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sludge doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Bloody Altar 2:28 2 Silent Death 4:36 3 Smash, Rip, Destroy 2:38 4 The Brains Are Dead 3:29 5 Condenados a La Extincion 5:29 6 Food For The...
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black metal / dark ambient
Limited to 500 copies.
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atmospheric black metal, GS Productions
Limited Edition digipak of 100 copies.
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atmospheric black metal, GS Productions
Limited Edition 300 copies
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dark ambient / black metal, Ksenza Records
Reissue of the first three Elffor albums. Limited edition of 150 copies in 3CD digipak.
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black metal / ambient
Catalog number is taken from label's online shop.
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atmospheric black metal, GS Productions
Limited edition 100 copies
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Heaven Or Hell 2 The Humilation Of Babylon 3 Dark Valley 4 Rise On Eagle's Wings 5 Qoph 6 The Fall Of Lucifer 7 The Servant 8 Cries To...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Darkness Will Become Like Morning 2 Lament Concerning The King Of Tyre 3 Seven Angels With Seven Plagues 4 Megiddo 5 The Almighty 6 The...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 The Seed 2 King Of The Red Desert
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gotic metal
Tracklist: 1 Core Of Life 4:08 2 Twinkling Shadow 4:25 3 Warrior's Tale 6:05 4 Des Lebens Traum - Des Traumes Leben 4:06 5 I Come Undone 4:25 6 Firefly 4:25...
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post rock / doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Pirms Uzaust 2 Skārda Cilvēks 3 Upe Iet Un Upe Klusē 4 Klusais Zirgs 5 Mēs Līdīsim Laukā 6 Viss Atstumtais Ir Viss Esošais 7 Uzaust
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post metal / sludge doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Thanatos 10:09 2 Jaret... (The One Who's Rising) 8:35 3 Cataclysmic 2:51 4 Un Monstre Et Un Chaos 8:56 5 Kubernetes Vs. Qubernetes 6:39 6 Noli...
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doom metal, Doom Metal Rebirth

Fortress of sound equal to the brutal cosmic punch in the face of an ancient disgusting mythological giant awakened from the aeons of eternal sleep by earth-shaking, almost razor-sharp epic riffs. Expression at the very limit of suffering, anger, bitterness and euphoria, intertwined with embodiment of the darkest thoughts from the deepest corners of the soul and consciousness.
This is doom. This is metal from Croatia.
For us, it's really all about the return of the mysticism. It's all about bringing back darker, "larger than life" story into the music. It’s about bringing back the meaning and reconnecting with what matters most - expression, art and the story it tells.
Elusive God’s intention is to express our creative visions through slow, heavy and atmospheric music.
In a way, this is the return of metal. Why? Because the music that used to blow us away with energy, honesty, meaning and nonconformity is in the wake of extinction. It's dominated by a complete lack of creative vision and playing by established patterns with total disregard of the mystery and visual component. Yet, maybe the most unfortunate fact is a complete loss of the mystical and dark aura that used to embrace the whole genre with all of its performers.
Metal as we see it is over the top, mysterious, layered and it takes much more than superficial listening or consuming to delve deeper into the very message that music conveys. It also has a strong visual imagery that, along with the musical part, represents two sides of the same coin which cannot exist without each other.

released as a 6-panel digipak
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folk / power metal, FONO ltd
"Era" - пятый альбом итальянцев ELVENKING, признанных мастеров мелодичного folk/power метала, записанный в финской Sonic Pump Studio с продюссером Nino Laurene (AMORPHIS, LORDI, SONATA ARCTICA, APOCALYPTICA). На альбоме поучавствовали Teemu Mäntysaari (WINTERSUN), Maurizio Cardullo (FOLKSTONE), Alessandro Conti (RHAPSODY OF FIRE, TRICK OR TREAT), Marco Sandron (EDEN'S CURSE, PATHOSRAY) и Giordana Gisamano (INSANITY FAIR), а на 2 треках в отметился сам Jon „Mountain King“ Oliva (JON OLIVA’S PAIN, TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA, ex-SAVATAGE). For fans of: SKYCLAD, FALCONER, DRAGONLAND
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folk power metal, FONO ltd
ELVENKING - итальянская power metal группа, образованная в конце 1997 года. Если первые релизы ELVENKING были с сильным уклоном в фолк, то в последующих итальянцы постепенно отошли от него в пользу sympho и power metal, не забывая о влиянии классической музыки, хард и прогрессив рока. В дискографии ELVENKING одно дэмо 2000-го года, семерка синглов, один концертник и девять полноформатных альбомов. "Reader Of The Runes: Divination" - десятый полноформатный альбом итальянцев, вышедший 30-го августа 2019-го на AFM Records. Запись инструментов велась на нескольких студиях, сведением занимался Dan Swanö (работавший с KATATONIA, PAIN OF SALVATION, OPETH), мастерингом - Tony Lindgren из шведской Fascination Street Studios (SWALLOW THE SUN, ENSLAVED, ARCH/MATHEOS). Обложкой занималась Zsofia Dankova, оформлявшая альбомы POWERWOLF, FIFTH ENGEL и THAUROROD.
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power metal, FONO ltd
ELVENKING - итальянская power metal группа, образованная в конце 1997 года. Если первые релизы ELVENKING были с сильным уклоном в фолк, то в последующем итальянцы постепенно отошли от него в пользу sympho и power metal, не забывая о влиянии классической музыки, хард и прогрессив рока. "The Pagan Manifesto" - восьмой студийный альбом ELVENKING, записанный, сведенный и спродюсированный в Domination Studio совместно с Simone Mularoni, мастермайндом итальянских прог-рокеров DGM и работавший с альбомами групп ELDRITCH, VISION DIVINE, NECRODEATH и многими другими. Помимо настоящего хора, на альбоме можно заметить и приглашенных музыкантов: Amanda Somerville (AVANTASIA, EPICA) и Maurizio Cardullo (FOLKSTONE). Данное издание включает два бонус-трека, а часть самого тиража "The Pagan Manifesto" доступна в виде 6-панельного матового диджипака.
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death thrash metal
Tracklist: 1 Bloodstained Bridal Vail 2 When Pleasure Turns To Curse 3 One Day She Will Ask 4 Betrayed By Your Blood 5 The Feast Of The Dying Sun...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Randomness 0:59 2 Dice Man 8:23 3 The Beast Attacks 4:15 4 The Pointing Finger 7:52 5 Comfort Fix 8:09 6 Twilight 2:25 7 Cunning Vital Guardian...
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gothic metal
Tracklist: 1 Romeo's Dead 2 This Wind 3 Falling 4 I Don't Believe In You 5 Nothing To Promise 6 Black Tears And Deep Songs For Lost Lovers 7 Your...
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$6.00 $3.00
deathcore with brutal influences
Tracklist: 1 Bonecrusher 3:11 2 Broken Mirror 3:48 3 Crushed By Fallen Sky 3:07 4 World Of Excrements 3:40 5 Faceless Humanity (And Its Facedevouring...
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$6.00 $3.00
symphonic electronic black metal, More Hate Productions
Black metal band EMBERS OF LIFE exists since May 10 of 2000 year. Only in 2004 the record of the first album "Dark Conspiracy" is carried out. The album is named as the same song in this album. The album declared antichristian propaganda and contains imaginations, and mysterious atmosphere as well as some pagan shade. The album was turned out in style Black Metal, not traditional, but more industrial and atmospheric with strong touch of medieval organs.
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$8.00 $6.00
doom death, Solitude Productions
The first full-length album from Ukranian band which already issued two mini-albums and gave a number of gigs.Embrace Of Silence follow the traditions of doom death metal from 90s, especially My Dying Bride, both music-wise and conception-wise. Classical long harsh riffs framed by keyboards and violin prevail in their music.«Leaving The Place Forgotten By God» is addressed to those whose hearts are devoted to orthodox doom death metal!
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death metal
Tracklist: 1 Hellfuck 2 Murder And Cruelty 3 Hallucinated 4 Human Brew 5 Destruction Thirst 6 Annihilation 7 Absolutely Anti-Human Behaviors...
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black death thrash metal
Tracklist: 1 Homicide 01:53 2 The Abyss Of Human Soul 03:40 3 Buried By Time And Dust 02:55 4 Rotting 07:07 5 Land Of Tears 04:48 6 Death & Destruction...
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symphonic black metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 На Север! = To The North! 2 Король Ольхи = Alder King 3 Демонизм = Demonism 4 Полет Дракона (Remix) = Flight Of The Dragon 5 Туман...
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$6.00 $3.60
melodic black metal
Tracklist: 1 Король Ольхи 6:06 2 Дрёма 5:15 3 Сердце Королевы 5:48 4 Руна Победы 5:52 5 Ночная Симфония 5:39 6 Тристан Изо Льда 4:44 7 Оборотень 3:17 8...
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folk black metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1. Introduction. Behind The Walls Of Rain 2. Land Of Eternal Summer 3. Сокровища Лунной Тени 4. The Winterheart. The Ballad Of The Fiddler...
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symphonic / melodic black metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Сумеречный Берег / Twilight Coast 2:01 2 Страна Желанная / The Land Of Faraway 8:05 3 Ночной гость / Night Guest 5:05 4 Небесный бой /...
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symphonic / melodic black metal
Старинная андеграундная группа, основанная еще в прошлом столетии, совершила вояж во времени и предстала перед слушателями в обновленном виде. Абсолютно неземная музыка, которая с первых аккордов отрывает слушателя от реальности и погружает в атмосферу древних лесов, сталактитовых пещер и ледяных замков. И, конечно, знакомит с их коварными обитателями. Качество звука гарантируется московской студией KIV-Records. В записи так же принимали участие уникальные и узнаваемые вокалисты: Ксения (Калевала, ex-Невидь, Butterfly Temple), Тиллен Аверс (Aella) и Абрей (Butterfly Temple, Омела). В основу оформления диска легли работы художника Александра Кошкина, мастера с мировым именем. Многогранный стиль группы позволяет музыкантам включать в свои композиции и дум, и фолк, но главное в альбоме - это великолепный мелодизм и атмосфера тайны, которая так и не раскрывается до конца.
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alternative / metal, FONO ltd
EMIL BULLS - немецкая метал-группа, сформированная в Мюнхене в 1995 году. Если первые работы немцев звучали как кроссовер альтернативного рока и ню-металла, то последующие работы обрели влияние грув-метала и хардкора, а звучание стало на порядок тяжелее. "Sacrifice to Venus" - десятый полноформатный альбом немцев, запись которого проходила в немецкой Toolhouse Studios под руководством британского музыканта и продюсера Дэна Вэллера (SIKTH, ENTER SHIKARI, GALLOWS) а сведение в берлинской Dailyhero Studios под надзором Флориана Новака (NO TURNING BACK, WAR FROM A HARLOTS MOUTH, FINAL PRAYER).
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alternative / metal, FONO ltd
EMIL BULLS - немецкая метал-группа, сформированная в Мюнхене в 1995 году. Если первые работы немцев звучали как кроссовер альтернативного рока и ню-металла, то последующие работы обрели влияние грув-метала и хардкора, а звучание стало на порядок тяжелее. "XX" - сборник лучших хитов EMIL BULLS, приуроченный к 20-летию группы и имеющий не совсем стандартный подход к "best of" альбомам. Все песни были перезаписаны в акустических версиях, и обрели отличное от оригинала звучание.
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dark ambient / black metal
Tracklist: I. Haunter Of Benighted English Summers 1:37 II. Mors Wher Devels Are Abrod 4:20 III. Dusk Gardens Of Translucent Mansions 3:56 IV. Shades Over...
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hardcore sludge
500 copies pressed.
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black thrash metal
Tracklist: 1 The Arrival Of The Gods From Deep Skies (Intro) 1:07 2 Tower Of The Damned 4:18 3 Eridan Signals 4:25 4 Under A Hatred Skies 4:22 5 The...
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ambient black metal
Tracklist: 1 Time Expanding 2 Sorrowsong 3 Dreaming Of Breath & Stars 4 The Lurker 5 Waiting For The Fall 6 Soul Interrupt 7 Dust & Ether
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$6.00 $3.60
depressive black metal
Tracklist: 1 Шепот / Whispery 4:00 2 В Памяти / In Memory 3:38 3 Ода Самоубийце / Ode To The Suicide 4:02 4 Война / War 3:02 5 Пустота / Emptiness 2:54 6...
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$5.00 $3.00
funeral sludge doom
Tracklist: 1 Harvest Of Nothing 2 Useless Things In Noise 3 Dedicate To Esoteric Emotion
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$5.00 $3.00
funeral sludge doom
Tracklist: 1 From Lost Time Into The Great Nothing - Part I 14:36 2 Return To The Grat Nothing 13:07 3 Great Nothing In Rusty Air 15:07
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$5.00 $3.00
funeral sludge doom
Tracklist: 1-1 Endless Coridors Of Mind 1-2 Impersonal Horiszon Is Endless 1-3 Rusty Mind Will Be Never Understood Rusty Mind Film 2-1 Rusty Mind
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$5.00 $3.00
funeral sludge doom
Tracklist: 1 Forever Rusty Sky (From Rusty Mind Film) 2 Rusty Teeth Eat Pleasure 3 Fade In One (From Rusty Mind Film)
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$6.00 $3.00
depressive black metal
Tracklist: 1 Hopelessness... 2 My Last Morning... 3 Sincere Devastation... 4 Black Grief... 5 I For Ever Ashes... 6 The Forgotten... 7 Old Age... 8...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 The Horrible Drawing Back Of The Veil 7:17 2 A Source Of Hollow Essence 2:09 3 The Spectral Paleness Of The Skin 8:21 4 The Last Breath Of My...
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$7.00 $4.00
death thrash metal
Comes in jewel case in slipcase
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dark gothic metal
Tracklist: 1 Fourteen Days 2 Over 3 Envied Routine 4 Naiive 5 Domino 6 Consequence 7 Keyword Out Of Context 8 Leave Apart A Sense 9 The Script 10...
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progressive doom metal
Tracklist: 1 ( ) 2:42 2 Until Bleeding 4:42 3 1647 6:02 4 My Anger 4:00 5 Still Anger 4:49 6 When Edge... 4:50 7 ...Turns Blade 4:11 8 Isquosadmove 5:12 9...
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dark ambient / black metal
Tracklist: 1-1 Intro 1:13 1-2 Noizemongers For Goatserpent 0:49 1-3 Return To Hellrokken Goatsex 2:21 1-4 Nunsucking Necrophiles 1:53 1-5 Mashshanebbu 1:04...
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$8.00 $5.00
folk rock / metal, FireStorm Production
CD in a jewel case. Limited to 300 copies. English titles: 1. Stories By The Fire 2. Undine 3. Wild Hunt 4. Monk And Braga 5. The Midnight Adventure 6. Ev Sistr 7. Dragonborn Comes 8. Tale Of The July Moon 9. At World's End
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 The Last Ray Of Light 5:25 2 Your Weakness - My Victory 5:45 3 My Majesty 5:31 4 Nurglh 4:07 5 Paradise Of Putrefaction 5:38 6 Eclipse Of...
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doom / death metal
Tracklist: Ritual Ascension Beyond Flesh 1 Processional 2:11 2 Nefarious Yet Elegant... Are The Bowels Of Hell 4:59 3 Miasma Of Rotten Serenity 3:35 4...
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folk / viking metal
Tracklist: 1 Our Pagan Hearts Reborn 2 Fire Of Freedom 3 Moonfall, Sunrise 4 Spirit, We Are One 5 Farewell To The Living 6 Fate’s Illusion 7 We Will...
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stoner metal
captured onto audio tape by Lewis Childs at Earth Terminal Studios england feb 2007
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$6.00 $2.40
death metal, More Hate Productions
Stylistically it is the mixture of different styles of extreme music rooting in classical old school death metal.The ideology of End1 is based on exposure of devolution of mankind, spiritual decay and all aspects of downfall. The central idea is mental decease as the main and primary constituent on the way towards total physical elimination of mankind.
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melodic death / doom metal, Endless Winter
Tracklist: 1 Lady Of My Dreams 6:04 2 The Land Of Tears 5:22 3 We Are The Sky 6:26 4 Naked In The Sun 5:13 5 Gutura Profana 5:17 6 Agony 5:41 7 Come With Me...
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alternative metal / nu-metal
Tracklist: 1 Prelude To The End 2 Mind Battle 3 I Don't Have A Name 4 Disease 5 Golden Chains 6 No Faith 7 Evil Man 8 My Dear Satan 9 Pain 10...
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black doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Messenger From The Oblivion Gates 16:11
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$6.00 $3.00
brutal deathcore
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2 Grave New World 3 I Fuck Your Bloody Body 4 Let Me Out 5 I Am No More 6 Corpsporation 7 Rotting Existence 8 Purgatory 9 Incubus...
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thrash metal
Tracklist: 1 Chronicles Of Death (Intro) 2 The Ascents Of Golgotha 3 Atrocity 4 Trespassing The Shores Of Evil 5 The Prophet 6 Dead End Nightmare 7...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Frontbericht 2 09032013 3 Tragendes Meer 4 Spiegelbild 5 Das Hässliche – Der Mensch 6 Deranged 7 Quand Vient La Fin 8 Freiheitstanz 9...
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sludge metal / post-metal, Slow Burn Records
Tracklist: 1. Black Light 7:07 2. Neuros[e] 8:53 3. Under Asphalt 11:18 4. Old Star 9:50 5. Clouds Fly To The East 6:31 6. Not Dead 7:34 7. Horizon 9:43 8....
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$7.00 $3.00
sludge metal, Slow Burn Records
This is the 4th official issue from Moscow instrumental act. Earlier discovered “math-doom” formula is still working but this time diluted with a wide portion of psychedelic mist, deep tribal deviations and shamanism. Demetra is a logical sequel of the previous full-length CD “Anthropomachy” and contains some earlier non-issued tunes and also new creations. The album is finalized by the subtle remix by Alex Senko known as band’s live video engineer and visual designer.
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experimental / sludge metal, Slow Burn Records

With their fifth album, the Moscow-based band EndName continues the instrumental journey, further and further venturing into open space. The EVA album is saturated with atmospheric electronic arrangements designed to enrich and complement the guitar sound. Paying tribute to the past and looking into the future, a sound explorer is invited to sink into the EVA album, to be here and now, in the middle of colossal cosmos, to surrender to the powerful stream of sound, space and time.

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$6.00 $2.00
groove metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 1:45 2 Forever Frozen Eyes 4:06 3 Of Honour And Sorrow 5:21 4 ... And The Hell Followed Them 5:06 5 Feel The Fenris 4:20 6 Where The Wind...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Iri-has Chu, D'un Désastre Obscure 11:11 2 Ô Grand Fossoyeur Des Paix Nocturnes 6:24 3 Le Roi Des Morts 3:58 4 Je Suis D'ailleurs 6:45 5 Ars...
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post-black metal
The first press of the CD comes as Collector’s Edition in Digipack with A3 poster booklet, limited to 1000 copies
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funeral doom death, Solitude Productions
Falsus Anno Domini - is the third full-length album of the Georgian funeral doom/death metal band Ennui. This album puts the listener between the hammer and anvil and dive into hopeless despair and hear the cold rage of the heavy guitars sound. Falsus Anno Domini (in translation from Latin "The Liars Of Our Age") is a kind of appeal to all humanity, which stands on the edge of precipice in front of self-destruction, without any will to open its eyes and stare into the abyss. This album is about ignorance and madness which are crowned by man, about shameless lies and enslavement by fear. Unlike its predecessor, you can find this album very aggressive and rigurous. Musicians rationally mixed the usual ingredients for all doom themes with heavy and viscid death riffs, but the melody of compositions and colorful long progressive solos inherent to Ennui weren"t lost. From 2015 Ennui is no longer a duo since the third member - Daniel Neagoe joined the band as constant participant. Daniel is known in wider circles as leader of bands like Eye Of Solitude, Clouds, Deos and more. In Ennui Daniel professionally performs the role of drummer. Also there are guest members invited to participate in records of the new album: Greg Chandler (Esoteric) - vocals, Don Zaros (Evoken) - keyboards, Sameli Köykkä (Colosseum) - lyrics for "The Stones Of The Timeless", AKiEzor (Comatose Vigil, Abstract Spirit) - lyrics for "No Home Beneath The Stars". Album includes 6 monolithic compositions recorded at AOD Records (Tbilisi) and D-Studio (London). All the mastering and mixing are provided by Daniel Neagoe at D-Studio from July to August 2015. Falsus Anno Domini - is a kind of manifest of the will and appeals to mankind to have its opinion in the surrounding world of lies. This is not a tale of sorrow and life experiences, but it"s rather a slap in the face to humans who drown in their own fears. It"s like a spit in the face of all miserable dissemblers and false pretenders, who lead our world to a doomed collapse.
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stoner sludge doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Infinity 2 The Fickle Whims Of The Almighty 3 Space Wizard 4 Plague Bearer 5 The Hierophant 6 Moth 7 Robbie's Song 8 A Riff Too...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Je T'arracherai Les Cieux 2 Ces Cicatrices Dans Mon âme 3 Mangez Ma Chair, Prenez Ma Douleur 4 La Croix de Mon Existence 5 Nouveau Cycle...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Sorcery 2 Eyes And Shadows 3 Asylum 4 Silent Gates 5 The Tormented Mind 6 Macabre 7 Where Ghosts Dwell 8 Departed Spirits 9 Land Of The...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Graves Upturned 2 Embrace Your Decaying Children And Weep 3 In A Dark Place With No Escape 4 Along Paths Where The Infected Lurk 5 Beneath...
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folk metal, FONO ltd
"From Afar" - новое творение финских фолк-металлистов ENSIFERUM, имеющих все основания позиционировать себя как один из ведущих коллективов в этом стиле. Уже с первых минут альбома становится ясно, что фирменное звучание этих бодрых парней окончательно сформировалось. Грамотная смесь из power и melodic death metal, сдобренная эпическими и атмосферными фолковыми мелодиями и настроениями усладит слух каждого слушателя, неравнодушного к таким группам как Equilibrium, Mooonsorrow и Eluveitie, а красочно оформленный буклет с таинственной лирикой позволит вдоволь насладиться тайнами финского фольклора. Продюссированием диска занимались Tero Kinnunen [NIGHTWISH, AMORPHIS] и Janne Joutsenniemi [который так же продюссировал предыдущий альбом "Victory Songs"], а сведение осуществил Hiili Hiilesmaa [HIM, SENTENCED, AMORPHIS].
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folk metal, FONO ltd
ENSIFERUM - одна из самых известных современных folk metal команд, сформированная в 1992 году в Хельсинки (Финляндия). Будучи под крылом финского лейбла Spinefarm Records ENSIFERUM выпустили несколько дэмок и синглов, EP, а также 5 полноформатных альбомов и концертный DVD. "One Man Army" - шестой полноформатный альбом финнов, ставший первым для каталога американского лейбла Metal Blade Records, заключившего с группой контракт прямо во время их тура по США в 2013-ом году. Продюсировать "One Man Army" взялся Ансси Киппо, продюсер и владелец "Astia Studio", известный не только работой над ставшими классикой альбомами CHILDREN OF BODOM и NORTHER, но и лояльностью и приветливостью к русским музыкантам. Данное издание включает в себя 4 бонус-трека. Помимо стандартного jewel box издания доступен вариант лимитированного 6-панельного глянцевого диджипака.
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epic folk metal, FONO ltd
ENSIFERUM - одна из самых известных современных folk metal команд, сформированная в 1992 году в Хельсинки (Финляндия). Будучи под крылом финского лейбла Spinefarm Records ENSIFERUM выпустили несколько дэмок и синглов, EP, а также 5 полноформатных альбомов и концертный DVD. Позже группа сменила издающий лэйбл на Metal Blade Records, выпустив альбом "One Man Army" (2015), где и остается на сегодняшний день. "Two Paths" - седьмой полноформатный альбом ENSIFERUM, релиз которого состоялся в середине сентября 2017-го на лэйбле Metal Blade Records. Продюсировать "Two Paths" вновь взялся Ансси Киппо (продюсер и владелец "Astia Studio", известный не только работой над ставшими классикой альбомами CHILDREN OF BODOM и NORTHER, но и лояльностью и приветливостью к русским музыкантам), уже работавший над предыдущим полноформатником ENSIFERUM "One Man Army" (2015). Released in a jewel case, a 16-page booklet.
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epic folk metal, FONO ltd
"Victory Songs" was recorded and mixed at Sonic Pump Studios in November/December 2006. Additional vocals were recorded at Crazy Crane Studios on 2006/12/09.
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post-apocalyptic norwegian black
Tracklist: 1 Earth Left Behind 5:10 2 Death Immaculate 4:47 3 Inject Hate 5:21 4 Subterranean Movement 4:46 5 Our Justice Be Done 9:44 6 To The Bone 6:35 7...
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$7.00 $4.00
funeral doom / black metal, Silent Time Noise
Tracklist: 1 Shadows Over Carpathian Forest 3:01 2 Vampire Killer: Belmont's Legacy 11:14 Grim Symphony Of The Night 12:52 4 Among The Ruins Of Vlad's...
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depressive black metal, Dusktone
Enthroning Silence is one of the oldest depressive and melancholic black metal band from north of Italy featuring ex members of Mortuary Drape, Bhopal, Eroded, Voids of Vomit. Enthroning Silence’ first 2002 album, ‘Unnamed Quintesence Of Grimness’ was released by cult german label Sombre Rec. Painiac Records put out the follow up, ‘A Dream Of Nightskies’, as a limited run of 500 copies in 2004. The following year Total Holocaust Records issued a CD format, restricted to 1000 copies. In 2013 after a long 9/year silence the band finally presented a brand new album featuring completely unreleased six desolate tracks composed and arranged during the past ten years. “Throned upon ashes of dusk” is about oppression and negativity, it’s a mournful, cruel and nihilistic opus bringing the listener to one of the most hypnotic audio experience of the modern black metal spectrum.
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$6.00 $3.20
symphonic black metal, More Hate Productions
The debut album by symphonic black metal experts from Lublin, Poland, recorded between 2007-2008 and released specially for Russia and CIS! Diverse and precise material, gracefully balancing on the edge of pretentious symphonic melodic black a-la Dimmu Borgir and multilayered composition and gothicity of Cradle of Filth, combined with brutal power typical of Polish black metal stage! Excellent sound engineering and killer-artwork!
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death metal, FONO ltd
ENTRAILS - death metal банда, сформированная в начале 90-ых на юге Швеции. Заслушиваясь DISMEMBER, GRAVE и конечно ENTOMBED, ENTRAILS сразу определились с будущим звучанием и начали активно репетировать. К сожалению, все попытки записать демо так и не увенчались успехом, и через несколько лет группа впала в спячку. В 2008 году ENTRAILS окончательно реформировались, укомплектовали концертный состав, и после пары демо-записей выпустили 2 альбома (2010' "Tales From The Morgue" и 2011' "The Tomb Awaits") на немецком лейбле FDA Rekotz. Шведов приметил лейбл Metal Blade Records, результатом чего стали альбомы "Raging Death" (2013), "Obliteration" (2015), "World Inferno" (2017) и ремастированная компиляция демок "Resurrected from the Grave" (2014). "Rise of the Reaper" - шестой полноформатный альбом шведов, вышедший 11-го октября 2019-го на Metal Blade Records. Сведением и мастерингом "Rise of the Reaper" (как и предыдущих студийных работ ENTRAILS) занимался легендарный Дан Сванё (BLOODBATH, EDGE OF SANITY, NIGHTINGALE) в студии Unisound. Оформление и обложку к альбому сделал Marc Niederhagemann (гитарист/вокалист немецкой death metal группы LIFELESS), работавший с MASTER, ENDSEEKER, ARTILLERY).
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$6.00 $3.20
gothic metal, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 2/4/943 0:05 2 Bitter Sweet 2:41 3 Someone To Blame 3:12 4 Bleeding For The Cure 3:12 5 Still Remains 3:54 6 Frozen By The Sun 3:13 7 Six Feet...
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$6.00 $3.60
gothic metal, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Soul Sacrifice 2 Strife 3 Dying Moan 4 Beautifully Confined 5 Lost In My Denial 6 Greed Of Mankind 7 Dead In Silence 8 Hollow 9 Caught...
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death metal
Tracklist: 1 Feathers Under My Skin 07:05 2 Tracing The Path Of Blood 07:23 3 When Mind Escapes Flesh 07:51 4 Within This Soil 06:52 5 Those Gates To...
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symphonic metal
Tracklist: 1 Вступление - Intro 2:56 2 Часы Повёрнуты Назад - Hours Comes Backward 7:41 3 Гиена - Hyaena 5:32 4 Агрессор - Agressor 3:58 5 Единственный...
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$6.00 $3.20
symphonic progressive metal, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 The Author And The Architect 5:45 2 Behind The Chapel Walls 5:45 3 Lithograph 5:42 4 The Burden Of Eternity 6:16 5 Illumination 5:43 6 Dividing...
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avantgarde / black metal / prog rock
Tracklist: 1 Time's Vomiting Mouth 2 Finisterre 3 Witch 4 Candelaria 5 Grey Ceiling 6 Gown Of Yellow Stars
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$10.00 $7.00
doom death metal
Pressed in 4-page booklet uncoated papper C&P Chaos Records 2017 |
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doom death metal, Aesthetic Death
Wonderful debut from French cavernous death metal act - EPITAPHE Claustrophobic, oppressive, doom-tinged death metal As heavy as Dead Congregation, Blood Incantation, Portal, Incantation, Chaos Echoes and suchlike. 3 panel Digipak
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ambient / post-black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Epitimia's new double-album "(Un)reality" is a culmination of over a year's hard work for the Saint-Petersburg based band which has been working on an expansive and ambitious follow-up to their last album "Faces of Insanity" released in the summer of 2012. "(Un)reality" includes lots of new innovations and interesting ideas on both the musical and conceptual sides and could easily be considered their most accomplished effort to date. Tortured black metal screams alongside a progressive and experimental cacophony of sounds combine to create a truly memorable and complex album taking various elements from many genres including post-rock, black metal, blackgaze, ambient, and jazz to create the sonic palette for this conceptual story. Female vocalist “M.” is also present on the album once again as well as very interesting session work from the saxophonist D’arcy Molan (from the debut Subterranean Disposition album) whose contributions appears throughout the album. Released in a deluxe 6 panel digipack with an additional 12 page booklet and augmented with artwork from Mayhem Design in Russia, this is certainly Epitimia’s magnum opus! “(Un)reality is like limbo, the world where the hero lingers. His day life here is infinite and artificial, but his dreams fill his mind with bright new images, odd flashbacks, and the reminiscence of his other lives. These visions are the keys to understanding what is happening to him, and may be the only chance to escape. “Delusion” contains the dark images of objective reality while “Illusions” is a moment in which all his dreams merge: hope, love and as the most important – the desire for truth, by which he will be free forever.”
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depressive black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
A three-piece atmospheric Black Metal, post-rock band from Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Epitimia's 'Faces of Insanity' album is the band's third full-length album and the first on Hypnotic Dirge Records. Combining an intriguing blend of atmospheric post-rock,and depressive black metal, this is a truly well-written, unique and innovative album which definitely sees a strong progression from past Epitimia albums. Throughout the album, the songwriting shows a band with a strong capability for providing heavy doom, experimental ambience, raw black metal catchiness, and a deep melancholy which plods along with purpose throughout the album's duration.Overall, this is definitely a powerful and memorable album which should be enjoyed by all those who enjoy experimental, post-rock laden black metal, especially the stuff coming out of the european european and russian scenes lately. The album comes with an 8 page booklet with Russian lyrics.
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melodic black / death metal
Tracklist: 1 The Continuum Hypothesis 4:45 2 Under Starside Skies 4:09 3 Argentum Era Secui Duos 5:38 4 Cardinality 3:33 5 Highgate 6:19 6 The End Of All...
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progressive power metal, FONO ltd
EPYSODE - power/progressive metal проект под руководством бельгийца Сэмуэля Аркана (VIRUS IV), начавший свой путь в 2011 году. Дебютный альбом "Obsessions" вышел на лейбле AFM Records, в котором приняло участие большое количество приглашенных музыкантов, а сам альбом получил хорошие оценки и был неплохо оценен критиками. "Phantasmagoria" - второй альбом EPYSODE, где также не обошлось без внушительного состава участников - Tom S. Englund (EVERGREY), Henning Basse (ex-METALIUM, ex-SONS OF SEASONS, MAYAN), Ida Haukland (TRIOSPHERE), Matt Marinelli (BOREALIS), Mike LePond (SYMPHONY X), Léo Margarit (PAIN OF SALVATION), Simone Mularoni (DGM) и ещё ряд других, не менее известных музыкантов. Запись альбома продлилась почти полгода, а сведением и мастерингом "Phantasmagoria" занимался Jacob Hansen (VOLBEAT, PRETTY MAIDS, AMARANTHE).
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$6.00 $4.00
folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Сон Вратиаса (Vratyas' Dream) 2 Lux Borealis 3 Зов Северного Ветра (Northern Wind's Call) 4 Песня Сольвейг (Solveigs Sang) 5 Beyond the...
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$6.00 $4.00
folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Исток 2 Неман 3 Литавор 4 Blitzhexen 5 Огонь, Иди СО Мной (Энни) 6 Свитезь 7 Аккерманские Степи 8 Могила Потоцкой 9 Звездопад 10...
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folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Digipack version
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Raise The Furious Hunt 2 Break Their Bones 3 Pride Of Satan 4 Iron Forest 5 Thanatotic Twilight 6 Death To All 7 Doctrines...
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Tracklist: 1 Ashes And Sinners 2 Another Day 3 No More Life 4 I Can't Believe In Nothing 5 My Mirror 6 Ripped Inside 7 Lover 8 Demons 9 Always...
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gothic metal
Tracklist: 1 Sideremesis 10:45 2 Backup 1011 4:39 3 E-Creed 5:36 4 Pink Circuit Fimware 2.0.15 5:15
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melodic death black metal
Tracklist: 1 Blessed By Fire 2 Bastards Condemnation 3 Incarnated Horror 4 For The Eternity Of Sin 5 Ancestral Blood
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grim & raw black
Tracklist: 1 Intro - Kur - Nu - Gi - A 2 The Gods Fate 3 Moonspell 4 Anciets Summoning 5 Darkness Decends 6 As Darkness Fall 7 Under The Black Forest...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Geheiß Der Schlange 2 Frucht Des Verderbens 3 Glutorden 4 Vom Blutritus Des Seuchenfestes 5 Ewige Mauern 6 Tempelmarsch II 7 Tempel Des...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Vom Eintritt In Die Eisenwälder 2 Traum Der Toten Sonnen 3 Vom Irrlauf In Den Eisenwäldern 4 Fragmente Einer Wahrnehmung 5 Vom Verlust Der...
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thrash metal, More Hate Productions
More Hate productions proudly presents the album of metal maniacs from Volgograd. All tracks are saturated withmasculinity in the best sense of the word. It is a pure metal – straightforward, honest, full hearted and without even a slightest bit of acquiescence. “Killing for Escape” embodies the best ideas generated by the band over the years: furious and mighty thrash metal, modern wave of recent years, a tiny bit of groove and some hardcore. Such a wide palette contributes to ingenuity of the band. Although the influence of such bands like NEVERMORE (the coolest multilayered riffery), SLAYER (infernal delivery), LAMB OF GOD (groove, more groove and yet more GROOVE!) is evident, the final product is fierce as Hell. This release is a must have for every self-respecting headbanger! The lyrics have no general concept: each song is a separate story about acute social problems (‘Killing for Escape’, ‘Lost’, ‘Za Gorizont’), futuristic (‘Kings of Nothing Life’), mystical (‘Final Prayer’) and war-historical (‘Dead Man Attack’) issues. Broadly speaking the songs are from the people and about people.
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 The Gates To Spiritual Death 2 Obscure Facing 3 The Wreckage Of Faith 4 Poisoned Flesh 5 ...Of Rape And Funerals 6 ...Of Sickness And...
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$6.00 $3.00
melodic black metal
Tracklist: 1 The Raven 6:43 2 Blood On The Snow 6:24 3 Cathedral Of The Lost Souls 9:30 4 Bloodline 7:15 5 Through The Pain 7:35 6 Dievarication 10:02 7...
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alternative rock
Tracklist: 1 Invant Vansinne 3:16 2 Vargar & Får 4:15 3 Narkotiska Känslor 3:57 4 Region Skåne 2:50 5 Till Dig (När Jag Försvinner) 5:08 6 Skillnader 3:30 7...
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funeral doom metal, Season Of Mist
Funeral Doom titans ESOTERIC return with the monolithic ‘A Pyrrhic Existence,’ the collective’s first new album in eight years. Their undeniable power and time-warping arrangements are unparalleled even by doom metal standards, taking on an almost psychedelic hue at times here. As each of the six songs in this 2CD set roar to life, including the 27+ minute epic "Descent," the gravity swallows’ listeners up as they are pulled into their depths. ESOTERIC are, quite literally, one of metal’s heaviest bands, and the somber ‘A Pyrrhic Existence’ is further proof of their mastery.
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funeral doom metal, Season Of Mist
Recorded during May/June 2011. 2021 remaster by Greg Chandler.
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 La Fin D'Un Regne 2 Le Pourrissement De Vos Chairs 3 Per Ignis Peribunt 4 Beyond The Gate 5 Sigh 6 Damn The World 7 Exceprion Lies
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doom death, Solitude Productions
SolitudeProductions presents the second full-lengthalbum of the Czech group Et Moriemur "Ex Nihilo". Traditionallymelodic doom death metal by Et Moriemur acquiresnew strength with thoughtful productionand high-quality sound.Typical style elements manifested by pianopassages interwoven with strings and keyboards, are combined with creative nature ofthe musicians leading thelistener from light into darkness,from solemn to sad mood. Exemplary materialfrom an interesting team is another chanceto look at the doom death metal from the different side.
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Tiempos De Òbito 4:31 2 Ser La Muerte 4:18 3 Poseído Por Verdadera Ira 3:46 4 Odio Antihumano 4:06 5 Abandono Absoluto 5:09 6 Final Alcanzado...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Death's Overture 2 Lord Of Chaos 3 The Black Flame Spirit 4 Throne Of Hate 5 Pentagram 6 Serpents Empire 7 Rise Blasphemer 8 Dark God Of...
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sympho-black / gothic metal, FONO ltd
ETERNAL SAMHAIN - итальянская sympho-black/gothic metal группа, сформированная в 2006-ом году. В 2011 у ETERNAL SAMHAIN выходит дебютное EP "Obscuritatis Principium, Proxima Est Omnibus Damnatio", получивший неплохие отзывы в прессе. Из-за частой смены состава, дебютный альбом вышел спустя пять лет на лейбле RNC Music. "Storyteller Of The Sunset And The Dawn" - первый полноформатный альбом ETERNAL SAMHAIN, запись которого проходила в итальянской студии Orange Studios.
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Deirotic 5:25 2 The Invisible Strikers 4:45 3 Nocturnity 5:05 4 Between The Unseen 5:45
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$6.00 $3.00
true black metal
Tracklist: 1 Biblical Inhumanity 4:10 2 In The Name Of Lucifer 5:04 3 Vengeance 4:36 4 Ominous Truths 1:29 5 Eternal Sin 5:19 6 Unholy Rites 4:37 7 Our...
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$6.00 $3.60
death metal
Tracklist: 1 Encased In Hate 2 Obey 3 Let The Humans Die 4 Centuries Of Suffering 5 Descent Into Madness
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stoner doom metal
"This is one of the most tripped-out albums released in recent years and you will feel like you are on a psychoactive drug while listening to 'Shaman's Visions' as the music really does alter your cognition and perception of everything around you. 'Shaman's Visions' is a début album of the year so far in my opinion, essential listening." - Ed, "This is a package everyone can love, a 30-minute stoner/doom epic divided into 5 parts, each with an equally great taste. Get this now!" Robin, "It's hard for me to pick up one song over another, as everything on this release is worthy of praise; each one will make you want to light a fat blunt and some strong incense to start meditating and worshipping whatever High Power(s) you believe in." Laurent Lignon, "This album is beyond excellent. It's got Southern riffs, doom elements, stoner elements.. It's all in one blistering package." Cheeto,
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Approaching The Castle By Night 2 Le Plesaunz En Marys 3 An Elizabethan Fantasy 4 The Return Of The Great Mere 5 A Midsummer Night's Dream...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Nocturnal Illusions 3:26 2 Landscapes From The Past 4:51 3 Moonlit Forests 3:16 4 The Walk Into Darkness 3:47 5 The Eternal Battle 4:00 6...
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power metal, FONO ltd
ETHERNITY - бельгийская melodic progressive metal группа с женским вокалом, сформированная в 2000-ом году. В дискографии ETHERNITY пара синглов, EP и два полноформатных альбома: "The Journey" (2006) и "Obscure Illusions" (2015). "The Human Race Extinction" - третий полноформатный альбом ETHERNITY, релиз которого состоялся 14-го сентября на AFM Records. Продюсировал альбом гитарист DGM и владелец Domination Studio итальянец Simone Mularoni, работавший над альбомами ELVENKING, ELDRITCH, NECRODEATH, а также над предыдущим полноформатником ETHERNITY "Obscure Illusions" (2015).
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$6.00 $4.00
blackened doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Och Ljuset Och Mörkret 2 Längst Ner I Träsken Av Tartar 3 Förbannelse Av Våra Förfäder 4 Inhrian Dod 5 Kall Vinter 6 Harts Gammal Gran 7...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Burn in Etermity 5:00 2 Endless Oblivion 5:01 3 Time of the End 5:27 4 Christian Worms 5:23
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post-black metal, Cold Dimensions
Digipak. Comes with a 12-page booklet. Ending theme on tack 5, Portraits, by Peter Honsalek.
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gothic doom folk metal
Tracks 1-4: Demo 1994 Tracks 5-11: V chrámu bezbolestných 1996 Tracks12-15: Nazí a mrtví 1997 Track 16: Live in Theatre 1998 Digipak + 8 pages booklet.
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melancholic metal
Tracklist: 1 Thoughts On Living 2 One Last Wish 3 Ceremony Of Innocents 4 Sun Of Steel 5 Ancient Echoes 6 Law For Burnt To Death 7 Shořel Jsi V Jejím...
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progressive power metal
Tracklist: 1 L'Alba Ci Rubò Il Silenzio 2 Apostasia Della Rovina 3 La Ronda Di Ossa 4 Oceano 5 Terra 6 Gravatum 7 Pittori Del Fulgido Astratto
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melodic death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The third album by the leaders of the Spanish doom death metal scene Evadne. After the strong success of the previous album "The Shortest Way" (2012) supported by the mini-album "Dethroned Of Light" (2014), the musicians are back with their new full-length work. The impeccable accuracy of the compositions together with the musicians skill give rise to an attractive melodic, atmospheric, soul-touching material. Heavy guitars, keyboards, and growl performance in combination with parties of pure vocals, make the music of Evadne diverse, emotional and fascinating. Listening to "A Mother Named Death" forces you to uncover your feelings every time.
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melodic death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The third album by the leaders of the Spanish doom death metal scene Evadne. After the strong success of the previous album "The Shortest Way" (2012) supported by the mini-album "Dethroned Of Light" (2014), the musicians are back with their new full-length work. The impeccable accuracy of the compositions together with the musicians skill give rise to an attractive melodic, atmospheric, soul-touching material. Heavy guitars, keyboards, and growl performance in combination with parties of pure vocals, make the music of Evadne diverse, emotional and fascinating. Listening to "A Mother Named Death" forces you to uncover your feelings every time. Limited edition of the album comes as a beautifully designed six-panel digipack with a booklet; the gold-coated disc is decorated by partial lacquer.
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atmospheric doom death metal, Solitude Productions
Spanish masters of atmospheric doom death metal EVADNE are back with a new full-length album that marks a milestone in their musical activity. This is the most elaborate work of the band to date, with many emotions engrained. EVADNE's music has become even deeper and more sophisticated and, despite its genre; it exists out of time, combining the heaviness of metal and the transparency of symphony. It has everything to express emotions. And night falls here, and in the depths of shadows the pale glow of fireflies is born. Carlin van Ross (Remembrance, Lethian Dreams, Aythis) and Jaani Peuhu (Iconcrash, worked with Before The Dawn, Swallow The Sun, To / Die / For, Thunderstone, etc.) took part in the album recording. Svante Forsbäck (Rammstein, Entombed, Candlemass, 69 Eyes, etc.) from Chartmakers West studio was in charge of the sound on the album, and it is truly amazing! The album comes as a four-panel digipack with a twelve-page booklet. The visual part is represented by photos by Russian photographer Natalia Drepina, a psychologist of dark nature and deep images that make you to comprehend the surrounding reality and explore your inner world.
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melodic death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The second album of Spanish musicians reinvents the band to the listeners fully discovering their talent and skills. This time Evadne presents perfect in all senses album in death doom style. Magically attractive, rigid, but melodic material will suit the most demanding taste of a modern death doom metal fan. Diversity of guitars varying from powerful atmospheric riffs to sensual solo fused with combination of growl and clean male vocals strengthened by perfectly mastered sound can finally make «The Shortest Way» to become one of the best albums of 2012. Mixed and mastered by Dan Swano (Novembers Doom, Edge of Sanity, Bloodbath), who also performed some vocal parts on the album.
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epic doom metal, Nine Records
Recorded, mixed and mastered at JRStudio by Jacek "Racek" Gruszka Artwork drawing was created by Diego Spezzoni Illustration & Design and cover layout and packaging design were handled by Xaay
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gothic metal
Tracklist: 1 Infected 4:02 2 Away 4:09 3 Limelight 4:33 4 Love Will Tear Us Apart 3:19 5 Breakaway 3:54 6 I Do 3:50 7 About You 3:40 8 Misbecoming 4:46 9...
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gothic doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Cosmic Empire 2 Mother Of All Beings (The Self-Begotten Deity) 3 Aeons Of Blissful Ignorance 4 From The Flames Of Eternal Fury 5 The First...
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$6.00 $3.60
hardcore / metalcore, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Enemy Sex 2 Almost Home (III) 3 God Rocky Is This Your Face? 4 We're Always Losing Blood 5 Sending Signals 6 Mario Speedwagon 7 Failure...
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$6.00 $3.60
hardcore / metalcore, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Bad Energy Troll 2 High Tide Or No Tide 3 Wolfbiker 4 Chaney Can't Quite Riff Like Helmet's Page Hamilton 5 Where There Is Fire We Will...
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progressive metal, FONO ltd
EVERGREY - шведская progressive metal группа, взявшая свой старт в 1995 году. За двадцать лет существования шведы записали и выпустили одиннадцать полноформатных альбомов, ряд синглов и видеоклипов, а также концертный CD/DVD "A Night To Remember". Лирика EVERGREY затрагивает не только темные стороны подсознания, но и насущные темы, вроде вопросов религии или насилия над детьми. "Escape of the Phoenix" - двенадцатый полноформатный альбом EVERGREY, вышедший 26-го февраля 2021-го на AFM Records. С продюсированием вновь помогал Jacob Hansen, работавший с альбомами групп MERCENARY, PRETTY MAIDS, VOLBEAT и многих других, а также над предыдущими релизами EVERGREY. Артворком для "Escape of the Phoenix" занимался Giannis Nakos, делавший оформление для PYRAMAZE, ACID DEATH и BLOOD RED THRONE. Релиз содержит одиннадцать треков и выпущен в формате CD с 16-страничным буклетом
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progressive metal, FONO ltd
EVERGREY - шведская progressive metal группа, взявшая свой старт в 1995 году. За двадцать лет существования шведы записали и выпустили одиннадцать полноформатных альбомов, ряд синглов и видеоклипов, а также концертный CD/DVD "A Night To Remember". Лирика EVERGREY затрагивает не только темные стороны подсознания, но и насущные темы, вроде вопросов религии или насилия над детьми. "Glorious Collision" - восьмой полноформатный альбом шведов, вышедший на Steamhammer 25-го февраля 2011-го. Данное переиздание (вышедшее 28-го августа 2020-го на AFM Records) является полностью ремастированным, содержит 20-страничный буклет и дополнено бонус-треками. За ремастеринг отвечал Jacob Hansen, работавший с AMARANTHE, MERCENARY, COMMUNIC, а также над последними альбомами EVERGREY "The Storm Within" (2016) и "The Atlantic" (2019). jewel case with 20-page booklet
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progressive metal, FONO ltd
EVERGREY - шведская progressive metal группа, взявшая свой старт в 1995 году. За 20 лет существования шведы записали и выпустили 10 полноформатных альбомов, ряд синглов и видеоклипов, а также концертный CD/DVD "A Night To Remember". Лирика EVERGREY затрагивает не только темные стороны подсознания, но и насущные темы, вроде вопросов религии или насилия над детьми. "Monday Morning Apocalypse" - шестой полноформатный альбом шведов, вышедший на InsideOut Music 27-го марта 2006-го. Данное переиздание (вышедшее 26-го июля 2019-го на AFM Records) является полностью ремастированным, содержит 16-страничный буклет и дополнено бонус-треком. За ремастеринг отвечал Jacob Hansen, работавший с AMARANTHE, MERCENARY, COMMUNIC а также над последним альбомом EVERGREY "The Storm Within" (2016).
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progressive / power metal, FONO ltd
EVERGREY - шведская progressive metal группа, взявшая свой старт в 1995 году. За 20 лет существования шведы записали и выпустили 10 полноформатных альбомов, ряд синглов и видеоклипов, а также концертный CD/DVD "A Night To Remember". Лирика EVERGREY затрагивает не только темные стороны подсознания, но и насущные темы, вроде вопросов религии или насилия над детьми. "Recreation Day" - четвертый полноформатный альбом шведов, вышедший на InsideOut Music 11 марта 2003-го. Данное переиздание (вышедшее 14-го сентября 2018-го на AFM Records) является полностью ремастированным, содержит расширенный 24-страничный буклет и дополнено бонус-треками. За ремастеринг отвечал Jacob Hansen, работавший с AMARANTHE, MERCENARY, COMMUNIC а также над последним альбомом EVERGREY "The Storm Within" (2016). Classic album remastered by Jacob Hansen. CD jewel box, 24-page booklet
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progressive metal, FONO ltd
EVERGREY - шведская progressive metal группа, взявшая свой старт в 1995 году. За 20 лет существования шведы записали и выпустили 10 полноформатных альбомов, ряд синглов и видеоклипов, а также концертный CD/DVD "A Night To Remember". Лирика EVERGREY затрагивает не только темные стороны подсознания, но и насущные темы, вроде вопросов религии или насилия над детьми. "The Atlantic" - одиннадцатый полноформатный альбом шведов, вышедший 25-го января на AFM Records. "The Atlantic" является заключительной частью концептуальной трилогии, начатой группой на предыдущих пластинках "The Storm Within" (2016) и "Hymns for the Broken" (2014). Запись альбома проходила с июня по октябрь 2018-го в нескольких студиях, сведением занимался именитый датский продюсер Jacob Hansen, работавший с альбомами групп MERCENARY, PRETTY MAIDS, VOLBEAT и многих других, а также над предыдущими релизами EVERGREY. Релиз выпущен в формате CD c 16-страничным буклетом, часть тиража выполнена в виде 6-панельного диджипака. Limited first press 300 copies packaged in a 6-panel digipak, a 16-page booklet.
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progressive / power metal, FONO ltd
EVERGREY - шведская progressive metal группа, взявшая свой старт в 1995 году. За 20 лет существования шведы записали и выпустили 9 полноформатных альбомов, ряд синглов и видеоклипов, а также концертный CD/DVD "A Night To Remember". Лирика EVERGREY затрагивает не только темные стороны подсознания, но и насущные темы, вроде вопросов религии или насилия над детьми. "The Storm Within" - десятый полноформатный альбом шведов, вышедший 9 сентября на AFM Records. Запись альбома проходила с августа 2015-го по март 2016-го в четырех разных студиях, сведением занимался именитый датский продюсер Jacob Hansen, работавший с альбомами групп MERCENARY, PRETTY MAIDS, VOLBEAT и многих других, а также над предыдущим релизом EVERGREY "Hymns for the Broken" (2014). В качестве гостей на альбоме отметилась жена фронтмена Тома Энглунда Карина, регулярно участвующая в записи альбомов EVERGREY, а также Флор Янсен (REVAMP, ex-AFTER FOREVER), нынешняя вокалистка NIGHTWISH, спевшая в песнях "In Orbit" и "Disconnect". Данное издание включает 24-страничный буклет и один бонус-трек. Released in a jewel case, a 24-page booklet.
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$8.00 $6.00
funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
The full-length album from Russian funeral doom metal band Everlasting combines a wide variety of emotional tones. Renounced character of suppressing guitars is accompanied by sensual and touching keyboards and solo guitar parties. One of the unique band features is the absence of bass section. «March Of Time» is an ode to inexorability of time, to triumph of inviolability of the course of history. Each song has its own mood, replenishing the previous one and continuing its idea, as the main lyrics theme is philosophic thoughts about aims, personal choice and human mission.Plunge into raw funeral music in the vein of Mournful Congregation and, especially, Thergothon.
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melancholic post doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Succuba 2 Scales Of Death 3 Return To Darkness 4 The Farewell 5 Oraculum 6 Vampiria 7 Tears Of Heaven 8 Gleam Of Hope
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melodic death metal
Tracklist: 1 День За Днём 2 Сердце (Каждому - Своё) 3 Двойник 4 Роза Ветров (Джонатан) 5 Книга Судьбы 6 Там (Где Всё Будет Иначе) 7 Нет Пощады 8...
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melodic death metal
Tracklist: 1 Бесов Час 3:54 2 Один Закон 3:37 3 Я Ухожу 3:50 4 Прости Мне Всё 4:43 5 Мечта 0:55 6 Убей 3:44 7 Забудь Себя 4:44 8 И Кто Теперь? 3:23 9 В...
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technical power thrash metal
Tracklist: Act I: Strangers In A Strange Land 1 X.E.N.O.S. 6:57 Act II: Inner Struggle 2 Wings Ov Tears 6:13 3 In The Shadow Of The Rose 5:41 Act...
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technical power thrash metal
Tracklist: 1 Flagellum Dei 3:25 2 Fire Walk With Me 5:11 3 Chaosborn 5:26 4 We Will Prevail 4:02 5 Crown Of Nails 5:47 6 Beneath An Atomic Sun 4:24 7...
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$6.00 $4.00
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Cold Inception 3:21 2 Stirred Ambiance 3:39 3 Elemental Synergy 4:30 4 Atrae Materiae Monumentum 4:21
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$7.00 $4.00
Tracklist: 1 Монолог Ассоль 1 0:37 2 Пролог 3:18 3 Блюз 2:45 4 Пэтэушная Любовь 2:04 5 Продажные Писаки (Монолог Н.П.) 1:02 6 На Митинг 2:53 7 Первый...
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Записано на студии Добролет. (C)2001, Евгений Фёдоров (Р)2001, Фирма грамзаписи Фили
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black metal
Tracklist: 01 Prelude To Subjugation (The Strength Of Our Horor & Steel) 1:12 02 Ave Lucifer 5:21 03 Where Mediocrity Perishes 5:40 04 Lust To The Satan's...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro / Contact Point 2 Forged In Fire 3 Drawn By Moonlight 4 Polarity 5 The Shadow Out Of Time 6 Self-inflicting 7 All Creation
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black death metal
Tracklist: 1 Drama And Evolution 4:38 2 Beyond The Trees Of The Sacred Forest 3:03 3 Lacus Somniorum 3:16 4 Letheus Nocturnus 5:56 5 Omeyocan Conjure 3:31 6...
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death doom metal, Terror From Hell Records
Tracklist: 1 Intro (Him The Almighty Power) 2 Grey Ashes Of The Reptile 3 Eve Of The Beholder 4 Let The Dragon Be My Guide 5 Reino Sangrento 6 Push...
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death black metal
Tracklist: 1 In The Arms Of Ixtab 2 Dead Peace 3 Subhuman 4 Storm Of Annihilation 5 Paradise Of Synthetic Souls 6 Oath Of Apostasy 7 Symmetrical...
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psychedelic doom / sludge metal
Tracklist: 1 Awake 8:15 2 Cabeza De Vaca 8:23 3 The Path Must Be Walked 11:50
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$8.00 $5.00
psychedelic doom metal, Solitude Productions
The third album of the Siberian band. Once again, the musicians bring to the audience their distinctive doom metal, whose features were established on their previous album «Drunken Tales». The components of success of Evoke Thy Lords remain the same: groovy guitars and hypnotic flute delivered in a psychedelic way. However, now the music contains even more space, trance and, of course, more mushrooms!
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$8.00 $6.00
psychedelic doom metal, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions proudly presents the second full-length album of Evoke Thy Lords released after the long pause in group activity. This time the Siberian musicians dramatically change their sound and style positioning themselves among the most interesting and original bands of the Russian doom metal scene. The renovated Evoke Thy Lords include solid guitar sound, powerful groove base and meditative trance dressed with hypnotic flute sounds. Filled with extra heavy riffs and psychedelic elements “Drunken Tales” is undoubtedly an event in stoner doom metal. The bonus track “Cause Follows Effect” finalizes the album giving the end to the space walk.
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gothic doom metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Tracklist: 1 ~ ~ ~ 1:18 2 Towards Yuggoth 6:29 3 Coming From Beyond 4:03 4 ~ ~ ~ 0:26 5 The Awakening Of The Sleeping One 4:51 6 ~ ~ ~ 0:53 7 Daemonolatry...
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$8.00 $6.00
psychedelic doom metal, Solitude Productions
The new full-length album by Evoke Thy Lords, the key representatives of the Siberian doom scene. Each work of Siberians differs in one way or another from the previous one preserving, however, well-recognized features of the band: a powerful, tightening groove and the sounds of flute amplifying the hypnotic effect. The "Lifestories" evolves into psychedelic doom metal from adjacent styles demonstrating original interpretation of life stories and a unique view of the musical genre.
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funeral death doom metal, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions proudly presents a long awaited re-release of Evoken"s album "Embrace the Emptiness", which has already become a cult one. This is the first full-length album of the band, which was previously released in 1998 by the American label Elegy Records with limited edition. So that"s why some time later it became an object of searching of all doom-metal fans all over the world. And now everyone has an opportunity to buy this album, published on "Gold CD" with a completely new exclusive design.
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