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BadMoodMan Music

800.00 Р
gothic doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The second full-length album of the Spanish band Shattered Sigh is sustained in the best traditions of gothic doom death metal, delicious melodies, and dark mood. And the musicians do not forget about the atmosphere, enveloping into it a traditional combination of guitars, drums, and keyboards. Growls with pure male vocals are soaring over them. Shattered Sigh, having found its original sound, showed true to itself and the genre.
Album released as a four-page digipak with an eight-page booklet.
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533.33 Р
dark ambient, BadMoodMan Music
New work of dark ambient master – Vinterriket! «Zeit-Los:Laut-Los» is a 40 minutes soundtrack for a film Kontemplative Antagonismen Des Augenblicks. The album is made in the best traditions of the band, which confesses the religion of nordic dark ambient, filled with the noises of winter forest and with the breath of nordic wind. Expecially for that release mastering was done in Strype Klangschmiede (Oslo, Norway) in 2008. This CD is packaged in mini LP sleeve and strictly limited to 1000 copies
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466.67 Р
depressive black / black doom, BadMoodMan Music
New work from the talented Ukrainian depressive black metal band. This time Raventale demostrate us a transition to black doom side, still preserving their inimitable atmosphere and melodiousness. Combining fury and coldness of black metal with melancholic loneliness of doom metal, in addition with some elements of ambient, the band rises up on a new level of quality. The beautiful lyrics make the new album "Long Passed Days" more attractive for all lovers of the voluptuous side of black metal.
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533.33 Р
progressive doom death / post metal, BadMoodMan Music
Odradek Room, a progressive metal band with doom elements returns this autumn with their follow-up to their mature and intelligent debut album “Bardo. Relative Reality.” released in 2013. A four piece located in Mariupol, Ukraine, Odradek Room (named after Franz Kafka"s short story The Cares of a Family Man [1919]) uses doom metal as a base, but explores other musical genres to paint a rich palette of texture and atmosphere. Lyrically rooted in spiritual and philosophical themes, this is music that should appeal to introspective souls and deep thinkers. The "Man of Silt" album explores the nature of personality, and is based on approaches and conceptual understanding of buddhism, but utilizes a system of european symbolism This is a story about an abstract travel of a human from nothingness to nonexistence, during which he tries to see and understand himself. He sees his personality melting and rising, splitting and merging. He sees that his personality is nothing more than a combination of figures like on a chessboard in Herman Hesse"s magic theatre. His personality is conditioned as everything else is in the world of forms. The human sinks in his own scaring, sick illusions and consciousness projections, and sees clear light and clear nature of reality. This story has neither a beginning nor an end, everyone who is born, who considers himself an individual, walks through this cycle...but in a new way each time. Everything is constantly changing...But in some way stays the same. Until one realizes this cycle. “A Man of Silt” will be co-released between Hypnotic Dirge Records and BadMoodMan Music in an edition of 500 copies. The album should appeal to fans of doom metal in general, but also listeners of prog metal bands such as late-Katatonia, mid-Opeth, Ihsahn, and Devin Townsend.
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533.33 Р
melodic death doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
Maze of Feelings is an unusual band from Poland, which has two vocalists in the line-up, both from Russia, and they both have already become a significant part of the Russian dark scene. Andrey Karpukhin (Mare Infinitum, Abstract Spirit, Comatose Vigil) and Ivan Guskov (Mare Infinitum) are responsible for the variety of voices ranging from scream and growl to narrative and epic clean vocals that saturate music, which is an organic composition of doom death metal and dark metal. The harsh and heavy compositions of this debut album by Maze of Feelings, appearing quite straightforward at first glance, will immediately reveal many expressed emotions. Band was created by Marcin Warzyński & Krzysztof Wieczerzycki and also includes Szymon Grodzki (Gnida, Sammath Naur, Invent-Sound Studio) and one of the best metal drummer Dariusz "Daray" Brzozowski (Dimmu Borgir, Vesania, ex-Vader).
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533.33 Р 400.00 Р
dark death doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The second full-length album by Shallow Rivers follows the stylistics of the debut album "Nihil Euphoria" demonstrating enhanced technical and compositional abilities of musicians. Extreme and harsh, but atmospheric and melodic music is based on different styles with prevailing doom death metal resulting in sudden transitions from low to up tempo and vice versa. The album requires a thoughtful listening with leafing through the booklet. You can return to it again and again as to a good book, because it has Henry Longfellow"s "The Wreck of the Hesperus" as a basis of concept. Musicians discover the theme of obsession of poets, writers, artists and creative people in general. The concept is based on the idea that their talent is driven by a kind of "innocent insanity." It gives them inspiration, but eventually turns them into madmen. The lead ghost is an obsession, a nagging sense of foreboding. Attempts to understand it end up with madness.
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600.00 Р
melancholic metal, BadMoodMan Music
The new work of the Moscow quartet The Morningside, with all recognizable features of the band, demonstrates the brand new facets of their creativity. This concerns a material itself which is much more aggressive than ever, and how the material is presented to the listener. The arrangements , the sound and the lyrics of the album, and even design the booklet say that Letters From The Empty Towns is not an evident successor to any of the previous works of the group. Album is devoted to the theme of fragmentation, isolation and loneliness, perceived by a metropolis inhabitant, offers a palette of moods: from rage, suicidal despair and black humor to light sadness with a touch of escapism typical for the band works. Starting a voyage from the first to the final, ninth track, you, on the one hand, constantly feel like being inside a submarine called The Morningside, with boards painted in the color of autumn leaves. On the other hand, you understand that this boat can run dangerously close to the territorial waters controlled by the monsters of thrash / death metal, then quietly slip under the keels of the mossy sailing frigates, whose saloons sound like acoustic versions of Pink Floyd with interludes of lute music of the XVII century. In short, this album is equally recommended to old group fans, and those who choose it for the first acquaintance with the work of The Morningside.
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
ethnic dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
The fourth full-length album from Russian band named after the capital of Aztec empire Tenochtitlan continues long story about mythology of Mesoamerican culture.Narrating this story by means of dark metal music with strong ethnic accents two multi instrumental musicians (Lefthander and Senmuth famous by a number of other projects) resurrect somber and poetic beliefs of Aztecs, Maya and Inca.
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600.00 Р
melodic death doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The debut album by Invernoir featuring members of Italian bands Ars Onirica, Black Therapy and Lykaion. Born out of the desire to resurrect the sound of doom music from the 90s, the project takes the inspiration from the best works by My Dying Bride, Anathema, Katatonia and Paradise Lost. Surprisingly diverse and accurately crafted material by Invernoir burns with the frost of the night wind, tears the soul with longing, just to let the pain shake a listener, thus bringing him back to life. Over and over again while listening to "The Void And The Unbearable Loss". Co-release with Funere.
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666.67 Р
atmospheric dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
Solitude Productions and BadMoodMan Music proudly present the long-awaited second album of the unique Russian band Kauan. A band that got alot of good reviews in Russia and in the West, a band whose first album became a sensation in Europe (won nominations from "best album of the year" to "breakout of the year 2007") comes back with a new album that demonstrates creative and professional growth of the musicians."Tietajan Laulu" - a bright conceptual linen, includes warm, soft and hard metal - music close to Agalloch, Tenhi, Subaudition, with inimitable coloring and lyrics in Finnish and Russian languages. Mastering and mixing made by Pavel Peristy, who has also worked with bands like Intagio, Revelations Of Rain, Tears Of Mankind and many others... Disc with gold evaporation packaged in stylish digipak including aerograph pictures made by the painter of the band.
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800.00 Р
dark doom death metal, BadMoodMan Music

The album has been recorded at Psychosomatic studios by M.A Riutort and mastered by Jens Bogren at Fascination Street Studios, like their previous album, and the cover artwork has been made by Gonzalo Aeneas.

In the large list of contributions, you can find Heike Langhans of the Swedish band Draconian, who sings in a song of the album.

This new disc is a bit more epic, intense and dark than the previous ‘Compassion Forlorn’, who had excellent reviews and took the band to play in several European cities, and it will delight to all the Doom Metal fans over the world.

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533.33 Р
melancholic metal, BadMoodMan Music
The new long-awaited album by the Moscow melancholiacs surprises again, thus proving that The Morningside is one of the unique bands of the Russian heavy stage. After the previous explosive album crafted in the spirit of melodic / progressive death metal and raised the stir among fans of the band, the musicians once again changed their style. On the one hand, there is a return to the style of the second full-length album, «Moving Crosscurrent Of Time», and on the other, the influence of progressive rock and post rock in their purest form became more noticeable. This unusual combination, while maintaining the unique sound and atmosphere of The Morningside, gives birth to «Yellow» - a new chapter, a new journey. The special atmosphere of the album is made by a concept indirectly associated with the novel by Kurt Vonnegut "Slaughterhouse-Five". Character «Yellow», akin Vonnegut character wanders through time and the yellow tram from the album cover takes him, along with the audience, to a journey, inviting listeners to share it with The Morningside.
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733.33 Р
pagan doom metal, BadMoodMan Music

Undoubtedly, this is the one of the most awaited albums and brilliant releases on the Russian metal scene. The triumphant comeback of the famous pagan doom death metal band Amber Tears at the borderline of the retreat of winter and the awakening of nature emphasizes the album concept of emerging human experiences with nature. The breath of the northern forests is already filled with the ritual sounds of drums, while melodious guitar parts echo the crow cries.

When the past holds you for a long time and does not let you go, when you are not sure if you want changes to happen, you freeze between winter and spring ...

Digipak edition

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600.00 Р
doom / dark metal, BadMoodMan Music

The third album by the Italian band continues exploring dark fantasies of the talented musicians. Demonstrating significant progress and development, (EchO) created a mosaic canvas on a melodic death doom metal base filled with outstanding melodies and intersections with different styles, with a touch of psychedelia and a perfect combination of fragility and brutality (both in music and vocals). Carefully crafted arrangements ensured by the coherence and skills of the musicians are the unique feature of (EchO), that was perfected by Greg Chandler (Esoteric), who performed mixing and mastering in Priory Recording Studio.

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600.00 Р
dark doom death metal, BadMoodMan Music

The album has been recorded at Psychosomatic studios by M.A Riutort and mastered by Jens Bogren at Fascination Street Studios, like their previous album, and the cover artwork has been made by Gonzalo Aeneas.

In the large list of contributions, you can find Heike Langhans of the Swedish band Draconian, who sings in a song of the album.

This new disc is a bit more epic, intense and dark than the previous ‘Compassion Forlorn’, who had excellent reviews and took the band to play in several European cities, and it will delight to all the Doom Metal fans over the world.

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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
progressive metal, BadMoodMan Music
After the first album issued in 2010 by Solitude prod., a number of gigs in support of the debut album, changes in line-up, and, finally, release of Internet-EP “Pulse” the band Sullen Route from Volgograd is ready to present the other side of their music to the audience. «Apocalyclinic» demonstrates evolution from orthodox doom death metal to the area which cannot be definitely classified: in the new work of musicians one can find influence of dark metal combined with features of post metal and progressive metal, extreme vocals, and powerful and solid sound. The essential advance in music is manifested by refined structure of compositions and brilliant mastering. Here comes The Sullen Route you’ve never heard!
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533.33 Р 466.67 Р
atmospheric black metal, BadMoodMan Music
The third album of the young Ukranian project playing music between atmospheric black metal and pagan metal. In their new work Zgard returned to the ideas of their debut album “Dukh Karpatskih Sutinkiv”: furious cold pagan black metal enriched by atmospheric keyboards and folk motives is fresh as frosty night and thorny as acerose leaves in endless Carpathian forests. The album traditionally features sopilka, Ukranian folk music instrument giving unique features to Zgard sound.
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600.00 Р
black doom metal, BadMoodMan Music

The first full-length album of the Italian group Ars Onirica represents a junction between melodic doom metal, black metal and dark metal. This work inherits the demo that was released many years ago and has received high evaluation from the audience. The album contains a carefully crafted combination of dense reefs and atmospheric interludes, calm and aggressive moments, including acoustic parts and melodic guitar solos. This wide set of music components creates a unique mixture of the fleur of the classical groups of the 90s with the modern dark scene features appreciated by the fans of the genre.

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533.33 Р
acoustic / ambient, BadMoodMan Music
The most recent work from the Swiss cult band, which shows Vinterriket from a whole new angle. A project, well known for its work in black metal and dark ambient genres, put those two together creating very unusual sounding versions of their old black metal songs. Almost from the first notes you can recognize the keys, the acoustic guitars, drums and clean vocals creating a cold, ambient atmosphere. The album includes acoustic versions of songs from the Winterschatten CD and limited "Aura" PIC-EP, "Im Ambivalenten Zwielicht Der Dunkelheit" and "Kaelte" 7inches which makes this CD even more valuable for not only the collectors but for all the people who are into this music. The album has also been released in a special edition digi-pack with alternative artwork limited to 500 copies.
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600.00 Р
progressive dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
Without a doubt, The Brazilian band Loneshore is the discovery of the year, and its debut album is one of the best releases lately, competing with the best works of Opeth, Katatonia, Alcest and The Morningside. Impeccable performance skills, brilliant melodies and diverse catchy compositions make "From Presence To Silence" a must for listening, repeated re-listening, and a special place on the CD-shelf of a real dark heavy music fan.
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466.67 Р
pagan / doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
Truly long-awaited by many fans re-issue of the album is finally available after the original release is sold out long time ago. «Revelations Of Renounced» is not a simple additional press, but the re-issue of the classical album of the band in the form the musicians had initially planned it to be issued, both cover art wise and master-disc wise. There is no need to describe the music which can be found at this album because all fans of Russian heavy music know Amber Tears as talented band organically combining pagan metal and doom metal. Now everybody can add this magnificent album to music collection!
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466.67 Р 266.67 Р
gothic metal, BadMoodMan Music
The second album from one of the best Ukrainian gothic metal bands Grimfaith is out after five years since the debut album “Grime”. The new work “Preacher Creature” took the best features of the previous album with adding more electronics and stylistic diversity enriched by powerful sound. Anders Jacobsson and Lisa Johansson from the legendary Swedish gothic doom metal band Draconian appear as guest vocalists at the album! “Preacher Creature” also features energetic cover to Mick Jagger song «God Gave Me Everything».
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533.33 Р
dark metal / doom death, BadMoodMan Music
The fifth full-length album from the famous dark doom death metal band previously issued in Chili as a strictly limited addition is now available worldwide thanks to Solitude Productions. Poema Arcanvs, being one of the most distinctive Chilean bands at the edge between dark metal and doom death metal, gained love of many fans due to unique atmosphere, sincerity, melodies and high production quality. As a bonus the release «Transient Chronicles» by Solitude Productions features remastered sound and contains additional track, epic «Errant Souls»!
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1 000.00 Р
atmospheric black metal, BadMoodMan Music
The sixth album of Raventale once again discovers the band creativity to the attentive listeners. «Transcendence» presents majestic and deep music performed in style of savage black metal; this album features perfect sound, performance, musical and lyrical content. Without a doubt, this is one of the best works of Raventale.Conceptually «Transcendence»is on the threshold of the Epoch of the Six Sun. The main aim of the work is contemplation of transcendental and exorbitant forms of being against the background of conventionality and immanent degradation of modern civilization.
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533.33 Р
melodic death / doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The long-awaited second full-length album by the Italian band that secures the success of their debut album, which received many positive reviews from critics and fans of heavy metal music. Melodic, atmospheric and accurate arrangements, coupled with a combination of growls and clean vocals make «Head First Into Shadows» a perfect example of a good album varying the style from raw death doom metal to refined post rock. The guests on the album are represented by Daniel Droste, the guitarist and the vocalist of the German band Ahab, and Jani Ala-Hukkala, the vocalist of the Finnish post-metal band Callisto. The album was recorded at several studios, mastering was traditionally performed by Greg Chandler, the leader of Esoteric at Priory Recording Studios (Birmingham, UK).
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666.67 Р
acoustic / ambient, BadMoodMan Music
The most recent work from the Swiss cult band, which shows Vinterriket from a whole new angle. A project, well known for its work in black metal and dark ambient genres, put those two together creating very unusual sounding versions of their old black metal songs. Almost from the first notes you can recognize the keys, the acoustic guitars, drums and clean vocals creating a cold, ambient atmosphere. The album includes acoustic versions of songs from the Winterschatten CD and limited "Aura" PIC-EP, "Im Ambivalenten Zwielicht Der Dunkelheit" and "Kaelte" 7inches which makes this CD even more valuable for not only the collectors but for all the people who are into this music. The album has also been released in a special edition digi-pack with alternative artwork limited to 500 copies.
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533.33 Р 466.67 Р
atmospheric black metal, BadMoodMan Music
This is the second work of Yaromysl, a guitarist of Ukrainian folk pagan metal band Goverla, with his own Zgard. In this project the musician expresses his individuality by his ideas in atmospheric black metal style (the first work was made in folk pagan metal style) . The themes of compositions remain the same: paganism and hailing the power of nature; music-wise the album features majestic melodies based on atmospheric keyboards, powerful guitars and deep screaming with inclusions of folk fragments.…and let all the fans of pagan metal and atmospheric black metal open their hearts for music of Zgard!
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1 000.00 Р
gothic doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The splendid debut of the young band from Ukraine, that claims to be “Gothic/Doom metal Discovery of the Year 2012”! Delicate music of “Winter Shades” combines sadness and passion with adding winter feeling to them. You can hear some influences of Draconian, Doom:VS, Saturnus, Swallow The Sun, Tristania and Sirenia, ‘cause musicians of Edenian are inspired by these various bands. Atmospheric keyboards, heavy guitars, famous male/female vocal scheme “beauty and the beast” and clean male voice, lyrics that based on the classic English poetry – all that makes “Winter Shades” the superior album for die-hard fans of this genre.
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533.33 Р
dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
The new work of the Spanish group continues the line started with the previous album «Forthcoming Displeasures», presentingmelodic and diverse material combining the heaviness and lyricism. Mourning and melancholy piercing the music and clean vocals diluted with mournful growl go far beyond the frames of doom / gothic metal, touching the strings of heart of any fan ofdark and emotional music. Melodicism, atmosphere and sadness joined together in «Compassion Forlorn» in order to re-fill the world with the unique magic of Helevorn.
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
A new discovery in the world of heavy music: unique international project Kamlath performing music featuring different genres which can be characterized as dark metal while the band members call it Siberian Metal. They try to tell with their music about Siberia, its inhabitants, the pride of this great people, their destiny full of heroism and tragedy through thousands of years. The band founded by two Siberian musicians recorded their debut album "Stronger Than Frost" with the help of famous musicians from Sweden, USA and Italy. The record features virtuosic guitarist and Grammy nominee Mike Wead (King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, Memento Mori, Firegod, Candlemass+), drummer and successful drumming teacher Dennis Leeflang (Bumblefoot, Within Temptation, Sun Caged, Epica, The Saturnine, Lita Ford) and unique vocalist and frontman of The Foreshadowing Marco Benevento!
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