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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
dark death doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The new album by Vladimir Andreev known by his main band, Revelations of Rain. Due to some reasons he has changed the name of the band from On The Edge Of The Netherrealm to My Indifference To Silence, however, he continued the development of ideas being started at the debut album. The album presents death/doom metal with a touch of dark metal close to music of Daylight Dies and Novembre. «Horizon Of My Heaven» is a harmonic combination of harsh metal with lyric component featuring solid sound and rich arrangements.
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466.67 Р 266.67 Р
sludge doom metal, Solitude Productions
Rerelease of the demo album from 2004 of one of the leading Dutch Sludge-Doom bands. Fanatics of this kind of music chose this as the best album by Heavy Lord. This demo has been mastered by Peter Kloos from the Void Studios and filled with a bonus track, giving the listeners one hour of aggressive, stoned, and ground shaking Sludge. Bonus track "Get Down There You Bitch" has been recorded for this rerelease only. The composition originally comes from year 2004 - The Holy Grail period. This track never made it on the album until now. Compared to other Heavy Lord albums, this one is a lot more raw and pure, but at the same time aggressive and uncompromised. The one thing that never changed during the years: unearthly energy and ultra heavy riffs. 100% analog recording.
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533.33 Р 266.67 Р
doom / post metal, Slow Burn Records
The first full-length album of Estonian duet Talbot attract attention by its originality: the although the music is played without a guitar, it features fine melodies and solid sound, while sound blast created by bass and drums can serve as a standard for other modern bands. Talbot music features elements of various music genres from post rock to traditional doom metal thus creating unique atmosphere and memorable sound. The CD as a digipak. Limited edition 500 copies.
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666.67 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
In the brand new full-length album by the lords of Brazilian funeral doom metal scene, HellLight, they have found the ultimate balance of atmospheric and melodic, most clearly expressing their vision of the genre and displaying all their typical and iconic sides, formed in the previous works. In the «Journey Through Endless Storms» the listeners meet the majestic keyboards combined with plangent dark guitars, solid growl shaded by clean male vocals inserts, and piercing guitar solos. All this means that the journey begins and it will be breathtaking!
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866.67 Р
depressive black metal, BadMoodMan Music
The fifth, conceptual album of the Ukranian band Raventale has without doubt become the most sophisticated, sensual and mature work of the band. «Bringer Of Heartsore» is also the most atmospheric one of all the works by the project of the talented musician Astaroth who succeeded to express nostalgic autumn mood and beauty of nature by means of verses of famous poet of Silver Age Alexander Blok which provided more depth to the album concept. The musical part, as always, features metamorphoses as the musician follows his rule to introduce changes to every following album. The compositions feature brilliant solo guitar parts associated with classical progressive rock and dramatic acoustic guitar instrumentals. The CD is issued as a limited edition digipack, and its booklet includes fragments of the canvases by greatest Russian painters of 19th century: I. Aivasovsky and I. Levitan delivering additional strokes to the mood of Raventale music.
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533.33 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The fourth full-length album from HellLight, one of the most interesting and distinctive bands from Brazil. During years of studio and concert work the musicians created their own sound and style evolving from classical funeral doom metal through doom death metal to traditional doom metal. «No God Above, No Devil Below» presents combination of two latter styles making itself attractive not only old band fans who will discover new sides of HellLight, but also for fans of doom in the vein of Tristitia and late Funeral (Norway). The music of HellLight is still epic and filled with tragic feelings, manifested mournful clean vocals, atmospheric keyboards and piercing guitar solos.
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
progressive death metal, BadMoodMan Music
The second long-awaited album by the Russian extreme band famous for its debut album as successors of early Opeth! Besides professional approach to songwriting, performance and perfect sound, this time the musicians demonstrate original ideas which became the own face of the band. Progressive death metal demonstrated at «Amphibious» is impressive, diverse and emotional in addition to intellectual refinement which is the essential feature of Alley. The album is strongly recommended to fans of early Opeth and Daylight Dies, as well as all fans of extreme metal music.
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
post metal, Slow Burn Records
Debut conceptual work by Italian band Whales And Aurora represents classical post metal. If you can imagine a mixture of melodic passages typical for ISIS, powerful guitar riffs in the vein of early Pelican and energetic vocals of Cult of Luna, you know what can be found at «The Shipwreck». Despite this fact, the music features some originality creating emotional landscapes in all seven tracks of the new album. The album is recorded at Raptor Studio and produced by Matteo “Ciube” Tabacco and Chris Dowhan from Planet Red Studios who also worked with Giant, Spitfire, Night Like These and The Black Dahlia Murder.
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
doom death, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions proudly presents a debut album by a young Russian band Restless Oblivion with a poetic title «Sands Of Time». Unbelievably atmospheric and melodic material in the frames of classical doom death metal does not mimic any famous bands or follow templates, this is the original music in the best traditions of the genre which make it attractive for the audience of this gloom music style. Seven full-length tracks not only discover themselves before the listeners, but inspire specific soul mood. Musicians of avant-garde doom death metal band Aglaomorpha took part in revision of keyboard parties and samples as well as in recording hidden tracks «Prologue» and «Epilogue» thus introducing ambient elements for deeper listener diving into unsteady sands of time.
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466.67 Р 266.67 Р
sludge doom metal, Solitude Productions
Sludge doom of the best quality from the Netherlands . Heavy Lord about themselves: "NO keyboards, NO female singers and NO violins and other bullshit this is ultra heavy doom from the underground. A fucking tribute to bands like Cathedral, Electric Wizard, Crowbar, Sleep and EyeHateGod".
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533.33 Р
melodic death doom, BadMoodMan Music
The debut album of the Russian band Wine From Tears is a result of years of travel. They became famous between the lovers of this genre for their participation in Russian doom metal festivals. "Through The Eyes Of A Mad" - a harmonic mixture of hard guitars and atmospheric keyboard parts, metal riffs and wonderful melodies, like the best sides of Saturnus, Swallow The Sun and Draconian.Recording and mixing of album made by professional studio SBS Records. Disc with a gold evaporation and a splendid design of layout from the painter of Revelations of Rain and Mose fits great and compliments the impression of the amazing music by this band.
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533.33 Р 400.00 Р
avantgarde doom death, Solitude Productions
The first LP album of this young Finnish doom death band, with a line-up consisting of musicians who have played in lot of projects and bands, performing music from heavy and power metal to black and death! This work of Astral Sleep draw apart the frames of doom and death metal, in the tradition of Unholy and Umbra Nihil. "Unawakening" is addressed not only to the listeners of the genre, but also to people who search for new music and fresh sensations.
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
sludge / post metal, Slow Burn Records
The second album by the Belgium band continues traditions of the debut album “The Long Now” being, however, more conceptual. Interlaced guitar passages create an inimitable atmosphere typical for post rock while sludge metal riffs do not allow to monotony to dominate. Episodic appearance of bugle and trumpet ensure new sound which is not common for post metal. The album is addressed to fans of Isis, Cult Of Luna, Mouth Of The Architect, Rosetta.
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600.00 Р
funeral death doom metal, Solitude Productions

The debut work by the group from Germany composed in the best traditions of funeral doom metal. This is not only the dark and ultra-heavy music enriched by delicious melodies contained in five long tracks, a unique impressive atmosphere is included together with a dense professional sound that bring Urza in line with the recognized apostles of the genre.

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666.67 Р
doom death metal, Solitude Productions
Russian doom-metal label Solitude Prod. presents its new, seventh release: re-release of a legendary album of a band from St.Petersburg - Painful Memories, timed to tenth anniversary since the moment of its creation. "Memorial To Suffering" is a live document that witnessed one of the greatest appearances on the Russian metal scene in the middle of 1990"s, at that time it was released on audio-cassettes with a limited circulation and was circulated by musicians themselves. Nowadays each doom-metal lover has an opportunity to fill his collection with this unique release in form of compact-disk with remastered material, specially created design, which includes archive photos. You can also find exclusive video material on the CD - a live record of the band that was never released before.
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
post metal, Slow Burn Records
The second full-length from the Russian band Osoka. The density of the devastating riffs, hypnotic drums, immersed in the enveloping atmosphere. This music will excite the blood in the veins and destroy the walls of an established universe. The band inspirations are Jesu, Khanate, Nadja, Halo.
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533.33 Р
gothic doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The six-years-long silence of the band interwoven with the threads of many listeners’ tedious waiting is now interrupted. Now you can listen to and enjoy the new creation of Amederia, the album titled «Unheard Prayers». A new look, a new sensation embodied in music are reflected in eight compositions which will stay and a bright flashes in your memory. Close your eyes to see the new colors painting the canvas, transforming it attracting your attention until the very last moment. Under inspiration by music your imagination will interweave the routine with the history and mythology of the forgotten ages. The album «Unheard Prayers», just like life itself, is made of deep metaphors and evident truth. Despite the long silence and troubles which the band had overcome Amederia kept attractiveness for the fans and their new album will allow to enjoy an outstanding Gothic Doom Metal filled with inexplicable charm.
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466.67 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The full-length album from Ukranian band Vin De Mia Trix which showed its potential through numerous gigs and self-released demo and mini-album, and gained interest from fans of dark music. Vin De Mia Trix are in artistic search for their own sound based on traditions of atmospheric doom death metal with introduction of funeral doom and dark metal, classical music and Eastern philosophy. Within «Once Hidden From Sight» every fan of dark music will find something for the soul!
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533.33 Р 400.00 Р
gothic metal / doom death, BadMoodMan Music
The second album from French band demonstrates musicians’ progress in composing and technical aspects. Melodic and, at the same time, heavy «Misbehaviour» is filled with beautiful guitar solos, passages to aerial acoustic interludes and clean vocals, and violin parts performed by guest professional artist. Dark beauty of this album will become a perfect present to every fan of sensual heavy music. Finally, high recording quality highlights every feature of Wedding In Hades music.
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533.33 Р
epic funeral doom, Solitude Productions
The fourth album of this mysterious band appeared as an unexpected postscript to the previously released trilogy. This new untitled work represented by a single monolith track has no musical and ideological connections to the trilogy; however, it presents further progress of Ea ideas. In this album you will find epic atmospheric funeral doom metal and unique Ea atmosphere highly evaluated by listeners and reviewers.
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600.00 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The sixth album by the German band embodies all the best features of Doomed. Diminishing death metal and progressive elements and slowing down the music, the band crafted an epic work filled mostly with melancholy rather than with fury typical for Doomed. Monumental doom death metal at this album demonstrates new colors shining with dark light. The record features again the invited musicians who added uniqueness to the album sound.
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600.00 Р 533.33 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions

The new full-length album by Majestic Downfall is, without a doubt, the strongest band's release to date. Sophisticated compositions, sound and concept: all these elements are perfectly combined to reflect the unique face of the group and its vision of the doom death metal style, which consists in a refined alloy of heaviness, atmosphere and melody. The music of despair, the music of pain. Too personal and too emotional to live it through every time, and too beautiful to be able to reject every new listening! Co-release with Weird Truth Productions.

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533.33 Р 466.67 Р
extreme funeral doom, Solitude Productions
The long awaited full length album from Siberian (Russia) funeral doom metal band Station Dysthymia rises this conservative genre to a higher level. Inheriting the album name from the «The Nine Billion Names of God» by Arthur C. Clarke this unpredictable album crafted in traditions of funeral doom inters the area of science fiction combining musical genre with fictional scientific theories. The musicians themselves treat the main idea of the album as perspective of human personal tragedy at the background of the tragedy of human society as a whole which tends to self-destruction. This is the band’s vision of the story of the World’s end: solid guitar sound combined with growl in different emotional tones draw the senses of mankind fallen into apathy and drifting towards self-destruction. The dark soundscapes were created with help of Greg Chandler from Esoteric who performed mastering at his studio in UK, M. Hater and I. Stellarghost from Abstract Spirit appeared as guest musicians.
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666.67 Р
death doom, Solitude Productions
The fourth album of the German band, designed in the style of previous Doomed works, continues to present canonic doom death metal, rigid and uncompromising, but more vigorous in terms of performance. Guest vocalists, including Johan Ericson (Doom: VS), Ed Warby (The 11th Hour) and Stanislav Govorukha (Suffer Yourself), bring new paints and emotional colors to the album. At this time, however, changes occur in band ideology: this concept album considers the crisis of the modern world, with its conflicts and human sins, forcing musicians to reconsider the understanding of society and to seek ways out of this situation. Solution to all problems is on top of the Monolith. Monolith is growing every day, so it is impossible to reach the top... The first 100 copies of the album come as a strictly limited edition digipack!
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533.33 Р 400.00 Р
funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
The debut album from the Italian band The Undergrave Experience. This is not another piece of standard funeral doom, but an entire journey to the world of horror culture. Being close to works of memorable band EA in their music style the musicians of The Undergrave Experience develop the darker side of the genre searching for inspiration in classical Italian horror movies. The album consists of two original tracks which the fans of gloom and horror aesthetics will surely like.
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533.33 Р 466.67 Р
dark death doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The debut album from Moscow band resulted from the years of intelligent work and gigs demonstrates evolution from traditional gothic doom metal to more complicated and heavy music. Besides founder of the band Yury Ryzhov known as current guitarist of Revelations of Rain the line-up includes Vladimir Andreev also known for Revelations of Rain and his project My Indifference To Silence. The musicians succeeded to create an integral work with solid sound and talented arrangements. Old fans of Shallow Rivers will find in «Nihil Euphoria» atmosphere and melodies traditional for the band, and every listener of this album will surely appreciate gloomy and aggressive death doom metal.
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466.67 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions

The debut work by the German band featuring members of Crimson Swan and Ophis contains two epic compositions with a total duration of 18 minutes. The coolest mixture of traditional doom metal and doom-death with a touch of dark metal from the 90's compose the sound of this mini album, complemented by the atmospheric cover design that enhances the impressions from listening this powerful and vibrant music. A small flame lit in the darkness!

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866.67 Р
melancholic dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
The second long-awaited album by Russian masters of melancholic metal, The Morningside "Moving Crosscurrent Of Time", holds the direction chosen at the debut band album demonstrating combination of lyrical and heavy compositions touched with the mood of slight sorrow. New The Morningside work also demonstrates tendency to melodic complication while fragmental parties of atmospheric keyboards associating with Eduard Artemyev’s works ("Solaris", "Stalker") add depth to the album sound. The essential part of this album is inspired by Ray Bradbury’ novel "Something Wicked This Way Comes". Brand new album of The Morningside will be a perfect present both for old band’s fans and for all those Katatonia and Agalloch fans longing for a breath of autumn air filled with fallen leaves smell. The album is issued on a gold-plated CD with pit-art. Limited to 500 copies edition packed in stylish digibook is available.
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466.67 Р 266.67 Р
post metal, Slow Burn Records
The second full-length album "Renaissance Unraveling" demonstrates the work of Somnolent from a totally different side. Preserving the mood of the debut album the musicians deviated to the area of post metal proving again their professional skills and creative diversity. Perfect quality of recording and performance are combined with original compositions making the band one of the leading post metal bands. The album is highly recommended to fans of Cult Of Luna, Mouth Of The Architect etc.
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533.33 Р 400.00 Р
psychedelic doom metal, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions proudly presents the second full-length album of Evoke Thy Lords released after the long pause in group activity. This time the Siberian musicians dramatically change their sound and style positioning themselves among the most interesting and original bands of the Russian doom metal scene. The renovated Evoke Thy Lords include solid guitar sound, powerful groove base and meditative trance dressed with hypnotic flute sounds. Filled with extra heavy riffs and psychedelic elements “Drunken Tales” is undoubtedly an event in stoner doom metal. The bonus track “Cause Follows Effect” finalizes the album giving the end to the space walk.
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533.33 Р 266.67 Р
stoner / sludge metal, BadMoodMan Music
Dutch stoner-rock band Floodstain proudly presents their listeners a brand new album “Dreams Make Monsters”. This album is a must for the fans of heavy and catchy rock. If you like Queens of the Stone Age, Corrosion of Conformity, Floodgate, Nebula. Fu Manchu, Alabama Thunderpussy, you will definitely dig this release. Catchy melodies are being alternated with heavy riffs. Widly solo’s complete the groovy rhythm section and the heavy guitars. You can hear similarities with a well known Dutch band Heavy Lord as two of the Heavy Lord members participate on this release.
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666.67 Р
gothic doom death, Solitude Productions
The new album by Portuguese band A Dream of Poe presents the evolution of the band musical style from gothic doom metal through melodic doom death to traditional form of doom metal, with its solemn riffs, tragic clean vocals and epic guitar solos. «An Infinity Emerged» is a continuation of the previous album «The Mirror of Deliverance». The sound of the album became more dense as compared to the previous work and reached a new level of the recording quality, which allows to better feel for the work of the musicians and plunge into the atmosphere of the album. Five long tracks, with an average duration of 11 minutes, reflect the evolution of a character, defeated just after gaining consciousness that the practical side of things is always harder than the theoretical side and that all is knowledge of the world didn't prepare him for the experience. Symbolically, the album is a process of destruction, as the initial stage of the renovation process (which corresponds to the symbolism of the card "Tower" from the Tarot deck), so the themes of death, murder, and the constant reference to water as a symbol of change are essential for «An Infinity Emerged». The album features Kostas Panagiotou (Pantheist, Clouds, Wijlen Wij) who performed keyboards. The first 100 copies of the album are issued as a strictly limited digipack!
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533.33 Р
symphonic funeral doom, Solitude Productions
The fourth full-length album from one of the best funeral doom metal bands is ready to surprise the listeners. Although the style of the talented multi-instrumentalist Ryan hiding beneath the name of The Howling Void is kept, this album features new colors and musical impressions. This time clean melodious vocal employed at the previous EP “Runa” supports cold cosmic and majestic symphonies. Given the overall monolith of sound, diverse keyboards and guitar parties combined with ambient interludes make “Nightfall” vivid and rich. And from the first tones one can reveal behind detached sadness and reverie one of the unique bands of the genre. Following the tradition, the artwork again features a painting by a famous artist, this time Caspar David Friedrich, an outstanding representative of German romanticism.
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533.33 Р 400.00 Р
funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
The full-length album from Russian funeral doom metal band Everlasting combines a wide variety of emotional tones. Renounced character of suppressing guitars is accompanied by sensual and touching keyboards and solo guitar parties. One of the unique band features is the absence of bass section. «March Of Time» is an ode to inexorability of time, to triumph of inviolability of the course of history. Each song has its own mood, replenishing the previous one and continuing its idea, as the main lyrics theme is philosophic thoughts about aims, personal choice and human mission.Plunge into raw funeral music in the vein of Mournful Congregation and, especially, Thergothon.
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
dark metal / doom death, BadMoodMan Music
The fourth long-awaited album from a Russian one-man-band Tears Of Mankind. As always, the band presents diverse material which not focuses at some exact style, but skillfully fuses various directions basing on dark metal and doom death metal. The new project work “Memoria” can be considered as a conceptual album whose tracks are united by the idea of personal experience and memories connected with it. The album is divided into two essential parts: the first one presents heavier material with English lyrics while the second one is more lyric and features Russian texts and more atmospheric music which, nevertheless, stays in the frames of metal style. The strongest and most essential features of the album are typical for Tears of Mankind sensuality and melodies.
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466.67 Р
gothic doom death, BadMoodMan Music
The first full-length album from the Russian band Lorelei which found their unique way in the vast genre of gothic doom death metal. Inspired by art of Renaissance and Romanticism (in particular, by the poetry of the Protorenaissance representative Francesco Petrarca) the musicians filled the tracks with the airiness of professional female soprano interwoven with the gloom of low growling and melodic guitar riffs at the background of keyboards. The growl is performed by E.S., the leader of the band Who Dies In Siberian Slush, while drum parties are performed by Vladimir Lyashkov known for Decay Of Reality and Beheaded Zombie (he also took part in “Emanation of Hatred” by Revelations of Rain). The album was recorded at «Primordial studio» (Abstract Spirit, Comatose Vigil, Who Dies In Siberian Slush, Revelations of Rain); mastering was performed by Jerry Torstensson at Dead Dog Farm Studio (Saffle ,Sweden). Thus, the talented musicians present beautiful material being an implementation of their ideas having roots in gloomy waves of cold sea!
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466.67 Р 266.67 Р
melodic metal, BadMoodMan Music
New work of S.C.A.L.P. - one of the oldest metal bands in Russia, opening a band from different side. As result of experiments with different styles of heavy metal, band got new, more hard and aggressive sound, but in same time, it didn"t lose atmosphere of sorrow and melancholy, which was constant part of previous works of band.
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600.00 Р
atmospheric death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The second album by Self-Hatred, the masters of atmospheric doom death metal from Czech Republic, has become a new step presenting a dynamic, yet monolithic, material carefully thought through down to the smallest detail: from sound to arrangements and concept. Varying stylistics from almost funeral doom metal to atmospheric black metal, with changing tempo and mixture of heavy guitar riffs with keyboards and different types of male vocals, the musicians achieved a unique integrity, reviving the story told by the album. This is a concept album with deep lyrics about losing beloved ones and oblivion. The album was recorded at Hellsound Studio, mixing and mastering was performed by Honza Kapak (Master's Hammer, Krieg, Nargaroth, Panychida). The sixteen-page booklet has conceptual design complementing the music with visual images. The album comes at a gold plated CD with pit-art.
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533.33 Р 333.33 Р
depressive black metal, BadMoodMan Music
A new work from American musician who continues his immersion into the depths of hate and despair of depressive black metal. Featuring its own style and individualism Benighted In Sodom creates dense atmospheric musical canvases. It broadens the frames of the genre on the one hand not rejecting themes of pain, suffering and suicide and on the other hand introducing novel themes (Ocean I и Ocean II). Hate and Despair is the essence of the picture of the world enclosed into magnetic music of Benighted In Sodom.
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533.33 Р
atmospheric black metal, BadMoodMan Music
BadMoonMan Music presents the eighth album by Ukrainian atmospheric black metal band Raventale entitled “Dark Substance of Dharma”. This conceptual album is devoted to Indian and Tibetan mythology and offers to fully plunge into the cosmic order of Dharma, to parse the principles of existence and perception of this World. Special attention paid to the recording process and skills reached at previous albums resulted in full and rich tone of the sound.
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