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Solitude Productions

533.33 Р
doom / stoner, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions presents the first album of the French stoner doom metal trio continuing the great traditions of Black Sabbath. Biting riffs typical for early doom metal are organically combined in Stangala music with Celtic folk elements which is ideological and lyrical basic of the band. «Boued Tousek Hag Traou Mat All» can be recommended to all fans of Electric Wizard, Sleep and, certainly, early Black Sabbath albums!
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533.33 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
Greek doom death metal band Shattered Hope is back with their second full-length album aimed for surprising listeners. Musicians are moving towards radical depression and present six epic tracks, from 10 to 18 minutes each, which feed the atmosphere of impenetrable grave gloom. The music flows slowly just like the black waters of the River of the Dead, while rare midtempo interludes and melodic passages appear as islands which bring diversity to the lifeless extramundane landscape. Undoubtedly, this album is aimed for careful listening allowing to reveal the power and deepness of the work. Famous British master Greg Chandler (Esoteric) helped the band to embody this masterpiece in details by performing mastering at Priory Recording Studio (UK).
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533.33 Р
epic funeral doom, Solitude Productions
The fourth album of this mysterious band appeared as an unexpected postscript to the previously released trilogy. This new untitled work represented by a single monolith track has no musical and ideological connections to the trilogy; however, it presents further progress of Ea ideas. In this album you will find epic atmospheric funeral doom metal and unique Ea atmosphere highly evaluated by listeners and reviewers.
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533.33 Р
melodic death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The second album of Spanish musicians reinvents the band to the listeners fully discovering their talent and skills. This time Evadne presents perfect in all senses album in death doom style. Magically attractive, rigid, but melodic material will suit the most demanding taste of a modern death doom metal fan. Diversity of guitars varying from powerful atmospheric riffs to sensual solo fused with combination of growl and clean male vocals strengthened by perfectly mastered sound can finally make «The Shortest Way» to become one of the best albums of 2012. Mixed and mastered by Dan Swano (Novembers Doom, Edge of Sanity, Bloodbath), who also performed some vocal parts on the album.
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533.33 Р
melodic death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The second long awaitedalbum from the French doom death metal masters Inborn Suffering! Aftersuccessful album in 2006 which got many positive reviews from the critics andlisteners, the band fell silent for a long time in order to return with a newalbum raising Inborn Suffering to a higher level. The new album contains 72minutes of atmospheric and melodic doom death metal in its best traditions. Themajestic, full of despair and gloom, music is able to become a discovery forall fans of the genre. Plunge into the world of despair and emptiness and openyour heart to “Regression To Nothingness”. The powerful sound of the album willgive particular pleasure to music lovers. Recorded and mixed by AndrewGuillotin (Glorior Belli, Fractal Gates, Temple Of Baal) and mastered by JensBorgen (Paradise Lost, Opeth, Katatonia, Draconian). Featuring limited digipaсkedition with 12-page booklet.
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533.33 Р
symphonic funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
The third album of The Howling Void takes the listeners from the aerial and weightless previous album to the earth depths depicted by overwhelming sounds of epic funeral doom metal. Unique sound of the band is still magically attractive, its style is still recognizable; but this time heavy guitars combined with atmospheric keyboards bring the sense of moonless nights severity, ice cold breath of dungeons and deserted landscapes. «The Womb Beyond The World», the album, the journey, the phenomenon. The cover artwork features another masterpiece of Russian art of 19th century, Nikolai Ge’s painting «Conscience. Judas» which figuratively reveals the album concept: gloom, desolation, and despair. The album comes as a limited edition digipack.
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533.33 Р
doom death, Solitude Productions
The new album from Finnish doom death metal band Astral Sleep demonstrates brilliant skills of musicians which have reached higher level. Four tracks, almost an hour in length, create magnificent visions featuring rich color palette. The group operates with epic riffs, graceful acoustic interludes, harsh guitar strokes pierced with excellent melodies and diverse vocals. Preserving their original style familiar by the previous albums the musicians succeed to combine doom death metal with traditional epic doom metal in a single perfect works with carefully mastered sound. «Visions» is the album for thoughtful listening, the music for those who is able to perceive.
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533.33 Р
funeral death doom, Solitude Productions
The long-awaited release by the vanguard of Solitude Prod., the second full-length album from Moscow band Who Dies In Siberian Slush! In this work the Russian masters of funeral doom death follow their own way of music composition and sound production showing their potential from alternative side. Like «Bitterness Of The Years That Are Lost», the new album of WDISS contains a lot of funeral doom elements, however, the basic style is more close to doom death metal. At the same time «We Have Been Dead Since Long Ago» features diverse stylistic inclusions and variations. Icy massifs of guitar riffs framed by an outstanding growl, irrepressible fire of solo guitar parties, and piercing cold rain coming from heaven through the sound of funeral march are waiting for the listener. The album is recorded and mastered at the Primordial Studio (Comatose Vigil, Abstract Spirit, Revelations of Rain ). The lyrical concept of the album is based on different tragic events with sorrowful epilogues and continues the philosophic tradition started at the previous band works. Despite the contradictoriness and the irregularity of the album, it is highly recommended to fans of Ataraxie, Profetus, Loss and My Shameful style.
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533.33 Р
doom death, Solitude Productions
The first album from a Ukranian band with wide concert experience which makes this debut release not just the presentation of the band, but the real manifest demonstrating strong, professional and carefully mastered doom death metal. This album has everything to fit the taste of a sophisticated listener: majestic guitar parts framed by light keyboards, rich atmosphere saturated with the concept of the menacing sea rudiment. The essential value of the album is its inexhaustible melodies and inspiration. «On The Verge…» will become a precious present for fans of Officium Triste, Mourning Beloveth and early Saturnus.
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533.33 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The fourth full-length album from HellLight, one of the most interesting and distinctive bands from Brazil. During years of studio and concert work the musicians created their own sound and style evolving from classical funeral doom metal through doom death metal to traditional doom metal. «No God Above, No Devil Below» presents combination of two latter styles making itself attractive not only old band fans who will discover new sides of HellLight, but also for fans of doom in the vein of Tristitia and late Funeral (Norway). The music of HellLight is still epic and filled with tragic feelings, manifested mournful clean vocals, atmospheric keyboards and piercing guitar solos.
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733.33 Р 533.33 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The second full-length album by doom/death metal from Saudi Arabia is their first officialyy issued release (the debut album was self-released by the band in 2009).Five monolith blocks on two CDs, almost two hours of depressing and brutal doom/death metal framed by morbid lyrics. There is no mercy or salvation: the most powerful elements of the genre are involved: solid guitar sound, deadly riffs and brutal vocals. The gravestones are polished by the masters of sound depression: Greg Chandler (Esoteric) and Victor Santura. The album is not recommended to impressive persons due to overwhelming negative and tendency to nervous breakdown. If this planet would be destroyed by musical forms, “Merely the Fleshless We and the Awed Obsequy...” by Grieving Age will undoubtedly be a part of this final mankind performance.
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533.33 Р
dark doom death, Solitude Productions
The new long-awaited masterpiece from Revelations of Rain does not aim for demonstration of novel inventions presenting perfect gloomy doom death metal which found response in the hearts of music lovers. Its essence lies in sound and style recognizable from the very first chords: pure atmospheric sound, diverse arrangements combining hasteless guitar riffs with keyboard support and up-tempo majestic interludes. Despite its dark and severe music the band leaves the space for inspired melodies. Deep growl is donated by the guest vocalist Arsagor who worked with the band during recording their debut album “Marble Shades of Despair”.“Deceptive Virtue” filled with melancholy and endless despair is the best witness of high status of the one of the leading Russian doom death metal bands.
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533.33 Р
epic funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
The new album of the band which needs no introduction to the fans of funeral doom metal! Continuing the concept of the previous album the new work by Ea is presented by a 50-minute-long epic composition. It contains all the features which brought the love of the fans to the band: majestic guitar parties with acoustic interludes, atmospheric keyboards and ambient moments painting endless landscapes filled with the ruins of the ancient civilizations. Melodic guitar solos and solemn clean vocal choirs favour the immersion to the enigmatic world. Undoubtedly, this is another masterpiece form the masters of epic funeral doom metal, mysterious band Ea.
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533.33 Р
symphonic funeral doom, Solitude Productions
The fourth full-length album from one of the best funeral doom metal bands is ready to surprise the listeners. Although the style of the talented multi-instrumentalist Ryan hiding beneath the name of The Howling Void is kept, this album features new colors and musical impressions. This time clean melodious vocal employed at the previous EP “Runa” supports cold cosmic and majestic symphonies. Given the overall monolith of sound, diverse keyboards and guitar parties combined with ambient interludes make “Nightfall” vivid and rich. And from the first tones one can reveal behind detached sadness and reverie one of the unique bands of the genre. Following the tradition, the artwork again features a painting by a famous artist, this time Caspar David Friedrich, an outstanding representative of German romanticism.
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533.33 Р
doom death, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions presents another discovery from Belorussian heavy scene: a young perspective band Woe Unto Me with their debut album «A Step Into The Waters Of Forgetfulness», a conceptual portrait of life decadence in the frames of abstract person and mourning doom death metal. It took three years for the band to finalize the sound image of despair and new hopes doomed for another failure. It brought to the listeners 55 minutes of music and 5 reasons to see this empty world without a single light flash behind the window of your lonely room, this is a culmination of impossibility of the recognized indifference surrounding a man nowadays. «A Step Into The Waters Of Forgetfulness» is a perfect sample of high quality doom death metal: gloom, despair, melodies, atmosphere and a devotion to the genre being blurred by modern unprincipled bands. Beautiful artwork is a perfect addition to the musical part of the album.
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533.33 Р
funeral doom, Solitude Productions
The long-awaited full-length album by the German project which had time to prove itself by participating in a split-album as a powerful and interesting example of funeral doom death metal. Long tracks, avoiding the monotony and repetition, consistently reveal all the technical abilities of the musician who tried to reveal himself not only as a professional artist, but also as a talented composer and a sensual melodist. However, the latter did not prevent «Funeral Impressions» from becoming an example of dark, hopeless and heavy metal.
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533.33 Р
doom death, Solitude Productions
SolitudeProductions presents the second full-lengthalbum of the Czech group Et Moriemur "Ex Nihilo". Traditionallymelodic doom death metal by Et Moriemur acquiresnew strength with thoughtful productionand high-quality sound.Typical style elements manifested by pianopassages interwoven with strings and keyboards, are combined with creative nature ofthe musicians leading thelistener from light into darkness,from solemn to sad mood. Exemplary materialfrom an interesting team is another chanceto look at the doom death metal from the different side.
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533.33 Р
atmospheric funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
The 15th anniversary of the Brazilian band is marked by the official issue of the only current full-length band album by Solitude Productions. Originally self-released as CD-R in 2011 “Transient” was rapidly sold out and gained a lot of positive and exciting responses and was a hard-to-get item so far. Now this masterpiece is available as a professionally printed CD with high-quality printed material fully corresponding to the original artwork crafted by the band.Stunning in its beauty melodic doom death metal, with a deep gloomy atmosphere, stereo sounding keys and guitars, andparties of live cello make this album a unique and indispensable for listening and purchasing for the collection!
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533.33 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The first full-length album by a young outstanding doom death metal band includes seven compositions connected through a chain of various soul experiences induced by long stay in loneliness and reflection. Panic fear and sense of persecution evolve to peace and solitude in order to come back. This emotional stream transforms to musical structure, in which oppressive, gloomy guitars and atmospheric keyboards landscapes alternate with rhythmic riffs intertwined with a powerful growl. This picture is enriched by dreamy guitar solos and acoustic interludes. The material was recorded and mixed at the Blacklight Recording Studio (Khors, Leshakov, Luna, Semargl).
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533.33 Р
extreme doom death, Solitude Productions
The brand new full-length album by the British experimentalists. Starting with psychedelic stoner doom metal, Camel of Doom have come to make sophisticated music mixing doom death metal and sludge doom metal, with a tendency towards psychedelic effects and energetic riffs. Combining groovy moments with lengthy atmospheric riffs, adding industrial motifs to their masterpiece, the musicians paint a wide scale picture of cosmic chaos and, at the same time, harmony expressed with a share of melody. Also noteworthy is the breakthrough the band have made in forming a dense sound, fully disclosed in ‘Terrestrial’.
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533.33 Р
funeral doom death, Solitude Productions
Falsus Anno Domini - is the third full-length album of the Georgian funeral doom/death metal band Ennui. This album puts the listener between the hammer and anvil and dive into hopeless despair and hear the cold rage of the heavy guitars sound. Falsus Anno Domini (in translation from Latin "The Liars Of Our Age") is a kind of appeal to all humanity, which stands on the edge of precipice in front of self-destruction, without any will to open its eyes and stare into the abyss. This album is about ignorance and madness which are crowned by man, about shameless lies and enslavement by fear. Unlike its predecessor, you can find this album very aggressive and rigurous. Musicians rationally mixed the usual ingredients for all doom themes with heavy and viscid death riffs, but the melody of compositions and colorful long progressive solos inherent to Ennui weren"t lost. From 2015 Ennui is no longer a duo since the third member - Daniel Neagoe joined the band as constant participant. Daniel is known in wider circles as leader of bands like Eye Of Solitude, Clouds, Deos and more. In Ennui Daniel professionally performs the role of drummer. Also there are guest members invited to participate in records of the new album: Greg Chandler (Esoteric) - vocals, Don Zaros (Evoken) - keyboards, Sameli Köykkä (Colosseum) - lyrics for "The Stones Of The Timeless", AKiEzor (Comatose Vigil, Abstract Spirit) - lyrics for "No Home Beneath The Stars". Album includes 6 monolithic compositions recorded at AOD Records (Tbilisi) and D-Studio (London). All the mastering and mixing are provided by Daniel Neagoe at D-Studio from July to August 2015. Falsus Anno Domini - is a kind of manifest of the will and appeals to mankind to have its opinion in the surrounding world of lies. This is not a tale of sorrow and life experiences, but it"s rather a slap in the face to humans who drown in their own fears. It"s like a spit in the face of all miserable dissemblers and false pretenders, who lead our world to a doomed collapse.
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533.33 Р
atmospheric death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The debut album of the Czech group Self-Hatred is filled with the spirit of the 90’s doom scene, combining it with modern sound and specific interpretation of musical fatalism. A 40-minutes long dynamic doom / death metal album plunges one into the depths of allegories together with the former members of Et Moriemur, Dissolving Of Prodigy, and Silent Stream Of Godless Elegy. The recording is performed at Hellsound studio (Master"s Hammer, Avenger, Panychida).
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533.33 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
Finnish masters of doom death metal are back with their fifth album «The Grand Wall». This album is more aggressive compared to the previous ones, but melancholy still presents and goes hand in hand with aggression. The lyrics move more between philosophical aspects, introspection and how people react to sudden loss in life. There’s a grand wall standing on your way. Co-release with Moscow Funeral League and Frozen Light. Limited to 500 copies.
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533.33 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The German band Calliophis presents the second album, which comes after a long break. Between the debut album "Doomsday" released in 2008, that received well-deserved positive response, and the new release many concerts in Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Czech Republic and Austria were played, the band took part in the legendary Doom Shall Rise Festival, and appeared in a number of thematic compilations. And now, after returning to studio activity, the band brings down to the listener its second album, "Cor Serpentis", proving high skills and creativity of the musicians who not only managed to consolidate their style found at the debut album, but also to master it in the studio, achieving a dense sound and musical perfection of all compositions. Powerful guitars, deep growl, and a combination of atmosphere and stiffness is what should all fans of high-quality doom death metal expect from this release.
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533.33 Р
melodic death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The third album by the leaders of the Spanish doom death metal scene Evadne. After the strong success of the previous album "The Shortest Way" (2012) supported by the mini-album "Dethroned Of Light" (2014), the musicians are back with their new full-length work. The impeccable accuracy of the compositions together with the musicians skill give rise to an attractive melodic, atmospheric, soul-touching material. Heavy guitars, keyboards, and growl performance in combination with parties of pure vocals, make the music of Evadne diverse, emotional and fascinating. Listening to "A Mother Named Death" forces you to uncover your feelings every time.
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533.33 Р
funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
The followup to Mesmur"s crushing eponymous debut, "S" is an apocalyptic funeral doom exploration of the madness of the cosmos. Combining plodding and malicious riffs with icy abyssal atmospheres, "S" creates a disturbing yet often beautiful representation of the chaotic void that is our universe.An echoing thud in the chamber of human suffering, Mesmur aims to capture the sounds of a world that was doomed from the beginning. Led by the mastermind that brought to life the progressive black metal band Dalla Nebbia, Mesmur is funeral doom with a little bit extra. Blending influences ranging from the funerary dirges of Evoken to the mesmerizing atmosphere of Neurosis, Mesmur shows versatility in a genre where simplicity usually reigns.
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533.33 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions

The debut album by the Polish band Painthing that has been recorded after many years of professional activity and a number of gigs. This is a verified depressive doom death metal in vein of the golden age of the style in 1990s. The original combination of depressive mood with catchy melodies and heaviness is complemented by the disc design made by Michal "Xaay" Loranc (known for working with Nile, Behemoth and other bands).

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533.33 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions

The new full-length album from the Brazilian masters of atmospheric doom death metal HellLight demonstrates the loyalty of the band to their unique sound, recognizable from the first notes, carefully combined with the development of their ideas. Avoiding copying themselves or other genre representatives, the band produced a brilliant material filled with a ponderous atmosphere, melodies, and memorable guitar solos. The feast of grief continues!

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600.00 Р 533.33 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions

The new full-length album by Majestic Downfall is, without a doubt, the strongest band's release to date. Sophisticated compositions, sound and concept: all these elements are perfectly combined to reflect the unique face of the group and its vision of the doom death metal style, which consists in a refined alloy of heaviness, atmosphere and melody. The music of despair, the music of pain. Too personal and too emotional to live it through every time, and too beautiful to be able to reject every new listening! Co-release with Weird Truth Productions.

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600.00 Р
dark doom death, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions presents a debut album of the first Latvian doom/death band Frailty. "Lost Lifeless Lights" - rigid, bright and technical music in the vein of European doom death metal school (My Dying Bride, Anathema, Mourning Beloveth), with dark metal influences, which makes the band’s sound very original and fresh. All this makes Frailty one of the best bands of a Baltic heavy scene. The first 200 copies of the album contain Bonus DVD with performance at “Shadow Doom Fest” in "Shade" Club in Moscow.
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600.00 Р
atmospheric death doom metal, Solitude Productions
Soijl is a special project established by Swedish multi-instrumentalist Mattias Svensson (Saturnus, Istapp, Vanmakt, Nidrike) many years ago, however, only in late 2014 the band started recording the official 3-song demo. The songs received positive response among fans of doom music and the band continued to work with enthusiasm over the other tracks. The album is called «Endless Elysian Fields» and contains seven songs lasting for a total of about an hour and stylistically tending to atmospheric doom death metal. According to the band members, these are "7 tracks full of total despair and fear", as the lyrics of the album tell mostly about people with suicidal tendencies and what is going on in their heads.The disc comes with a luxurious 20-page booklet. The package design is crafted by well-known designer and photographer Roman Fireplace (Wine From Tears, Mare Infinitum, Aut Mori).
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600.00 Р
melodic doom death, Solitude Productions
The debut album of the project founded by members of famous Swedish band Nox Aurea featuring clean vocals by Johan Ericson (Draconian, Doom:VS and Shadowgarden).«As All Torn Asunder» is 70 minutes of refined melodic doom death metal carefully composed by professional musicians who put their souls into every part of this masterpiece from arrangements to powerful sound.This album is the best present to fans of modern doom death metal in the vein of Nox Aurea and Ablaze In Hatred, as well as to fans of Swallow The Sun and Draconian!
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600.00 Р
melodic death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The second long awaitedalbum from the French doom death metal masters Inborn Suffering! Aftersuccessful album in 2006 which got many positive reviews from the critics andlisteners, the band fell silent for a long time in order to return with a newalbum raising Inborn Suffering to a higher level. The new album contains 72minutes of atmospheric and melodic doom death metal in its best traditions. Themajestic, full of despair and gloom, music is able to become a discovery forall fans of the genre. Plunge into the world of despair and emptiness and openyour heart to “Regression To Nothingness”. The powerful sound of the album willgive particular pleasure to music lovers. Recorded and mixed by AndrewGuillotin (Glorior Belli, Fractal Gates, Temple Of Baal) and mastered by JensBorgen (Paradise Lost, Opeth, Katatonia, Draconian). Featuring limited digipaсkedition with 12-page booklet.
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600.00 Р
melodic doom death, Solitude Productions
The second album highly anticipated by fans of the Swedish group and melodic doom death metal in general! Johan Ericson (permanent member of Draconian and Doom:VS) is again responsible for vocals, and, in addition, has performed mixing and mastering of the album. Perfect sound appeared as a perfect framing to the precious stone, beautiful music of When Nothing Remains. Musicians follow the ideas of the debut album and offer to the fans the same memorable doom death, melodic, stirringly touching and infinitely elegant. For those who are not familiar with the band this album may appear as a real discovery, while those who are already inspired by their music «Thy Dark Serenity» will become another blissful touch to the soul and the heart.
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600.00 Р
epic funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
The new album of the band which needs no introduction to the fans of funeral doom metal! Continuing the concept of the previous album the new work by Ea is presented by a 50-minute-long epic composition. It contains all the features which brought the love of the fans to the band: majestic guitar parties with acoustic interludes, atmospheric keyboards and ambient moments painting endless landscapes filled with the ruins of the ancient civilizations. Melodic guitar solos and solemn clean vocal choirs favour the immersion to the enigmatic world. Undoubtedly, this is another masterpiece form the masters of epic funeral doom metal, mysterious band Ea. The first 100 copies of the album come as a strictly limited digipack!
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600.00 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions proudly presents the third long-awaited album of Doom:VS, a Johan Ericson’s band, a permanent member and a guitarist of a famous Swedish band Draconian! This new dark masterpiece by Doom:VS includes the best elements of the traditional band sound: outstanding melodies, gloomy atmosphere of sorrow and despair, depressive lyrics and, needless to say, highest quality of sound and performance. As always, Johan Ericson performed all instruments parties and clean vocals, while growl parties were performed by a special guest, Thomas A.G. Jensen, the vocalist of Saturnus who brought additional atmosphere and notes of desperation to the «Earthless» with his charismatic vocal.
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600.00 Р
melodic doom death, Solitude Productions
The third album by the Swedish masters of atmospheric doom death metal features everything the band is loved for: melodic compositions decorated with catchy guitar solos and atmospheric keyboards, with a harmonious blend of clean vocals and growl. At the same time, the symphonic sound is now the key element, which gives the material a special expression, epic and originality. Conceptually, the artwork of the CD completes the story told in the previous two albums, the tragic story of love, life and death, begun in 1800.
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600.00 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The brand new fifth album by the German project Doomed significantly progressed in composition and performance of technical death doom metal. On the one hand, the project mastermind"s tendency towards conceptualization the material and the artwork is obvious, together with an effort to create a thoughtful, high-quality album featuring guest vocalists (this time including Camel Of Doom member). On the other hand, there is a tendency to complication of compositions and use of brutal interludes preserving, nevertheless, melodic side of the music. The progressiveness of this album is among the main album features to be discovered by a listener.
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600.00 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The second album of the Ukrainian band does not follow popular trends in heavy music. It features the old good traditional doom death metal, just like at the first album by Crypt of Silence, which is mentally close to the first two albums of Mourning Beloveth, October Tide, My Dying Bride and the genre classics. This time the band, in their tries to demonstrate all the nuances of their skills to the audience, focused on the sound, having mixed and mastered the album at the Slow Burn Studio studio, previously worked with When Nothing Remains and Sorrowful Land.
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600.00 Р
atmospheric death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The second album by Soijl, a project founded by the Swedish multi-instrumentalist Matthias Svensson (Saturnus, Istapp, Vanmakt, Nidrike). Continuing the development of figurative ideas and the musical component of the debut work, "As The Sun Sets On Life", at the same time, is a new stage for the band. Gloomy, atmospheric doom death metal compositions with a dense sound and excellent performance are what Soijl is loved for, and this is exactly what the musicians offer in their new work, in a more spectacular form this time. The famous designer and photographer Roman Kamin (Wine From Tears, Mare Infinitum, Aut Mori) have been again responsible for the visual part of the album crafting a magnificent 12-page booklet.
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