chapter of the gloomy and insane tale of Septic Mind covered with cold, despair and misanthropy.
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funeral doom, Solitude Productions
The second, long-awaited album from the leading Russian funeral doom metal band Comatose Vigil!During more than five years since their mini-CD “Narcosis” the band have changed their line-up several times for various gigs, but finally they returned to the original line-up which recorded the debut CD, the one which made the band famous. With this classical line-up (ZiGR - keyboards, ViG"iLL - guitars, bass, A.K. iEzor – vocals, drums) they have recorded the brand new album «Fuimus, Non Sumus…».The recording was performed at Primordial Studio (Russia), famous for work with Revelations of Rain, Abstract Spirit, Who Dies In Siberian Slush. Mastering was done by Greg Chandler (from Esoteric) at Priory Recording Studios (UK).The CD contains three absolutely new compositions with total length of 75’35”! Continuing traditions of cold and monumentally dark sound the music of Comatose Vigil became more mature and solid. The sound became more powerful, deep and transparent while small details are more distinguishable which crowns this enchanting material. The work can be considered as one of the best examples of funeral doom metal!The album is issued as a noble limited edition digipack containing a booklet, and a hand-numbered inlay with band photo and musicians original signatures!
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$8.00 $6.00
funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
The debut album from the Italian band The Undergrave Experience. This is not another piece of standard funeral doom, but an entire journey to the world of horror culture. Being close to works of memorable band EA in their music style the musicians of The Undergrave Experience develop the darker side of the genre searching for inspiration in classical Italian horror movies. The album consists of two original tracks which the fans of gloom and horror aesthetics will surely like.
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cult doom metal, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions proudly presents the legendary Norwegian band`s album «To Mourn Is A Virtue». This release is the missing link between the classic albums «Tragedies» (1995) and «In Fields Of Pestilent Grief» (2002). This album is based on unreleased demo-recordings ,and contains nine previously unreleased tracks recorded between 1996 and 2004,remastered in 2010, almost 15 years after the moment they were initially recorded in the studio. «To Mourn Is A Virtue» could become a surprising opening both for fans of the band and those who are interested in the genre. Funeral, regarded as one of the first bands in the funeral doom metal genre, further evolved to a more doom/ death metal approach, now presents a classic doom metal record.
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