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death metal, FONO ltd
KRISIUN - death metal группа из Бразилии, сформированная тремя братьями в 1990-м году. На совсем раннем этапе KRISIUN существовали как квартет, но к моменту записи первого полноформатного альбома "Black Force Domain" в 1995-ом уже были в составе трио, которым остаются по сей день. В дискографии KRISIUN десять полнформатных альбомов, пара дэмок и сплитов, концертников и компиляций. "Scourge Of The Enthroned" - одиннадцатый полноформатный альбом бразильцев, вышедший 7-го сентября на Century Media Records. Записью, сведением и продюсированием всего материала занимался немецкий саунд-продюсер и бывший гитарист HOLY MOSES Andy Classen из Stage One Studio, доводивший до ума альбомы BELPHEGOR, GRAVEWORM, ASPHYX, а также большую часть предыдущих альбомов KRISIUN. Артворком к альбому занимался Eliran Kantor, работавший с HATE ETERNAL, FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE, BLOODBATH и многими другими. Данный релиз включает восемь треков и выпущен в формате CD с 16-страничным буклетом. Packaged in a jewel case, a 16-page booklet.
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death metal, FONO ltd
ABORTED - бельгийская death metal группа, сформированная в 1995-ом году. За время своего существования группа не раз меняла состав, но постоянным участником всегда оставался вокалист и фронтмэн Sven "Svencho" de Caluwé, основавший ABORTED. В дискографии группы несколько сплитов и EP, синглов, концертный DVD и девять полноформатных альбомов. "TerrorVision" - десятый полноформатный альбом ABORTED, релиз которого состоялся 21-го сентября на Century Media Records. Альбом был записан и сведен в немецкой Kohlekeller Studio, работавшими с BENIGHTED, POWERWOLF, CREMATORY а также над предыдущим полноформатником ABORTED "Retrogore" (2016). На "TerrorVision" можно услышать несколько приглашенных вокалистов: Seth Siro Anton (SEPTICFLESH), Julien Truchan (BENIGHTED), Sebastian Grihm (CYTOTOXIN). 12-page art booklet included. Packaged in a jewel case with a transparent tray.
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death metal, More Hate Productions
Debut full-length album of Brazilian death metal band featuring former members of such local bands like BYWAR and ZOLTAR. "Black Sun" is not just another death metal album from Brazil restricted by framework of the genre. Along with musical pressure and high quality performance the music of WARSHIPPER has many progressive elements, amazing melodies and enigmatically beautiful guitar lines, while clear sound and professional recording create atmosphere of the dark side of cosmic power, unexplored depths of the universes far away, blistering cold of defunct suns and dying galaxies.
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progressive / atmospheric sludge metal / post-hardcore, FONO ltd
THE OCEAN (или THE OCEAN COLLECTIVE) – это экспериментальная post-metal команда из Берлина (Германия). Их творчество объединяет в себе элементы современного хардкора и техничного металла с классической музыкой и электронными звуковыми пейзажами. Группа часто описывает свое звучание как «ambient soundtrack doomrock». "Pelagial" - новое концептуальное творение немецких прогрессивщиков. Темой шестого по счету полноформатного альбома стала пелагиаль (от греч. πέλαγος — «открытое море») — зона моря или океана, не находящегося в непосредственной близости от дна. Названия треков являются отсылками к слоям, на которые делится пелагиаль, и чем ниже находится слой, тем выше давление и хуже пропускаемость света. Первоначально альбом задумывался целиком инструментальным из-за проблем со здоровьем у вокалиста Лоика Россетти, но в последний момент ему стало лучше, и было решено выпустить альбом в двух версиях. Year: 2013 FONO LTD. по лицензии Metal Blade Records Inc. Cat. № FO992CD, 4632000099225 2CD Jewel Box, 16-стр. буклет
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atmospheric black metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Präludium 2 Dämon 3 Rachewalzer 4 Das trübe Glas 5 Fort von hier 6 Falscher Frühling 7 Der trübe See 8 Mondfinsternis 9 Jahre nach der...
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symphonic black metal
Tracklist: 1 Новая Инквизиция 2 Исход 3 Слепой чтец 4 Поклоняйтесь 5 Послушники веры 6 От речение (Instrumental) 7 Сумрак 8 Темный край 9...
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thrash metal, FONO ltd
ACT OF DEFIANCE - новая американская звездная группа, в составе которой числятся экс-участники MEGADETH гитарист Chris Broderick и барабанщик Shawn Drover, гитарист Matt Bachand из SHADOWS FALL (взявший на себя партии бас-гитары) и вокалист Henry Derek (SCAR THE MARTYR). После ухода из MEGADETH в 2014-ом Крис и Шон в поиске реализации своих идей пришли к полноценному составу, контракту с Metal Blade Records и дебютному альбому "Birth And The Burial". "Old Scars, New Wounds" - второй полноформатный альбом ACT OF DEFIANCE, вышедший 29-го сентября на Metal Blade Records. Запись нового альбома (как и "Birth And The Burial") велась в разных студиях, в силу удаленности музыкантов друг от друга. Продюсировать и сводить итоговый материал взялся Dave Otero, приложивший руку к звучанию альбомов CEPHALIC CARNAGE, CATTLE DECAPITATION, ALLEGAEON и многих других. Released in a jewel case, a 12-page booklet.
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thrash metal, FONO ltd
ACCUSER (с англ. - обвинитель, также пишется как ACCU§ER) - ветераны немецкого трэш-метала, собравшиеся в 1986 году, когда участникам было по 16-18 лет. На сегодняшний день из оригинального состава в ACCUSER остался только вокалист/гитарист и один из основателей группы Frank Thoms. Поставив деятельность группына паузу в 1996-ом, основной состав ACCUSER стал писать песни под названием SCARTRIBE, но в 2008-ом вернулся, как к первоначальному названию, так и к сочинению нового материала. Результатом стал полноформатный альбом "The Forlorn Divide", приуроченный к 30-летию истории ACCUSER. "The Mastery" - новый полноформатный альбом немцев, вышедший в конце января 2018-го на лэйбле Metal Blade Records. Запись, сведение, мастеринг и весь продакшн альбома велся в немецкой студии "Gernhart Studio" под руководством продюсера Martin'а Buchwalter'а, барабанщика PERZONAL WAR, также работавшего над звучанием альбомов ELVENKING, SUIDAKRA, DESTRUCTION и многих других. Packaged in a jewel case, a 16-page booklet.
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power metal, FONO ltd
HELION PRIME - калифорнийская power metal группа, сформированная в 2014 году музыкантами из различных локальных метал-групп (DIRE PERIL, DEAD REVELATOR, DISFORIA). Название "HELION PRIME" было позаимствовано из киноленты "Хроники Риддика", по имени одной из планет. Тематикой лирики калифорнийских power металлистов является научная фантастика и футурология в целом. На дебютном EP "The Drake Equation" (2015) и одноименном полноформатнике "Helion Prime" (2016) место за микрофоном занимали женщины-вокалистки. "Terror Of The Cybernetic Space Monster" - второй полноформатный альбом американцев, релиз которого состоялся 31-го августа на AFM Records. Альбом является дебютным для нового вокалиста, которым стал Sozos Michael. Релиз выпущен в формате CD с ярким 24-страничным буклетом. Jewel case edition 24-page booklet
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symphonic power metal, FONO ltd
AVANTASIA - немецкий power metal музыкальный проект, созданный в 2000-ом году Тобиасом Самметом, вокалистом группы EDGUY. Главной идеей проекта стала запись концептуальных альбомов с участием множества вокалистов и музыкантов из других групп. Название AVANTASIA появилось при слиянии слов "Авалон" и "фантазия" и, по словам Тобиаса, означает "мир, недоступный человеческому воображению". "The Metal Opera Pt. II" - вторая часть рок-оперы AVANTASIA, вышедшая в 2002-ом году на AFM Records. В записи приняли участие такие музыканты как Michael Kiske (ex-HELLOWEEN, UNISONIC), David DeFeis (VIRGIN STEELE), Sharon den Adel (WITHIN TEMPTATION), Oliver Hartmann (ex-AT VANCE), Rob Rock (IMPELLITTERI), Andre Matos (ex-ANGRA, SHAMAN), Kai Hansen (GAMMA RAY, ex-HELLOWEEN), Timo Tolkki (ex-STRATOVARIUS, ex-REVOLUTION RENAISSANCE), Bob Catley (MAGNUM) и другие. Данное переиздание в формате "platinum edition" снабжено расширенным 24-страничным буклетом и дополнено бонус-треком и видео-секцией. Comes in a jewel case with a 24-page booklet. Includes 1 extra track and 1 bonus video, comparing with the original 2002's edition.
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symphonic power metal, FONO ltd
AVANTASIA - немецкий power metal музыкальный проект, созданный в 2000-ом году Тобиасом Самметом, вокалистом группы EDGUY. Главной идеей проекта стала запись концептуальных альбомов с участием множества вокалистов и музыкантов из других групп. Название AVANTASIA появилось при слиянии слов "Авалон" и "фантазия" и, по словам Тобиаса, означает "мир, недоступный человеческому воображению". "The Metal Opera" - первая часть рок-оперы AVANTASIA, вышедшая в 2001-ом году на AFM Records. В записи приняли участие такие музыканты как Michael Kiske (ex-HELLOWEEN, UNISONIC), David DeFeis (VIRGIN STEELE), Sharon den Adel (WITHIN TEMPTATION), Oliver Hartmann (ex-AT VANCE), Rob Rock (IMPELLITTERI), Andre Matos (ex-ANGRA, SHAMAN),Kai Hansen (GAMMA RAY, ex-HELLOWEEN), Timo Tolkki (ex-STRATOVARIUS, ex-REVOLUTION RENAISSANCE) и другие. Данное переиздание в формате "platinum edition" снабжено расширенным 28-страничным буклетом и дополнено тремя бонус-треками. Comes in a jewel case with a 28-page booklet. Includes 3 extra tracks (## 14,15,16), comparing with the original 2001's edition.
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melodic death metal
Tracklist: 1 No Return 2 Black Mist 3 Forbidden Legacy 4 Restless Soul 5 Empty Casket 6 Sentenced To Death 7 Follow Me 8 Bringer Of Apocalypse...
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black death metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Permeation 2 Awakening 3 Desintegration 4 Execution 5 Overlap 6 Symbolism 7 ΧΞϚ 8 Dissect
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folk metal
Tracklist: 1 Далеко-далёко 2 Не зови 3 Двое 4 Разлука 5 За зимним гаем 6 После дождя 7 Лебединая песня 8 Коня на скаку 9 Тропа 10 Листья...
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folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 L'Epica Vendemmia 2 Ruhm 3 No Grunder No Cry 4 I Don’t Understand 5 Sadness 6 Follia 7 Blood & Feast 8 Laughing With The Sands 9...
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folk power metal
Tracklist: 1 A Reason To Fight 2 Here You Are 3 Halloween 4 Black Hole 5 Araqel, Mushegh 6 Abandoned 7 For You 8 Steps We Made Alone 9...
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viking folk metal
Tracklist: 1 Песнь войны 2 Чертоги диких вод 3 Пир троллей 4 Пепел времён 5 Гибель богов 6 Выживший 7 Напиток огнебородого Аса 8 Обитель усопших 9...
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depressive black metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Отчаянье 2 Белые стены 3 Диагноз 4 Лезвие 5 Убежище страха 6 В чёрном цвете 7 Мгла 8 Некролог 9 Крик Пустоты
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doom gothic metal
A long waited re-release of Brazilian Death/Doom/Gothic Metal band called SARX THANATOS.
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pagan metal / doom death metal, Sound Age Productions
ltd. digi-pack with 16 pages booklet.
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black death metal, More Hate Productions
The first album of a Russian black metal band INSANIS. This work is the result of the first five years of the bands existence. It represents a fusion of post-black and swinging death metal. The release will plunge the listener into the atmosphere of an oppressive detachment from the world and will put him face to face with gloomy figures dwelling beyond our existence. The chaosophic ideas interlaced with the canvas of the album and passed through the bands members broaden the horizon of feelings begotten by this work and set the audience not to an undisturbed contemplation of the universe, but more likely to a burst of wild emotions from its destruction. Playing black metal in its unusual manifestations INSANIS keeps the audiences attention to the material increased and produces strange, audacious and always surprising interpretations of the genre.
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progressive folk rock, FONO ltd
"Благодать" - пятый студийный альбом группы KULAK, родившейся на основе сольного творчества Александра Кулака – лидера арт-металлического коллектива AZAZELLO (Тында). Музыка – удивительный сплав прогрессива с фолком и балладным роком, в арсенале команды не только тяжелые гитары и барабаны, но невесомая акустика, космические клавиши и духовые инструменты. Замечательная лирика Александра, которую так любят поклонники AZAZELLO, о дружбе, любви, поиски себя и размышления о смысле бытия. Красивые мелодии, отличные вокальные партии, профессионализм инструменталистов – всё это здесь. CD, 6-panel digipack
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death metal, More Hate Productions
The second full-length album of the band from Izhevsk (Russia) playing bone-crushing death metal in the vein of Scandinavian titans Amon Amarth and Unleashed! Beyond all doubt it is their best and heaviest album to date! Despite the apparent straightforwardness, brutality and vigor, the album is equally melodic and stands out from the competitors owing to really interesting and diverse guitar lines evident from the very first album tracks.Professional and solid sound characteristic of this genre is in place: skin-tearing power saw of guitar riffery, rumbling massive bass, cannonade of drums and boiling lava of deep growl scorching all flesh. The vocalist proclaims the impending Judgement Day and total ammonification of everything. A great example of genuine andharsh death metal!
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death metal, More Hate Productions
The debut album by the most promising death metal band from the Russian Far North - Murmansk Region! Since 2010 the GUTTED BRIDE had been sharpening skills, saving strength and preparing material for the first full-length album that made it top Russian brutal death metal band right away! Totally insane, tight, brutal and technical material with two growling vocals in the vein of such monsters like DYING FETUS, SUFFOCATION and CANNIBAL CORPSE! 100% live drums are performed by one of the fastest drummers in Russia who plays faster than drum-machine. Psychedelic guitar solos create the atmosphere resembling MORBID ANGEL and NILE. This mature and highly professional work can stand comparison with the leaders of extreme metal stage, and if you saw GUTTED BRIDE live - you will never forget their show.
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thrash metal, More Hate Productions
The second full-length album of the band originating from the outskirts of Russia (Komsomolsk- on-Amur) currently based in St. Petersburg where it comes in full force. With this work the band raises the bar. Might, aggression and pure fury – these are the trademarks of BLACK SOUL BLADE. In order to share these feelings with the listeners and make them headbang with every album track the guys beat the bag out of their music – it embodies the elements of thrash, groove, death and technical metal. However BLACK SOUL BLADE looks beyond the metal genre and draws inspiration from music in general. In search of identity the band creates a vortex of different musical genres. This insane album will definitely hit the taste of the fans of both time-honored PANTERA and present-day SEPULTURA and SOULFLY!
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epic folk metal, FONO ltd
ENSIFERUM - одна из самых известных современных folk metal команд, сформированная в 1992 году в Хельсинки (Финляндия). Будучи под крылом финского лейбла Spinefarm Records ENSIFERUM выпустили несколько дэмок и синглов, EP, а также 5 полноформатных альбомов и концертный DVD. Позже группа сменила издающий лэйбл на Metal Blade Records, выпустив альбом "One Man Army" (2015), где и остается на сегодняшний день. "Two Paths" - седьмой полноформатный альбом ENSIFERUM, релиз которого состоялся в середине сентября 2017-го на лэйбле Metal Blade Records. Продюсировать "Two Paths" вновь взялся Ансси Киппо (продюсер и владелец "Astia Studio", известный не только работой над ставшими классикой альбомами CHILDREN OF BODOM и NORTHER, но и лояльностью и приветливостью к русским музыкантам), уже работавший над предыдущим полноформатником ENSIFERUM "One Man Army" (2015). Released in a jewel case, a 16-page booklet.
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black death metal, More Hate Productions
Black / Death metal triumvirate DARGONOMEL presents its third full-length album “Astazebian” released in the name of Chaos and disintegration. Monsters awoken by boiling sacrificial blood, occult practices and primordial thirst after massacre, obsession and scoff at all flesh – this is the essence of inevitable and merciless Darkness. “Astazebian” is a product of vivisection of death and black metal, atmosphere and brutality, technical elements and riffs that pierce into your brain and leave their imprint on the internal surface of your brain case. This album has everything from hypnotic meditative instrumentals to female extreme vocals in Sumerian. Yet all these elements are just the additions to mighty and evil death/ black metal sound! With a new thicker sound, more furious playing and better realization of ideas this is definitely the best album of DARGONOMEL to date!
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death doom metal, Solitude Productions

The second full-length album of the Ukrainian atmospheric doom death metal band demonstrates the rapid artistic development of the man behind the name Sorrowful Land, Max Molodtsov. Each composition has its own unique sound and mood enhanced by appearance of guest vocalists, such as Kaivan Saraei (A Dream Of Poe), Daniel Neagoe (Clouds, Eye Of Solitude, Shape Of Despair), Evander Sinque (Who Dies In Siberian Slush , Decay Of Reality, Forbidden Shape), Vladislav Shahin (Mournful Gust, Autumnia), Daniel Arvidsson (Draconian, Mammoth Storm). Guest guitar solo in one of the tracks is performed by Vito Marchese (Novembers Doom, The Kahless Clone). This album will become a great gift for all doom death metal fans!

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ambient funeral doom, Dusktone
Missing. What if the searchers falter, pass away? When none are left that hope to find even something to bury, to mourn. To be missing, to be never found. To never return, and fade away in the shadows of time. To become forgotten beyond all hope of recovery. Until Death Overtakes Me’s 2018 album contains over one hour of mournful funeral doom mixed with orchestral ambient. Missing, named after the song from Until Death Overtakes Me’s earlier years, continues the story of that old epic. In four tracks the concepts of loss and being lost are explored. There’s the tragedy on a personal level, of searchers that fail, grow old and find no closure. Of the one lost, stuck in nothingness, wanting to be found. But tragedy grows, touches all, and the music becomes the soundtrack to the funeral of mankind. Empty tones drifting over the desolation, echoing through empty canyons. All the searchers have gone, all those missing are forgotten. There’s no one left to remember, there’s no hope left. And when the proof and all remembrance of our existence is gone too, then have we truly been here at all? We’re already missing.
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black metal, Dusktone
Crawling form the darkest shores of Norwegian west coast, the NATAS horde is determined to lead humanity away from the ingrained and outdated social, cultural and religious norms, and open their eyes to a new and free dimension. Their obscure and occult sounding Black Metal reminds of bands such as Borknagar, early Keep Of Kalessin and Taake, and is strongly influenced by the destruction of our world and nature. There is no end to the evil of men, the world must change, Natas will enlighten this dark path we all walk and reveal how to heal it, with fire. Jewel Case CD with 8-page booklet.
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shoegaze black metal, Dusktone
With this new album, COLD BODY RADIATION continues the intimate and melancholic path of the previous "The clear path". These eight new tracks album once again confirm the M. quality and composition depth that, although he definitively abandoned the most extreme sounds, still managed to get us into a restlessness and mystery swirl. ‘The orphean lyre" is an intensely human listening experience. Teeming with life and breathing as it coughs and splutters, there is an unavoidable attachment felt almost instantly as a listener. This is music that drags you in and simply refuses to let go. Do not think, do not listen to, do not judge yourself for what will come out of this experience. Everything is within you and this new COLD BODY RADIATION album is a solid vehicle for a deep work on yourself. Finally.
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shoegaze black metal, Dusktone
From the restained flickering of candlelight to the blinding rays of the sun: The Great White Emptiness drowns everything in a hazy melancholic slumber that shimmers with golden shine. A depressive study on the nature of light.
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ambient doom black metal, Dusktone
Trüb(e) is German for "gloomy" or "dim". Trübe is a Chernobyl-disaster inspired Ambient Black Metal / Doom act from Argentina, side-project of Inexistence and Abolition of Impediment. The key aspects of Trübe is the looming atmosphere, the tense mood, the feeling that something is behind us.... the obscurity tends to go deeper and deeper with the passing of tracks, ending in the only way humanity could end, plotting their own extinction. ”Zone of Alienation” is the result of the deep interest for the Chernobyl theme that the soul behind Trübe has developed in years and it’s a suffocating collision of Black Metal, alienating ambient, distressing rhythms, and a mental catharsis for melody leaving the listener with a sense of unforgettable originality.
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death doom metal, Solitude Productions

The debut work by the German band featuring members of Crimson Swan and Ophis contains two epic compositions with a total duration of 18 minutes. The coolest mixture of traditional doom metal and doom-death with a touch of dark metal from the 90's compose the sound of this mini album, complemented by the atmospheric cover design that enhances the impressions from listening this powerful and vibrant music. A small flame lit in the darkness!

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funeral doom metal, Aesthetic Death
Tracklist: 1 Leviathan As My Lament 11:13 2 Your Wounds Were My Temple 10:20 3 To A Bloodstained Shore 13:07 4 The Despair Of An Aeon 15:48
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experimental metal noise, Aesthetic Death
Most possibly a new name to most..... PANDO are an entity emanating from West Massachussetts in the US of A. Pando don't subscribe to any defined or constraining perceptions of genre - they just do what they do. However, what they do sounds incredible - it is an epiphany to these ears. It moulds together rhythmical structures, mellow noise, samples and recorded oddities - into an amalgamation of lush perfection. There are no comparisons to make - but I can catch fleeting glimpses of Portishead, Morthound, Future Sound of London, The Doors and submerging into ambient noise..... As Pando themseves re-iterate: ....sonically, hiraeth contains various field recordings, experiments, samples, and sound manipulations including a collection of photography, conversations, and artwork gathered by pando throughout the years and digitally rendered into raw audio data in the form of noise. voicemails and audio recordings of memories and experiences were obtained from friends and family through the use of social media and phone calls. Hard to describe - but anyone reading is strongly encouraged to check this out....
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experimental doom / dark ambient / black metal , Aesthetic Death
Tracklist: 1 Middle Age 4:32 2 Isaac 7:05 3 Celestial Mechanism 3:46 4 Prism 7:55 5 Robert 6:39 6 Hermit 4:29 7 Nullius in Verba 6:09 8 Edmond 5:57...
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funeral doom metal, GS Productions
Tracklist: Kverulant 1-1 Ravine Burden Thorns 1-2 Ignis Fatus 1-3 Darkening Of God's Gifts 1-4 Alogia 1-5 Earthmange 1-6 Morire 1-7 Neverending...
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funeral doom metal, GS Productions
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funeral death doom metal, GS Productions
Tracklist: 1 Dream Loop 0:49 2 Deep Sleepers 8:14 3 Self Mastery 6:41 4 Mindgame 4:36 5 Soul Trap 5:08 6 Ignorance 7:48 7 With Eyes Shut 3:00 8 4D Sleepless...
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atmospheric black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 1:48 2 Kidnapped By Death 4:01 3 That Confused Memory 5:18 4 In That Superior World 5:34 5 The Evocation Of The Unseen 4:51 6 While...
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dark ambient / neoclassical
The album is dedicated to the christian victims and marthyrs of two major conflicts of the 20th century: the Mexican 'Cristero’ war and the Spanish civil war, but also deals with the confused 20th century history of the project’s origin, Austria-Hungary and the Central-European region. Musically, it continues to expand and incorporate more and more styles, like it’s predecessor, Falanx: as 'usual’, you can find Kraschau’s self-composed and played neoclassical synth parts, but most of the songs are going back to the roots of industrial music and they are more based on various, monotonous samples and loops. Furthermore the album makes experiments in incorporating power industrial and contemporary classical music and even 'lighter’ electronic
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neoclassical / neofolk
Released in Digipack CD ! This album is about a split between the bands HYPERBOREI (Argentina) and DARK AWAKE (Greece) . Is the first collaboration and maybe not the last.6 songs from each group, each one in its particular musical style. In regards of HYPERBOREI most is dark folk , some songs taken from the soundtrack of the independent movie “The Hidden Sky” , wich they composed entirelly, but versioned to this split and a cover version of the song “Across the Universe” from THE BEATLES in a martial vein. Instead DARK AWAKE is more martial powerful drums, chants, spiritual wanderings , powerful marches, from mysticism and medieval metaphysics to divine philosophy and strength.Mysterious atmospheres and hypnotic stractures to stimulate the subconcious. Includes a cover version song from “The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath The Cloud”.
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neoclassical / dark ambient
Day Before Us is a project which embraces densely textured soundscapes, ominous, eerie, soothing ambiences and emotional storylines in a bittersweet spirit, approaching the timeless mystery, old legends and romantical reveries. In this new album Day Before Us challenges territories of neoclassical and ambient music . "Adorned path of stillness" is an album of a dark, ethereal and nocturnal beauty.
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neoclassical / medieval
EKSÜ is the result of 4 years of collaboration between singer and composer Laure Le Prunenec and composer and producer Stélian Derenne. The 8 tracks presented on this album made it trough the selection, and provided to you freshly remixed and remastered to give you a taste of the forthcoming projects of Ele Ypsis. Track 1, 5, 6 and 7 written in 2009. Track 2 written in 2010. Track 3 and 8 written in 2008. Released in a four-panel digipak with a transparent tray in June 2017.
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dark ambient
" Ad extirpanda" is the first real album of Stupor Mentis, following two dematerialised auto productions : "In memoriam" (2016) and " Apostat" (2017). All the tracks from "Apostat" and some from "In memoriam" re-masterised, re-arranged with new versions are now avalable in this digipack. The vocals alternate between french, english, spanish and latin ; quoting poems of Charles Baudelaire, Emile Cioran and Rafael Alberti. The whole on atmospheric and symphonic instrumentation.
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authentic folk ambient, FireStorm Production
Limited to 500 copies. DIgipak with selective varnish and 12-page booklet. English titles: The dance of the wood spirits 1. Spring song 2. Duck is swimming 3. Up to the mountains 4. I’ve slept enough 5. Hindrick-the-Beast 6. Semargl 7. Grief 8. Thunder-stone 9. Riding a horse 10. Love conspiracy 11. Poppy on the mountain 12. Turks were passing by 13. The dance of the wood spirits
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authentic folk ambient, FireStorm Production
Limited to 500 copies. DIgipak with selective varnish and 12-page booklet. Lyrics on 'Perun And Skeeper-The-Beast' by V.S. Kazakov. VEDAN KOLOD shows the musical culture of ancient and medieval Russia, when instrumental music was closely intertwined with the vocal tradition with modern acoustic arrangement. Master Valery Naryshkin restores rare Slavic instruments such as the war horn, hornpipe, bagpipes, drums, gusli, hurdy-gurdy and others. VEDAN KOLOD has wide experience of concerts and festivals in Russia and Europe (Germany, Macedonia, Serbia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Hungary, Holland, Slovakia, Poland, Austria, France, Malaysia and etc.).
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stoner / psychodelic / sludge metal, FireStorm Production
CD in a Digipak. Limited to 500 copies.
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post black metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Pain Will Come Say Goodbye To You 2 Rotting Heart 3 Gibbet Of Montfaucon 4 I Hide You Away In My Scars 5 Good Night, Evil Morning 6...
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post black metal, Sound Age Productions
L'Homme Absurde presents to the listeners second full-length album "Sleepless" which can be considered as a logical follow-up of the band's creativity, the working formula of first album "Monsters", but with more influence of hardcore/metalcore music. Recorded at MI Studio and Skylark Studio, Moscow
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pagan folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Ltd. edition digi-pack
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pagan folk metal, Sound Age Productions
The album was recorded from March to June 2017 at the studio "Центр Тяжести", Lyubertsy Mixing and mastering of the album, reamping - Дай Records Also in track 1 the theme from the Russian folk song "Я на камушке" Limited edition packaged in 4-panel digibook (20-page) with lyrics.
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folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Ltd. 6-pages digi-pack with 16 pages booklet.
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melodic black / death metal, Sound Age Productions
Ltd. edition digi-pack
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black metal, Sound Age Productions
First, self-titled and self-recorded album. Inspired by second wave of black metal.
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pagan folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Limited edition packaged in a digipak.
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viking folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Интро 2 К Северным морям 3 Драккар 4 Братья 5 Скальд 6 Один 7 Халмар 8 Слипланд 9 Перед рассветом 10 С мечом в руке 11 Оутро
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atmospheric black metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Cold, Scars And Your Galaxy 2 Hunt For Wolves 3 Sounds Of Fairytales 4 Lake Of 1000 Forgotten Shadows 5 These Eyes See The Universe Through...
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folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Jewel case version, 16 pages booklet.
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Цивилизация 2 Нажимай на курок 3 Забвение 4 Поднимайся с колен 5 Разбудите меня 6 Вуаль длиной в вечность 7 Врата междумирья 8...
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folk metal
Ltd. edition digi-book
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melodic black / post metal, Sound Age Productions
Packaged in a digipak.
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pagan folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Released in a jewel case, a 8-page booklet.
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symphonic black metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 0 Initiatio I Architect II Tide Of Plague III Mind Transformation IV Asmodeus V Zikkurat VI The Great One! VII Gates Of Blood VIII...
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folk metal
Heavy, vigorous and impressive folk - metal in all its glory. Speed, melodic and groovy staff will appeal to all fans of celtic and slavonic folk. Abundance of beautiful violin melodies, powerful rhythm - section, combination of fierce growls and clean female vocals, drive and energy in every song - all this will make your feet to dance, and hands - to reach for the mug of foaming cold beer!
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melodic doom death metal, Solitude Productions
This is the third full-length album of the Australian band Ivan and the first one officially released on a CD. A must-have for fans of classical atmospheric doom death metal. Two tracks, longer than 20 minutes each, are filled to the brim with heavy guitar riffs and the sounds of a dreary piano framed by a solo violin, which makes Ivan's music so special and unique. This is a sound of a funeral orchestra playing on the edge of a dug grave, where the withered autumn leaves fall.
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progressive dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
Without a doubt, The Brazilian band Loneshore is the discovery of the year, and its debut album is one of the best releases lately, competing with the best works of Opeth, Katatonia, Alcest and The Morningside. Impeccable performance skills, brilliant melodies and diverse catchy compositions make "From Presence To Silence" a must for listening, repeated re-listening, and a special place on the CD-shelf of a real dark heavy music fan.
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funeral death doom metal
Doom metal supergroup TOWARDS ATLANTIS LIGHTS give us a sublime album of heart-wrenching drama emanating from historical events. Members of acclaimed bands like PANTHEIST, APHONIC THRENODY and VOID OF SILENCE weave together a majestic tale brimming with melancholy and emotional strife. Each song is an elegant expression of their dreamlike visions of a world long past. They carry the burden of grief passed down from centuries with utmost grace and lend to the music an unmistakable nostalgic charm that is very much palpable. TOWARDS ATLANTIS LIGHTS have created a masterpiece of epic and atmospheric death/doom metal that is tempered with talent, experience and vision.
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death doom metal
Packaged in a digipak.
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death doom metal, Sound Age Productions
"Key to the Abyss" is the debut album by Superstatic, the project from Ireland. The project is started by Rustam (under the name of Alex) known by being a member of Russian band Rakoth (as Rustam) and his solo project Umbral Presence (as Noctulius). The project's genre can be described as Death/Doom Metal with subtle elements of Black Metal, slow Death Metal, classic Doom Metal and Sludge.
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folk metal
Ltd. edition digi-pack
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viking folk metal, Sound Age Productions
ltd. edition digi-pack
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pagan folk metal, Sound Age Productions
A Pagan Folk Metal Monument! ARKONA returns after three long years and finally releases the new album "Yav". The Russian warriors revolving around the impressive frontlady Masha "Scream" Arkhipova have perfected their unique style. Like never before, the band interweaves brutal Metal riffs, pounding drums and folk melodies, the latter played mostly on authentic and medieval instruments. Sweeping and profound songs, epic compositions and dream-like atmospheres create the distinctive and enthralling sound of ARKONA. "Yav" offers 70 minutes of original, majestic and unique Pagan Folk Metal, and will crown ARKONA king!
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pagan folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Arkona`s debut album Vozrozhdenie was originally released in 2004 and firmly placed both the band and its Russian mother country on the pagan / folk metal map. Front woman Masha`s powerful performance plus Slavic mysticism and varied songwriting turned the first release (its name means “revival”, by the way) of young Arkona into a success and the beginning of a remarkable career. The band has now re-recorded Vozrozhdenie and not only revisits its roots – it lets those old songs shine with a massive production and new instrumental skills!
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pagan folk metal
Tracklist: 1 Интро (Коломыйка) 2 Сквозь Туман Веков 3 Русь Изначальная 4 Во Славу Великим! 5 По Сырой Земле 6 Туман Яром 7 Зов Битвы 8 Веды...
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pagan folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Khram is the Russian word for temple – and is also the title of the eighth Arkona album. A Khram is a temple shrouded in natural mysticism slumbering behind nocturnal treetops, yet open to everyone. The sincerity and depth that binds all five band members together resonates in the sumptuously dark cover artwork and leading lady Masha`s lyrics that are written in her own blood (which is also part of the artwork). Arkona may have used sound samples in their early days, but nowadays cellos, brass parts, wind instruments and throat singing are recorded live meticulously and flow naturally into harsh metal on headstrong tracks like ‘Shtorm‘. King-sized songs effortlessly shift from blackened pagan metal masterpieces to epic tracks with crystal-clear melodies and piano infusions. Arkona’s Khram is an exuberant and demanding affair that defies genre boundaries with untamable spirit!
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pagan folk metal
Lepta (Russian: Лепта, English: Contribution) is the second full-length album by the Russian folk metal band Arkona.
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pagan folk metal
Pagan Folk Metal from Russia. On "Goi, Rode, Goi" Arkona, the Pagan Metal mongers revolving around frontlady Masha Scream, give the legends and traditions of their Russian homeland new life and thus, forge steadfastly forth creating a captivating mix of metal and folk exceeding in a welcomed diversity. The characteristic signature sounds stemming from the mind of Masha run through the compositions in which folk melodies, delivered by authentic and at times medieval instruments, join the lively metal riffs, blastbeats, and double bass interludes. The songstress and concurrent band mastermind provides depth with varied vocal lines that include a wide spectrum of clean and black metal parts. The highlight of this latest work is undoubtedly the monumental "Na moey Zemle" on which an illustrious guest line-up (Heidevolk, Menhir, Månegarm, etc.) provide the track with a character all of its own, making it the core of "Goi, Rode, Goi". While this sweeping and majestic epic song stands out deservingly, it certainly does not take away from the remaining tracks' songwriting merits. As in the past, Kris Verwimp's masterful brush has visually ennobled this package. Arkona have exceeded their previous and much praised releases with "Goi, Rode, Goi" and proceed to finally take over the Pagan Metal throne. Recorded at Com Records Studio Moscow Sound in October 2008 - May 2009. Drums recorded at Gigant Records Studio. Guitars recorded at Astia Studio. Mixed at Deformation Records Studio May - June 2009. Digibook edition.
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pagan folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Oğuzelleri 2 Ant Kadehi 3 Yalnızsın 4 Elem 5 Tek Korkum 6 Son Gece (Chieh Shi Shuai) 7 Aşina 8 Talkan & Curcan
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atmospheric folk black metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 All Men Are Mortal 2 Dragons In The Mist 3 Between Shadows 4 In Themselves They Believe 5 When The Ravens Are Fed 6 The Winds Sang Of...
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atmospheric black metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 The Breath Of Cold Silence 2 Frozen Lands And Horizons 3 Light Of Winter 4 Clean Sunset
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melodic death metal
Tracklist: 1 Hypernova 2 Aftermath 3 Shores Of Time 4 Artificial Engine 5 The Last Human 6 Gravity 7 The Shadow Of "I" 8 Sun As A Gift 9 The...
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power metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Ловкость Рук 3:06 2 Верный Друг 3:26 3 Злая 3:42 4 Я И Ты 7:15 5 Семь Королей 4:08 6 Турниры Отменили 2:24 7 SOS 5:10 Bonus Track 8 Турниры...
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ethno tribal metal, Sound Age Productions
Ltd. edition digi-pack
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progressive death metal, Sound Age Productions
Packaged in a jewel case, a 16-page booklet
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progressive death metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1. The Apogee 2. Though Racism Form 3. Petra Scandali 4. Black Lake Blues 5. The Human Abstract 6. Mental Perfection 7. The Garden Of...
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folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Crom Cruach 2 Blood For The Blood God 3 The Arrival Of The Fir Bolg 4 Beren And Luthien 5 The Marching Song Of Fiach Mac Hugh 6 Prophecy...
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post rock, Slow Burn Records
After 5 years of silence AstorVoltaires return with a conceptual album, bringing a new era of life among Terra, Ignis, Aer, Aqua and Æther, were we found an endless journey coming from ancient research of human development
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depressive black metal, Cold Dimensions
Comes with a 4-page booklet.
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black metal, Cold Dimensions
Manufacturing company and pressing plant derived from matrix.
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atmospheric black metal / darkfolk / ambient
Bewitching stories about native land under garment of unique atmospheric soundscape. Amazing double compact disc in a jewel case with 20-pages booklet made of a heavyweight coated paper with glossy varnish.
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pagan black metal
...Their eyes (remained us) cold dew on the grass of the barrows... Boundless regiments (turned into) forests with lakes and rivers shrouded by gonfalon-fogs... Vein-like affluents of the Old Neman (became) everlasting Jatvingian lettering-signs...
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atmospheric black metal / darkwave
Iridescent soundwaves of metallic lights, post-punk influences and atmospheric wind streams. Newest Isaz musical art stay between emotions and sentiments.
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atmospheric black metal / darkfolk / ambient
Impressive conceptual travel through russian landscapes are accompanied by the waves of wind and whispers of woods. Amazing three-way plexus of acoustic neofolk, forest ambient and darkwave / post-metal fields. Mystic sounds enveloped in excellent book-similar design. 500 copies pressed.
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atmospheric black metal / darkwave
Monumental sound landscape. Delicate work with arrangements and many folklore instruments creates tragic story about drowned Russian hamlets. This is massive music art continues the spiritual way of Knyazhaya Pustyn, Lustre and Elderwind creations.
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Chtonic call, ritual folk sounds from the deepest Russian thickets. CD in jewel case with six pages foldout booklet printed on rough designer paper.
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heavy / melodic power metal
Packaged in a jewel case with 4-page booklet.
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occult post punk, FireStorm Production
This record performed at the behest of the Siberian forests under the influence of the true knowledge and magical elixirs. Dedicated to everyone who walks the trails secret. You know who you are.
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black metal
Atmospheric post black metal passages with psychedelic touch. «Tar» is a resin which impregnateses the mighty trunks of ancient trees, pensively bending over the frozen soil of an endless, ever-living forest. This is a stories about forest thin-material beings wandering through deep thickets, looking through awkward branches to random guests, dreaming and griefing. CD in jewel case with 8 pages booklet printed on glossy coated paper with glossy varnish and silver lettering. Professional offset printing.
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death doom metal, Grau
Recorded at various locations in 2011.
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funeral death doom metal, Grau
Recorded (1-5 October 2004) and mixed (15-17 October 2004) at The Lodge, Northampton.
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funeral doom metal, Grau
Tracklist: 1 Our Symbolic Burial 15:19 2 A Sunrise At Your Feet 11:01 3 Reflective 9:35 4 The Piscean Dawn 16:23
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death doom metal, Grau
Tracklist: 1. The Words That Crawled 12:25 2. It Almost Looked Human 7:21 3. The Insolent Caul 10:09 4. Narcissistic Funeral 13:33 5. My Sullen Sulcus 11:24...
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death doom metal, Grau
Rerelease of the album from 2001. Track 6 is an unmixed song from the album The Sullen Sulcus. Track 8 is taken from the demo Autumnal Fires.
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death doom metal, Grau
Recorded, mixed and mastered in Klangschmiede Studio E in November 2004.
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folk metal, FireStorm Production
CD is housed in a 3-fold Digipak. Limited to 500 copies.
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stoner / southern rock, FireStorm Production

Hot slide guitar riffs, rusty harmonica cries, badass demonic drum beats and crazy bear vocals.

CD is housed in 3-folders digipack.
Tracks 11 and 12 are bonus tracks.

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dark folk / dark ambient, FireStorm Production
The debut album one-man band by GrayOcean is a rich combination of dark folk and dark ambient styles relating as well to melancholic and sensitive performance followed by epic and floaty inserts. Five tracks are like five successive chapters of a story that dip a listener into thinking together with the loneliness, adventure and counsciousness of the past going along. “…and Became the Ocean” is a particular personification of a human’s soul regarding the ocean. It looks calm and endless on the surface being full of mysteries deep inside which can be unraveled not by everyone. Jewel case edition. Limited to 300 copies
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folk metal, FireStorm Production
Jewel Case edition. Limited to 300 copies
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folk metal, FireStorm Production
Tracklist: 1 Оберег 3:54 2 Молотом битв 3:47 3 Рагнарёк 5:22 4 Проклятие 5:06 5 Из моей памяти 3:28 6 Хорт 5:07 7 Песнь предков 4:09 8 Новый мир 4:25 9...
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folk / beatbox, FireStorm Production
Deluxe edition in a matte 6-panel Digipak with a dedicated polish. The album "I'm marching on my own" was written by FolkBeat group consisting of: Svetlana Ivanova, Alena Minulina, Mary Zibrova and Svetlana Shestopalova. It is a collection of folk and author songs in electronic arrangement recorded by the group over the last four years, as well as remixes. The album is kind of summary of an eventful period in the band's life, filled with creativity, finding your sound and an active concert activity.
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ambient / dungeon synth, FireStorm Production
Limited edition CD in a 4-page color Digipak. Ravenblood is a one-man project from Ukraine translating the mysticism of Transcarpathia and the dense mysterious Carpathian forests in music styles such as dungeon synth, ambient, neo-classical and darkwave.
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eclectic dark folk
Альбом записан в 2015 году на студии OneSide Records.
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folk / chanson
Packaged in a digipak. Записано 10 апреля 2013 года в Санкт-Петербурге, на концерте в Арт-Клубе "Манхэттен"
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eclectic dark folk
Packaged in a jewel case with 16-page booklet. Recorded at studio Oneside Records in February 2013.
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eclectic dark folk
Packaged in a jewel case with 8-page booklet.
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eclectic dark folk
Packaged in a jewel case with 12-page booklet. Recorded in November-December 2010 and January 2011 at studio One Side Records.
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old school brutal death metal, FireStorm Production
Tracklist: 1 The Last 2 Fucking Future 3 Overturning Prayer-Book 4 Dead Paradise 5 Ignis Sanat 6 Glass Flowers 7 Risus Mortis 8 Lycanthropy 9 Fatal...
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old school brutal death metal, FireStorm Production
Tracklist: 1 Nonsense 2 Dismissed 3 Dirge 4 Everyday Eternity 5 Nothing More Except Circulation 6 Really Rich Grave
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death doom metal, Memento Mori
In our endless quest to push and support current underground acts that perpetuate the odor of vintage Death Metal, Memento Mori summons yet another ponderous beast from the crypts and unleashes it upon mankind: the debut album of Poland's Martyrdoom, "Grievous Psychosis". Conceived in Warsaw back in 2010, the band went through some lineup changes until they established a solid formation in 2014, including Sociak (vocals), Marol (guitar), Młynar (guitar / vocals), Artz (bass) and Wasyl (drums). Blending complex, blast-beat driven, darkened Death Metal with slow Doom passages, the band draws its main influences from the likes of Obituary, Immolation, Rippikoulu, Autopsy, Demilich, Triptykon, Cannibal Corpse, Incantation, Hooded Menace, Grave, Disma and Dead Congregation, but they spew all those influences out with renewed vigor. As far as non-musical inspirations go, their lyrics mostly revolve about old school horror/gore movies, personal struggles and the works of H.P. Lovecraft. Bloodthirsty and dripping with menace, these Poles armed with a thorough knowledge of ancient Death Metal create something vile and unearthly. Eschewing all trends, Martyrdoom trudge defiantly, blasting their noxious blend of Death Metal and Doom Metal music, urging cohorts to surrender to them at once. Eight tracks of visceral mayhem are channelled through what sounds like cavernous labyrinths and are as unrelenting as they are haunting. "Grievous Psychosis" is the sound of demons in your head coming back to take control of what was always theirs. Cover art by Ryszard Wojtyński ("Hell", 1986).
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funeral doom metal, Endless Winter
Texas' In Oblivion solemnly marched onto the funeral doom scene in 2015 with their self-titled EP, and have returned to present their debut full-length, "Memories Engraved in Stone". The hour-long opus contains four songs of misery, sorrow, woe, and mourning that craft an atmosphere that is sure to drag even the most jubilant listener into the depths of desolation. The album was recorded over a period of over two years and was produced by AMP Studios maestro Michael Day (Vex, Whore of Bethlehem), causing In Oblivion's sound to be taken to the next level of aural grief. "Memories Engraved in Stone" is an immersive composition containing wailing guitars, regal keyboards, and crashing percussion that demands a listener's full attention. Upon the release of "Memories Engraved in Stone", In Oblivion will return to the live circuit and will begin writing and recording new material. Oblivion calls....
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funeral doom metal, Endless Winter
The debut album from international duo Colossus Morose. In 2015, inspired by the north-Norwegian winter, C.J. decided to express his dark side of his thoughts and feelings by creating musical landscapes full of darkness, aggression and oppressive emptiness. The collaboration with J.C. on vocals resulted in six epic funeral death doom metal songs. “Seclusion” is the first release by Colossus Morose and was recorded and mixed in northern Norway and mastered in Germany between winter 2016 and spring 2018.
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funeral doom metal, Endless Winter
Emotions and messages conveyed by Fretting Obscurity are based on philosophical existentialism and the works of Jean-Paul Sartre. The title of the project speaks of fundamental unknowableness and hostility of the physical realm. The image used in the title of the album - flags in the dust - was borrowed from William Faulkner. It is a symbol of formally announced ethical values that are not observed in practice in the era of bigotry, consumption and torpor. As for the music itself, the style of the project was shaped by a 'three-guitar canon' as represented by Mournful Congregation and tends towards the use of multiple layers with occasional heavy passages and doom-death riffs.
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stoner doom metal, Endless Winter
The Golden Dwarf is the second album from Satori Junk, Acid Horror Doom band from Milan, Italy. Varied and melodic seven-tracked trip between fuzzy riffing and psychedelia, where heaviness meets colorful sound of classic synths from the seventies. A bizarre and immersive experience behind the wall of sleep.
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death metal, Memento Mori
The astonishing debut full-length from this U.S. band. Hailing from Portland, Petrification formed in 2014 out of their love of old school Swedish, British and particularly Finnish Death Metal, wanting to create music that while an homage to its roots, allowed its members to find their own unique voice in Extreme Metal. Drawn to the evil and doom-laden soundscapes of the Finnish masters, Petrification set out to meticulously craft their own vision in the writing of the early 2017 demo, "Summon Horrendous Destruction". And it's now, only a few months later, that Petrification set the bar even higher in terms of heaviness and somber ambience with the release of their debut album, "Hollow of the Void", a devastating opus that lyrically and sonically musters the band's morbid visions of horror, demise and mephitic decay through 11 tracks of utterly gut-churning Death Metal that traps the listener in a nightmare of festering pustules that nobody can't crawl out of. Fans of Convulse, Demigod, Grave, Dismember, Rippikoulu, Carcass, Bolt Thrower, Adramelech, Sorcery, Unleashed, Depravity, Entombed, Catacomb, God Macabre or even newer masters of the olden tradition, such as Disma and Funebrarum, will certainly find a new favorite in "Hollow of the Void". Featuring some deliciously macabre artwork and layout by Jason Barnett, the band's vocalist, and mastered by Dan Lowndes (of Cruciamentum fame) at his own Resonance Sound Studio in the U.K., "Hollow of the Void" marks the unstoppable ascent of a new force to be reckoned with in underground Death Metal.
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death doom metal, Memento Mori
Formed in 2013, Deprive is the brainchild of a hyperactive veteran of the Spanish scene that goes under the nickname of Erun Dagoth, current/past member of a large number of bands and projects such as Briargh, Hrizg, Stormstone, CrystalMoors, Eldereon and Omendark, just to name a few. Drawing his influences from the early offerings of bands such as Paradise Lost, Hypocrisy, Morbid Angel, Abhorrence/Amorphis, Incantation, My Dying Bride and Bolt Thrower, Erun Dagoth manages to display a vast array of resources that makes his music gloomy yet luminous, crushing yet emotional, capturing the very essence of the old-flavoured, early and mid 90's Death Metal that used to toy with slower, doom-ish tempos to enhance the atmosphere. Produced in its entirety (music, sound, artwork and layout) by Erun Dagoth himself, and featuring the terrific “De Vermis Mysteriis” demo (2013) as bonus tracks, “Into Oblivion” is not just a fantastic debut full-length album by a promising act, but the solid statement of a mature artist reaching his new peak of creativity. Tracks 11-14 taken from the “De Vermis Mysteriis” demo (2013).
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sludge doom metal, Memento Mori
A collection of all the songs (most of them available on CD format for the first time ever) included in their "...From Forgotten Tombs" (originally released on vinyl format in 2008) and "...From Forgotten Tombs II" (originally released on digital format in 2013) compilations on one disc, featuring the "Pleasures of War" EP (2004), a cover of Pentagram's "The Ghoul" and their side of the splits with Rue (2004), Sod Hauler (2005), Zoroaster (2009) and Unearthly Trance (2009). Adorned with an amazingly ominous artwork by Igor 'Abigor' Mugerza, "…From Forgotten Tombs I & II" display almost 70 minutes worth of gargantuan sheer heaviness and eerie aural landscapes from the undisputed U.S. masters of funeralized Doom/Sludge Metal with a Lovecraftian vibe. If the prospect of soul-crushing and utmost heavy Doom Metal suits your fancy, this anthology of Aldebaran's plodding opuses is an absolute necessity to drown in cosmic terror. Compilation of previous "...From Forgotten Tombs" compilations into a single CD format. Track 7 is a [a=Pentagram] cover.
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death doom metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
"Collapse" and "Darkness"; two facets of sorrow, two sides of extreme doom metal, two long songs combined into one monumental split album. England's Eye of Solitude offers "Collapse," a marching funeral doom track shrouded in a thick smoky atmosphere, and carrying the grandeur of the band's latest offerings. Of equal crushing proportion, Belgium's Marche Funèbre presents "Darkness," an epic doom-death track that combines their signature blend of riff and growl, along with powerful melodies and clean vocal passages. Clocking at approximately 30 minutes, this dual offering should please fans of extreme doom metal, and mark a new chapter in the lives of both bands as they embark on their first North American tour. This Eye of Solitude/Marche Funèbre split album will be released by Hypnotic Dirge Records and Cimmerian Shade Recordings, in a 6-panel digipack edition of 500 copies, on February 22, 2018. The bleak artwork was created by multi-instrumentalist Daniel Neagoe (Eye of Solitude, Clouds, Shape of Despair, Pantheist).
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avantgarde sludge doom metal
This is the Spanish CD editon. © 2007 Alone Records / The Stone Circle. Recorded mixed and mastered at Estudios Sputnik, Sevilla (December 18-23 2006). Catalog number on spine: AR 020 Catalog number on rear cover: AR 020 CD
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death doom / post metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
French-Canadian band Norilsk is back with a captivating new album, as thick and heavy as permafrost. Le passage des glaciers (The Passage of Glaciers) follows in the footsteps of 2015's album The Idea of North, but expands the sound considerably. From a sludgy slab of doom-death, the band has carved further into the icy influences of dark metal, to emerge with a blackened doom-death album tainted with frozen melodies, misty atmospheres, and reflective lyrical passages. As lyricist Nic Miquelon mentions, “Anyone who has followed us so far and enjoyed our musical landscape might be carried away into the distance with Le passage des glaciers. There is something of a personal journey in there, something that had to be experienced and mourned, and something that swallowed us whole when creating this.” While Le passage des glaciers is not a concept album, this new musical chapter has been written around the theme of mourning and departure. The artwork is signed by Sam Ford, who designed the artwork for the previous album The Idea of North. Sam worked closely with the band to develop an artistic continuity, yet a distinct visual atmosphere to the album, and integrating symbolism and referencing Canadian art. Death, like a magnetic North, is calling, and many are those who answer. It hypnotizes with its lullaby, carrying some into the distance, and leaving the others behind the furrow left by the passing of glaciers. The album includes eight tracks, mostly in French, for a total duration of 44 minutes. 4 Panel Digipack
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ambient black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
As the broken wheel of life, emptiness, and chaos turns, the burden of sorrow can be so heavy that it brings any grown man to its knees. Kval, like a thick fog prevailing over an ancient forest, carries the last pangs of hope below this ominous landscape. Cold guitars and tortured screams roll over slow-bleeding drum patterns like walls of icy wind, only interrupted from time to time by a short interlude. This 43-minute full-length album is articulated around four massive songs, ranging from 6 to over 10 minutes each, and rounded with three minimalistic ambient songs. Originally released under the name Khaossos in 2015, this one-man project's debut album from Finland has been re-recorded, and was given a new artwork (courtesy Moonroot Art), thus carrying more than ever the purity and vacuity of atmospheric black metal. …Let yourself be carried away. For fans of Burzum, Forgotten Woods, and Mortualia. 6-panel digipak limited to 300 copies.
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experimental doom metal
Gamaheo: drums, rocks, tellurism, granite. Trarames: baetylus, tubes, pylars and columns, tectonic lava. Lingua Alaudae: violin, cracks, mandolin, stones of lightning. LenguaDeCarpa: voices, uncharted alphabets, petrified languages, litophanies. Bar-Gal: guitars, metals, Gods axes. Comes in a trifold digipack.
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black doom metal
First press 1000 copies
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black doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Ödesdigrande Slentrian 15:28 2 Becksvart Logik 9:58 3 I Verklighetens Kval 9:47 4 Bråddjupets Spörsmål 9:45 5 Fobisk Sälta 16:04
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ambient neoclassic, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Ambient / Neo-classical artist Melankolia presents their fourth full-length album ‘Vividarium Intervigilium Viator'. Founded by musician Mike O’Brien, (Appalachian Winter, Veiled Monk, Ritual in Ash) Melankolia has been releasing introspective and thoughtful music since the project’s beginnings nearly 10 years ago. Mike O'Brien states: "This album bridged nearly 5 years of hardship and resurrection in my life. Thematically, this album is a journey of OUROBOROS in my personal life; self-cannibalizing at one end, enigma of absolute perpetuality at the other. It wasn't the project that changed, but me. The music was always there, but I had to learn to extricate it from the ruins of a life that was no more. In this way, the album is a study of personal catharsis" The nights are long, the air is cold, and winter's firm grasp is upon us. This is the season of contemplation and reflection. Vividarium Intervigilium Viator is the perfect soundtrack for solitary introspection and a recalibration of your mind, allowing you to feel mourning, loss, resentment, as well as hope for optimism. The physical album is presented in a 4 panel digipack with an accompanying booklet of photography from the composer Mike O’Brien and Silvana Massa. VIV - recorded annis 2013 - 2017 Columbus, Ohio. Comes as 4 Panel Digipack with 8 Page Booklet.
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death doom metal, Weird Truth Productions
This DVD contains shows of the bands who are playing doom and doom related genre in Rotterdam/Holland 2006. Multi-camera shooted pro-quality DVD featuring Saturnus, Ataraxie, Inborn Suffering, Doomraiser, Funeralium, Nymphea Aurora, Abysmal Darkening, Reverend Bizarre, The Prophecy, The Gates Of Slumber, Centurions Ghost, Insanity Reigns Supreme, Season's End, and Mary Bell. Filmed, authoring by Camisole(France). Filmed live at Baroeg in Rotterdam on October 28th & 29th, 2006. Limited to 1000 copies. © Camisole and Weird Truth Productions 2009
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dark ambient
Released with an A5 sized 6 page booklet. All artwork in black and white. Limited to 500 copies.
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sludge doom metal
Recorded and mixed in Helicopter Studio (Dresden, Germany) - analogue, and in Blankman Studio (Zshopau, Germany) - digital.
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melodic doom metal
The songs of the album "The Dawning" went through three stages of processing, now reaching the final version. The first ideas were born long before the formation of the band. Over time, the songs have undergone many changes, especially since Dumitru Grosu and Vadim Puscas joined the band. At the end of 2016, the composer and leader of the band, Alexandru Lefter, started re-recording all the songs, thus resulting in the final version.
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ambient funeral doom metal, Silent Time Noise
Jewel case release including an eight page booklet. Liner notes in Russian.
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funeral doom metal, Silent Time Noise
jewel-box, ltd.1000
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ambient funeral doom metal, Silent Time Noise
Released in a jewel case. Limited of 1,000 copies. Composed, recorded and mixed at HHStudios, 2012.
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funeral doom metal, Silent Time Noise
jewel-box, ltd.1000
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black metal
Debut album from the Argentinian / Romanian band Funeral Baptism, 7 tracks of fast, aggressive, fierce and technical Black Metal for fans of Marduk, Watain, Urgehal or Antaeus! Here's what the band had to say about it: “We worked hard on this album and we think to have reached a perfect balance between atmosphere and aggression. We bring more variety yet keeping the traditional basis of Black Metal intact.” The Venom of God‘s cover artwork is the work of Gheorghe Paraschiv (the photo part) and Cristina Ustinescu (the editing part), and the people involved in recording the album are: Liviu – Vocals, lyrics Damian – Guitars, bass, music Teo Popp – session drums Producer – Mihai Alexandru Dinca (Apa Simbetii, Negative Core Project)
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death metal
In September 20, 2013, "Dominions of Our Deceitful Beliefs", CodeRed's first full-lenght album, mastered by Brian Elliot in Florida, USA at Mana Recording Studios, was released and offered for free streaming on Soundcloud. In 2017 the same material is re-mastered and released now via Loud Rage Music featuring 1 bonus track too.
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black thrash metal
4-panel digipak with 20 pages booklet, limited to 333 copies. Tracks 9-12 taken from the previously unreleased "In the Name ov Salvation" EP.
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melodic death doom metal
Released in a 6-panel digipak with a 4-page booklet. Drums & vocals recorded at Hybreed Studio (February & May 2017) Bass, guitars & keyboards recorded at Red Reed Studio (February to April 2017) Mixed and mastered in Sweden, June 2017
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funeral death doom metal, Endless Winter

The fourth full-length album Aura Hiemis is released five years after the previous one, during this time the concept of the group's creativity has changed a little.

In the new record, heavy and powerful death-doom actions alternate with quiet atmospheric acoustic fragments designed to ensure unity and conceptuality

sound canvas. A sad, disastrous, but extremely elegant and skillfully played music.

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funeral death doom metal, Endless Winter
Edition of 500 copies. On CD title of album - "Chapter III: While the Rest of the World Sleep..." "Божественное Вмешательство" pronunciation is "Bozhestvennoe Vmeshatelstvo"
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black metal
Jewelcase CD with 8-page booklet including song lyrics in Russian and English. Limited to 300 copies.
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death metal
Limited to 1000 copies.
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black metal
Znaki rabizny płyni lipenia was recorded at summer 2013. Official CD reissue limited to 300 copies.
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black metal
16-page booklet All hymns by Temnarod Recorded in January 2014 anno bastardi
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pagag black metal
2CD digibook limited to 500 copies. CD1 featuring "Praź Piačory Mistyčnaha Azareńnia" full-length album. CD2 featuring "Zaimhlonyja Dali Prynosiać Uspaminy" full-length album. Both albums are previously unreleased.
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psychedelic doom metal, Endless Winter
Premarone was born in 2010 on the initiative of four friends who decided to give the band the name of the place in which they meet to rehearse, a tiny hillside village in North Italy. Starting from doom metal, psychedelic and progressive/kraut influences, the sound of the group prefers dark, obsessive and hallucinated atmospheres, but is also characterized by an aggressive attitude. After the recording of a self-produced four track demo, in 2015 Nicotine Records proposes to Premarone the publishing of an album, thus "Obscuris Vera Involvens" is born. The following year the band starts working on the new album, a disquieting concept called "Das Volk der Freiheit".
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doom metal, Endless Winter
SuuM, Doom Metal from Rome (Italy), debuts with the first fulllength CD. Short (35 minutes), but the powerful and equable album is sustained in the best rules of traditional doom and stoner metal. This is pure gloomy Doom Metal, Doom for the Doomed... into the Sabbath...
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heavy metal, FONO ltd
PORTRAIT - шведская heavy metal команда, сформированная в 2006 году. Выпустив демо и семерку в 2007 году, PORTRAIT быстро завоевали признание на андеграундной сцене и к 2008 выпустили одноименный дебютник на Iron Kodex Records/High Roller Records. Выступая на различных фестивалях (Sweden Rock Festival, Hole in the Sky, Headbangers Open Air, Up the Hammers and Hell's Pleasure), PORTRAIT закрепили за собой титул амбициозного хэви-метал акта, подписавшись на Metal Blade Records в 2010 и выпустив второй альбом "Crimen Laesae Majestatis Divinae". "Crossroads" - третий полноформатный альбом шведов, на запись которого у группы ушло около года. Продюсированием "Crossroads", как и в случае с прошлой пластинкой, занимался Stjerna Tore Gunnar, работавший над альбомами WATAIN, DEMONICAL и DESTRÖYER 666. Часть тиража выпущена в 4-панельном матовом диджипаке.
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